Kids' Time

Honor His Name

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000255

00:01 It's almost time for Kids Time. We are going to be
00:03 late. It's time to share there's a world out there,
00:07 Looking for a friend like Jesus. It's time to share
00:14 there's a world out there, Let's tell them that He
00:17 loves us so. Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:24 Kids time, kids time, kids time,kids time.
00:30 Hi, boys and girls. Have your mom ever said to
00:33 you watch out or be careful and you reply,
00:37 don't worry I can take care of myself. And then
00:40 next thing you know you have fallen flat on face or
00:44 may be you are carrying something that slipped
00:46 out of your hand and it broken to a million
00:48 pieces. Now your mother could tell you I know i was
00:52 afraid that would happened. I told you so. Iam sure
00:55 she doesn't say that you though has she. You know
00:58 boys and girls, Jesus never says, I told you so.
01:01 When he warns us to be careful and don't listen
01:04 and we end up kidding hurt instead he loves us so
01:08 much that he just helps pick us back up and
01:10 takes care of our wounds. And when we make
01:13 mistakes and say I am sorry, Jesus always
01:16 forgives us. He never adds next time listen to
01:19 me when I warn you to you are about to get
01:21 yourself in the trouble. I am a lot older than you
01:24 but I am still learning how important it is to
01:27 obey Jesus rather then thinking that I am old
01:30 enough or big enough to take care of myself. Peter
01:34 learn in this lesson in hard way. The Bible
01:36 story today is about how Jesus warned his disciple
01:39 Peter. But Peter thought he knew that. And he
01:43 ended up in big trouble. Peter made a big, big
01:48 mistake but before we find out what happened
01:51 to Peter, let's get ready for, hey, Max, come on
01:54 can you wake up this time. Max wake up
01:57 wake up Max. Let's get ready for nature time.
02:07 Well, I guess this says go right by here.
02:11 Okay, I will do it, and this is a beautiful
02:14 place to be. We are here in beautiful
02:18 Western Yosemite, Glacier National Parks.
02:21 I know you know you can hardly see me right now.
02:23 Wow! I don't get through here. Alright,
02:26 this is I got to go to the right, I go through here.
02:29 Although what it says. Yeah, this way wanted to be.
02:41 Hi, boys and girls, welcome to Nature Time.
02:44 You know, I'm holding something here in my
02:46 hand that is very special to me. It's actually a
02:49 brass compass. You know, it helps to see the
02:52 person that I would eventually become and
02:54 I would like to tell you just a little bit
02:56 about him. My dad used to have one of
02:58 this. It is a pin on compass. Pin like this.
03:01 He used to pin it on his shirt sometimes. I
03:03 thought it was pretty me. My grandpa had
03:05 one. That was more like my brass compass.
03:07 And he carried around in his pocket. I used to
03:10 think that when was a little boy having a compass
03:13 made you to be a great outdoorsman. Well,
03:17 when I was eight years old I got this very compass,
03:20 that's right. This very one made in Germany.
03:23 It's a high quality compass. I don't know that at
03:26 eight years old I was great a outdoorsman.
03:29 But I sure I felt like one carrying around
03:31 my compass. I would look at it every
03:33 chance I got to see which way North was.
03:36 The little needle with point around and go
03:38 to the yard and tracked this way. And there we
03:40 are not follow this needle, you know, I will
03:42 explain it just a moment how we do that. The
03:45 compass is an amazing tool. Not only they are
03:47 beautiful and of course there is many, many
03:49 different kinds. This is brass compass. Isn't the
03:52 kind that use anymore too much. I use it little
03:55 fancier one. For what I am reading maps. It gives
03:59 me more information. You can see this one
04:01 here is a silver ranger. That's an excellent
04:04 love the name ranger. And this is an excellent
04:06 compass. I use this, keep it my bag or here on my
04:09 belt all the time. Like I mentioned just a
04:12 moment ago, the compass has a needle that always
04:15 points toward magnetic North. Now I'm not
04:17 going to pretend that I can teach each point
04:19 draw how to use the compass efficiently and
04:21 just the few minutes that we have here today for
04:23 what I would like to do is I would like to
04:25 encourage you to want own one. That's right to
04:29 want to own a compass and then a quality compass
04:33 comes with directions and don't that you know
04:35 then can take you out into the force to out of
04:38 into the fields. And you can learn together how to
04:40 use it. Now-a-days, I often carry another compass,
04:44 not actually compass something called a GPS
04:47 (Global positioning system). I will give
04:50 you, I will show you what I have here. May be of you
04:52 seen this. It just a simple battery operated radio.
04:57 They are listens to satellites clear out in
05:00 space. That give it information. It tells
05:02 you where you are in all times. It takes information
05:06 from those satellites to give you elevation. In
05:08 fact, the just the other day we will way upon on
05:10 the mountain in Yellowstone National Park,
05:12 with some of the camera crew here on Kids Time
05:15 and we are looking at the elevation that we are
05:17 at here on a nature hike up there. Finding big horn
05:20 sheep, and beautiful petrified trees, and
05:22 it was great. We used the GPS to locate
05:26 where the van was. Again our elevation,
05:29 some need stuff, even though I carry a GPS
05:32 with me and I've used them extensively. I
05:34 always still carry a compass. You see a
05:37 compass doesn't have any batteries. Compass is not
05:40 electronic. Nothing to break, nothing to go wrong
05:43 just old reliable. Boys and girls there is a lesson
05:46 in the compass versus the GPS. You see the
05:50 world holds up plenty of new ideas. New
05:52 ideas and kinds of jobs, different types
05:56 of relationships, different kinds of education
05:59 from food to recreation and entertainment.
06:02 But you know we must always check the new
06:05 against the old and try to mature. The Bible
06:08 says, in Isaiah 8:20, "To the law and to the
06:11 testimony: if they speak not according to them,
06:14 this because there is not light in them." I said, my
06:16 compass shape the person that would because
06:19 I wanted to be like the people that I admired.
06:23 Have an compass and learn how to use it. Help
06:25 me to be like my grandpa. Spending time with
06:28 him made it easy for me to chose the things that he
06:31 would chose. Even his friends and it's recreation
06:35 become my friends and my recreation. This is the
06:37 same with out Bibles as we build a relationship
06:40 with God's word and would Jesus soon his choices
06:44 become our choices. His friends become our friends.
06:46 His interest become our interest. Boys and girls
06:49 by beholding we become change. Another great lesson
06:53 from God's, great outdoors and a simple little compass,
06:56 until next time let's all enjoy, God's great outdoors.
07:13 "I love you, Lord, and I lift my voice To worship
07:22 you, Oh my soul rejoice! Take joy, my King, in what
07:33 you hear May it be a sweet, sweet sound in your ear.
07:52 Welcome to learning time. I am glad you
07:55 join us today. You know, by the looks to the stuff
07:57 on this table. I think we are going to kinds
08:00 some fruits or vegetable, right. No. No, not.
08:03 What we are going to do an experiment about water
08:05 and I have got some helpers those are going to help
08:07 me with that. I have got Lyne over here. Lyne,
08:09 do you like water. Yes. What do you like to do
08:12 best about water? Drinking. I like to drink water
08:17 too. We should drink lots of water everyday.
08:19 Now I have got Samuel over here, Nathan over here.
08:22 Now Nathan, do you like water? Yeah. What you like
08:25 to do best? You like to play in water? I like to
08:27 little body surfing, Body surfing now you getting.
08:30 Now it would be fun. Wouldn't it? yet sure
08:32 would be. And I am Michelle . Now Michelle,
08:34 you know you like water do you? I do like water.
08:38 Oh! Yeah, what you like to do best about water or
08:40 in water. I like to swim. You like to swim in
08:43 water. Here let me get my helper come up here
08:45 because this an interesting experiment all about
08:48 water. Come on over here. There you go.
08:51 Alright, here. You can stay right here. Come on
08:54 over here. Now you guys recognize this Jar.
08:58 What kind of jar is it? I mean just the Jar,
09:01 not moist in there and so, We can. We can freeze
09:05 vegetable and things like this. That's right.
09:07 We preserve them. We put them many or too.
09:09 That's we can have fruits and vegetables a
09:11 little bit later on. Well, today I have water in
09:13 there. Can you see my water in there?
09:15 Umh! Yeah, now that's interesting and inside
09:18 of this cap right here. I have some wires and
09:21 in fact, these wires just spin around in this
09:23 plastic core. And there is two wires actually.
09:26 One wire is attached to this little last screw
09:29 right here. Can you see that screw?
09:31 And the other wires attach to this other screw
09:33 right there. Now today what we are going to
09:35 do? We are going to sense some electricity through
09:37 those wires. And I have a power supply right here
09:40 gives us 12 volts of direct current. So that's
09:44 what's in our little Jar. But you know let me ask
09:46 you a question about water. Now sometimes we
09:48 call water something besides water and is kind of
09:52 abbreviation for water anyway. Its, what water has
09:55 inside of it? Any of you know what we call
09:58 water sometime? H2O. We call it H2O. Oh!
10:00 Don't we? That's right. And the H2 means what guys.
10:03 Two hydrogen. We got hydrogen atoms, that's right.
10:08 And what is the O stand for? Anybody know?
10:10 Oxygen. That's right. Now let me ask you a very
10:13 interesting question. You know, a lot of people
10:14 get this question wrong. What do fish breath? You
10:18 know? Water. Water. How many of you think fish
10:21 breathe water? Okay, you its okay to be wrong.
10:24 Have you done wrong? Yeah. Yeah. I've been wrong
10:26 sometimes. Well, you know, fish don't breathe
10:28 water, do they? Yes. What are they breath guys?
10:31 Oxygen. Air. Air, that's why you mean, right, They
10:34 takes water inside of their. Do they have lungs?
10:38 No. No, they have special what? Gills. Gills.
10:41 They have gills and they take the water through the
10:43 gills and what do the gills take out of the water.
10:46 Air. Oxygen. Air, that's right. Oxygen. Well, this is
10:50 what I tell about. This is going to take oxygen
10:52 and hydrogen because H2O is water. We are going
10:56 to take a right out of the water and then we are
10:58 going to bubble right here, and all of that hydrogen
11:01 and oxygen going to come out in these all tiny
11:03 bubbles, right. And Nathan, we got something special
11:06 for you to do, why don't you put the safety glass
11:08 or the glove on. And you can put your safety
11:10 glasses on, why don't you do that. Okay, Michelle
11:12 Can you do this?. Here we go. And alright,
11:15 you need those glasses too. Alright, and today we
11:18 are going to use some of these. You know, what
11:19 these are? Matches. There matches. Should you have
11:21 matches by yourself? No. No, you should be with
11:25 your parents or your guardians or your teacher
11:27 because matches can be very dangerous. Well, what
11:29 we are going use a match stick, alright.
11:30 Okay. So you want to this match right here
11:33 and I want ask you to I want you to light the
11:35 match and we are going to light these all bubbles
11:38 on fire. Now I am going to turn this on. You can
11:41 see a bunch of bubbles. Can you see that? Yes.
11:45 Well, you know what would better to do. We better
11:46 put the ear protectors your ear. You may want to
11:49 cover ears too. Alright, we are going to have a
11:52 count down from five. Are you ready? Yes. Alright,
11:57 Five, four, three, two, one. Wow! Did you hear that?
12:05 Yes. Woh! Did you hear that, Who! That was
12:08 incredible. You know, aren't you glad that, that does
12:11 not happen when you and I get drink water.
12:14 Yes. Big explosion in your mouth. Well, you know,
12:17 who created water to begin with. Jesus. Jesus did.
12:22 You know, I want to thank our helpers today. Would
12:24 you get them a nice hand for helping us. Yeah,
12:26 they did a great job. And we couldn't done it. We
12:30 could have done with this without them and remember
12:32 boys and girls, you should never have matches by
12:34 yourself. You should be with your parents or
12:36 your teachers, or your guardiance. And the most
12:38 important thing is, you know, when we learn more
12:40 about science we learn more about our creator, God.
12:53 Ishe, Ishe, Ishe. What I see
13:13 Peter. Peter. Where? A disciple of Jesus. They are all same.
13:17 That who denied Jesus three times I know it's Peter. That
13:21 doesn't look like Peter to me. He looks savior.
13:24 Who does look happy. But you know what I saw him
13:26 coming out of the High Priest's court. And he looks
13:29 happy at all. How can he be happy now, but it's
13:32 him. I know it's him. Wasn't there something
13:35 about a rooster? There was, but they are still
13:38 talking. Have go and see. Place? I'll be back. I'll come
13:41 right back. I'll be back. I knew it's got to be him.
13:47 It was the worse night of my life.
13:49 It was a best night of my life. Now wait
13:52 a minute brother. How could it be the best and
13:53 worse night of your life in the same night.
13:55 You haven't heard how I denied Christ.
13:58 What? No we heard reliantly as well. Tell
14:01 about it. Go ahead. I followed from a distance
14:04 as they took my Lord away. I was warming my
14:08 hands by the fire. Okay, yes. And a girl came up
14:11 to me and said, you are one of his follower, aren't you?
14:14 Oh! What did you said? And I lied. I said, no,
14:16 I don't know the man. You lied. Yes, you know, I got
14:21 my head down and Yes. And moved to another part of
14:24 the courtyard and then someone else said, hey,
14:28 weren't you with that Gallilean, at which point I,
14:30 just as I took God's name in vain. Oh! Brother.
14:36 No, that's there commandment, you never
14:38 take God's name in vain. He walked across the
14:41 courtyard. His eyes met mine. Jesus. Yes. He was
14:47 like going to traveling looks across straight you.
14:49 It was like we are frozen in time. His eyes said,
14:53 I love you. You are forgiven. Forgiven. I hurt.
14:57 I couldn't take anymore as I was going out, Hey you
15:01 one of those disciples. I ran back to his ceremony
15:06 Why? Where? I wanted to go to the very spot where
15:10 Jesus pray for us. Woh! I laid them down. He wanted
15:15 me to pray with them as O'pray, O'pray, O'pray,
15:17 I was asleep may be if I had not gone to sleep,
15:20 may be I would have never denied him.
15:22 You said, in the very night that Jesus really
15:25 needed you. You want to Stop it. Yes. Yes. I wanted
15:31 the very spot where he prayed and I started
15:33 pray and asking for forgiveness from the father
15:36 and I just felt a sense of peace, forgiveness.
15:42 I was forgiven. Amen. Really thank God.
15:48 Woh! Really forgave you. You denied Jesus.
15:53 The worst day in my life, denied him.
15:55 What you say? And then I ramenist
15:56 about one of the thing, you got a minute.
15:58 Yeah one of the pressure we were at the seaside.
16:01 We had been fishing all night.
16:03 When is it? Right after his
16:05 resurrection, after resurrection. And he
16:09 was on the shore and we came to shore and when
16:10 we were eating the fish, not saying anything and
16:14 then he said to me Peter, do you love me?
16:19 Jesus said that? Woh!
16:21 Three times I denied him. Three times he asked me;
16:24 do you love me? Do you love me?
16:26 Do you love me? I am crying in my
16:28 eyes.What did you say? I said, Lord you know all
16:31 thing. You know I love you. He looked to me with
16:34 the their same eyes and there I was forgiven.
16:37 I was reinstated as disciple to be forgiven.
16:46 This Jesus, the resurrected Jesus.
16:50 You heard about that? Well, I heard some,
16:53 I heard some. Some.
16:54 I want to know Lord. I was his follower
16:57 More than.. I laid him down.
16:59 I cursed his name. But I am forgiven.
17:03 Forgiven. Wait a minute father. Why don't you
17:06 choose to come to my house.
17:07 Let us break bread. Great.
17:09 I would find out more about it.
17:10 I would love to tell about my Lord.
17:11 Come to my house. Yes.
17:13 Come. Just miraculous. Follow me.
17:15 I've got you. Yes, he Woh!
17:18 It was Peter, it wa Peter. It was Peter?
17:22 I saw him with my own eyes.
17:23 It really. I saw him with my own
17:25 eyes. He did deny Jesus, but you know,
17:28 what he repented. He repented.
17:32 Oh! He sorry and you know,
17:34 what God forgave me. Oh! What a great time he
17:38 have. Just like God forgive us.
17:39 Thank you. Bye, bye, bye.
20:18 Hi, boys and girls, it's time for Miss Brenda's
20:19 book of the day. And today's book is
20:23 Jerry D. Thomas "SHOEBOX KIDS Bible
20:25 Stories" book 3, and there is a whole
20:29 series of these books. Boys and Girls and you
20:31 are going to want every one especially this one,
20:33 book 3. Well, I would like to introduced you to
20:36 a very special guest I have with me today.
20:37 His name is Luke. Luke, thank you so much
20:40 for being on Kits Time. And I have noticed you've
20:43 got a really fancy shirt and I kind a like.
20:45 What you wearing? The Kids' Time shirts.
20:48 That's right. That's the best shirt you can wear,
20:50 isn't it? Yup!
20:51 And tell me, I know that you share Jesus a lot by
20:54 really witnessing for Kids Time and tell boys and
20:57 girls I like Kids Time, don't you?
20:58 Yup! And tell me what else to
21:00 do? We have everybody's day
21:03 every years, September, the last week.
21:05 Umh! And the week before that
21:07 we prepare and we fill the bags with all our
21:11 goods. So now you keep away on every day is
21:14 buddies day. It's kind of a day I just tell you the
21:17 boys and girls now it's a time where it's kind a
21:19 like big fair. All the vendors coming
21:21 with their booth and it's really hard to get a spot
21:23 in there, isn't Luke? Yup!
21:25 And vendors coming with their booth and they want
21:28 to sell thing they might sell food. They might
21:30 sell closure, you know, shoes whatever they going
21:33 to sale. But you don't sale anything, do you?
21:35 No, we give away You give away
21:37 Can I show that picture you brought me?
21:39 Yes. You brought a picture.
21:40 What you sell of that booth. I mean,
21:42 give away. You don't sale a thing, do you?
21:44 No. And it's everything on
21:46 that table is about what? Free.
21:48 It's free, and what are the books about?
21:50 God. About God. That's right.
21:53 Isn't it? And I think here we have a picture
21:55 of you, in this picture let me show you.
21:57 You actually fillings some bags. What do you
21:59 doing there? We were filling the bags
22:02 so we can, this is the week before.
22:05 Okay. Everybody stay.
22:07 Alright. We were filling the bags
22:08 so we can, so we can give amount that
22:12 everybody stay. So you had to have them
22:14 filled with books so that they when they come by
22:16 you can't just hand them the bag.
22:17 Yup! And you actually,
22:18 if you look closely in this picture you can see,
22:22 that he is wearing a Kids Time T-Shirt.
22:24 Yup! Yeah, advertising like
22:26 therefore us aren't you. Yes.
22:27 And you got a chance and the other thing that
22:29 I noticed was that you asked or handed out you
22:33 had Kids Time cards. Tell about our Kids Time
22:36 website. Yup!
22:37 Do you like our Kids Time website.
22:38 Yes. Isn't that pretty cool,
22:40 isn't it? Yeah.
22:41 And do you tell a lot of kits about it,
22:44 don't you? Yes.
22:45 That's really awesome. Now we have some book
22:47 in your hands. What do you have?
22:48 These are books that handed out at the booth.
22:52 Okay. God's Holy word,
22:54 Is it still worth during for. Right.
22:57 American processing, The Beginning of the
22:59 End. Umh!
23:00 Cracking the whole behind in new lines
23:02 Oh! All those good topics. And The word
23:05 I will control, how well it is.
23:07 That's right by E.G White. And those are
23:10 really incredible set up of book, isn't it?
23:11 Yes. And you tell me that
23:13 you've read part one of them that you really
23:14 enjoyed. Yes.
23:16 That's true. Now when people come by,
23:18 let me, Can Miss Brenda see that?
23:20 Oh! Yeah. That's good I will just
23:21 put that. That's what you really like.
23:23 Now when people come by in the booth,
23:24 and you got a chance to talk to them.
23:27 Now do you standout and go free books here
23:30 whatever or is you? How do they know they
23:32 are free? We have a sign out there.
23:34 It says free books. And so people just come
23:37 buy that you ever have somebody that came by to
23:39 you before. Yes.
23:42 You do. We just, these books we
23:46 just handed in our booth this year.
23:49 Oh! These are new one for this,
23:50 Yes. But every year you have
23:52 free books that they come and get.
23:53 Yes. How wonderful it witness
23:55 for Jesus. Now I understand you did do
23:57 some special. You had people sign up for some
24:00 special to know. Yes.
24:01 Now this is how much boys and girls Luke
24:03 really like Kids Time and believes what we are
24:05 doing here. He had a drawing box and he had,
24:08 people come by and fill out for a Free Kids Time
24:11 DVD. And he is bringing those name here from
24:14 Miss Brenda. I get a draw out ten names and those
24:17 ten names are going to win a Kids Time DVD.
24:20 Is that right? Yup!
24:21 So I got pick out ten names. Well, I am going
24:23 to just really mix this up, really getting
24:26 because Miss Brenda has not picked these at all.
24:28 And I am just going to just mix this up really
24:32 good, and okay. Here is one,
24:34 alright. Let me get another one, here is two.
24:38 I am mixing up there. Here is three, four.
24:43 Let see here is five, okay, one way down
24:48 here, six. I get one seven, eight,
24:53 nine and ten. That's it right here.
24:58 This is the last winner right there, and you get
25:03 those to a grandma and she is going to make sure
25:05 that they get a Kids Time DVD absolutely free.
25:08 Is not a good idea boys and girls?
25:10 Well, let's read a couple of letter I think we have
25:13 time for, this one is from Australia, and let's
25:17 see who it's from? And I have a picture.
25:18 Would you mind just hold it just like that for me
25:21 at the camera. Just hold it,
25:24 just like that around the tips, very good.
25:26 So, dear Miss Brenda. I am from Victoria,
25:29 Australia. And it says, greeting in Jesus name.
25:32 I would be glad if you could give an activity
25:34 book please sign me up for Kids Club.
25:37 I share Jesus by letting my friends play with my
25:39 preferred toy. I also share by singing and
25:42 playing the guitar, piano, violin for others.
25:45 I am 9 turning 10, and one day I hope that we
25:48 will see each other. If not now then in
25:51 heaven. Blessing Rachel Ann. Rachel Ann,
25:53 thank you so much for your letter and I want to
25:56 see you in heaven too. And I make it over to see
25:59 your country some time. Let's see if I get
26:00 time for one real quick one here.
26:03 This is from Livia. And Livia says,
26:07 dear Miss Brenda, I am five years old and
26:10 I living Michigan, and I really like
26:11 Kids Time and especially the science experiments
26:14 with Ben Roy. I share Jesus by preaching.
26:17 One day I preach the some one at the park and made
26:20 a cross with two sticks showed to them and said
26:23 Jesus loves you. And they were really
26:25 happy. I have a sister name Loral II.
26:28 Thank you Miss Brenda, for Kids Time.
26:30 Love Livia. Well that's all the time we have
26:32 today boys and girls. Thank you Luke for being
26:34 with us today. I appreciate you very
26:36 much. Boys and girls wherever you go,
26:38 whatever do it's Kids Time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17