Kids' Time

Adopted By A Princess

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000256

00:01 It's almost time for Kids Time,
00:03 we're gonna be late. It's time to share
00:05 there's a world out there, Looking for a
00:09 friend like Jesus. It's time to share there's a
00:14 world out there. Let's tell them that He
00:17 loves us so. Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:24 Kid's time, kid's time, kid's time,
00:27 kid's time, kid's time.
00:32 Hi! Boys and girls, I have a friend who
00:34 grew up in the mountains of
00:35 Colorado, where years and years ago
00:37 with the stagecoaches would travel along the
00:39 route with a stop near Overland Hill. One
00:42 day, there was a robbery and a sack of
00:43 gold was taken from one of those
00:45 stagecoach passengers. They later
00:47 caught the robber, but they never found the
00:50 gold. The robber said he hid that sack of
00:52 gold in a hole in a large tree limb
00:54 somewhere near Overland Hill.
00:56 Now that sack of gold was worth a whole lot of
00:59 money. It was a valuable treasure.
01:01 That's why lots of people search for it,
01:04 but as far as anybody knows the gold was
01:06 never found. The Bible story today is
01:09 about finding a treasure that is worth
01:11 even more then gold. Now what do you
01:13 think that could be. Diamonds no, a
01:17 sunken treasure ship, no. Do you want me
01:21 to tell you. It was a baby, yes that's right a
01:25 precious baby, but why was that little
01:27 baby hidden. And who found it? Well to
01:31 get all the details you are going to have to
01:33 keep watching because first Ranger
01:35 Rod has something very special to show
01:37 us on Nature Time.
01:46 Hi! Boys and girls welcome to Nature Time,
01:48 Ranger Rod would like to tell you
01:50 a couple of stories to make some
01:52 illustrations from nature today. You
01:54 know one of my favorite animals is a
01:56 grizzly bear. He is not especially safe,
02:00 sometimes he can be kind of
02:01 temperamental and so. When I'm hiking
02:03 in the woods up here in Northwestern
02:05 Montana or Western Wyoming, I take
02:07 along some precaution with me.
02:09 Not only do I, do I carry bear spray on
02:11 my pack and we will talk about that in just
02:13 a minute, but I also move to the forest a
02:15 little differently than I would. If let say, All I
02:18 had to worry about was a skunk or
02:19 raccoon. The other day Ranger Rod was
02:23 up in the mountains with the Kids Time
02:25 film troop and we come across that
02:27 beautiful grizzly bear. It was very important
02:29 boys and girls that we did the right thing.
02:31 Otherwise, they could get out of hand and
02:34 this grizzly bear can get himself in trouble.
02:40 There he was we are gonna up to the
02:42 chamber and all of a sudden we could see
02:44 him coming down a mountain. The
02:46 cameraman gets excited and say, Wow!
02:47 that's grizzly, it is. Ranger Rod was
02:49 thinking okay. We've got a bear on our
02:51 hands, what we gonna do. We got to be
02:53 careful guys. Everybody stay calm.
02:55 It's very important boys and girls, if you
02:57 come on to a large predator like the
02:59 grizzly bear, it would be a mountain lion is
03:01 to keep calm, be very careful. With the
03:04 grizzly bear, it's best not to be aggressive.
03:06 Don't get too crazy, never scream and run.
03:09 That's the worst thing to do. Some predators
03:12 will certainly chase you. Grizzly bear is
03:14 one and mountain lion is another. Don't
03:19 scream and run, don't panic, stay calm and
03:20 cool. Like you seen us do here on a film. We
03:24 just be careful. We wanna let the grizzly
03:26 bear know that we are there. Ranger Rod has
03:28 to say you know bear, oh bear, we let the
03:31 grizzly bear know that we are here. Sure
03:33 enough he recognizes us, he sees us and if
03:35 you can recognize the body language of this
03:38 bear he staying very calm. He is not
03:41 getting excited. He is not getting aggressive
03:43 and so we are pretty safe. Ranger Rod gets
03:45 his bear spray out. Like the can that I've
03:47 got right here, it's a very important in this
03:49 country to carry this. Much, much more
03:52 effective then carrying a firearm.
03:53 We are not trying to kill the bear. This
03:55 particular spray if sprayed at a bear will
03:58 stop him; it is almost a 100 percent
04:01 effective. Of course, there is always room
04:03 for air, but boys and girls this is most
04:05 humane and effective way to slow down a
04:08 charging grizzly bear. So you see there,
04:10 there, Ranger Rod has his bear spray out.
04:12 And we are talking to this beautiful bear and
04:14 we are gonna get some excellent
04:15 footage of him. Now you can see why they
04:18 call him a sliver tip. He is a little slivery
04:20 on the top there if we can get the sun on
04:21 him and he has got the big hump on his
04:23 back. That's a muscle, he uses that for
04:25 digging, that big muscle is just pure
04:28 strength, long claws, grizzly bear has up to
04:31 4 inch long claws as for digging. He rolls
04:33 over rocks. He digs underneath there. He
04:36 gets the things that he need to eat. He is an
04:38 omnivore, so that it means he will eat
04:40 meat or he will eat grass and so this is
04:44 just beautiful footages something one of
04:46 Ranger Rods favorite creatures. Another
04:49 quick story boys and girls is that
04:51 my son-in-law JD and our daughter Alicia, they
04:53 went on a backpack trip, high up in the
04:55 mountains at the Bob Marshall Wilderness,
04:57 they set their camp, they set their tent,
04:59 they took care of the things and each night
05:02 before they would go to sleep they would
05:03 pray to God to keep them safe. And Alicia
05:06 specially prays, she said dear Jesus. I don't
05:08 wanna wake up if there is a grizzly bear.
05:11 Just let me sleep through it. And so
05:13 sure enough one night a big grizzly bear
05:16 came into the camp, they didn't know for
05:17 sure during the night that it was a grizzly
05:18 bear, but when they woke up in the
05:20 morning here they were huge grizzly
05:22 tracks right around their tent. It walked
05:25 over to the tree, where they had their food
05:28 hanging because it's important to hang on
05:29 food out of the bears reach, where they
05:33 had the food hanging up in the tree at least
05:35 10 feet up, four feet out. There were huge
05:38 grizzly claws tracks on the side of the tree,
05:40 where he been ripping amazingly enough
05:43 Alicia had a dream during the night that a
05:45 bear been trying to get there food. Sure
05:47 enough, her subconscious have
05:49 been hearing this. But, boys and girls
05:51 because they had kept such a clean camp,
05:53 there was no food particles laying
05:54 around, they had kept their equipment up
05:56 close and tight by the tent, the grizzly just
05:59 passed on and went on about his way. It's
06:02 so important boys and girls, God want us to
06:03 not only keep a clean camp, he wants us to
06:06 have everything in our lives to be in
06:08 order, to be regulated. He wants us to be
06:12 very careful about the things that we do and
06:14 where we put our toys in and where we
06:16 throw our cloths. Put them, put them, where
06:18 your mom ask you to put them. Also boys
06:20 and girls follow the rules. Just like Ranger
06:21 Rod carries the bear spray to protect him if
06:24 a grizzly bear gets little out of hand.
06:26 Keep Gods word in your heart. You
06:28 know, the word of God is sharp as a two
06:30 edge sword the Bible says and so that's our
06:33 protection as Christian is to
06:35 memorize the word of God keep Jesus close.
06:37 Keep a clean camp and until next time
06:39 this is Ranger Rod saying let's all enjoy
06:42 God is great outdoors.
06:59 We must work while it is day.
07:07 Spreading the Word of God
07:11 As we go along the way We must be willing to
07:21 do Gods Will Spreading the Word
07:27 of God Till it reaches throughout the hills
07:32 We must witness to everyone we meet
07:37 In every song we sing We must tell them of
07:43 a Soon Coming King We must witness to
07:51 everyone we meet In every song we sing
07:58 We must tell them of a Soon Coming King
08:05 We must tell them of a Soon Coming King
08:25 Welcome to learning time. I'm glad you
08:27 joined us today, by the way lots of things
08:29 looks like we are gonna have a rolling
08:31 good time doesn't. Yes.
08:33 Well I think so. And I've got some helpers.
08:35 I've got Enik, over here now, Enik have
08:38 you traveled in a car today? Yes.
08:40 Oh! That's interesting, now does a car use
08:42 oil? Yes. Why does it need oil.
08:45 So, I can stop the friction. That's right
08:48 to stop friction. And it's all
08:49 about friction today this experiment is.
08:51 And Alexia, now did you travel in a car
08:53 today too? Yes. Now let me ask you a
08:55 question, now does a car has square wheels
08:58 or round wheels? Round. Round because it
09:02 would be a bumpy ride if they were
09:03 square won't they? Might even not even
09:05 have a ride at all. And I've got Rachel over
09:08 her. Now Rachel, do you know what
09:10 friction is? It's one two things
09:12 altogether. That's right, and you
09:14 know without that we would be in bad shape
09:16 wouldn't we. But, sometimes friction
09:18 gets in our way. Hey, why don't you come
09:20 on up here my helpers and let's see what we
09:22 can find out with this little science lesson
09:24 over here. And we got some interesting
09:26 things right here. What are these right
09:28 here? Tubes. They are tubes aren't
09:30 they, they are pieces of pipe tubing aren't
09:32 they. They might help us today to solve a
09:34 problem now. We have got a piece of
09:36 board over here and that piece of board,
09:38 we are gonna turn it into a sled. Have you
09:40 ever ridden on a sled? Yes
09:43 Oh! Where were you. I was at my house,
09:46 where the sled because there is a lot
09:48 of snow there. Lot of snow, sure and
09:50 you know when we slide on snow, we
09:53 don't have much friction do we. Not
09:55 much friction at all. Hey, let's go ahead
09:57 and set this up. Okay, so Rachel if you
09:59 wanna come over here and sit down and
10:01 Nova if you want to sit down as well.
10:03 Okay right on there, okay thank you very
10:05 much. And we are gonna have Alexia
10:07 here why don't we grab hold of this rope
10:10 could you do that. You think it could
10:11 pull them on a sled. Could you think she
10:14 can pull them ? Yes. Well hang on to this
10:18 right here. Hang on. Now, let's see if we
10:19 can do that. And let's give her little, wait,
10:23 wait. Are you ready guys? Yeah.
10:25 Okay, ready to move, alright, let's tell him
10:28 go, lets go, go, and give a pull, give a
10:32 pull. What's the matter Alexia, is that
10:35 hard. Yeah! Okay stop, we don't want
10:37 you to hurt yourself. Now you know what,
10:39 hey let's solve this problem. Now can
10:42 you think, come on over here, do you
10:43 think, do you think that we could make
10:45 this slide easier? Yeah. How can we do it?
10:48 By putting the tubes under this.
10:50 By putting the tubes or rollers under there.
10:52 Hey! Let's do that shall we. Okay, so
10:54 why don't you get off. Rachel why don't you
10:55 hand those down here. And let's see if we can
10:57 put the tubes now. Let's put the tubes
10:59 down right here. There you go and I'll
11:02 take some and you take some. Let's
11:03 spread them out just like that. There you
11:05 go, you know when we use rollers it helps
11:09 us to move things because what does it
11:11 do, does it cut down the friction. Yes.
11:14 Yeah, it does. Hey get back on there. Here
11:16 we go and here we go Alexia, hang on to
11:18 this right here, now you guys better hang
11:21 on. You just might go some place okay.
11:23 Alright, let's give him a three, two, one. And
11:25 we are gonna see if Alexia can give him a
11:28 little sled ride on the grass. Here we go, 3,
11:31 and 2, and 1, and let's give him, wow! look
11:36 at that they are going over there just like
11:38 that. Wow! Give her a nice hand. Okay, you
11:42 can stop they have gone far enough. Now
11:44 that's interesting. Hey come on back over here
11:46 to table, let's talk about this for a minute.
11:49 Now when we use our sled without some
11:52 rollers what happened? Wouldn't go anywhere.
11:56 Wouldn't go anywhere because we
11:57 had too much friction. But, you know what
11:59 is friction a good thing sometimes.
12:01 Yes. Really is, how many
12:04 of you ever walked around. Yeah, you
12:06 know, when we walk there is friction isn't it
12:08 it. Our feet around the ground and there is
12:11 friction as we walk. If we didn't have
12:13 friction, we would be like walking on oil or
12:16 on the snow or on the ice and we might slip
12:18 and fall right? Yeah.
12:21 And you know what happen if we did have
12:22 friction. If you drove in your car and you
12:25 didn't have oil in it, if you didn't have any
12:27 lubrication in your engine would the
12:29 engine run. No. Too much friction and
12:33 friction builds up heat. Hey try this take
12:35 your hands like this and rub them as hard
12:37 as you can okay, just like that. Can you feel
12:40 are they getting warmer. Yeah.
12:42 Yeah, because that's friction, things that
12:44 touch each other and move on each other
12:46 causes us to have friction. But, you
12:48 know when God made the heavens and
12:50 the earth and he made you and I, and he
12:51 made world, he made something called
12:54 friction to take place. Without that friction
12:56 you and I can't even move, we can't even
12:59 walk without friction and we can't even
13:01 move with our cars because the wheels,
13:03 the tires have friction on the road and the
13:06 road pushes back on us, so that we can go
13:08 forward, isn't that cool. Yeah.
13:11 I want to thank my helpers today. You
13:13 did a great job and we made that sled really
13:16 run didn't we. And you know whenever
13:19 we learn more about science, we learn
13:21 more about our creator God.
13:33 Oh! My precious little son, your basket is
13:36 ready. Jochebed are you sure
13:38 the basket is ready? Yes, I took it down to
13:41 the river yesterday and I tested it and it
13:44 does not leak. Not a bit.
13:46 No the pitch is perfect on the bottom. And
13:49 how you are gonna keep that from
13:50 floating down river. I found a place in the
13:52 bulrushes, where they are very thick and I
13:55 can set the basket right there and it
13:57 doesn't move. How we gonna know?
13:59 I also found a place, where Miriam can go
14:03 and stand right near and she can keep her
14:06 eye on the basket and so she will know what
14:09 happens. And you are sure the
14:10 soldiers won't see her? No they won't
14:12 see her, I check all this out. And I can
14:16 go several times during the day
14:17 to feed them and take and watch over them.
14:20 Are you sure? Oh! Amram, I do
14:24 hope this works. Jochebed this has to
14:27 work if Gods hand is in it, it will work. For
14:30 sure, we have no say and no power being
14:32 slaves here in Egypt. While even now our
14:35 son Aaron is out there under the test masters
14:37 whip. And now this decree to have all the
14:40 new born Hebrew boys put to death by
14:42 throwing them in the river. How can it be,
14:44 it has to work. Oh! I know. Mother,
14:47 yes. Will the soldiers really throw baby
14:50 brother in the river. Oh! Don't worry
14:53 Miriam, God will protect our baby.
14:56 Open up, open the door. Amram, the soldiers are
14:58 are coming. Open up. What we do?
15:01 I'll go and get their attention and you take
15:03 the baby and put him in the basket and take
15:05 him down to the river. Okay. We have to
15:07 hurry now. Oh! Aaron. That the
15:08 soldiers will be coming in anytime
15:09 and they take the baby. Oh! They will,
15:10 you get. You must get out to work.
15:12 So, put him in the basket. Oh! Marian we need
15:14 to get down to the river. We have to go. They
15:16 are gonna be coming at any moment.
15:17 Oh! Dear God, please protect our little baby.
15:21 He will take car and he has to. Be quick
15:22 now, hurry I must leave. Oh! Come on
15:24 Miriam. You hold that little, hush, hush
15:27 my little darling, we don't want
15:29 the soldiers to hear you. No, now Miriam,
15:33 I want you to watch your brother very
15:35 closely for me okay. But, what if someone
15:38 comes and sees the baby? If it's an
15:40 Egyptian woman then you ask her
15:42 if they need a nurse for our baby.
15:44 Then what? Then you run and get
15:47 mother just as fast as you can okay.
15:50 Yes mother. I know you Miriam
15:52 you are such a big help. Okay now, I'm
15:55 gonna put the cover right and I want you
15:57 to go in the thicker part of the bulrushes
15:59 and mother will comeback and check
16:02 on you okay. Yes mother.
16:09 Bye. Bye. I love you mother.
16:11 I love you too. Oh! Now the princess is here.
16:22 Lovely spot for a bath. Oh! What is
16:27 that? I see something in the bulrushes go
16:29 get it. Yes princess. Come quickly. Open
16:40 it, it's a baby give him to me. It's a Hebrew baby
16:46 What a beautiful baby. It's a Hebrew baby.
16:50 What would Pharaoh say. I'm Pharaoh's
16:52 daughter. Whatever I desire I should have.
16:55 If I knew how to raise the baby, I would
16:59 keep him. Arise my child. Would you like me to
17:04 get a nurse for the baby. Yes go at once.
17:07 Yes princess, right away. I'm going to keep you
17:11 from my very own. I see you returned.
17:16 I brought the nurse. Here take my baby
17:20 and nurse him for me. And I will pay you
17:22 wages. I've named him Moses for I found
17:25 him in bulrushes. I will take very good
17:28 care of Moses for you princess.
17:48 I pray you'll be our eyes, and watch us
17:55 where we go. And help us to be
18:02 wise in times when we don't know
18:11 Let this be our prayer, when we lose our way
18:22 Lead us to a place, guide us with your grace
18:31 To a place where we'll be safe
18:39 I pray we'll find your light
18:44 And hold it in our hearts. When stars go out
18:52 each night, We mind us where
18:58 you are Let this be our prayer, just like
19:08 we try. Lead us to a place, guide us with your
19:19 grace, To a place where we'll be safe
19:28 Lead us to a place, guide us with your grace
19:35 To a place where we'll be safe
19:57 Hi! Boys and girls it's time for Ms. Brenda's
19:59 book of the day. And today's book is called
20:03 Bill's Bush Adventures by Errol
20:05 Wright and this is an exciting book boys
20:07 and girls. You will want to get one of
20:09 these. Well, I would like to welcome two
20:11 guests to our program today. I would like
20:13 welcome Caleb and Hannah. Thank you
20:15 so much for being with us today and you
20:18 two kind a look alike. Is there reason for
20:20 that? Yes, we are brother and sister.
20:22 You are brother and sister and I
20:24 understand that you love Jesus very much.
20:26 What do you do to share Jesus?
20:28 We go around with our ministry called
20:30 Restoration International with our
20:31 parents and we try to help different
20:34 families, who are out there.
20:36 Umm! Umm! And how do you do that.
20:37 What are the things you do. We preach
20:39 our friends and we sing and we speak to
20:41 the children and to the parents as well.
20:43 Okay and when you say you speak to the
20:46 children do you mean that you go to their
20:50 Sabbath school room or do you do have a
20:52 special meeting room or you go to their
20:54 homes. We just talk to them between some
20:56 of the meetings, umm! umm! like just
20:58 beforehand in the meeting hall then we
21:00 just talk to them then. Okay, so did they
21:02 come up to you and not shy and because
21:05 they have heard you speak out in French.
21:07 Yeah. Now do you preach
21:08 up in French Caleb? Yes.
21:09 What kind of things do you preach about?
21:11 Well, we did a message on how to
21:14 when temptation comes to us that we
21:20 can carry it back, which is written from
21:22 the Bible code Satan back with that.
21:24 So, in other words if you attempted to do
21:26 something wrong, you can code a Bible text
21:29 to say get me behind the Satan right?
21:31 Yeah. That's right, now you
21:32 have something in your lap. Can I see
21:35 with that, what is this? It's a CD that we have
21:37 done singing songs and then talking to
21:40 children about how they can practically
21:43 apply those songs. Did you mind if I take
21:46 a listen right now? Sure. Maybe you guys
21:47 can sing along. Okay. Sure. Let's just play a
21:50 little clip of that right now.
21:53 Be ye kind, Ephesians Chapter 4 Verse 32,
21:57 be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted,
22:10 forgiving one another. Be ye kind one to
22:19 another, tenderhearted, forgiving one
22:28 another, be ye kind. Wow! That is
22:34 beautiful. I wish we had time to just listen
22:37 to the whole thing. This is gorgeous and
22:38 you have lots of scripture verses on
22:40 here. You have then the honor me, prepare
22:43 you to way, my Sabbath, my God it is
22:45 written, decently in our, so on and on and
22:49 on was heart just choosing, which one to do.
22:51 Yes. Oh! Thank you so
22:52 much and I wanna ask you when go above
22:57 and you do these concerts in person, do
22:59 you go to places, where you have seen
23:00 these scriptures on. We use to sing them
23:02 at the end of messages. You do and if you
23:05 would tell boys and girls and you really
23:06 wanted to get them excited about witness
23:09 in for Jesus. What would you tell them.
23:11 How to treat each other kindly and to
23:14 honor their parents and do their
23:15 schoolwork quickly and that kind of thing.
23:18 Umm! Umm! But, if they wanted, if you
23:19 want to encourage them to do you are
23:20 doing their work, something like that
23:21 where you are trying to witness what would
23:23 you tell them was it a good experience.
23:24 Yes. So, you would highly
23:26 recommended. Umm! Umm! Awesome.
23:28 Well, I have some letters that I'm gonna
23:30 read right now and I love getting your
23:32 letters boys and girls. They are so many
23:34 letters from all over the world, I'm just
23:36 gonna pull a few out of my basket right
23:37 here and let's see this one is from Mikhail
23:41 and it's from Bermuda let see what Mikhail
23:44 says. And I've been to Bermuda and in fact I
23:47 have a wonderful friend that lives there,
23:48 say Hi to Lewis. Can you hold this right
23:51 here for me and it says, Dear Ms.
23:54 Brenda how are you, my name is Mikhail
23:56 and I'm four years old. I live with my
23:58 parents on the Isle of Bermuda. I was so
24:00 happy to meet you when you visited our
24:02 Island last year. Soon our family will have a
24:05 new baby sister and I'm excited about that.
24:07 I share Jesus by giving out pamphlets
24:09 about God and Jesus loved the people we
24:12 meet on the street. I also visit sick people
24:14 with my mommy and pray for them to get
24:16 better. Would you please sign me up for
24:18 kid's club study, so I can learn more about
24:21 Jesus love Mikhail. I sure well. I'm glad I
24:23 got a chance to meet you and thank you for
24:26 your letter Mikhail. We will get you
24:27 signed up for those lessons right away,
24:29 okay. Now we have another one and this
24:31 one is from DeAngelo. Let see
24:34 what DeAngelo says. Boys and girls one of
24:36 my favorite thing is that when you write
24:38 and tell me how you share Jesus. I love it
24:40 your pictures too. This one says, Dear
24:42 Ms. Brenda. Hi! My name is DeAngelo,
24:44 I'm seven years old, but I'll be eight soon
24:47 and it says I watch Kids Time everyday
24:49 over my grandmothers house. I
24:51 share Jesus on Sabbath evenings,
24:52 when I go to the nursing home with
24:54 my aunt and uncle and I help them out of
24:56 there rooms and sometimes I sing
24:58 because they have trouble walking. I
25:00 would like to join kids club can you send me
25:02 the lessons love DeAngelo. Well
25:04 DeAngelo that is the very kind thing to do
25:07 it shows that Jesus is in your heart when we
25:08 are kind to others and for you to help them
25:10 out of the rooms and be kind to the elderly
25:12 is a very good thing to do. This one is from,
25:15 well we don't have, I can't read your
25:18 writing on that, so that you may be, oh,
25:19 you have got a picture in here can you hold
25:21 that picture for me to please. It's Savannah
25:24 that is this one is from. Dear Ms. Brenda,
25:26 I love Jesus very much. I tell other
25:28 people about Jesus when I sell books. I
25:31 also like to handout GLOW tracts
25:33 wherever I go with my family. I'm from
25:35 California and please send me the Bible
25:37 lessons, love Savannah. Well thank
25:40 you Savannah and we will get those lessons
25:42 out to you and she has just put a GLOW tract
25:44 in here if you can see, I hold it up the
25:46 camera. And that is just to have little
25:50 stories in there about Jesus. And that's
25:52 wonderful. Let's see if I have time for one
25:54 more, this one is from Donnie and Donnie
25:57 says let's see if I can open this quickly.
26:01 Sometimes it's harder they are altogether
26:03 here, it says Dear Ms. Brenda, my name is
26:06 Donnie, I'm 12 years old. I share Jesus by
26:08 making little foot rugs for people. I love
26:11 what I do for Jesus. My favorite part of
26:13 Kids Times is the stories and I love Kids
26:15 Time and I would like the lessons too please,
26:18 keep sharing Jesus, your friends Donnie,
26:20 Ronnie, Jade, Quacine, Spencer, and
26:22 DeAngelo. Well that's all the time we
26:25 had today boys and girls. I wanna thank
26:27 Caleb and Hannah for being with us today
26:29 and I want to encourage you to
26:30 keep sharing Jesus everywhere you go
26:32 keep singing for Jesus and remember boys
26:34 and girls it's Kids Time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17