Participants: Brenda Walsh
Series Code: KT
Program Code: KT000234
00:01 It's almost time for Kids Time, we're gonna
00:03 be late. It's time to share 00:06 there's a world out there, Looking for a 00:09 friend like Jesus. It's time to share there's a 00:14 world out there. Let's tell them that He loves 00:18 us so. Let's tell them that He loves us so. 00:24 Kid's time, kid's time, kid's time, kid's time, kid's time. 00:31 Hi! Boys and girls have you ever wonder what 00:33 God looks like. The Bible really doesn't tell us 00:36 a lot about that, but we know we are created in 00:38 his image, so when we find to see him face to 00:41 face in heaven we are going to be 00:43 amazed to his glory. 00:45 Back in Bible times, the Romans and Greeks 00:47 told stories about all kinds of Gods that they 00:49 thought existed and there Gods were strange 00:52 and scary looking. I'm so glad that kind of 00:54 God isn't in charge of the Universe. 00:56 Our God the only true God is loving and 00:59 patient and wise and good in everyway. 01:02 Back then people really had no idea what their 01:04 God looks like, so if a man did something 01:06 wonderful or amazing other people might start 01:09 worshiping him. And that's exactly what 01:11 happened to some early Christian 01:13 missionaries, who tried to tell about the real 01:16 God in heaven. We are here all about that in 01:18 our Bible story today, but first let's get ready 01:21 for are you ready Max, hey Max come on 01:24 wake up, hey wake up, it's nature time. 01:33 Hi! Boys and girls welcome to nature time. 01:36 We are in beautiful Western Montana and in 01:38 fact we are in Glacier National Park today and 01:40 it is absolutely beautiful. The sun is 01:43 shining, we got some fairly heavy wind, 01:46 we have also got the hoary marmot. 01:48 The hoary marmot is out, he is getting some 01:49 sun, he doesn't get lot of it way up here in the 01:52 high mountains. In case you are wondering 01:54 what the hoary marmot might be, he is a small 01:56 animal all I say about this big and he is sort 01:59 like a Woodchuck, maybe you've heard of 02:00 those. He is very free, but he is not very 02:05 friendly. If you touch one, he will bite you 02:10 I promise. Now the hoary marmot is called 02:11 the hoary marmot because his hair is 02:12 white, its kind of a hoary color. 02:14 He is a marmot, part of the marmot family. 02:17 They live in very high elevations. They live all 02:20 through out the West, Western United States 02:22 and in countries that have high mountains. 02:24 He lives in the rocks like you see behind us 02:26 here. The hoary marmot lives in these rocks. 02:28 He digs a tunnel inside there and he comes out 02:30 when the sun shine in and when it's a nice day 02:32 he eats grass and he keeps a sharp look out 02:36 because there are some predators up here in 02:38 these mountains like the wolverine and may 02:41 be the mountain lion occasionally a grizzly 02:45 bear, they will dig these guys out, 02:46 they dig into the rocks, big strong grizzly bear 02:49 he can roll a rock right out of the way and get 02:52 to this hoary marmot and so the hoary marmot 02:54 is always got his eyes peeled. He is looking 02:56 around, he is trying to see if there is any 02:58 predators around and he eats this grass some 03:01 of these beautiful glacier lilies that you 03:02 seen here he eats those glacier lilies and 03:05 something very interesting one of the 03:07 most incredible things I believe about the 03:09 hoary marmot is the fact that he is hibernating 03:12 during the winter time. Hibernating means that 03:15 he goes to sleep, it's a very, very deep sleep 03:17 for the hoary marmot in fact he sleeps so 03:21 soundly that his temperature drops all 03:23 the from 97 degrees, which is almost the 03:26 temperature of your human body all the way 03:29 down to 40 degrees, so he is very cold inside 03:32 his little fur coat all through the winter while 03:34 he is hibernating not only does he drop his 03:37 temperature, but his breathing rate slows down 03:40 considerably in fact it will slow down to one 03:44 beat, excuse me, one breath every six minutes. 03:49 Also his heart rate, his heart rate slows down 03:52 from 100 beats per minutes all the way down 03:56 to four beats per minute and so he is sleeping 04:00 soundly way underneath those rocks waiting 04:02 for spring to come and out here in Montana up 04:05 here in Glacier National Park spring doesn't 04:07 come very early in fact we are here in the 04:08 middle of July and we got lots of snow on the 04:11 ground. The hoary marmot has just come out 04:13 and he will as soon as the snow comes back 04:16 and starts covering the ground again usually 04:19 late September, early October the hoary 04:22 marmot goes back into his cave and he sleeps 04:24 all through, all through November and 04:26 December and January and February and 04:29 March and April and May. It is amazing how 04:34 God has created a creature that can spend 04:36 so much time in hibernation, so much time 04:39 without his regular heartbeat, without his 04:42 regular breaths, without his regular 04:44 temperature and yet still be alive and 04:46 vibrant and beautiful all through the summer. 04:49 Boys and girls until next time this is Ranger 04:52 Rod saying let's all enjoy Gods great outdoors. 05:09 Savior, like a shepherd lead us, 05:16 much we need Thy tender care; 05:24 In Thy pleasant pastures feed us, 05:32 for our use Thy folds prepare. 05:39 Blessèd Jesus, blessèd Jesus! 05:47 Thou hast bought us, Thine we are. 05:54 Blessèd Jesus, blessèd Jesus! 06:02 Hear, O hear us when we pray 06:10 Blessèd Jesus, blessèd Jesus! 06:18 Thou hast bought us, Thine we are. 06:25 Blessèd Jesus, blessèd Jesus! 06:41 Savior, like a shepherd lead us, 06:47 Jesus hast bought us, Thine we are. 07:06 Welcome to learning time. Thanks for joining 07:08 us today, you know, we got an interesting 07:10 science experiment. We are gonna use some 07:12 things like you may have around the house 07:13 and they are on my table right here, 07:15 but hey before we get into that we got three 07:17 helpers and I want to introduce them. 07:19 I have got Erica over here. Now Erica what do 07:22 you like to do when you are not doing school? 07:25 I like to ride horses. Ride horses. 07:27 Well, that's interesting and that's kind of fun 07:29 to isn't great and I've got Rena over here, 07:32 Rena what do you like to do when you are, 07:34 you are not studying? I like to jump ropes. 07:38 Like to jump ropes, you know, jump ropes are 07:39 great form of exercises isn't it yeah and thanks 07:42 for being with us. I have got D. Derby over 07:44 here and D. Derby, what do you like to do 07:46 when you are not in school? 07:49 Play outside. Oh! Playing outside, 07:51 you know, playing is important isn't it. 07:53 Oh! You know because we need all that 07:54 physical activity. Oh! Hey why don't my 07:56 helpers come on up here and let's see what we 07:58 have got. Okay, hey want to come to the back 08:00 of this table right over here, okay and Erica 08:03 you can sit right in here you know I've got 08:05 some objects up here, you know, 08:06 what these things are cans, cans, 08:08 guess where I found these. 08:10 In a trash can. In a trash can, 08:12 do you throw these things away. 08:14 No. What should we do 08:17 instead of throwing them away 08:19 Recycle. You know recycling 08:20 is really important isn't. Well these cans 08:21 are made out what kind of material. 08:23 Aluminum. Aluminum that's right. 08:25 Aluminum is very light isn't, but you know 08:27 every can is made out of three different types 08:30 of Aluminum isn't that cool. The bottom is a 08:32 different type, then the top and then this little 08:34 flip tap right here that's even a different top 08:37 then the sides of a can. Well, today what we 08:39 are gonna do is an experiment with our 08:41 cans and we are gonna look at some air 08:43 pressure and have some kind of fun right. 08:46 Okay, so this is what I need to do. I need to 08:47 have Erica, I want you to hold this little plastic 08:50 tube this made out of Acrylic plastic. Okay, 08:53 we are gonna hold it just about like there and I 08:55 see D. Derby and Rena why don't you hand 08:57 me some cans okay and you know what we 08:59 are gonna do with these cans, we are gonna 09:01 load our little plastic can. This is a little can 09:04 we are gonna put it in here, now when I drop 09:06 the first can watch what happens see if it goes 09:09 down fast or slow, alright, are you ready. 09:12 Yeah. Okay, that sought of 09:13 visible to our eyes let's drop our first can in 09:17 herein. Oh! Well that went down pretty what quickly Yeah. 09:19 Okay, and let's do the next one and notice 09:21 there might be a difference here as a 09:22 second can is that slower. 09:25 Yeah. Now what do you 09:26 suppose the second can went down little 09:28 slower have any idea. 09:31 Air compression. That's right we are 09:32 trying to compress the air and how. 09:34 The first can is blocking the air way, so we 09:37 can't push the air out of the tube and so the air 09:39 is kind of being compressed that's right 09:41 air is what we call matter right ha air is 09:44 matter, it has weight, and it takes up space, 09:47 so we are gonna load this thing up. Hey thanks 09:49 for doing that okay just like that. 09:51 Why don't you step back behind the table 09:53 again. Now Erica is going to aim our little 09:56 and this is a kind of little like an air can and 09:58 she is gonna aim it right over here, right over 10:00 these guys heads, but you know what since we 10:02 are having some flying objects coming around 10:04 you may want to put your safety glasses on 10:07 okay and if they come at you, you can kind of 10:10 catch them, but don't crush them we are gonna 10:11 need them for another experiment are you ready 10:14 Yes. Okay now I happen to have a little leaf blower 10:16 right here and it puts out lot of air, 10:19 so how does this work. Oh! Just like that. 10:22 Okay, alright, we got it. Alright, here we go 10:25 are you ready, we are gonna blast the cans out 10:27 by force of air, okay we are gonna put it right there. 10:31 How about a 3, 2, 1 lets go 3, 2, 1. 10:35 Let's try it here we go 10:40 and they shut up hey why don't you help 10:42 Rena and D Derby, why don't you get those 10:44 cans, lets bring them back and we are gonna 10:46 reload our little cannon okay so bring them 10:49 back over here and hey did they go far yes 10:54 they were flying through the air because we 10:56 use air pressure to push them out. The air 10:59 pressure was behind the can, lets load the first 11:02 one, is it gonna go fast or slow. 11:04 Fast. And yup it went fast 11:06 again now we are trapping air in the tube 11:09 bottom way, so we are gonna kind of 11:10 compress the air and the next one goes slower 11:13 and is slow and is slow. Oh! Man this can't go 11:18 all dented up, I'll tell you, let's not use that 11:19 can we are just gonna use fourth of this one okay. 11:21 Okay why don't you put those cans up here in 11:24 the table and step back and you know we are 11:26 gonna do something different this time 11:28 instead of putting the air at the end of the 11:32 tube we are gonna blast some air right across 11:35 the tube is it that sound kind of strange. 11:37 Yes. What do you think that 11:39 the cans are going to come out if we do that 11:42 having air going this way. 11:43 Yeah. Well lets find out, 11:46 lets get our little, lets get this little air 11:49 machine out here, little leaf blower and lets 11:51 try it, are you really ready. 11:53 Yeah. Okay I may have to find the right angle, 11:55 how about a count down here 3, 2, 1 12:04 and you know and they didn't come out didn't 12:06 they isn't that interesting. Well what we 12:07 did was this, we actually had a lot of air 12:11 moving very, very fast over the top across a 12:14 little tube right here and you know what that 12:16 did that created some air pressure that we call 12:19 lower air pressure. When air is moving very 12:22 fast, we get low air pressure, the high air 12:25 pressure just push the cans right out of the 12:28 tube isn't that amazing yeah that really is 12:32 amazing you know we can have fun using air 12:34 pressure you know what you know the birds 12:36 use air pressure all the time you 12:37 know that don't you. Yes. 12:38 They have wings and those wings use air 12:40 pressure without that air pressure the birds 12:44 couldn't fly and Aeroplanes couldn't fly 12:46 either. Well you might try this at home, 12:47 but you might need some help. What you need 12:49 is a plastic tube and some of those recycle 12:52 cans, recycle our cans because you know what 12:54 God wants us to take good 12:55 care of our resources doesn't he. 12:57 Yes. On planet earth 12:59 that's right. Hey thanks for helping me with 13:01 this and you know boys and girls whenever 13:03 we learn more about science, 13:05 we are learning more about our creator God. 13:15 Oh! That nose is yours. What about my nose? 13:18 It snores. No, I do not snore. 13:21 It snores and its loud, I hadn't had a 13:23 week of sleep in six weeks. 13:25 So, what do you want me to do, stay up all night. 13:26 If you would, so that I can sleep, 13:28 I would appreciate it. 13:29 We will work on it, we will work on it, 13:31 I appreciate very much, thank you. 13:34 Oh! Barnabas come over here, come over here 13:37 Oh! Yeah. Come and tell us about 13:38 what things were going. Oh! First thing is first, 13:40 rather our young believers in Lystra want 13:42 us to bring you this money. 13:44 Oh! Well thank you. God bless. 13:46 This is not something new 13:48 believers are worried about you fellows here in 13:51 Jerusalem to bring money. Praise God, praise God. 13:54 That is incredible, we serve the loving God, 13:56 don't we, we do. Well, what's happening in 13:57 Lystra tell us about it? Oh! We got to tell you an 14:00 unbelievable story. Oh! Go ahead tell him 14:02 about it. We have been roughed 14:05 up in Laconia, we had the leave and so we wanted 14:08 to go to a nice quite tranquil place, 14:10 Lystra is a nice place. Yes. 14:11 Beautiful city, okay. Very responsive to the 14:14 gospel of Jesus. Oh! Praise God. 14:16 We started telling them about the life, 14:19 the death, the resurrection. 14:22 Paul tell them the story about the young man 14:24 that was healed. There was one, 14:25 one fellow, his eyes never left is as we 14:28 talked he just was so keen in every word. 14:31 Just fixed on you. Yes. Yes. 14:33 But, he has been crippled from birth, from birth. 14:36 Crippled from birth and Bible took a step in his 14:38 life. The Holy Spirit almost at the same time, 14:42 the Barnabas and myself, we looked at him and 14:48 said in the name of Jesus get up and walk. 14:53 His muscles started to twitch, he kept his eyes 14:57 on us, he stood up, he stood up and he jumped 15:00 and he ran and he leave. Unbelievable. 15:03 Crippled from birth and he has jumped up, 15:05 he was jumping although, I couldn't believe it. 15:07 Can you imagine. Oh! Isn't that amazing. 15:10 Oh! Oh! Praise God. 15:11 And so, just like Jesus would have done. 15:13 Yes. And when we tried to, 15:14 we tried and start to say and Jesus the God of 15:18 the Universe and they said no. 15:21 No. They looked at Barnabas, 15:22 what they said about you? 15:23 Well, first of all they thought I was a God, 15:25 I was a God, can you imagine that. 15:27 You God, you are a God. And Paul, a God of all 15:29 people. Paul a God. 15:31 They called me mercury, they called him 15:33 Jupiter, well he looks like a healthier guy 15:36 then you. He is twice as much as I do. 15:41 We said no, no, we tore our robes and said we 15:44 are not Gods, there is nothing about us and we 15:46 went back to Jesus, he always got to go back to 15:49 Jesus. Always go back to Jesus. 15:50 And how did they take that? 15:52 We started talking about creation. 15:54 Paul tell, yeah, first of all, we know that they 15:56 worship the sun and the moon and so we started 15:59 talking about that beautiful sun and the 16:01 beautiful moon and we said our God created 16:05 the sun, that's right, and the moon. 16:07 And they are not Gods. And the trees and the 16:09 flowers and grass and everything that he they 16:11 see. And so what did they think of that. 16:12 Well they were listening, we continued to bring 16:15 in the God of creation and then we brought in 16:17 the birth of Jesus, we started to ride to 16:21 Bethlehem and we ride through the life of Jesus. 16:25 You have to remember these folks have never 16:26 heard of God that alone Jesus Christ. 16:29 Woh! So, how did they take this, 16:30 how did they respond. Well, well they were 16:32 responding very well, everything was going 16:34 well until some Judaizers came in. 16:40 The Judaizers, yes what did they do? 16:42 They started stirring up the people, they started 16:45 twisting our words everywhere we go these 16:48 guys come in and start stirring up, they are so 16:52 loud, they are so sincere, they are so wrong. 16:55 Though they got all the people against you, 16:58 crowds as you have discovered can change 17:02 very quickly. They first call us gods, 17:08 we tear our robes and say we are not Gods then 17:11 they take us to the edge of town and start 17:18 throwing stones at us, throwing stones, yes. 17:21 Well, they threw stones at Paul. I sort of got out 17:24 of town on that when there. 17:25 Where were you? Well, I thought if they 17:27 stoned you and killed you, I would have to be 17:29 alive to continue to spread the message of 17:31 Christ, so I got out of town, that's good 17:33 thinking, I was thinking of myself. Paul, 17:36 I'm sorry, it's alright, you were there to help 17:39 me up. How did you make out 17:41 if you were stoned, well it was pretty tough 17:44 believe me. I got right back up. 17:46 They must have thought you were dead, 17:48 as they left and I was perfectly still. Barnabas 17:52 came along, held me up, and we went back, 17:57 yes back, why back to, into Lystra. 17:59 You went right back into Lystra. 18:01 Good saved him. Yes, he saved him. 18:03 From those stones, they gave, they gave us the 18:07 money for you fellows. Yes. 18:09 They told us please come back, which only if 18:12 the Lord tells me I'm going back, they said 18:15 please come back and we left to ahead here. 18:19 You came here, straight from there. 18:21 And nobody else bothered you. 18:23 No. That's been a long trip. 18:25 So you just arrived just now. 18:27 Right, but I still feel the impact of Lystra. 18:31 Oh! I sure you would do. Oh! That's, that's 18:33 terrible thing to be stoned. 18:34 And to live through it, has anybody ever lived 18:37 through that before. Well we've been 18:40 ship rect, we have been dragged out of town, 18:45 we have been beaten, you got bit by a snake. 18:47 The snake. I thought you were 18:50 gone that night Paul, I thought you were gone. 18:53 I shook that snake off and went into the fire, 18:56 I kept waiting for you to slow up and it 18:58 didn't happen. But if I had a 18:59 choice between the snake and stones of Lystra, 19:02 I take the snake. But God has 19:05 protected you from all these terrible things. 19:07 God has got through it. It's amazing what you 19:09 can do to the power of God brother. 19:11 Praise God, praise God. Praise God. 19:12 Listen, we need to go get some rest. He has 19:15 been saying he hasn't been getting any sleep, 19:17 Lystra, we got to go. Lystra, we want you 19:20 Yes, yes, just have a look, 19:21 oh! You have got a strong point. 19:23 Is everything is alright? We don't want anyone. 19:24 No, no, we are fine. God takes care of us, 19:27 we want you to have this for your personal use, 19:28 we know you just get in the town, 19:30 God bless you. That's for you, 19:32 we will use it for the next mission. 19:33 Thank you, thank you for telling us. 19:35 You'll need it for your expenses Paul. 19:37 Okay, alright folks, thank you praise the God. 19:39 Is not much, God bless, bless you, that's very 19:44 generous of them to give this. 21:17 Hi! Boys and girls its time for Ms Brenda's, 21:19 book of the day. And today's book is 21:23 really special its called Zippitty Do Dah and its 21:26 by Heather Grove and it's a wonderful book 21:29 about three girls entering their pony into 21:32 a fun fair and something happened. 21:35 Well, I'm not going to tell you right you have 21:37 to read the book, but something very special 21:39 happened and God really answers prayers. 21:42 You want to read Zippitty Do Dah by Heather 21:44 Grove. Something else that I'm so excited to 21:47 share with you today is I have not one, not two, 21:50 but three beautiful guests with me today. 21:53 I am going to let them introduce themselves to 21:55 you right now, we have with us. 21:57 Jennifer, Nina, Shina. Shina and I'm so glad 22:01 that all three of you are with us today. 22:03 And I'm really, really touched when you share 22:07 something with me and I wanted to share with 22:08 boys and girls, is that okay if we 22:10 tell them about. Yes. 22:11 In fact something recently happened to 22:12 you and what is that? You can all tell 22:14 me all three together what happened? 22:15 We are adopted. You are adopted and 22:17 what is your favorite thing Nina about being 22:20 adopted? Is that, that we have 22:22 Christian parents. You have Christian 22:23 parents. Now, did any of you can answer did 22:26 you know Jesus before you adopted? 22:28 No. No, you didn't have 22:30 Jesus in your home? No. 22:32 No, so what was that, what was that like before 22:37 you met Jesus. What's the difference in your 22:39 lives now before you met Jesus? 22:40 We are happier. You are happier and 22:43 because you were very happy, you know we 22:45 can't have real love in our home without Jesus 22:47 can we? Because God is love and Nina I 22:50 especially love you, tell me what was the 22:51 happiest day in your life? 22:52 That when I was adopted. And what was that like? 22:56 Well, its great fun like bureau, the judge said 23:01 you want to be adopted by mom and dad and we 23:04 said yes and then he signed this paper and 23:07 then we took a few pictures and then we 23:11 went home. And you were pretty 23:13 happy and do you remember what the judge said 23:16 to you? Do you want to be with 23:18 Mary and Roger? And I said yes. 23:22 And so that's wonderful and what was that like 23:24 when you first went to church for the 23:26 first time, what was that like? 23:28 First, we were alone, nervous because we don't 23:30 know anybody. So, we kind of like stayed close 23:33 to mom and dad, and then after we went there 23:35 like for a few times, we got it normal. 23:37 And what, what was the favorite part about 23:40 going to church? Story time. 23:41 Story time? Do you like the going up in front for 23:45 the kids, children story? Aha. 23:46 And do you like the Sabbath schools? 23:47 Yes. In the Sabbath school and 23:50 did you, do you learn memory verses and 23:53 Yes, yeah, we do memory verses every week. 23:55 Every week and what about singing songs about 23:57 Jesus? Oh! We sing songs in 24:00 our classrooms for school like Sabbath 24:05 school and we sing songs and then we have 24:08 prayer and we go to regular church like you 24:10 know sanctuary. Umm! Umm! 24:12 And one thing that you told me Shina, as all 24:14 three of you that how much you love Jesus, 24:17 you do something really special for adorable 24:19 and what was the reason you tell me you had a 24:21 real passion for adorable and Jennifer why is 24:25 that? Because we know 24:27 what she looks, we know what feels like to be 24:29 hungry. You do and so if you 24:32 you help adorable what is that do Nina? 24:34 Well, helps us to know that we help someone 24:36 and when we feel really good in fact to know 24:38 that you help someone, yes. 24:40 And you don't want boys and girls to be hungry; 24:41 you know what that feels like, that's right. 24:44 And now Jesus has put in a house, where you 24:46 have loving parents that, do you think your 24:50 parents love you? Yes. 24:52 They do and how much do you think they love 24:54 you? A lot. 24:55 In fact they did some special that you could be 24:58 here didn't they? What did they have to do 25:01 bring you here? Drive. 25:03 They have to drive how long? 25:04 Two days. Two days. 25:06 For two days to bring you here. I think that's 25:08 mom and dad loves you a lot. Don't they? 25:11 Can you tell me quickly Shina and Nina what is 25:13 that you have in your hands? 25:14 Piggy banks. Piggy banks and why 25:17 is that? Those are special piggy bank and 25:18 why is that? That's, we send money 25:22 to adorable like if we, we get change and then 25:26 we put them in here and then we either send the 25:29 money their or we write our check and then we 25:33 we could be yet pick out things that we 25:35 want to buy for them like chickens or goats, 25:38 school supplies and other things. 25:40 And real quickly Jennifer you have knitting and 25:42 you are knitting something special, 25:44 you learned to net, and you are making 25:46 something special for a baby, for an orphan 25:49 baby right. And do you enjoy doing that? 25:52 Yes. And you know, 25:54 I know God is gonna bless each of you. 25:55 So much real quickly hardly any time left, 25:58 I wanted just ask you this. What would you say 26:01 to boys and girls, what was the message you 26:03 want that maybe don't have a mom and dad 26:05 right now, what would you say to them, 26:07 would you encourage them to keep praying for 26:09 for one? Yes. And keep ended, 26:11 turn in, come on Jesus, right. 26:13 Firstly this is really great place, okay. 26:16 Well, God Bless you, I'm so glad you could 26:18 share with us today. Boys and girls remember 26:20 wherever you go, whatever you do, 26:21 it's Kids Time to share Jesus. |
Revised 2014-12-17