Participants: Brenda Walsh
Series Code: KT
Program Code: KT000224
00:03 It's time to share there is a world out there looking
00:08 for a friend like Jesus, it's time to share there 00:12 is a world out there. Let's tell them that 00:14 He loves us so. Let's tell them that He loves us so. 00:20 Kids Time, Kids Time, Kids Time. 00:25 Hi, boys and girls, saying goodbye to someone 00:26 you love is such hard thing to do sometimes isn't. Well 00:29 right now, I like to show you a picture of somebody 00:31 that I love very, very much and this is my grandson 00:35 Michael. Now, Michael and I don't like to say goodbye 00:38 to each other at all. In fact his mother Becky 00:42 my daughter told Michael that I was coming to visit 00:45 him in just three weeks. Well poor Michael, 00:47 he thought she said three sleeps, which to him meant 00:50 only days so little Michael started counting the 00:54 days until grandma came and you know what 00:55 when he thought it was time for grandma to come 00:58 he woke up at 4 in the morning. 01:00 Got his clothes on, put his shoes on, 01:02 ran into his mother's bedroom and woke up her 01:04 and said mommy hurry, we got to go to the 01:06 airport and get grandma and when my daughter 01:08 told him that grandma wasn't coming and that 01:11 it would be another 18 days. 01:13 Michael just cried and cried and cried and it just 01:16 broke my heart to hear that. 01:19 Well there was another time when my daughter 01:20 told him that when Jesus comes and takes us 01:22 to heaven. That he could live right next door 01:25 in the mention, next door to grandma. 01:27 Do you know what Michael said, he will said oh! 01:29 Mommy, can Jesus come tomorrow. 01:33 He wanted to live next door to grandma so much. 01:36 Well, you know boys and girls, I'm looking forward 01:38 to day when I don't ever again has to say goodbye 01:41 to my grandson Michael or my family or my friends. 01:44 And I hope that some day you will all have mansions 01:48 close to mine and Michael's. And in today's Bible 01:50 story, you're gonna learn about a young woman, 01:52 who decided she wasn't ready to say goodbye 01:54 to someone that she loved. And that decisions 01:57 changed her entire life. Well, right now let's 02:00 have a little visit with Ranger Jim. 02:10 Hi, boys and girls, Ranger Jim saying welcome 02:12 to Nature Time, we're glad you can join us today. 02:14 We're at the Miami Metro Zoo in Miami, Florida, 02:17 I have some friends with me, I have Andrea, 02:19 she is one of the zookeepers here. And young lady 02:22 who are you, My name is Zanna, I'm glad you could 02:24 be here today. And you Zera, good and we're going 02:27 to be learning something Andrea, can you tell us 02:29 something about these beautiful creatures 02:31 that we have here. I would be happy to, these are our 02:33 Bengal tigers, we have three females out right now, 02:36 there's two orange and one white one. Alright 02:39 now this is not Albino, no she is not Albino, 02:43 she is a white Bengal tiger. They all carry the blue eyes 02:45 with brown strips, just a different color. 02:47 Just a different color, that's it. 02:49 And so we're going to be learning about these 02:52 creatures today as boys and girls do passing back 02:54 and forth and driving back and forth, 02:56 so you may hear noises out there. 02:58 But tell us now these are very large animals how much 03:01 would these animals weigh? The females average 03:03 about 300 pounds, males maybe more about 03:06 500 pounds. And so the male is normally larger, 03:11 typically the males are larger than the females 03:14 in the cats. Okay, now in the lions the mothers 03:17 do all the hunting and the male lions do to protecting 03:20 of the pride. Now the female do the hunting here, 03:23 it's quite different here, the tigers are solitary, 03:26 they each individually hunt for their own. 03:29 They do not share the responsibilities of hunting. 03:31 They have to be all wild, alright and then which 03:34 she has babies, the babies are of the mothers. 03:36 The mother's responsibility, she can have between 03:39 two and three cubs and she will raise them for 03:41 up to two years before they go off on to their own. 03:44 And so she, the dad has nothing to do with her okay 03:47 he don't be accept any responsibility. 03:48 None whatsoever, I don't even know if he know 03:51 he has them. Okay good and where are these 03:54 creatures native to Andrea. These are Indian Bengal 03:56 tigers are five subspecies, these particularly 03:59 are from India. They are from India and they are 04:03 endangered. Yes, they are very endangered 04:05 then the wild, I'm not sure the exact numbers 04:07 there are many agencies there are out there 04:10 to protect them in the wild, but they are so 04:12 endangered. And so, boys and girls the reason 04:14 they're endangered is because of the 04:16 encroachment of man we're cutting down 04:17 all the forest and all of their habituate. 04:20 And then we have people that will go out and kill 04:22 this beautiful creature. Is that not unbelievable to 04:25 kill this beautiful creature, just for excuse to make 04:30 a coat of or something like that. Yes, very unfortunate, 04:34 that is very, very unfortunate. 04:37 Now we spoke before that these creatures are 04:40 carnivores and we've talked about that before. 04:43 Okay, we may think that this is cruel in that sense. 04:47 But this is God's way of providing that for that 04:50 creature to have food to eat. So, when we see 04:53 that and we see your cat at home. I would include 04:57 that with these, these are well feed and Andrea 05:01 a moment ago we saw you out here with some 05:02 food throwing, do you do this on a regular basis? 05:05 Everyday, I do that, the tigers expect me, 05:07 they're waiting for me and what I do is I just toss 05:09 two chunks of meat each across to them, 05:11 one by one and I better be on time. 05:13 You better be on time, they know the clock, 05:16 they're out here at eleven o clock expecting that. 05:17 Yes they are, before I get here they are. Alright, 05:19 now I saw this one ray up in the air, 05:21 they would stand six feet in the air look like it was. 05:23 Yes, they make all efforts to catch that meat whatever 05:25 it takes they will do to get that meat, 05:27 they will take care of that meat. Alright, 05:28 now we were up feeding that the Sloth bear 05:34 we would there a while ago and they had trench things, 05:36 also is that true of the other animals, 05:38 they would have trench things that they were like. 05:41 Yes, we try to keep them busy and we encourage them, 05:43 we also use different training, animals do enjoy 05:47 our routine and food is very helpful and getting them 05:49 to respond to you as well. Okay, you do that 05:51 and I know that some of the place that they have 05:53 thing for the animals to play with, some things 05:55 that are playful, very important. 05:56 They all come aboard and they can be healthy 05:58 and we can observe them out here in a natural 06:00 setting, right. So, that is a wonderful thing to see 06:03 and to enjoy, so boys and girls we enjoy learning 06:07 about God's creatures and learning to share 06:11 the earth with them and take care of them. 06:13 So, if you're at home Ranger Jim has said before 06:17 just be sure that you take care of your pet. 06:20 This is Ranger Jim saying boys and girls as always be 06:23 sure to tell Jesus that you love him, 06:25 because he really does love you. 06:39 Devote yourselves to prayer, 06:40 being watchful and thankful. And pray for us too, 06:44 so that God may open a door for our message, 06:48 so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, 06:51 Colossians 4 verses 2 and 3. 07:09 This train is bound for glory, this train 07:12 This train is bound for glory, this train 07:17 This train is bound for glory, 07:20 going to tell the world his story 07:22 This train is bound for glory, this train. 07:26 This train is for those who love him, this train 07:31 This train is for those who love him, this train 07:35 This train is for those who love him, 07:38 and if there's anyone else above him 07:40 This train is for those who love him, this train 07:57 This train it runs on prayer, this train 08:01 This train it runs on prayer, this train 08:05 This train it runs on prayer, 08:08 as long it takes to get us there. 08:10 This train it runs on prayer, this train 08:26 This train is bound for glory, this train 08:30 This train is bound for glory, this train 08:35 This train is bound for glory, 08:37 going to tell the world his story 08:39 This train is bound for glory, this train 08:43 This train is bound for glory, 08:46 going to tell the world his story 08:48 This train is bound for glory, this train. 09:15 Welcome to Learning Time, say thanks for coming 09:18 along today, I've got a helper with me. 09:20 James, thanks for helping me today, 09:21 are you ready do an experiment? Yes, 09:23 yeah this is interesting and we got some bottles 09:26 right here what type of bottles are these? 09:28 What comes in these kinds of the things? 09:29 Soda, soda, that's right or pop or whatever you call. 09:33 Your favorite beverage right that comes with 09:35 carbonated water now today we just have water 09:38 in here. And I'm gonna show you something that 09:41 could kind of trick your friends, 09:43 is that a good thing? Yes, yes, is it okay to trick 09:46 people if you tell ahead of time you know what 09:48 I'm gonna play a trick on you is that okay? Yeah, 09:50 because they're ready it. Alright, well today in 09:52 order for us to do that. There are some things 09:54 around your house that you just might have that 09:57 you can do this with and I found something 10:00 around my house, what's that look like? 10:04 You ever sick and somebody has to put drops 10:05 in your ears or in your nose or something. 10:08 That's an eye drop isn't it, in your eyes and 10:11 so James I'm gonna hand you the eye drop. 10:12 You might have an eye dropper at home 10:14 and so what I'm gonna ask James to do is to filled 10:16 that up with water. So, we're not going to put medicine 10:19 in it. We're gonna put water in that eye drop, 10:21 he's gonna fill it all the way up and he's squirting 10:23 out the air because there was air inside of that, 10:26 see all those bubbles. Now bubbles are just bouncing 10:28 out of there and then I'm gonna have him take 10:30 some of that water out, we just want about this 10:33 much water in the bottom of the eye dropper 10:35 and he's being very careful. Now at this point, 10:38 this is what we call calibrating our instrument. 10:42 The eye dropper is part of our instrument, 10:43 this whole thing is gonna be our instrument today. 10:46 And it's gonna do or it's gonna play trick on us 10:48 actually. Okay, how we're doing James, 10:50 doing a very careful job and lets see what we got 10:53 over here, is that gonna float. He's got just a little, 10:56 it float too much, lets put a little more water back in, 10:59 so turn it upside okay that may work. Oh! 11:03 Yeah, turn it upside down and put it in and just 11:04 squeeze it a little bit and we'll let some air out and 11:08 some water will comeback in. 11:09 That's mean air and water can't take the same place 11:11 with the same time. And how we're doing? Oh! 11:13 Let's check this out, just try it, see if it's going to 11:18 float. Okay, go ahead and go, it floats too high, 11:19 so we're gonna put some more water in there right, 11:22 okay. So we're just not gonna squirt as much 11:24 water out I mean not as much, lets see what we got okay, 11:28 how we're doing? Let's see what we got okay 11:30 and squeeze that a little more and let's see 11:32 what that is. Let's check that out right there, 11:33 let see if it's gonna float, oh that's just right, 11:37 you see how it's just bobbing up and down and it's 11:39 going verticals straight, that's exactly where 11:42 you want it. Alright, now James here's what 11:44 we're gonna do, I'm gonna have you take the eye 11:45 dropper out of there and we have our two liter 11:47 bottle right here and go ahead and put that right 11:50 in there very carefully. And you have to fill the two 11:53 litter bottle up right to the top, right to the lid, 11:55 right to the edge. Okay and now we're gonna put 11:58 the cap on, why don't you squeeze that cap on force. 12:00 Okay just put it on there. You might wanna hold it 12:02 with the other hand let's get real tight. 12:03 If its not tight it just won't work at all. 12:07 How we're doing there, it's pretty good, okay, 12:10 hey now we've got the eye dropper in here 12:12 and we got a bottle all set up, isn't that interesting, 12:14 can you see it in there. Oh it's hard to see because 12:17 it's kind of made out of the glass but it has that 12:19 rubber top. Now, what we're gonna do is this 12:21 we could ask this bottle the question, 12:24 you think it could read our minds. No, no, well lets 12:28 see lets all ask that little dropper to go down. 12:31 Lets ask it to go down, say down, down, 12:34 down it worked, you see that, 12:37 James that's interesting, look at that, somebody's 12:41 not thinking down, who's not thinking down. 12:43 Are you thinking down, help us let's go everybody 12:46 together down let's go down, think down. 12:49 Wow! Going to the bottom isn't that amazing 12:53 have you see anything like that before? 12:55 That's an interesting thing isn't? Wow! Now, 12:59 if you can't do that with an eye dropper 13:01 you know what else you might have around the house 13:03 that might work. How about a little package 13:06 of ketchup or hot sauce or something that comes 13:09 in this little packages. So, that's what we're gonna 13:11 do James why don't have grab a hold of this, 13:13 we're gonna take another bottle and let's put 13:15 that little package of hot sauce. I think that's what 13:19 that is we'll put it right in there okay just about 13:22 like that. I'm gonna put the cap on this, 13:24 now everybody has a eye dropper and then 13:27 we're going to, let's how about the down thing again, 13:30 can you think down, let's think it this time, think, 13:33 think it. Remember, think down, think down, 13:37 think down, think down. It hardly wants to go, 13:43 in fact it doesn't wanna go down does it. 13:44 I'm tell you what we're gonna do, 13:46 we're gonna use a little Fizz Keeper, 13:47 you have a little Fizz Keeper at home. 13:49 Keep all the carbonated beverage, 13:51 carbonated so it has all those bubbles in there, 13:54 so what we can do is we can pressurize the bottle 13:57 by putting air into it, look at that, 14:01 it's going down isn't. That's interesting, 14:03 you know what, we have a little air chamber 14:05 right here in our eye dropper don't we, 14:08 there's air in there when we squeeze the bottle. 14:11 The bottle squeezes on the air, the water inside 14:14 the bottle squeeze the air inside of the little eye 14:17 dropper and it compresses the air and so these 14:20 little divers get heavier and it goes down. 14:23 Did we trick you? Did we trick you? Yes, a little bit 14:27 didn't we? Now can anybody read your mind? 14:29 No, no, but you know what, God knows our very 14:34 thoughts doesn't he? That's right, so hey even 14:37 our thoughts should be pure shouldn't they? 14:39 We should have good thoughts all day along, God, 14:41 our friends can't read our thoughts. 14:43 Sometimes our friends know us really well and they 14:45 might know what we're thinking and they just guess 14:47 what we're thinking. But God always knows what our 14:50 thoughts are. Hey, every time we learn something 14:53 about science, we're learning something 14:55 new about our Creator and that's God. 15:11 That smells so good, doesn't it? Yes, you know 15:15 we have or so we have such a long journey and, 15:17 mother perhaps I should purchase some bread 15:19 for our trip, that I think that would be good. 15:21 Mother, would you like some fruit? Yes, yes I do, 15:25 I would enjoy that, well Ruth why don't I get that 15:28 the fruits while you go get the bread, okay. 15:31 Yes I will, and save some for our journey. 15:37 Okay, this should be enough, thank you so much 15:39 I'll be back as soon as I can. Mother dear, 15:41 shall we see if we have that, oh, yeah. 15:43 May I purchase bread please. Yeah. Thank you, 15:47 here you go, thank you, oh mother, 15:50 this is your favorite bread and it's just a little bit 15:54 warm smell. Oh, is that fresh that would be wonderful 15:59 for the trip don't you think? Oh it will, it will. 16:00 If have some, it's still a little bit warm, oh good, 16:03 put it in the basket. Oh! Mother, what is it like in 16:09 Bethlehem. It's beautiful, it is really beautiful 16:13 and the people are wonderful. The people 16:15 are very, very wonderful and they're God caring, 16:19 they will love you and you will love them. 16:21 So, it is a beautiful place. Yes it is, 16:24 is it as nice as Moab and everything we have here. 16:29 I think so, I believe it is, I want you to meet 16:31 my friends, yeah it is hard to say goodbye, 16:34 I saw you're saying goodbye, you should show 16:38 me the market, I know I come here all the time 16:40 but you must go back to your mothers land. 16:43 Oh! I really can't now, we just met, oh but you must, 16:47 you must. I am old, I'm very old and I'm too old 16:52 to have a husband, but you're still young 16:54 and I have no more sons for you. 16:57 You must go back, you must go back to your mothers 17:00 home. But we're not, we're not ready to be married, 17:02 we'll just stay with you and we'll take care 17:04 of you and do whatever you need. I'll be okay, 17:06 please I want what's best for you, please go back. 17:11 People always wanted what was best for us mother, 17:13 God will bless you, may God bless you and he has 17:16 and you have blessed me. Please go back, 17:22 mother you're so good to us, I, I love you very much. 17:26 Oh! Mother, I'm gonna to miss you so much, 17:31 you must go back, you must go back, God bless you, 17:36 God bless you, goodbye. You must go back, 17:41 you must go back with your sister, you must no. 17:45 Please, no mother you mustn't ask me to join 17:47 my sister-in-law. Please, my place is with you, 17:49 please you must not ask me to go back. 17:54 I love you too much, but I want to continue with you, 17:57 I want you to go back, please go back with Orpah. 18:00 Aunty, you must need us for some thing, 18:04 "for whither thou goest, I will go, and where ever 18:07 thou lodgest, I will lodge, thy people shall be my 18:12 people and thy God my God. Where ever thou be buried, 18:21 I too shall be buried, mother I must continue 18:26 with you to the land of your people," alright. 18:33 Wherever they're too rich for me, 18:35 you must not force this time, but I want you to go back. 18:38 I will go with you. Come now that's the path, 18:49 oh wait that's your bundle mother, 18:51 come let me take your bundle. 19:07 Rolled away, rolled away, rolled away 19:10 Every burden of my heart rolled away 19:14 Rolled away, rolled away, rolled away 19:19 Every burden of my heart rolled away 19:23 Everything had to go, 'Neath the crimson flow. Hallelujah. 19:31 Rolled away, rolled away, rolled away 19:35 Every burden of my heart rolled away 19:39 Rolled away, rolled away, rolled away 19:43 Every burden of my heart rolled away 19:47 Everything had to go, 'Neath the crimson flow. Hallelujah. 19:55 Rolled away, rolled away, rolled away 20:00 Every burden of my heart rolled away 20:03 Rolled away, rolled away, rolled away 20:08 Every burden of my heart rolled away 20:12 Every burden of my heart rolled away. 20:29 It's time for Miss Brenda's book of the day. 20:32 And today's book boys and girls it's Thor the Thunder 20:36 Cat by VeraLee Wiggins. I wanted mom Todd said, 20:40 this one needs me When the growly man offered 20:43 to pay Todd with the Siamese kitten for shoveling snow, 20:46 Todd pictured himself the proud owner of a sleek, 20:49 graceful pet. Now, as he looked down at the scruffy 20:52 runt in his hands, he wasn't so sure what he was 20:55 getting into. Wrapped in the loving care 20:57 of Todd and his family, the scrawny kitten wasted 21:00 no time transforming into the beautiful, 21:03 rambunctious Thor the "Thunder" cat. 21:06 And you're gonna wanna read this book Thor 21:08 the thunder cat by VeraLee Wiggins. Well, 21:12 I have not one but two very special guest with us 21:16 today and I would like you to meet them, 21:18 I have Eliam and Heimer, hi guys. Hi Mrs. Brenda, 21:23 well it's so nice to talk to you well right now before 21:26 we hear how you share Jesus I have someone 21:28 on the phone, you wanna talk to him. 21:30 Would you like that? Yes, alright we have John 21:33 on the phone and he is all the way from Pecos, Texas. 21:36 John are you there, hi Miss Brenda, 21:38 hi John it's so good to talk to you tell me John 21:40 what do you to share Jesus. Well, one Sabbath 21:44 afternoon after Church, me, my brother 21:48 and my cousin Erika we decided we were going 21:50 to visit my principal's father in the hospital, 21:53 he was there because of his kidney failure. 21:55 Oh! No, so what happened, well on the way 21:59 there we are said to we're gonna sing for him 22:01 and pray with him. And when we got there after 22:04 we sing a couple of songs there was another person 22:07 in the room, another patient there and his name 22:08 was Kenny and he asked if he could sing with us 22:10 and we prayed with him too. Oh! and on the way home 22:14 yes, we decided that we're gonna, 22:17 we got home we're gonna make cards for them 22:19 and so after cards were done. 22:22 We will back to hospital and give it to them 22:24 and then we also pray with them again oh! 22:27 That was wonderful, you know that is such a 22:30 wonderful thing to do that other boys and girls 22:32 could do too. So thank you for sharing that John. 22:34 I wanna encourage you to keep sharing Jesus okay. 22:37 Okay, bye, bye now, bye. Oh! That was wonderful 22:41 and you know I particularly like boys and girls 22:43 was that John not only witness to once to them 22:45 he went home make some cards and went back 22:47 and sang and witnessed again. 22:49 And that was a great idea, I'd like to encourage 22:51 you to try that too. Well I would like to talk 22:54 with out guest here today we have Eliam here 22:56 and his brother Heimer and Eliam, what do you to share 22:59 Jesus. I go into our Church other rows and we give 23:03 people magazines about Jesus and sometimes 23:08 I read the Bible to my brother. To your brother 23:10 and this is your brother next to you isn't he? 23:14 And what's your brothers name? Heimer, 23:16 Heimer hi Heimer, hi what do you do to share Jesus? 23:22 I got to peoples door's and I knock at the doors 23:25 and give them stuff and I pray and my dad prays too, 23:32 to some people that don't have food. 23:35 Oh! That's wonderful and do you tell them that Jesus 23:39 loves them? Yes. You do, and that's wonderful, 23:44 your daddy is a preacher right? Yes. 23:47 So, you're used to go and witnessing with your daddy, 23:50 yes, that's good and do you like to pray to Jesus yes. 23:53 That's wonderful, what's your favorite song? 23:58 You tell me, you love to sing what's your favorite 24:00 song you like to sing. You like Jesus loves me, 24:04 yes, I like that too and I think all the boys and girls 24:07 around the world know that song don't they. 24:09 Well, I have some letters here to read boys and girls 24:11 and this one is from Jamaica and let's see 24:14 who's writing from Jamaica and oh we have got 24:17 a picture, Eli, would you hold that up for me. 24:18 And let see what this one letter says, 24:21 says dear Miss Brenda, my name is Michelle 24:23 and I'm nine-years-old and my brothers name is Garrett, 24:26 and he is seven-years-old. And we are from Kingston, 24:29 Jamaica and we love to watch Kid's Time 24:31 and hear about Jesus and I love Jesus so much 24:34 that my mommy and I wrote a song about him. 24:37 And I really would like to know a lot more about Jesus, 24:40 could you sign me up for the Kid's Club Bible studies 24:42 please. Thank you very much love, Michelle. 24:46 Well, Michelle I would be happy to sing you up for 24:48 the Bible studies and I thank you for your letter 24:50 and your picture. I wanna encourage you to keep 24:52 sharing Jesus everywhere where you go. 24:54 Alright this letter is from Stephanie and it's, 24:56 she's from Clare, Michigan and oh! She send a nice 25:00 little card here she made me, I'm gonna tear this 25:02 so you can hold this up for me there you go. 25:05 Dear Miss Brenda, my name is Stephanie 25:07 and I'm four-years-old and I enjoy watching Kid's Time 25:10 and I'll be very happy if I could be in your program 25:13 some day. I'd like to tell you that in my home 25:16 Kid's Time is special and we always have 25:19 a special time to pray for those who needs 25:21 special help or sick and I also help my mom. 25:24 I love Jesus very much love, Stephanie. 25:27 Oh! That's a wonderful letter thank you Stephanie 25:29 and I have another letter here, and 25:33 lets see this is a picture can you hold this one up 25:35 for me Eliam. This says Dear Miss Brenda, 25:38 my name is Justin and I live in Washington 25:40 and I like the forest background of Kid's Time 25:43 it's very nice, the best time I like on Kid's Time 25:46 is when the kids are singing and can I have an 25:48 activity book. I share Jesus by visiting the elderly 25:51 in their homes and I also sing to them. 25:53 in their homes and I also sing to them. 25:54 Your friend Justin, lets see if we have one time 25:56 real quick email. Hi I'm writing from Great Britain 25:59 and I love watching Kid's Time and I love Jesus 26:01 and I tell all my friends at school about him, 26:03 I'm seven-years-old and my name is Ethio Apocalypto, 26:07 thank you for Kid's Time, I want a Bible study please, 26:11 thank you, Ethio. Well, thank you Ethio, 26:13 for your email and yes, we will get you signed up 26:16 for those Bible studies, well we have run out of time 26:18 today boys and girls. But I wanna thank Eliam 26:20 for being with us and Heimer, keep sharing Jesus 26:23 won't you. Boys and girls remember, 26:25 wherever you go whatever you do, 26:26 it's Kid's Time to share Jesus. |
Revised 2014-12-17