Kids' Time

The Widow's Miracle

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000243

00:01 It's almost time for kids time. We gonna be late.
00:04 It's time to share there's a world out there,
00:08 Looking for a friend like Jesus.
00:12 It's time to share there's a world out there;
00:16 let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:20 Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:24 Kids Time, Kids Time, Kids Time.
00:31 Hi, boys and girls. There isn't a lot of good news
00:34 to read about at least not in the newspaper, is there?
00:36 The world is full of people who are sick and dying
00:39 and losing their homes because they don't have
00:41 enough money to pay their bills.
00:43 And the paper is full of sad stories.
00:45 I rather read about the stories about God taking
00:48 care of his people and there are plenty of stories
00:50 like that, I told a lot of them in a book I wrote
00:53 about Hurricane Katrina and I met hundreds of
00:56 people who told me personally how God took
00:58 care of them when that big storm hit.
01:00 So believe me boys and girls there is plenty of
01:03 good news out there. Our Bible story today is
01:06 about a woman who thought she was going to
01:08 lose everything. It would have made a great
01:10 newspaper story, huh! But God stepped in and well,
01:14 you have to wait and see what happened.
01:16 First let's get ready for nature time.
01:25 HI, boys and girls. Welcome to nature time.
01:28 You know, we're here again in beautiful
01:30 Western Montana, Up at Glacier National Park
01:32 and what I like to talk today is something that
01:37 may seem just a little bit different for nature time.
01:40 But it's one of the forces of nature.
01:43 Now you would think is a force of nature be maybe
01:46 a great storm or maybe the waves of a huge ocean
01:51 rolling in or Tsunami, but we're gonna talk about a
01:55 forest fire. Now you might say a forest fire,
01:58 that's a horrible thing. Well, let's talk about
02:01 this for a minute. These trees that you see behind
02:03 me like this one here that's been scorched black
02:05 and unfortunately it's been killed, it has opened
02:08 up the canopy for some very necessary foliage
02:11 in plants that wouldn't normally grow under heavy
02:14 shade. Many of the animals here in
02:16 Glacier National Park rely heavily on eating these
02:20 plants and they need open areas.
02:24 While it does definitely alter and change the
02:27 appearance of this forest and in some ways it does
02:30 do damage. Let's talk for a moment about erosion.
02:34 When a forest fire goes through it burns all of the
02:37 little grasses and it lives the forest floor
02:39 susceptible to being washed away.
02:42 There is not much top soil in a forest like this,
02:45 with only pine needles falling on it and decaying
02:48 down. It takes hundreds of years to make just a
02:51 quarter inch of top soil here and so after a fire
02:54 goes through, much of that top soil is washed down
02:57 into the lower valleys and into the lower meadows.
03:00 Many of those meadows need that top soil.
03:02 So they can have a healthy plant base,
03:04 that's so necessary on this fragile echo system.
03:08 God has created plants that come up with very,
03:11 very little top soil. The fire weed for instance,
03:15 that's a very necessary plant. Many of the species
03:18 that live here in Glacier National park and all
03:19 over the Western United States,
03:22 eat that fire weed and rely on it heavily and so
03:25 when that plants comes up, also the little hummingbirds
03:29 they need that also to survive on.
03:32 Many of the tree species here depend on forest fire,
03:35 like the Lodgepole Pine. The pine cone of the Lodgepole
03:39 does not open up and reseed the forest without
03:42 extreme heat. That extreme heat is only available
03:45 through forest fire. Now let's talk a little bit
03:48 about what's very harmful about a forest fire.
03:51 In many areas forest fire is responsible for
03:54 burning many, many peoples' home.
03:56 Forest fire is responsible for destroying much property
04:00 and boys and girls, that is a sad thing.
04:02 Also it makes our forest not look as beautiful
04:05 and green as God would like it to be.
04:08 Boys and girls, the only place we need a hot fire
04:10 burning is in our hearts, let this little light of mind
04:13 become a raging flame, telling others about Jesus,
04:16 until next time this is Ranger Rod saying
04:19 let's all enjoy God's great outdoors.
05:11 Welcome to learning time. Thanks for joining us today.
05:14 You know, we've got an interesting lesson
05:16 and you can do this at home.
05:18 I love things that you could do at home.
05:20 You all like to do experiments at home?
05:21 Yeah. Oh! Great, and I've got three helpers
05:24 I have Macy over here. Macy, what's one of
05:27 your most favorite foods? Vegetables.
05:30 You like vegetables. Oh! Vegetables are good for us,
05:32 aren't they? Yeah, very good. I've got Danielle
05:35 over here. Danielle, do you have a favorite food
05:37 that you like? Corn. Corn, you know corn's.
05:40 It's healthy for us, isn't it? Oh! You can fix corn in
05:42 so many different ways. I've got Tiara up here.
05:45 Tiara, what you like to eat the most? Apples.
05:49 Apples, you know apples are great for us,
05:51 aren't they? Yeah, an apple day is supposed do what?
05:53 Keep the doctor away. Oh! That's right.
05:56 Oh! Hey, what where do I get,
05:57 I have my helpers up here, come on up here
05:58 and help us to learn something.
06:00 Now we've got some, what are these things up
06:03 here guys? What are these things? Cans.
06:06 They're cans, that's right. You know, and guess
06:07 where I found these? In the trash can.
06:09 That's right. In the trash, do you throw cans away
06:11 like this when you are at home? No.
06:13 No, we should do what?. Recycle.
06:16 Recycle. Well, you know, I'm gonna show a very
06:18 interesting experiment. Do you know,
06:19 do you know that these cans can scream? They will?
06:22 Have you ever heard a can scream? No.
06:25 Oh! Well, you're just about ready to hear a can scream.
06:28 Now you can do this at home to try to annoy your
06:30 friends and family. Yeah, be kind of cool wouldn't it?
06:33 Okay, so we got a straw. Why don't you get,
06:35 grab your straw. You got a straw, okay,
06:37 and what are we gonna do? Oh! Let's take the
06:42 wrappers off of the straw. It's not a bad idea to do
06:45 that, okay, not a bad idea. Okay, let's take that
06:50 straw, okay, I will take the wrappers, okay, cool.
06:53 You clean up after yourself? Yes.
06:56 I am glad to hear that because if you make a
06:58 mess who should clean it up? You should.
07:01 That's right. Alright, are you ready to do this?
07:04 Okay, now what I want you to do is I want you
07:05 to get your cans in front of you just like that,
07:07 okay, and you can put one hand to keep them
07:09 together right on top, just like that and take the
07:12 straw and put the straw right in your mouth.
07:15 Can you put your straw in your mouth?
07:16 Okay, alright, now get down kind of low
07:18 and we want you to blow real hard,
07:21 can you get down lower then, go just like that,
07:23 put the straw right between those,
07:25 almost between, but not quite, and blow as hard
07:28 as you can in between those two cans and they
07:30 ought to scream. Are they screaming?
07:34 Are they screaming? No, they're not screaming.
07:39 Well, you know, maybe we ought to try something
07:41 different. Maybe we need to blow harder.
07:42 Why don't you try harder. Oh! Did you hear that?
07:46 Yes. Try it again, hard as you can.
07:51 Oh! Did you hear that one? Yeah.
07:53 Did you hear that straw and that cans?
07:57 That is oh! Oh! Okay, and they're screaming,
08:01 aren't they? Yes. And they're making a sound
08:05 aren't they? Okay, you can stop, you can stop.
08:07 Okay, do you suppose is happening what we're
08:11 doing the air goes past, air goes right past that
08:14 can in fact it goes right in between the cans just
08:17 like this and it vibrates the can and since that
08:20 can is vibrating so quickly it puts a vibration in the
08:24 air and it screams and we hear that as sound.
08:26 Isn't that cool? Yes.
08:29 If you blow really, really hard it will scream louder.
08:32 You want to hear it even louder than that. Yes.
08:35 Okay, can I try? I am going to use her cans
08:38 right here. Now remember all you have to do just
08:40 hold the cans like they so won't move
08:42 because you're going to be blasting the air right
08:44 through them. Let's see if I can make loud.
08:46 Are you ready? Yeah.
08:47 You might want to cover your ears, I don't know,
08:49 let's try this. Here we go. Wow! Try again.
08:58 Isn't that cool. Yeah. Wow! Would you like to
09:04 try that at home? Yeah.
09:07 Oh! That would be fun, wouldn't it? Yeah,
09:09 you know we can get things to vibrate
09:11 and when those vibrations that vibration travels
09:13 in the air and then what picks up the vibration.
09:16 Our ears. Our ears, and then our brain interprets
09:20 that as sound. Do you like that kind of sound? Yes.
09:23 Oh yeah, it's noise isn't it? It's not music but
09:26 that's very interesting. You can take objects that
09:28 you just might find around the house or maybe
09:31 in the trash, right, but remember recycle those
09:34 if you can. And we can make a musical instrument,
09:36 is this a musical instrument? No.
09:39 Really not music, is it? But it sure is an
09:41 interesting sound, isn't it? Oh! I think so
09:45 and you know, I think that we need to listen
09:47 to sounds that are pleasant. Is this a pleasant sound?
09:50 No. Would you like to hear that all day long? No.
09:54 I would like to hear more pleasant sounds like
09:56 somebody's voice or maybe singing, right, or music
09:58 or maybe a musical instrument.
10:00 And those are really pleasant sounds,
10:02 isn't that great? Yeah.
10:04 And you know, boys and girls every time we talk
10:06 to Jesus and we meditate, you know,
10:08 I think those are pleasant sounds that he likes to
10:10 hear. He wants to hear from us, doesn't he? Yes.
10:13 I think so too. Well, remember boys and girls
10:16 whenever we learn more about science
10:18 we're learning more about our creator God.
10:34 Hi, how are you? Good. Joel, can you come
10:37 and help this customer, please?
10:39 He'll get you whatever you need?
10:47 Bread, fresh bread. Hi, how are you?
10:51 Good. You need some bread? Can I help you,
10:55 right over here. We'll give you what you need.
10:59 Thank you sir. Excuse me, excuse me,
11:05 do you need something? Yes,
11:07 I'm interested in this bread,
11:08 it looks very delicious. Well, this is,
11:10 sir do you want to buy bread or you just
11:12 interested in looking at it.
11:13 I am just looking at the bread and the whole
11:15 business and everything and I am looking at
11:16 you make your bread, why it looks wonderful.
11:18 Why are you here to take my business
11:20 or you just here to be a spectator?
11:23 Well, why would you think I want to take
11:24 your business. Well, everybody in this town
11:26 knows who you are. We know that you're in
11:28 the business of ruining lives, taking businesses,
11:31 breaking hearts. Ma'am, I am but a mere creditor.
11:35 I loan money for businesses
11:36 and I help people grow their businesses.
11:38 It's what I do and yes, I am one of the
11:40 wealthiest men in this town.
11:41 Well. But you are correct. Growing business
11:44 is what they're calling it these days.
11:45 We have poor people sad, loosing their homes,
11:49 loosing everything, is that what you they're
11:51 calling it growing businesses?
11:52 Ma'am, I just simply loan money to people
11:54 and I just came in this store to buy some bread.
11:56 I don't understand why are you so angry with me?
11:58 So tell me what is it that you need?
12:00 So we can, here you can get it,
12:01 so you can move along your way.
12:02 Ma'am, why are you so angry with me?
12:04 I'm just, I just came look at the bread.
12:06 That's all I'm here for. Listen, I am not
12:08 interested in a lot of conversations,
12:09 so let's just make this transaction quick.
12:12 I know who you are and I really don't like
12:14 your kind hanging around my services,
12:16 it's bad for business. My kind,
12:18 what is my kind ma'am? Please explain
12:20 to me about my kind? People like you,
12:23 everybody in this town knows who you are.
12:25 We know what you've done, of course,
12:27 we know the people that you hurt,
12:29 those people that you hurt they're close to our hearts
12:32 here, we're family. We're a close knit neighborhood.
12:34 We're family around here. So you hurt
12:36 one you hurt us all. This sounds personal ma'am.
12:39 This sounds like a personal issue.
12:41 Is there someone you're referring to that I've hurt.
12:44 I mean they're lots of people that I do business with.
12:45 I'm in the business of loaning money,
12:47 so of course, so is there someone you're specifically
12:50 referring to? Listen, I have a really,
12:53 really good friend and she went through a lot
12:56 and her life was kind of upside down
12:58 and a lot of that had to be with you
13:00 and so I mean I'm sorry if I am not as kind as you
13:04 wanted or as friendly as you expected,
13:07 but it's really important to me and it saddens me
13:10 every time I think about what she had to go
13:13 through. What did she? At the hands of you.
13:15 What did she go through at the hands of me?
13:18 Sir, you may not know this but my friend
13:21 she lost her husband. A poor widow,
13:26 sad with her husband dying and not knowing what to
13:30 do, left to raise two sons by herself.
13:34 Left raising boys with no money,
13:35 not knowing how she is going to survive,
13:37 not knowing what she is going to do next and.
13:40 Oh! So her husband owed me money,
13:42 is that what you're saying? Yeah. Her husband owed
13:45 you money and you came to her right after his dead
13:48 demanding that she paid you that money back.
13:52 Because, you would never loan money to a woman,
13:53 so we must have gone to the husband,
13:55 so you are saying I owe this, this woman owes
13:56 me money and I demanded her to pay me back.
13:59 Yes. Is that not just business ma'am? No.
14:01 What is wrong with that concept?
14:04 Yeah, you know, despite all those things that,
14:07 that you might have done that.
14:09 Your intention was not for God.
14:11 God had a wonderful plan in stored anyway.
14:14 You know, he just works like that sometimes.
14:18 All I want to do is just conduct business.
14:20 I try to figure out what did I do to hurt this
14:24 friend so badly, it was just about business.
14:27 Let me tell me the story. You know, my friend,
14:31 she's always been a bit of a sensitive,
14:34 sensitive woman, very family friendly she loved
14:37 her husband, bless his soul and she loves her
14:40 two boys more than anything in this world
14:43 and when you came to her and you demanded
14:46 that she pay back the money that her husband
14:49 owed or you were gonna her boys as slaves to her
14:52 that was like the end of the world.
14:53 You couldn't have said anything worse than that.
14:56 I know who this friend is. And my friend,
14:59 she was so devastated, she came to me and said
15:02 what am I going to do. Well, there she was
15:04 quickly reminded that her husband served the
15:07 prophet Elijah, and that he would always tell her
15:10 that God performed miracles,
15:12 if you needed them all you had to do was ask God.
15:15 So she figured well, since he is a man of
15:17 encouragement I will go to him and see
15:19 what he has to say. I've heard of
15:20 this Elisha, this prophet. I have heard of him.
15:22 Oh! Yeah, And since you when you hear about him,
15:24 he is a very wise man. So she went to Prophet Elijah
15:28 and she said to him what I am to do this creditor,
15:32 that would be yourself, wanted to take money
15:35 from me and I don't have anything to pay,
15:37 so he is going to take my sons.
15:40 Prophet Elijah said to her, he said, here is
15:43 what I want you to do. I want you to go to all
15:46 the people you know and collect as many jars
15:50 that you have, collect as many jars to see
15:53 what they have. So, she came looking for jars
15:56 so she can put in her house but she was asking
15:59 me do I have any jars and I was saying for what?
16:01 And she was saying she didn't even know why?
16:03 People thought she was a crazy woman.
16:05 Sounds like one. Well, turns out she was a very smart
16:08 woman because she did exactly
16:10 what he told her to do. She took all those jars,
16:13 cases of jars. When back to her house
16:16 and he said now take this little bit of oil that
16:19 you have in your container and I want you
16:21 to fill those jars of oil. Wait, she was going to
16:25 take a little bit of oil and fill the jars.
16:28 A little bit of oil? A little bit of oil.
16:31 And fill large jars! And she filled jars.
16:33 That's lunacy. No much more oil than that
16:36 and she filled these jars and every time
16:38 she finished she looked down and there was
16:41 still oil in the jar. She was amazed,
16:43 her sons were excited and they were excited
16:47 that God was performing a miracle,
16:49 she didn't even know how it was possible,
16:50 but it was happening and she filled all these jars.
16:55 She came out and she said I don't know
16:57 how this happened. I don't know what's a place here.
17:00 God has performed miracles right here
17:02 in front of my eyes and the prophet Elijah said,
17:04 now I want you to take these jars and sell them
17:08 to everybody you know. Pay back the
17:10 creditor what he wants and live off the rest.
17:13 Is that how she was able to pay me back?
17:15 I brought three or four myself.
17:19 Go on, go on, go on tell me more.
17:21 Well, you know, my friend went back to her house,
17:24 she took all these jars, she sold them to everybody,
17:27 she had this left over money.
17:29 She gave you what you asked for.
17:31 Remember that. And from that moment on
17:34 she was a woman of God. Serving our heavenly
17:38 Father, dedicated her life, her sons lives
17:41 to serve him and all that he would ever ask,
17:44 you know. It sounds so powerful.
17:46 This God, this Prophet Elisha, this God.
17:51 He did all this for this woman with a little bit
17:53 of oil. Mr. Creditor you have no idea the power
17:58 of God. You have no idea what he can do with just
18:01 a little we have to offer. I did not even know him.
18:05 And that's sad, but you know it does have to be like
18:07 that. He wants to know you? You don't have to,
18:11 to go and take money from needy people
18:14 that are in need of hope and that are sad
18:17 and don't have anything to the name.
18:19 You don't have to be that man.
18:21 God is ready to have you inside of his heart.
18:23 He is ready to perform miracles, not just for
18:26 my friend. He wants to be coming in for me
18:28 and for you. That's the kind of God he is.
18:32 I must get to know this God and meet this prophet.
18:34 I know, I think I know where he lives
18:36 and where he preaches. Oh! Yeah.
18:39 Not too far from here. Go find Prophet Elijah yourself.
18:42 You ask him about this story. He will tell you.
18:44 He will tell you exactly what I told you. I am.
18:47 You go talk to the prophet Elijah
18:49 and he will tell you exactly what happened
18:51 and how powerful this God is.
18:53 I must meet this prophet Elisha.
18:56 I must get to know more about this prophet
18:57 and about this God, who helped this woman pay
19:00 the debt that I demanded of her.
19:01 Do that and you know, I want you to know
19:03 something. We forgive you.
19:06 We forgive you despite all the things you did.
19:08 We forgive you, as a matter fact,
19:10 hold on to your money, take this bread, take that.
19:14 Take that for your family from my heart.
19:19 You have a good day Mr. Creditor.
19:21 Thank you and thank you for the story.
19:23 No problem. Thank you, have a good day.
19:26 You do the same. Bread,
19:29 got some bread over here.
19:42 Lord, prepare me to be a sanctuary
19:51 Pure and holy, tried and true With thanksgiving,
20:04 I'll be a living Sanctuary Lord for You,
20:19 Lord, prepare me to be a sanctuary
20:28 Pure and holy, tried and true With thanksgiving,
20:42 I'll be a living Sanctuary, Lord for You.
21:03 Hi, boys and girls, it's time for Miss Brenda's book
21:06 of the day. And today's book is a very special book,
21:10 it's called Secret of the Yellow Van and this is a
21:12 book about dealing with loss and it's written by
21:15 Sandy Zaugg. Sometimes ten year old Jennifer cried
21:19 and sometimes she was angry but most all the time,
21:23 she missed her, I am not going to tell you who?
21:26 You're gonna have to read the book,
21:27 but it is a very special book by Sandy Zaugg.
21:31 Something else I have very special for you right now
21:33 is our guest today. I want you to say, hello to Emma
21:36 and to Colin. Now you are brother and sister right
21:40 Emma and Colin. You are, and I invited you here
21:43 because you have a very special ministry,
21:45 I want you to share with the boys and girls
21:46 all over the world something that they can do to
21:48 witness for Jesus, okay. Okay.
21:50 Alright, so what do you do to share Jesus?
21:53 We have a backyard Bible club,
21:55 it's a ministry that we use to tell people,
21:58 to tell the children of our neighborhood about Jesus.
22:02 Well that's a wonderful thing to do.
22:04 Now how, Colin what you do for that? What is it?
22:07 We sing, we pray, we do a snack.
22:12 Well let's, I have a couple of pictures here.
22:14 Let me put these pictures. Here's you actually,
22:16 this is you. It looks like you're in your house
22:19 actually. We were singing. You're singing right there
22:21 and you have. So, if it's a rainy day you can go
22:23 inside, mom wants to have your backyard Bible club
22:26 indoors, right. Yeah. We have it indoors.
22:30 So you have it indoors and you can have it outside
22:32 or indoors. And here you're singing and you've got a
22:34 little girl that's singing with you and then you
22:36 said you've made some snacks
22:37 and I have a picture of what, I love this snack.
22:40 What a wonderful idea. What am I looking at here?
22:42 You are looking at a race car snack.
22:44 A race car snack, and you. That's supposed to be
22:47 the person. He's singing from a Bible.
22:50 So you got a veggie hot dog bun right here
22:52 with the veggie hotdog and then you've got all kinds
22:56 of little decorations on it and that is so nice,
22:59 so do you help make the snacks too.
23:01 Yes. We pretty much made them ourselves.
23:05 You do. Yeah. And what else,
23:07 how do you get the kids to come to your club?
23:10 We send our invitations to every house.
23:16 Every house that has kids. Okay, let me look your
23:19 paper. So I will just hold it up so boys can see,
23:21 so you have a piece of paper here
23:23 and it basically tells them about the club
23:25 and what's going on and okay. And then you just
23:29 pass it out from door to door. Yes.
23:31 You do and so has there ever been anybody
23:36 show up or? Yes, there has been.
23:38 So you just have the club with you,
23:40 the two of guys that day.
23:43 Sometimes kids will come; sometimes they don't get
23:45 the invitations 'cause they don't read them.
23:48 But we could still do it even if they don't come.
23:51 Okay. Yeah, we can do it ourselves.
23:52 But it's a wonderful way to witness isn't it?
23:54 It is? And so what kind of songs you sing
23:57 and you said you pray, you have Bible stories.
23:59 Yes, we have Bible stories.
24:01 We sing things like the Sea of Galilee,
24:05 we sing Father Abraham and sometimes we sing Jesus
24:10 loves me. Do some of the kids know these songs
24:12 or you teaching them? Yes, yes, we're teaching them.
24:15 Some of them we teach. They don't know the songs.
24:18 The little girl that you saw in that picture,
24:21 she does not Father Abraham.
24:22 She doesn't it a lot because she is 3 so.
24:26 Right, so you have to help her.
24:28 Yes, we have to help her. So this is, how did you
24:31 come up with this idea? I think it's a
24:32 fabulous idea. Don't you boys and girls?
24:35 I was, well I was going to go outside
24:38 and I was going to ask my dad if I could skate
24:41 and as I was going to do it, I got this idea
24:45 and I asked mom would it be okay if we had a
24:49 Bible club. Well, that and I think the Holy Spirit
24:53 gave you that idea. Don't you think?
24:54 Yes, I think so. I want to thank you so much
24:57 for sharing that. I think we have time read couple
25:00 of letters real quick. I have one email that
25:02 I just received. Dear Miss Brenda, received my Bible
25:05 and certificate for my just concluded Bible lessons
25:08 yesterday and they arrived in good condition
25:10 and I love my Bible, it's so beautiful and I love the
25:14 study portion in it. I've never had a Bible like this
25:17 and it says I started observing the Sabbath
25:19 and sharing to the rest of my family but they are not
25:22 responsive to the gospel as I am the only one for
25:26 now at least that's keeping Seventh-Day
25:28 Sabbath of the Lord. My consolation is that
25:31 Jesus came to, seek and save the lost
25:33 and so I'm going to keep praying for my family
25:35 and step out in faith and that my family
25:37 will learn of Jesus too. And a special things to
25:40 your mom, grandma Micheff for checking all my
25:44 answer sheets and sending my lessons faithfully.
25:46 Thank you so much and I'm grateful for these
25:48 wonderful lessons. So thankful in Christ,
25:51 Anna Lee. And she is from the Philippines in Manila,
25:56 and I want to thank you for that letter.
25:57 I'm so glad you received your Bible lessons.
26:00 You know, boys and girls I want to encourage you to
26:02 sign up for Kids Club just write me at:
26:04 and tell me you want to join.
26:07 Emma and Colin, thank you so much for sharing
26:09 what you do every day to witness for Jesus.
26:12 Remember boys and girls, that anywhere you go,
26:15 whatever you do, its kids time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17