Kids' Time

The Greedy Couple

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000239

00:01 It's almost time for Kids Time, we're gonna
00:03 be late. It's time to share
00:06 there's a world out there, Looking for a
00:09 friend like Jesus. It's time to share there's a
00:14 world out there. Let's tell them that He loves
00:17 us so. Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:23 Kid's time, kid's time, kid's time, kid's time, kid's time.
00:30 I love stories especially stories with happy
00:32 endings and I like to hear that all the people
00:36 of the story lived happily ever after.
00:38 But, you know boys and girls in real life stories
00:41 are just the beginning, something interesting
00:43 happens and then life goes on and the
00:45 characters in real life stories keep on leaving
00:48 on and facing more challenges.
00:50 There is always more to the story.
00:52 Many people thought that the greatest story
00:55 on earth ended when Jesus died and rose
00:57 again, but that story didn't end there it kept
01:00 going and guess what here in it.
01:02 Today, we are going to hear part of that story,
01:04 we will here about something that
01:06 happened after Jesus died and rose again.
01:08 It's about a couple of people, who tried to
01:11 trick God and that's never a good idea is it.
01:14 I am sorry to say that things didn't turn out
01:16 well for them. This story did not have a
01:19 happy ending, but there is a very important
01:21 lesson to learn, so I hope you will listen
01:23 closely, but first let's get ready for Nature Time.
01:33 Hi, boys and girls welcome to nature time.
01:37 I am here in beautiful Western Montana with
01:39 Ranger Jim and our friend Ann Dall.
01:41 She is the head of the Swan Ecosystem Center
01:43 and we gonna learn something absolutely
01:45 fascinating today about this beautiful tree that is
01:48 behind me this is called ponderosa.
01:51 And incidentally, ponderosa is a very
01:53 special tree because it's Montana state tree.
01:56 Alright, isn't that incredible Ranger Jim.
01:58 That's great. And we are here in beautiful
02:00 Montana, right, its how appropriate to be
02:01 talking about this beautiful tree.
02:04 I would like boys and girls for us to take a sort
02:07 of a look that something that seems unique and
02:09 you might say to yourselves oh Ranger
02:11 Rod is that tree died. Look at that big scar on
02:14 the front of the tree. What could have cause
02:16 that, maybe you boys and girls at home you
02:19 can only see this part of the tree right here, but
02:22 really this tree is very, very tall, well over a
02:25 hundred feet tall won't you say Ann.
02:27 Oh! At least a hundred feet tall I would say,
02:29 at least a hundred feet tall. Ann could you tell
02:32 us why this tree has this big mark right down to
02:34 the middle of it. Well, if people want to guess a
02:37 little bit, we have a lot of forest fires in this
02:39 area when a fire comes through the area it will
02:42 start burning from the ground and a scar from
02:45 the fire would be at the ground level and working up.
02:48 This one starts about this high imagine that
02:52 you are an Indian woman, a woman from
02:54 the Pend d'Oreille tribe or the Salish and
02:56 Kootenai Tribes campaign over here and
02:59 you need to scrape the bark off this huge tree
03:03 because inside the bark in the layer between the
03:07 bark and the center of the tree there is
03:10 cambium, which is sweet. And hundred years ago
03:14 people didn't have candy you couldn't go
03:16 to the store, you couldn't buy sugar. Right.
03:18 So, if you were living out in the woods in
03:21 those days you would be looking for sweet
03:23 treats or maybe there is some additional value
03:26 here or some other uses. Now the people who
03:29 live across the mountains from us the
03:31 Pend d'Oreille, the Salish & Kootenai
03:34 know about the history of their tree and we are
03:37 only interpreting what they are learning they
03:39 have stories that tell about at the use of these
03:41 trees and they are doing a lot of research, so we
03:44 don't pretend to know everything, but we have
03:46 been told some things about the trees.
03:48 How Old Ann would you say that this tree is
03:51 by looking at it how large it is boys and girls
03:52 you can see this is a fairly large tree.
03:54 How old would you say this tree is?
03:56 Well, this tree hasn't been board, so I am not
03:59 sure, but I'm gonna guess it's about 200
04:01 years old. 200 years, so how long it go with the
04:05 Indians have put this scrape on the side of the
04:07 tree in order to get the cambium out of it, so if
04:10 they chew it is as candy or certain like we might
04:13 chew gum sometimes when mommy or daddy
04:15 let's us have a piece of gum about how long
04:18 ago would that have taken place.
04:19 Well, we know that the trees were been peeled
04:22 for a long time in history and tell the
04:25 Indian people were moved on to the
04:27 reservation and they stopped campaigning in
04:29 this area. So, you can look back in the stock
04:31 records and realize that when they no longer
04:35 camped here the peeling stopped.
04:37 Now they peel lots of different trees, it wasn't
04:39 just the ponderosa but the ponderosa live so
04:42 long we still see the scars. Now I understand
04:45 that one of the reasons the ponderosa live so
04:47 long is that it's, it's fairly resistant to fire,
04:51 when forest fire burns through an area like an
04:54 area in like this I notice here boys and girls that
04:56 is fairly open, there are larger trees and when
04:59 the fire would burn up to this tree.
05:02 Is there why wouldn't this tree just burn up in
05:05 a forest fire? Well, you could take a look you
05:06 can tell here from the scar that the bark on a
05:09 ponderosas are at least this thick and so that
05:13 has to be a very hot fire burning slowly to
05:17 actually consume the whole bark.
05:19 And so if the whole bark is not consumed
05:21 then the tree would continue to live.
05:23 Even though because I notice here that there is
05:25 some, some ash or not ash, it would be
05:27 charcoal may be and so that is that evident that
05:30 there has been a fire here in the presence of
05:33 this tree since that it was even peeled.
05:35 You are right, exactly right. Interesting.
05:36 There may, if you able to cut this tree down in
05:39 of course we wouldn't, we might find several
05:40 fire scars on the rings, on the rings, so we look
05:43 at the rings boys and girls you know that
05:45 inside of a tree when you, when you cut it off
05:47 very smooth you can count rings in there and
05:51 so those, those rings that's evident of a year
05:54 per ring. Each ring indicates a year of
05:56 growth and so, you are saying Ann that one of
05:59 those rings might have a little bit of this
06:01 charcoal on it and they would indicate at that
06:04 year there was a forest fire or there is at least a
06:06 grass fire that burn to this area. That's correct,
06:08 interesting. Another, another feature she met
06:10 to probably this tree had been bored or tapped
06:13 that's when you go into this tree with an auger
06:17 hollow and you can bore in that doing don't
06:19 do damage to the tree when you pulled it out
06:21 you have a sample of the history of the tree
06:23 and they can read it. Oh! Go back is it, yes
06:25 this patch is, this match is the one that was up
06:28 on the other side of the mountain there had a
06:31 forest fire back in 1922 that big fire, yeah, there
06:34 it was. Ranger Jim you are waving something
06:36 around here. Okay, where did you find this,
06:37 what is this. Well, I hate being the green horn,
06:39 but I've never been to Montana before.
06:42 In Florida we, we have something we call
06:44 Spanish moss and I saw this, so Ms. Ann what
06:46 in the world is this stuff. Well, we like to call
06:49 that old man's beard. Oh, that fits, okay that
06:52 fits okay, but it is not moss at all its lichen,
06:55 which is different and I won't
06:57 go into that right now. Because that's kind of
06:59 complicate to understand the difference between
07:01 the lichen and moss. But the nice things
07:03 about that is its really important for wild life,
07:06 so especially in the winter the deer and elk
07:09 reach up into the trees and eat this.
07:11 And in fact the Indian people, who lived here
07:14 probably ate it to it is edible and I think they
07:17 cooked it in underground ovens.
07:20 If you put little on your tongue it might taste
07:23 sweet, but mostly it will seem really dry.
07:25 Ms. Ann you mentioned that the deer and the elk
07:28 reach up into the tree and they take this, now
07:31 I noticed that they could possibly reach up in this
07:33 tree so when the wind blows in this, this lichen
07:38 falls to the ground, but they do here right off
07:40 the ground. They, they will search around on
07:41 the ground and they really love it when a
07:43 tree blows over in the wind. It's very interesting.
07:45 And all of that lichen is up there, where they
07:47 can actually reach it. Well, thank you so
07:49 much, hey this is like Africa, that is exiting
07:52 isn't that exciting boys and girls and you boys
07:54 and girls at home isn't that wonderful our God
07:56 has put into play a way to take care of the
08:00 animals they live in this part of Montana over
08:02 here, lots of deep snow, there is a way that they
08:04 can feed even during the middle of the
08:05 wintertime when they can't dig down to the
08:07 grass they have this lichen they falls on a
08:10 ground for them on windstorm or may be a
08:11 tree falls down. God is so good, well that's all
08:14 the time we have today boys and girls, but until
08:17 next time this is Ranger Rod and Ranger Jim
08:20 saying let's all enjoy God's great outdoors.
08:34 What can wash away my sin?
08:37 Nothing but the blood of Jesus;
08:41 What can make me whole again?
08:45 Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
08:49 Oh! Precious is the flow That makes me white as snow;
08:57 No other fount I know, Nothing but the
09:01 blood of Jesus. For my pardon, this I see,
09:08 Nothing but the blood of Jesus;
09:12 For my cleansing this my plea,
09:16 Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
09:19 Oh! Precious is the flow That makes me white as snow;
09:28 No other fount I know, Nothing but the
09:32 the blood of Jesus. Oh! Precious is the flow
09:39 That makes me white as snow; No other fount I know,
09:47 Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
10:02 Welcome to learning time. Hey I'm glad that
10:04 you are here today, we are going to do an
10:06 experiment with water, water is a very
10:08 interesting thing. Well, you know we have
10:10 got three helpers let me introduce you to
10:12 our helpers today. In fact I have got
10:14 Christopher over here, now Christopher what
10:17 do you like to do best about water.
10:19 I like to swim, swim in water, oh, that's cool,
10:22 we don't have enough water for you to swim today.
10:24 No, I don't think so. But, hey and we've got
10:26 Steven over here. Steven what do you like
10:29 to do about water in water. Drink it, drink it you know
10:32 drinking water is very important isn't it.
10:34 You know I don't know about you, but today we
10:36 will have something very special because we
10:38 have some twins' right here. Can you, can you think
10:41 who might be twins in here. Oh! I have got Christopher
10:45 and I have got Steven, and they happen to be
10:46 fraternal twins. This is the first time that we've
10:49 ever had that, we have had identical twins,
10:51 but we haven't had fraternal twins.
10:53 So, can we give them a hand to be the first?
10:56 You are very first and thanks
10:58 for being a part of us. We are glad that you
11:00 came here and we have got Ashley.
11:01 Ashley thanks for being here. You know what do you
11:04 like to do best about water. Swimming, swim in the
11:08 water, swimming is really important isn't it.
11:10 Hey, why don't you come on up here, let's
11:11 do an experiment with water. This is an exciting
11:14 experiment come on right in here.
11:16 Now, we have an aquarium, you can do
11:17 lots of things with aquariums right.
11:19 Right. Yeah we can swim in it if we are
11:21 little smaller or you know if we go to one of
11:23 those big amusement not amusement parks,
11:25 but museums you can swim with a big
11:28 aquariums, where you know the animals swim
11:32 more like fish, how about sharks.
11:34 No, I don't think I wanna, oh, some sharks
11:36 you can swim until you don't have a problem.
11:37 But, water is very interesting because
11:39 when it is a liquid, we can do anything with it,
11:41 it doesn't have a shape all of it's own, but what
11:44 happens when we freeze it, what happens
11:46 ice when we freeze it, it turns into ice, ice.
11:49 It takes the shape of the container that we put it in.
11:51 Hey, let's do an experiment with this okay.
11:53 I will tell you, let's do why don't you grab hold
11:55 that block of ice. We are gonna see if ice
11:57 floats or sink what do you think it does.
11:59 Floats, okay, we will put it there gently okay
12:02 and let's check this out and see what happens
12:04 right over here. Well, is it floating or sinking?
12:06 Floating, it's floating, you know it becomes an
12:10 ice cube or it becomes an iceberg if it happens
12:13 to be on a large body or water.
12:15 Now, if we were in a boat and we were just
12:17 right here in around the top of the water the
12:19 boats just scream and right towards this iceberg.
12:22 All that we would see would be the what?
12:23 The top of it, right. And it doesn't look like
12:27 its very big right, but if you are fish or you if
12:30 you look underneath the water what would you see.
12:32 This big blast of ice, a whole lot of it, that's
12:35 right about 90 percent of an iceberg is underwater.
12:39 Now, that presents a real problem for boats
12:41 and ships doesn't it? We even had ships like the
12:44 famous Titanic, Titanic you know the story.
12:48 Its, it hit an iceberg a huge iceberg; it tore the
12:51 ship apart very, very dangerous.
12:54 Well, you know when God made ice while
12:57 when he made water he said you know what
12:58 water you are gonna be very special, you are
13:00 gonna do something that hardly any other
13:02 liquids do. When you get cold enough to
13:04 freeze, I want you to float and so I thought
13:07 that they will not be cool to be able to do
13:09 something that hardly anything
13:11 else does as a liquid. So, when Ice freezes
13:13 it gets bigger, the crystalline structure
13:16 expands and it takes up more room and so it
13:19 floats, that's a really good idea because you
13:22 know what would happen. The surface of the water
13:24 would get cold like in the winter time and it
13:26 would turn into an ice, right ice and then it
13:29 would sink and then more of the surface
13:31 would freeze and sink pretty soon you would
13:33 have a solid column of ice. What would happen to
13:36 all the fish and all the animals?
13:37 They will die. They will die. They wouldn't to be
13:39 able to survive; well you know God knew all
13:42 about that. That's why he created ice or water
13:46 rather in a very special way when it gets cold
13:48 isn't that unique. Yeah. Oh yeah! Because we
13:52 have a great unique creator God and
13:54 remember boys and girls every time we study
13:57 about science we learn more about our creator God.
14:09 These are such exciting times we are living in,
14:11 yes they are and fearful too.
14:19 Is he gone? He is gone. Oh! I thought it was
14:22 allover when Jesus died. Oh! Yeh. But we have
14:26 baptized over 5000 people since he, since
14:30 he was crucified. 5000, yes, oh my, the Lord is
14:35 just working in such mighty ways.
14:38 You know the other day I saw people bringing
14:40 sick people and just laying them in the streets.
14:43 So, then when peter walked by his shadow
14:46 would be cast on them and they were healed.
14:48 Oh! That's so exciting. I've heard about the
14:50 miracles and I am so excited about what is
14:54 happening in our world today, we are going to
14:57 have a meeting at my house tonight would
14:59 you like to come? Sure, I would like to come.
15:02 Be sure that no one follows you alright its
15:05 very important. No one, make sure. Okay, I am
15:10 going to go I have more shopping to do.
15:12 I need to get on my way, but I will see you
15:14 tonight. Alright, remember no one
15:16 follows you. Okay, tonight. Strategy and
15:21 am sure. Excuse me, yes I am looking for a
15:26 piece of pottery and I need something just
15:29 right about so big and about so big around.
15:32 Just go ahead and look around and we have our
15:34 servant there will help, thank you,
15:36 your welcome. What is wrong with you,
15:40 you haven't listen to one word I have said you
15:44 just like in your own world and in your own
15:45 thoughts why even a customer came up and
15:47 you didn't even turn your head to notice her.
15:50 Husband this is not like you, I am sorry there is,
15:54 there is just and such horrible things that have
15:56 happen today. Well, what can be so horrible
15:59 that your mind wouldn't be on business it always
16:01 is on business. No, this is really bad.
16:04 Well, what could be really bad.
16:07 Well, you know Ananias and Sapphira.
16:09 Well of course Sapphira is one of my good friends.
16:13 I know remember the land that they had they
16:16 were going to sell. Oh! Yes, yes she told me
16:18 they had some land they gonna sell
16:20 get to the apostles. Yeah, well that was the problem.
16:24 Well, why would that be a problem because
16:26 when they sold that they got far more then
16:28 they thought they were going to get.
16:29 Oh! Praise the Lord, but they decided to keep
16:33 that portion for themselves. Oh, and just give
16:37 part of it to God. Are you telling me that the
16:39 part they promised all of the land and all the
16:42 money and now they were gonna keep part of
16:44 it to themselves. Yes, that's what I am telling you.
16:47 Oh! I got to go talk to Sapphira.
16:49 No, no, she cannot do this. You can't go, you have
16:51 to listen to me. Ananias went to see Peter
16:56 to bring the money, well of course, and talk
16:58 to him, okay, and he said here is the money
17:01 from the land. And did he tell him that he had
17:03 some extra. No, no, because Peter asked
17:06 him if that was all that he had got and he said
17:09 yes it is. And Peter said Ananias you haven't
17:15 lied to me, you lie to the Holy Spirit, that's a
17:19 serious offense. And then Peter said Ananias
17:25 it was your land, it belong to you,
17:28 you could do what you want it with it,
17:29 of course, but you gave it to God. He promised,
17:31 yes he did, and the money you got it was
17:35 yours too, but you promised that to God.
17:37 Exactly, you are not lying to me Ananias
17:40 you are lying to God. Oh! This is so serious.
17:44 And he gets worse. How can it get any
17:46 worse that's a terrible thing to do, at the very
17:49 moment Ananias fell down at the feet of
17:51 Peter and he died. Oh! No, I've got to go to
17:54 Sapphira right now, no, no, I could know you
17:56 don't understand she is my friend.
17:57 No, no just wait, I have to go, wait,
17:58 wait, let me finish. The man they picked up
18:02 Ananias and they carried him out to the
18:04 cemetery and they buried him that very
18:06 day, that very moment. I had to go and be with
18:10 Sapphira. This is what is so hard to tell you
18:14 because three hours later Sapphira didn't
18:17 know what it happened to Ananias she didn't know.
18:20 So certainly she would have gone in sad, this is
18:22 the extra money that we have I know she got it,
18:25 she loves the Lord. That's not what she did.
18:28 She went to see Peter and when she got there
18:33 she lays the money got and Peter asked her too
18:37 if this is what the land sold. Did she told the truth
18:39 just tell me she told the truth.
18:41 No, she didn't she didn't tell the truth.
18:43 She said yes that's what we sold the land for.
18:47 And she didn't know Ananias was gone and
18:49 she was looking for him. She lied. Yes.
18:52 And Peter said you haven't lied to me,
18:56 you have lie to God. Oh! And this is where
19:02 it's breaking my heart for you because Peter
19:05 said the man that carried Ananias after
19:08 buried him they are waiting for you.
19:11 Oh no, yes. And she fell down at Peter foot and
19:15 she died right there on the spot.
19:19 And this men, this men they took her out to the
19:22 cemetery and they buried her to the God.
19:25 Sapphira has gone. They have gone just for
19:27 money, just for money. Why did she lie to the
19:30 Holy Spirit? They love the church like we love
19:32 the church we have been Christians for long.
19:35 Oh! That God is faithful, he will take
19:38 care of his own, but we can't lie to God,
19:40 but she wanted the money more then she
19:43 wanted to serve God. Oh! And she is gone.
19:47 And I have been thinking about our shop
19:50 in about all the things we have and I am just
19:53 wondering you know this is worth it.
19:55 It's not worth it. Husband, we have got
19:57 to go together, we have got to take this money
20:00 right now, I know, we have got to take it to
20:02 apostles right now, we will not lie we have,
20:06 we have talked about giving this money,
20:08 let us promise together that they were gonna
20:11 give it, oh, I will go. But, let's promise from
20:13 this day forth to Peter and to all the Church
20:16 that we will give half of everything we sell to
20:19 the new church that they can grow in prosperous.
20:21 Exactly, exactly we've gone through a painful
20:24 lesson today, but this is a lesson that the whole
20:28 church needs to learn that, that we can't be
20:30 dishonest with God everything belongs to
20:32 God and let's give this to him.
20:34 That's exactly right, we are gonna make sure
20:37 that they get every single coin, make sure
20:41 you give it all, don't hold back, turn the
20:44 purse upside down, make sure every coin is
20:46 comes out of there. Go husband hurry, oh God.
20:52 Please keep us always faithful to you always
20:58 you are the only true God and we want to
20:59 honor you on everything mean to you.
21:02 Oh, may be you will be praised.
22:02 Hi, boys and girls, it's time for Ms. Brenda's
22:04 Book of the Day and today's book is called
22:08 Hannah's Girls this one is on Grace and it's
22:12 True Stories of God's Leading in Six Generations
22:14 of Adventist Girls and this one is written by
22:16 Ruth Merkel, a wonderful book.
22:19 Well, today we are going meet a very
22:22 special girl that is no stranger for Kids Time.
22:24 I wanna to welcome Evana. Thank you Evana for
22:27 being with us today and it is not your first time
22:30 on Kids time is it? No, no, what do you do to
22:34 share Jesus? Because I ask you to come here
22:35 because I know that you really, really have a
22:39 passion for Jesus and what is done in your
22:40 own life. What do you do? I sing for the Lord
22:45 and you sing for the Lord. And, what, why do you
22:48 sing for the Lord? I guess is what I really
22:49 wanna ask you? I sing for the Lord because
22:52 when I was three and a half I had cancer,
22:55 rhabdomyosarcoma, it was a tumor on my
22:58 behind my left eye pushing it out.
23:01 So, I didn't have any vision on my left eye,
23:03 so we moved to Houston and I had
23:06 surgery for one year and because of that
23:11 I couldn't breathe through my nose.
23:14 So, I always breathe through my mouth,
23:16 which need my voice. Now, I sing for the Lord.
23:21 Because it was probably very difficult before
23:24 you had the surgery to sing at all and you
23:26 know God gave your voice don't you.
23:29 In fact, you have the beautiful voice.
23:31 Boys and girls, I am sure you have seen her
23:33 on Kids Time and right now I would like to
23:36 share a song that she recorded earlier with us
23:39 and I had the privilege of playing
23:42 the piano for her. His sheep am I.
23:50 In God's green pastures feeding
23:52 by His cool waters lie; Soft in the evening
23:57 walk my Lord and I, All the sheep of His pasture
24:03 fare so wondrously fine; His sheep am I.
24:11 Waters cool, pastures green,
24:16 In the evening Walk my Lord and I
24:20 Dark the night, rough the way,
24:25 Step by step, my Lord and I.
24:35 Oh! Evana that was so beautiful.
24:37 I am just so thankful for everything God has
24:40 done for me. Well, I am thankful for everything
24:42 he has done to you, God has certainly blessed you.
24:44 Let's read a couple of letters okay.
24:46 I just love reading all your letters boys and girls.
24:50 I have one here that from Brittney in
24:54 Rogersville, Missouri. Dear Ms. Brenda,
24:57 I wanted to let you know that I just can't
24:59 wait till Jesus comes. I wish he would come
25:01 right now, I can just imagine what heaven
25:04 would be like. I have been doing a lot of things,
25:07 I love Jesus a lot, he is my best friend and I try
25:10 to be ready for him to come each day and
25:13 I share Jesus by giving vacation Bible school
25:16 invitations and I give out primary treasures
25:19 and other literature and sing songs about Jesus,
25:21 they sing songs too and I like to sing for Church
25:24 and I go with my mom and my sister and visit
25:27 other people and try to share Jesus everywhere I go.
25:30 I really enjoy watching Kids Time with my
25:32 sister Sarah and my mom likes it too.
25:35 Love Brittney. Well thank you for that.
25:37 And I wanted to see if I have time real quick
25:40 for one more can you hold that up for me and
25:44 let's see if I can read this one real quick.
25:47 Dear Ms. Brenda says my name is Neil and
25:51 I am 12 years old and I share Jesus by singing
25:54 and encouraging my friends at school to go
25:56 to church and I read the Bible to them.
25:58 I love watching Kids Time every morning
26:00 before I go to school and the best part is
26:02 praising time because I learn lots of songs God
26:05 bless, yours Neil. And I am sure Neil you are
26:08 gonna love on hearing Evana, all the way from
26:11 Botswana, Africa. Well, Evana unfortunately
26:13 we all over time today I wanna thank you for
26:15 being here and sharing your story.
26:18 Boys and girls remember wherever
26:19 you go it's Kids Time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17