Kids' Time

The Stolen Vineyard

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000229

00:01 It's almost time for Kids Time, we going to be late.
00:30 Hi, boys and girls I love cookies.
00:33 Actually, I like baking them even more than I like
00:36 eating them and I really like sharing them with others.
00:39 This is my grandson Michael,
00:41 and he likes cookies even more than I do.
00:44 He would rather eat them than bake them.
00:46 And sometimes his mother makes cookies and puts
00:49 them in a cookie jar to save for after meals.
00:51 His mother tells him, Michael, don't eat
00:53 any cookies between meals save them for after dinner.
00:56 Now, Michael knows it's wrong to steal the
00:58 cookies and eat them at the wrong time.
01:00 But, suppose he tells his brother, Jason
01:02 you go steal the cookies and bring them to me.
01:05 Would that be okay? Would it be alright for him
01:07 to eat them since his brother took them instead of him.
01:10 Of course, not. He would be still be guilty
01:13 of stealing the cookies, wouldn't he? Even though,
01:15 he had someone else do the dirty work for him.
01:18 Our Bible story today is about a man who wanted
01:20 something that belonged to someone else.
01:22 But, he knew it was wrong to take himself.
01:25 So, he had someone else do it.
01:27 We will hear that story in just a little while,
01:29 but first let's get ready for Nature Time.
01:38 Hi, boys and girls welcome to Nature Time.
01:41 We are up here in Western Montana.
01:43 In fact, we are at a very high elevation today.
01:46 We are over 7000 feet, high above Logan Pass
01:49 and beautiful glacier, National Park.
01:52 Boys and girls, I am standing
01:53 on a very special patch of snow.
01:57 This snow came down here from these mountains
02:00 up behind me Avalanche Snow.
02:05 Avalanches, let's talk just a little bit about a force
02:07 of nature that is extremely powerful.
02:10 Now, some forces of nature are very subtle.
02:13 Like the light rain that you might feel at the home
02:16 where you live or light breeze or the sunshine,
02:20 but an avalanche is very, very powerful and when it
02:23 breaks loose from high up here in these mountains and
02:26 these crazy rocks, it takes down everything with it,
02:29 as it moves towards the meadows or the valley below.
02:32 This snow I am standing on is probably
02:34 close to 25 feet deep. It's been accumulating
02:37 here all winter along, as the snow slides down.
02:40 Anytime, at the angle of the slope that the snow falls
02:43 on his over 30 degrees, there is potential for a slide.
02:47 Now, Avalanche slides come in many different forms
02:50 couple of the most common would be a powder slide,
02:53 which results from a lot of snow falling that's very light
02:57 and it just gets too heavy for the mountain that it is on
03:00 and it begins to slide down and begins to slide down.
03:04 Another slide, which is more common is a
03:07 slab slide, which accumulates over a period of time
03:10 anywhere from a few inches up to several feet.
03:13 And as time goes by, the snow changes
03:16 underneath becomes ice crystals
03:18 down underneath the first layer of snow.
03:21 As those ice crystals form they create a little bridge,
03:24 and a snow is actually hanging there on a little ice bridge.
03:28 When conditions arise sometimes it's a noise,
03:31 sometimes it's a vibration, sometimes it's for no
03:34 apparent reason, that slab of snow will let loose
03:37 and it will begin to slide down the mountain.
03:39 When that happens everything in its way
03:43 is destroyed or run over or smashed.
03:46 It's like some of the trees that we can see, that have
03:48 been in a way an avalanche, huge trees, I have seen
03:51 slopes from mammoth trees are just flattened,
03:55 hundreds of acres of them from one slide it just
03:58 destroys and now many people would say that's too bad,
04:00 all those trees destroyed they are beautiful greenery
04:03 and yet an avalanche is very, very important
04:06 for the environment high up here in these mountains
04:09 because what it does, it clears away the trees
04:11 leaving these large avalanche slopes.
04:13 In fact, you can see some of those slopes
04:15 may be up here behind me. Some of those slopes are very
04:18 important because as the trees and a large
04:20 foliage is wiped away, the grasses, the little
04:23 mountain, wild flowers, all of the little things
04:25 that the smaller animals and even a Grizzly Bear needs to
04:29 eat the skunk cabbage, sometimes the Cow Parsnip,
04:32 the Glacier Lilies, all of these plants grow
04:36 in this open sunshine and that allows the food
04:40 for the Elk, for the Bighorn Sheep,
04:42 for the Mountain Goat, for the Grizzly Bear,
04:44 some of the smaller creatures that we have seen,
04:47 The Hoary Marmot, the Pika, some of these little creatures
04:49 very, very necessary and not only for them,
04:52 but also for some of the predatory species
04:54 that actually rely on those animals for their very life.
04:58 And so up here in the mountains, these avalanches
05:01 are very, very necessary and they are also very beautiful.
05:05 If you ever have an opportunity to travel
05:07 somewhere where the mountains are really tall,
05:09 where avalanches can be take that opportunity
05:12 it's very, very beautiful. But, be careful,
05:15 if you are ever out in avalanche country and
05:17 there is snow to come, this snow is very safe,
05:19 very packed down. But, for skiers, for if
05:23 you want to go sliding, snowmobilers, outdoor
05:26 recreationalists, they go out in the winter time,
05:28 cross-country skiing be aware of the condition s
05:31 that you are traveling in. Make sure that you are not in
05:33 danger and so when you are out having fun
05:36 in the snow like we are here today be careful.
05:40 Until next time, this is Ranger Rod saying
05:43 let's all enjoy God's great outdoors.
06:00 Did you ever talk to God above?
06:05 Tell Him that you need a friend to love.
06:09 Pray in Jesus' name believing that God answers prayer.
06:18 Have you told Him all your cares and woes?
06:22 Every tiny little fear He knows.
06:27 You can know He'll always hear
06:30 And He will answer prayer.
06:36 You can whisper in a crowd to Him
06:40 You can cry when you're alone to Him
06:44 You don't have to pray out loud to Him;
06:49 He knows your thoughts.
06:53 On a lofty mountain peak, He's there.
06:58 In a meadow by a stream, He's there.
07:02 Anywhere on earth you go,
07:06 He's been there from the start.
07:11 Find the answer in His Word; it's true.
07:16 You'll be strong because He walks with you.
07:20 By His faithfulness He'll change you, too.
07:25 God answers prayer.
07:38 Welcome, to Learning Time.
07:39 Say, we've got a great experiment for you today.
07:42 And I have got a couple of helpers.
07:44 I have got Erica over here. Erica where are you from?
07:47 Calhoun, Georgia. Calhoun! and what do you like
07:50 to do best in a summer time? I love to do swimming.
07:53 Love to swim. I love to swim also.
07:54 And I have Cameron over here. Cameron
07:56 where are you from and what do you like to do?
07:58 I am from Nassau, Bahamas and I love to play basketball.
08:01 Oh! He loves to play basketball and you have
08:03 a lot of brothers and sisters, don't you?
08:05 Yes sir. Yeah. Who many brothers
08:06 and sisters you have? I have five sisters
08:08 and three brothers. Oh, so he comes
08:10 from a big family. How many of you
08:12 come from big family? Oh! Its nice to have
08:14 a big family. Today, we are gonna
08:15 talk about things that our around us all the time.
08:18 We might not realize how special they really are?
08:21 Once you go and pick up your balloon because a balloon is
08:23 made out of something that we call a polymer.
08:25 And polymer is very interesting.
08:27 Now, what's the problem about balloon blowing?
08:30 Is it ever difficult for you to blow up a balloon?
08:33 Yes. Yeah, but we can blow up
08:35 a balloon, we can make it easier by doing, what?
08:37 Stretching! Let stretch our balloon now.
08:40 And then we can blow our balloon now and we will
08:41 have an nice experiment, isn't it to do? Hang on.
08:44 Here we go. Are you ready?
08:45 Let's go. Let's go, blow it up.
08:51 Wow! And you know what balloons are really special
08:53 because they are made out of a polymer.
08:55 They stretch and they are very strong
08:57 unless you put something sharp on it.
08:59 Then, we can left the balloon out or the air out of it,
09:02 and it's precious, and we have
09:03 some things that we use a lot.
09:05 Sometimes, we use some safety glasses.
09:07 You know in this glass right here the shield, the plastic
09:10 part is made out of what we call a polymer and now polymer
09:13 protects our eyes because these are very, very strong.
09:17 Now, we have things like this right here. What's that?
09:19 A Frisbee. It's a Frisbee.
09:20 Do you like to throw Frisbees? Yeah.
09:22 I do too. We can have lots of fun and it's also made out of
09:24 polymer and is pretty flexible and it's pretty strong too.
09:28 Well, they help us to know and to remember about polymers.
09:31 So, I have this little, it's just, what is this anyway?
09:35 Beats! The beats, that's right,
09:37 in the round of cup, but you can't drink.
09:38 Why don't you hold that?
09:39 When a nice cereal mug right here and each one
09:41 of these cereal beats happens to represent
09:43 a polymer or long chains of molecules that's what
09:47 we are talking about because a polymer
09:49 is really long chains of molecules.
09:51 And I have these little beads right here.
09:53 It's one of those beads represents a molecule
09:56 and they are tied together in a long chain.
09:58 Now Erica is going to do something interesting.
10:00 She is gonna grab and hold of the end of that for us.
10:03 And this will help us to remind ourselves that
10:05 we have long chains of molecules even in our bodies.
10:08 Are you ready for the experiment?
10:10 Yes. We can go a 3,2,1 countdown
10:12 and Erica is going to let go off the chain.
10:14 Are you ready? Three, two, one!
10:18 Lets go, we can come up over here
10:19 and see oh, man! You see that.
10:24 Wow! Isn't cool? Yes.
10:26 Yes it's pretty cool. Each one of these cereal
10:28 beads represents a molecule and those molecules are
10:32 tied together, there are long chains of molecules.
10:35 Isn't great? Yeah.
10:37 You know we have polymers in our bodies
10:39 and God made us that way because without polymers
10:42 in our bodies, we couldn't live and we couldn't move
10:44 and our body wouldn't function. Isn't that great?
10:47 Yes. You know God knew
10:49 what was best for us and he created us with
10:51 those polymers. You know boys and girls remember,
10:54 when we learn more about science we
10:56 learn more about our creator, God.
11:06 Have you noticed how wicked
11:07 our city has been getting lately?
11:09 Yes, I have. Terribly wicked.
11:12 It's even gone clear to the whole country.
11:14 Yes. What's happening? You know, I think
11:18 it's that Jezebel. It is Jezebel.
11:21 She is so wicked and, Are you talking
11:23 about Queen Jezebel? Oh! Yes, We are.
11:27 Oh, please don't tell her that we were talking about her
11:30 please, please don't. Don't worry. I believe
11:34 in the God of Heaven. Oh! Prays God.
11:37 Oh! Prays Lord. Prays the Lord. It must be
11:40 difficult living in the palace. Oh! It is. It's so horrible.
11:45 Most people in the palace believe in wicked, wicked
11:49 Gods' because of Jezebel's influence. She,
11:52 But, doesn't your father live in the palace?
11:54 Oh! Yes. Oh! it's very hard to keep faithful to God,
11:58 but you know he is, he is such a good
12:02 Diana, we are leaving soon be ready. Yes dear. Oh.
12:06 How are you today? Alright.
12:09 Just came into serious whole grove of idols
12:12 that is terrible. Well, I heard about it.
12:15 I haven't seen it. This City is getting so wicked
12:18 and when you look over here and is
12:19 idols over here and idols over there and Ahab
12:22 is to let Jezebel just run the whole show.
12:24 Yes. We just don't know
12:26 what to do anymore. It is getting so terrible.
12:28 Now, we have the all new guards.
12:30 Yes. Oh, I don't know what we are going to do because
12:33 everywhere you look at, Levi, Levi, come over here.
12:37 You coming from the palace? Tell us what's going on?
12:40 Oh, strange things have been happening in the palace.
12:43 Ever since I was promoted, did you hear about my promotion?
12:46 Well, I heard. There was something about that.
12:48 Well, it's not a good thing at all.
12:49 No. You see the king always
12:51 had this kind of right hand man that always,
12:53 yes goes with him and they
12:55 usually last for about a month or two before
12:57 the king gets mad and vanishes them or worse,
13:01 so I am the new head man for the king
13:05 and well the other day we were out walking.
13:09 I mean walk past near Naboth's vineyard,
13:11 and I am sure you've heard of Naboth's vineyard.
13:13 Yes. It is amazing and we were
13:14 walking along and Ahab was admiring
13:17 all of the trees and the fruit and everything
13:19 he said what's going, just walk around.
13:22 So okay your majesty, sure.
13:24 And we walked in and he was tasting some of the
13:27 fruit and pretty soon we stumbled on Naboth,
13:30 he was right there working on a bush, doing something
13:33 and Ahab said, and Ahab turned, Oh, Your Majesty,
13:39 you know, it's such an honor for you to come and visit me.
13:42 Ahab said, oh! yes it is and I have another honor for you
13:45 actually, I would like this vineyard. And I saw Naboth,
13:50 he just kind of went Ah,! Did he just want to be
13:52 given the vineyard? Yeah, he said, well no,
13:54 he said I will pay for it or I will give you
13:57 a better vineyard. and I felt really sorry for
14:00 Naboth because you know, this vineyard has been his
14:02 family for generations. Yeah.
14:04 And Naboth said your majesty with all respect this vineyard
14:09 has been my family forever and ever since my wife died,
14:15 I just spend all my time out here because it reminds me
14:18 of the good times and I am sorry sir, but I couldn't
14:21 part with it. This made Ahab furious. He held his breath
14:27 and his face got red and he spitted and sputtered and
14:30 just stormed right out of there and I tried to keep up
14:33 and we went all the way back to the palace and
14:35 Ahab threw himself on his bed and started crying and
14:39 throwing things and I didn't know what to do.
14:42 So, I went and I brought some of his favorite food
14:45 and he smashed out of my hands and so I brought
14:47 him some of his favorite things to drink and he threw
14:49 that across the floor, in that situation,
14:51 and oh, I had no idea what to do and then all of sudden
14:55 everyone got really quiet in the room and I knew that
14:59 the Jezebel had come. I turned around and there
15:02 she was and she glared at me. And she walked over
15:04 she sat down on the bed beside Ahab and put his
15:07 head in her lap and she kinda stroke and said,
15:10 dear, what is matter? Ahab, threw all of his tears,
15:14 told about how he wanted the vineyard and how
15:16 Naboth wouldn't give it to and then she said, oh!
15:19 I am so sorry. She said that's no way for a king to behave.
15:22 Here eat some food. I will take care of everything.
15:26 Oh, Jezebel takes care of things.
15:29 Well, she told me to go get some food, so I didn't hear
15:31 what her plan was, but few days later I figured it out.
15:35 You see that the leaders of the town called a fast and
15:38 they invited Naboth and they put him in this
15:40 prominent place right in the middle and right in the
15:43 prominent place right in the middle and right in the
15:44 middle of the fast, these two scoundrels that are
15:45 either side of him, they jumped up and accused him
15:48 and they said, I heard this man blaspheme God and the King
15:52 Oh no and the other guy
15:54 jumped and said, I heard him curse God
15:55 and the King too. Poor Naboth, never knew,
15:59 The people, they got maddened, they started beating him.
16:02 They took him outside of the town and they
16:04 stoned him to death. Well, the next day Jezebel
16:08 walked in, she said Ahab, Naboth is gone and
16:13 the vineyard is ours. Wicked woman. Very,
16:17 Well, Ahab was so happy, he jumped up and he ran
16:20 to the vineyard tonight. I stayed behind
16:21 and when we got in there I felt awful.
16:24 I felt like I was trespassing. But, Ahab was laughing and
16:27 tasting food and he was just so happy.
16:31 I was kind of dragging my my feet behind him,
16:32 I understand, and all of a sudden I heard
16:34 Ahab scream and I ran up to him and there right
16:39 in front of him, was this big man with a big beard
16:42 and he had this camel skin cloak on and a big leather
16:45 band around him. Who was he?
16:47 It was Elijah, the prophet. Elijah!
16:49 Elijah was right there. Prophet Elijah!
16:52 And they have said, so my old enemy you found me.
16:57 And Elijah wasn't sacred at all.
16:59 He said the Lord says you murdered a man and took
17:04 his property, thus say at the Lord justice will be served.
17:11 And Ahab just fell apart. He ripped his clothes and
17:15 he fell on to the ground and he took dirt and sprinkled it
17:18 in his hair and he said I have sinned
17:20 and he humbled himself right there in front of Elijah.
17:24 He was sincere? I don't know,
17:27 but soon Elijah was gone and I helped the king back
17:30 and we went back to the palace and it just, it really
17:33 struck me because here was the king and he was begging
17:37 for forgiveness and it made me think about myself and
17:42 I don't sacrifice to the idols like Ahab and I don't do
17:46 some of the things that he does but there are many
17:49 times in the palace where I don't do the right thing
17:52 because, because I am scared.
17:55 Wow! and I don't standup
17:57 for God like I should and seeing him repent makes
18:00 me want to repent too. We see all this evilness
18:03 around us and we need to just, feel like we just
18:08 need to be close to God. Yeah.
18:10 Well, I have to go, but Well, thank you for telling us,
18:14 yes thank you, and we appreciate all
18:15 the information. Okay. Thank you.
18:16 Yeah. Do have a good day now.
18:17 Yeah, yes. Oh! That's just terrible.
18:19 It's just getting so bad. Well, listen I know
18:21 you have to go too, so you have a good day
18:24 and don't forget now those idols.
18:26 Yes, when I come in on that hill, yes,
18:29 I am going to go better destroy
18:30 them, yes alright. I am going to destroy them.
18:33 Yes. Okay.
20:57 Hi, boys and girls it's time for
20:59 Miss Brenda's book of the day.
21:02 And this is a wonderful Book. It's called
21:04 A Perfect Star, by Heather Grovet.
21:07 Kendra with Ann and Megan are best friends
21:09 who love writing the ponies together.
21:12 And when Kendra receives a English saddle for her
21:14 birthday, the girls start dreaming of when they are
21:16 gonna be going into, jumping off of the hedges
21:19 and the fences, and just like the writers they saw on TV.
21:23 One problem is though Kendra discovers that her
21:26 pony star, won't jump over even a smallest obstacles.
21:30 Now, this is a big problem but, you gonna have to wait
21:34 and read all about it on A Perfect Star by
21:37 Heather Grovet, you gonna love this book.
21:39 I want introduce you right now to someone very
21:41 special to me and her name is Healy.
21:44 Healy, thank you so much for being with me on
21:46 Sharing Time and I know that you do a lot to share
21:49 Jesus, don't you? Yes, I do.
21:51 You know, I met you at 3ABN camp meeting actually
21:54 for the fist time and you said something that just
21:56 really, just really touched my heart and
22:00 do you remember what that was?
22:01 I gave my heart to Jesus because of Kids Time.
22:05 That's right and I think are having a Kids Time T-shirt
22:07 on here and Kids Time is really important to you.
22:11 Your story that you shared with me that was really just,
22:14 it was very heart touching because your mom died
22:17 last year and you didn't grow up going to church
22:21 every Sabbath, did you? No.
22:23 And so, after your mom died you went to live with
22:25 your aunt and at your aunt's house, she loves Jesus and
22:30 she had 3ABN and you were able to watch.
22:33 Kids Time. Kids Time, and you signed
22:35 up for Bible studies and in fact you told me that
22:37 you recognize this Bible because where did
22:39 you see this Bible? Well, when I finished
22:42 all the studies I got one of those Bibles.
22:44 That's right. When you sign up for Kids Time
22:46 when you finish all the studies, Miss Brenda sends you
22:49 one of these beautiful new Bible to you, have one
22:51 of these Bible and you gave your heart to Jesus and
22:54 you were baptized. And I just I want to tell you
22:58 that just means so much to me and it really
23:00 touched my heart a lot and I know you missed
23:03 your mom a lot, but one thing that just we can
23:07 look forward to is that we know that some day
23:09 when we get to heaven there is not going
23:11 to be anymore death.
23:12 There is not going to be more tears.
23:13 There is not going to be more happiness,
23:15 but each days can be more wonderful, more precious
23:18 the day before. I'm looking forward to that, aren't you?
23:21 Yes. Well, what are some other
23:23 things that you do to share Jesus.
23:25 Well, I sing for people in nursing homes
23:32 and I also go to, I go on this I was walking around this
23:38 block and I talked to this one boy and I asked him
23:44 if he needed anything to pray for and he said
23:47 yeah, I just gonna a back car accident.
23:49 Oh! No, and I need and so he
23:53 needs help with his back. So, I had a prayer for him.
23:57 Oh! That's wonderful. And then as were going
24:01 down the street, we came up to this one lady and she lost
24:04 her sister like I lost my mom and so we started talking and
24:08 getting to know each other and I gave her hugs and
24:11 encouraged her to share Jesus. Oh, because you understood
24:15 how she felt, yes,
24:16 how it feels to lose someone that you love
24:19 and so it kind of gives you a heart for other doesn't it?
24:22 Yes. And so and you are not
24:24 embarrassed at all to pray with people, I love that
24:26 about you because you really love Jesus that much.
24:29 Well, you know, let's read some of the letters.
24:32 Do you wanna to help me today, sure,
24:33 and we will see well, I got a couple of letters
24:36 in here and oh, I just can't think to even
24:38 know, which ones to read boys and girls. I love reading
24:40 the letters from you. Lets see, this one is for
24:45 lets see, this is for, this is from, this is from
24:51 Allison. Well, lets see what
24:53 Allison says. Dear Ms. Brenda
24:55 I enjoyed hearing you speak at our
24:57 New York camp meeting. Ms. Brenda, went up
24:59 there to speak. I especially enjoyed hearing
25:02 about the new Kids Times and the dog Maxwell.
25:05 I am excited for the new Kids Time programs to air.
25:07 All the kids in SAVISCO class wanted to help
25:11 sponsor Maxwell. Well, I tell you the whole
25:14 story, we raise some money my mom saw this thing on
25:16 TV about a school teacher that gave each of her students
25:19 $10 and she sent them out to make more money
25:22 with their $10. So, my mom gave each of us
25:25 in our SAVISCO class $20 and one Sunday, we had a
25:28 big sale and we made over $300 and we want to share
25:33 some of this with Maxwell to help sponsor his food
25:37 and I hope it's a big help because we love Maxwell
25:40 and we love Kids Time. Well, we'll talk to you
25:42 later bye, Allison. Well, that's nice and look
25:45 at Maxwell, he is enjoying the program. Maxwell just
25:47 likes to sleep all the time boys and girls, doesn't he?
25:51 And he just seems, but he is just such a good
25:53 Kids Time dog. Well, I don't think we have
25:56 time for anymore letter today, but I want to thank you
25:59 Healy for being on the program with us. I want to
26:01 encourage you to keep on sharing Jesus every chance
26:03 you get because Jesus is coming soon and I can't wait,
26:06 can you? Well, boys and girls I want encourage
26:09 you to witness everywhere you go remember, how much
26:12 Jesus loves you, and we need to tell everybody we meet
26:15 that Jesus love them. Can you do that?
26:17 Remember, boys and girls it's Kids Time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17