Kids' Time

He Is Alive

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000228

00:01 It's almost time for Kids Time. We're gonna be late.
00:04 It's time to share there's a world out there,
00:08 looking for a friend like Jesus,
00:12 it's time to share there's a world out there.
00:16 Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:20 Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:23 Kids Time, Kids Time, Kids Time.
00:31 Hi, boys and girls, in the news recently,
00:33 there was a story about a man who was waiting
00:35 for a subway train on a platform in New York City.
00:38 Suddenly, without warning he fainted and he fell
00:41 right down into the subway tracks.
00:43 Amazingly he flopped face up right into the space
00:46 between the rails just as the train came in.
00:49 Three other cars passed right over him before
00:52 the train was able to stop. You can only imagine
00:55 how happy his family was to find him alive
00:57 and well in the hospital after they heard the story.
01:00 He could have been killed. They were so happy
01:03 he was alive. Our story today is about a man
01:06 who actually died and then came back to life.
01:09 I wonder who that could be. Well, this man's
01:14 friends and family were even happier than the
01:16 family of the man who fell between the subway
01:19 tracks. We'll hear that story in just a few minutes.
01:22 But first, hey, Max, do you know what time it is?
01:25 You do. Hey, boys and girls,
01:28 let's get ready for Nature Time.
01:36 Hi, boys and girls, welcome to Nature Time.
01:38 We're here in beautiful Western Montana.
01:40 I am here with my friend again Lacy and Lacy is
01:43 feeding an incredible creature, one of my
01:46 very favorites in all the world is a bear,
01:48 and this happens to be? What kind of bear is
01:49 this Lacy? He's a black bear. This is a black bear,
01:52 just because of its color. Can we know that just
01:53 because he is black? Well, if it was a grizzly
01:57 bear it would have a large hump on its back,
01:59 and as you can see he doesn't, he doesn't.
02:01 And he's very black. And he is very black,
02:03 this happens to be black. Now black bear comes in
02:04 several different colors though, they can be in
02:07 cinnamon color. I understand they can
02:09 be almost pure white. They can be very, very
02:12 dark black. They can be, there's even a blue face
02:14 of black bear and so, now how big is this bear?
02:17 What ages is this bear? This isn't obviously is
02:20 not a full grown black bear is it?
02:22 No, he's about seven months old.
02:25 Okay, so about seven months old, yeah,
02:27 and how much bigger will he get, you say,
02:30 he, this is a boy. Yes. Okay, this is a boy.
02:32 What's his name? Keo. Keo, this is Keo.
02:35 Now Keo is doing something amazing.
02:38 He's drinking. What's he drinking?
02:41 He's drinking milk. He's drinking milk.
02:43 Where this milk come from?
02:44 It's a mixture of dried milk and baby cereal,
02:49 baby rice cereal. So this isn't bear milk.
02:52 No. You didn't have to milk a bear. No.
02:54 To feed Keo this morning. No..
02:55 Oh good, that'd be a hard job, wouldn't it?
02:58 Yeah. Now he is standing up there against you,
03:01 I see some big claws. Does that hurt?
03:04 He is not trying to climb up you like a tree.
03:07 He has. He has. And he has very big claws
03:11 and they're very sharp. Okay, how long have
03:13 you been working with bears here at Triple D
03:15 Game Farm. Well, we have a few bears
03:19 but I've been working with this bear since
03:21 he was just about a month old,
03:22 so about six months now. Okay, have you been
03:24 working here at the farm for a while? Yeah.
03:27 Do you like the animals? Yeah. I love animals.
03:29 You love animals. I was raised with the animals.
03:32 You were raised here with the animals.
03:34 With the animals. And so this isn't your first time
03:35 out here with a bear? No. Oh! That's incredible.
03:38 Now, these bears obviously climb trees,
03:43 this one here's not in the wild. You're keeping this
03:46 bear here as a pet. You're training it,
03:48 so that people can be educated, other children
03:50 can see it and enjoy it like we have here today.
03:53 And I really, really appreciate it,
03:54 I know the Kids at home really appreciate the
03:56 opportunity to see this beautiful bear.
03:58 But until next time, I'm Ranger Rod saying let's
04:01 all enjoy God's great outdoors together.
04:14 Jesus is a friend of mine Singing
04:18 His name makes my whole face shine
04:21 He knows every secret down in my heart
04:24 Jesus is a friend of mine Jesus is a friend of mine
04:31 Singing His name makes my whole face shine
04:34 He knows every secret down in my heart
04:37 Jesus is a friend of mine
04:40 When I am worried He fills me with peace
04:44 When I am happy He smiles with me
04:47 He loves me and I love Him
04:50 There's no doubt about it He's my very best friend
04:53 Jesus is a friend of mine
04:56 Singing His name makes my whole face shine
05:00 He knows every secret down in my heart
05:03 Jesus is a friend of mine
05:06 When I am worried He fills me with peace
05:10 When I am happy He smiles with me
05:13 He loves me and I love Him
05:16 There's no doubt about it He's my very best friend
05:19 Jesus is a friend of mine
05:22 Singing His name makes my whole face shine
05:25 He knows every secret down in my heart
05:28 Jesus is a friend of mine. Jesus is a friend of mine.
05:34 Jesus is a friend of mine.
05:49 Welcome to Learning Time. Thanks for joining
05:52 us today. You know, I'm very happy to have
05:54 all of you here. Are you happy to be here today?
05:56 Yes. Oh! I am too, and you know what I think,
06:01 I think Max is happy too. He's just enjoying himself,
06:04 isn't he? He really is. Well, we're glad to have Max.
06:08 He's our new Kids Time program dog.
06:11 How many of you have a dog at home?
06:12 Oh! Now we have a dog here in the studio.
06:15 Isn't that cool? Yes. I think so too,
06:18 and I've got three helpers with me.
06:20 I've got Andrew over here. Andrew,
06:22 what do you like to do outside? Play sports.
06:25 Sports, sports is cool, isn't it? Sports
06:28 and it's a great exercise too.
06:29 I've got Madison over here. Madison,
06:31 what do you like to do outside? I like to swim.
06:33 Like to swim. Swimming is good exercise,
06:35 isn't it? Probably one of the best.
06:37 How many of you swim? It's a good thing to know
06:39 how to swim, isn't it? I've got Enoch over here.
06:42 Enoch, what do you like to do outside?
06:44 Play baseball. Play baseball. Oh! That's great
06:47 exercise as well. Hey, why don't you come on up here?
06:50 I've got an interesting experiment because it
06:52 deals with air again. I love air. How many of
06:55 you like air? Oh! You know, air is very important.
06:58 Now how many of you have had air today?
07:00 Have you had air? Okay, well, move right over here.
07:03 Now what did you do with your air today?
07:04 Breathe it. You did what? Breathe it. No kidding,
07:07 are you doing it now? She's breathing her air.
07:10 How many of you are breathing air? That's what
07:12 we do. We breathe air. I want to ask you a question.
07:14 What do fish breathe? Water, water, do they
07:18 breathe water? Air, an air. Can they breath both?
07:22 Well, they take air in, don't they and they take water
07:26 in and they take the air out of it,
07:27 that's what today we're gonna do an experiment
07:29 with air. And actually I've got these little things
07:32 right here, it looks like a trash bag that's a
07:33 little skinny, doesn't that? Okay, I'll tell you
07:36 what we're gonna do. Can you move over here a little?
07:38 We're moving in front of our table today,
07:40 and I'm gonna take this little.
07:42 These are plastic tubes, it's like a trash bag,
07:44 only it don't have any bottom. What I'm gonna
07:46 do is I'm gonna tie a knot in this one right here,
07:48 just tie a knot, just right there. Okay, cool,
07:50 alright, I'm gonna give you the end of this,
07:52 and can you walk over there. Okay, just walk
07:54 over here. I'm gonna give you the other end,
07:56 keep going, and keep walking over there.
07:58 Now hold that just like that, hold just like that,
08:01 fantastic, alright. And then I'm gonna take another
08:04 one right here. We're gonna have a little race.
08:05 You know, sometimes its kind of need to race
08:07 with science. You like science races. Yes sir.
08:13 Alright, so I'm gonna fix this one up too,
08:15 okay just like that. Now, why don't you grab a
08:18 hold of that one over here and just kind of
08:20 move over there, cool, alright. Now here's a race.
08:23 Now what we're gonna do is we're gonna blow air
08:27 inside of here because these are tubes, remember.
08:29 Didn't we say that they were tubes.
08:30 Oh! You know what, you know what I did,
08:32 Oh! We made a mistake. There is one in that seal
08:35 and so I'm gonna, I am gonna untie my little
08:37 knot right here because it's how you seal,
08:40 I forget that these were sealed.
08:42 How did they seal plastic? How can they do that,
08:44 you know. No. With glue, that's right,
08:47 and sometimes I can just use heat can't they.
08:49 Well, you want to go ahead and untie that one
08:51 for us Andrew okay. Lets untie these because what
08:53 we're gonna do is we're gonna try to blow these up,
08:55 and I'm gonna try to be beat you.
08:57 You think you can blow your sleeve of plastic
08:59 up before I blow mine up. Yes.
09:01 You think so. You think he can guys? No.
09:05 Not too sure about that. Let me help you
09:08 with yours, okay. This is interesting.
09:09 I think I tied a good knot. Did I tie good knot? Yeah.
09:12 Yeah, knots are great to tie. Alright, we're gonna
09:15 trade places with it right over here.
09:17 Okay, here we go. Now what you can do, open it up
09:19 there. Now what we're gonna do for our race,
09:22 I'm gonna get ready to blow. Are you okay?
09:25 I'm gonna to get ready to blow mine up.
09:27 Are you ready to blow yours up? Just stay where
09:28 you're at, okay, alright, and are you ready? Yes.
09:32 Are you ready to blow yours up? How many of
09:33 you think that he can beat me? Okay, boy.
09:37 How many of you think I can beat him? Okay, alright,
09:40 well thanks partner, okay, how many of you don't
09:42 care who wins? There's a few of you.
09:45 Alright, are you ready? Yes. Okay, you think
09:48 we can win, yeah. Okay, let's see if we can use
09:51 some science to do that. Okay, shall we give them
09:54 a head start. Would that be a good idea? No, no,
09:57 I think we're gonna give him a head start
09:58 because I think I know something that they don't,
10:00 you never know. Are you ready, yes. Okay, let's give
10:03 them a 3, 2, 1, guys and we'll give them a little
10:05 ahead start, here we go, 3, 2, 1. And he's gonna blow,
10:10 2, 3, don't breathe the air you put in there you'll
10:14 suffocate cool, wow, that's about what ten breathes.
10:20 Are you okay? Okay, you're turning red, you know that,
10:23 don't you? Okay, well, when you think we should start?
10:27 Now, now, I don't know. You think we ought to start,
10:30 yes. Okay, well, here we go, theirs is almost full,
10:34 we better start, should we? Okay, I'm gonna
10:36 take a deep breath. Hold now you stay right there,
10:39 I need you to hold it still, there we go.
10:46 I'm done, hey we won. What's the problem here?
10:51 What, what's happening? You beat me.
10:54 I beat you, isn't that cool? Yeah, I tell you what
10:57 I'm gonna do. Go ahead, go keep going.
10:59 You've got ways to go, okay, and I'm going to
11:03 tie mine up. Well, you did a great job, didn't you?
11:06 Andrew's so cool. Well, I just like that. Well, okay,
11:10 you can let that go. Now you know, you know and
11:14 you can tie yours I think you're done, is that great?
11:17 Now you know, I knew something that they
11:19 didn't know. And all I had to be was just you know
11:22 Andrew had his mouth right in there, right like that.
11:24 He just had his mouth right there and he's puffing
11:27 away, didn't he? Well, how did I do it? I held
11:30 mine open and I just blew air in. You remember
11:33 we were talking about moving air.
11:36 When air moves very fast it creates low air pressure,
11:40 so I was getting my breath but lot of other air was
11:44 rushing in with mine, is that cool, yes.
11:46 And that's another reason why airplanes can fly
11:49 because of what we call the Bernoulli effect,
11:52 isn't that great? Yes. So, if you know a lot of about
11:55 science you can probably win air races,
11:57 so next time you will know, won't you.
11:59 Now and this is called since it's full of air
12:01 we can fly this across the room. Are you ready
12:03 how about a countdown, 3, 2, 1, let's fly across
12:08 the room. Cool! Well, remember boys and girls,
12:12 every time we learn more about science,
12:15 we're learning more about our creator God.
12:24 Hi, and welcome to Talk Time. I am here with
12:27 Pastor Ronalds. Ronalds, I am so excited
12:29 because I know you are willing, able and ready
12:32 to answer kid's questions.
12:33 I sure am Miss Brenda, I am excited about it.
12:35 Alright, let's get start it right way, I'm just gonna,
12:38 just get the first question out here.
12:41 And this one is from how do you pronounce this, Adan.
12:46 I guess that's Adan. Adan he's 12 years old
12:49 I don't know that's Aden, Aden maybe.
12:51 Okay, he wants to know what do I have to do
12:54 to go to heaven? That's a good question, Aden,
12:56 and I hope we got your name, right.
12:58 You know, if we haven't you know please forgive us.
13:00 You know, all we need to do get the heaven is
13:02 do just what the Bible tells us. In John 3:16,
13:05 it says, for God so love the world that he gave
13:08 his only son that whosoever believes in him,
13:11 shall have ever lasting life. All we need to do
13:14 is accept Jesus as our savior, right Miss Brenda.
13:16 That's right exactly, and believe in the
13:18 Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved,
13:20 and that's a wonderful promise, isn't it?
13:23 That's right Acts 16:32. Alright, here is one from
13:26 Johnny, age 10. He wants to know how do you
13:30 know if God actually wrote some of the Bible.
13:33 That's a good question Johnny? It's a long question,
13:35 but you know God will help us answer it.
13:37 You know as you read scriptures like
13:39 Second Timothy 3:16, it says, all scripture is given
13:42 by inspiration of God and Second Peter 1:21,
13:46 tells us that the holy men of God spoke as
13:48 they were moved by the Holy Spirit.
13:50 What that means is that God put the thoughts in
13:54 the minds of men that he wanted them to write down
13:56 in his word. So we can trust in God's word that it
14:02 comes from him and everything in here is
14:04 valid for us. But did you know what,
14:06 there is one part of the Bible Miss Brenda
14:08 and I know that you're talking about that,
14:10 God wrote with his own finger.
14:13 That's right, the Ten Commandments.
14:15 The Ten Commandments. Not only did he write
14:17 them with his own finger once, but twice on
14:20 a tablet of stone. They must be really important.
14:23 They must be really important.
14:24 Thanks for that question. I think we've time for
14:25 another question. This one is from Ashley Salsedow,
14:30 she's 5 years old. She says why do you have
14:33 to take a bath? Oh! Ashley, this is a great question
14:35 you know, not only kids sometimes don't like to
14:38 take baths, sometimes grown ups don't like to
14:40 take baths, but you know it's really important
14:41 because Paul tell us in the Bible that our bodies,
14:44 you know, they're God's temple. That's right.
14:47 And he wants to dwell in our bodies you know
14:49 through the Holy Spirit. He wants us to be clean.
14:51 He wants us to be clean, and he wants us to be
14:53 healthy. If we didn't take baths you know after
14:55 a while we would start getting ill.
14:57 We'd get sick and then we, you know,
14:59 we want this body to be healthy and strong,
15:02 so that Jesus can live in us.
15:03 And we can be also healthy and strong so we can work
15:06 for Jesus. That's right. We can work for him.
15:08 Exactly, I think we've time for just one more
15:10 question. Let's see a real quick question though,
15:12 okay, just gonna have to have a short answer.
15:14 I'll do my best. Alright, this is from
15:16 Kurt and he says, what is your favorite
15:19 fruit of the spirit and why did you become a Pastor?
15:22 Well, two questions Kurt, okay. Okay, but you know
15:25 very interesting Galatians 5:22 says, the fruit of the
15:28 spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering,
15:30 gentleness, goodness, meekness, faith,
15:31 temperance against such there is no law,
15:33 but notice it calls all of them the fruit of the
15:36 spirit, all of them are part of one fruit,
15:38 it's like an orange. It has several sections in it,
15:41 but they make up one fruit, so I love them
15:43 all because they're all the fruit of the spirit.
15:45 That's right. That's wonderful, and I don't
15:47 want to forget this other question.
15:49 Why did you become a Pastor?
15:51 Well, I became a Pastor because Jesus asked
15:53 me to and because I love him so much that
15:56 I said yes to him, that's why.
15:58 That's the most important reason of all, isn't it?
16:00 That's right, and I love to lead other people
16:02 to Jesus, so that they can be in heaven too.
16:04 There's no greater joy than serving Jesus,
16:06 isn't that right? That's right.
16:07 And boys and girls, everywhere you can
16:09 serve Jesus too. Every single day Jesus wants
16:13 you to serve him, smile, tell someone that Jesus
16:17 love him, and loves them and I can tell you that
16:20 it will really give you joy in your heart.
16:23 Well, boys and girls if you have a question for
16:25 Pastor Ronalds, you can mail them here to 3ABN
16:28 or email them to this address;
16:33 because your questions are important to us
16:36 and your questions are important to Jesus.
16:48 He was just this poor baby. Jesus is dead.
16:52 It's been two days since they crucified him,
16:55 and it so hurts like it was yesterday.
17:01 He was such a good person. I know.
17:05 He cared for the sick. He healed people,
17:12 and made the lame walk. I could still here his
17:17 shouting anymore. Lets get out of here.
17:25 Wait, stop, stop, wait, stop, stop.
17:27 I can't stop. I have to go. Wait stop.
17:28 I'll make it worth your while, I'll make it
17:31 worth your while. I just want to go.
17:32 I have to go. Why you are leaving
17:34 the tomb. Stay, stay, I'll make it
17:36 worth your while. You can't tell us all,
17:39 my life is at stake. We won't tell.
17:41 It started on Friday when they crucified him.
17:44 We crucified him on the Cross. I was there,
17:47 that's right. He was dead. Jesus was dead.
17:49 I stuck a spear in his side, I saw the blood
17:52 and the water come out. He was dead.
17:54 He is dead. Two of your kind took him;
17:57 you buried him in the tomb. You knew,
18:00 you got us to seal his tomb. That's right.
18:01 You got us there, God is dead. He's dead.
18:04 I have to go. Why aren't you back there
18:05 at the tomb? Well, let's go.
18:07 Well, I can't tell you, my life is at stake.
18:09 I'll make it worth your while. I'll make it
18:11 worth your while. What have you in here?
18:12 I have money in there enough to make it worth
18:14 your while. This morning as we, you can't tell anyone.
18:19 We won't tell. As we were guarding his tomb
18:21 all of a sudden there was an earthquake,
18:23 the worst that I'd ever seen, and there was a
18:26 lightening and something fell from heaven,
18:28 a being, and it walked up to the tomb,
18:31 rolled the stone away like a pebble.
18:33 One being rolled the stone away.
18:35 One being, and we fell down, we were so afraid,
18:38 we were petrified, we couldn't a thing.
18:40 And then it said Son of God come forth your
18:45 Father is calling you and then he came out
18:47 and he said, I am the resurrection of the life
18:50 and we fell down I have to go. I can't stay.
18:52 Wait a minute, wait a minute.
18:53 I have to go to Pilate. Don't go to Pilate.
18:55 Don't go to Pilate. You don't want to
18:57 go to Pilate. You go the Sanhedrin.
18:59 Take the money and you go to the Sanhedrin.
19:02 Don't go to Pilate. I will go to the Sanhedrin.
19:03 Okay. Jesus don't say a word to anyone.
19:07 We won't, we don't want you to say anything,
19:09 just at Sanhedrin. Can you believe it,
19:11 what they're saying? Oh, I need to go to
19:14 the Sanhedrin. Okay we should find out what's
19:16 going on. Jesus is alive, Nicodemus was right.
19:21 Jesus is the Son of God. We crucified the Son of
19:27 God. Oh! God have mercy on my soul.
19:31 Jesus, please forgive me. You died for my sins.
19:35 And now I'll spend the rest of life praising
19:38 your name and telling all Jesus. People gather
19:41 around, Jesus is alive, Jesus is alive.
19:45 Is he alive? I must tell my family,
19:47 Jesus is alive. Tell everybody, Jesus is alive.
21:21 Hi, boys and girls, it's time for Miss Brenda's
21:23 Book of the Day. Today's book is a book about,
21:28 it's, the title is God's Adventures:
21:30 True stories of American pioneers for kids.
21:33 And its stories about William Miller,
21:35 and John Anders, and Ellen Harmon, and it's written
21:38 by a very special friend of Miss Brenda's Roxy Hoehn,
21:42 and she is an incredibly gifted writer and you're
21:44 gonna love this book. Well, I have someone
21:47 here that you're gonna love and that is
21:49 our guest today. I want you to meet James.
21:51 Hi, James, how are you? I'm very good.
21:53 And where are you from James? You are from?
21:55 I'm from Tennessee. From Tennessee,
21:57 that's right. I am from Tennessee, so you are
21:59 my sort of my neighbor, aren't you? Yes.
22:02 And tell me you love Jesus, don't you.
22:04 Yes, I do. And what do you do to share Jesus?
22:07 Well, we make up, we wanted to outreach
22:11 for nursing homes. Sure. And we made up a club
22:17 called with Love Club, and. And now you
22:20 brought something with that on it.
22:21 Let me, can I see that? Yes, you could see.
22:24 Right over here, yeah, let show this to the boys
22:26 and girls. It's says "With Love Club" can you see
22:28 that? That's pretty impressive. And there's
22:30 a little heart and it's say with Love Club,
22:32 and what is With Love Club do?
22:34 Well, we make home made cards for nursing homes
22:37 and we visit them on their birthday and we give them,
22:42 then we sing to them, happy birthday
22:45 and then we give them a goody bag with stuff
22:48 that they would. Like down here.
22:50 Yes. You've brought some, he brought some
22:52 with you. So you have, here you have a gift bag
22:54 and then you have, I had some gloves and some
22:58 oh! These are nice, some nice slippers,
23:02 oh those look so nice and then you,
23:04 because you ask for which people in the
23:07 nursing home that never get any visitors correct.
23:10 Correct. So there's a lot of people that just don't
23:13 have any loved ones left on this earth or they don't
23:15 have family that care about them and they're lonely.
23:17 And you remember their birthday that is such a
23:20 wonderful ministry boys and girls.
23:22 I really hope you get this idea and take it to heart
23:25 and try it in your neighborhood.
23:27 What else do you have in your hand?
23:29 Well, we give out today most to them and
23:31 because they are lonely some days and
23:37 they might want to color up with this.
23:39 That's a good idea because they,
23:42 maybe they won't feel so lonely, right. Right.
23:44 That's true and what you have beside you too.
23:47 You also makes some special cards.
23:50 Yes, we make birthday cards for them.
23:51 Okay, so this one says happy birthday and
23:54 these are some that you made yourself, and so
23:56 this one has a smiling face on it and this one
23:59 here has, said God loves you. I love this one that
24:02 says God loves you and then, when you give
24:05 them gifts you take, home make a card for them.
24:10 Yes. And have you any wonderful experiences
24:13 doing that? Oh! Yes, I feel really happy doing
24:15 this for other people at the nursing homes.
24:18 And what are the reactions you get when you give
24:22 them? Well, I am thinking that they'll
24:26 be very happy and they will think that
24:28 they're special like. Yes, that's a good idea
24:30 because that when you do some for others then that
24:34 tells them that you care about them, and it's
24:36 also because of your smile and your warm heart,
24:39 you're sharing Jesus love with them, yes,
24:42 because all love come from God, right. Yes.
24:44 So, how many kids can join your club,
24:46 your With Love Club? As many people as they want to.
24:49 And you can have different branches
24:51 all over in different states, couldn't you?
24:53 Yes. And so, and you could be all over the world.
24:56 You could have people in Africa that do this
24:59 and the people in Australia and all over the world,
25:01 right. Right. So what you say to boys and girls
25:03 if they're thinking they can't witness?
25:06 Well, I am saying that they can do it whenever
25:09 they want to. That's right.
25:11 We can do all things through Christ who strengthen us,
25:14 Philippians 4:13, Right James. Right, that's my
25:18 favorite Bible text. And I love it too.
25:20 Well, thank you for sharing your wonderful idea
25:22 with us. I hope boys and girls that you will
25:24 incorporate that in your home town.
25:26 Poor Max here he has just slept through the
25:29 whole program. But boys and girls,
25:31 I want to thank you for joining us.
25:33 Remember its Kids Time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17