Participants: Brenda Walsh
Series Code: KT
Program Code: KT000245
00:01 It's almost time for Kids Time, we're gonna be late.
00:04 It's time to share there is a world out there looking 00:08 for a friend like Jesus it's time to share there is a 00:14 world out there. Let's tell them that He loves us so. 00:19 Let's tell them that He loves us so. 00:23 Kids Time, Kids Time, Kids Time. 00:29 Hi boys and girls, I heard a story recently about a 00:33 Christian family living in a country that hates 00:35 Christians. This family was eating dinner one night 00:38 when soldiers burst into their house 00:40 and order them to leave. And as they ran down the street 00:43 they heard a huge explosion behind them. 00:45 The soldiers had blown up their house. 00:48 This family had to leave not only their house, 00:50 but their country to find safety. 00:52 Today, they are so thankful they were able to escape 00:55 harm and they knew that God protected them all the way. 00:58 Boys and girls everyone faces trials in this life. 01:01 Some are big and some are small, 01:03 but I'll tell you one thing no one can harm you 01:07 or keep you in prison unless God allows it. 01:09 God is in control and he has a purpose for everything 01:12 he allows to happen in your life. 01:14 Our story today is about a man who was put in prison, 01:17 but the soldiers couldn't keep him there because 01:20 God still had work for him to do. 01:22 And as long as you are living, 01:23 he still has work for you to do too. 01:26 Right now, let's get ready for Nature Time. 01:34 Hi, boys and girls. Welcome to Nature Time, 01:37 I'm Ranger Rod and we are here in beautiful Montana. 01:40 And I'm with my friend Logan; he is a head trainer 01:43 at Triple D Game Farm. And also we have Marisa here, 01:47 she is a helper with these beautiful kittens we have. 01:49 And we have a Dusty and we are gonna talk about 01:52 some beautiful animals that are found 01:54 in some quite remote parts of the world. 01:56 And Logan what can you tell us about these kittens 01:58 that we have here with us today. 02:00 Right here, I have Toby, he is a Siberian lynx and. 02:03 Toby, so your name, your name your lynxs Toby. Yes, we did. 02:09 Oh! Ho! That's a great name for lynxs 02:10 and what's this cat over here? 02:12 And this is a Canadian lynx name Bella. 02:15 A Canadian lynx, now we have got a Canadian lynx 02:17 and we had a Siberian lynx. So, they are, they are 02:20 not related to each other, other than by the name lynx. 02:24 Yes. Okay, we guess one is found in one continent 02:28 or one country and another is found in another what, 02:31 particular differences exist between these two cats? 02:35 The differences between these two cats, 02:41 Toby the Siberian lynx, there is in Siberia 02:44 he gets about 80 pounds up to a 100 pounds 02:49 for a large male. Bella, which is the Canadian lynx, 02:53 she gets 35 pounds for a large male 02:56 and there is in Northern Canada. 02:59 I was reintroduced to Colorado. 03:04 Beautiful, now so their sizes are somewhat different. 03:07 Do they eat different kinds of food being 03:10 that they live in different countries? 03:12 Toby would be eating large rodents, rabbits, 03:17 and also very small deer. 03:21 Bella over here she would be eating mainly arctic hare, 03:27 their diet consists 90% of arctic hare 03:31 and will eat small rodents and birds. 03:34 Now, as arctic hare you are talking about 03:36 the snowshoe hare, correct? Yes. 03:38 Some, some our listeners might be able to recognize 03:39 that better. This is a particular rabbit 03:41 that lives in quite high elevations I understand. 03:44 And so the, the Canadian lynx is not necessarily found 03:49 in some of the, some of the lower elevations 03:52 or some of the Southern states, 03:54 where the snowshoe hare is not prevalent. 03:58 Is that correct? Yes, this is. 04:00 They seem, they seem little feisty is that now 04:05 they are hungry or, or is that just kind of natural 04:10 because they are wild animal. Would this be typical? 04:12 Boys and girls, this is I believe this is very untypical 04:16 to be able to actually we touching and handling 04:18 one of this wild creatures and it's not wise 04:20 if you find one of these creatures in the wild, 04:24 let say that you are on a nature hike and, 04:25 and you saw one of these, these little kittens 04:27 that may it's mommy was on hunting or wasn't with it. 04:30 Should, should we pick one up or approach it. 04:34 No, we should always live him alone, 04:35 the mother will be back to take care of their babies. 04:38 Right, not everybody such a good handlers as Marisa is, 04:41 now I see she is having a little bit of trouble here, 04:44 Bella doesn't he is already little feisty, looks like 04:47 she would like to get out and try and catch 04:49 a snowshoe hare right now. 04:51 How old was she be when she would, when her mother was, 04:54 does a mother train her to catch these snowshoe hare 04:56 or how does she learn how to hunt 04:58 in the wild both of these cats? 05:00 The babies will go out with their mother at about 05:02 one year old and the mother will show them how to 05:04 bring down the rabbits and show actually catch 05:09 the rabbit and keep it alive and allow the babies 05:12 to play with the rabbit until they get it right. 05:15 So, kind a like the cat and mouse thing only the momma 05:17 lynx teaches his baby by letting it actually experiment 05:21 with catching the, the pray that she is already captured, 05:24 but has not necessarily killed yet. Yeah. 05:27 And so they, they practice that way. 05:29 Now, would these, would these babies be the only baby 05:31 that this mommy would have to train or would she 05:33 have several or, or how many babies 05:35 would a mommy lynx have. 05:37 Lynx generally have 1 to 3 young. 1 to 3 young, 05:41 okay so that mommy might have a handful she, 05:43 she might have three of these little Bella's 05:45 that she is working with and, 05:47 and trying to train and teach. 05:49 How long would they stay with their mommy? 05:50 Would that be for several years till they're teenagers? 05:52 They would be with their mommy about 1½ years. 05:56 About 1½ years and then they be on their own. 05:59 Okay, that's, how, how long would does a lynx live? 06:03 Now both of these lynx, did they live about 06:04 the same length of time or they did that way. 06:06 Yes, they live at around up to 15 to 20 years. 06:09 15 to 20 years. Wow! That's incredible. 06:12 They sure are beautiful. I just, I just love these 06:16 beautiful cats and these beautiful lynx 06:18 and it has been such a privilege to be able to, 06:20 to be here with them and I know that especially Bella 06:23 here she is a little bit anxious to get back with, 06:26 with the other little kittens that she is spending 06:28 her time with here Triple D Game Farm. 06:30 And so that's all the time that we have, 06:32 so until next time I'm Ranger Rod, 06:35 let's all enjoy God's great outdoors. 06:47 Let everything that breathes Praise You 06:56 The earth, the sky, the sea Praise You 07:05 Just as nature shows to us Your blessing 07:14 Soon I find my heart confessing 07:27 My love is not my own It all belongs to You 07:39 And after all you've done the least that I can do 07:49 Is live my life In every part 07:57 Only to please my Father's heart 08:09 Only to please my Father's heart 08:34 Welcome to Learning Time. 08:36 I'm glad that you are here today 08:37 and are you glad to be here? Yes. 08:41 Oh! I'm excited about that, 08:42 I have got a couple of helpers, I have Elizabeth 08:44 and Elizabeth where are you from? 08:45 Texas, Texas. Well, it's great to have you here 08:49 and Redman, where are you from? 08:51 Tennessee. Tennessee. Hey why don't you come on up here 08:54 because we are gonna need some help today. 08:55 In fact, I have got a couple little Styrofoam cups, 08:58 I'm gonna give one to you 08:59 and I'm gonna give one to you too. 09:01 And could you stand up there, 09:02 we are gonna do something special today. 09:04 In fact have you ever seen a vortex? Yeah 09:09 Have you ever seen a vortex? Yeah. 09:11 Now, hey, well we have got a vortex generator today 09:13 and it reminds me of volcanoes 09:14 because volcanoes are interesting. 09:16 What do we call scientists that study of volcanoes, 09:19 what do we call them, anybody know? No. 09:22 Don't, don't we call them crazy? Yeah. 09:25 Well, it is a very dangerous job, but you know, 09:27 but we call them volcanologist, don't we? 09:30 And they study volcanoes because volcanoes give 09:32 us a picture of what's inside the earth. 09:35 Well, today this volcano that I'm, I'm reminded of 09:38 it's a volcano in Italy and that's called Mount Etna 09:41 and it produces the world's largest smoke ring. 09:44 It's a steam smoke ring that's twice a size 09:46 of a football field and there is so much power in it, 09:49 it pushes a small going up in the air over a mile high. 09:52 Hey, we can duplicate that today, 09:54 would you like for us to do that? 09:55 Yeah. Okay, well first of all I have a vortex 09:59 generator and you can make one of these at home. 10:01 First of all, you start out with a trash can 10:03 and you put a hole in it, but you might 10:05 wanna get permission first, right? 10:06 Yeah, yeah and then, yeah you get the shower curtain 10:09 and all the shower curtain put it in on the top 10:10 and it makes so drum here. Now, this produces some air 10:14 and it's an air coming out in a very specific way 10:17 of vortex. Go and put the cups on your heads, 10:20 I'm gonna try to knock them off of their heads, 10:22 where the vortex and let's see wow! cool and let's 10:25 try another one here there, boom and another one. 10:28 Oh! Yeah, isn't that cool, yeah that is interesting. 10:31 Yeah. But could you see the air coming out? 10:34 No. No, but a vortex travels in a very, very funny way. 10:37 Actually why don't you go and fan yourself. 10:39 Can you fan yourselves? Can you feel the air moving? 10:41 Yeah, yeah. You know, I can too, 10:43 those are air molecules bumping into each other, 10:44 but in the vortex it spins the air spins 10:47 and the air cut its way through the rest 10:50 of the air, which is very interesting. 10:52 Well, here Redman why don't you come on down, 10:54 we are gonna have Redman be our remote control 10:56 man today. Okay, so here is our remote control 10:59 when I ask you to you are gonna push that button, 11:01 okay. And we are gonna fill up this vortex generator 11:04 with some fog; from our fog machine 11:07 we are gonna shoot it out. 11:08 Are you ready? Yeah, okay go and push 11:10 the button Redman. And stop just like that. 11:15 Okay, are you ready for a vortex? 11:18 Yes, okay. Well, what's coming right at you, 11:21 so will check that up. Again, again. 11:23 You want one over there, here we go. 11:27 That's sweet. Oh! Now, that's very interesting. 11:36 Now, I don't know, if you could see it or not, 11:37 but that air is traveling around and around 11:40 and as cutting his way through the rest of the air. 11:42 Again, again. Oh! Hey, let's try another one. 11:45 I have got another vortex generator. 11:47 Now, what do you notice about the difference 11:49 in this one. Square, square. 11:51 Oh! It has the square hole, 11:53 so what would be the shape of the ring coming out? 11:57 Square. Well, let's try it, here we go, 12:00 are you ready Redman? Yeah. Okay, let's go ahead 12:02 and fill this one out, go and push the button please. 12:07 And stop, excellent, good job. 12:10 Remember the hole is square, 12:12 what's the size of our ring? Here we go. 12:16 And let's try it, wow! What's the size? Circle. 12:22 It happens to be a circle, doesn't it? It really does. 12:26 And they are destroying this, isn't that cool? 12:30 Wow! Hey you know, let's talk about that for a minute, 12:33 do you know, that that's smoke it wants to come out 12:37 here a square, but it can't come out square 12:40 because there is a natural law and that law says 12:43 that square is not a very strong structure in nature. 12:46 So, it has to be round, isn't that interesting? 12:49 Do you know, that all of God, that's a natural law 12:53 and God sets up these natural laws. 12:56 And you know, God is in control of even nature, 12:58 isn't he? He absolutely is, how about your heads? 13:01 Are your heads square? 13:03 No. No, they are round and they are very, very strong. 13:07 How about a nest, you know, a bird nest 13:09 that has eggs in it, are those egg square? 13:12 No. No, they are round because they have to take 13:15 a lot of pressure from the bird sitting on them, 13:18 isn't that interesting? I do too, well boys and girls 13:20 remember when we study more about science, 13:23 we learn more about our creator God. 13:34 Good morning, Jerod, how you doing this morning? 13:36 Good morning Rubin I tell you what, 13:38 I bought some bread here yesterday. 13:39 Hope this is a little bit better 13:40 then they had yesterday. 13:41 I beg your pardon, its fresh everyday. 13:42 It was still out my teeth broken. 13:44 You have been shop went over a Judas bakery, 13:46 haven't you? Well, yes I have and by the way 13:49 that you get a good nice sleep last night. 13:50 I got a great nice sleep, 13:51 I have to get up early for the bread. 13:52 Well, that's the first good night sleep 13:54 I have had in a long time. 13:55 You know that prison job are just worrying me out. 13:58 I'm telling you, your buddies 13:59 didn't get a good night rest. 14:01 My buddies! What about my buddies? 14:03 Sixteen of them, you didn't hear? 14:04 No, what happened? 14:06 So, you heard that they put Peter in prison, 14:07 they put Peter in prison. 14:10 Peter, yes not Peter. 14:12 Yeah, you know, that Peter guy, 14:14 I have been following him around 14:15 that guy can sure speak. 14:17 Oh! He is a tremendous speaker. 14:18 It's, it's really what he says, 14:20 it's the power of something I can't explain it. 14:23 I have never heard anyone like him. 14:25 Well, remember Herod, yes, put James 14:28 to death you beheaded him, 14:30 yeah, yeah I heard about that. 14:31 He sort of that please that you so much, 14:33 they took Peter, put him in prison. 14:36 But, why would he put Peter in? 14:39 Because they are trying to get 14:40 all the Christian leaders. 14:41 They want them done, finished, no more Gospel. 14:44 They will never work. 14:45 Peter of all people, powerful speaker, yep, yep. 14:51 Not just prison and. Well, you know the prison? 14:54 I tell you what I have been there for 15 years, 14:57 I know every inch of that prison, every inch of it. 14:59 Well, they took him to the, well I don't know 15:01 what it's called solitary, they have a solitary, 15:03 yeah, solitary cell that no one can ever 15:04 escape out of there. 15:05 Double the guard, I'm surprised 15:07 they didn't call you and they double the guard. 15:09 Double the guard! Yeah. Why? Well, listen remember 15:12 this is the same fellow that has healed people crippled. 15:17 He has done it by the power of God, 15:19 they think they are gonna keep him in prison 15:21 and not let God get him out. 15:23 Hello, you know, the first time I heard Peter speak 15:26 and they call with the day of Pentecost or something 15:29 Three thousand people in one day. 15:32 I was there; I have never heard it says, 15:34 Jabrine in all my life. 15:35 Oh! Wasn't Jabrine, wasn't Jabrine? 15:37 They each heard in their own language. 15:40 The Holy Spirit came down, people from all over 15:42 the world were in Jerusalem for the past over 15:44 and Peter started preaching and everyone, 15:47 everyone heard in their own language. 15:50 You know, I did understand everything that Peter say, 15:52 but the rest of those are all gibberish to me. 15:55 Well, here is, here is what I heard? 15:57 I'm gonna little more wait here please. 16:00 Here is what I heard; he put him in prison, right. 16:04 The next day, Herod was gonna kill him. 16:09 The church praying, fasting, praying, 16:13 there were Christians, they really get down to business. 16:15 Well, so the guard says, he told me not to tell anybody, 16:22 I won't tell you his name. The guard says, 16:24 Peter was chained here, and here a guard on either arm, 16:31 yes those chains are that big around. 16:34 Huge chain, no way you could ever cut those chains. 16:36 No cutting, no cutting, now what would you be 16:39 doing the next day. You are gonna be killed Rubin. 16:42 Well, I wouldn't be sleeping that's for sure. 16:43 That's what he was doing, sleeping like a baby, 16:45 fast asleep, fast asleep, the angels walks in. 16:48 Well, the guard didn't say it was angel, 16:51 I believe it was an angel, he walks in; 16:53 he has to wake Peter up. 16:55 Peter saw multistory man and the angel says Peter, 17:00 Peter get up, the angel Peter rubs his eyes. 17:03 Oh! Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, 17:05 if there is an angel that comes into the cell. 17:07 What are the guards doing? 17:09 Check with your buddies, they are gonna have to come 17:12 up with the quick story because they let him go, 17:16 they can't say they were asleep because they said 17:19 there was a bright light, it filled the whole cell. 17:21 Peter got out of that cell. 17:24 The chains fell off, he puts on his sandals, 17:27 he puts on his coat, and he starts walking 17:29 with the angel. Right. He comes to the first huge door, 17:32 you know, that door. Oh! That's, that's a huge, 17:34 so like chain wrapped around the door, 17:37 there is no way that door will open. 17:39 The angel leads and the door opens 17:40 without a sound, without a sound. 17:43 Now, wait a minute, wait a minute, 17:44 those doors are this big around solid steel and rusty. 17:47 They got to have a squeal to open the doors. 17:50 I'm just a baker, I'm just reporting what I have heard, 17:52 check with your buddies, there is the your buddies 17:55 came into shop looking like that, they were as, 17:58 they, I'm just telling what they said. 18:02 Now, wait a minute, wait a minute, 18:03 so what happens when they come to the gate? 18:05 When they went through the first gate. 18:07 Okay. There were four guys. And you are telling me 18:08 just opened up on the sound. 18:10 She opened right up, the guards are like this, 18:12 they were like frozen. And then they go to the next, 18:15 the next four guards at the gate. It opens again. 18:19 Oh! Now, wait a minute, so what did they guard say 18:22 that Peter was doing through all of this. 18:24 Peter was, was they talking loudly or laughing? 18:26 Now, you know, Peter talks a lot, yes, 18:28 for once Peter is speechless. 18:30 He, he is not say anything. 18:32 His mouth is open, but nothing is coming out. 18:35 He is walking through; he comes to the final gate. 18:39 Again it swings open, 18:41 the angel leaves him Peter he must someone say 18:47 look like he was in a dream, he was just walking, 18:49 just walking, just walking. 18:51 Peter walks out the angel leaves, 18:54 he stand in the middle of the street nobody there, 18:58 but wait a minute, this Peter he preaches about Jesus, 19:04 wait a minute, you seem very interested in the Jesus. 19:07 Between me and you don't let this out. 19:11 You remember did you hear the story 19:14 about this Jesus resurrecting from the dead. 19:17 Well, you were there at resurrection. 19:19 I was one of the guards out front of this tomb 19:22 and in front of this tomb, there was a huge stone 19:25 must be a 10 foot tall, 8 foot wide, 2 feet thick, 19:27 all of a sudden the ground started to rumble. 19:31 I was there brother, Rubin, you are a believer, 19:34 Jerod keep it quite if it ever gets out they are gonna 19:37 lock me in the cell just like they did Peter. 19:39 It's all true, let me finish the story. 19:40 The storm in front of the tomb begins 19:45 to roll away and the ground is trembling. Well, I know. 19:49 And this Jesus, the one that I had seen on the cross 19:53 that was nail to the cross, he was dead, 19:55 yeah, I seen him taking off the cross, okay, 19:58 the same Jesus come walking out of that tomb alive. 20:04 And I felt to my knees and I gave my life to Jesus 20:07 right then in there but listen Jerod 20:09 that's got to be between me and you. 20:11 You got to keep it quite. 20:12 Oh! You kind of undercover, are you? 20:13 I'm undercover, I'm a believer brother. 20:16 Let me tell you something, if that Jesus that came 20:18 off the cross one someone might be taken out 20:21 of a prison. He will be taking out of the prison. 20:24 You will be out of prison; you can have 20 guards, 20:25 30 guards and isn't gonna happen. 20:27 God that God is alive man. 20:29 So, you are telling me Peter is out of jail 20:33 as we speak today, yeah. 20:34 Good to see Rubin, you better keep going 20:36 because you got some buddies behind you. 20:38 Okay, I'm gonna take this bread, if I'm able. 20:41 It was made for today Rubin. 20:43 Put it on the house, would you for me? 20:45 Yeah, you did, yes brother, yeah last week yeah. 20:49 Jerod this is between me and you 20:51 don't like this get out. 20:53 You know, me my lips are sealed. 21:07 Every promise in the Book is mine! 21:12 Every chapter, every verse, every line. 21:15 I am standing on His Word divine, 21:19 Every promise in the Book is mine! 21:23 Every promise in the Book is mine! 21:26 Every chapter, every verse, every line. 21:30 I am standing on His Word divine, 21:34 Every promise in the Book is mine! 21:38 Every promise in the Book is mine! 21:51 Hi, boys and girls, it's time for Ms. Brenda's 21:53 Book of the Day. And today's book is called 21:58 Escape by Sandy Zaugg. 22:00 What if you suddenly had to leave your home, 22:02 not knowing if you would ever see it again 22:05 and what if you could only take with you 22:07 what you could carry or maybe on a bicycle. 22:10 Oh! I'm not gonna tell you this exciting story. 22:13 You are gonna have to read it 22:14 yourself Escape by Sandy Zaugg. 22:17 But today I want you to meet somebody with us 22:20 it's a very special guest and she has done 22:22 a lot of work for Kids Time, she loves Jesus, 22:25 let's meet Kelly. 22:27 Hi, Kelly thank you for being us today. 22:29 Hi. And tell me you have been on Kids Time 22:32 before haven't you? Yes. What have you 22:34 done on Kids Time? Bible stories. 22:37 You did the Bible stories, that's right was that fun? 22:39 Yes. There is a lot of commotion, 22:41 did anything on the Bible stories when we were taping, 22:43 did any of it make you little bit afraid? Yes. 22:46 What was it? Was that the guard? 22:49 The soldiers, oh! Who did you bring 22:54 with you today on Kids Time? 22:55 My Nana. Your Nana. Nana is pretty special aren't they? 22:58 Yes, I think so. And your Nana loves you a lot, 23:01 doesn't she? That's right, well can you tell me 23:04 you do something special to share Jesus, 23:06 in fact you brought something with you 23:09 can you tell me about it? I brought cards. 23:13 You brought cards, what are these cards 23:15 and did you make them? 23:17 Yes, I did. And how did you make them? 23:20 I decorated them. You decorated them and. 23:25 And write it on them. So, you wrote on them 23:29 and you, and what did you write? 23:30 Jesus always loves you. Oh! That's, that's true, 23:35 isn't it Kelly that Jesus always loves us? 23:38 Even we do bad things, 23:39 he hates the bad things, but he loves us, right? 23:42 Our plan for sharing Jesus is this, she makes these, 23:45 these precious, precious cards and puts Jesus loves 23:50 you or Jesus always loves you all them. 23:52 And next time we go to the store, when we go shopping 23:55 and we are in the parking lot, 23:56 we want to put these on peoples windshield. 23:59 And we were talking about that there will be people 24:03 sometime that will come out and they will feel lonely 24:05 and they feel like no one loves them 24:07 and they are gonna find one of these precious cards 24:09 that says Jesus loves you. 24:11 Oh! That is wonderful. And do you, do you enjoy 24:15 making the cards? Yes. 24:17 You do and do you like sharing Jesus? Yes. 24:20 Yes, I don't know that you have also been on Tiny Tots 24:22 quite a bit with my sisters 24:23 Auntie Linda and Miss Cinda, did you know, 24:25 they were my sisters? No. 24:26 Yeah, they are and I know that they love you very much. 24:30 They have worked a lot with you 24:31 when you are a little baby even. 24:32 She is a little bit shy, but she also likes to share 24:35 Jesus with her mom and dad and she let's them 24:38 know that she loves to go to church with her Nana. 24:41 And she encourages them to go to church 24:44 and she tells them lots of things about Jesus. 24:46 And how Jesus loves them? 24:48 So, she shares with her parents also. 24:50 Well, that's wonderful, because sometimes we share 24:52 Jesus right there in our house. 24:54 And that's a wonderful thing to do. 24:56 Let me read just a real quick letter over here, 24:58 let's see. If there is, oh! I think there is a picture 25:01 inside, can you hold this one up for me? 25:03 Hey, you are such a good helper. 25:04 This one is from Oshawa, Ontario, Canada 25:09 and it's says, Dear, Ms. Brenda, my name is Oliver, 25:12 I'm five years old and I share Jesus by sharing 25:15 my memory verses and by shoveling the snow 25:17 off my neighbors drive way. 25:19 I live in Canada and please send me 25:21 those Bible studies, love Oliver. 25:23 Oliver we are gonna get those right out to you, 25:25 thank you for that, that you for that Kelly. 25:27 And now I think I have another one, 25:29 this is from Australia. I love Australia, 25:32 I have visited your country many times 25:34 another picture, can you hold this one up for me? 25:37 This says, Dear, Ms. Brenda, 25:38 I like Learning Time very much. 25:40 Can I please have the Bible lessons? 25:42 I share Jesus by helping my mommy and being kind 25:45 to my brother and his friends. 25:47 I have given my heart to Jesus from Emily. 25:49 Oh! Emily I'm so glad to hear that you given your heart 25:52 to Jesus and look how Emily decorated her letter 25:55 so sweetly, look at that boys and girls. 25:57 I just love it. Thank you so much, 25:59 keep sharing our Jesus won't you? 26:01 Well, Kelly I wanna thank you for coming, 26:03 do you have something for Ms. Brenda? 26:04 Yes. You do, what do you have for me? Card. 26:07 You have a card it says, Jesus loves me. Oh! Kelly, 26:11 thank you so much that means a lot to me. 26:13 And I'm so happy that you love Jesus so much. Amen. 26:18 Well, boys and girls that's all the time 26:19 we have today, I wanna encourage you to everywhere 26:22 you go it's Kids Time to share Jesus. |
Revised 2014-12-17