Participants: Brenda Walsh
Series Code: KT
Program Code: KT000238
00:01 It's almost time for Kids Time. We're gonna be late.
00:04 It's time to share there is a world out there 00:08 looking for a friend like Jesus, 00:11 it's time to share there is a world out there. 00:16 Let's tell them that He loves us so. 00:19 Let's tell them that He loves us so. 00:24 Kids time, Kids time, Kids time. 00:30 Hi, boys and girls. When I was a little girl 00:32 and it was bedtime I didn't wanna go to sleep, 00:35 I just wanted to hear stories. 00:37 Please daddy I would say just one more story. 00:40 I have a feeling you know exactly what I'm talking 00:43 about everyone loves the good story 00:45 especially at bedtime. 00:47 Did you know that adults like stories 00:49 just as much as Kids do. 00:51 I have a very special room in my house just for worship. 00:55 I love to curl up in a soft comfort chair 00:57 and read my Bible and yes boys and girls 01:00 I especially like to read stories about Jesus. 01:02 I not only learn about right and wrong, 01:05 but I learn how much Jesus loves me. 01:07 That's why we tell you stories here on Kids Time. 01:11 We want you to know how great and wonderful God is 01:14 and I love reading the stories 01:16 that you send me too. 01:17 Today, we're going to hear several 01:19 exciting stories about the Prophet Elisha, 01:22 but before we do let's get ready for nature time. 01:32 Hi, boys and girls. Welcome to nature time. 01:34 We're here in Western Montana, 01:36 I'm with my friend Logan and we have a beautiful 01:40 creature here that we are showing and then 01:41 we have Katie on this side and we have Marissa 01:44 over here and we're going to 01:46 at this beautiful animal. 01:48 What is this animal Logan? 01:49 This is a North American River Otter. 01:51 A North American River Otter. 01:53 Now, he is making lot of noise and he seems 01:56 kind a frisky is that okay? 01:57 Yes, he is very happy, very happy, ready to explore. 02:00 Happy is a good thing when we have an animal 02:03 on our lap beautiful. Now as he full grown. 02:06 No, he is two months old 02:08 and will grow for another year. 02:10 Grow for another year, so he is gonna get 02:11 much bigger than now. How big does 02:13 North American River Otter get. 02:14 They can get up to 40 pounds, up to a 40 pounds, 02:17 fully grown. Mercy and how long, how big, 02:21 how big would he be compared with how big is he now 02:24 would he be this big? A little smaller, 02:27 a little smaller about this big, where does he live, 02:30 there he go. Oh yeah, now we say River Otter 02:33 because that mean that he lives in the River? 02:35 Yes, oh they like the water then. They love to fish 02:39 and eat crayfish and all the muscles they can find. 02:43 All the muscles, you girls like this little Otter? 02:46 Yeah do you. What's his name? Piper, 02:49 Piper, wow that's a great name. 02:52 Who got to name him Piper? 02:54 Is that hard to say that you are trainer. 02:56 Right, we need her at the game firm. 02:59 Now when a River Otter swims in the water, 03:02 how deep can he go? 03:04 If he is looking for fish how deep can he go? 03:06 He can go up to 55 feet and 55 feet deep, 03:10 boys and girls that's a long way and he doesn't have 03:11 a scuba tank or a mask or anything like that. 03:14 How does he see underwater? 03:16 He has a third eyelid that will come across his eye 03:20 and it will allow him to see like goggles 03:24 like a person lid. So, he has got these little 03:26 mini goggles that come over What about his ears, 03:29 I see that he has little ears 03:30 doesn't the water get inside his ears. 03:32 He can seal his ears once he goes under the water 03:35 and that are air tight. He also has waterproofer. 03:39 He is a frisky one, he is great, isn't he cute? 03:44 You know, they are so playful now, Otters, 03:46 Otters have a reputation of being playful. 03:48 Is that right, yes, very, very playful. 03:50 So as he kind of playing right now, 03:52 as he is trying to make out like a little slide 03:54 off in there and he wants to explore and have fun. 03:58 Now when a mommy and a daddy Otter have babies, 04:00 how many do they have? 04:01 They can have up to 5, up to 5, 04:05 so they are, are there a lot of Otters 04:07 in North America? Yes, 04:10 they are very primly in all the major river systems. 04:13 Okay, is he, is he little bit hungry, 04:16 do we have some food for him. Let's see. 04:21 I think he is hungry don't you boys and girls 04:22 think that, that this little guy is hungry. 04:25 What was his name again? Piper, 04:27 Piper, I think Piper is hungry. 04:28 Oh, he settling down now, 04:31 isn't he happy, isn't he cute. 04:34 What you girls think of that. That's cool, 04:36 do you ever get to feed Piper? No he bite so, 04:39 oh, he bite so Piper has teeth. 04:41 Right, so he is kind of a hunter, he hunts fish 04:45 and he hunts what else did you say, 04:48 a crayfish, crayfish and muscles 04:50 and he lives in a family and he likes to play. 04:53 I want to talk a little bit about the way 04:55 the Otter plays. Boys and girls the River Otter 04:58 sometimes they slide on their belly is that right? 05:01 Yes, just like a toboggan, they will do it in the snow, 05:04 they also do it in the mud and you know boys and girls 05:09 when River Otter plays in the snow or in the mud 05:11 one of the interesting unique things about them is that 05:15 people that have observed this they watch 05:17 and he take turns before they slide down and so 05:21 they will run up the hill as fast as they can, 05:23 they get to the top and they've got a, 05:25 they got a little shoe because down 05:27 down into the water like a waterslide, 05:28 have you ever been to waterslide? Yeah, 05:30 oh, they are fun. Well, nobody has anymore fun 05:32 in the waterslide than an Otter does. 05:34 The North American Otter River Otter 05:36 he slides down, but they never fight with each other 05:39 about who gets to go next on the slide 05:42 they all wait in line they wait their turn 05:45 and it's real important for them that they all get 05:49 along and you know what boys and girls 05:51 when we play is it just as important for us to get long 05:53 because Jesus want us to get long with our friends, 05:56 when we slide or when we play or when we spend time 05:59 on the playground, it is very important. 06:01 We can take a very important lesson from this 06:03 beautiful creature that God has given us. 06:05 So boys and girls, we want to remember that 06:07 just like the River Otter that we have an illustration 06:10 from Jesus to take turns and to be kind to one another. 06:12 We wanted to do that with each other 06:14 until next time this is Ranger Rod saying 06:17 let's all enjoy God's great outdoors. 06:31 All day long I've been with Jesus 06:35 and it has been a wonderful day 06:38 I have climbed just one step higher 06:43 in the good old gospel way 06:47 I have spoken words of kindness 06:51 and I know where I have been wrong 06:55 I will go and make it right, so I can testify tonight 06:59 I've been with Jesus all day long. 07:11 Welcome to learning time. 07:12 Thanks for being a part of us today. 07:14 Are you glad to be here today? 07:15 Yes. Oh, I'm too, we got Max over here 07:19 and Max is ready to go isn't he. 07:21 Well, you know, today we're gonna talk about something 07:23 that is probably familiar with most of us 07:27 and I've got three helpers. I've got Elizabeth 07:29 over here. Elizabeth let me ask you a question 07:31 do you use electricity? Yes. 07:34 What do you use electricity for? 07:36 To watch TV, watch TV, 07:39 yeah because you need electricity 07:40 don't you that's interesting. 07:41 And I have Maya over here, 07:43 Maya do you use electricity? Yes. 07:45 What do you use your electricity for? 07:47 I use electricity to turn on lights, turn on lights, 07:50 yeah we need lights and electricity helps us 07:53 right with that sure and I've got Joshua. 07:55 Joshua do you use electricity? 07:58 Yes sir I do. What do you use it for? 08:01 To read, to read, wow let me do you, 08:04 do you make electricity or generate it? 08:06 No, no, well you know that's we're gonna 08:10 find out today little bit. 08:11 Actually we're gonna talk about electricity, 08:13 yeh common up here. Let's get, 08:14 let's get right behind this table right here. 08:17 We're gonna make something that's kind of neat. 08:18 Actually, this is special in fact. I'm gonna show you 08:22 what you can do at home, 08:23 you like to do experiments at home. Yes. 08:26 What we're gonna do is, we're gonna make 08:28 what we called the World Simplest Motor. 08:30 You can make a Motor. 08:31 How many of you thought you can make a motor? 08:32 Oh, what we can all make the motor. 08:35 So, here's the parts okay. We got a little part here 08:38 and this is a what battery, it's a battery 08:41 actually this is a D-cell it's really not a battery, 08:43 but that's a technical term and what we're gonna 08:45 have you do is Elizabeth why don't you take the end 08:48 of this wire and just wrap it around. 08:50 Can you wrap the wire around the battery? 08:51 So that's the first thing we need to do just wrap it 08:53 around and around the D-cell. 08:55 Okay just coil it around and around and around 08:57 and that's what we need, we need to coil then 09:00 we have some other parts keep wrapping at round. 09:02 Let's wrap it around, let's wrap it around 09:04 the other way, okay, there you go. 09:06 We will just go like that and we're gonna 09:08 wrap it around just like this around and around 09:10 and around okay can you do that? 09:11 Okay, and if she needs help Maya 09:13 you might wanna help her. 09:14 Then the other part we're gonna need is something 09:17 right here what is that? A washer, hold that up Maya, 09:19 it's actually a magnet, so you need 09:21 some kind of a magnet, you have a magnet 09:23 around your house? Sure and so we're gonna 09:26 use a little magnet. Then we've got two things 09:28 right there what are those Joshua? 09:29 Paperclips, oh, your paperclips, 09:32 so you have all those parts. 09:33 You have a D-size battery and you got some wire 09:35 and you got a magnet and two paper clips. 09:38 Okay, now what we're gonna do, 09:40 can I have that let's pull this over here. 09:42 Hey, thanks for doing that Elizabeth. 09:44 Elizabeth has coiled the wire around the D-cell 09:48 and that's cool. We're gonna, we're gonna pull 09:50 the coil off of the D-cell see that it gives us 09:52 a nice looking coil isn't it. 09:54 And so what I'm gonna try and do is, I'm gonna 09:56 find the ends of those, of those, 09:59 of the wire here's two end, so we have two ends 10:02 right here don't we. Then I'm gonna take 10:03 one of those ends and I'm gonna wrap it right 10:06 around the coil of wire just like that I'm just 10:09 gonna wrap it around and around, 10:10 so the coil won't come uncoil that make sense to me 10:14 doesn't it. Okay, now I'm gonna, 10:16 I'm gonna wrap this right around the other side 10:18 and we need a coil of wire and we need a D-cell battery 10:23 and we've got our magnet and two paperclips right. 10:27 Okay, so here's our coil of wire, is that cool, 10:29 I mean it's a coil of wire and we wrapped around 10:32 several times didn't we Elizabeth? 10:34 Great okay the next part of it is this 10:36 Maya why don't you take the D-cell battery 10:39 and put the magnet let's stick the magnet right there, 10:42 can you stick the magnet right there for us? 10:43 Cool right now I'm gonna need the paperclips. 10:46 Joshua why don't you hand those paperclips to me. 10:48 Now before we go any further, 10:50 we are going to have to take and scratch 10:52 the insulation there is insulation on this wire 10:55 and I can scratch the insulation all the way 10:58 off of this coil of wire like that and I can do 11:01 the same thing on the other side. 11:03 We're are gonna scratch and rub 11:04 all of that insulation off. 11:06 So you need this whistle, what we call magnet wire 11:08 and you can find this you know hardware store 11:10 or maybe even in old generators some kind 11:13 if you are good at taking things apart. 11:15 Now I prepared another coil right here 11:17 because it takes little time to scrape that off. 11:19 Okay why don't you hand me that, that D-cell 11:22 cool alright and why don't you put one of those 11:25 paperclips right there for me. 11:26 Okay, I'm gonna hold that way with my one finger 11:29 like that and see I'm gonna need the other one 11:32 right over here, so we just put the paperclips 11:34 on either side of our D, our D-battery, 11:37 isn't that cool, our D-cell battery and then 11:39 I'm gonna put a coil of wire that what we just 11:41 made that we just build. Now I'm gonna put that 11:43 coil wire right inside of the loops of my paperclips 11:49 and then what we have to do is 11:51 we have to adjust the paperclips little bit, 11:53 so it will, it will swing. Well, look at that, 11:55 is that what's happening, it's spinning, 11:59 did you help me make a motor? Yes, 12:02 while we had an assembling right here 12:04 and is just turning and spinning with those 12:06 few parts isn't that amazing? Yes, 12:09 that really is amazing isn't it. 12:11 You know something is really amazing 12:13 about electricity in our body. Do you know that 12:15 you and I generate electricity. 12:16 Did you know that your body generate electricity. 12:19 No. Did you know, that's right without electricity, 12:22 we wouldn't be able to move, 12:24 we wouldn't be able to breath, 12:26 we wouldn't be able to see and so 12:27 God made our bodies in a special way 12:30 to generate electricity isn't he wise. Yes, 12:34 I think so have fun with that experiment 12:35 you can do that at home. Remember boys and girls 12:38 whenever we learn more about science, 12:40 we learn more about our creator God. 12:51 Joanna, Joanna, where you Joanna. Honey, I'm here. 12:54 Oh, Joanna hello how are you Joanna, how are you wife 12:57 Oh, good to see you. It's so good to see you 12:59 how are you. I've waited for you all day, 13:02 what about the animals, it's good to see you, yeah. 13:03 I prepared some bread today, I went to the baker 13:06 I bought this piece from him and I made these at home. 13:09 Well, that's quite a lot of lunch for just me. 13:13 I know, but it's for you and the Prophet Elisha 13:15 and the other son, so you can take it 13:17 for the school and share. 13:18 The Prophet will love that, the Prophet will love that. 13:20 I thought he would. I'm in a big hurry though 13:22 can I please have this, so I can go. 13:23 Well not until you tell me just one 13:26 miracle story common. Oh, Joanna, 13:28 but I have to go they are waiting for me 13:30 back at the school please, but just one you know 13:32 how much I love it, don't quote, 13:33 I don't need today, please. One story, 13:36 then I must go. Thank you, alright 13:38 one story, one story. Well it happened yesterday 13:40 in fact you know the school is so small 13:42 and there are so many students, who wannna go there 13:44 want to learn more, right, so we sought 13:46 at the Prophet Elisha. 13:47 Oh, how I love the Prophet Elisha. 13:48 He is so wise, such a wonderful man, 13:50 so we asked him will it be okay if we build 13:52 another building to accommodate the students 13:54 at the school, of course, that was great idea. 13:57 In his wisdom it was my idea, I'm very smart. 14:00 So, I asked the Prophet Elisha 14:02 and the Prophet Elisha said yes, that's a wonderful idea, 14:04 so you know what we did, we decided rebuild the building 14:07 and many students got together and they began, 14:10 we all went down to the Jordan River, 14:11 where there were lots of logs and we said 14:14 we would build, we would build the building 14:15 from the logs near the Jordan river, 14:17 where the students jumped right in and they were 14:19 helping cutting up the logs and it was going 14:21 so wonderful God was blessing 14:23 in such a wonderful way. It was beautiful, 14:25 but then there was a scream from across the river. 14:28 What happened? One of the students just yelled out, 14:30 so we all ran around the river to see 14:32 what was happening. Well, so sad wonderful young man, 14:36 he does so much of the school, 14:38 he was chopping one of the trees and his axe head, 14:42 the metal axe head, the iron axe 14:44 head flew into the water. 14:45 Did somebody get hurt. 14:46 no, no one was hurt thank God. No one was hurt, 14:49 however, he was so sad because he couldn't 14:51 work anymore, but even worse it wasn't even his axe, 14:54 oh, he was so sad, he was so sad and so upset. 14:58 So, we called for the Prophet Elisha, 15:01 you met the Prophet Elisha and you know 15:02 what a wonderful man, yes beautiful spirit. 15:04 Oh, what a wonder man, so we said Prophet 15:06 what shall we do. The Prophet said this 15:08 are you ready for this now, are you ready for this wife, 15:11 okay go ahead, go ahead. 15:12 Elisha said point to the spot, he told the student 15:15 point to the spot, where the axe head 15:18 went into the water. Why? 15:20 That's the same thing that I said, why in the world 15:22 would you did like that, right, 15:24 so the young man pointed the spot, 15:25 the Prophet Elisha took a stick. It's so amazing, 15:30 I can't even tell you the story common, common, 15:32 he took his stick and threw it to the spot 15:34 and guess what happened, what happened 15:36 guess what happened, I can't, I can't, 15:38 guess what happened wife, I can't. 15:39 What happened was the axe head floated 15:42 to the top of the water like a piece of wood. 15:44 Oh, man are you serious, I'm so serious, 15:48 I'm not joking, 15:49 that's how power of the Prophet Elisha is. 15:51 Oh, it was amazing, we all clapped 15:53 applauding to praise God for the wonderful miracle. 15:55 Oh, wow, but everything kept going. 15:57 Okay, that's the story now, he is such 15:59 a beautiful spirit, he is beautiful spirit, yes, 16:00 but I must go can I please have the bread 16:03 so that I can go. I know you are in a rush, 16:05 now I was just thinking that story was so quick 16:07 and I loved it, but just like just one more story 16:09 that's all I mean, I don't ask for much. 16:11 Wife they are waiting for me, but I have to go. 16:13 I know so go quick, go quick, one more quick story. 16:15 Well, we were hungry about 2 or 3 days ago 16:17 everyone was so incredibly hungry, 16:19 we needed something to eat and everyone was starving, 16:21 so the Prophet Elisha here he goes again, 16:23 he comes back he says put on the great pot, 16:26 huge pot, that we will all be cooking okay, 16:29 one of the great pots, so you put on the great pots 16:31 and it starts to smell so good, 16:33 we would also hungry and we wanted, 16:35 some of the students are so poor. 16:36 We were all so hungry, put the great pot on 16:38 and it was cooking very nicely 16:40 and a very eager young man, very nice young boy 16:42 wanted to do something good, so he went out 16:45 and he found some gourds and he chopped them up 16:47 and he threw them into the pot that was boiling, 16:49 umm! umm! We were just about to eat 16:52 when someone yelled, do not eat 16:54 that those gourds are poisonous 16:56 and if you eat them you'll all die. 16:57 What and we were so awful hungry and starving hungry, 17:01 wow, how you used it to eating, 17:03 we did not eat at that point, 17:05 but you know what happened, what happened. 17:07 Elisha, what he do, what he do about that, he came by 17:11 and he said throw some meal into the pot, 17:14 aha, meal what would meal do to poisonous gourds 17:18 in a pot right, right, right. 17:20 He said throw some meal into the pot 17:22 and when you throw the meal into the pot 17:23 guess what would happen, 17:24 you would be able to eat it. 17:26 We threw the meal into the pot and we began to eat 17:29 and it was the most delicious food I had, 17:33 wait, wait you ate the poison food. 17:35 But the meal took away the bitterness of the pot 17:37 and the poison as well. 17:39 How do Elisha know that? 17:41 He is a Prophet of God, 17:43 I've trying to tell you this all the time. 17:45 Oh, this man is so amazing, 17:47 he is a Prophet of God, he is amazing, 17:48 he is unbelievable. Wow, he is fantastic. Okay, 17:51 but that's it I have got to go, 17:52 you guys are so blessed just to be able 17:54 to be in the presence of Elisha. 17:55 I do so love Elisha, he is the best, wow, 17:57 but Joanna I must go, can I please 17:59 have my please have the bread 18:01 so that I can go. Honey, I just want to say one thing 18:03 before you leave, I've made great loaves of bread, 18:06 I see that, and we work really hard to baker 18:09 help me with this one, I made some at home, 18:11 I think all this hard work I put into this 18:13 is definitely do for just one more story. 18:15 Joanna, please smell the bread, 18:17 you got to have one more story for that, 18:21 that is good bread it smells good. 18:22 Alright one last story then I must go, 18:24 do you agree okay, okay you promise. 18:26 I do love you, but I must go. 18:28 I promise, I promise, I promise. 18:30 It was the last story what about a 100 of us were 18:32 gathered one day, aha, aha, and of course 18:33 we were all hungry, okay, right, right, 18:37 as you know we all hungry, right, 18:38 so we found someone who had 20 bottle loaves 18:41 and a small sack of grain that's good, 18:44 but what is that gonna do for you all. 18:45 A 100 people to be fed with 20 bottle loaves 18:48 and a small sack of grain not possible, not possible, 18:51 that's what you say, that's what I say right, 18:54 right impossible. Well, Elisha comes 18:56 and Elisha says give it to them so they may eat. 19:01 I don't understand, me neither, 19:04 but guess what we all ate. Joanna we ate and we ate 19:09 and we kept eating until we were full, 19:12 there was plenty of food for everyone, 19:14 wait, wait, wait, go back, go back, 19:16 so there is a 100 guys, a 100 people, 19:19 20 bottle loaves and everybody ate, 19:23 everybody ate continuously, continuously. 19:25 How is that possible, it was a miracle, 19:27 I don't know it was Elisha, 19:29 but I must stress, I must say Elisha is just a Prophet 19:33 it was done through the mighty God, 19:35 who gave him the power to perform such a miracles. 19:37 Oh, God is the one to be praised. 19:39 He is the one, who give Elisha the power. 19:41 What a wonderful God, what a wonderful God 19:43 and he takes care of all of us and Elisha, 19:45 but wife I must go they are waiting for me 19:47 back at the school, can I please have the bread now. 19:49 Oh, you take the bread and I'm gonna spread 19:51 the message of our wonderful father that's beautiful. 19:54 Thank you wife have a wonderful day bye, bye, 19:56 bye honey bye, bye, bye wife. 19:57 I must spread the story listen, listen my husband 20:01 told me a story, he told me a story about the 20:03 Prophet Elisha and God's miracles 20:05 you got to hear this. Wonderful story away, 20:08 he is going over at the school, 20:12 he is doing these great things that's. 20:23 I'm gonna sit at the welcome table 20:29 I'm gonna sit at the welcome table one of these days 20:35 I'm gonna sit at the welcome table 20:40 Sit at the welcome table one of these days 20:45 I'm gonna sing and never get tired 20:52 I'm gonna sing and never get tired one of these days 20:57 I'm gonna sing and never get tired, 21:03 sing and never get tired sit at the 21:06 welcome table one of these days. 21:19 Hi, boys and girls, it's time 21:20 for Ms. Brenda's Book of the Day 21:23 and I'm so excited to bring you this book 21:25 by Jerry D. Thomas, Dinosaurs, you're gonna love it. 21:29 Did you know that dinosaurs have almost 21:31 the 1000 teeth that's right and it says you can tell 21:35 which dinosaurs were hunters and which ones 21:37 were lunch by just the position of their eyes. 21:41 You can learn so much about dinosaurs 21:43 by Jerry D. Thomas. 21:44 You're not gonna want to miss this book. 21:46 You also are not gonna want to miss our guest today. 21:48 I want to introduce you to somebody very special 21:51 to Ms. Brenda and it will she will be special 21:53 to you Kelly Beth, Kelly Beth, hi, thank you so much 21:56 for being on Kids Time with us today 21:58 and here on sharing time and I can tell by your smile. 22:02 I love Jesus, yes you do and I you witness 22:06 everywhere you go what are some of the things 22:08 that you do to share Jesus? 22:09 Well, I like to do interact the kindness 22:12 around in the neighborhood. 22:13 Umm! Umm! I, sometimes I rake leaves or shovel snow 22:16 or pick up sticks around the neighbors yard 22:18 and then I leave a note that says Jesus loves you 22:21 or has a Bible verse on it. 22:24 Oh, that's so nice to do boys and girls 22:26 that something that you could do, 22:28 that's a good idea for you. 22:29 Anytime we're being kind to others, 22:31 we're witnessing for Jesus isn't that right? 22:33 Yeah and there is what else do you like to do. 22:35 Well, I love to make cookies. 22:37 Oh, now I'm with you that one, 22:38 Ms. Brenda loves to bake, 22:40 yeah, and I can sell them for money 22:43 and then I donate that money 22:45 to different mission projects like I've donated 22:49 to Myanmar when they had that flood, 22:51 yes and like Hurricane Katrina, yes, 22:55 and things like that, and that, and in Africa 22:58 and things like that. 22:59 That's wonderful and you know in the Bible 23:01 we are told that we are supposed to help others 23:03 that need us aren't we. 23:04 Yeah, yes and you have something else 23:06 did you to share Jesus. 23:07 Tell me about this, this is really exciting. 23:08 I'm in hand to hand acrobatic troop, 23:11 wow what is that? Well we go around 23:13 and we do performances for children hospitals 23:17 and nursing homes and we just try to make the day 23:20 little happier and share Jesus with them. 23:23 That's awesome and I would like to invite your 23:26 troop to come with us and be on sharing time 23:29 will that be awesome, you want to invite them. 23:30 Tell Ms. Brenda is giving you an invitation okay, 23:32 okay. That's awesome, well I forgot to show a picture, 23:36 I have a picture here of you 23:37 actually selling these cookies. 23:39 Can you see this boys and girls. 23:40 Actually there they are beautiful picture of you 23:43 with big pan of cookies there 23:45 and I they look delicious don't they. 23:47 Well, I think we've time for just a couple of letters. 23:49 Let me read one right here, let's see here, 23:52 this one is from Akosua I think it is or Akosua, 23:57 so if I've pronounced your name wrong, 24:00 I'm very, very sorry and she is from New Jersey. 24:03 Can you hold up her picture for me there Kelly? 24:06 She says dear Ms. Brenda, my name is Akosua 24:09 and I'm 11 years old and I love watching Kids Time 24:12 on the internet. I worship God and I play hymns 24:16 in on a violin and I sing hymns. 24:18 Could you please sign me up for Kids club lessons 24:20 I want to learn more about Jesus, 24:22 I really love God very much, 24:24 but I need to learn more about God, 24:26 so that I can tell others of his love for me. 24:28 I can't wait to hear from you, 24:30 I'm sending my picture, love Akosua 24:33 and so thank you so much for that, 24:35 thank you for that picture and I appreciate that. 24:37 I think we have time for another letter, 24:39 I love your letters boys and girls, 24:41 I love hearing from you and can you hold this 24:44 picture up for me please and this one is from Sosha, 24:47 it's from Jamaica and Sosha says Dear Ms. Brenda 24:52 good day to you. My name is Sosha and I'm 10 years old 24:55 and then I go to school and I'm in a wheelchair 24:59 because I can't walk. Please Ms. Brenda, 25:02 would you pray for me that God will help me 25:04 to walk one day. I really wanna walk again, 25:07 I love your Kids Time programs and I love 25:10 praise time and story time best and I love you 25:13 very much Ms. Brenda. May God keep you again 25:15 and save you coming from Sosha is love. 25:19 Well, Sosha I wanna tell you how much Jesus loves you 25:22 and pretty soon Jesus is coming again 25:25 and he is going to make you well, you will walk again. 25:28 We're gonna be in heaven soon 25:29 and I can't wait to be neighbors with you 25:31 in heaven, aren't you excited above that Kelly Beth. 25:34 Yeah, okay I think I have another one here 25:35 this is from Jeff and he is from the Philippines 25:38 and Jeff has the picture and he has got a little, 25:41 I bet that's his sister with him, let see. It says 25:44 Dear Ms. Brenda, I have a pleasant day, 25:46 my name Jeff and I'm 8 years old 25:48 and it said my little sister Laura is with me. 25:50 We love Kids Time and my favorite part of the program 25:53 is sharing time and music, but I met 25:54 I love all parts of the program. 25:56 Momma said she is very happy to know 25:58 that in spite of worldliness of TV 26:00 that you have a program that is good for me 26:03 and I agree with Momma, 26:04 I learned so much about the Lord through my Momma, 26:07 she is always a witness to me. 26:09 I'm looking forward to the time when we can all 26:11 go to heaven and I can't wait for you to read 26:14 my letter, I wanna go to heaven to. 26:16 I pray that God will continue to bless your program. 26:18 Well, thank you so much Jeff, 26:20 I'm so glad to receive your letter 26:22 and Jesus is coming soon thank you Kelly Beth 26:24 for being with us today and keep sharing Jesus. 26:27 Boys and girls remember that any place you go, 26:30 anytime anywhere, it's kids time to share Jesus. |
Revised 2014-12-17