Participants: Brenda Walsh
Series Code: KT
Program Code: KT000247
00:01 It's almost time for Kids Time,
00:03 we're gonna to be late. 00:04 It's time to share there's a world out there, 00:08 Looking for a friend like Jesus. 00:11 It's time to share there's a world out there; 00:16 let's tell them that He loves us so. 00:19 Let's tell them that He loves us so. 00:23 Kids Time, Kids Time, Kids Time. 00:30 Hi boys and girls, I once knew a little boy 00:33 who every time he sat down at the dinner table 00:36 with his family. He started worrying about getting 00:38 the biggest piece of pie or whatever else 00:40 was on the table and when he played with friends 00:43 he took the best toys for himself. 00:45 He always wanted the biggest 00:47 and the best of everything. 00:49 This boy forgot a very important Bible promise 00:52 that says, my God shall supply all you need. 00:56 God doesn't want us to be selfish does he. 00:58 Boys and girls God wants us to think of others 01:01 and we don't have to worry, 01:02 because we can claim that Bible promise for ourselves. 01:05 You will hear in our story today about a greedy man 01:08 who would have been a whole lot better off 01:10 if he had remembered that very promise, 01:12 but right now let's get ready for nature time, 01:17 right Max, let's go. 01:24 Hi boys and girls, welcome to nature time. 01:28 Ranger Jim were here in beautiful Western Montana 01:30 and boys and girls we are out here in our beautiful day 01:34 and God's creation. What are we standing in? Water. 01:38 Water, oh it's amazing. 01:41 How many boys and girls like water? Me. 01:43 Do you like water? I love water. 01:46 We're gonna to talk a little bit about water. 01:47 Did you know that all life on this planet 01:52 depends on water. That's right. 01:54 Without water there is no life. No life. 01:57 And there are some very interesting things 01:58 about water. Now some times this water 02:00 isn't like this. Right now, this water 02:02 that we are standing in is beautiful lake out here 02:05 called Hallam Lake. It is in a liquid form, 02:07 which means it's kind of splashy, 02:09 it's fun to swim in, it's fun to play in, right, 02:12 but it's not always in a liquid form 02:14 is it Ranger Jim? It certainly isn't. 02:15 What's another form that water can be in Ranger Jim? 02:17 Well I think some of these boys and girls 02:20 would know what happens when air temperatures 02:22 reaches 32 degrees what happens to water 02:24 it turns into ice doesn't it. 02:26 To ice cubes what have you. 02:28 Let me tell you something that maybe interesting 02:29 to you boys and girls, Ranger Jim 02:31 worked with heavy equipment 02:32 all of my life an in Michigan, 02:34 it gets very cold. We have lot of lakes 02:36 and we put a new development for houses 02:39 and things like that. 02:40 They wanted to put in a beautiful beach, 02:42 we quite often the bottom of the lake is all mucky 02:45 and nasty and what would happen 02:47 when the lake would freeze over solid, 02:49 we had a minimum of 24 inches of ice 02:51 then they would take a dump truck full of sand 02:54 and back it out on the ice and dump the sand 02:58 on the ice, then they would take a small bulldozer 03:01 just like this water would be frozen solid enough 03:04 that a bulldozer could drive on it. 03:05 They go out and spread all of the sand out 03:08 about this deep all along the beach where it's going 03:11 to be a beach then in the spring when the ice begins 03:14 to melt all the sand settles down to the bottom 03:18 of the lake and it's just like what we're standing on. 03:20 And up in up in the UConn Country 03:24 and up in North West territory 03:25 it's near a place called Inuvik 03:28 and that is very cold country, 03:31 the ice frozen there 30 inches deep. 03:33 There is one stretch where, 30 inches deep, 03:36 it's 30 inches deep like this. 03:38 There is one place that's about 67 miles long 03:42 it's one water wave that's frozen solid, 03:44 they go out with big snow plows and they plow this, 03:47 plow this snow out and the big trucks come in 03:50 and they haul all kind of material, 03:53 like you see going down these highways out here 03:55 those trucks over the water. 03:57 And so Ranger Jim you're saying that, 03:58 that ice is so thick and so strong they can bulldozers, 04:02 they can drive trucks they would have gravel in them 04:05 right on the ice. That's correct. 04:06 Isn't that amazing boys and girls 04:07 there is another form that we haven't talked 04:10 about and that is water can come in the form of gas. 04:13 Gas, can you believe it. 04:15 Now, not gas that you would burn in your car. 04:16 Though some people are trying to do develop that, 04:19 but it's important that water can be come a gas, 04:22 because God created it and He made water, 04:24 so that water is always moving, constantly moving. 04:28 It goes through a cycle where becomes again a gas, 04:31 it comes out of the ocean as a gas, 04:33 it moves as a gas in a cloud over top of these 04:37 beautiful mountains like we have here in 04:38 Western Montana. Right. In it falls as snow. 04:42 There we go. It falls as precipitation. Right. 04:44 And then it melts and it runs back into the rivers 04:47 and goes back out to the ocean. 04:48 Now you might be wondering, 04:50 if it keeps during that over and over again 04:52 they must be a lot of water on this earth, 04:54 because we see a lot of water here 04:56 over 70 percent of the earth's surface 04:59 is covered with water. 70 percent. 05:01 Isn't that something 70 percent, 05:03 almost 3 percent of the earth surface is covered 05:06 in ice like we were talking about before 05:08 that would be on the polar caps, 05:09 both at the north pole and the south pole, 05:11 those are, those are frozen ice packs, 05:14 there are huge many, many hundreds of miles wide 05:17 and so the earth has so much water around it. 05:19 Also, not only is the word earth 05:21 covered with much water 05:23 but inside the human body is full of water. 05:26 You know that many people are as up to 05:29 as high as 78 percent water. Right. 05:32 Isn't that something? Now, even though 05:34 we are made almost completely out of water 05:39 many, many people don't have the water 05:41 that they need to drink. 05:42 Water is used for many things. 05:44 We use water to water our gardens, 05:46 we use water to grow big healthy strong trees. 05:49 We use water to wash our car or to wash our bodies, 05:53 right, but we also like to drink water. 05:55 Boys and girls because of pollution that gets in water, 05:58 five million people every single year 06:01 die from polluted water. Isn't terrible, 06:05 we need to take good care of our water. 06:07 This earth has lots and lots of water, 06:09 but it doesn't have very much water 06:11 that safe to drink. 06:12 Obviously we can't drink the ocean water, 06:14 it's too salty, you'd spit it right out. 06:16 It is terrible. Right. 06:18 And we can't drink muddy water, 06:20 we've been waiting around here. 06:21 See how we have this water all 06:22 sloshed up a little bit, 06:24 can you see how that's not real clear, 06:26 we wouldn't want to drink that without putting 06:28 it through a water filter first would we. 06:30 That's right. Now we could get some harm bugs 06:32 or something. Boys and girls, 06:34 water is so important not just 06:36 for the outside of our bodies, 06:37 but it's very important for the inside of our bodies. 06:39 Again it's important for all forms of life 06:42 that exist on this earth. 06:43 Not only as water important for all 06:46 forms of life, Ranger Jim that exist on this earth, 06:49 but Jesus is more important even than water 06:53 for all forms of life, that is on this earth, Amen. 06:56 Not only did Jesus create all forms of life, 06:58 but Jesus sustains all forms of life 07:02 and that word simply means he keeps it alive 07:05 all through the day, all through the night. 07:07 I just love Jesus for doing that. 07:09 I love life and I enjoy the beautiful things 07:12 that he has made for me and so when we enjoy 07:16 these beautiful things let's think about the fact 07:18 that we couldn't exist without water, 07:20 we can't exist without Jesus. Amen. 07:23 Until next time this is Ranger Rod 07:26 and Ranger Jim saying let's all enjoy 07:29 God's great outdoors. 07:43 You said You'd come and share all my sorrows, 07:51 You said You'd be there for all my tomorrows; 07:59 I came so close to sending You away, 08:06 But just like You promised You came here to stay; 08:14 I just had to pray! 08:19 And Jesus said, "Come to the water, 08:25 stand by My side, 08:28 I know you are thirsty, you won't be denied; 08:38 I felt every teardrop when in darkness you cried, 08:49 And I strove to remind you that for those tears I died." 09:00 Jesus said, "Come to the water, stand by My side, 09:09 I know you are thirsty, you won't be denied; 09:18 I felt every teardrop when in darkness you cried, 09:29 And I strove to remind you that for those tears I died." 09:49 Welcome to learning time. 09:50 I am glad you've joined us today. 09:52 We've got an interesting experiment to do. 09:54 And I've got a few helpers over here. 09:57 DW is over there, DW, have you ever been in snow? 10:00 Yes. Oh hey we're gonna to do an experiment 10:03 that deals with snow today. 10:05 And we have Kerry over here. 10:06 Kerry, have you ever played in the snow. Yes. 10:09 Oh what did you do in the snow? 10:11 One time I made like a snow lump. 10:13 Oh cool, a snow lump. Hey that sounds like fun to me. 10:17 And I've got Stacy. Stacy have ever been in the snow? 10:21 Yeah. Have you ever slid in the snow? Yeah. 10:23 Yeah well today I'm gonna to have all three of you 10:25 come up here because we've got an experiment 10:27 to do on my table over here 10:29 and we've got some safety glasses. 10:31 You know every time we do an experiment 10:32 and we're using chemicals that things 10:35 that might break or things that might blow up 10:36 or fire and everything like that. 10:38 We're going to need some safety glasses. 10:40 So why don't you go ahead and put those on. Wow! 10:43 They look great with those glasses don't they? Yes. 10:46 We got to protect our eyes. 10:48 now I've got something in this beaker right here, 10:50 this what we call a beaker 10:51 and what is that look like guys. 10:53 Was that look like? It looks like powder that's right. 10:56 It's instance snow. Well I like things that are instant. 10:59 You know if something's instant it happens 11:01 real quick or slow? Quick, Oh! real quick, sure. 11:05 Well all we have to do in order to make snow 11:08 out of these little dry little pieces of chemicals 11:11 that's really what this is, is to add what to it, 11:15 what do you suppose we're gonna to add to that? Water. 11:16 That's right water. Now, is snow made out of water. 11:20 Oh yeah, that it does because we have snow, 11:24 we have rain right. We have sleet some times yeah, 11:27 and hail can be very destructive can't it. 11:30 Okay so all we're gonna to do 11:31 is we are going to hydrate 11:33 or add water to this dry stuff 11:36 and you three are here to observe it. 11:38 You know sometimes we observe with our eyes 11:40 don't we. And we see that's why we're gonna to do 11:42 and our ears too. I'm not sure we might hear 11:45 something, what might we hear? 11:48 Water being poured yeah that would be good. 11:51 We could kind of feel the water 11:52 you want to feel the water? 11:53 Cool you want to get wet okay 11:56 there you go right there, right. 11:58 Now what we're gonna to now is we're gonna to add 12:00 some water and we're gonna put it in this 12:02 chemical are you ready? Yes. 12:05 Okay, are you ready to observe? Yes. 12:07 Okay and let us know what you saw 12:08 and we're gonna to do we're gonna to need a countdown 12:10 3, 2, 1. Are you ready? Yes. 12:13 Okay here we go on countdown 12:15 3, 2, 1, we're gonna to pour this all in there 12:19 and look at the reaction and see what can happen 12:22 right here, okay take a look, lets look at it, 12:24 what's happening is that what 12:26 is something happening down here right there? 12:28 Its bubbling. Its bubbling, look what is happening 12:32 oh look what's going on. Is it snowing, 12:39 were filling that up with snow 12:40 wow would you like to try it on. 12:42 Yeah, maybe we can make a snow man, 12:44 wouldn't that be cool? Yeah. 12:45 It would be really, really cool and what is happening 12:48 oh look at that. Is it fluffy. 12:51 Oh it's really fluffy is that feels like snow. 12:54 Oh no because it's softer than snow. 12:58 Is it softer than snow. 12:59 Oh why don't you grab me a handful. 13:01 Can you grab a handful? Cool, is it soft 13:04 and it's so neat yeah I too. Wow, let's go, 13:08 shall we pour some of this out 13:10 and you now what it makes a whole big whole pile of snow 13:14 and it's right here. 13:15 And more of it comes out it gets colder. 13:18 It's cold isn't it. Yeah, it's just like snow. 13:20 Well what do we are having here? 13:21 Actually what we have in here is a very, 13:24 it's a super absorbent and it really absorbs the water. 13:28 It absorbs about a 100 times its own weight 13:31 in water and it's fluffy and nice, 13:33 but we can't make a snow ball it won't pack up 13:36 and make a snow ball but we can slide on it. 13:38 That would be fun wouldn't it. Oh that's nice and soft 13:42 and fluffy and it won't melt that's the best thing 13:44 in the middle of the summer time you can make this 13:46 and it won't melt then you can have fun of it is 13:49 that cool or what? Well, 13:50 inside hear what we have is really 13:52 it's related to the chemicals 13:55 that are in baby diapers, 13:56 you don't have baby diapers at home? Yeah. 13:59 Yeah, no. Well, that's what we have. 14:01 It's all related to baby diapers 14:04 and look how much snow that makes, isn't that cool. 14:07 Oh man in it's really soft isn't, 14:10 but one thing we know is that you know 14:12 that reminds me of snow. 14:13 Is snow mentioned in the Bible? Yeah. 14:16 Have you ever yeah it's mentioned in the Bible. 14:18 You know it says in the Bible that are, 14:20 though are sins be as scarlet, 14:22 whenever scarlet is mentioned in the Bible 14:24 it's probably something not good right. 14:26 Sins aren't good, it says though our sins 14:28 be as scarlet they shall be as white as what? Snow. 14:32 Snow, oh hey I want my sins to be as white as snow. 14:34 Do you want your sins to be as white as snow? Yes. 14:37 Oh yes, I want my sins to be covered 14:39 and to be as white as snow and that's really a promise 14:42 and I'm thankful for that. 14:44 Well, remember boys and girls whenever 14:47 we learn more about science we're learning more 14:50 about our creator God. 14:57 It's so expensive, I just noticed the price 15:00 of this apple, it's so expensive, I don't know 15:01 I can't buy it any more. 15:03 It just feels like the market place 15:04 is becoming more and more greedy. 15:06 Absolutely I don't why. Human nature I guess. 15:10 I'm seeing greed everywhere, 15:11 have you heard about Gehazi. 15:13 I just you know heard his name, 15:15 but something did happen right. 15:17 Gehazi is the prophet of Elisha. 15:18 Remember not too long ago Naaman who was the soldier 15:22 from the neighboring country. 15:24 Oh yeah everybody's heard that. 15:25 Well he had leprosy and he came. Yeah beautiful story. 15:27 Well, when it was over. He wanted to pay Elisha. 15:30 He said here I've got all these nice clothes, 15:32 this silver, I want to pay you and Elisha 15:36 said no, no, no. Nothing at all, not even one. 15:38 That's right. He didn't want anything and Naaman. 15:41 Man of God, man of God, absolutely. 15:43 That's right and Naaman so just he left 15:45 and as he left Gehazi looked at that stuff 15:48 and he said. That's what I wanted to hear 15:50 what happened. I want that 15:52 and he coveted it in his heart 15:54 and as soon as Naaman had gone over the hill. 15:58 Gehazi went behind the house 15:59 like he was going to do a chore 16:01 and Elisha was inside and Gehazi ran 16:04 as fast as he could. And he took a shortcut 16:06 and he came out and he saw Naaman out in front of him 16:09 and then he said wait stop, stop 16:10 and he came up to him and he was all out of breath 16:13 and Naaman jumped down, 16:14 he said is there something wrong, is Elisha okay. 16:17 And he said yes the prophet is fine, 16:19 but we just had two boys come from the school 16:22 of the prophets and they need some clothes. 16:25 That was not true right. 16:27 And they need some money, that was a lie, 16:29 you're right. Ho total lie and Naaman said oh please 16:32 here take this and he gave him more than he asked for. 16:35 And Gehazi thought I made some money off of this, 16:40 so he took the clothes and the silver 16:42 and he went to a special place and he hid them away 16:46 and then he came back into the house where Elisha was 16:48 and Elisha said Gehazi where have you been? 16:52 And Gehazi said oh I didn't go anywhere. 16:56 He lied again. Second time. Second time. 16:59 To the prophet. But the prophet knew. 17:03 God had told Elisha and Elisha looked at him 17:05 and he said Gehazi, why did you lie. 17:09 He was lying to prophet. 17:10 Why did you take that stuff. 17:12 He said the leprosy that cursed Naaman's family 17:15 will now curse yours. 17:18 And right away Gehazi looked at his hands 17:21 and they were white with leprosy. 17:24 That's so sad. It's really sad. And he ran away. 17:26 However I think there is a lesson for all of us there. 17:30 What lesson do you see. 17:32 I see something about greed and lying, 17:34 lying to the prophet of God. 17:37 He was greedy and so there is a costly defect 17:43 kind of a thing there. 17:44 He thought he would be able to get away. 17:45 He thought I could lie and steal their stuff 17:48 and no one will know, but God knows God watches. 17:52 He sees everything, some with. 17:54 I'm glad God is watching. It's not worth it. 17:56 No it's not. Makes me not be greedy. 17:59 No sir, God will take care of me. 18:00 I don't have to lie and steal. 18:02 He will take care of me. 18:03 He will supply our every need there. 18:06 Praise the Lord, praise the lord. 18:07 My friend nice to see you again. Shalom, shalom. 18:09 Happy Sabbath. 18:26 O Lord, our Lord, how excellent is Your name 18:37 in all the earth 18:41 Your glory fills the heavens 18:45 beyond the far as stars 18:49 how excellent is Your name in all the earth 18:56 when I think about the heavens 19:00 the moon and all the stars 19:03 I want to want you ever saw in me 19:10 But you took me and you love me 19:14 And you've given me a crown 19:17 and now I praise your name eternally. 19:25 O Lord, our Lord, how excellence Your name is 19:33 how excellence Your name is in all the earth. 19:40 Your glory fills the heavens beyond far the star 19:48 How excellence Your name is in all the earth 19:55 how excellence Your name is in all the earth, 20:06 the earth, the earth. 20:23 Hi boys and girls, It's time for Ms. Brenda's 20:26 book of the day. And today's book boys and girls 20:31 is called God's big idea. 20:33 This is a wonderful devotional book 20:35 that you can read one every the single day 20:38 and it strengthens your walk with Jesus. 20:40 A great worship book, God's big idea. 20:43 In fact this book is going to be a special gift 20:46 for Ms. Brenda to all the boys and girls 20:48 that are here with me today, 20:49 because I want to welcome the 20:51 Adventist Christians School in Tennessee. 20:53 Thank you boys and girls for being here with me today. 20:56 Thank you Ms. Brenda and boys and girls 20:58 why are you here? What is the biggest reason 21:00 you're here today? To share Jesus. 21:03 To share Jesus that's right. 21:05 Now I want you to introduce our teacher 21:06 of the school Ms. Mader and Ms. Mader, 21:09 let me ask you what does your school 21:11 you are doing something wonderful as a group 21:13 at school to share Jesus, tell us about it? 21:16 What we are doing is to connecting technology 21:19 with Bible and we are illustrating it 21:25 with different props and stuff 21:27 and putting it into a DVD form editing teaching 21:31 the children to edit and then we're gonna 21:33 to take this DVD out into the community 21:35 and share Jesus that way. 21:38 Wow, that's awesome so all the kids are involved 21:41 in this, how much hands on 21:42 this is something that you're really doing it 21:44 by yourself in the evening or is this something 21:46 the kids are really doing. 21:47 This is a project in school, 21:49 where they take different Bible stories 21:52 one of our Bible story is 21:54 Shadrach Meshach and Abednego. 21:56 We've done Noah's Ark, we've done Gideon 21:59 and the battle with the Midianites 22:01 and they create a set, it maybe a box with puppets. 22:06 It is something like this one over here. 22:08 This is when we did Psalms 91, 22:10 where they created illustrated different parts 22:14 or verses of Psalms 91 22:16 and then they would say their verse, 22:19 so we'd film each one coming in and out 22:22 and then editing, editing it, 22:25 but the purpose is as we go 22:28 that the children are learningto make the sets, 22:32 they are learning to film 22:34 that what they have created 22:36 and then they will edit it as well. 22:39 So they are learning the process. 22:40 That's wonderful. Now you have a video clip of that 22:43 don't you for the Psalms. Yes we do for Psalms 91. 22:46 Okay let's take a look at that right now. Okay. 22:50 He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High 22:52 Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. 22:56 I will say of the LORD, "He is my refuge 22:59 and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust." 23:02 He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowl 23:05 And from the perilous pestilence. 23:08 He shall cover you with His feathers, 23:10 And under His wings you shall take refuge; 23:13 His truth shall be your shield and buckler. 23:15 You shall not be afraid of the terror by night. 23:20 Wow, that looks really scary to me. 23:24 The kids had so much fun bringing reality 23:27 to the Bible. It's look like the real lightening 23:29 Storm didn't it kids. 23:30 We tried, we really tried in a closet flashing 23:33 the lights and everything, we had a lot of fun doing it. 23:36 And they are memorizing the passages to the Bible 23:40 and we just want to give reality to share Jesus. 23:43 We want to show. 23:44 We have one more clip you brought to us. 23:45 Now what is that about? 23:46 Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego 23:49 and this is a clip where the children have put together 23:52 a set and they use fishing line to move the characters 23:55 and they are telling the Bible story. 23:58 Okay let's take a look. 23:59 You are making me angry so into the fiery furnace 24:04 you go Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. 24:08 In that fiery furnace were four oh, oh, oh 24:13 we only put Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. 24:15 God's love will always flow, flow and flow. 24:19 He will keep you safe as you go, go,go like 24:24 Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. The end. 24:30 Now that looked like a whole lot of work was it? 24:32 It was, the children worked very hard. 24:35 They created the set, they colored, 24:37 they decided how they were going to move 24:40 their characters around. So they did, 24:42 they worked very hard in creating the story. 24:44 And now the young man behind you 24:46 can you pass that to your teacher, 24:47 what are we are looking at here 24:48 and what is your name? My name is Brandon. 24:51 And Brandon what we looking at here Brandon? 24:53 We are looking at one of our Gideon things, 24:55 we did it, me and Lucas did it together. 24:57 Is that out of Legos? Yeah, I was going to say 24:59 that it looks like my grandson 25:01 Michael loves Legos? 25:02 I borrowed them from my old teacher. 25:04 You did, and so you just make, 25:07 what did you make from Gideon here? 25:08 We this is where the, supposed to be the part 25:12 of the scene of the Midianite Army, 25:14 but we didn't have enough men 25:16 so we just had to rearrange it. 25:18 Rearrange it, well that works. 25:20 Well this looks so creative. 25:22 Now tell me about all the ways you use. 25:23 Now here you actually all the kids 25:26 are involved in production and building the sets, 25:28 deciding what the stories are, 25:30 that's are quite a feat. 25:32 They get to choose and Lucas and Brandon 25:34 did chose the story of Gideon 25:35 and the battle with the Midianites. 25:37 and what they did is they created the different sets, 25:40 took the camera, filmed each segment as they moved 25:44 the characters or the Legos around 25:46 and then when they were done 25:49 they put it into the Imac computer 25:52 and then they voiced over the story. 25:54 Well thank you so much sharing 25:56 so many great ideas with us. 25:58 And you certainly brought my horizons 26:00 and I want to thank all you kids for coming 26:02 on Kids Time, that's awesome, thank you kids. 26:05 We love to share Jesus. 26:07 Well I can tell that boys and girls 26:09 that tell you teachers. 26:10 I hope this school is an inspiration to you, 26:12 that you as a school can share Jesus 26:14 if you would like to get in touch with the school. 26:16 Email me at 26:18 and I'd be happy to give her your message. 26:20 Remember boys and girls 26:22 it's kids time to share Jesus. |
Revised 2014-12-17