Participants: Brenda Walsh
Series Code: KT
Program Code: KT000254
00:01 It's almost time for Kids Time.
00:03 We are going to be late. Its time to share there's 00:06 a world out there looking for a friend like Jesus. 00:12 It's time to share there's a world out there, let's 00:16 tell them that he loves us so. Let's tell them that he 00:21 loves so. Kids time, kids time, kids time. 00:27 kids time, kids time. Hi boys and girls, today 00:32 in our Bible story we will be talking about death. 00:35 When someone dies it's a very sad thing. 00:38 People cry because they will miss that person, 00:41 maybe you've had a pet that died or a grandma, 00:43 grandpa, maybe your friend. Regardless of who dies, 00:46 death is a terrible thing. Aren't you glad that 00:50 Jesus is coming again and there will be no more 00:53 death, instead Jesus is going to raise the people 00:56 who died and he is going to take those who 00:58 loved him to heaven, to live with him forever. 01:00 In heaven, nothing will die, flowers will never 01:03 die, animals will never die and people will never die. 01:06 But while we are still here on earth, we experience 01:09 the results of sin every time someone dies. 01:13 The Bible says that the wages which means 01:15 results of sin is death. But, here is the good news, 01:19 even though Jesus is in heaven he still is able to 01:23 raise people from the dead. Because his disciples 01:26 believe in God's power they were not afraid to 01:28 tell people who are died to wake up, and they did. 01:32 Amazing isn't it. Our Bible story today is about one 01:36 of those times, as you watch remember if 01:38 someone dies its okay to be sad because you'll 01:42 miss them here on earth. But you don't have to be 01:44 sad for long because death is like a dreamless 01:48 sleep, just like Maxwell sleeping right here 01:50 beside me, he doesn't clue of what's going on, 01:53 he is just sleeping away. Well soon Jesus will open 01:57 the graves and the people who love God will be 02:00 alive forever and ever. But, before you hear our 02:03 wonderful story today, it's time for Nature Time. 02:17 Don't you just love a beautiful place like this? 02:20 Hi boys and girls, welcome to Nature Time. You know 02:23 hiking has gotta be one of my favorite outdoor 02:25 activities. Whether I am on a 70 miles trek across 02:28 the Bob Marshall Wilderness carrying a 70 pound pack 02:31 or I am on a Sabbath afternoon hike with 02:33 some primaries or early teens or maybe you 02:37 know some other kids from the church, I love 02:39 every single minute of it. Part of being able to 02:42 enjoy a nature hike or any kind of trip where 02:46 you got to do a lot of walking is being able to 02:48 endure some hardships and some trials. 02:52 One of those hardships of course comes in the 02:54 way of soar feet, sometimes our feet gets 02:56 soar, sometimes we get a little sweaty or 02:58 hot or even thirsty. There are some things 03:02 that we can do though to minimize those hardships. 03:04 I would like to talk just for a few minutes about 03:06 some of those things. First of all in selection 03:09 of a hiking shoe. Now I know that most young people 03:13 especially your age like to hike in tennis shoes. 03:17 Tennis shoes are great unless you gotta carry a 03:19 heavy pack or you're in some kind of rough 03:21 train or rocky stony ground and tennis shoes 03:24 don't offer quite the support that you need. 03:27 Another kind of shoe that doesn't offer the 03:29 right kind of support is what I consider a mall shoe. 03:34 Now I borrowed these from Miss Brenda, you 03:36 should have seen it boys and girls just cross 03:38 this log on our way down into this filming site along the 03:41 beautiful Madison river. Miss Brenda is ready to 03:43 do a little hiking with Ranger Rod. 03:45 Look out, she's getting exercise, this is a 03:47 stretching exercise, you can hear all way backup 03:50 to where we parked the truck. 04:00 This is a very nice shoe, but not what I would 04:03 recommend for an all day hike. 04:07 Before we talk about hiking shoes it's important 04:09 to have the right kind of socks, to whom I say well 04:11 Ranger Rod, what are you doing holding up a 04:13 pair of socks. These aren't just any pair. 04:15 This is a pair of wool socks, wool socks wick 04:18 away the moisture from your feet, keeping them dry. 04:21 It also adds a little bit of cushion, I use a hiker, 04:23 hiker weight wool sock when I hike, all the time. 04:28 As far as hiking shoes are concerned you want 04:31 to get a shoe that's got good support. 04:33 I like to wear a leather upper on my shoes, 04:35 good support, lots of traction, I even put in 04:38 an expensive insert to keep my foot very 04:41 comfortable, as comfortable as I can get it and so 04:44 I use a boot like this. There is many, many 04:47 varieties of good hiking boots, almost all sporting 04:50 goods stores carry good hikers and you could 04:52 just ask them what size fits best, what kind 04:55 should you get for the kind of hiking you're 04:57 gonna be doing. If it is so important because 05:00 what you don't want to have are blisters, if your 05:02 boots are a little too loose or a little too tight 05:04 either way it makes your foot get too hot. 05:07 And a hot spot creates a blister. 05:10 You want to avoid blisters at all cost. 05:14 We spoke just a movement about tennis shoes, again 05:16 here is a pair that I wear for river crossing of all 05:19 things, its okay if you're gonna be playing in the 05:21 water or if you're gonna be playing on a basket 05:23 ball court, but for a long hike I would 05:26 leave these at home. Just a note on blisters, 05:29 here is a little inside tape. Silver duct tape, it works 05:33 great on hot spots, make sure that you put on some 05:36 tape or put on a little mold skin or some 05:39 blister patch before you get a blister. 05:41 It's important to make sure that as soon as you 05:43 start to feel a hot spot coming on put something on, 05:47 covered up, its miserable to be hiking with soar feet. 05:51 Now I would like to shift over and talk a little bit 05:53 about trekking poles. I know we've mentioned 05:55 trekking poles before on Kids Time. 05:57 But, I wanna show you a couple of different 05:59 varieties that we have and that we use in our family. 06:02 These right here are carbon fiber, they weigh 06:04 almost nothing I mean literally boys and girls 06:06 if you could be here and Ranger Rod handed this 06:08 to you wouldn't think you were carrying anything. 06:10 They're very comfortable for a long day's trek. 06:16 I like to show you another trekking pole that has a 06:18 unique cork handle. Cork handles are very 06:21 popular because they help to keep your hand 06:23 cool and dry and they're very comfortable. 06:27 One of my favorite trekking poles though is, 06:30 one right here that I made for my daughter Alisha 06:32 when she was just a little girl. 06:34 In fact if you look real close there, you can see 06:36 that's got a real comfortable hand grip on it, carved 06:39 custom just for her. You know boys and girls 06:42 even the Bible talks about men using walking sticks, 06:45 shepherds and people who walk long distances 06:47 carry a rod or staff. The Bible even says in 06:52 Psalms 23 that God has a rod and a staff. 06:56 Good hiking, and until next time lets 06:59 all enjoy God's great outdoors. 07:21 David joyfully said to God, I will declare your name 07:25 to my brethren and in the midst of the congregation 07:27 I will praise you. That's found in Psalms 22:22. 07:41 God of great and God of small, God of one and God of all, 07:48 God of weak and God of strong, God to whom all things belong, 07:55 Hallelujah, Hallelujah, praised be thy name. 08:08 God of land and sky and sea, God of life and destiny, 08:16 God of never ending power, yet beside me every hour. 08:23 Hallelujah, Hallelujah, praised be thy name. 08:37 God of silence, God of sound, 08:42 God in whom the lost are found, 08:47 God of day and darkest night, 08:51 God whose love turns wrong to right. 08:58 God of heaven and God of world, 09:02 God of death and God of birth, God of now and days before, 09:09 God who reigns forevermore, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, 09:16 praised be thy name, praised be thy name. 09:35 Welcome to learning time. I am glad you join us today 09:38 and by the looks of this table it kinda of looks 09:40 like we're gonna have company for supper. Doesn't it? 09:43 Yes. Yeah and I've got some 09:46 helpers we are not really gonna have 09:48 company at all, but we gonna do a science 09:50 experiment and I have got Hannah. 09:52 Hannah is gonna be one of our helpers today. 09:54 Now Hannah if you could do anything 09:55 around the house what would you like to do. 10:00 I'd probably like to clean things up. 10:03 Clean things up, you like a tidy house. Yeah. 10:06 That's a good thing to have. And then let's see we've got 10:09 Lance over here. Now Lance is gonna 10:10 help us as well. Now Lance, if you 10:12 could go anywhere in the world where would you like to go. 10:15 Mars. Mars, that another 10:17 world isn't it. Now why would you like to go to Mars? 10:20 Because, one of my favorite colors is red. 10:23 Oh! It's called a red planet. Isn't it? Oh and then I have 10:26 Alex over here. Now Alex if you could do anything 10:29 in the summer time or any kind of activity what 10:32 would you choose? To climb trees and build 10:35 the forts outside with my friends. 10:37 Hey that would be exciting to do. 10:38 Wouldn't it? Yeah. Well, hey lets get our 10:40 helpers to come on up here right behind our 10:42 table cloth and all of this table settings. 10:46 And now we have got some things on the table, 10:49 what's this right here. A plate, that's a plate 10:52 and its clean, well its not real clean. 10:54 I wouldn't eat off of this, 'cause we haven't washed 10:56 it but you know its made out of some kind of ceramic 10:58 material and it could break so we're gonna be 11:00 careful, we don't wanna break stuff do we. 11:02 Now hey, have you ever broken anything like plates 11:04 or dishes or glasses. Yeah. 11:06 Yeah. What did you break? A glass. 11:08 A glass. Did you break anything Alex. Uh-huh. 11:10 What? Probably like a glass so. Probably, now 11:13 we kinda forget what we break sometimes. 11:15 You've never broken anything. Have you? 11:17 Yeah. What did you break? 11:18 A plate. A plate. Well we got a 11:21 plate here but I am not sure we're gonna break it. 11:23 Now, I got some beautiful flowers and now and I have 11:26 some water for them but they're artificial 11:27 so it doesn't matter. Anybody have some 11:29 water in there and this is a vase, now the plate 11:32 and the vase they want to stay right there, are 11:34 they moving around. No. Oh no, they are 11:37 just in place. And so are my flowers right here 11:40 because that is what we call a nurture. 11:42 Things that are at rest and all those things are 11:45 rest they want to stay right there. 11:46 Don't they? They will stay there 11:49 until another force acts upon them and so this is 11:52 the whole thing about our science experiment. 11:55 Now for this one I want you to put your glasses on, 11:57 put your safety glasses on. Okay you can put those right 12:00 off over your glasses. Okay. And you know 12:02 what Alex is going to be the man for the day over here. 12:05 Okay. So Alex you stay where your at and lets 12:08 come over here, because you are kind of in the 12:10 splash zone there, just right there and you can watch. Okay. 12:13 Alright. Now Alex is going to do something 12:15 really special. In fact Alex is going to take 12:18 this table cloth and he is gonna try to pull it right 12:21 from underneath the plate and the vase. 12:23 Do you think he can do that. Yes, yeah. 12:27 Sounds like a great experiment. 12:29 But, here is how we're gonna have to do this Alex. 12:32 And by the way you can't try this at home. 12:34 You know why yeah. You could break a lots 12:38 of stuff that would be a bad news thing. 12:40 So we're gonna take this table cloth in our hands right here. 12:42 I'm gonna get this all set up for Alex, okay. 12:46 And then Alex, I want you to hold that just like that. 12:49 Alright. Now and then Alex is going to put his hands 12:52 real close to that table and we're gonna have to 12:54 give him a countdown and we're going to go 5 12:58 and 4, but don't do it we're just practicing. 13:00 Okay. We're gonna go 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 and on one 13:05 Alex, you're gonna pull just as fast as you can. 13:08 Kinda back and down and plate and the vase 13:11 are going to do what? What do you think 13:13 they're gonna do? Break. 13:15 Break. Well, how many think are going to break. 13:17 Oh Alex don't break up okay. If Alex pulls really, really 13:21 slow, well they're gonna break? 13:23 But, they want to stay there and so he has to 13:25 jerk the table loth real quick. 13:27 Okay. How about the count down are you 13:29 ready Alex? Are you ready to see this? 13:32 Are you ready to clean up the mess? 13:34 No, there is not gonna be a mess 'cause we're 13:36 gonna do it right. Okay Alex, okay. Let's 13:38 give him a count down, here we go 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. 13:44 Wow! Give him a nice hand. Alex, that is so cool. 13:51 Let us now, come back over here guys, 13:53 come back over here. Did you see that? Yeah. 13:56 Remember object at rest want to stay at rest. 13:59 sure am glad otherwise we would have a 14:01 problem, wouldn't we? I did it too. Now, you know 14:04 those are what we call natural laws, you know 14:06 God made lots of natural laws for us and we have 14:10 to obey them and all of these objects, obey the 14:13 laws of God which is really kind and cool. 14:16 You know boys and girls I want to thank my helpers 14:19 could you give him a nice hand. 14:20 Wow, Alex did a great job and remember every 14:25 time we learn about science we're learning 14:28 more about our creator God. 14:40 Since Dorcas has passed away things have been 14:42 in such distress. You know she is so 14:44 close for the people, she helped people with the 14:46 sick, she did so many things for everybody 14:49 and Peter we're just so glad you have come to 14:51 Joppa to bring comfort to the people. 14:54 I am sure that the Lord will comfort these people. 15:05 She made this for grandson. She loved us so much. 15:11 She made me food, she send me food. Oh! Tabitha, 15:16 who did this. Poor girl, may Lord be with you, 15:19 be a good cheer. God bless. The Lord is good, 15:28 he understands, he has given us great 15:31 encouragement that he will care for us and so 15:34 we need to just talk to the lord about it and 15:37 I would like to talk to Lord, so if you don't 15:41 mind I would like to ask you if you would leave 15:44 for a few minutes. Yes, we will. 15:46 All of you would leave. 16:17 God, you are the only one that can give back 16:20 life, its all within your hands, we know that 16:26 through your power you spoke and men and women 16:30 came into existence and so I call upon you in the 16:34 name of your son Jesus Christ that you would 16:37 restore her life. Dorcas arise. 16:48 You are the Apostle Peter. Yes, Dorcas. How did you 16:53 get in my room? 'Cause the last thing that I remember 16:59 was that the widows were here and I was helping 17:02 the children and I, my God I am feeling so dizzy. 17:09 What happened? A couple days ago you died. 17:13 I died. You died. Well, I didn't feel anything. 17:17 I don't remember anything. No, in fact it tells us very 17:22 clear in the scripture that when a person dies they 17:26 don't know anything. That scriptures are true. 17:29 I didn't know anything. It's like when you go to 17:32 sleep you don't dream. That's true. And then 17:36 what has happened is the Lord Jesus Christ has called 17:41 you back to life. Oh! Thank you Jesus. 17:46 Thank you for giving me another chance to 17:49 somebody, oh! That is so wonderful. 17:54 When he calls you back to life you see everything 17:58 comes back you can remember, you can remember you're 18:01 friends, you can remember what happened before because he 18:04 has given you back your life. God is so wonderful, 18:08 thank you for giving me back my life thank you. 18:11 Oh Thank you. I feel so good. I don't feel dizzy anymore. 18:20 Oh! Thank you Jesus. Thank you for coming Peter. 18:24 And your friends were just here and I am sure they 18:27 would like to see you. Oh I would loved to 18:29 to see my friends. Oh! I'm alive. All of you 18:33 that were there come back, come back. Oh! Praise God, 18:39 oh, its so good to see you. You're alive, praise God, 18:45 it's wonderful. Praise God. Oh my God, Jesus. Oh! 18:53 I'm breathing, you're because this is what finest 18:56 thing of God's word. When you said, Jesus 18:59 said I am the resurrection of your life and so God has 19:03 given her back her life to her. 19:05 Yes God. Tell them Peter, tell them what, who did this? 19:14 Well, you see this is what Jesus promised us. 19:18 He promised, he said I'm the resurrection of life, 19:21 he that believes in me even though he may die yet he 19:25 shall live and so he has given Dorcas back her life. 19:29 Oh! Thank you Jesus. Praise God. Praise God. 19:39 I was showing everyone the things that you have made. 19:43 Praise God from whom all blessings flow. 19:47 I praise you Jesus for this 19:49 opportunity to live for you again. 21:32 Hi boys and girls, its time for 21:34 Ms. Brenda's book of the day. And today's book is by 21:38 Jerry D. Thomas its called Shoebox Kids Bible Stories. 21:43 And it says favorite children's author Jerry 21:45 D. Thomas brings you a brand new series on getting 21:48 to know God. In every chapter there's a double story 21:52 first one from the Bible then a story from today showing 21:55 a lesson that the Bible story can teach us. 21:57 Isn't that wonderful. Boys and girls, I really 22:00 encourage you to purchase this book. 22:02 Jerry D. Thomas is personal friend of mine. 22:04 I know his work, he is a fabulous author and 22:07 I encourage you to read the book, learn the 22:09 Bible stories and get closer to Jesus. 22:12 But, today I want to introduce you to someone 22:13 very special that's with me I want you to meet 22:16 Rebecca. Hi Rebecca, I am so glad you came into Kids Time 22:19 and I am so glad you're here and tell me what 22:22 do you do to share Jesus. Well, Ms. Brenda, I would like 22:24 to share Jesus with you by giving you this little gift. 22:27 You would! Oh! This is beautiful, this is the nice 22:30 handy bag that Ms. Brenda can use when I am coming 22:33 to in from the set. I can see a place in here for 22:35 my water bottles and is there something inside? Yeah. 22:38 Oh there is okay let me see, I loves surprises. 22:41 Don't you boys and girls. Oh! Look this must be a 22:46 special T-shirt. Can you see that, look at that 22:51 boys and girls and what, can you read it for them? 22:54 It says "be the bridge love, pray, study and witness." 22:58 This is wonderful, tell me about this in your 23:01 I see yeah it's a same thing like you're wearing. 23:03 Only mine is in red and how do you Ms. Brenda 23:05 loves red, I wear red a lot. I love it. So tell me 23:10 what is that about this T-shirt. Well our conference, 23:13 the Great New York Conference in 2009, 23:15 that was our theme for the year. Oh it was. So you are 23:19 from the New York greater conference and that's awesome 23:23 so now you that's a wonderful thing to do 23:24 isn't it to pray, study and witness. 23:27 I think that's wonderful. You have something 23:29 sitting beside you that looks very pretty, what is that? 23:31 Yes, it's an citrus fruit basket. Okay and how 23:36 do you share Jesus with that? Well our Christian school 23:39 usually sells oranges around Christmas time and my family 23:42 buys a lot of those so we can wrap them and put them 23:45 in basket with a little card that has the scripture 23:47 verse on it and then we give it to the neighbors 23:50 on our block and write a Bible verse, so that we 23:54 can share Jesus with them that way. Okay now have you 23:56 had any wonderful experiences doing that. 23:58 Oh, yes there is this elderly man across the 24:00 street and he seemed to not have a lot of visitors. 24:04 So when we brought him the oranges one 24:06 time he was very happy and said that a lot of 24:09 people don't have citrus fruits around 24:10 this time of year. So and he said he was 24:13 happy that someone cared and brought him oranges. 24:17 Have you found that there is any chance to 24:18 even talk about Jesus when you give it? 24:21 Yes, there was a neighbor down the street and she was a 24:25 Christian but not a Seventh Day Adventist, 24:27 so we were talking about how Jesus came 24:30 to save the world and how he gave his only begotten 24:34 son and how much he loved us. And was she 24:36 receptive or she was the have you had someone says, 24:38 I don't wanna hear about Jesus, I mean 24:40 have you had anybody be mean to you when 24:41 you're, its kind of hard to be mean when you're 24:43 giving them something nice isn't it? Yeah. 24:45 There, no one was really mean, they were just listening 24:48 and saying that's very nice. So you could tell that they 24:51 were receptive and you know when we do something 24:54 wonderful for them too, even Jesus when he ministered 24:57 to people he took care of the physical needs first. 24:59 Didn't he? He healed the sick, he fed them, he you know 25:03 comforted them and so I think that he set a very 25:07 good example for each of us that we are suppose 25:09 to go out and help our fellowman. Aren't we? Yeah. 25:12 That's awesome and so would you 25:13 encourage other boys and girls to do this? 25:15 Yes. It's been a positive experience for you. Yes. 25:18 Oh that's wonderful. What do you want to do 25:20 when you grow up? I want to become 25:22 a veterinarian. A veterinarian. 25:24 And so you must love animals. Let me tell you have you 25:27 ever seen a dog as sleepy as Maxwell. 25:29 Look at Maxwell, just sleeping down there. 25:31 And what would you do for a sleepy dog like that, huh? 25:36 Give him staying awake pill. I don't know I think God 25:41 allowed us to have this wonderful peaceful dog. 25:43 'Cause if he was yapping and barking we wouldn't 25:45 be able to take this program would we? 25:46 No. So I think God gave us Maxwell, don't you. 25:49 Yes. Well I would like to read a couple of letters, 25:51 would you like to help me. I might even, I think 25:54 I might even have a picture in some of them that you 25:57 can help hold up if we do. Let's see this one has a 25:59 couple, oh! This has got some money in it and a picture. 26:02 You wanna hold this one up for me and let's 26:05 see boys and girls this says its from Queensland, 26:08 Australia. It says dear Ms. Brenda, 26:10 my name is Summer, I'm 11 years old and I like 26:13 to watch Kids Time everyday. I share Jesus by being kind 26:17 to others and I make pretty bookmarks with Bible 26:19 promises to give to people. Could you please send me the 26:22 Bible study guides I love Jesus and want to learn 26:24 more about him? Thank you very much love summer. 26:27 PS: I have enclosed some money to help with Kids Time 26:30 and she has sent me some Australian money. 26:32 Thank you so much Summer and we will put this 26:36 towards Kids Time and we will get those Bible 26:38 lessons right out to you. Boys and girls I want to 26:40 encourage you to sign up for our Bible lessons. 26:43 You can now sign up right on the Internet just go to 26:46 and then click on Kids club 26:52 and you can choose to either take them online 26:54 or receive them in the mail. Either way you can take 26:57 them and when you complete the Bible lessons 26:59 you will get a free Bible. Won't that be wonderful. 27:03 I think I have time for one more quick letter 27:07 and this one is from Dayloe and it says peace 27:11 be with you my name is Dayloe, I am from Ethiopia, 27:14 I am 14 years old I always watch Kids Time 27:17 and my life has really changed since watching Kids Time. 27:20 I pray for you and I love Kids Time, 27:23 sincerely Dayloe. And there's her picture. 27:26 Boys and girls that's all the time we have today. 27:28 Thank you Rebecca for being with us. 27:30 Remember boys and girls its Kids Time to share Jesus. |
Revised 2014-12-17