Participants: Brenda Walsh
Series Code: KT
Program Code: KT000227
00:01 It's almost time for Kids Time,
00:03 we're gonna be late. It's time to share 00:06 there's a world out there, looking for a friend 00:10 like Jesus, it's time to share there's a world 00:15 out there. Let's tell them that He loves us so. 00:20 Let's tell them that He loves us so. 00:24 Kids Time, Kids Time, Kids Time. 00:31 Hi boys and girls, if I offered to give you 00:33 anything you wanted what would you ask 00:35 for, would it be a pony or a new bike, 00:38 how about an iPod or an exciting vacation. 00:41 In fact wouldn't you like to have this 00:44 beautiful present right here. My grandsons 00:46 Michael and Jason know that I have 00:48 really soft heart and I love to give them 00:50 things. I love to see them happy. 00:53 God loves to give good gifts to his children 00:55 too. He loves to see you happy. 00:58 But God's gifts are a whole lot better 01:00 than anything I can give. Back in Bible 01:03 times, a man ask the Prophet Elijah for a 01:05 very special gift, but what he ask for wasn't 01:08 something Elijah could give him. It was a 01:11 gift that had to come from God and when 01:14 he received it that man was truly happy. 01:18 Best of all he used that gift to bless others 01:21 for as long as he lived and it's a gift that you 01:24 can ask for too. You will meet that man in our 01:26 Bible story today and find out what he 01:28 asked for. But first let's get 01:31 ready for our Nature Time. 01:39 Hi boys and girls, welcome to Nature Time. 01:42 We have a special thrill today, we have 01:44 our friend Lin with us and she is one of those 01:46 people that work with animals and birds that 01:49 have been injured, and we have some of her 01:51 friends today. Lin, what is this we have? 01:54 This is a little Saw-whet Owl. Amazing, 01:58 now it has been injured? It has, it actually 02:01 was hit by a car and a gentleman was kind 02:05 enough to stop actually see it in the middle 02:07 of a highway, pick it up and bring it to our 02:09 facility. And then you cared for it will never 02:12 be able to fly again perhaps. No, this is 02:14 not a really simple bird, so we will keep 02:17 it on, and use it in education programs and 02:21 events like this. That's wonderful, 02:23 now this creature being an owl, it would 02:26 live in a hole, in a tree hole is that what 02:29 they normally do. Yeah, most of our owls 02:31 are what we call cavity nesters, they will 02:34 seek out a hole in a dead tree or stump and 02:39 lay their eggs there. And how many eggs 02:41 do they would normally have. For these 02:43 species usually 2 to 4, so right in that range. 02:47 Now do both the parents feed, do you 02:50 know if both the parent feed father and 02:52 mother, both they feed. They actually do 02:53 and that's fairly consistent with most of 02:56 the owl's species, primarily it's the female 03:00 that's stays with the nest incubating the 03:03 eggs and then defending the young and the 03:05 male is the one that usually goes back and 03:07 forth bringing the food. I have a question 03:10 Ranger Jim. Is this a baby owl or this owl's 03:14 full grown size. This is actually a full grown 03:17 Saw-whet Owl. They're one of the smallest 03:19 owls that we have here in North America 03:22 and yeah it won't get any bigger than this. 03:25 It's even smaller then the Screech Owl that 03:26 we heard. Yes it is yeah. And boys and girls 03:28 if you have been out camping perhaps at 03:30 night and you have heard the Screech Owl, 03:34 it can be a nerving somewhat, a high pitch, 03:37 well I can't do it because my lips are not 03:38 just right now, but a high pitch screaming 03:41 sounds that give you those cool chills on 03:43 the back of your neck and that is the 03:46 Screech Owl. And so this is very interesting 03:48 to me because I quite frankly have never 03:50 seen one Ranger Rod up close and its very 03:53 exciting to me see. Now you also have Barred 03:56 Owls, do you have that come. Now tell us 03:58 something about the Barred Owls. Okay the 04:00 Barred Owl is one of our larger owls here in 04:03 North America, it's actually the forth 04:05 largest by weight, and they're more common 04:09 in the Northern parts of the country, 04:12 and this little guy is found throughout the 04:15 US. It's a fairly common owl in North America, 04:19 yeah. We have, when we were in Florida, 04:21 we have Barred Owls and they come every 04:24 evening near our camp and especially early 04:28 in the spring when they begin to, begin to 04:30 nest and mate like that they go up they 04:32 have a high pitch call, I have a friend who can 04:34 do it, ooh aah aah a fellow calling back and 04:37 forth and fussing, and its it's really amusing 04:40 to hear when they are talking back and 04:42 forth and people in our camps are I wish 04:44 someone get a gun, and shoot those old owls, 04:46 and I say don't you dare. No. You should do 04:49 something that I would most certainly. 04:51 Now tell us, let's talk about the big guy in 04:54 the owl family the great Horned Owl. 04:56 Okay, yeah the Great Horned is the largest 04:59 by weight in North America and we are 05:03 currently carrying for a couple of Great Horned 05:05 Owls that have being injured. We also have 05:08 what's call the Great Grey Owl they are 05:10 taller yet than the Great Horned Owl. 05:13 They are the tallest that we have in North 05:15 America so. We have, they are quite common 05:18 were we live in Michigan were the Great 05:20 Horned Owl is quite common and of course 05:22 mostly throughout United States we have 05:24 and I caution people and I have cautioned 05:27 them before that if you have and unfortunately 05:30 we have many people do that have a cat, 05:32 pet cat that they just allow to go out and 05:34 just prowl the woods and what have you be 05:36 very careful in the spring because the Great 05:38 Horned Owl is a very efficient predator. 05:41 They are not beyond scooping right down 05:44 on silent wings and they will pick up the cat 05:46 and the cat will disappear. And you mention 05:48 that Ranger Jim these are predatory birds, 05:51 a bird this small what would it primarily feed 05:55 on. Yeah, you're right these are all raptors 05:59 which means the birds of pray and they do 06:01 hunt for live food. This little guy would feed 06:05 primarily on mice, small rodents in the wild, 06:09 and sometimes small birds. Okay. 06:12 And there is something peculiar about the 06:14 Great Horned Owl, he is one of the few 06:17 creatures in nature that eats skunk. 06:21 That's correct. The Great Horned Owl will 06:23 scoop down and grab a skunk, and so I have 06:25 found many Great Horned Owl nest just simply 06:29 sniffing the air. I know it's in the area, 06:31 but I can tell that is very, very common 06:34 to find that the Great Horned Owl will 06:36 take snunk. And thank you so much Lin for 06:39 coming today and being with us. My pleasure. 06:41 Boys and girls Ranger Jim, and Ranger Rod 06:44 as saying as always don't forget to tell Jesus 06:47 you love him because he really does love you. 06:59 Peter and John went to pray. 07:03 They met a lame man on the way. 07:07 He asked for alms and held out his palms, 07:11 And this is what Peter did say" 07:15 Silver and gold have I none, 07:18 but such as I have give I thee. 07:22 In the name of Jesus Christ of 07:26 Nazareth rise up and walk. 07:30 He went walking and leaping and praising God, 07:34 Walking and leaping and praising God, 07:38 In the name of Jesus Christ of 07:42 Nazareth rise up and walk. 07:46 [Foreign language] 08:35 In the name of Jesus Christ of 08:40 Nazareth rise up and walk. 08:52 Welcome to Learning Time, I'm glad you're here 08:54 today and I've got a studio audience here 08:56 are you glad to be here too. Yes. 09:00 Well today we got three helpers. 09:01 We are gonna to do some experiments looks 09:03 like we got some equipment up here this 09:05 should be interesting. I've got Jocelyn over 09:07 there. Jocelyn, have you ever wanted to fly? 09:10 Yeah. Oh cool well today we are gonna talk 09:12 about flying and that will be fun. 09:14 We've got Macey over here. 09:15 Macey, have you ever flown? 09:18 No, well there is gonna be fun, I don't think 09:19 you are gonna fly today but we might make 09:21 something else fly. We got Bryan way back 09:23 there, Bryan have you ever flown? 09:25 No. No, yeah we are gonna fly something, 09:27 so come up my helpers and let's see 09:29 what we can fly around here today. 09:31 Now we've got a piece of equipment up 09:33 here and what is this staying up here. 09:36 Come on in right over here what is that 09:38 thing? A fan. It's a fan that's right, we can 09:40 cool ourselves off with the fan couldn't we, 09:42 and that would be kind of cool to cool yourself 09:44 off but instead we're gonna use it in order 09:47 to make something fly. And if you have fan 09:49 at home you can do this experiment too. 09:52 I love experiments that we can do at home. 09:55 So, Macey why don't you grab a hold of 09:57 balloon, yeah this is cool and you can have 09:58 one too Jocelyn. I am gonna turn the fan on 10:01 and then I am gonna see as you gonna make 10:04 a noise. Yes. Yes, we have a motor there 10:06 and there is fan, so I am gonna to turn it 10:07 on that at our lowest speed and I can feel 10:10 the air coming up here, can you feel it Bryan. 10:13 Yeah. Can you feel the air, okay yeah, 10:14 hey Macey can you put your balloon right 10:16 here and let check this out, oh cool isn't 10:20 that neat. Yes. The balloon is just flying 10:24 around, go ahead and grab it, why don't 10:25 you put your balloon on there too. 10:27 We've got one over here, hang on and 10:29 we're gonna try to get this go and add 10:30 yours too there, see if we can get two of 10:31 them going, we can get two of them flying 10:33 around, wow. And they're just flying around 10:36 and sometimes they fall off but you know 10:38 there's a science principal that we want 10:39 to talk about and it's about fast moving air. 10:42 When we have fast moving air, go and 10:44 put that one back on. When we have fast 10:46 moving air, it creates low air pressure and 10:49 then high air pressure just keeps all of 10:52 those balloons flying, isn't that cool. Yes. 10:55 I think it's great, well Macey you want to 10:56 jump up here and see if we can you to fly. 10:59 No, it wouldn't work, would it? I'll tell you 11:01 what we got though I've got a big old 11:02 beach balloon right here, so Bryan why don't 11:04 you grab a hold of this, I want you to 11:05 put it right here Let's see if we can fly 11:07 that, is that flying? No. No, what's wrong? 11:11 It's too heavy. It's too heavy or we don't 11:14 have what? Enough air. Enough air, 11:17 well I'll tell you let's turn it on to the next 11:19 speed, okay. Let's turn it on to the medium 11:21 speed the fan's going, is blowing a lot more 11:25 air it's still not gonna work, yeah how 11:26 about on high. Check, it's really on high now 11:29 it's moving around a little bit making me 11:31 a little dizzy. But we still don't have enough 11:34 air, I'll tell what I am gonna to do. 11:36 Bryan why don't you grab that off of it 11:38 for us, this balloon or beach ball I guess 11:40 that's what it is. Hey lets try something that 11:43 can give us some more force, you know 11:45 force is kind of an interesting thing. 11:48 Do you know what this is? A leaf blower. 11:50 Yeah, it's a leaf blower and you know if you 11:52 don't have the hair dryer and you forget 11:53 you can always use this because well probably 11:56 not, hey we've got a lot of air right here 11:58 I forget which way this switch works and 11:59 that's the. Oh there sorry about that. 12:04 Yeah, I am going to turn this thing on and 12:06 Bryan what I want you to do and this might be 12:08 hard, you might have to practice it a couple 12:10 of time. I want you to throw the ball the 12:12 beach ball up in the air and we are gonna to 12:14 try to get the beach ball focus on that 12:17 blast of air coming out of our blower, 12:19 are you ready okay here we go how about 12:21 a count down here 3 2 1. Okay up in the air, 12:27 okay let's try it again, let's try it again, 12:29 give it to Bryan okay. Just kind of straight up 12:31 here let's try again and here we go countdown 12:34 3 2 1. Oh yeah isn't cool we got blower over 12:44 here. A little louder there. There it go, 12:50 well over here, we can go over there, 12:55 isn't that cool. Isn't that something, 13:03 that really is you know if that ball and 13:06 these balloons if they didn't float, 13:08 when we have a lot of air pressure going 13:10 through there you know every airplane 13:12 would have to crash because that's how 13:14 airplanes fly, fast moving air creates low air 13:18 pressure and the high air pressure keeps 13:20 the wing up and it's keeps these balloons up 13:22 and it keeps them from falling out of that 13:24 blast of air, isn't that cool. Yeah. Yeah, 13:28 and you know what every time I see a 13:29 bird's wing or a bird fly, it reminds me that 13:32 God made those little bird wings and 13:35 those bird wings, they use that principle, 13:38 that natural principle and we call it the 13:39 Bernoulli effect because Robert Bernoulli, 13:43 he thought of it, but it was something that 13:45 God had already invented right and created. 13:48 And that's why birds can fly and that's 13:50 why airplanes can fly, and that's really cool 13:53 science. Well remember boys and girls 13:55 whenever we learn more about science we're 13:58 learning more about our creator God. 14:08 May the God of heaven bless you as you 14:11 serve him all of your life? Thank You. 14:15 You are welcome. Excuse me. Yes. 14:25 Isn't that Elijah's mantle? Yes, it is. Yes, 14:28 it is, what are you doing with it, who are you, 14:32 where is Elijah. I am Elisha, 14:35 I was Elijah's servant and this is his mantle. 14:38 Oh yes. And now I am the Prophet of God. 14:41 You are the Prophet? Friend let me tell 14:44 you about the first time. I am confused. 14:45 I met Elijah, I was out on my field plowing 14:49 with my ox, and Elijah the Prophet came 14:51 up and I saw him, and I stopped, and he 14:53 walked right up to me and he took this very 14:56 mantle and he placed it on my shoulder. 14:59 As soon as he did that I knew that God was 15:02 calling me to serve the Prophet. Well, I didn't 15:07 go back home, I didn't tell my folks, 15:09 I just left straight then to serve Elijah. 15:14 And these last few years have being 15:16 amazing. Elijah is just superman of God. 15:20 He prays for people and things happened. 15:23 When he goes and talks people listen and 15:25 as I watched him I saw the spirit of God 15:27 moving in him and I said some day I hope 15:31 that I can have this spirit too. Well, just 15:36 last night I had a dream and in this dream 15:39 God told me that Elijah was going to be 15:41 taken up to heaven and I woke up and I 15:45 wondered what that dream meant and we 15:48 were in Bethel and Elijah said Elisha, 15:51 it is time for me to go, you stay here. 15:54 And I said surely as the Lord lives master, 15:56 I will not leave you, so we left together and 16:00 we went to Jericho, at the school of the 16:02 Prophets and when we got there he said 16:04 Elisha, it's time for me to go you stay here. 16:08 Once again I said as surely as the Lord lives, 16:11 I will not leave you. So we walked out of 16:15 town and when we came to Jordan River, 16:17 we were out there nobody else was there, 16:19 just me and him and he was really quiet 16:22 and I was just walking right behind and 16:24 wondering, is he going to be taken to heaven 16:28 what's gonna happen. And I was kind of 16:30 sad because Elijah was my best friend and 16:33 he became a father to me and the thought 16:35 of him being gone was scary. 16:38 Well we came to Jordan river and he said 16:40 Elisha stay here, I must go alone. 16:44 And I said as surely as the Lord lives, 16:46 I will not leave you master and he kind of 16:49 smiled and then he took this mantle and he 16:52 rolled it up and he struck the Jordan river 16:55 and the Jordan river just spread and there 16:59 was a dry path way right between in the river 17:02 and we are able to walk across on dry ground. 17:06 Now after that miracle I knew something 17:08 special is gonna happened and I wasn't 17:10 disappointed because very soon after we got 17:12 on to the other side I heard this sound that was 17:15 so beautiful, I can't even describe it. 17:18 And I looked up and it was like a shooting 17:22 star or a fiery chariot or something came 17:26 right down and swept in between me and 17:28 Elijah and it caught up Elijah and it took him 17:31 up into the sky and as he got further and 17:34 further away I saw him take something to 17:36 throw it behind him and then he disappeared 17:41 and this mantle landed right at my feet and 17:45 then I knew without a shadow of a doubt, 17:48 that I was the next Prophet of God. 17:53 I walked back to the Jordan river and I took 17:55 the mantle and I struck the water again and 17:59 there was a dry path for me to cross over. 18:02 I crossed over and now I've met you, 18:05 you're the first person I have told. 18:08 I don't know what God has in store for the 18:10 future, but I know that he will bless me 18:13 because before Elijah left he said is there 18:15 any thing I can give you and I said Elijah, 18:19 if you can give me one thing in the world 18:21 I would like a double portion of your spirit 18:24 and Elijah said, that's a hard thing you're 18:27 asking, but if you see me being taken into 18:30 heaven you will receive and praise the 18:34 Lord I saw him go up to heaven and I know 18:38 that Jehovah will fill me with two times the 18:41 spirit that Elijah have and I know that he's 18:45 going to do amazing things for this country. 18:49 So it is Elijah mantle. Yes it is. And you 18:53 have being chosen by God to be a Prophet. 18:56 Yes, I have Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. 19:01 Well I have to keep going, the schools of the 19:03 Prophets need to hear the story and they 19:05 need to know that when God calls you to 19:07 do something he will take care of you and 19:09 he will fill you with his Holy Spirit. 19:12 Can you bless me before you go? 19:13 I would love too. Father, please bless this man 19:17 and fill him with your spirit. Help us to stand 19:20 strong for you Amen. Praise the Lord. 19:23 Thank you. Praise the Lord. Thank you. 20:23 Hi boys and girls, it's time for Miss Brenda's 20:25 book of the day. And today I have a 20:28 wonderful book for you, it's call Step By 20:31 Step by Jerry D. Thomas, an incredible author 20:34 and he is written a book to help you 20:36 understand how to have a closer walk with 20:38 Jesus. And it's a wonderful book that I 20:40 highly recommend and I think any time that 20:43 we have a chance to learn how to be closer 20:45 to Jesus it's the thing to do, right? 20:48 And someone else that loves Jesus and always 20:51 wants a closer walk with him is my friend Alex. 20:54 Thank you Alex for being with us today I am 20:56 really, I am so glad that you are with in 20:57 Sharing Time. I actually met you at camp 21:00 meeting and when you shared your love for 21:01 Jesus, what was I telling you. You got to come 21:04 be here on Sharing Time, and I am thankful that 21:06 you came all the way from New York to 21:07 be here and you what did something with the 21:10 whole group of kids right and. Yes. Tell me, 21:13 tell me in fact I think we have a picture, 21:15 let's put the picture up real quick and this 21:17 is the picture of your whole group and where 21:21 did they go and what they did do. 21:22 We went on a mission trip to Riverton, 21:23 Wyoming in summer. And what was this 21:26 mission for what was the purpose? 21:28 We went to go and check out ourselves, 21:29 and the first week we did community service and 21:32 the second week we did a VBS for the kids. 21:35 And VBS is vacation Bible school. Now what do you 21:37 mean community service, what was that, what did 21:39 you do for that? We went around and we 21:41 build a old Church and we painted and we 21:44 made some houses for some people that didn't 21:45 have any. And what did they say were they 21:48 surprised that you were doing that. 21:50 They were so happy and they some of them with 21:51 surprises they are filling the houses. 21:55 And what about, you told me some lady 21:56 that you helped out a lot, what was that 21:59 about. We build the fence around her yard 22:01 to keep out the coyotes. Coyotes! I don't know 22:04 about you but I'm not comfortable with coyotes. 22:07 Do you think that picket fence could do it. 22:09 Oh yeah it was big. It was big, so was a good 22:11 one. Now the second week when you're doing 22:13 the vocation Bible school what did you 22:14 personally do. Well there is was this one little 22:16 boy named Julian, and we have this huge VBS 22:20 for all the kids, and he was our trouble maker. 22:22 Oh dear and older he? He was 6 years old. 22:25 Okay and what was that like with somebody that 22:28 was really trying your patience. 22:30 He just wouldn't listen, he wont do any 22:32 thing that he was supposed to do and he was 22:34 always that running around trying to knock 22:35 things over. But by the end of the week he 22:37 decided to follow Jesus and he calmed down 22:39 he was like perfect. What was he telling 22:43 you before you, before you left. He said 22:45 that he wanted to meet me in heaven by 22:46 the life tree. 'Cause you have being telling 22:50 about the tree of life and he call that the life 22:51 tree that's so cute and you know God's used 22:55 you to touch his heart. Yes. And how did that 22:57 make you feel? It was amazing to be used by 22:59 the God like that. And what did you think 23:01 when you were driving away, the trip is over 23:03 and you're on the way home. What were you 23:05 thinking? That I learned a lot about God 23:07 and I can really shine for Jesus. And it's 23:09 something that you encourage others to do? 23:11 Yes, anytime they can. Now do you think it 23:13 also helped you draw closure to Jesus? 23:16 Yes. It did that's awesome. Well let me read 23:19 a couple of letters in here. Lets see what we 23:20 have. I love these letters from you boys and girls 23:24 any time you write to me I am really, 23:26 some of them have just touched my heart 23:28 so much I loved hearing from you. 23:29 This one is from Nassau, Bahamas, 23:32 and actually I have been to your country, 23:34 you have a beautiful country I have spoken 23:35 there several times and I am gonna be there 23:38 again soon with the Kids Time program going 23:41 on there. So I am looking forward to that. 23:43 And this here is a picture you can hold up, 23:45 a beautiful girl, lets see who this is from she 23:48 is from her name is Astrid. Dear Miss Brenda 23:51 my name is Astrid, and I am 10 years old 23:53 and I live in the beautiful country of Bahamas, 23:56 and I love to watch Kids Time, specially Sing 23:58 Time and Story Time, and I also would like to have 24:01 your Bible studies please. Could you please 24:03 pray for my sister Angel because she is out 24:06 sick and would really I would her to get to 24:08 feel better. Say hi to Miss Cinda and Aunty 24:11 Linda for me. thank you your truly, Astrid. 24:14 And Astrid, we will be praying for Angel. 24:16 And boys and girls everybody should be 24:17 praying for Angel for Astrid's sister to get 24:20 feel better and I also would tell my sisters 24:22 hello for you. Okay let see I have another 24:25 one here and this one from Southfield, 24:27 Michigan from Ariel, and lets see what Ariel 24:30 have to say, oh there is beautiful paper picture 24:33 here you go, if you would help me with that 24:34 please. This says dear Miss Brenda, my name 24:37 is Ariel and I am 9 years old and I love 24:40 watching Kids Time, and I tell others about 24:42 Jesus and I tell them stories about Jesus. 24:45 Please send me the Kids Club lessons, 24:47 sincerely, Ariel. And Ariel I would be happy 24:50 to sign you up for those lessons. 24:52 Boys and girls, you should sign up for up too, 24:53 just go to kidstime@ and we will 24:57 make sure you get those lessons. 24:58 Here's a letter from New Zealand, it's from 25:00 Heidi and she writes dear Miss Brenda my 25:05 name is Alex and I am 12 year old. Hey 25:07 another Alex, I really enjoy Kids Time and I 25:11 would like to have Bible studies please, 25:13 so I can learn more about Jesus. 25:14 I have a 4 year old sister named Laura who 25:17 loves Tiny Tots and we both love Kids Time. 25:20 Last of all I am praying for your ministry, 25:22 love Alex. Thank you for your prayers I 25:24 appreciate them so much. I don't know what 25:28 I do without your prayers boys and girls. 25:30 This one's from New Zealand as well and lets 25:33 see what this letter says. It says dear 25:35 Miss Brenda, my name is Nevon Tanna, 25:40 and I am 6 years old I would like to join 25:42 Kids Club, I watch Kids Time at my grandfather's 25:44 house and could we join your Kids Club 25:48 Bible studies. We live with our dad in the 25:50 north of New Zealand and my granddad's 25:52 writing this letter for me. Please pray for dad 25:55 because he doesn't know you or love Jesus 25:57 yet. Thank you Jason and Nevon. Well I want to 26:02 tell that I will be praying for your dad and 26:05 Alex you help me pray for his dad too, okay. 26:07 Thank you for being here that all the time we 26:09 have today. This time goes by so quickly 26:11 boys and girls, I want to encourage you to 26:13 be great witnesses for Jesus won't you, 26:15 because remember wherever you go, 26:17 wherever you are, it's Kids Time to share Jesus. |
Revised 2014-12-17