Kids' Time

Little Maid

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000226

00:01 It's almost time for Kids Time, we're gonna be late.
00:04 It's time to share there's a world out there
00:07 looking for a friend like Jesus,
00:10 it's time to share there's a world out there.
00:15 Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:18 Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:23 Kids Time, Kids Time, Kids Time.
00:30 Hi boys and girls, I just heard an amazing story
00:33 and it's about a man who went to prison
00:35 for doing some bad things.
00:37 Not just for a little while, but for the
00:39 rest of his life, but here's the best part.
00:42 While in prison he learned about God and he was
00:45 so excited about what he heard that he gave his heart
00:47 to Jesus right there on the spot.
00:49 Now, as you can imagine it's no fun
00:51 being a prisoner, but this man started looking
00:54 for ways to bless others. You know sometimes
00:57 bad things happen in this sinful world
00:59 and sometimes we make mistakes and we get hurt.
01:02 Sometimes we get hurt because of the mistakes
01:04 others have made, but God promises to work
01:07 all things out for our good just like he did for that
01:11 man in prison. Our story today is about a little
01:14 girl who was taken captive and she hadn't even
01:16 done anything wrong, instead of being
01:19 mad or bitter, she found ways to bless others too.
01:22 We'll here her story very soon,
01:24 but first let's get ready for Nature Time.
01:34 Hi boys and girls, I'm Ranger Jim
01:36 and I'm Ranger Rod. Welcome to Nature Time.
01:39 We're glad you can be with us.
01:40 We're privileged to be out in windy Montana.
01:43 What are these creatures we have Rod?
01:45 Oh they are awesome creature, the Bison,
01:47 the American Bison. How big are these creatures?
01:50 They are very big, in fact the largest
01:52 of the American Bison are the Bulls,
01:53 that's the daddies and sometimes they can weigh
01:56 as much as 2500 pounds. How big is 2500 pounds?
01:59 Well, 2500 pounds is as big as your family car
02:03 with your family in it. Now, that is big. That's huge.
02:07 Now, you mean that these creatures that are
02:09 this big survived from what I see out here
02:12 just this grass and sagebrush and things
02:14 like that. They survive eating that?
02:15 Ranger Jim they do. Now, you know the American Bison
02:19 traveled across all of North America in the
02:22 Great Plains, in the Great Prairies and they fed
02:25 chiefly on grass yes. Just chiefly on,
02:28 now what's the population at this time of the
02:31 buffalo or we call it the Bison or the buffalo?
02:33 Bison or buffalo, they are the same?
02:35 Technically it's not a buffalo, technically it is
02:38 a Bison, but people know it interchangeably.
02:41 Buffalo's just fine and buffalo today.
02:44 The numbers of buffalo in Canada
02:46 and the United States numbers about
02:47 65000 animals, but at one time the American Bison
02:52 ranged from Florida to Central Canada
02:55 from New York to the slopes of the Rocky Mountains
02:59 in numbers up to 70 million some people estimate.
03:02 Up to 70 million and then some of those pictures
03:05 that we see of trains being stopped by great herds
03:08 of Bison and people standing with guns just
03:10 shooting them. Oh mercy, it's a sad thing.
03:13 It was a, it's very sad thing to know what the
03:16 American government did at one time to the Bison,
03:18 in fact from the numbers in the millions all the way
03:22 down in 1900 to less than a 1000 Bison
03:26 at the year 1900. Now, we've been watching some
03:29 of these and I see that they like to wallow
03:30 in the dirt and kick their feet up.
03:32 What are they doing this for?
03:33 Well, if you would notice when a Bison gets
03:36 into a dust wallow. What the Bison does is he lays
03:39 there and he rolls this dust on him, that's
03:41 to help keep the flies and the pesky mosquitoes
03:44 and the different insects off of his hide.
03:46 When he stands up unlike a horse that shakes
03:50 himself off or a dog will shake himself off
03:52 if he gets dirty. The Bison walks away very carefully.
03:55 He wants that dust to stay on him,
03:57 so that it'll protect him from the bugs.
03:59 Then if we get a rain shower, he's a mess?
04:01 He's a muddy mess Ranger Jim.
04:03 Now, tell me about this, I have heard that
04:05 the buffalo are able to swim lakes and rivers
04:08 and streams? Well, they do, in fact an amazing
04:10 thing the American Bison is very, very,
04:13 he floats almost like a bobber.
04:15 A big hairy bobber, when he's going across the river,
04:18 his head the large hump that you see there
04:20 on his back and even his tail is out of the water.
04:24 He's a great swimmer Ranger Jim.
04:26 An animal that weighs 2500 pounds,
04:29 that's right. Amazing and when were filling
04:32 this boys and girls, we have seen trails across
04:35 the sides of the hills that sometime in this hard,
04:38 round, even rocks that are a foot 18 inches deep,
04:42 because for 100s of years these Bison
04:46 have followed the same trail. We have one that
04:49 just came up the trail from us and he wants
04:51 to get into the picture. He's slowly coming up
04:53 the trial that maybe 200 years ago other
04:56 Bison came from. Now, tell me this about reproduction.
05:00 I have heard that the cow of the Bison was one of the
05:05 most productive of all of the creatures, is this true?
05:07 They are Ranger Jim, in fact many of them
05:10 will reproduce and have calves clear up to the
05:13 age of 30. 30 year old cow having still having calves.
05:16 And her first calf is usually single then there
05:19 after it maybe twins. Often times they do have
05:22 twins that's right. That is just amazing,
05:24 now we have noticed that it's quite windy here
05:27 and in the winter time it's very cold.
05:29 How do they survive, we have,
05:31 we know we have blizzards. How do these creatures live?
05:34 Absolutely, especially here in Western Montana
05:36 Ranger Jim, those blizzards, those winds
05:39 they can be 30 below zero, 60 mile an hour wind,
05:41 that big buffalo, God designed him with his own
05:44 buffalo skin robe. It hangs over his shoulders,
05:48 down over his face, he faces these winds
05:51 and he grazes actually into that cold wind
05:54 as he eats the grass. May be he has to paw through
05:57 the snow for it. He's well equipped to survive
05:59 in very, very harsh climate of Western Montana,
06:02 the Western Plains where the buffalo thrived
06:05 at one time. And we can understand now because
06:07 where we are now in this mountainous area.
06:09 The wind is blowing now, but if it was 30 below zero
06:12 and of course when they bed down they find
06:13 a place out of the wind. They got your
06:16 buffalo robe and they're very comfortable.
06:18 Ranger Jim, if it was 30 below out here today
06:20 with the wind blowing like it is.
06:21 We'd have our ear muffs on, we'd be trying to get
06:25 back into the trucks under some shelter,
06:27 but the American Bison has to live out here
06:29 day and night. He has no place to go other than
06:31 may be behind a little bluff or in a backside
06:34 of a hill and so God has equipped him to protect
06:37 him from the elements, absolutely.
06:39 Another wonderful story boys and girls,
06:41 wow. Our creator God provides for all
06:43 of his creatures, so this is Ranger Jim and Ranger Rod
06:48 saying don't forget to tell the Jesus you love him,
06:51 because boys and girls He really does love you.
09:39 Welcome to Learning Time. Thanks for joining us today
09:42 and thank you for coming too.
09:44 Are you glad to be here today?
09:45 Yeah. I am too. You know, I've got some questions
09:49 to ask my helpers and I have Danielle over here.
09:52 Now Danielle, do you like animals?
09:54 Yeah. What's your favorite animal?
09:58 I have lots of favorite animals. Lots of favorite.
10:00 That's good to have lots of favorites
10:01 and I have Rachel over here. Rachel,
10:04 do you like insects? No. No, okay,
10:07 well we're gonna be talking a little bit about
10:09 insects today and then I have Joshua back there.
10:12 Joshua, what's your favorite animal?
10:14 A snake, a snake whoa, that's interesting.
10:17 Well hey, let me get my helpers to come up here.
10:19 I want you to come up right behind the table.
10:21 Come on up Danielle and come up here.
10:23 Here we go and I've got some things up here
10:26 and these are little flashlights.
10:28 Now, what I like to talk about is those animals,
10:31 creatures, interesting, snakes huh. Well,
10:34 we're gonna talk about oh actually we identify
10:38 animals sometimes by the number of legs
10:40 that they have. Right? And so we have insects.
10:43 How many legs do insects have,
10:45 do you have any idea? Six, six, about
10:48 six legs cool and you only have two, right?
10:50 Right. Yeah but Rachel has two and Danielle has three,
10:54 so, I mean two and so you could be an insect right,
10:57 if you all got together. Well, probably not,
10:59 but I'm talking about an animal that has four
11:02 pairs of legs. Does anybody know what
11:05 animal has four pairs, what is it? Spiders.
11:08 They are spiders and we call them Arachnids
11:11 and they're very interesting. How many,
11:12 do you like spiders? You like spiders?
11:14 No, no just snakes, yes. Well, you ought to,
11:17 you ought to kind of you know reach out a little bit
11:18 and expand to spiders, it could be interesting
11:21 and you don't like spiders at all?
11:22 No. No, how about you Danielle? No.
11:24 Okay, well, you know how many of you like to go
11:25 outside and look for nature.
11:27 Yeah, you like to look outside for nature.
11:29 Hey, I'm gonna show you a neat way of looking
11:32 outside for nature and in fact you can spot spiders
11:36 probably before they see you sometime,
11:38 will that be fun? Yeah. Yeah okay,
11:41 well here's how we do it. Actually we can take
11:43 a flashlight like this and you turn it on,
11:45 make sure it has batteries. Turn it on,
11:48 and what we do is we put it right beside our eye
11:50 on the side of your head right.
11:52 Oh I'm sorry didn't mean to turn it in your face,
11:55 but I have this light shining right here
11:56 and you can probably see that too at home
11:58 and what we do is out at night time
12:00 when it's dark, we just look around and we look
12:04 and we look and we look and if there is a
12:06 spider around. What do you suppose we're gonna see?
12:11 A spider, a spider, you're gonna see the light
12:14 from the flashlight being reflected off
12:17 of those eyes that spiders have.
12:20 Spiders sometimes have more than just a couple
12:22 of pair of eyes. Don't they? Oh yeah they can
12:25 have multiple eyes and they, that light just
12:27 shines back right to your own eye and they just
12:31 sparkle in the dark under bushes and on trees
12:34 and in the grass. Hey, hey, lets try that.
12:37 Why don't you grab this one right here
12:38 and here's one for you to grab over here.
12:40 Turn it on, oh Rachel, you got a big one right here.
12:44 You know and it's kind of heavy, and we just put it,
12:46 let's try it. Put it on the side of your head,
12:49 turn it on and shine it. In fact, shine it in some
12:52 of our audiences eyes over here.
12:55 How are we doing? Can you see the light,
12:57 now if you happen to be spiders,
12:59 all of that light information would be
13:01 shining back and they could see it.
13:03 Now it's very important that you hold it right even
13:06 with your own eye, so that that light as it
13:08 comes off of those spiders organs inside of their eyes,
13:11 it reflects back right into your own eyes.
13:14 Isn't that cool? Yeah. Now, do you know
13:17 why a spider does that? A spider does that because
13:20 God inside those little eyes, in those compound eyes,
13:23 those complex eyes of those spiders.
13:25 Those spiders need to see at night and some of them
13:27 do see pretty well at night and you know
13:29 what happens, those organs that are inside
13:32 that do all that, they collect all of that light
13:35 and that light just kind of stays in their eye
13:37 and it comes back, because otherwise they wouldn't
13:40 be able to see very well in the dark.
13:41 Hey can you think of an animal that you might
13:44 have seen at night and you saw their eyes
13:46 shining back at you. Have you ever seen an animal
13:48 that would do that? What animal, what? what?
13:52 No, I haven't seen an animal.
13:54 No, how about a cat, have you ever seen a cat
13:56 in the headlights of a car? Oh yeah,
13:58 can you see the reflection of the light coming out
14:00 of their eyes. Yes. Oh, I do too. It's a good
14:03 thing sometimes, otherwise we would hit those animals,
14:06 now that wouldn't be good. How about a deer.
14:07 Have you ever seen the light off the
14:09 eyes of a deer? Yes. That's right
14:11 and that light information comes back to us.
14:13 How about a dog? Well, we got Max over here.
14:16 You know what and Max's eyes they're built
14:18 that same way. The light comes back
14:21 and we can see those animals at night.
14:23 You know God made all kinds of interesting eyes
14:26 and interesting animals for us to study,
14:28 but you know what you have to be very careful
14:29 boys and girls because you know at night
14:31 and even in the day time there are some spiders
14:34 that you know can hurt us right.
14:35 That's right and some of them have venom, right,
14:38 I mean there is poison in them right
14:40 and they could hurt us, so be very careful
14:41 and don't pick up a spider that you don't know
14:43 anything about, 'cause it could bite you right
14:46 and that could be a bad news thing.
14:47 Well, remember boys and girls whenever we learn
14:51 more about science, we learn more
14:54 about our creator God.
15:02 Our Captain Naaman was told by the Prophet
15:05 of Israel to dip in the dirty river Jordan
15:08 and he was healed. Captain Naaman was healed,
15:12 can you believe that, he was told to dip in the
15:14 river seven times and he was come out healed.
15:18 That's amazing. What he's saying is true.
15:21 Captain Naaman he had to dip in the river seven
15:23 times in the river Jordan and he was healed.
15:26 He couldn't go into any other river
15:28 he wanted to. Oh here's lady Naaman now.
15:32 Little maid, can you get me a couple onions please.
15:37 Oh! Yes, yes, yes, that's good. Yes.
15:39 Look at that poor man over there,
15:41 could we may be get him some bread.
15:44 He looks so hungry. Oh little maid,
15:46 you are always so thoughtful, yes of course.
15:55 Let's see, why don't you take him one of these
15:59 and why don't we take him one of these too,
16:02 you run and, run and give it to him, I will pay and
16:05 I will call you when I'm finished shopping, okay.
16:09 How much do I owe you?
16:15 Hello, I bought some bread for you, can you speak?
16:22 You can understand me. Do you have any family?
16:31 I know how it feels like to be lonely too.
16:36 Here's another, you see I was taken from
16:41 my home in Israel. The soldiers one night
16:45 they just stormed into our house, broke in,
16:48 the next thing I knew I was on a big horse
16:52 in the dark night and I was, I didn't know
16:55 where we were going, I was so afraid
16:58 and I felt so lonely you know,
17:02 but without my mother or father, but you know,
17:07 I know I didn't have to feel lonely because
17:10 I believe in the God of Israel. He protect us,
17:14 and he, we can never feel lonely with him
17:20 and you know he actually helped to me find out
17:23 something about Master Naaman that will help
17:26 me help him actually, you see Master Naaman
17:30 had leprosy, really, really bad skin disease
17:33 you know, and oh it was horrible Mistress Naaman
17:38 was all crying all the time, but you know
17:42 so anyways I prayed and I asked God
17:46 and He told me to go and tell Mistress Naaman
17:50 about a Prophet in Israel, his name is Elisha
17:54 and he heals people, he even raised a dead boy
17:58 to life once. Well, she told me that
18:02 we should go and tell Master Naaman so we did,
18:06 and he told the King of Syria and he sent a letter
18:11 to the King of Israel, who, but things got
18:15 a little bit mixed up around there and you see,
18:17 because you see Master Naaman thought
18:22 that it was going to be the King of Israel
18:25 who was going to heal him. Anyways,
18:28 Elisha probably heard about this around the time
18:31 and Elisha told the King to send
18:35 Master Naaman to him. Elisha then sent a
18:39 messenger out and told Master Naaman to go
18:42 and dip in the Jordan river seven times,
18:45 but the Jordan river's such a dirty river
18:47 you know and he thought he was going to hurt
18:51 his national pride because you know he was a foreign
18:53 General dipping in the Jordan river
18:56 which is in Israel. But, fortunately, his officers
19:00 convinced him to try it, besides if Elisha had asked
19:05 him to do something really, really big then
19:07 he would have done it anyway. So they went
19:11 and when he, and he got in, he dipped the first time,
19:16 the second time, the third time and while everybody
19:20 was starting to get nervous now, sixth
19:23 and now the seventh, he dipped slowly under
19:26 the water and when he came up again,
19:29 he was healed. Can you believe the God of Heaven
19:33 healing a Syrian soldier. Wow! God is amazing,
19:38 don't you think. Yes, and he has been so
19:45 faithful to us. He has helped me get a
19:49 good Mistress, Mistress Naaman treats
19:51 almost like her daughter, we like to talk sometimes
19:54 and she's very, very nice, she doesn't
19:58 even really treat me. Little maid, little maid.
20:02 I've got to go, can I pray with you.
20:05 Dear God, please be with this man like you are
20:08 with me and bless this man dear Lord
20:11 in your name we pray, Amen.
20:14 Hope to see you again some time.
20:20 Here dear, can you pay for the onions. Oh, yes.
20:24 To the shopkeeper, thank you.
20:37 This old world is dark and deceiving
20:41 but there's hope for all in believing
20:46 Signs are all around that he's coming
20:50 I'll be somewhere listening for my name
20:54 I'll be somewhere listening I'll be somewhere listening
20:58 I'll be somewhere listening for my name
21:02 I'll be somewhere listening I'll be somewhere listening
21:06 I'll be somewhere listening for my name
21:10 When the Savior calls I will answer
21:14 When He calls for me I will hear
21:19 When the Savior calls I will answer
21:23 I'll be somewhere listening for my name
21:26 I'll be somewhere listening I'll be somewhere listening
21:31 I'll be somewhere listening for my name
21:35 I'll be somewhere listening I'll be somewhere listening
21:40 I'll be somewhere listening for my name
21:43 With thy Holy Spirit fill me
21:48 I submit my Will I will serve thee
21:52 With thy Holy Spirit fill me
21:56 I'll be somewhere listening for my name
22:00 I'll be somewhere listening I'll be somewhere listening
22:04 I'll be somewhere listening for name
22:08 I'll be somewhere listening I'll be somewhere listening
22:13 I'll be somewhere listening for my name
22:16 I'll be somewhere listening for my name.
22:33 Hi boys and girls, it's time for Miss Brenda's
22:35 book of the day and today's book is called
22:38 Hannah's Girls, this one is on Morella,
22:41 written by Ruth Merkel and it's a wonderful book
22:44 boys and girls to learn more about Jesus.
22:47 I would like to introduce you to our guest today,
22:49 we have with us Samuel. Samuel,
22:51 welcome to the program. Thanks Ms. Brenda.
22:53 I am so glad, now this isn't your first time
22:55 on Kids Time. Is it? No. I, in fact you recently
22:58 were with us tapping Bible stories.
22:59 So boys and girls, you can see Samuel,
23:01 if you look our Bible stories, you'll see Samuel
23:02 in there somewhere I'm sure. Samuel,
23:05 what is it specifically that you do to share Jesus?
23:08 I preach, I sing. Now wait, wait, wait, you said
23:11 you preach. Now, how old are you? I'm 12.
23:14 You're 12 years old and you preach?
23:16 In front of people, tell me about it.
23:20 I started when I was 6 years, 5 years old,
23:22 I wrote the sermon. You wrote a sermon
23:24 when you were 5 years old. I had asked my dad
23:26 on Friday if I can preach with him and he had said
23:30 not this time, now which now I understand.
23:33 And your dad's a preacher? Right.
23:34 And so I had gone to, what we call the back room
23:37 and I started writing out a sermon with crayons,
23:40 and so I came out and I showed it to my mom
23:44 and I preached it the next year in vespers.
23:48 And so you've been preaching every since.
23:51 And what is the largest group you've ever
23:53 preached for. 200 to 250 people, I was the keynote
23:57 speaker in a children's week affair.
24:00 That's incredible. So if people see this program
24:03 and wanted you to come and speak you would pray
24:05 about it and consider it. Yes. That's incredible.
24:08 Now what type of things would you preach on?
24:11 My favorite one was on Daniel 7 in Revelation 13.
24:15 That's your favorite and what other topics
24:17 would you preach on? I did John 3:16
24:19 which is a two part, I did, I am starting on
24:22 one just in my spare time in and when I get
24:26 inspired on Psalms 23. Oh yes, that's a wonderful,
24:31 wonderful message in that chapter.
24:35 So, can you tell me when you speak at these places,
24:39 do you have an opportunity afterwards to talk to some
24:41 of kids do they, and. A lot of times they'll come up
24:44 to me and they'll be like hey that's was cool
24:46 you know and a lot of times they'll say you know
24:49 I wanna try doing that too.
24:51 I said it's a good thing to do and it's very good
24:54 and they bring you closer to the Lord.
24:55 It does, in the same time you can share Jesus
24:57 with others. It helps you too doesn't it?
25:00 it really does, and what would you say
25:02 to kids that, that may be are a little bit shy.
25:05 I was shy at first and I got really nervous
25:07 but just go out there and try to be confident
25:10 and just pray and pray with you family a lot.
25:15 Just watch your family. Well, if your family
25:17 loves Jesus. Right. But they might to witness to
25:19 their own family, there's many cases,
25:21 kids have to be witness and maybe their mom
25:23 and dad don't know Jesus and boys and girls
25:25 have to witness right there and preach in their own
25:27 home sometimes right. Yes. And do you take
25:30 advantage of other opportunities
25:32 to witness for Jesus. Yes, sometimes when I go
25:35 to churches and my dad preaches sometimes
25:37 I'll play special music on the piano or sing
25:39 or something like that. Do you like to sing
25:42 and to play, I like composing music
25:45 and stuff like that. So, you have a musical gift,
25:48 you know God gives each one of us talents
25:50 boys and girls that he wants us to use for him,
25:52 and that is so important. You know God, you know
25:55 He has given Samuel a wonder gift to speak,
25:58 he didn't start off with that gift you heard him
26:00 say he was shy. But God can help you,
26:03 if God is calling you to do something,
26:05 he's going to help you with whatever it is he calls
26:08 you to do. Isn't that right Samuel?
26:09 Yes, well let's read a couple of letters here real,
26:11 very quickly, lets see this one is from Botswana
26:15 and let's see who is writing us from Botswana.
26:17 I have a picture here, would you mind
26:18 holding it up me for me please.
26:20 Sure. It's a real pretty girl and her name is
26:25 Pretty, it looks like or Pretty or Psetty,
26:31 I am sure of what I'm spelling.
26:32 Dear Miss Brenda, I am 8 years old and I love Jesus.
26:37 I share Jesus by reading the Bible
26:39 and I also teach my classmates about Him,
26:42 I always go to orphanages with my sister and we read
26:45 the Bible and praise the Lord with the orphans
26:47 and tell them that God loves them. Hope that
26:50 you read my letter. Love, Pretty.
26:52 and I want to tell you, Thank you,
26:53 that's a wonderful thing to do, to help
26:55 the orphans and in fact in the Bible it tells us
26:57 that we should help those that are in need.
26:59 Alright, this one's from Mikaela in Thomasville,
27:02 North Carolina. Can you hold this picture up
27:04 for me please, dear Miss Brenda,
27:06 my name is Mikaela and I am 4 years old
27:08 and I live in North Carolina and I watch your show
27:11 all the time and I love it. Please send me an
27:13 activity book please and as well as the
27:15 Bible studies. I share Jesus by picking apples
27:18 from our trees and giving them to friends and family.
27:21 Love, Mikaela and that is a good way to share Jesus.
27:24 Well, thank you Samuel for being on the program
27:27 with us today. Unfortunately, we are all
27:29 out of time, but I want to encourage you
27:31 wherever you go, whatever you do,
27:32 it's Kids Time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17