Kids' Time

The Canaanite Woman

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000230

00:01 It's almost time for Kids time,
00:03 we are gonna be late.
00:04 It's time to share there is a world out
00:07 there looking for a friend like Jesus,
00:12 it's time to share there is a world out there.
00:16 Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:20 Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:24 Kids time, Kids time, Kids time.
00:31 Hi boys and girls I have two sisters and
00:34 two brothers and I can't imagine my
00:36 life without them. Long ago,
00:38 a young boy was separated from his
00:40 family during a war. His parents didn't
00:42 think they would ever see their son again
00:45 they never talked about him and his
00:46 younger brothers and sisters grew up
00:48 hardly even knowing he existed,
00:51 but the boy never stopped looking for
00:52 his family and when he finally found
00:54 them his brothers and sisters were
00:56 shocked to discover that they even had a
00:58 missing brother some of them were not
01:01 thrilled with the news and they thought
01:02 there family was big enough already it
01:05 was sort of like that for the Jews long ago.
01:07 They knew they were God's people but
01:09 they didn't know that all the other
01:11 people on the earth belong to God too.
01:14 They were really surprised to find out
01:16 that they had other brothers and sisters
01:18 in the family and some of them were
01:20 not happy about it. Today, we will hear
01:23 how a group of women learn that they
01:25 were not the only ones in God's family,
01:27 they learned a lot of other things too,
01:29 you're gonna love this story.
01:31 But right now let's get ready for Nature Time.
01:40 Hi boys and girls welcome to Nature Time.
01:43 Hey Ranger Rod what are these things,
01:45 oh Ranger Jim these are one of my
01:47 favorite land mammals, I just love I love
01:50 Elk and we are here in beautiful Western
01:51 Montana and we are privileged to be on
01:53 the Rasmussen Ranch and look at these
01:55 beautiful creatures God has created,
01:57 you should have said beautiful Western
01:59 Windy Montana, well yeah, you have to
02:02 gonna grab your hat once in a while but
02:03 that's the way we like it out here in west,
02:05 that they are just beautiful creatures.
02:07 Tell us about this huge rack on these,
02:09 do both of these, the cows and the bulls
02:12 have rack, only the bulls. This is the
02:15 second largest in Northern American species
02:17 of deer species I should say,
02:19 Moose being the largest, Wapiti which is
02:22 an Indian name for white rump or elk
02:25 that's the name to the second largest
02:27 deer species. What makes them a deer
02:28 species is that they drop these beautiful
02:30 antlers every spring and start to grow
02:34 brand new and so these antlers that you
02:36 see on these great big bulls,
02:38 they are fresh, they are just growing them
02:40 in fact you will see that they are in the
02:41 velvet right now and that velvet is very
02:44 important for the growth of these antlers.
02:46 In fact maybe you can tell us just little bit
02:47 about that Ranger Jim. Well there is a quite
02:50 few things that are interesting about it
02:51 that's very sensitive to mosquitoes and bug
02:55 because it is full of blood, but it also serves
02:57 and that can grow as much as a full inch
03:00 everyday, wow, it has a tremendous growth
03:03 rate this help to generate heat in a very
03:05 hot climate and the blood passing through
03:07 all of this new growth is cooled out in the
03:11 outer surface as pass back through the
03:12 heart back to systems and helps to cool
03:15 the creature, isn't that amazing.
03:17 And people will say that are all just
03:18 happened it just evolved, wow,
03:21 that certainly didn't just evolved that's a
03:23 beautiful creation and that proves to me
03:25 that there is a creator that loves the
03:26 beautiful. He knew I would love him you know
03:28 Ranger Jim I spent hundreds of,
03:30 I almost hate to admit this I spent 100
03:32 of hours a year searching for these shed
03:36 antlers of these big bulls, I love them,
03:39 I have a passion for them,
03:41 on another segment we are gonna talk
03:42 about antlers but right now with these
03:44 beautiful, beautiful elk in the background
03:47 we've got some, some cows here as well.
03:49 Now their calves are hide out here in this
03:51 large parry area in the brush or they
03:54 hide them in the deep grass and so that's
03:57 why you are not seeing the little calves
03:58 with them right now. But right now they
03:59 have small calves. And in fact when we
04:01 were driving out here in the vehicle,
04:03 the man driving was very careful not to
04:05 drive through dense grass because even
04:07 with the truck approaching if we ran
04:09 over them they would died they would not
04:11 move, their mother placed them there.
04:13 And boys and girls when these creatures
04:15 are born they are simplest, the best dog
04:18 in the world can walk right by 10 feet away
04:20 he would never smell this creature but
04:22 speaking of smelling now you are in authority,
04:24 you have an thought on these.
04:26 Tell me about they tell me the most beautiful
04:28 scent in the world to the female elk is the
04:31 bull elk that's, tell me about the fact,
04:33 how does he get perfumed up.
04:35 Well I'll tell you Ranger Jim every fall about
04:40 early September these bulls God has
04:43 created within them a certain hormone that
04:47 starts to pump through their bodies and
04:48 they go into what call the rut and when
04:50 they go into the rut they start to they
04:52 have lost the velvet off their antlers,
04:56 they go into the rut, they start to change
04:58 their behavior little bit, they begin to
05:00 fight one another, they begin to rub those
05:04 great big antlers on trees in fact I was
05:07 run up a tree one time by a big bull elk
05:09 I was playing with him with the bugle they
05:11 make the most beautiful bugling sound
05:12 in the fall that tells other bulls that they
05:15 are in the area that of course tells the cows
05:17 that these bulls are ready to join up with
05:20 them and to create some herds and start
05:22 new families and so in the fall you can hear
05:25 these beautiful bugle ringing through the
05:27 mountains, ringing through the parries were
05:28 these beautiful animals are and that begins
05:32 the process, where they begin to congregate,
05:35 make these big herds in the fall.
05:37 What I want to know is about when he
05:38 pulls in the ground and make six big wallow
05:41 and boys and girls pardon me for the
05:43 expression but every time he goes to the
05:45 bathroom he goes there and he urinates in
05:47 this big hole and that maybe you have
05:49 seen your dog go out and there is an old
05:51 dead rabbit or something and he wants
05:53 to lay down and wallow on it.
05:55 This creature has the same instinct to do
05:57 that and this huge big beautiful Elk that we
06:01 see lays down and wallows and all those
06:05 terrible smelling mire and gets it all over
06:08 him then he walks around with his chest
06:09 out, I am the most beautiful handsome
06:12 best smelling bull elk in all the whole parry
06:15 and the cows all think so and now to me
06:19 he smells worse then two dead skunks.
06:21 Well if you are out in the woods and you
06:22 are looking for the opportunity to take a
06:24 picture of one of these beautiful creatures and
06:26 you smell that and I have many, many,
06:27 many times you start to quiet down,
06:30 you start looking into the wind,
06:32 you start being careful how you climb over
06:34 the next rise because you are about to get
06:36 the treat of your life just what the boys
06:37 and girls who got to see here today one
06:39 of these beautiful bulls may be just over
06:41 the rise, right there for you to get the
06:43 beautiful picture of him. You see this is when
06:45 we are sorry it's limited to this Christmas
06:47 time boys and girls because as you can see
06:50 Ranger Rod and Ranger Jim are two of a kind,
06:53 we just love these creatures.
06:54 We'll come to say look what our Father made,
06:56 amen, isn't it that wonderful?
06:58 So Ranger Jim here saying and,
07:01 Ranger Rod saying don't forgot to tell
07:04 Jesus you love me because he really does love you.
07:18 Behold, Behold
07:21 I stand at the door and knock, knock, knock
07:24 Behold, Behold
07:27 I stand at the door and knock, knock, knock
07:30 If any girl hear my voice,
07:33 If any girl hear my voice,
07:36 And will open, open, open the door,
07:40 I will come in. Behold, Behold
07:46 I stand at the door and knock, knock, knock
07:49 Behold, Behold
07:52 I stand at the door and knock, knock, knock
07:56 If any girl hear my voice,
07:59 If any girl hear my voice,
08:02 And will open, open, open the door,
08:06 I will come in. I will come in.
08:23 Welcome to Learning Time.
08:24 I am glad that you are with us today
08:26 you know we've got an experiment that
08:27 you can do at home. Now how many of you
08:29 like to do experiments, me, oh I do too.
08:33 Well this is an interesting experiment
08:35 what you need for this is a stick like this
08:38 it's rather thin and its kind a long they can
08:40 be different shapes and sizes as far as this
08:43 goes okay and that really affects the sound.
08:46 Well this thing makes a sound and in fact
08:48 this is a very old instrument I mean not
08:51 this one, I just made it you understand
08:53 that right, yeah but I mean it's very old
08:55 it's an ancient instrument and it's a
08:57 musical instrument and was used in
08:59 traditions and ceremonies all over the world
09:02 practically what is it do? Well it makes a
09:06 sound in fact some of the sounds that
09:07 it makes are really quite interesting,
09:10 would you like to hear the sound?
09:11 Yeah, okay well you know in order for us
09:14 to have sound something has to what?
09:16 Vibrate, vibrate so this little stick has to
09:19 vibrate through the air and we do that
09:21 by making it go around our head.
09:23 Now I am gonna try to make it go around
09:24 in a circle like this, so it doesn't come out
09:26 at you. Are you ready? Yes, listen very
09:28 carefully and see if we can pick up a
09:30 sound here, here we go let's check this out
09:32 hang on, do you hear that, yes.
09:41 Isn't that cool? Yeah, may be you can scare
09:45 your little brother and sister with that
09:46 and that would be interesting,
09:47 look at spinning isn't it? Yeah this thing
09:50 this little stick started to spin in the air
09:52 and that cause of vibration in the air.
09:55 The air carry the vibration and what you
09:57 are supposed receive the sound, our ears,
10:01 that's right your two satellite dishes
10:03 that's right and they are right on our ears.
10:05 You know they used to communicate sometimes
10:08 with this? This is called a Bullroarer can
10:11 you say that bullroarer kind of a funny
10:15 word isn't it. That's right, but you know
10:17 if you, if you spin it very slowly it has
10:20 a low frequency sound and as it spins
10:23 faster the sound frequency goes up and
10:26 that's how they used to communicate and
10:28 they could actually send some sound codes
10:31 to each other kind a like smoke signals only
10:34 using your ears rather then your eyes,
10:36 so we try it again, yes, okay here we go
10:38 listen we are gonna try to get it go real
10:40 slow can you hear the sound, no, not yet
10:43 it's not vibrating it, here comes I think
10:45 it's coming come on let's go,
10:52 that's a low sound we are gonna do it
10:54 faster, isn't that cool? That is really cool
11:00 you can have fun making a bullroarer at
11:03 home, but be careful you don't want to hit
11:05 anybody do you? No, I don't either.
11:08 Remember all those sounds we can hear,
11:10 some sounds are good sounds like your
11:13 voice right in singing and music and nature
11:15 make some good sounds too. But bad sounds
11:18 are very loud sounds like in a factory,
11:20 maybe in a city where you have lots of
11:22 noise in machinery, we have to protect our
11:24 ears if that's too loud for us right,
11:26 we can injure our ears. I think that God
11:28 wants us only to hear good sounds and
11:31 good things so that means we can what
11:34 learn right, we learn by hearing don't we,
11:37 I do too. Hey boys and girls remember that
11:40 every time we learn more about science
11:42 we learn more about our creator God.
14:25 Do you know what I heard that Jesus was
14:29 preaching to people on a hillside and
14:31 they were hungry, so he took a little boys'
14:33 lunch with five loaves and two fishes and
14:38 blessed it and that 5000 man plus women
14:41 and children, that's all the food he had
14:45 and he fed all those people? That's exactly
14:48 what I have heard I don't know if it's true.
14:50 Well I did hear that he come to storm,
14:53 a storm, I even heard that he cast out demons.
14:57 Now that is impossible that's what I heard,
15:01 it is possible, excuse me but who are you?
15:06 I am from Canaan. She is from Canaan,
15:09 we better stick together ladies.
15:11 Yes, I am from Canaan and I know that
15:13 Jesus can heal demon possess people.
15:16 How would a Canaanite woman know
15:18 about Jesus because he healed my daughter.
15:21 She was demon possessed and it was
15:24 terrible living with her. She would cut
15:26 herself sometimes she would attack me,
15:29 she would get angry and start shouting
15:31 and screaming, sometimes she would even
15:33 run through the town, so when I heard
15:36 that Jesus was coming near by my town
15:39 I ran out to meet him, I just had to meet
15:42 Jesus and ask him to heal my daughter.
15:46 She actually met Jesus? I did meet Jesus,
15:49 she could have met, I did meet him.
15:51 Wait a minute how could a Canaanite woman
15:54 know Jesus? Of course, how? How? How?
15:57 Of course. We better stay back here.
15:59 Of course, I met him and do you know
16:01 what he had 12 disciples with him they were,
16:05 we know about the 12 disciples,
16:07 they said something similar,
16:08 they said to get rid of her, she is shouting
16:11 after us but Jesus was so compassionate
16:14 he looked to them and he said I have come
16:17 for the lost sheep of Israel. Well that's
16:20 certainly wouldn't be us, yes, we are not,
16:22 of course not. Jesus was speaking about
16:26 people like me, Canaanites, gentiles,
16:29 people that are Jews, no, no, no,
16:31 he said he came for people like us.
16:33 No, he is the God of the Jews,
16:35 he is not the God of the gentiles,
16:37 we know that, Well I have experienced it,
16:40 I know for myself Jesus said something amazing
16:45 when they said that I was so embarrassed
16:47 I didn't know what to say but Jesus looked
16:51 at me and he said I don't believe he was
16:54 trying to be mean but he said should I
16:57 take the bread for the children and throw
16:59 it to the dog. Oh exactly Canaanite's are dogs,
17:02 that's right, well you have to understand that.
17:05 What? When he said that I just said Lord
17:09 I need you and I started to worship and cry
17:12 out to him and I said but even the dogs eat
17:15 the crumbs that fall off the masters table,
17:18 oh they do that? They do, they do,
17:19 that's true. That's true. And he looked at
17:21 me and he said oh you have such great
17:26 faith whatever it is that you want the healing
17:29 of your daughter, let it be done even now
17:33 and I was so grateful I thank God because
17:37 when I looked I noticed at that very moment
17:40 my daughter was healed. Well how did
17:42 you know your daughter wasn't with you,
17:45 my daughter was healed, she is transformed,
17:48 she no longer gets angry and shouts and
17:51 scream, she no longer attacks me,
17:53 she doesn't try to cut herself,
17:55 she is like a completely different child.
17:57 That would show somebody being changed,
17:59 that's right demons, I am telling you she
18:02 is completely different and I know it was
18:06 because Jesus had compassion on her and
18:10 he healed her. In fact we are going to have
18:13 a party a celebration for my daughter and
18:16 one of the healing, would you like to come,
18:19 well we will talk about that, I don't know,
18:22 well I would like for you to come and see
18:24 for yourselves that Jesus really did heal my
18:28 daughter and when you come you can
18:30 ask anyone what she was like and they
18:32 will tell you she has been transformed by
18:36 the power of Jesus Christ. Wow, yes,
18:41 in fact, that's amazing, my daughter loves
18:43 dates can I purchase some please, certainly,
18:45 wow she would love these do I have
18:49 enough money, let's see, yes that's enough,
18:54 thank you so much. I look forward to seeing
18:56 all of you this evening, okay, come out
18:59 to the celebration, we will talk about that.
19:02 What do you think? I don't know,
19:04 well it did really happened. I would like to
19:06 go and see it for myself, but you know
19:07 what I don't care about what anybody else
19:10 thinks, I don't either, I don't either,
19:12 I want to go and see her, I've never been
19:13 in a Canaanite woman's home but I want to
19:15 see this miracle, she sounds like it really
19:17 happened. Well I wanna go do you want to
19:19 come with me? Yes, yes, okay, are you gonna
19:21 come with us, I will come as soon as I
19:23 close up my shop I will see you there,
19:25 okay, we better hurry, I wanna see her,
19:27 you come as soon as, I'll, I'll close my shop
19:30 and I'll be there, but I want to see this
19:31 with my eyes, me too, I've heard about
19:33 miracles but I have never seen
19:35 one and this is my chance.
19:48 Jesus draw me close Closer Lord to you
19:59 Let the world around me fade away
20:09 Jesus draw me close Closer Lord to you
20:19 For I desire to worship and obey
20:29 Jesus draw me close Closer Lord to you
20:40 Let the world around me fade away
20:50 Jesus draw me close Closer Lord to you
21:00 For I desire to worship and obey
21:10 Jesus draw me close Closer Lord to you
21:20 Let the world around me fade away
21:30 Jesus draw me close Closer Lord to you
21:40 For I desire to worship and obey
21:50 For I desire to worship and obey
22:09 Hi boys and girls it's time for Miss Brenda's
22:12 Book of the Day and today's book is
22:15 Hannah's Girls and this one is about Ann
22:19 and is written by Ruth Merkel and it's true
22:22 stories of God's leading in sixth generations
22:26 of Adventist Girls. You won't wanna miss
22:28 this book. But today we are going to hear
22:31 a witnessing story that is something you can
22:34 do at your house and I like you to meet Jocey,
22:36 hi Jocey, it's so nice to have you on
22:38 kids time today and tell me what you do
22:41 to share Jesus. I go downtown and give
22:45 testimonies to the homeless, you do now
22:48 you have a picture here, let me see
22:49 this picture what I am looking at here and
22:51 we put this right here what am I seeing,
22:53 it's a picture of me and my sisters and
22:56 they are in front of the Help Ministries bus
22:59 which they the people that own the bus,
23:03 they feed the homeless, so what do you
23:06 actually do when you help with this van.
23:08 I saw you have your sisters there with you,
23:09 so what do you do to help personally.
23:13 They set up tables and put water and we
23:15 give the water to the homeless.
23:17 You give water out and you also pass
23:19 out the food to them, what kind of food?
23:22 It's soup and corn bread and muffins and
23:25 pasta, and pasta and here are the people
23:27 did they really appreciate it, yes,
23:29 do you ever see the same people over
23:31 and over again? Yes, and you remember
23:35 their names or you talk to them or?
23:37 I remember one man he gave a doll to
23:40 my sister. His name is Chiko and he
23:45 is trying to get a part-time job,
23:48 because so many this people they just
23:50 can't get work so that's why they don't,
23:52 they can't afford homes to live in,
23:53 that's really sad and in the Bible that
23:55 tell us that we are supposed to help the
23:57 homeless. So, I wanna thank you for what
23:59 you are doing for Jesus isn't that good
24:00 boys and girls. I think we have time for
24:02 just a couple of letters let me see I had
24:04 one right here and this is from St. Thomas
24:08 okay Oh! There is some money in here and
24:10 it's 50, I don't know what you call it $50
24:13 or what you call your currency there
24:15 and she oh, a nice picture. Well, I am
24:17 reading it you can see the picture says dear
24:19 Miss Brenda I am writing this letter to tell you
24:21 about the lessons that you give to me,
24:24 I love them very much and I want you to
24:26 pray for me and my family so that we can
24:28 all have a better life and a better home
24:30 to live in and I would like to see you some
24:33 day and spent sometime with you.
24:35 I love you all on kids club here is $50 for
24:38 kids time, yours truly Marianne, Marianne
24:42 thank you so much for that and I love
24:44 your picture and you had your mom and
24:46 your dad in a picture of you and what a
24:48 good artist you are. Let's see I have
24:50 another letter here and this one is from
24:52 South Dakota and let's see it's from Kylie
24:56 in South Dakota and you have something
24:58 typed here for me too, oh we have a
25:01 picture can you hold this picture for me.
25:03 This says dear Miss Brenda, my name is
25:05 Kylie and I am 12 years old. I love
25:08 watching kids time, my favorite part of
25:10 the kids time is garden time and cooking time.
25:12 I share Jesus by telling my friends about
25:14 him praying for them and giving people
25:16 Bible studies that I wrote, I would like
25:18 you to sign me up for kids club please.
25:21 I sent a Bible study to you that I wrote
25:23 so you can study it if you want to love Kylie
25:26 and she has written out a Bible study for me.
25:28 Thank you Kylie, I will read this and keep
25:31 sharing Jesus won't you. Okay,
25:33 let's see I have another one right here and
25:35 this one is from Trinidad and I think there
25:40 is a picture in this one too. Lets see,
25:42 can you hold this one up for me and a nice
25:45 handsome man from Trinidad says dear
25:48 Miss Brenda I am writing to let you know
25:49 that I enjoyed the lessons very much,
25:52 my mommy reads them for me every morning
25:54 and evening and worship and I answer the
25:55 questions and on Friday evening for worship
25:58 I invite my friends over and we sing songs
26:00 to them. I am sending your picture myself
26:03 by from now Joshua. PS: I love kids time.
26:06 Joshua thank you so much for your
26:07 letter all the way over there in the West
26:10 Indies and I just want to thank you so much
26:12 for all you do for Jesus and Jocey thank
26:15 you keep on witnessing and that's a
26:17 wonderful way boys and girls to witness
26:19 for Jesus. I hope you have got some good
26:21 ideas of how you can witness because that's
26:24 what we are all supposed to do is help
26:26 those that can't help themselves.
26:27 Well that's all the time we have for now
26:29 remember it's kids time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17