Participants: Brenda Walsh
Series Code: KT
Program Code: KT000253
00:31 Hi! Boys and Girls it's not easy to stand up and say
00:35 what you believe that people are angry at what 00:37 you are saying or if they are making fun of you right. 00:40 We all want people to like us and 00:43 therefore not careful we will end up going along 00:45 with the crowd just to be accepted. 00:48 It certainly is a lot easier to do then to go against them 00:51 but it's not the best thing is it? 00:53 Our Bible story today is about a man 00:56 who was not afraid to stand up against the crowd, 01:00 he boldly shared his faith in Jesus 01:02 even though people were shouting at him 01:04 and the soldiers even arrested him 01:06 and put him in prison. It takes a very brave person 01:10 to say what he or she believes in front 01:12 of an angry crowd. You may not think 01:15 you could do all this, but with Jesus in your heart 01:18 you can be braver than you think. 01:20 Boys and Girls, I want to encourage you 01:22 to always stand up for Jesus. Alright, now let's get 01:27 ready for Nature Time. 01:35 Hi Boys and Girls, Welcome to Nature Time. 01:37 You know today, we are doing our nature story 01:40 in a very important place. We are inside of a TP, 01:44 yah, look up here isn't this beautiful. 01:45 This is made out of canvas. We have large pole point 01:48 for the long sticks they hold the TP up 01:51 its just great, that's where we are sitting 01:53 for the story I want to tell you today, 01:55 because the story I want to tell you today 01:57 is about a wolf. How many of you 01:59 have seen a wolf? Yeah, we're here 02:01 at the Grizzly Bear in the wolf discovery centre, 02:04 and right out behind the system beautiful wolfs. 02:06 It's a great place to come and visit isn't it? Yes it is. 02:09 Well this story is about a wolf 02:11 and appropriately his name is Chee. 02:13 Long time ago, many years ago, 02:16 my wife she knows how much I love wolfs, 02:19 she bought me a little tiny wolf 02:21 just this big. Was he real? 02:23 He was real, he was a real wolf. 02:25 Just this big and in fact he was so small 02:28 that I have a feed him with the bottle. 02:29 And so I would put a little bottle of milk 02:31 in his mouth and he would suck that bottle 02:34 and then as he grew bigger and bigger and bigger, 02:36 I would play with him. We feed him 02:38 different kinds of food not the kind of food 02:39 that wolfs out in the wild eat of course. 02:42 He ate regular dog food and that was okay, 02:45 but he ate a lot of dog food in fact so much dog food 02:49 that he grew up to be a 125 pounds. 02:52 He was big like the wolfs that you seen out here 02:56 at the discovery centre, he was huge and 02:59 he was beautiful and I loved him very much. 03:01 In fact, something was sort of different about Chee, 03:04 that most wolfs aren't that way 03:06 and that was Chee loved young people, 03:09 children just like you. Chee loved them 03:11 every chance he got, he would go find them, 03:14 he need stand by them or he lick them, 03:15 or he follow them around all the time. 03:18 Now, Chee was a little bit 03:20 stubborn. Sometimes when 03:22 I would call him, he would look back at me 03:24 and then he look where he wanted to go. 03:26 Then he looked back at Ranger Rod 03:28 and then he go where he wanted to go 03:30 anyways and I said Chee, chee. 03:32 Common boys, and then he just keep track it 03:35 away kind of stubborn. But you know what 03:37 his claim to fame was? You know what 03:39 he loved more than anything else? 03:41 He loved to ride in automobile, 03:44 in the car or in the truck, it was his greatest desire 03:48 to ride and go for a ride. Everytime, I would open 03:51 the door of my car or my truck. 03:52 Chee would jump right in and even other people 03:56 when they would open their car 03:57 they come to visit me, Ranger Rod 03:59 and they get out of their car 04:00 and they would open their door 04:01 Chee would jump in. Well, we thought 04:03 that was a kind of funny sometimes kind of messy, 04:06 because he would have mud on his feet. 04:07 Not everybody drives in old pick up truck 04:09 like Ranger Rod it doesn't really matter 04:11 for wolf jumps in. Some people drive 04:13 real nice cars and they don't want 04:15 Ranger Rod's wolf in their car. 04:18 Well, I want to tell you what happened to Chee, 04:19 I don't have him anymore kind of a sad story. 04:22 One day, Chee was traveling down the road 04:25 on the gravel road where we lived 04:26 and somebody stop with their car 04:29 and they said wow, what a beautiful dog 04:32 and they opened the door to talk to him 04:34 and guess what he did? 04:37 He jumped right into their car. 04:38 Yes, he jumped right into their car. 04:40 Oh! No. I can't believe it. 04:43 Chee jumped in somebody else's car 04:44 that he didn't even know and what do you think 04:48 happened next? They liked him so much, 04:52 that they took him home with them 04:54 and I lost my beautiful wolf because he was too eager 04:59 to ride with strangers. You know, Boys and Girls 05:02 that gives me a very important lesson taught. 05:05 You know the Bible says that the angels 05:08 they watch over us and they take care of us. 05:10 Even though, we have angels 05:12 that watch over and take care of us 05:13 we still have to make choices. 05:14 And we have to be careful about the choices we make. 05:17 We can't be like Chee my wolf dog, 05:19 who would just ride with anybody. 05:21 Boys and Girls have to be careful 05:23 never ride with a stranger; always ride with someone 05:27 that you know. Always make sure 05:29 your mommy and your daddy or 05:30 some are don't know exactly where you are at all times. 05:33 So, that you can be safe, you don't want to end up 05:36 like Chee to be and taken some place else where 05:39 you don't necessarily belong. You want to always 05:41 be at the home where you belong. 05:42 Boys and girls, I think Chee was a 05:45 wonderful dog and I think you've been 05:47 great audience, each one has listened 05:49 carefully, we have enjoyed 05:50 this beautiful TP haven't been fun. Yes. 05:54 Until next time, Boys and Girls 05:56 this is Ranger Rod saying let's all enjoy 05:58 does good outdoors. 06:16 Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine! 06:27 O what a foretaste of glory divine! 06:37 Heir of salvation, purchase of God, 06:46 Born of his Spirit, washed in his blood. 06:57 This is my story, this is my song, 07:06 Praising my Savior all the day long; 07:16 This is my story, this is my song, 07:25 Praising my Savior all the day long. 07:37 Perfect submission, all is at rest; 07:46 I in my Savior am happy and blessed, 07:56 Watching and waiting, looking above, 08:06 Filled with his goodness, lost in his love. 08:16 This is my story, this is my song, 08:25 Praising my Savior all the day long; 08:35 This is my story, this is my song, 08:44 Praising my Savior all the day long. 09:18 Welcome to Learning Time, say we got an 09:20 interesting experiment. Today, have you ever 09:23 wanted to fly. Yeah. This is a good experiment 09:27 about air and about flight and I've got three helpers 09:30 lets find out who they are. I have got 09:31 Chase over here. Chase have you ever 09:33 flown in an airplane? Yes, I have. 09:35 Where went to go? To Florida 09:37 with my grand mom. Florida! That's an 09:39 interesting place to go and flying in an airplane. 09:41 I've got Brice over here, Brice have you ever flown? 09:44 In an airplane. In an airplane, 09:46 and was that pretty exciting? Yes. 09:48 Yeah, I like to fly in airplanes. 09:50 I've got Hannah over here, Hannah have you ever flown? 09:53 Only in aeroplane. Oh, only in aeroplane, 09:55 you mean you can't fly by yourself? 09:57 No. Stretch up your arms and try to fly? Yes. 10:00 Yeah, how many of you ever done it? 10:01 Stretch your arms and try to fly? 10:02 Yeah, I've tried it and it doesn't work 10:04 as we're just not birds are we? Okay. 10:07 Well, let's go helpers come up, 10:08 common up here behind the table 10:10 let's find out what we got over here. 10:11 Now you know what I have? I have got a 10:13 little toy right here. Anybody know 10:15 what this toy is? What is it? 10:16 It's like a hovercraft. That's right, 10:19 it's like a hovercraft and what is it do Hannah? 10:22 Flies. It flies, do you think this will fly? 10:25 Do you think fly up in the air real high? 10:27 No, not it goes on the ground. 10:30 It goes on the ground and it really does. 10:32 And I have a little battery in here 10:33 and there is a little switch you know, 10:34 if I turn the switch on the air comes out 10:36 of the bottom and I am going to set this 10:38 on the table and it's going to hover 10:40 on a little cushion of air and I am going to put 10:43 Hannah and you can push it that way to Chase 10:45 and Chase you can push it back okay. 10:47 Okay. Then lets go back in forth little bit 10:49 and try this thing out. So, what here 10:51 I am going to hand that to you Brice, 10:52 why don't you to turn the switch on and put it 10:54 on the table and Hannah has to go 10:56 on down there don't' do that, no, 10:58 cool, it just hovers on a very, very 11:01 tiny cushion of air, okay and why don't you go 11:04 and stop it and turn it off. Now, you know what 11:07 we have; you know Chase would you 11:09 like to ride on hovercraft? Yeah. Could you sit on this? 11:12 No. No, it's too small but I've got a bigger 11:15 one right here. Let me show you 11:16 this one right here. Now for this one 11:18 we have a big piece of wood. See this big 11:20 piece of wood. Yeah. Now what we gonna do is 11:23 we are gonna blow a bunch of air 11:24 into this hole with this, what it says? 11:28 Aeroplane. It's a leaper, isn't it. Yeah. So, we're 11:31 going to do that and you know what is 11:32 going to happen the air is gonna come out 11:34 of these holes right here. We've got holes in the bottom 11:37 of this right here. Can you see all those holes? 11:39 Yeah. And its going to left Chase up in the air 11:43 so that should be interesting, shouldn't it. 11:45 So, let me put this down here, 11:47 I am going to go ahead and connect the leaper 11:49 to this over here. Chase why don't you 11:50 come on up here and sit right there, 11:52 now how height do you think he is gonna go? 11:55 A little. About like that, you know he is gonna go 11:58 about this height. Just a few 12:01 centimeters off for the ground 12:02 but he is gonna flow on a cushion of air 12:04 and I have got my helper Dave over here 12:06 and Dave helps me with lot of these experiments 12:09 and I appreciate his help. First of all you know 12:11 what we have to do? We have to get Chase 12:12 bounced on the board because if his too far 12:16 on the back it won't flow very well 12:17 so I'm gonna kind of reposition him 12:19 over here right. There you go. 12:21 And we are going to try it and I have to move 12:23 him around and I am going to 12:24 to shove him over to Dave 12:25 and Dave is going to shove him back, 12:27 you think it's going to work? 12:29 Yeah. You guys think its going to work? Yeah. 12:32 I hope so, are you ready Chase? 12:34 Yes, let's turn this thing on. Oh, up that right, 12:39 hang on. Are you ready Dave? 12:41 Yeah Alright, let's see him go 12:43 down the road here. Wow! How cool is that. 12:53 Hang on. Let's try one more time over here. 12:56 Let's get him over here. 12:58 Wow. Hang on. Here you go. There he goes. 13:08 and now we gettin him around, look at that. Wow 13:14 we better stop it. Wow, hey give Chase a nice hand. 13:22 Common over here, wow, Chase how do that feel. 13:25 Same like I was in an aeroplane. 13:28 I know, did you get dizzy all over. 13:30 Oh, yeah. Yeah, you know what, 13:32 who created the air? God, God created all the air. 13:36 And he know what, that air we have birds 13:38 are flying in the air, we have aeroplanes 13:40 that fly in the air and we need the air 13:42 to breath too. Isn't are a good idea? 13:45 Yeah. And we can use it for transportation 13:48 like a hovercraft and we could actually 13:50 its really a vehicle isn't it? Yes. 13:53 It's an air vehicle. And you know, 13:55 every time we learn more about science, 13:57 who are we learning more about? Jesus. 14:00 We learn more about God and you know God 14:04 created the air and we have to have air 14:06 to breath don't we? Yeah. If we didn't have air 14:08 we will be in a bad shape, didn't we? 14:11 Yeah. That's right, every time we learn 14:13 more about science, we learn more 14:16 about our creator God. 14:30 It's good to be back in Jerusalem. 14:32 It's been a while since we've been here Paul. 14:34 I miss the site. Oh great, well it's a 14:35 beautiful city, people of Israel, here this man, 14:38 has been teaching things to people everywhere, 14:41 contrary to our law and his people and his place 14:45 and even brought Greeks into the temple. No. No. 14:50 Take them away. Take them away. No. 15:06 Wait, wait wait. 15:09 I am a Jew, I'm a tribe of Benjamin. 15:15 I was brought up in the Jewish laws and customs 15:18 as you were. I was a Pharisee, I 15:24 persecute the followers of the way, please 15:27 listen to what I have to say. I was right in the 15:33 Damascus with letters to take the 15:36 the followers of the way to prison. It was noon, 15:40 there was a bright light. I was knocked off my 15:45 horse, I was blinded, I heard Jesus saying, saw, 15:50 saw why do you prosecute me, I don't 15:54 know, who are you Lord. I was lead away for 15:59 three days, I was alone praying in a home in 16:03 Damascus. This is true, listen, and I assume you 16:08 know him, he came to visit me. He came in 16:13 he said brother saw, the Lord has sent me. 16:16 He touched my eyes; it was like scales fell 16:20 off my eyes. I could see, I was blind 16:24 and I could see. God spoke to me, 16:26 Jesus Christ said Paul, Paul take the Gospel, 16:30 preach the Gospel. I believe Jesus is 16:34 calling me to, to talk to everyone about the Gospel 16:38 and Jesus Christ. He calls me to go speak 16:44 to the gentiles. No. No. no, no, no. 16:47 Yes. No, no, no, no. God loves the gentile. 16:51 Please go. God fully gentile. 16:55 Yes. Take him away, go. Listen, listen. 17:03 God loves the gentile. Go, go, go, go. 17:09 Take him away. He loves the gentiles. 17:11 My brother, if these people would, but 17:16 believe in Jesus and they would love 17:19 everyone just like Jesus does. Jesus wants us 17:23 to know there is no respect of persons 17:25 that he loves everybody and now Paul tells us 17:29 that we ought to take the message of Jesus even 17:32 to the gentiles. Brother, we have got work 17:35 to do. Let's go do our job for Jesus. 19:24 Hi Boys and Girls, It's time for 19:25 Ms. Brenda's Book of the Day, and today's 19:28 book is called Prayer for Mother Allis an 19:31 Adventist girl book for by Sandy Zagan, 19:34 incredible book. And I chose this about 19:37 her mother because today we have a very special 19:39 mother on our program and her name is Jackie. 19:42 Jackie you are here with your husband Ray and 19:44 your entire family you're quite the mother. 19:48 And, God has really blessed your family 19:50 hasn't he? Yes. 19:51 I first met Ray and Jackie, when they went 19:54 to Africa with me on my first visit to Africa. 19:57 And, in fact I tell a story about Ray and 20:00 Jackie, I want to share in my book Passionate 20:02 Prayer. Have you seen this book right here, 20:04 it's called Passionate Prayer, it's my own 20:06 personal answer to prayer stories, faith 20:08 filling stories, and in it is a chapter called 20:11 Doom to Die, Death onto Live and it is 20:14 actually the story of a little baby girl, 20:18 they brought to us one night, when we had 20:20 comeback from taking care of the mission 20:21 children and at the end of the day and they 20:24 brought us a little baby that they had found in a 20:26 field in a plastic bag, she was only a few 20:29 hours old and to make a long story sure, you have 20:32 to read the story in the book, but Ray and Jackie 20:35 adopted this little baby and in fact she is 20:38 sitting on my lap right now. This is little 20:40 Kiera, and Kiera is so special to Ms. Brenda, 20:43 in fact I took her first photograph, which is in 20:46 the book and I took the first photograph of 20:49 Ray and Jackie holding her, which is in the 20:50 book. And, so she is very special girl to 20:53 Ms Brenda. Since then, now you have an ongoing 20:56 mission and field over and after you go over 20:58 there try to pick, correct? I do, yes. 21:00 And, as you do a lot, second I just want to 21:02 have you share things that you do with a 21:04 family over there, but since you adopted little 21:07 Kiera and God work the miracle there didn't he. 21:09 Amazing miracle. Amazing miracle. 21:10 Guess what since they adopted little Kiera, they 21:14 have since then adopted two more little babies 21:17 that were doomed through the dumpster 21:18 and they, and she want to introduce her 21:21 children, little newest little ones. 21:23 This is Kayla and the youngest is Kiona. 21:26 They are only four months apart. They are only four 21:29 months apart. And so, so now you 21:31 have and then we have Katy here, Katy was in 21:34 Africa with us and I got to love Katy very, very 21:36 much and. Mummy. Katy they, you were 21:39 adopted from PG, right? And, so you're part of 21:42 this big family. And then we have Kaya 21:44 and we have Cassandra, and so we are really 21:47 excited now tell us you, the reason I 21:49 wanted to be here was because I love, how you 21:52 do mission work for Jesus as a family. 21:54 Ray can you tell us a little bit about the 21:56 ministry? Well, I grew up in the mission field and 21:59 I spent many years when I came back to 22:01 Canada away from God, and I was so blessed, 22:04 to marry, my wife set, that brought me back to 22:07 Jesus and we. Very great. 22:10 For the last 14 years have been doing all that 22:12 we think God has asked us to do in the mission 22:14 field and we send containers of 44 22:16 containers of aide. Full of clothing, and shoes 22:20 and toys to school everything. 22:24 But you know, just same, that this is why I was 22:25 really impressed about your ministry, they don't 22:27 just send the containers, they go over there when 22:30 the containers are there don't you. 22:32 We actually go there and do the distribution. 22:33 Make sure that the children actually get the 22:36 stuff. Because a lot of times people send things 22:38 and then it gets sold off and it doesn't really go 22:40 to help the peoples, that correct? 22:41 Yeah, sometimes. Unfortunately that's 22:42 true. It is true, Yeah. And, I love the fact that 22:45 you go over and personally see to it that 22:47 the people are really getting the help. 22:48 Absolutely. And that's the ministry, 22:50 that's the way I would like to do mission work. 22:52 And, I wish you so blessed of and when our 22:56 time together that we had working together. 22:58 Wonderful, yeah. I'll never forget that 23:00 wonderful night, when we first met Kiera for 23:02 the first time and she is so beautiful. 23:04 Boys and girls, I can't wait for you to see her picture 23:06 in the book, it's just precious and she was 23:08 about five hours old, if we figure it out with, 23:10 in that picture isn't it. And, I have some little 23:13 special Ms. Brenda gave little Kiera, one of our little 23:16 Maxwell Dogs. And, I've got one here 23:19 for Kayla. Kayla, look. 23:20 And I've got one here for Kiona and guess 23:25 what Katy, somehow your's got left in the 23:27 Green room, but we will to church to you, okay. 23:28 And, so you'll have yours too. I just want to 23:32 have some little special, but I wanted to share 23:33 now you're doing so much work in Africa, 23:36 tell us about the Care Centers; tell us about 23:38 what that's like when you get those in the 23:41 mission field. Well, we have been 23:42 really fortunate to work with MaraNatha and 23:45 trying to get some Care Centers, put together for 23:48 the children there in Swaziland working 23:50 currently on some churches and then 23:52 moving towards Care Centers. These children, 23:54 when you find them in these villages are been 23:57 looked after by maybe three or four 23:58 grandmothers because there is just nobody 24:00 left. And, you will find 60 or 70 or 80 children 24:02 with no place to eat, to be out of the rain or out 24:07 of the sun. So, our focus is to try to get these Care 24:10 Centers buildings up so that these children can 24:12 come and have a place to eat because we 24:14 provide the food and the clothing and the stuff, 24:16 a place where they can learn. And, if somebody 24:19 want to help this ministry, how can they 24:22 do that? Well, we have a website called 24:23 and you can come there 24:26 and help and the funds that we can raise 24:29 towards these Care Centers to purchase 24:31 some there and off and put them off would be 24:33 wonderful. Wonderful. And, the thing that I 24:35 would like to on your website is that you 24:36 show, you give pictures and you show what's 24:39 happening and you tell the stories and you 24:41 know, there was a story that you told about how 24:44 you helped the boy with a bicycle. Yes. 24:45 I like that's, Ray can you tell that really 24:47 quick that short version of it. 24:49 Young boy that couldn't go to school, didn't 24:51 have a way to get to the school, it was too far 24:53 away and I purchased him a bicycle and he 24:56 went to school and started rank in grade 5, 24:58 took all the tests and exams and made it into 25:01 grade 5 with the beginning. He is doing 25:03 really very well. Really, well. 25:04 He is I think 13 years old when he did come. Could you 25:05 actually, you know, purchased a home 25:07 nurse, so that you spend a lot of time your time 25:09 in Africa. You live in Canada, but you divide 25:11 your time between Africa. So, you really 25:13 love your heart in Africa too. Yes, yeah we spend 25:15 five months down there last time and that was 25:17 the result of these two. I don't know if that 25:21 might be dangerous for you to keep going back. It is yes. 25:23 Well, I can tell you that they really win your 25:25 heart, and when I was there and I was first 25:28 time, you know children doing out of garbage 25:30 bag to you know, can't to eat and some other 25:33 things that they, the containers that they 25:35 even have to eat out of it, so filthy and. 25:36 Yeah. You know, it's just to see them 25:38 crying with their little bellies and you know, 25:40 just. You want to go to sit with daddy, I think 25:42 she does. That's okay. Really come, come. 25:44 Kiera was a kind of daddy's girl always as she. 25:46 Yes, yeah. And I am really, 25:48 put your little put your dress down 25:50 there and I'm really excited that your whole 25:52 family came here and you love working as a 25:54 family, this is something that Ray and Jackie do, 25:58 this is something that you do as a family. 25:59 You have a big Warehouse in Canada 26:02 that you, the things come in and you sorted 26:04 out and all of you worked together. 26:06 Yeah, there is some heavy stuff to lift and 26:07 so we keep him busy. And when you go over 26:09 over your whole family goes over. 26:10 Yes. Yes. So, as you are always together and 26:13 you work together as family and I just really 26:15 want to thank you so much. Well, I want to 26:17 tell you girls I sure love you, isn't max and 26:19 awesome. That's right. Well, I want to thank 26:23 you, boys and girls for joining us today. 26:25 And, I want to thank you, your Brosic Family 26:28 for being with us I want to encourage you to 26:30 keep sharing Jesus. Boys and girls wherever 26:32 you go, whatever you do, want to help me, 26:34 what are they need to do. 26:35 It's Kids time to share Jesus. |
Revised 2014-12-17