Kids' Time

The Lost Son Comes Home

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000233

00:01 It's almost time for Kids Time,
00:03 we're going to be late.
00:04 It's time to share there's a world out
00:07 there, Looking for a friend like Jesus.
00:10 It's time to share there's a world out
00:15 there. Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:18 Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:22 Kid's time, kid's time, kid's time.
00:30 Hi, boys and girls. Some friends in my marking
00:32 kind of bond, they've a floppy little white dog,
00:34 name Huckleberry. Here is the picture,
00:36 he's so cute. He was an adorable puppy
00:40 and my friends loved him and give him every
00:42 doggy comfort, he could hope for, but Huckleberry
00:44 has a problem. Every time he gets a
00:47 chance, he runs away. I don't know what he's
00:49 looking for, but he always just runs away.
00:51 They try hard to keep him in the house or fenced
00:54 up, but whenever he can. He escapes, my friends
00:58 spent hours searching and calling and praying.
01:01 Just hoping that, he'll returned.
01:03 Someone usually finds him and when that happens,
01:06 the whole family is happy. Our story today
01:09 isn't about a dog, boys and girls.
01:11 It's about a boy, who left home.
01:13 Just like Huckleberry, he thought he would be
01:15 happy somewhere else. Did he ever comeback?
01:18 Did he ever find happiness?
01:19 Oh! You'll just have to wait and see, because hey
01:24 Maxwell, Maxwell. See Maxwell is not going
01:27 anywhere, he's not running away.
01:29 Get ready for Nature Time, boys and girls.
01:38 Hi, boys and girls. Welcome to Nature Time,
01:40 Time, I'm Ranger Rod and we're here in
01:43 Northwest Montana. At the trip of the game
01:44 farm, I've my friend here Logan. He's the
01:47 head trainer here and we've also got some
01:50 junior trainers. We've Katie and we've
01:53 Kyle and they're gonna help us with
01:55 our special beautiful feature today.
01:56 The Coyotes and is this Coyotes full
02:00 grown Logan. This is young pup.
02:03 Young pup, how old are they, are they
02:06 siblings, brother and sister or brothers
02:08 or sisters. Brother and sister,
02:09 this is Bailey and Otis. Bailey and Otis,
02:12 alright Bailey and Otis I'll bet this is the
02:14 first time Bailey and Otis have been on
02:16 television and they're little bit, they're little
02:19 bit nervous. But we've got some
02:21 questions to ask, our trainer here about
02:24 these beautiful animals and could you tell us a
02:28 little bit. Now these are the only two coyotes
02:30 in this family or were there more, are there
02:32 more. These are the only two.
02:34 Okay. Coyotes can have layers
02:37 of up to 4-5. 4-5 okay.
02:40 And you know Coyotes family there is normal
02:43 three that will stay together and have their
02:47 own range. Is that kind of pack,
02:50 now these three when they stay together?
02:52 Sometimes some of the boys and girls in
02:55 audience today might have coyotes in there area and
02:58 they might hear them at midnight howling or hear
03:01 them barking with that. How many coyotes is
03:03 that usually, when you hear a pack of coyotes?
03:04 Is that usually a lot or do they make noise.
03:07 They make some sound like this more then
03:08 there really is. It would be mom and dad
03:10 and their pups. Mom and dad and their
03:12 and what would they be doing?
03:13 Why would they be howling?
03:14 Why would they be Barking?
03:16 Could be talking to each other and making their
03:20 home range known to the other coyote
03:22 packs around. Other coyote packs around
03:24 so, that's their way of communicating with each
03:27 other. Not only as a family unit, but also
03:29 with coyotes there in their neighborhood.
03:32 Speaking of neighborhood, what kind of
03:35 neighborhoods would we find a coyote in?
03:36 Coyotes are all throughout North
03:39 America and they love to be in the suburban areas,
03:43 they do very well. If you see a coyote near
03:48 your house. Please don't approach him.
03:50 Don't approach him, so this is a typical.
03:52 You wouldn't advice boys and girls,
03:53 if they found a baby coyote to try and get
03:56 their hands on it. No.
03:57 No, these coyotes seem very friendly and they
04:01 haven't tried to bite anybody, but they
04:03 wouldn't be typical of a little baby coyote this
04:05 age. No this guys have been
04:07 with us, since they're very small.
04:09 Okay, so they're use to people. Now what about
04:12 their, some of their features the,
04:13 are they hunters. Yes they're.
04:15 And do they have teeth that are made for
04:17 hunting. Yes they've little sharp
04:19 needle teeth and. Would one of them
04:22 smile for our camera, do you think or would
04:24 we not want a lift all left turn.
04:26 See, so they use their teeth. Now what kind
04:29 of things would they hunt.
04:30 They hunt Prairie dogs, rabbits as well.
04:33 They also love to join up with badgers and
04:37 badgers will help them catch the Prairie dog,
04:41 they tolerate each other more than they
04:43 like each other. So the badger and the
04:45 coyote will actually team up to hunt the
04:47 Prairie dog. Now how they're work,
04:48 how would they team up?
04:50 The badger would dig him out and the
04:52 coyote and Prairie dog would go out in the
04:54 different hole and the coyote would be
04:56 waiting. Oh! Yes you know
04:57 one time, I heard a Coyote howling and
04:59 barking near my home where I live and so I
05:02 went to investigate what he was howling
05:03 and barking about and he was following a
05:06 huge grizzly bear around. And I didn't,
05:08 when I found the coyote. I found the
05:10 grizzly bear at the same time, now would
05:12 they've teamed up in some way to be.
05:14 Would the coyote maybe have been
05:15 watching for, when the grizzly bear rolled
05:17 a log over or did something that would
05:19 may be scare out a little mouse or vole
05:21 or something. Yes and they also like
05:24 to scavenge off of a grizzly bear, kill.
05:26 Okay, so maybe the grizzly bear had a kill
05:29 in the area and or had you know something
05:32 that, he was eating and the coyote was just
05:35 there to investigate him and see if he
05:37 could get a little bit of his lunch.
05:38 That's interesting will they certainly,
05:40 it certainly got my attention, what else
05:42 about this coyotes. Are they pretty fast
05:44 runners? Yes they can run up to
05:47 35miles per hour. 35 miles per hour.
05:49 And these big ears are well adapted for
05:52 hearing mice and voles underneath the snow
05:55 once they're ready, they pounce on the snow and
05:58 take them up. So they're ears are like
06:01 little, little radar receptors and they can
06:03 feel little tiny vibrations.
06:04 Where ever they might be even under
06:07 the snow. Yes.
06:08 Even under the snow, so the great hunters
06:09 are they beneficial to the environment.
06:11 Is this something that, the coyote can he be
06:15 beneficial to the environment.
06:16 Yes, they rodents and help farmlands and.
06:20 That is great. You know, all of God's creatures,
06:24 have been put here for a purpose boys and
06:26 girls and so it's wonderful.
06:27 That we can see this, I thank you to my
06:30 helpers this morning. As we've look at this
06:32 beautiful creatures until next time.
06:34 This is Ranger Rod, let's all enjoy
06:36 God's great outdoors.
09:08 Welcome to Learning Time, I am glad that
09:10 you with us today and if you're here just raise
09:12 your hand. Oh! Good everybody is here
09:15 Are you glad to be here today?
09:16 Yes. You know, I've found
09:18 something very interesting you know,
09:20 sometimes you finds science in the places
09:22 that you wouldn't think you found
09:23 science. Now we've a little break and I
09:26 happened to have something in my
09:27 pocket and it happened to be a
09:28 balloon. You know what I did; I've found
09:31 something in the grass. Have you ever
09:33 seen things in the grace? Yes.
09:35 Yeah we know sometimes you need a
09:37 bag or box to put things in. you know
09:39 specimen and things are you collect.
09:41 Well I didn't have anything except for a
09:43 balloon, so I blow you're balloon up.
09:45 I put my specimen inside the balloon,
09:47 would you like to check it out.
09:49 Yes. Well I don't know,
09:51 it was sleeping a little bit ago.
09:53 But save it gonna wake up, is it there.
09:55 You see something in there.
09:57 Yeah. Oh! There goes,
10:02 what do you suppose that is? A bee there.
10:04 Is it a bee? Yes a ball.
10:06 Oh! I'm allergic to bees; I wouldn't be
10:07 good with it. A bee there.
10:08 Oh! I don't know. I doubt.
10:10 Oh! Careful, careful and slow and down,
10:14 what you think, who could make noise like
10:17 that. A ball.
10:18 Is it an animal? No.
10:19 Is not an animal. No, no,
10:21 You no think so. It's a fly.
10:24 It's a fly, well it's very interesting.
10:26 You know I lessons about sound,
10:27 you know to first have sound.
10:29 We need three things, something has to
10:31 vibrate. Hey I've got three helpers today,
10:34 let's check him out Jessica. Jessica's over
10:36 there and where are you from.
10:37 Georgia. Georgia. Thanks for
10:40 coming and being a part of us today and
10:43 we've Noah over here. Noah where are you
10:45 from? Illinois.
10:46 Illinois, thanks for coming and being also
10:48 and then we've our Enuk, Enuk where are
10:52 you from? Massachusetts.
10:53 Massachusetts, you know I was born
10:55 there. This is a good place too isn't it?
10:57 Well today, they're gonna be our helpers
10:59 come on up. Because we're going to help
11:01 you to make one of our sound balloon
11:03 machines, so you're gonna pas this out to,
11:05 go and passes out to them. You might find
11:08 the balloon, the color that you like and
11:10 inside the balloon. We've something very
11:12 interesting, what you suppose that inside the
11:15 balloon. Not a bee.
11:16 Fill the balloon, can you fill the
11:18 balloon without empting the balloon?
11:20 Can you feel, what does that feel like,
11:22 what does it feel like. Hard.
11:24 Fill something is hard right, oh! What else,
11:28 what? A nut.
11:29 That's right, it's a nut, it's a nut, we actually
11:31 have a little nut and we put them inside
11:34 the balloons. So make sure that your nut is
11:37 inside the balloon, yeah don't let it fall
11:40 out. Okay make sure it's at the bottom,
11:42 hold your balloon up like this. Everybody
11:43 hold your balloon like that, make sure that
11:46 the nut is on the bottom is it right there
11:48 at the bottom. Yes.
11:49 We want it to be at the bottom, because we
11:51 want you to blow up the balloon and we
11:53 don't want the nut to end up in your mouth
11:56 not a good idea. Okay make sure is
11:58 way down here and go a head and blow up
12:01 your balloon. Don't have to blow it
12:02 up very much and you don't even have to tie
12:07 it, that's the good part of this experiment.
12:09 Because tying balloons can be really
12:11 hard, can't they? Yeah.
12:13 Yeah and then what we're gonna do,
12:14 as we're just gonna take that balloon,
12:16 Brent blow them up. Did you get your
12:19 balloon and blow it up and spin it around.
12:22 Can you hear that noise?
12:24 Can you hear that noise? You gotta hang on to
12:28 the balloon and make it go.
12:30 Spin. Its sounds like a
12:33 whole bunch of bees is that, sound of the
12:37 bees look out get a how are they way.
12:39 Wow okay now stop and let it rest.
12:44 Now guess what we're gonna do, let's see if
12:47 we make it go very, very slowly.
12:49 We've a low pitch sound, because the little nut
12:53 has flat sides on it. Right, nuts have flat
12:56 sides on it and its roll around in the inside of
12:59 the balloon. It vibrates the balloon and if it's
13:02 real slow the sound is really, really low.
13:05 It's a low frequency sound and if you go
13:07 faster and faster. What happened to
13:09 the sound? It goes up.
13:11 It go up to a higher frequency sound
13:13 doesn't it, yeah can you do that.
13:21 Oh! Scare me, okay and stop right there.
13:26 You know, you could do and you can do this
13:29 at home too. You could put like
13:31 penny inside, you know does a penny
13:33 have a little flat sides. Yeah.
13:35 They didn't have flat edges,
13:37 does them he has a rim all the way around
13:39 it. A penny sounds a lot different than a nut
13:42 and you can try different things in the
13:44 balloons. Because it vibrates the balloon
13:46 differently. What do you suppose what
13:48 happened if you put two nuts inside the
13:50 balloon? It makes be louder.
13:54 Yeah it probably it could pop and it will
13:56 sound probably louder, and that would
13:58 be interesting too. Well you know sound
14:00 is very, very interesting and you
14:03 know God gave us ears. So that we could
14:06 hear sound, are you thankful for your ears?
14:08 Yes. I'm thankful for my
14:11 ears too, you know some sounds that
14:13 animals make are warnings aren't they.
14:15 That's right, they warn us of their presence,
14:18 can anybody can you think about an animal
14:20 that warns us about sound, about their
14:23 presence by making a sound.
14:24 Rattlesnakes. A Rattlesnakes sure,
14:27 a Rattlesnakes ladles and that warns us.
14:30 Wow, you're in dangerous situation
14:33 aren't you? I think so too and remember
14:36 boys and girls. When ever we learn
14:39 more about science, we learn about our
14:42 creator God.
14:50 Son. Yes father.
14:51 It sure it's is wonderful to have you home again.
14:54 I'm glad be home father, I sure missed
14:56 you. You, where did you
14:59 get those fancy clothes are.
15:01 Oh my precious friend, I did nothing to
15:03 deserve this cloths, these are gift from my
15:06 father. Wish I had a father.
15:13 Son. Yes father, you need
15:15 to tell you're story to everyone, so that they
15:18 will know that they've heavenly father.
15:20 Everyone has a heavenly father
15:22 I would like to you father, I would like to.
15:24 Gather out everyone, my son's gonna tell
15:29 you a story about our heavenly father.
15:31 Come gather around, quickly.
15:37 All my precious friends, my father, my earthly
15:42 father reminds me so much of my heavenly
15:45 father. Now my father, whether you know this
15:48 or not. He's very, very, rich, he's humble
15:52 meek and kind, but he's a wealthiest
15:55 man, I know. My whole life,
15:58 I was raised on our farm with thousands
16:01 of cattle. I had servants that were
16:03 underneath me and I was rich, because of
16:06 my father. But one day, I decided to
16:10 leave. You remember that day father.
16:11 I sure do son, it was a sad day in my life.
16:15 I remember the look on your face father,
16:17 I know I was selfish. But I was young and
16:21 I thought I want to go out into the world and
16:24 see what the world was like.
16:25 So I went to my father and said father do I've
16:29 inheritance. Did you say it?
16:31 Yes, you certainly do son.
16:33 I said what inheritance I have. I want to take
16:36 with me, so I had a bag, on my bag just
16:39 full of money and I went into the city and
16:43 for a while. When I had all of my money,
16:45 I had lots of friends. I bought their cloths,
16:49 I bought their meals and everybody wanted
16:52 to be around me. Why because of my
16:56 money, all friends the sad story is,
16:59 I eventually ran out of money and
17:02 then I lost my friends.
17:06 Well I had to go to work;
17:07 I was hungry, so I went looking for a job.
17:11 I ended up on a small farm feeding pigs.
17:15 Pigs. Yeah, I had to do
17:19 something, I needed money. I was hungry
17:21 and I fed the pigs every morning
17:24 walking to all that slop and all of that
17:27 mud and the squeal of the pigs and the
17:30 stench. Oh! This went long everyday and
17:35 finally I got to the point. To what even
17:37 the food that I gave the pigs, it started
17:40 looking good. It look good, I was
17:45 hungry. But one morning, listen my
17:48 friends. One morning I woke up and I came
17:51 to my senses I thought. What am I
17:54 doing here feeding these pigs, why the
17:58 servants on my father farms live better then
18:01 I do. Right.
18:03 And I thought, I want to go home,
18:04 but will my father forgive me.
18:07 Would he? Well, I worked up enough
18:11 courage and I headed home. Nothing. I had nothing,
18:15 just a cloth on my back and I headed
18:18 home and finally I got to the land that let to
18:22 the front gate of the farm and as I was
18:25 walking, I was so afraid my father
18:27 wouldn't forgive me, but as I kept walking,
18:30 I have seen a figure and first I thought the
18:33 figure was walking toward me; it was a
18:35 man and all of a sudden I realized it
18:38 was my father and he was running toward
18:42 me. He had his arms open wide and he
18:45 came remember father.
18:46 Yes feel so good. And he laid his arms
18:50 around me and laid his head up on my
18:53 shoulders and he cried and he kissed me said
18:55 son welcome home. Welcome home and
19:00 we went back to the house and he called a
19:03 feast, it was the celebration feast that
19:05 his son had finally comeback home.
19:07 My father had forgiven me,
19:10 why do he forgave me?
19:11 Because he loves me.
19:12 Loved you. And you know what,
19:14 these reminds me so much of my heavenly
19:18 father, so loving and kind and sometimes
19:21 we stray from God. Don't we?
19:23 Yeah absolutely. But did you know that
19:25 even though you stray from him. God never
19:28 leaves he will never forsake you and if you
19:35 leave God and you want to comeback
19:36 home. If you will start walking toward him,
19:37 our God will start running towards you
19:39 and take you right back in the family.
19:42 Now isn't that a loving God.
19:43 Amen, Amen. We need to go along son,
19:50 we got things to do. But remember,
19:54 God loves you. He's your father.
19:57 Thank you father. Thank you.
19:59 Give me the Bible, star of gladness
20:14 gleaming, To cheer the wand'rer
20:17 lone and tempest tossed;
20:19 No storm can hide that radiance peaceful
20:24 beaming, Since Jesus came to
20:28 seek and save the lost Give me the Bible,
20:33 holy message shining; Thy light shall guide
20:38 me in the narrow way; Precept and promise,
20:44 law and love combining, Till night shall
20:48 vanish in eternal day.
21:01 Hi, boys and girls. It's time for Ms Brenda's
21:02 Book of the day, today is the very special
21:06 book. I want to share with you, it's called
21:08 What We Believe by Jerry D Thomas and
21:11 he is a incredible best selling author,
21:13 very personal friend of mine. And I can tell
21:16 you, he has spent a lot of time a helping
21:18 children every where. Children of all ages
21:20 understand what Seventh-day
21:22 Adventists Believe in. I highly recommended
21:24 this book, it's called What We Believe and
21:28 something else that I want to tell you.
21:29 I'm very excited about is our guest today and
21:33 they're personal friends of Miss
21:34 Brenda's too and they came all the way from
21:37 Michigan. I want you to meet Hannah and
21:39 Lance. Thank you so much for being here,
21:41 this your first time to Kids
21:42 Time here isn't it. Umm!
21:44 And on our new set, what do you think of
21:46 our new set here? I like it.
21:47 You like it, well I know something that
21:49 you love very much and that's what
21:51 missing for Jesus. What do you do
21:52 Hannah to share Jesus? We go door to door
21:55 selling Christian literature and giving
21:56 our free discovers Bible studies.
21:58 And this something you and Lance do
22:00 together right. Yeah.
22:01 With you're grandma and your grandma
22:02 goes with you, so you don't go by
22:03 yourselves, so you go up to, so you don't just
22:05 not gonna strange to by yourself, you go
22:06 with an adult and let see you book what you've.
22:09 These are some of the books that you saw
22:11 ones called the story book. Let's hold that
22:13 up Lance and see that and that looks like a
22:17 really fun book and then you've also The
22:19 Great Controversy which I've read and I
22:21 really, really love that book, I highly
22:23 recommend it and tell when you go that door
22:26 you knock on that door for the first time.
22:28 What do you say? Well, who's me
22:31 talking and I would say, hi my name is
22:33 Hannah. I'm doing a community service
22:35 project in neighborhood
22:36 neighborhood here I take a look.
22:38 Take a look to what, when you say take a
22:40 look. Do you hand him a book while you
22:42 say that. I hand on.
22:43 Just like the book like this you would hand
22:44 the book. Yeah I hand.
22:46 Into they take it out or to the reach out and
22:47 take it or. Well some of them are
22:49 kind of to me, because they don't know what
22:52 we're doing. But most of them take it.
22:55 Most of them take it, now have you ever
22:57 had anybody be rude to you and.
22:58 Yeah, actually one time we went out
23:01 canvassing and this guy. We knocked on
23:08 the door and he came, you know he was
23:10 mean he was like, he said what do you want
23:12 and we sir, I started conversing to him and
23:15 he told, he and others told us to get out off his
23:18 property. Oh! No, did you get scared?
23:22 Yeah, then my grandma tried explain
23:24 to him that we're not doing anything wrong.
23:26 Umm! And he just guy even
23:28 more mad and told us to get out of his
23:29 property and we went to the next house and
23:33 the guy there, had said that guy was really
23:38 mean and grouche and he wouldn't let really
23:40 anybody come to his door and do anything.
23:43 So my grandma decided that we would
23:47 make him cookies and I was really nervous,
23:50 because I didn't want him to yell at us again.
23:52 Right. And so, but we still went.
23:55 Umm! After, I've been with,
23:56 what did you say when you went back
23:57 with of cookies? Well, we knocked on
23:59 the door and his wife came to the door and
24:01 really, hi my name is Hannah and this
24:03 Lance and we had met your husband a couple
24:08 days ago and we want to drop out some
24:10 cookies and she said are you sure you're at
24:13 the right house. And why did she
24:16 say that? Because I'm sure she
24:19 realize his real character and how,
24:21 she knew he did get a bit grouchy, Umm!
24:24 And anyway we've kind of tried to went
24:30 him to Jesus. Umm! Now you've
24:33 actually with the ministry that you've
24:36 done together. You've actually and you given
24:37 up Bible studies. What does the Bible study
24:39 card look like, I've just one of the Bible
24:42 studies right there discover Bible studies
24:44 and you sign him up the free Bible studies
24:46 and you've actually both of you together.
24:48 You've witnessed and two people have been
24:50 Baptized, because of you ministry heaven
24:52 thing and that's a pretty awesome
24:54 feeling isn't it. Do you like sharing
24:57 Jesus Lance? Yes.
24:58 You do and would you and would you
25:00 recommended to boys and girls its called the
25:02 mega book program right I believe and if
25:05 kids want to hear more about the mega
25:07 book program. They can write to me here at
25:08 3ABN just if
25:11 you want to email me or send me a letter
25:13 here and I help you to learn known about it.
25:15 Okay, well right now I think we've it time for
25:17 a couple of letters and let me just see what
25:19 we've got here. It's so hard to know
25:22 which letter to read, because I love hearing
25:25 from all of you, this one is from Jamaica
25:27 and this is from Sandrika. Dear Miss
25:33 Brenda my name is Sandrika and I lived in
25:36 the island of the Jamaica and I'm
25:37 twelve years old and I love Jesus very much
25:40 and I share Jesus through singing and
25:43 sign language and by going to different
25:46 communities and witnessing every
25:47 where I go. I love Jesus, yours truly
25:50 Sandrika. Well, Sandrika I'm so glad
25:52 to you witnessed for Jesus. Keep sharing
25:54 Jesus every where you go. Won't you?
25:56 Well, I wanna thank you Hannah for being
25:58 with us and I want to encourage you every
26:00 day to keep on sharing Jesus, because Jesus is
26:02 coming soon. Won't you too Lance. Yes.
26:05 You want to keep sharing Jesus every
26:06 where you go and would highly
26:08 recommended to boys and girls every where.
26:10 Yes. Yes I would too,
26:11 well boys and girls. That's all the time
26:13 we've today, I wanna thank you for
26:15 joining us and I wanna encourage you to go
26:17 out every day and witness to someone.
26:18 Because it's Kid's Time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17