Kids' Time

The Fate Of The Three Captains

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000231

00:01 It's almost time for Kids Time, we going to be late.
00:04 It's time to share there's a world out there,
00:08 looking for a friend like Jesus. It's time to share
00:14 there's a world out there, Let's tell them that
00:17 he loves us so. Let's tell them that he loves us so.
00:23 Kids Time, Kids Time, Kids Time, Kids Time.
00:27 Kids Time. Hi boys and girls, some
00:32 times it fun to pretended, isn't that right Max.
00:36 It's a specially fun to play dress up.
00:38 Do you like my cowboy hat?
00:40 My grandsons Michael and Jason they like to put on
00:42 cowboy hats and they pretend to gallop across the prairie
00:45 just conquering the wild west. But, wearing a costume
00:49 doesn't change who you really are? Does it.
00:52 I can take the cowboy hat off and I'm still
00:54 Ms. Brenda, inside you still know what's real and true.
00:59 And that's a good thing because what's real and true
01:02 is much more exciting and much more important
01:05 than anything you could ever pretend.
01:08 Our Bible story today is about three little boys who
01:11 grew up laughing and playing just like all little boys do.
01:15 But, these boys grew up to be Captains in the
01:17 King's army. Not pretend but real Captains.
01:22 That means that they were in charge of whole lot of
01:25 other soldiers and they can tell those soldiers
01:27 just what to do. It's an exciting story
01:30 which you'll hear all about in just little bit,
01:33 but first let's get ready for Nature Time.
01:44 Hi boys and girls welcome to Nature Time.
01:47 Right now I am in Glacier National Park,
01:50 in Northwestern Montana. This is one of my favorite
01:52 places to be. In fact I visit here often with my family
01:57 because of the beauty, because of the diversity
02:00 because of the animals and because of the birds.
02:05 Because of all the creatures that we like to share
02:07 on Nature Time. In fact many of our
02:09 Nature Time programs are filmed here in
02:12 Glacier National Park. Did you know that they are
02:15 over 1200 plant species in Glacier National Park alone?
02:20 All the way from the huge joint trees down to the
02:24 littlest tiny plants all of them very important
02:27 and very necessary on the landscape here.
02:30 In fact there are over 250 species of birds.
02:34 So, if you love to watch birds as many of us do
02:36 bring your binoculars and have them ready because,
02:39 you might see something as exacting as the bald eagle,
02:42 or maybe a golden eagle, or maybe an owl a bird of prey,
02:46 maybe you'll see the tiny little hummingbird,
02:49 or the mountain ram. These are all fun birds
02:52 to look for, some of my very favorites are the mammals.
02:57 The animals that are here, the species is very diverse
03:00 there is over 70 kinds, all the way from the mighty
03:02 grizzly bear, he is my one of my very favorites.
03:05 Down to the little mouse or the red back boar.
03:07 They all live here in Glacier National Park.
03:09 The diversity doesn't end there with the animal kingdom.
03:13 The mountains here all the way from the valley floor
03:16 clear up here to well over 8000 feet of elevation
03:20 and in that there are many different kinds of creatures
03:22 that live here, lets talk just for a moment about the
03:25 bighorn ram, have you ever seen a mountain sheep?
03:28 They are beautiful, in the way they walk across
03:30 these high craggy cliffs or the mountain goat.
03:34 He is just like an acrobat, up there on those
03:36 high mountains. He has no fear of heights,
03:39 like Ranger Rod, you know I am little careful
03:41 I try to wear a good hiking shoe, so I don't
03:43 slip and slide on these trails.
03:46 God made those animals with their hiking shoes built in.
03:49 And they don't slip and slide they need that traction.
03:53 Or maybe the wolverine. If you had a chance to see
03:55 him that would truly be amazing.
03:59 You probably wouldn't see him from this beautiful
04:01 going to sun road, this going to the sun road was
04:05 put here in the 1930s. That was 75 years ago.
04:09 And it's a great road, you get all kinds of beautiful
04:11 pictures of the diverse landscape, but if you wanna
04:14 see a wolverine, you're gonna have to
04:16 put on your backpack and you're gonna have
04:18 to head for the back country. That's not hard in
04:21 Glacier National Park. Because there is many, many
04:23 miles of trails where you can get way backup into these
04:27 mountains, you can camp there over night,
04:29 maybe several nights. And you can enjoy the
04:31 beauty there where very few people ever get and
04:34 ever have the opportunity to enjoy.
04:37 We are talking about the going to the sun road
04:38 we are right here beside it so, if you hear a car.
04:40 That's a family headed to Logan Pass to try and get a
04:44 glimpse of maybe the hoary marmot.
04:47 Or the little ground squirrel, or maybe the big grizzly bear
04:50 is gonna across the highway just above of us here.
04:52 You never know, be prepared for the unexpected.
04:55 Have your camera ready, and when you're at
04:58 Logan Pass bring along a sled.
05:00 I love to slide on the snow that's up there,
05:02 maybe you will too. It's great fun, so if you're
05:05 a bird watcher, if you're an animal lover,
05:08 if you love just to see the diversity of scenery.
05:10 The high mountains, the beautiful valleys,
05:12 the swift flowing. crystal clear rivers.
05:15 Whatever it is that you like. Just peace and quiet.
05:17 Just to sit along site a beautiful meadow
05:20 and watch a mule deer with her fawn come out.
05:22 Or maybe you like to hear the bugle of an elk.
05:25 In the fall, that's a great time to be here.
05:27 To watch the fall colors, or see a eagle, soaring
05:30 up above the mountains. As he just his catch his
05:31 wind currents, and hovers up there.
05:34 You can just lay there in that soft grass and
05:36 just talk and commune with God, or you can walk
05:39 with your mom or your dad or your brother, or your sister.
05:42 Hold hands across one of these beautiful meadows
05:44 and just get connected. Boys and girls, I hope
05:47 that you will take an opportunity if it's
05:49 available to you. To spend some time in a beautiful
05:51 park and just enjoy nature. And if you have the
05:55 opportunity to travel to Northwestern Montana.
05:58 Make sure you spend some time at Glacier National Park.
06:01 Maybe I'll see you there and if I don't take a picture
06:04 send it to me at 3ABN, in care of Ranger Rod
06:08 this is the picture of me at Glacier National Park.
06:10 Thanks for the invitation from Montana.
06:12 Until next time this is Ranger Rod saying
06:15 lets all enjoy God's great outdoors.
06:28 Let our hearts be always cheerful
06:34 why should were mean at her there, when our kind
06:41 down love ye father, makes us to love this day,
06:48 always cheerful, always cheerful,
06:54 sunshine all are as we see, all that beauty is the
07:01 path of Jesus cheerful we may always be.
07:15 Welcome to Learning Time. I am glad you joined us
07:18 again today. You know today we're gonna
07:19 do an interesting experiment about temperature
07:22 and about water, and we've got three people to help
07:24 me today, I've Tyler over here, Tyler you like water.
07:28 Don't you? Yeah. Yeah, you drink water?
07:30 Yeah. You swim in water?
07:31 Yeah. And we use water for
07:32 a lot of different purposes don't we?
07:33 Yeah. I've got Maya, over here, Maya, you swim
07:38 in water? Right. Yeah.
07:39 Yeah, I love to swim, well this is kind of related to water
07:42 that we might wanna swim in, I've got Abigail over here.
07:45 Abigail, you drink plenty of water every day don't you?
07:48 Yes. Yeah, you like cold water,
07:49 or hot water to drink? Hot.
07:52 Hot water, that's kind of nice to drink a hot beverage
07:54 isn't it some times. Well we're gonna work with
07:56 temperature in the water. Why not all three of my
07:57 helpers come up here. And, yeah Maya, I want
08:01 you be in the middle over here.
08:02 Here we go and Tyler, why don't you come on over here
08:04 with me, we got some safety glasses.
08:06 Remember we always protect our eyes when we're working
08:08 with things that are warm, hot, or cold or chemicals,
08:10 or fire or things that blow up right.
08:13 Why don't you go and put your safety glasses on.
08:14 Let me explain what we have here.
08:16 Well we've got a picture right here and you notice
08:19 something kind of interesting I could probably draw
08:22 something on here. Look at that, what is that?
08:25 Smiley face. Well, smiley face, well all
08:27 the moisture that's in the air, the water molecules
08:30 are condensing. They are getting very, very cold
08:32 and they're sticking to the outside of this pitcher.
08:34 But, for this experiment we want you to be able to see
08:37 through the picture. So I'm gonna wipe all that
08:39 condensation off. That's what we call
08:41 condensation, so let's wipe this off, okay.
08:44 And then you will notice something interesting,
08:46 in this one container right here I have got a little
08:49 bottle and the bottle has a little wire on it.
08:51 Okay, and this is very hot. I mean, I can pull my hand
08:54 on there, but it's pretty warm and this has some
08:57 colored fluid coloring and some water.
09:00 So, I am gonna ask Maya to pick this up, okay and she
09:04 is going to lower it very, very slowly inside of here
09:07 and lets see what happens to that colored water.
09:10 Are you ready? Yes. Okay, and
09:12 she is doing a very good job she is lowering it down.
09:15 And you know what I am gonna do?
09:16 I am just gonna go ahead and wipe this clear,
09:19 so that you can see through it and so get down here
09:22 so you can see right in there. Where is the color going?
09:25 Is the color going up or down, where is it going?
09:27 Up. You know it's staying
09:29 at the top isn't it. Well all of this liquid
09:32 in our little bottle was it warm or cool?
09:35 Warm. It was warm, you know what
09:37 happens to warmer air? Warmer water, warmer water
09:41 stays at the surface or does it go to the bottom
09:45 of the water color? Surface.
09:47 Look it's stays to the surface, all of this is blue.
09:50 But, you know eventually the whole thing, the whole
09:53 pitcher will be blue because the water molecules are
09:56 moving all the time. And it will mix, but
09:58 for right now the warmer water is staying above right?
10:03 That's interesting isn't. You know I've had that
10:06 experience, how many of you have ever swam in some
10:09 water and it was warm at the surface or rather warm.
10:13 But, when you went down and you dug down
10:15 to the bottom what happened to the temperature?
10:17 It got cooler. It got cooler, it happens
10:19 in a swimming pool. It can happen in a lake,
10:21 or even in the ocean sometimes isn't that interesting?
10:25 That's really interesting. One day we were actually
10:28 scuba diving on in the Pacific Ocean.
10:30 And we had all rubber suits on and we had all of our gear,
10:33 it was really, really hot. The surface water temperature
10:36 was 90 degrees, is 90 degrees warm? Yeah. Oh yeah,
10:40 and we were sweating and hot, well that day we were
10:44 diving on, it was actually on a little cliff area.
10:48 That we call a little gorge underwater and it was,
10:52 it was cold we got down to 70 feet and it was freezing,
10:55 not freezing cold, but it was very, very cold.
10:56 My teeth were chattering. Well that's because
10:59 the warmer water was at the top of the water column.
11:02 The colder water was down below and colder water
11:05 is heavier than warmer water. That's why the warmer water
11:08 just stays up, isn't that cool. Yeah.
11:11 I think so too. Well remember boys and girls
11:14 every time we learn more about science, we are learning
11:18 more about our Creator God.
11:26 Hey, lets rest here. Yes, I am hungry.
11:29 Hey kids, out the way, out the way, move.
11:32 Hey we get some bread here I'm starving.
11:35 What about this place? That be good, clear it out.
11:38 Get out of here. You, get out. This is my shop.
11:40 This is our shop. Are you questioning my authority.
11:43 Move, move, out. Okay, if you break it, you pay for it.
11:47 Move. Down, I'll get the bread.
11:52 You sit down there. Are you hungry?
12:02 Pretty good. So, how long are we going
12:04 to travel more? About a mile or so, okay.
12:10 Still hungry? Hey, you don't look too good.
12:13 What happened, what's wrong. It's been a rough day.
12:20 Tell us about it. Well, you remember how the King
12:23 he was up on palace roof one day, and the ladders
12:27 broke and he fell down. Yeah, I remember that.
12:29 Yeah, I remember too. He got hurt really, really bad.
12:32 It wasn't too much on the outside, but the doctors were
12:34 able to fix, they said, you must have got hurt somewhere
12:37 on the inside, 'cause he was in bed and he was just really
12:40 sick and in lots of pain. Well, the King who is not that old
12:45 had this really bad feeling like maybe this is it
12:48 he might die. But, he wanted to know
12:50 for sure so he send some of his messengers to talk to
12:53 Beelzebub, the false God of Ekron, he said go to Beelzebub,
12:58 who knows the future. And ask him if I am
13:00 going to get better. So, the messengers went,
13:03 but, on the way they were met by this man,
13:06 who was wearing this camel skin clothe,
13:08 with a leather belt, and this man had the authority
13:11 of God about him. And he said, stop.
13:14 Is there no God in Israel, why are you going to Beelzebub
13:19 to try to find out the future. And he told the messenger,
13:23 he said you go back and tell the King that he will not
13:26 get better and that he will die on the bed that he is lying on
13:29 right now. Well, the messengers they turned around and
13:32 they came back and the King was surprise that the
13:35 messengers got back so quickly.
13:37 He said how come your back so fast, what happen.
13:40 And so they told him, and said did you meet?
13:43 And they said we don't know who he was.
13:45 He said, well tell me about him. So they described
13:47 what he looked like, and he said, it has be
13:50 Elijah the prophet. That sounds like?
13:54 You know the King, he is about our age.
13:56 He grew up with the same stories of, you know
13:58 Elijah on Mount Carmel with a fire coming down
14:01 and how he is able to make a revival in the whole
14:03 kingdom, but this King Ahab, he hasn't learned
14:06 any lessons. So, he said I want to
14:11 talk to that man. And he so he got one of the
14:13 captains and his group of 50 men, and
14:15 he said you go get that prophet and you
14:17 bring him to me right now. I want to talk to him.
14:20 And so the captain went out and pretty soon he found
14:23 Elijah and he was sitting up on this hill.
14:25 And the captain was at the bottom of the hill and
14:27 he said you, man of God, you come down here right now.
14:32 Well Elijah said, if I am man of God, a fire from
14:36 heaven will fall down on you and your men.
14:38 What happened? Well the sky split open
14:41 and fire fell straight down from heaven, and consumed
14:45 the captain and 50 of his man. It's unbelievable. Well,
14:50 we were waiting back at the palace when the first Captain
14:52 didn't come out, the King became even more angry.
14:55 And he send another captain out he said, you get your 50 men,
14:57 go bring that prophet of God I want to talk him now.
15:00 Bad idea. Well the captain went out
15:02 there, and he saw Elijah sitting up on the hill
15:05 and he said, you man of God the King says come down now.
15:10 And Elijah said once again, if I am a man of God
15:13 then fire will fall down from heaven.
15:15 And the same thing happened. It consumed the captain and
15:19 all of his men. Well by this time word had
15:22 come back to the palace and we knew what was happening
15:25 to the captains and men out there. And the King was still
15:30 angry and he turned to me and he said you, get your men
15:33 and go get that prophet, bring him here now.
15:37 What did you do? I was terrified.
15:39 Well, I couldn't disobey the King, so I got my men
15:42 and we went out there and sure enough there was the hill
15:46 and there was the prophet of God, and as we came
15:48 closer, I stepped in front of my men and I fell down
15:51 on my knees and I said man of God, please have mercy,
15:56 have respect for the lives of my men and myself.
15:59 Please don't kill us. What did he say, what happened?
16:04 I looked up and Elijah was praying, he was looking
16:08 up to heaven and talking and I said oh no, here comes
16:10 the fire, but then he stood up and he came down to us.
16:14 And he put his hand on my shoulder and looked me
16:16 in the eyes and he said God said, that
16:18 I can come with you. So me and the rest of my men
16:24 we surrounded the prophet and we took him to see
16:26 the King, when he walked in there the King said
16:31 why did you say this about me and Elijah stood there
16:34 right in front the King and he said the exact
16:36 same thing he said, why are you going to other Gods.
16:39 Don't you believe in the true God of Israel?
16:41 And he gave him the same prophecy he said, you
16:43 O' King will not get better. And then he walked out,
16:48 Wow! I know that they have been a lot of rough times
16:52 in this country. A lot of people have been
16:54 worshiping other Gods and sometimes I've even wondered
16:57 is the God of Israel real? Or is he just like the Gods of
17:01 stone and the Gods of wood that we see in the idols.
17:06 But, after what I saw today, I know that the
17:09 God of heaven is real. And after seeing Elijah
17:13 looking into his eyes I know that I what to know.
17:17 The God of Elijah for myself. Well I have to get back
17:21 to the palace, you have to take care of your prisoner.
17:25 Thanks for telling us. That's an amazing story.
17:28 Unbelievable. He was a wise man the way
17:31 he approached Elijah. Sorry, we haven't been
17:35 very nice to you. Come on let's keep going.
17:39 You want more bread. We get you a loaf of bread.
17:51 We'll put it on the King's account. There we go, lets go.
20:08 Hi boys and girls, it's time for Ms. Brenda's
20:10 Book of the Day. And today's book boys and girls
20:15 is called Guide's Greatest Sabbath stories.
20:18 It's by Helen Lee Robinson and it is a wonderful book
20:21 filled with all kinds of stories about important
20:25 Sabbath stories, about how important it is to worship God
20:28 on his Sabbath. You don't want to miss
20:30 this book, Guide's Greatest Sabbath Stories
20:33 by Helen Lee Robinson. Well, something else you
20:36 won't want to miss today and that's our Sharing Time
20:38 program that we are about to watch because we have
20:41 somebody very special, this is not her first time on
20:44 television she has been actually had six million
20:48 viewers already see her I want you to meet Zoei.
20:52 Zoei it's so nice to have you on Kids Time.
20:55 Thank you for being here. What you do to share
20:59 Jesus Zoei. Sing.
21:01 You sing, and why you like to sing?
21:03 Because I want to sing for Jesus.
21:08 You want to sing for Jesus. That's right and who
21:11 came with you today? Did your mom come with you
21:14 and her name is Yen. Hi Yen, welcome to our program.
21:18 And Zoei has been singing, now she is three years old
21:22 and how long has she been singing?
21:25 I think she started singing as soon as she learned
21:29 the words you know maybe at year and a half she
21:32 really started the A, B, C song. And you know and she
21:36 started singing the Lord's pray when she was only two
21:38 she still in a diaper. Oh! You were still wearing
21:41 diapers when you were singing. Where did people watch you on
21:49 when you were singing, where did people watch you?
21:50 On YouTube. YouTube, that's right.
21:53 And you had over six million hits on YouTube.
21:56 And what song were you singing?
21:58 The Lord's Prayer. The Lord's Prayer and in fact
22:02 you brought a little clip of that Lord's prayer with you
22:05 shall we take a look at that right now?
22:06 Sure. Alright you are only
22:07 two years old when you are singing and you're still in
22:09 diapers, lets take a look. For Thine is the kingdom
22:19 and the power and the glory forever, Amen.
22:45 Can you believe Zoei that six million people
22:48 heard you sing that song. That's a lot of people. It is
22:52 a lot of people, isn't it. And what is you favorite
22:54 song to sing? Because he lives
22:56 Because he lives. Well boys and girls,
22:59 Ms. Brenda was here earlier with Zoei and I was able to
23:02 play a start, we have a special piano and I played the piano
23:05 and while I'm playing they could record, just what
23:07 I was playing so that right now, Zoei can sing with
23:11 Ms. Brenda playing, I don't even have to be at the piano
23:13 and she is gonna to sing for you live right now, aren't you?
23:16 Shall we sing that. Are you ready to sing right now?
23:18 Okay, because he lives. Wait till the music starts
23:24 here we go. God sent his son,
23:32 they called him Jesus he came to love,
23:42 heal, and forgive. He lived and died
23:51 to buy my pardon, an empty grave is there to
23:59 prove my Savior lives. Because he lives,
24:10 I can face tomorrow. Because he lives,
24:19 all fear is gone. Because I know
24:28 he holds the future, And life is worth the
24:35 living just because he lives. Amen. That was beautiful Zoei,
24:50 do you like singing for Jesus? Yes.
24:52 You do and you know lots of songs, don't you, I've heard
24:55 you even knew the old rugged cross.
24:58 And you sing that one, an amazing grace,
25:00 I've have some wonderful songs and mom, can you tell us
25:04 you know, has Zoei had any special training
25:07 I am sure moms and dads all over the world want
25:09 to know how did Zoei get to sing like that, she is only
25:11 three years old. Actually, none of us sing
25:13 you know my husband and I, we don't sing and we don't know
25:17 how she picked it up, but the thing is the day when she
25:20 was born we actually played Christian music to her all the
25:23 time, so I believe she picked all the songs just by
25:27 listening to the CD. That we played to her
25:30 and so, and we definitely know this is a gift from God
25:35 because like I said none of us know how to sing,
25:38 and the fact that she can sing and memorize songs and
25:41 music that amazes us too, yeah. It's a very amazing,
25:45 well Zoei, I wanna thank you for coming on Kids Time
25:48 and sharing with boys and girls all over the world.
25:51 In fact even more people are gonna see you
25:52 sing now then ever before. Isn't that amazing?
25:56 And you want boys and girls everywhere to know what?
25:58 How much Jesus loves them. Can you tell me how much
26:03 you loves Jesus? Can you say I love Jesus?
26:07 Yes, you told me that before and that was so precious.
26:13 Well boys and girls, that's all the time we have today
26:15 I wanna thank you and I want thank to Zoei for being
26:18 with us today. I want to encourage you to
26:19 keep sharing Jesus alright. And boys and girls
26:22 wherever you are, whatever you do
26:23 it's Kids Time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17