Kids' Time

Esther's Powerful God

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000257

00:01 It's almost time for Kids Time, we're gonna be late.
00:04 It's time to share there's a world out there,
00:08 Looking for a friend like Jesus.
00:12 It's time to share there's a world out there.
00:16 Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:20 Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:24 Kid's time, kid's time, kid's time.
00:31 Hi, Boys and Girls. Do you like good news,
00:34 oh! I do, I love to hear about new discoveries
00:37 that will help me feel better. For example,
00:39 I just heard one of the things that can keep you
00:42 healthy; you see the handful of walnuts everyday.
00:45 Can you imagine just a handful of walnuts?
00:48 God said in the Bible that fruit and seeds and
00:50 that's were good for us. But, did you know that
00:52 they could help prevent like hearts attacks and
00:54 many diseases and when I heard this news
00:57 I thought Umm! Why don't someone tell me
01:00 about this before, I would have been eating
01:02 a whole lot more walnuts if I just known.
01:05 Our Bible story today is about sharing the good
01:07 news that God is powerful and everyone
01:10 in our story, who hears about Esther's God
01:13 wanted to know more. Wow! Since God is so
01:16 powerful, they don't have to be afraid, do
01:18 they? They can trust in God and not worry
01:21 about what's going to happen to them because
01:24 they know God is powerful enough to
01:26 save them just like he saved Esther and all the
01:29 Jews in the nation. Now that's really good news,
01:33 isn't? So don't keep it to yourself, make someone
01:35 happy and tell them what you know about
01:37 Jesus. Keep watching and you will hear the
01:40 whole story about Esthers powerful God.
01:42 But, right now, let's get ready for Nature Time.
01:53 Hi, Boys and Girls. Welcome to Nature Time.
01:56 Isn't this spot beautiful? You know, I would love
01:59 to pitch my tent right here, plenty of peace
02:01 and quite, plenty of firewood and plenty of water.
02:04 Today, I like to share just a little bit about
02:06 backpack foods and backpack stoves.
02:09 You say backpack, yeah, we're gonna put
02:11 this in a pack on our back and carried out
02:13 into the back country. So, we won't be able to
02:15 take any large, large stoves like you might
02:18 use it, you were camping at a drive in sight.
02:21 You gonna have to talk about some stoves that
02:23 we would put in the backpack that are ultra light.
02:26 Right here, it's probably the lightest stove you
02:28 will ever see, it's called the Pocket Rocket.
02:30 It goes on this little canister of IsoPro Fuel.
02:34 It's really good for boiling water, which is
02:37 what a lot of back country food is, how it
02:40 is prepared is by boiling the water and adding it
02:43 to the food. But, if you wanna be a little fancier,
02:45 let say that you wanna make some pancakes.
02:47 You gonna have to be turn your fire down a
02:50 little lower and so we would use like this
02:53 WindPro stove. A little bit heavier, a little larger,
02:56 but little more heat control. So, if you
02:59 wanna cook fancy have to use that. What I'm I
03:01 holding in my hand here, this is the wind
03:03 guard. We need to use it on a day like today
03:06 when the wind is kind a gusting around and blowing.
03:09 It helps to keep the flame concentrated on
03:11 the bottom of your pan in that way you don't
03:14 waste fuel. We don't wanna waste fuel,
03:16 remember. We are carrying it on our back
03:18 and so we don't wanna have to bring extra
03:20 along with us. Some camp stoves use white gas.
03:24 We carry white gas let say in a container like
03:27 this right here to keep it safe in our pack, doesn't
03:30 leak, white gas is excellent if you are at
03:32 high elevations. It burns really hot and it doesn't
03:36 use as much fuel as let say this propane container.
03:41 Now, propane canister is really good stoves
03:44 that use propane. But, remember you got to
03:46 carry this steel container and if you
03:49 have to carry two or three that can get pretty heavy.
03:53 Let's talk just a little bit about the food you are
03:55 gonna prepare. Remember, I said that
03:57 some of the food that we use, we just add
04:00 boiling water to. Well, this container right here
04:02 is designed as packet. Actually, I should say
04:06 it's designed so that you can open it up, just pour
04:08 the hot boiling water into the container and
04:11 then just set it aside in a few minutes you've got
04:14 what do we have here. You got whole kernel
04:16 corn ready to go. Now, my lovely wife Marsha,
04:19 she loves to take lots of vegetables and real
04:22 healthy food along in our backpack trips and
04:25 that's really good. You wanna be, you wanna
04:26 make sure that you have all of the energy you need.
04:29 I like to take along some of the sweeter things.
04:31 Ranger Rod has kind of a sweet tooth and so
04:34 maybe some freeze dried fruit is really good.
04:38 We would like to take along a lot potatoes.
04:40 You know there is nothing like a potato,
04:42 here some instant mash potatoes. You just peel
04:45 this open, add it to boiling water, stir it up.
04:50 A little gravy mix in there and you think its
04:53 thanksgiving dinner. This is great of course
04:57 Top Ramen everybody knows what this is.
05:00 Make sure you take along a few extras in
05:02 case somebody comes along and wants to visit
05:05 while you are camping, you can serve him up a
05:07 little Top Ramen. To get fancier, how about
05:11 instant rice or coosh- coosh maybe you have
05:14 heard of that. Black beans, that's good stuff.
05:18 But, my favorite like I said, I've got kind of a
05:20 sweet tooth. Ranger Rod likes to make some
05:22 trail mix. Now, boys and girls even you can
05:24 make trail mix. This is a great way for you to
05:26 help your mom and dad would be ready for your
05:28 next camp trip make it yourself say mom, dad
05:31 I wanna make my own trail mix. How we are
05:32 gonna do it. Well, we start out with a nice big
05:34 container and then we start adding some goodies.
05:38 How about some honey roasted peanuts, let's
05:41 just make a while here. I pour those in some
05:45 honey roosted peanuts and then again my
05:49 lovely wife Marsha likes me to add in some
05:51 real wholesome resins. Those are good, let's
05:53 put some resins in there and then how about
05:56 some delicious cherub chips. I love cherub chips,
06:01 I've dumped in the whole pack, remember
06:02 I like sweet things. Well even sometimes sneak
06:06 in a few candy corns. Those are delicious,
06:09 some candy corns, a little peanut captain crunch.
06:14 Everybody would be glad you put that in
06:15 there when you get down on the trail and
06:17 then we start to mix it. You mix that
06:20 altogether, it doesn't that look lovely.
06:22 That's delicious, I love it. I'm excited; I wanna
06:25 put this in a pack and get going right away.
06:28 But, boys and girls, one of the key things to be
06:31 in happy and comfortable is the plan ahead.
06:33 It's one of the most important and fun parts
06:36 about camping. You know the Bible says in first
06:38 Timothy 6:8 that if we have food and clothing
06:42 that we should be content. I hope that you
06:44 enjoy getting ready for your next adventure.
06:47 Until next time, I'm Ranger Rod.
06:49 Let's all enjoy God's great outdoors.
07:03 I Am a C I am a C-H.
07:07 I am a C-H-R-I-S-T-I-A-N. Amen.
07:11 And I have C-H-R-I-S-T in my H-E-A-R-T.
07:15 And I will L-I-V-E E- T-E-R-N-A-L-L-Y.
07:30 Welcome to Learning Time, I'm glad you
07:32 joined us today. You know, there is a lot of
07:34 things around us, everyday that we might
07:37 not even understand and this experiment has to
07:40 do with that and I've got three helpers with me
07:42 today. I've got Kady over here, Kady you
07:44 are, do you ever understand everything that you see.
07:49 No. No, you don't. Well, today we're got
07:51 an experiment that's going to help us to do
07:53 that, okay and we've got Amy over here.
07:56 Amy where you from? Georgia.
07:59 You have a sister. Yes. Who's that? Kady.
08:02 Kady, Oh! That's cool and we have got Cameron over here.
08:05 Where is Cameron. Oh! Cameron have you ever
08:09 done an experiment that you liked.
08:10 Yes. What's one of your favorite experiments?
08:15 Most of them. Most of them, oh!
08:17 That's cool. Let's get our help up here.
08:20 We got some stuff up here, looks like a good
08:22 experiment happening right here. We've got
08:24 some water in the middle right here.
08:26 Look at this water, that's interesting stuff
08:28 isn't it. It's kind of wet isn't it. Umm! Umm!
08:30 Yeah, but what we are gonna do today is we
08:31 are going to look at something kind of
08:33 special because water is special, we need water.
08:36 If we don't have enough water, we will just get
08:38 dehydrated in and that's not good for us.
08:40 Now, today what I'm gonna do is this.
08:42 I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna put little bit
08:44 of red food coloring in there, not oh! oh!
08:46 two drops that's probably good enough right.
08:49 And then let see you wanna stir it that
08:50 round little bit. There you go stir it, oh! oh!
08:52 Yeah, okay right that's fine and here is the
08:55 paper towel you can dry your hands off and you
08:57 know have you ever seen soap bubbles.
08:59 Yes. Yeah, I love soap bubbles so. What we're
09:02 gonna do is this right here. Let me give me
09:03 the soap guide, the soap container, okay and you
09:06 know what that water reminds me up.
09:08 Right. Reminds me of sin, you know, sins
09:10 sometimes has a color in the Bible it's kind a
09:12 like red light crimson light. Our sins are red
09:16 light crimson. Well, what we're gonna do is
09:18 we're gonna try to wash all of those sins away.
09:20 So, why don't you pour some, squirt some in
09:23 there, okay? Just keep squirting, keep going,
09:25 oh! keep going, we are gonna need lots of soap in there.
09:27 Oh! Keep going because now we got a
09:28 lot of sin stuff in there. Yes keep going, keep
09:30 going, oh! keep going, let me help you and going.
09:34 Okay that's probably good enough, alright.
09:36 Now, you know what I want you to do, I want
09:38 to make a bunch of bubbles. So, what we're
09:39 gonna try to do, who is gonna make the bubbles
09:41 first. Are you ready Kady, okay let's cross
09:43 mix some bubbles, if you ever had a bubble bath.
09:45 Yes. We want all those bubbles okay and we're
09:48 gonna make some. Yeah, just keep going
09:49 just make a lot of bubbles in there, okay
09:52 yeah keep go, keep go faster and faster and
09:54 faster, faster, keep going. Lot's of, lots of
09:56 bubbles, now keep going, keep going.
09:58 Well I'm talking right here, what color of the bubbles.
10:00 White. They're white, okay. I want you to get
10:03 and dry your hand off here a little bit.
10:05 Okay, I'm gonna make some more bubbles
10:06 right here because I like lots of bubbles.
10:09 Well and that reminds me of taking the bubble bath.
10:12 But, what color are those bubbles.
10:13 White. Well, they are white aren't they,
10:16 now isn't that kind of curious. Well first of all,
10:19 we had a lot of red water in there and we
10:22 put some detergent in there. Its kind a like
10:24 God, you know what God does. God actually
10:26 takes our sins way, doesn't he?
10:27 He really does and you know what. Now what
10:30 they look like that white doesn't it? We have all
10:32 of those white bubbles it changes that sin into
10:35 purity of white and that's what he is.
10:37 God is pure, now those bubbles are what color?
10:41 White. They are white. Now why do they look white?
10:43 What do you think? Why those bubbles look white?
10:46 I don't know. It's not interesting
10:48 because bubbles are really white are they.
10:50 Yeah. But, when we get a bunch of them
10:52 together they look white. Now this sounds like
10:54 kind of a neat experiment and what
10:56 I have right here is I have a piece of Russell
10:59 Plaster wrap, that's kind of get this out here.
11:01 Oh! Like that and then we are gonna tear a
11:04 piece of this off, just like that and you know what.
11:06 Can you see right through that?
11:08 Yes. I can see right through that, it's clear
11:11 just like one bubble is clear. But when we get
11:14 a lot of bubbles together then we have a problem.
11:16 Let me get them between you right here,
11:17 can you hang on the top of that force.
11:19 What we're gonna try to do is we're gonna try to
11:21 spread this out a bit. Can you grab a hold the bottom.
11:24 Let see you know this wrap wants to stick to
11:26 each other because of some static electricity.
11:28 Now, what we're gonna have them do is, we're
11:30 gonna have them folded. I want you to go ahead
11:31 and fold that. I will hold this up here, okay, just
11:34 great. We're gonna fold it again.
11:36 We're gonna keep going and fold it one more time.
11:40 Here we go and then I'm gonna take it from your
11:42 hands right here. I'm gonna fold it in half and
11:45 I'm gonna fold it in half again.
11:47 This outlook clear to you. No. No, it looks what?
11:51 White. It looks white because what's happening
11:54 well the light is being refracted, it's being bent
11:57 by all of those layers of that clear wrap and
12:01 that's why soap bubbles look white instead
12:04 of clear isn't that cool. Yes. Yeah and I'm reminded
12:08 as I look at those soap bubbles that you know
12:10 what Jesus does. He takes our sins away and
12:13 you and I look just light, where as white as
12:15 snow is that cool. Yeah. I think so too.
12:18 Remember boys and girls, whenever we learn
12:22 more about science we learn more about our creator God.
12:41 Welcome, my old friend. Greetings.
12:44 Oh! It's so good to see you. I want to thank
12:45 you once again for giving me this position.
12:47 Oh! My precious friend being a gatekeeper
12:50 Zrequires much responsibility
12:53 and I trust you. Well, I thank you
12:56 you and I thank you are God as well.
12:59 Oh! My precious friend, it's just not my God.
13:03 He is your God as well. My God, you mean,
13:05 you mean he loves me too. God loves everyone.
13:09 He would accept me just as I am.
13:11 Just as you are, he wants you in the kingdom
13:14 as much as he wants me in the kingdom.
13:16 Well, how do I learn more about this God?
13:18 Let me come, spend time with you in your
13:20 house, will break bread and we will talk about my God.
13:24 Oh! I'll be looking forward to that.
13:26 Well, we will learn about Jesus.
13:29 Make way, make way Lady Ahasuerus, sister
13:32 of the king, make way, make way.
13:39 Mashiah, I want you to take this coin and
13:42 I want you to purchase the best bread, the
13:45 choices, the freshest bread. Test it to make sure that
13:47 it's very good. It is for my brother the king.
13:50 I'll be dining this evening with the king
13:52 and the queen, there is much to do.
13:54 I want you not to teary in the market place,
13:56 return to my side quickly there is much to do.
13:59 Yes my lady, yes my lady.
14:08 Hula, how are you today? Hello, Mordekiah I'm
14:12 fine thank you and queen Esther, how she is doing?
14:15 Oh! She is wonderful and very excited to hear
14:17 that you will be joining us tonight.
14:19 Oh! I'm looking forward to see
14:21 both of you so much. Thank you.
14:24 And my friend, I got veggies for the king.
14:28 Hula. My friend. Oh! Where have you been? It's been
14:32 so long, since I've since seen you. I know.
14:35 You know, since we went up to when mistress and
14:37 went up to the summer palace.
14:39 Oh! Yes. Has anything happened since we've
14:41 been away. Oh! So much is happened, you know,
14:44 I guess the most important thing is that,
14:46 I've learned about queen Esther's God.
14:49 Queen Esther's God? Yes. You see, oh!
14:53 Queen Esther is a Jew. She's a Jew.
14:55 Yes, but the thing is she has taught me about her
14:59 God. Her God whenever anything seems like it
15:03 too much to handle or oh! he is the one to go
15:07 to and you know there has been evidence of
15:10 that these last few months, you see it
15:12 reminds me of a time when Mordekiah was
15:16 going to be killed. Mordekiah was going to be killed.
15:18 Umm! You see there was the man in heaven
15:21 and he was second in command of the whole kingdom.
15:23 The king ordered that everyone should bow
15:25 low to him when he passed, but Mordekiah
15:28 wouldn't because he was a Jew and he would
15:31 only worship the God in heaven. Well, Heman
15:34 was very, very angry and he decided that he
15:37 was gonna kill all of the Jews in the whole empire.
15:41 All of them? All of them just because
15:43 they wouldn't bow, well Mordekiah prayed and
15:48 he went to Queen Esther, who is also a
15:50 Jew and Mordekiah told her to go before the
15:56 king and ask for the life of her people, but she
15:59 can't, you know, we are not allowed to go into
16:02 the presence of the king, of course, of course,
16:04 without being summoned or we shall
16:06 be killed you know. Yeah. So, well Esther was in
16:11 that dilemma, you know, she told
16:13 Mordekiah that she would be killed.
16:15 You know, he knew as well as everybody else,
16:18 but Mordekiah explained to her that
16:21 maybe God had decided to put her to make her
16:25 queen for such a time is this in the hour of need,
16:30 well and we're so amazing how God
16:32 worked it a lot. Esther lived.
16:35 Oh! There are so many details to this wonderful
16:37 story. I don't have time to share right now, but
16:40 the thing is I believe in not just God now.
16:43 And you believe in Esther's God.
16:45 I do and he can be your God too.
16:48 He can be my God? Oh! Yes, he's a wonderful
16:51 God and he will such anyone, who loves him.
16:54 Oh! I want to learn more about him.
16:56 Oh! Well I would love to tell you more about
17:00 him, what if we meet tomorrow and
17:02 I will tell you about him. Well that's wonderful,
17:05 oh I'll have to ask my mistress, but I'm sure
17:06 she will let me. Alright then I will see you tomorrow.
17:10 Bye, bye until tomorrow.
20:09 Hi, Boys and Girls. It's time for Miss Brenda's
20:12 book of the day and today's book is called
20:16 Mommy Is Today Sabbath and it's written by
20:19 Jacqueline Galloway-Blake, who is a friend of
20:22 Miss Brenda's and she wrote this book in four
20:24 different versions representing children all
20:27 around the world isn't that awesome.
20:29 You won't wanna miss this book it's by
20:31 Jacqueline Galloway-Black, Mommy Is Today Sabbath.
20:35 Well, today I would like to introduce you to
20:37 someone very special and near and dear to me
20:40 and I want to you meet Joylynn. Joylynn thank you
20:43 for being on Kid's Time, I'm so exited that
20:46 you are here today and do you love Jesus?
20:48 Yes. You do and you said a very nice prayer
20:53 for Miss Brenda before we started the program.
20:55 Because we pray about everything, don't we?
20:57 I love to pray to Jesus, do you? Now, you do
21:00 something very special to share Jesus, what do
21:02 you do? Do you memorize something?
21:07 Yeah. What do you memorize? My mom puts the memory
21:11 list on the computer for me, Aha! And, and.
21:17 So, then you just start learning them.
21:19 Yeah. Now, how old are you Joylynn?
21:21 Four. You're just 4 years old. Umm!
21:24 And how long have you been able to memorize
21:26 memory verses. God help me to memorize.
21:30 God helps you memorize that's right,
21:31 do you think, do you think Miss Brenda can
21:34 ask would you be willing memorize to
21:36 recite for me right now. Can you, do you think
21:38 you can tell me Psalms 103. Yeah. Alright, go ahead
21:44 and I want to hear that, but you can look right
21:45 at Miss Brenda. Psalms 103. Okay. Bless the LORD,
21:49 O my soul: and all that is within
21:51 me, bless his holy name. Bless the LORD,
21:54 O my soul, and forget not all his benefits:
21:56 who forgiveth all thine iniquities;
21:58 who healeth all thy diseases;
22:01 who redeemeth thy life from destruction;
22:03 who crowneth thee with loving-kindness and
22:05 tender mercies; who satisfieth thy
22:07 mouth with good things; so that thy youth is
22:09 renewed like the eagle's. The LORD executeth
22:12 righteousness and judgment for all
22:14 that are oppressed. He made known his
22:16 ways unto Moses, his acts unto the
22:19 children of Israel. The LORD is merciful
22:20 and gracious, slow to anger, and
22:23 plenteous in mercy. He will not always chide:
22:25 neither will he keep his anger for ever.
22:27 He hath not dealt with us after our sins;
22:30 nor rewarded us according to our iniquities.
22:31 For as the heaven is high above the earth,
22:33 so great is his mercy toward them that fear him.
22:36 As far as the east is from the west,
22:38 so far hath he removed our transgressions from us.
22:41 Like as a father pitieth his children,
22:43 so the LORD pitieth them that fear him.
22:45 For he knoweth our frame; he remembereth that
22:47 we are dust. As for man, his days are as grass:
22:51 as a flower of the field, so he flourisheth.
22:53 For the wind passeth over it, and it is gone;
22:55 and the place thereof shall know it no more.
22:58 But the mercy of the LORD is from everlasting
22:59 to everlasting upon them that fear him,
23:03 and his righteousness unto children's children;
23:05 to such as keep his covenant, and to those that remember
23:08 his commandments to do them.
23:10 The LORD hath prepared his throne
23:11 in the heavens; and his kingdom ruleth over all.
23:13 Bless the LORD, ye his angels,
23:15 that excel in strength, that do his
23:17 commandments, hearkening unto the
23:18 voice of his word. Bless ye the LORD,
23:20 all ye his hosts; ye ministers of his, that
23:23 do his pleasure. Bless the LORD, all his
23:25 works in all places of his dominion:
23:27 bless the LORD, O my soul. Wow, that is beautiful
23:31 wasn't that something boys and girls.
23:33 I love, what your favorite chapter that
23:35 you remember, that's not just the Bible.
23:36 Revelation 4. You like Revelation 4
23:39 because you memorize whole chapters isn't that
23:41 something boys and girls. Yeah. Can you tell me
23:43 in revelation 4, that you're favorite.
23:45 Yeah. I like to hear that. Revelation 4. After this
23:48 I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in Heaven:
23:52 and the first Voice which I heard was as it
23:54 were of a Trumpet talking with me; which
23:57 said, Come up hither, and I will shew thee
24:00 things which must be hereafter."
24:02 And immediately I was in the Spirit: and, behold,
24:05 a Throne was set in Heaven, and One
24:06 sat on the Throne." And He that sat was to look
24:09 upon like a jasper and a sardine stone: and there
24:11 was a rainbow round about the Throne, in
24:13 sight like unto an emerald." And round
24:15 about the Throne were four and twenty seats:
24:17 and upon the seats I saw four and twenty elders
24:19 sitting, clothed in white raiment; and they had
24:22 on their heads crowns of gold." And out of the
24:24 Throne proceeded lightenings and
24:26 thunderings and voices: and there were seven
24:28 lamps of fire burning before the Throne,
24:30 which are the seven Spirits of God."
24:31 And before the Throne there was a sea of glass
24:33 like unto crystal: and in the midst of the Throne,
24:35 and round about the Throne, were four beasts
24:38 full of eyes before and behind." And the first
24:40 beast was like a lion, and the second beast
24:42 like a calf, and the third beast had a face as a
24:45 man, and the fourth beast was like a flying
24:47 eagle." And the four beasts had each of them
24:50 six wings about him; and they were full of
24:52 eyes within: and they rest not day and night,
24:54 saying, Holy, holy, holy, LORD God
24:58 Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come."
25:01 And when those beasts give glory and honour
25:04 and thanks to Him that sat on the Throne, Who
25:05 liveth for ever and ever," The four and
25:07 twenty elders fall down before Him that sat on
25:09 the Throne, and worship Him that liveth
25:11 for ever and ever, and cast their crowns before
25:14 the Throne, saying," Thou art worthy, O LORD,
25:16 to receive glory and honor and power:
25:17 for Thou hast created all things, and for Thy
25:19 pleasure they are and were created."
25:21 Wow, that is beautiful Joylynn, do you know
25:26 boys and girls. What a wonderful thing to do to
25:28 memorize scripture like that. I say I'm so proud
25:31 of you. Is it hard for you to memorize.
25:33 No. No, it's not hard, do you have a short
25:37 chapter that you could do very quick for Miss Brenda.
25:39 Yeah. What one, would you like to do?
25:42 Something very short. Only those wish to be.
25:47 Well, I tell you we don't have time for whole
25:48 chapter maybe, but what you're favorite
25:50 verse in the Bible? My favorite verse is,
25:55 I will bless the Lord at all times.
25:58 Oh! And where is that found at?
25:59 In the Bible. In the Bible, that's right
26:02 and I'm sure it's found in the Bible. You know
26:04 Joylynn I think you've been a real inspiration.
26:06 I know, you've been a real inspiration to
26:08 Miss Brenda and you've taught me that I need to
26:10 start memorizing more. Yeah. I learned my
26:12 Bible text, but I haven't been memorizing
26:14 chapters and boys and girls I want to
26:15 encourage you to that. What do you want to
26:18 say to the boys and girls that they don't know
26:19 about Jesus. What would you tell them?
26:23 Would you tell them that you want to them love Jesus?
26:25 Yes. Yes, well that's all the time we've today.
26:28 Thank you so much for coming Joylynn.
26:30 Boys and girls, I wanna encourage you to put
26:33 God's word in your heart just like Joylynn.
26:35 Remember Boys and Girls, it's
26:37 Kid's Time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17