Kids' Time

Widow Of Nain

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000251

00:01 It's almost time for Kid's Time, we're gonna be late.
00:04 It's time to share there's a world out there,
00:08 Looking for a friend like Jesus.
00:12 It's time to share there's a world out there;
00:16 let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:20 Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:24 Kids Time, Kids Time, Kids Time.
00:31 Hi, boys and girls isn't a great to be alive,
00:34 everyday can be feel with good things like
00:37 making new friends or learning something
00:39 special or maybe eating some yummy food or
00:42 just being able to enjoy being alive. But Satan
00:47 doesn't like it when you were having a good day,
00:49 he doesn't even like it when you're alive
00:51 and he's out to make life as miserable as
00:53 possible. There is a Bible text though that
00:56 gives us clue as to just what Satan is trying to
00:59 do and about what Jesus is trying to do. Well that just
01:02 the opposite, you can find it in John 10:10 it says
01:06 that: Jesus came to this world to give us
01:09 life and not just a whole hum life. But to give us
01:12 life abundantly, that means he wants us to
01:15 enjoy life, but Satan doesn't want us to be
01:17 happy, aren't you glad that Jesus is stronger than
01:21 Satan. With Jesus there is always hope for something
01:24 better. Our Bible story today is about the worst
01:28 thing that can happen in a family,
01:30 their boy died and he was a big boy like a
01:33 teenager or maybe even a little older, his family
01:36 was very, very sad that he was never
01:38 going to wake up again. When Jesus saw how
01:41 sad his family was and all the people crying,
01:44 he decided to do something to make it a wonderful day.
01:49 But before I give away the whole story,
01:51 let's get ready for hey Max, can you wake up,
01:54 wake up, you don't wanna miss Nature Time.
02:03 Hi, boys and girls welcome to Nature Time.
02:06 Ranger Rod's in a really exciting place today
02:08 and I'm here with my friend Levi and we're at the
02:10 Grizzly & Wolf Discovery Center and I like to ask
02:13 Levi a couple of questions. She is bear expert
02:16 and a wolf expert and behind me we have got some bears.
02:18 What kind a bears we have here today Levi.
02:20 It's your grizzly bears, these are grizzly bear yes.
02:22 Awesome I love grizzly bear, yeah I do too.
02:24 What's so special about them and I see them
02:25 that they're kind in a enclosure here,
02:27 what's the deal with enclosure?
02:29 Well, the Grizzly & Wolf Discovery Center is
02:32 here outside the Yellowstone National Park
02:34 and we have grizzly bears and wolfs. And all of our
02:37 animals are here because they can't survive in the
02:39 wild any longer. They can't survive in the wild,
02:40 so just east of us in fact. Basically just
02:43 east of the France here, is Yellow Stone
02:45 National Park. Hundreds of thousands of acres
02:48 for wooliness and these grizzly bears are on this
02:51 side of the fence and they are in captivity.
02:54 I notice that there is actually more than one bear
02:55 out here this. Three bears right now, could you tell
02:58 us their names and how they get long each other.
03:00 Well, we have got two bears out here called Backanie
03:02 and Kiena they are brother and sister and then
03:04 rivals out here. He's actually from Canada,
03:07 so we've two bears from Alaska and one bear from
03:09 Canada right now. And we have 8 different bears
03:14 here and we mix in and match them all day long
03:16 do to size and temperaments, some of them don't
03:19 necessarily wanna be out with the other bear, so
03:21 we move them in an out all day long.
03:23 And they get to come out to this habitat and look for
03:25 food and play with each other and swim in the pound.
03:28 Look for fish, climb the trees if they want,
03:31 roll around in the day beds whatever they wanted do,
03:33 one of out here is Zalkio with us.
03:35 Now, have you mention that these bears can't live in
03:37 the wild are they hurt or injured or what's the
03:40 problem. We have a lot of bears that came to
03:42 the center when their mothers were unfortunately
03:44 killed when they were just little five month old
03:46 baby cubs. Grizzly Bear can't survive without their
03:48 mother, until they're about 2 or 3 years old.
03:51 So, when they lose their mother at young age,
03:53 they are not gonna survive in the world.
03:54 So, they rely very much on the training that they would
03:57 receive from their mother. Very much so, without
04:00 there training, they won't survive. Okay, and then
04:03 we have some bears here whose again mothers were
04:06 shot and killed unfortunately and then we
04:08 do have some bears here they were able to get into
04:10 unsecured garbage, pet food, bird seed.
04:14 Alright, food attractants of course when a bear
04:17 comes into a neighborhood and they find an
04:19 easy food source, they are gonna get habituated
04:21 to that neighborhood and then they can't live in the
04:24 wild. So, all of our bears were scheduled to be
04:26 destroyed until the center stepped in and
04:28 gave him a home. So, this is their home now
04:30 until they pass on. So, you're the adopted
04:32 parents, we are the adopted parents.
04:33 You mention that they're out here eating, well what
04:36 are they eat and I see one of the bear is playing
04:38 with some food, what's is that, what were there?
04:41 Actually that's a bone and we have, very lucky
04:43 being here in Montana that we get a lot of carcasses
04:46 donated to us, elk and deer and mouse.
04:48 And so the bears get to take advantage of that,
04:51 we hide food out in the habitat, where we call
04:53 enrichment and that way we hide it under the rocks
04:56 and the log piles, all throughout the habitat,
04:58 so people can watch and see how bears use their sense
05:01 of smell to find the food and then they use their
05:04 power and their claws to pickup rocks,
05:06 are they pretty strong? Oh! They were very strong;
05:08 very, very, very strong. How strong? Stronger then you
05:10 and me put together, stronger then you and me.
05:11 And how they get their get a hold of a rock like that?
05:14 Well, they have really long claws, their claws are used
05:17 for digging yeah and so they basically I mean you
05:19 and I could go out there put a grape under a big
05:22 huge bowl they roll it over and we would have a
05:24 hard time and one of our bears will come out put
05:26 their paw and just flip it over, flip it over. So,
05:29 it be fine in the nature out in the wild? All
05:32 kinds of things, roots, grasses, prairie dogs,
05:36 berries, fish, birds, kind nuts in the winter,
05:41 obviously we have animals that have a hard time
05:44 surviving so in the spring they might find
05:47 an animal that died from the winter, harsh winter.
05:50 They do prey on some smaller species, elk,
05:54 mice, and things like that. Now, I understand that
05:56 the bears are not necessarily just carnivores.
05:59 Could you tell us just briefly what a bear eats
06:02 besides meat or. Well the bear really is carnivore,
06:05 bear is omnivore, which means he is like you and me.
06:08 He will eat whatever he likes the taste off,
06:11 obviously they don't get fruits and vegetables out
06:13 in the wild, but again that grasses, the berries,
06:16 there is all kinds of wild berries that grow in Yellow
06:19 Stone. Boys and girls loved to pick berries,
06:20 that's right, that's right, so do bears. So do bears,
06:22 that's a good place to find a bear and you
06:25 got to be careful when you are out there. Very careful.
06:27 Any outer doors you might run across
06:29 one of this grizzly here in West Yellowstone
06:30 that could certainly happen. Well Levi, I have
06:33 enjoyed very much looking at your beautiful bears
06:36 here and talking about their habitat and there
06:38 and what they eat. It's just so exciting to be in
06:40 West Yellowstone and to have your helpers
06:42 get a little more understanding the boys
06:44 and girls may not get a chance to see a grizzly
06:46 bear any other way then here on Nature Time
06:49 on Kids Time. I like to thank you again Levi for
06:51 shown us around your beautiful facility, letting
06:53 us watch this gorgeous bears and until next time
06:56 boys and girls this is Ranger Rod saying let's all
06:59 enjoy God's great outdoors.
07:15 Everyone needs compassion, Love that's never failing;
07:22 Let mercy fall on me. Everyone needs forgiveness,
07:31 The kindness of Saviour; The Hope of nations.
07:45 Saviour, He can move the mountains,
07:50 My God is Mighty to save, He is Mighty to save.
07:57 Forever, Author of salvation, He rose and
08:03 conquered the grave, Jesus conquered the grave.
08:10 Shine your light and let the whole world see,
08:15 We're singing for the glory of the risen King
08:21 Jesus, Shine your light and let the whole world see,
08:27 We're singing for the glory of the risen King
08:34 Saviour, He can move the mountains,
08:40 My God is Mighty to save, He is Mighty to save.
08:46 Forever, Author of salvation, He rose and
08:53 conquered the grave, Jesus conquered the grave.
08:59 Saviour, you can move the mountains,
09:04 God, you are mighty to save, You are mighty to save.
09:11 Forever, Author of Salvation, You rose and
09:18 conquered the grave, Yes you conquered the grave.
09:35 Welcome to Learning Time, I'm glad you
09:37 joined us today and you know I'm gonna need
09:39 some helpers to do an experiment, we're setting up
09:41 something I've got three of these bowls right here
09:44 and there looks like there is something cold inside
09:47 and that should be exciting. And I have got
09:49 Mateo over here and now Mateo, have you ever
09:52 done a science experiment? Yes, hey what did you do?
09:59 I got a fish tank and I got two cups and I put one
10:09 under water, I made the other one pour air and then
10:13 the other one had water in it. How cool is that,
10:16 so you poured air under water didn't you?
10:18 That's interesting and I have got Aaron over here,
10:21 now Aaron would you like to have little experiment?
10:24 Hey you know what's the coldest thing you have ever
10:26 touched? Ice, ice that's right and we're gonna use
10:30 some of the ice today and that should be cool
10:32 really cool. And I have got Rachael, now Rachael,
10:35 do you like science? Yeah, hey now what is the best
10:39 science experiment you have ever seen. I don't know.
10:44 You don't know, it might be this one. Hey,
10:46 why don't we get all three of you to come up
10:48 and stand behind my table right here and we're gonna
10:50 find out what's inside of those balls. And that
10:53 should be interesting for us, well take a look inside,
10:56 what's in their guys, ice, ice. It's ice now is ice
11:01 cold or hot or warm. Cool, it's cold that's
11:05 absolutely right, now in order to do the science
11:07 experiment, I have these two tiles. These two
11:10 tiles are exactly the same size, but you know
11:12 one feels cold and one feels warmer then that
11:16 okay what I'm gonna ask you to do would you take
11:18 take that one right there in your hand? Yes
11:19 and this one right here, okay and you tell me which
11:22 one feels cold to you. This one, that one okay
11:25 now give it to him, okay and let's find out she
11:27 says the one on her right was so okay. Oh! yeah,
11:31 you only have one hand I'm sorry okay
11:33 now which one okay. You just hold that one I'll
11:35 help you, okay that's one is colder, this one
11:37 yeah. Okay, he voted the same way, this one
11:40 feels colder, okay so let's give this to Mateo,
11:43 hang on to that and hang on this one too. Which
11:45 one Mateo feels colder, this one, this one they all
11:49 said this one right here, this tile right here feels
11:52 colder then the other one. So, we're gonna put
11:55 this one here remember that one feels cold to the touch
11:58 and then we have this one right here, this one feels
12:01 warmer to the touch doesn't it? Okay, alright now
12:04 what I'm gonna ask you to do is this, why don't you
12:06 pick up your ice cube and you pick up yours
12:08 Aaron and we just gonna use those two at the moment.
12:11 Now, what I'm gonna have you do Rachael,
12:14 why don't put this one right on here and I'm gonna put
12:16 this little old ring right there keep it from the
12:18 spreading around, put yours right there. Alright,
12:20 Aaron, Aaron is gonna put this right there and
12:22 I'm gonna put this little old ring right here, so
12:23 I want to squish around and move around.
12:25 And we're gonna find out which one of those ice
12:28 cubes is going to melt first. How many of you
12:31 think that the ice cube that happens to be on the
12:33 cold one is going to melt first? Okay, how many
12:38 of you think it's not going to melt as fast as the one
12:40 that's on the warmer tile? Well, you know sometimes
12:44 thinks are strange for us, sometimes things that
12:46 we think should happen they just don't happened at all,
12:49 this is one of those experiments and why don't
12:52 you pick that one up in your hand Mateo is that feel
12:54 cold. Yeah, that's just cold as those two right there,
12:57 but hey let's take a look inside, can you see that?
13:01 Yeah, hey now which one is melting faster, that one,
13:06 that one. And it's that's the one, that tile right
13:09 there is a tile that felt colder to the touch. Now,
13:13 isn't that kind of strange? Yeah, yeah, because
13:18 when we eat, when they touch that all three of them
13:20 said man that's colder and its hard keep the ice cube
13:23 from melting. But the opposite actually happened
13:27 today. It feel colder because you know when you
13:30 touch that, when you felt that you felt colder
13:32 because it was taking the heat away from your body.
13:36 And that's exactly what is doing right now,
13:38 it's taking the heat out of the ice cube.
13:41 And it's making a puddle, it's making the big puddle
13:43 isn't? Hey, but how about this one,
13:46 is there any puddle underneath that one.
13:48 It hasn't even started, no it hasn't even started.
13:51 That's interesting because this, a tiny bit has,
13:54 yeah just a tiny bit has. Because this one right here
13:57 is a good insulator, that material that the ice cube
14:00 is on, is an insulator and it's keeping the coldness
14:05 right under the ice cube, isn't that cool? Yeah,
14:11 now how about that one that you have in your hand Mateo,
14:13 how is that feel? Cool, cool and there is a whole lot of
14:16 water in his bowl, that's interesting. I wanna
14:19 thank my helpers for helping us today because
14:21 we learn a lot about things that are insulators
14:23 and things that are not. And every time we learn
14:26 more about science, we are learning more
14:29 about our creator God.
14:46 Oh! Hello, I haven't see a while, would you like
14:50 an apple? No thank you, oh! Alright, here you go
14:52 Oh! Had you heard about Jesus, I have oh!
14:57 He did the most amazing things for me, he heal
15:00 working for me. There was a my cousin
15:02 Nathanial, he had been six to three years and then
15:04 Jesus came and just like that he healed him. Wow!
15:08 I heard the most wonderful story to tell you,
15:10 really about a widow and me. This Jesus claims to be
15:15 rabbi, yes, but I believe that we should keep him out
15:18 of our synagogue. Yes. You know, how he changed
15:20 everything of the temple turned over to the money
15:22 tables. But you haven't been talking about that
15:24 for years. There is a real problem in that temple
15:26 with buying and selling Gods holy things. Okay,
15:29 granted but, the crowd stall over in such numbers,
15:32 I was like Capernaum the other day. He was in
15:34 my house, could not getting in out there were people
15:36 all around the house on the outside. I was there too,
15:39 do you wanna. I was inside, what happened
15:41 I will tell you what happen. Four men let
15:45 down a paralyzed man, right. Mom, we cannot
15:49 keep this to story ourselves, let's share what
15:52 Jesus has done for us, your right son. But how can
15:56 we share Jesus here, I can ask the elders let's see if
16:00 we can tell everyone about the Jesus done for us. Yes,
16:01 yes go son. Well, I'm gonna have to help more
16:07 parameters, yes. Elders you should know that
16:11 me and my mother share a story with everyone
16:13 here. The story, I suppose, I suppose people,
16:19 people come over listen to this story. We want to
16:26 share with you what Jesus has done for us, no, no
16:29 just don't. Let her talk, let her talk. Do you
16:35 wanna hear what Jesus has done for us? Yes.
16:42 This is my son, but you can see I'm a widow
16:46 and he is all I have, this is my son who was dead,
16:51 but now he is alive, he is alive and Jesus did this.
16:58 One day when he got very, very ill. He closed his eyes,
17:03 he didn't breathe another thing and he went,
17:06 he died. The young man came and they put him on a
17:10 stretcher, I think the whole time I must have followed
17:13 me out the city gate, oh! yes, and as they were going,
17:18 I'm like tears were flowing I couldn't hear the
17:21 the mourners. I couldn't see anything, I was
17:24 devastated, he is always been so good to me and
17:27 now I had no one. I was alone and all it was.
17:31 I felt somebody come up beside me and touch me,
17:36 as tenderly as my son does. It was, I didn't know
17:41 who it was but he said to me. Weep not and I felt the
17:46 most tenderness that I ever felt the most love came
17:50 over me that confident my soul and he walked over
17:54 toward the young man were carrying the stretcher.
17:56 And they stopped and he laid his hand right upon my
18:01 dead son and he said young man I say to you rise.
18:09 That's the first thing I heard, it was the voice
18:12 of Jesus wasn't there? Yes, yes I heard him say that
18:14 and everyone was around me. That's right because
18:17 you were dead and the God gave you back to me.
18:20 And everybody silence, silence just came over
18:23 everybody as Jesus took it by the hand.
18:26 And he took and he put my hand in his and Jesus
18:30 just smiled and he said what took excitement,
18:33 the God gave us back my son. Everybody so excited,
18:37 we can't believe what Jesus had done.
18:40 And Jesus just stood there with the biggest smile
18:42 on his face. Yes and everyone was saying,
18:46 God must be in this place. This must be a prophet,
18:52 Jesus is the most wonderful person, if you
18:55 are sick or you will need help or you need comfort,
18:58 you need to go to Jesus I wanted a challenge you go,
19:02 go look for Jesus, go seek for help. And when you
19:06 have, you admire him. Go look for Jesus; find Jesus,
19:10 you got to feel it for yourself.
19:13 He is a very strange.
20:39 Hi, boys and girls, it's time for Miss Brenda's
20:42 Book of the Day. And today's book is by Sandy
20:45 Zaugg, Hidden Notes and High Seas and its
20:49 about Alice, An Adventist Girl book 2 and it's
20:52 another part of that Alice's adventure on her way
20:55 to the mission field in China. And you will want
20:58 to get this book boys and girls. Well, I'm excited
21:01 about our guest today that I have, I would like you to
21:03 meet Kelly, Kelly thank you for being on our program.
21:06 And you do something that Miss Brenda cannot do.
21:09 You do something that I bet most kids can't do and
21:13 what is it? I can say the books of the Bible backward.
21:16 Okay, boys and girls shall we put her to the test,
21:19 shall we try that. Get your Bible real quick,
21:21 go to front of your Bible get those books of the Bible
21:25 right there in front of you and we will see what she
21:26 Are you ready to do it on the air, can you do that
21:28 for us? Okay, let see it's, Revelation Jude 3, 2 and 1
21:33 John, 2 John and 1 Peter, James, Hebrews,
21:37 Philemon, Titus, 2nd and 1st Timothy, 2nd and 1st
21:40 Thessalonians, Colossians, Philippians, Ephesians,
21:42 Galatians, 2nd and 1st Corinthians, Romans, Acts,
21:46 John, Luke, Mark, and Matthew and then the
21:49 old Testament is Malachi, Zechariah, Haggai,
21:52 Zephaniah, Habakkuk, Nahum, Micah, Jonah, Obadiah,
21:57 Amos, Joel, Hosea, Daniel, Ezekiel, Lamentations,
22:01 Jeremiah, Isaiah, Song of Solomon, Ecclesiastes,
22:05 Proverbs, Psalms, Job, Esther, Nehemiah,
22:08 Ezra, 2nd and 1st Chronicles, 2nd and 1st
22:11 King, 2nd and 1st Samuel, Ruth, Judges, Joshua,
22:15 Deuteronomy, Numbers, Leviticus, Exodus, Genesis.
22:18 Wow, can you believe that boys and girls,
22:21 can you do that. That was incredible,
22:23 Miss Brenda can say books of Bibles forwards,
22:26 but I have never done it backwards. That's really
22:29 pretty awesome, you know one of the things that you
22:32 are showing me this track that I had here in my hand
22:35 and let me just share this with you tell me about this
22:37 track that you handed me what do you do with this?
22:40 And this tell is really about it tells about Jesus
22:42 right. And so what do you do with that? Well,
22:45 me and my friend what we did one day at our my house
22:49 is we made pitiful treats and then we, when we cold
22:53 off, we went and put them in plastic bags and then we
22:55 staple these little glow tracks in a plastic bags.
22:59 And so we pass them out to my neighbors, so when now,
23:04 when you go knock at the door and you have got
23:05 this little gifts you know full of treats in this
23:08 little track here with it. What do they say,
23:11 do you have anybody say please I don't wanna?
23:14 No, no one said that way two of the neighbors that I was
23:17 selling, that sought we were selling something and
23:20 yeah they once where just oh, thank you.
23:22 And it's a wonderful, do you ever get a chance to talk
23:24 with anybody about Jesus when you do that,
23:27 sometimes and get to tell them how much you love
23:29 Jesus sometimes. And so, you know if you pray about
23:33 every time before to out witness, praying as God
23:36 to give you the right words to say and he always will
23:38 so boys and girls you don't have to be a nervous or
23:42 you know scared when are you out when it seem for
23:44 Jesus because God will always give you the right
23:46 words to say. If you really wanna serve Jesus
23:49 you need to do three things. And I think you will be
23:51 with me Kelly, you first of all you got be willing,
23:53 because that's not gonna force himself on you worthy.
23:56 You have to be willing and if you are not willing
23:58 boys and girls, pray and let's God to make you
24:00 willing and he will. Second, you need to be
24:02 obedient, it's not enough to say okay Lord I'm willing
24:05 that I wanna do what I wanna do. No, you got to be
24:08 able do what Jesus wants you to do and then
24:10 the third thing is it's not enough to be willing
24:13 and say okay I'll do it. God wants you to be joyful
24:17 doesn't he? So, to serve Jesus you really do
24:19 need all those three things, what is it to be willing,
24:22 obedient, and joyful. Well, we have a lot of
24:26 boys and girls that love to share Jesus
24:27 and I'm gonna read a letter I have right here
24:29 this one is from South Africa and would you
24:32 help me hold this picture up for me Kelly please?
24:35 Oh! Sure and this is looks like she finished her
24:38 Bible lessons right there let see what she says.
24:41 Dear Miss Brenda thank you for the lovely Kids Time
24:44 Bible the certificate is wonderful and the stuff
24:47 got here safely and I love the Kids Club lessons,
24:49 love Nicole and Nicole thank you I'm so glad you
24:53 completed the lessons and they were blessing to you
24:55 and did you see her certificate there and her
24:56 new Bible. I wanna encourage you boys and girls
24:59 to sign up for the Bible lessons just go to
25:02 that's our brand new
25:04 website. And you can just click on Kids Club
25:07 and you can sign up right there, you can choose
25:09 either take them on the internet right there
25:11 online or you can get them email, you have a choice.
25:14 Okay, we have another letter here from Zambia
25:17 and let's see what this letter is about oh! We got
25:19 another picture can you hold that one up for me?
25:22 And boys and girls I love your letters,
25:24 love those pictures, it says: Dear Miss Brenda
25:27 how are you? It says I love Kids Time and I hope
25:31 you are having a fun day today, says I live in Zambia
25:34 and I love teaching my friends about Jesus
25:37 and it says and I love God and he is my best friend
25:41 and I would like to travel to see you someday.
25:44 And it says stay close to Jesus and it said I love
25:48 Kids Time, well thank you so much for that and
25:51 I want you to keep loving Jesus and share him
25:54 with others won't you? Let's see I have time for
25:57 another one, this one is from Morrison, Tennessee
25:59 and let's see what this one says oh! drew me a picture
26:03 let's see what this is, says Dear Miss Brenda
26:05 I love Jesus so much and I would like to join Kids Club
26:08 it said because my mom and dad will not let me go
26:12 to Church and I would love to go, please pray that
26:15 they will let me go to Church. I love you so much,
26:17 love your friend McKenzie and McKenzie drew me a
26:21 picture right here isn't that precious McKenzie, you
26:24 know I hope and pray, I will be praying that your
26:26 parents will let you go. Kelly will you pray for
26:28 McKenzie's parents and boys and girls you pray too,
26:31 that they will allow McKenzie to go to Church
26:33 and learn more about Jesus because Jesus loves
26:36 your mom and dad and we want to see them in
26:38 heaven too. Thank you Kelly for being on the program
26:41 today keep sharing Jesus every where you go
26:43 Boys and girls its Kids Time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17