Participants: Brenda Walsh
Series Code: KT
Program Code: KT000237
00:01 It's almost time for Kids Time,
00:03 we're gonna be late. 00:04 It's time to share there's a world out there, 00:08 Looking for a friend like Jesus. 00:12 It's time to share there's a world out there; 00:16 let's tell them that He loves us so. 00:20 Let's tell them that He loves us so. 00:24 Kids Time, kids Time, kids Time. 00:30 Hi boys and girls, when I was little 00:32 I was afraid of a lot of things like spiders and 00:35 snakes and basically anything that crawled. 00:38 I was so glad I had parents to watch over 00:40 me and keep me safe. One thing a lot of 00:43 people afraid of his dying, but did you 00:45 know, that the Bible says that dying is just 00:48 like going to sleep. And that the dead 00:50 don't know anything just like you don't 00:52 know what's going on around you when 00:54 you're sleeping. And when Jesus comes 00:56 again, the Bible says that death in Christ 00:58 will wake up to meet Him, and we'll all go 01:01 with Him to heaven. That doesn't sound so 01:03 scary, does it? When Jesus was on this 01:05 earth, the first time He not only healed 01:08 the sick, but He actually raised some 01:10 people from the dead. Those people experienced 01:13 what it felt like to go to sleep. 01:14 And then wake up and see Jesus face, 01:17 when he raised them back to life. 01:19 Imagine the stories they had to tell. 01:22 Well, we're going to hear one of those 01:23 stories today from a young girl 01:25 who lived in Bible times. 01:27 Before we hear her story, 01:28 though let's get ready for Nature Time. 01:37 Hi boys and girls, welcome to Nature Time. 01:40 Ranger Jim its wonderful to be on 01:42 this show here together. And you know what 01:44 we're here in Western Montana at a very 01:46 special place a friend of mine 01:48 Mr. Butch Harman more affectionately 01:50 known as Butch is going to show us 01:52 something incredible. We're standing here 01:53 by his aquarium. Now, I know boys 01:56 and girls this may not look like an aquarium 01:57 to you, but out here in Western Montana this 02:00 is an aquarium. We can't put it in a 02:02 living room, we can't put it on our table, 02:04 but we can still have beautiful, 02:05 beautiful fishing. Now, these fisher 02:07 are also quite large, many of them are 02:09 over 2 feet long, if you're wondering 02:11 what kind of a fish it is, it's a 02:12 rainbow trout, very special. 02:15 Butch loves these rainbow trout, 02:17 he put this pound in especially to raise 02:19 some fish in and he had a special helper 02:22 Adriana Bann, and she is here with us too. 02:24 You know, Ranger Jim it's a very special 02:26 story about Butch and Adriana. 02:28 When Butch was putting in this pound, 02:30 Adriana was so excited about his fish 02:32 then when his fish finally arrived and he 02:34 was getting ready to plant them in this, 02:36 in this pound. Adriana was down here with 02:39 her arms down in the bucket, she was trying 02:41 to hold these little fish, as they squiggle 02:42 around and she was so anxious to, 02:45 to see them swim out here in the pound. 02:47 And so, they've a very special friendship and 02:49 I know that Adriana is excited to feed these fish. 02:52 And I know our boys and girls 02:54 here are anxious to see this fish. 02:55 I have one question Ranger Rod, good. 02:56 Now, I'm hearing a sound and I know that 02:59 rainbow trout love cold fresh water. 03:01 I'm hearing running water in the background. 03:04 Well, it is you know, this pound is actually 03:05 build on, the water has to flow through 03:09 here, it's built in an area where, 03:10 Butch has designed, so the water can flow 03:12 through here, keeps the temperature down, 03:14 rainbow trout have to live in cold water. 03:16 Yeah, okay. Cold clear water, and so 03:18 this water runs through this pound, 03:20 he has screens at both ends, 03:21 so they don't get away. So, hoping that these 03:25 beautiful eagles don't sweep down and steal 03:26 his fish or maybe the bears sometimes bears 03:29 getting the plan and they may try to steal 03:30 this fish, he's trying to keep this as protected 03:33 as possible, okay, good. But again, this 03:34 is an aquarium that is right out in nature. 03:37 This is the one that you putting, you're living. 03:38 Well, we're, we're gonna get to see them 03:39 fish are gonna be coming up. 03:40 Boys and girls, would you like to see 03:42 the fish we fed now? I would, I would. 03:44 How about you boys and girls, would you 03:45 like to see us feed the fish? Yes, yeah. 03:47 Butch and Adriana, could you feed the 03:48 fish for us? Yeah. Alright, alright. 03:50 Boys and girls watch carefully this 03:52 is gonna be fun. Wow! Okay, kids 03:56 wow! What are you seeing out there? 03:59 Oh! Aren't that beautiful? 04:01 Look at there. Now, some of this fish 04:03 Butch says weighs as much as ten pounds. 04:05 Isn't that something? Ten pound over 2 feet 04:07 long breathing a special food, Butch 04:09 buys these foods especially for these fish. 04:12 Oh! Look at that one, beautiful. 04:14 Ranger Rod tell me something more about 04:15 the rainbow trout now. I've heard about 04:17 rainbow trout and we talked about steelhead 04:19 and give us some information about that. 04:22 Alright, Ranger Jim, I would love too. 04:23 Boys and girls rainbow trout and 04:25 steelhead are very closely related, 04:27 there are almost the same an identical fish. 04:29 The difference be is that the rainbow 04:30 trout stays inland. And now do we stays 04:33 in lakes and rivers that are inside the country, 04:35 he does not venture out into the ocean. 04:37 The steelhead on the other hand, he goes 04:39 out into the ocean, he lives out in the ocean 04:41 from 1 to 4 years and then he migrates 04:44 backup the river to the very place where he 04:47 was spawned or where he was born as a fish. 04:50 He lays his eggs; she lays her eggs there 04:52 and then she swims back out to the ocean. 04:55 And she can do this four, at least four 04:58 times the, the steelhead lay their eggs. 05:01 Different then lets say the Pacific Salmon, 05:04 then boys and girls you've heard these 05:05 stories about Pacific Salmon. 05:06 How they'll swim up stream miles and 05:08 miles and miles hundreds of miles, 05:10 they go over dams, they'll swim in they'll, 05:13 they'll get over incredible obstacles, 05:15 right, to give back to the, to the very spot 05:17 where they were born to lay their eggs, 05:20 but they die there, they don't go back out 05:22 to the ocean. The steelhead actually 05:25 goes back out to the ocean, yeah, makes 05:27 this trip several times. The rainbow trout 05:29 stays inland, right, maintains their 05:31 beautiful red trip that you see down the side 05:33 of the beautiful rainbow trout, yeah. 05:35 He keeps that all through his life and, 05:37 and you're mentioning in fact, Ranger Jim 05:39 that sometimes the, the, the lake or the 05:42 surface of the bottom of the lake has 05:43 something to do with that color. 05:44 That's right, we have, we have many of the 05:46 large population of rainbow trout in the 05:48 Michigan and the rivers, but particularly 05:50 in lake Michigan, lake superior and, 05:53 in those large lakes where we have a clear 05:55 sandy bottom, the color is not merely so 05:57 distinctive as it is and streams that have a 06:00 different colored bottom to them, wow! 06:03 And so, these steelhead in Michigan 06:05 when they're running primarily to the 06:06 spawning runs coincide with that 06:08 of the seaman. And the steelhead 06:09 comes along and they're feeding along 06:11 with the bottom on the salmon eggs. 06:12 Oh! So, they're saying, thank you very much 06:14 for your exile like those, you're picking 06:15 them up just like they were popcorn 06:17 or watch them coming along to gobble this 06:18 one, picking that one and thank you very much. 06:20 You know, so you're, so you're saying then 06:21 that the steelhead that to go to their ocean, 06:23 they actually can lose that red beautiful band. 06:26 Yes, they may lose it considerable; 06:27 they won't be nearly as bright as you 06:29 would see here, now. What color do they 06:30 turn now? Well, it just much paler, 06:32 is once you've to hold them to really look 06:33 and see that, whereas if you catch one here, 06:36 it is and in sun it just sparkles, beautiful. 06:38 You know, I'm noticing there are 06:39 many of these fishes sparkling, those little. 06:41 Now, you maybe you could tell us 06:42 Ranger Jim, is that a these fish have scales, 06:44 this is a trout, it's a true trout? 06:46 Yes, it is a true trout, stout trout 06:48 and it has scales. They're very fine; 06:50 many people don't think they've because 06:51 when they touched them, the scales are so 06:53 fine, it feels like little bit skin. 06:55 Interesting, but they do have scales and for 06:57 those people that live in certain areas or 06:59 people who eat them, they're considered 07:00 to clean fish. And if you eat fish, 07:03 they're considered in mostly like here in 07:04 Montana, they would be one of the cleanest 07:06 fishes you could eat. Wow! But in some 07:07 parts of the country all rivers and all are 07:09 so polluted that that's no longer safe, so. 07:12 Wow! We, hasn't this been fun boys and girls? 07:14 Yes, aren't these fish beautiful? 07:16 Yeah, praise the Lord for beautiful fish 07:18 Ranger Jim. Yeah, you see we could 07:19 spend all day and talk about them, 07:20 it's hot out here in the sun, but once again 07:22 Rod, what a wonderful thing, 07:23 when we think our Father made it, amen. 07:25 And he made it for us to see, beautiful. 07:28 Boys and girls Ranger Jim, and Ranger Rod 07:31 saying, don't forget to tell Jesus you love 07:34 Him because He really does love you. 10:26 Welcome to Learning Time. 10:27 Thanks for joining us today. 10:29 Hey, we're gonna talk about some animals 10:31 that I think are really special. 10:33 You know, we've got some special people 10:35 in the audience that are gonna help us. 10:37 I got Jessie over here, Jessie, do you've any 10:39 animals at your house? I have a dog. 10:42 A dog, I love dogs and hey, 10:44 I'm glad that you're here because we're 10:45 gonna talk about a special animal or a 10:47 couple of them. And we got Cameron 10:49 over here, Cameron, do you've any pets? 10:51 No. No, you want one? I had a pet. What? 10:54 I had a pet. You had a pet, well what pet did 10:56 you have? A cat, a cat. Oh! I have got a 10:59 couple of cats at my house, very 11:00 interesting animals. And we have Brandon, 11:03 Brandon; do you have any 11:04 animals around your house? 11:05 I have a dog and her name is Gracey. 11:07 Oh! Cool, I love dogs. And we got Max over 11:10 here; we got a dog here as well. 11:12 Well, hey why don't we get our helpers 11:13 to come up here. I have got some 11:14 things that I want them to identify. 11:16 And some of you maybe are able to 11:18 identify these things, I don't know. 11:21 First of all, I've got a couple of sticks and 11:23 here, take a look at those sticks and see 11:25 what you think about those, what kind 11:26 of sticks are they? What do you think? 11:30 What do you think? Smooth. 11:32 What? They're smooth. 11:33 You know, when animal has had those 11:35 sticks, what kind of an animal do you 11:37 think had those sticks? What do you think? 11:40 Not for sure. Not for sure, 11:41 what do you think? A beaver, a beaver. 11:43 Oh! That's right a beaver. Beaver will chew off 11:47 the outer layers of branches because 11:49 that's what they feed on interesting, isn't it? 11:51 Hey, hey check this out, man I've got a 11:55 big log right here. And what do you 11:57 think was chewing on this log? 11:59 Beaver, a beaver. That's right, a beaver, 12:02 hey, could you guys chew down a tree this size? 12:04 No. Oh! I don't think so, you're gonna have 12:07 to go see the dentist or you would break 12:08 your teeth, that's interesting, isn't it? 12:10 Yes, well you know what I've got a skull 12:12 of one of those animals. In fact, this is a top of 12:16 the skull; look at those big teeth right there. 12:19 And those big teeth can chomp in to their 12:21 trees, they can cut a big old tree down. 12:24 And look it right here, here is the bottom 12:25 teeth and those bottom teeth will fit 12:28 right underneath here. And that's our little 12:30 beaver friend, isn't that cool? Yeah, yeah. 12:32 I mean that's cool. You know, beavers 12:34 teeth they keep growing and growing 12:36 and growing all the full life of the beaver, 12:38 that's why they gnaw sometimes, they want 12:40 those teeth to get too big, those teeth could 12:42 hurt them, if they got too long, but you 12:44 know, what this particular animal has 12:47 eyes on the side of it's head or are they on 12:50 the front of it's head? On the side, side. 12:53 They're on the side because a beaver is an 12:55 animal that we call a predator or a prey animal? 12:58 Prey, prey. A prey animal some other 13:00 manner, some other animals would like to 13:02 eat them up, that's why they have their 13:04 eyes on sides of their head, interesting isn't it? 13:07 Yeah. Hey, let me tell you, I've got another 13:10 one right here and it's not a beaver, 13:12 but I want you to guess what kind of 13:14 animal this could be. And so, let me hold 13:16 this thing upright here, and check this 13:18 one out right here. What do you suppose 13:21 this animal is? Let's get that down here, 13:24 here we go. Wow! What kind of animal 13:26 you think that is? Dog, dog. 13:28 Well, that would be a dog, I wouldn't want 13:29 to see. It's a bear; think of that it's a bear skull. 13:34 That's right; a bear used to live in there. 13:36 And that was part of the bear. 13:38 And you know, what the bear, the bear 13:40 actually has eyes that look forward or look 13:43 from the side? Forward. Their forward looking 13:46 eyes because you know why? 13:47 The bear is a, what kind of an animal? 13:49 Predator, predator oh! Predator, that's right. 13:52 It finds other things to eat of course some 13:54 bears and most bears will eat plants too, right. 13:57 And, and other vegetables and. 14:00 And that's interesting. Well, what we're 14:02 gonna do here is we're gonna take a bite, 14:03 no we're not gonna take a bite out of 14:04 something, but that reminds me that there 14:06 are animals that are prey animals and they 14:08 usually have forward facing eyes. 14:11 And that's whey they zero went on their 14:12 prey, and then they pounce upon them or 14:14 chase them down or something. 14:15 And then we have animals like the 14:18 beaver and the have eyes on the side 14:19 of their head. Interesting, isn't it? 14:21 Hey, I've got, I've got one more, check this 14:23 one out. In fact, somebody may 14:25 identify this animal right here because 14:27 you might have one of these around. 14:29 What kind of an animal is that? 14:31 Squirrel. A squirrel, oh boy, this would be 14:34 some kind of mean squirrel, I'll tell you what? 14:37 It's a cat, cat; it belongs to the cat family. 14:39 Bob cat. And it's, it's that's right it's a bob cat. 14:43 A bob cat, some bob cats can be ninety or 14:45 a hundred pounds. And we're talking 14:47 about big animals. In fact, the bob cat 14:49 can bring down a deer, isn't that interesting? 14:51 Yes. Now, a bob cat. And I wouldn't want 14:52 to get into a fight with that kind of an animal. 14:54 Now, are the eyes on the front or the 14:56 sides of a bob cat? Front. They're front 14:59 because they're predators, isn't that interesting? 15:01 I think so too. But you know what? 15:03 God gave animals all kinds of different eyes. 15:06 Some eyes are facing forward on those 15:07 animals because they're the animals 15:09 that are, are gonna have to catch their 15:11 foods somehow and track it down. 15:13 And they're called what? Predator. 15:16 Predator animals, that's right. 15:17 Now, what about our eyes, our eyes facing 15:19 forward or are they on the side? 15:21 Facing, facing forward. Forward, but you know what? 15:23 We don't have to chase down animal 15:25 sometimes to eat because we've got 15:26 plenty of food. Even if we don't catching 15:28 them, was that right? Yes, that's interesting 15:30 to me too. Well, remember boys and 15:32 girls, whenever we study more about science, 15:36 we learned more about our creator God. 15:45 Are you making a new pot? Oh! Yeah, this was 15:48 about half way done, it still needs some more work. 15:54 Jesus made me new again. Really? Sounds like 15:58 you have a story for me, why don't you tell me? 16:02 Alright, well it started about two months ago. 16:08 One morning I woke up everything hurt. 16:14 I was freezing hot, I was burning hot I'm sorry, 16:19 but freezing cold. I really didn't feel 16:24 good at all. Daddy called lots of 16:26 doctors to come and visit me. 16:30 And every night after he had finish telling 16:34 me the nightly story, I would ask him, 16:39 when am I going to get well? 16:42 But you know, at first he always told me. 16:48 Well, the doctor said that maybe in a day or two, 16:51 but later on he started to get really, really worried. 16:55 I would hear him in the kitchen in hush 16:58 conversation with my mother. 17:01 They were really getting worried. 17:04 The days and the weeks passed and 17:06 I wasn't getting any better. 17:08 I was getting worse. One day, I didn't even 17:12 wake up whenever my mother told me to 17:14 wake up to eat breakfast. They called over a doctor, 17:19 I was dead. You were dead? 17:23 Yes. Well, what did that feel like? 17:28 Well, to tell you the truth, it's almost like 17:33 you're sleeping, it's like you're sleeping. 17:36 And then a little morning you wake up. 17:40 And I saw Jesus' face, it was them whose 17:43 wonderful thing. He had the kindest 17:47 eyes and most wonderful smile in 17:50 the world, but not only that 17:54 something shown from inside of Him. 17:58 I don't know why? But I felt so attracted 18:01 to Him. You know, I had to go and console 18:05 my mother and father they were crying, 18:07 but I really, really wanted to stay with 18:10 Jesus, learned more who about who He was? 18:15 You know, a lot of people feel that way, 18:19 when they meet Jesus for the first time? 18:22 Yes, what so special about Him? 18:30 Well, it's hard to say, but I think it's 18:33 something about His eyes like when you 18:35 look at Him you just feel like he loves you 18:38 so much, yes. I met Jesus not too long ago 18:42 and, when I talked to Him, something in my 18:43 heart just said that this is it. 18:48 You know, He is the Messiah. 18:49 The Messiah. And must be kind of think 18:53 about this pot right here. Now, you and me 18:55 were like, were like the clay right now. 18:59 Not much shape can really do anything with it. 19:02 But what Jesus, there is a little bit of water 19:05 in His hands, He molds us, He makes 19:08 us into something useful, to something 19:12 beautiful. From your story it sounds like He 19:16 is, He is working on you and He has got 19:18 great plans for you. Yes, could, could 19:25 I buy that pot when you're finished with it? 19:31 No. No. This pot is not for sale. 19:35 No. This pot is gonna be a gift for you. 19:40 I want you to have this in your kitchen, 19:42 so that every time you see it, you remember 19:45 that Jesus is working on you and you want 19:47 to surrender to Him. Thank you. 19:51 You know, let's talking about Jesus 19:53 makes me want to talk to Him. 19:55 Would you like to say a prayer with me? 19:57 I'd love too. Let's pray, dear Jesus help 20:01 us to remember that we're the clay and 20:04 you're the potter. Help us to surrender to you, 20:07 amen. Amen. Thank you for telling me 20:10 your story. Thank you, you can buy 20:13 about a week and this will be done, I'll give 20:15 it to you. Wow! Jesus is amazing. 20:23 Thanks, I'd better get back to my shopping. 20:26 Okay, have a good day, you too. 20:41 Jesus wants me for a sunbeam, 20:45 To shine for Him each day; 20:49 In every way try to please Him, 20:53 At home, at school, at play. 20:57 A sunbeam, a sunbeam, 21:01 Jesus wants me for a sunbeam; 21:04 A sunbeam, a sunbeam, 21:08 I'll be a sunbeam for Him. 21:18 Hi, boys and girls, it's time for Ms. Brenda's 21:21 book of the day. And today's exciting 21:24 book is called Best Ever Mission Stories 21:27 by Charlotte Ishkanian. And it's filled with 21:30 marvelous stories from all over the world. 21:32 Stories of God's divine intervention in 21:34 love, you won't wanna miss a single page. 21:37 Something else you won't wanna miss is 21:39 our guest that we've with us today, 21:40 not one, not two, but three guests. 21:43 First let's meet Caleb, hi Caleb. 21:44 Hi. I'm so excited that you're here today. 21:47 Can you introduce who you brought with 21:49 you to the program? I brought my mom 21:51 and my dog Lilly. And your dog Lilly. 21:54 Now, I understand your dog is a very 21:56 special dog; Lilly is called what kind of dog? 21:58 A therapy dog. A therapy dog. 22:01 And why is that, what, what kind of 22:03 you know, does that mean that your dog 22:04 goes and gets therapy or what is that? 22:06 Well, we take it to the nursing home, when 22:08 we go and sing. And mommy and 22:11 I take her around on the patients and they 22:13 can pet her and see her and it's really fun. 22:17 And some people really like it. 22:19 They do, and have you had any wonderful 22:21 experiences during that? Well, that was just 22:23 one man and he couldn't speak and but 22:26 he just put his hands on her fur and he just 22:28 laughed out loud. That's amazing, mom 22:32 tell us what has been the biggest blessing 22:34 being involved in this ministry? 22:37 Well, I think beyond the joy that it brings 22:39 to the people is the blessing that it is to 22:42 our family. We can do it together, 22:45 we can share God's love in a, in a way 22:51 that drowses all in including our dog. 22:54 Right, and it's so important nowadays 22:56 I believe to instilling to your children the 23:00 importance of giving to others. 23:01 It's so important that you know, 23:03 in this world where everybody is just 23:04 giving your kids stuff. All the most important 23:08 thing we can do for our children is to 23:10 instill into them the characters, their 23:12 characters that that God wants to, them to 23:14 have of, of Him. And to, to give the others 23:17 and have that servant's heart is so important. 23:19 That's right. And I can see that you love your 23:21 children and are instilling that in them 23:23 and I want to thank you for that and it, 23:25 should inspire mothers everywhere 23:26 I believe to, to really teach 23:28 their children to give. What else do you have here? 23:32 Well, I also make pot holders here and this 23:33 is one I'm working on and, can you hold it 23:36 up, so all the boys and girls can see? 23:37 And I'm just weaving the little things through. 23:41 And this is what it would look like 23:42 when it's done, okay. And I just co shave 23:45 around the edges here. And I also make hangers. 23:50 You make hangers, okay. And I just hold 23:53 it in between my knees and I wrap the 23:55 yarn around and when I get done I put a little 23:57 bow there at high. And that's what it 23:59 looks like when it's done. That's beautiful, 24:01 what do you do with that? Well, I sell them and 24:03 we sponsor to different mission projects. 24:05 I understand you went to Bolivia, is that one 24:07 of the projects that you helped sponsor, 24:09 and you went yourself, yes. And were you a little 24:12 bit afraid going over there, it's understand 24:13 there is a lot of fighting going on over 24:15 that time. Yes, that was also my first time 24:17 to fly and so I was nervous. 24:21 And but, but will you able to pray and that's 24:23 God to help you. We prayed a lot. 24:26 That's the best thing to do, isn't it? 24:28 God is not only there for when you're 24:30 trouble though, well He is always there 24:31 you know with us for every single 24:33 circumstance we always wanna be able 24:36 and at a second's notice to commune 24:38 with God and pray. So, tell me when you 24:41 over there was there any scary things that 24:43 happened to you? Well, there was a 24:45 snake that was in the river where we were 24:48 bathing and it almost bit my brother. 24:51 Was that hard bathing in a river? 24:52 No, it was more like swimming. 24:55 More like swimming, but did you take your 24:56 soap over there and, yes. And did you have 24:58 any wonderful experiences witnessing for Jesus. 25:01 Well, we did a vacation Bible school. 25:04 And to his very fun to meet with the people 25:06 there and, we did learn a little 25:08 bit of Spanish, and. That's good and did 25:10 you help by understanding you 25:11 helped with the building project, 25:12 what did you do? I soaked bricks and 25:15 put mortar on them for the people. 25:16 That's wonderful, and would you highly 25:18 recommend going on a mission trip to, 25:19 boys and girls are watching right now. 25:21 What would you say to them? 25:23 I would recommend to go on a mission 25:24 trip, it's a great experience. 25:26 It's a great, and so you do it again. 25:28 Absolutely. And let me just I think I've 25:31 time to read one quick letter. 25:33 Can you hold up the picture for me? 25:35 And this letter is from Hanson from Shelbyville, 25:38 Tennessee and it says, dear Ms. Brenda, 25:42 I would like to join the Kids Club and 25:44 I like to make cards for sick people. 25:46 And my name is Hanson and I'm 25:48 five years old. Well, that's the nice thing 25:50 to do. He likes to do mission work too. 25:52 Boy, well I want to thank you so much for 25:54 coming and being on the program today 25:56 and your mom and Lilly Bell too. 25:58 Boys and girls I hope you've been filled 26:00 with lots of ideas of ways that you can 26:02 witness for Jesus because there are so 26:04 many ways and keep watching Kids Time. 26:06 We'll give you all those ideas and pray 26:09 about it, God will give you those ideas. 26:11 Remember boys and girls, 26:12 it's kids time to share Jesus. |
Revised 2014-12-17