Kids' Time

Jacob And Esau

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000223

00:03 It's time to share there is a world out there
00:07 looking for a friend like Jesus, it's time to share
00:12 there is a world out there. Let's tell them that
00:14 He loves us so. Let's tell them that He
00:18 loves us so. Kids Time, Kids Time, Kids Time.
00:25 Hi boys and girls, today I like to show you a
00:27 picture of my brothers and sisters. In this picture
00:30 you will see my mom in the background and
00:32 my two brothers up in front. There's my brother
00:34 Jim and I am just gonna go around the circle
00:36 here behind brother Jim is my sister Cinda then
00:39 there is Miss Brenda my mom. My sister Linda
00:42 and then my baby brother Kenny and it's my
00:45 baby brother Kenny that I am gonna talk to you
00:46 about today. You know I'm so blessed and grown
00:49 up with two brothers and two sisters and I love
00:51 them so much and you know what I know they
00:53 love me too, but even the most loving brothers
00:55 and sisters some times do have disagreements
00:58 and when you have disagreements you can hurt
01:00 each other very deeply without even meaning to.
01:03 Well I wanna tell you about my brother Kenny.
01:06 When I was just a young girl I loved to bake
01:09 delicious things in the oven in fact, if there was
01:12 anything that went in the oven I wanted to bake it.
01:15 I loved taking things to Potlucks at church too and
01:18 I liked how the people at church would always
01:20 brag at how, what a wonderful baker I was.
01:23 And I kind of liked that and I kind of liked the
01:25 attention they gave me, which isn't always good,
01:27 because you know what? You get all puffed up
01:29 with pride and that's not right. Well my little
01:33 brother Kenny whenever I was baking he wanted
01:35 to be right there in the kitchen with me and
01:37 some times I didn't always wanted him by me in
01:40 the kitchen because it was hard to keep him out
01:41 from stirring and slopping it around and everything.
01:44 I wasn't always patient with him and I some times
01:47 I told him I didn't want him to help me and he
01:49 want to be up there and please he wanted to
01:51 help anyway. Well one time when I was making
01:54 I guess, I think Kenny was about five years old
01:57 and he decided he was gonna help me bake in the
01:59 kitchen. Now I didn't really want him to,
02:01 but he was decided he was gonna help me,
02:04 so he sat up on the corner and he was watching
02:07 me he says, you know, bake my cookies.
02:10 Well unbeknownst to me he did a little more
02:13 than watch. He helped a little too much,
02:15 but I didn't find out until we went to the Potluck
02:18 at church and everyone looked at my beautiful
02:20 cookies and they said oh these cookies look so
02:23 delicious and then they started take a bite out
02:25 of them and you know what they did.
02:27 They went out and they started spitting them out.
02:32 I was so amazed I didn't know what the matter
02:34 was. My brother Kenny when I wasn't looking
02:38 at him poured a whole lot of salt in my cookies
02:41 and even though they looked delicious they
02:44 tasted terrible. Oh my I was so upset with Kenny.
02:47 I was so, that he had embarrassed me in front
02:50 of those people at church and I was so mad at him,
02:54 poor Kenny. You know, I eventually realized
02:56 how wrong I was to hold a grudge against him
02:59 and I forgave him. He didn't mean to dump the
03:02 salt in my cookies. He thought he was helping me
03:04 and, you know what, he forgave me for being
03:07 so angry. You know boys and girls I am so
03:09 thankful for forgiveness, aren't you?
03:11 Forgiveness helped me and my brother and it
03:13 changed our hearts and our attitudes towards each
03:15 other and forgiveness is like that. Our Bible story
03:19 today is about that kind of forgiveness and how
03:21 it changed one man's heart toward his brother.
03:25 Maybe it will help you forgive someone who hurts you.
03:28 Because it makes Jesus happy when we choose to
03:30 forgive doesn't it. Well right now its time
03:33 for Ranger Jim let's see what he has for us today.
03:43 Hi boys and girls, Ranger Jim saying welcome
03:45 to Nature Time. We're glad you can join us today;
03:47 we're at Southern Adventist University at
03:49 Collegedale, Tennessee. We are out in this
03:51 beautiful scene and there's cars behind us or
03:53 traffic can be here, but we are going to be
03:55 talking about a special time with my friend Korine
03:58 today. Korine, what are we doing today?
04:00 Today we are talking about some of the most
04:02 beautiful places and things. Have you boys and
04:06 girls ever been out Sabbath afternoon hike,
04:08 it's one of my favorite things. Mine too, I love it.
04:12 My favorite thing to do though is to hike
04:14 beside water. Creeks, streams, lakes right,
04:18 the ocean all of those places. Neat thing about
04:21 the ocean is that you can find shells and all
04:25 kinds of neat things as well as like animal tracks.
04:28 You can find places where animals have left
04:31 their mark. Why would that be? The reason for
04:34 that is because they love the water the same
04:39 as we do, as well as they need the water,
04:42 it's the place where they can get food,
04:44 shelter and they are able then to leave and
04:48 show us and if we're patient, if we're patient we
04:52 may actually see the animals come back again.
04:55 Yeah, yeah that would be. That's a neat thing
04:56 to do and go for, our children like to use to go,
04:59 we had a stream near by and we would walk
05:01 there and they would go up, they could collect
05:03 everything. Weed flowers along on the bank,
05:06 or what have you. Then there will be a shallow
05:08 place and a muddy place and there what could
05:10 you see there? One of my favorite things to
05:13 collect is stones. You could find the most wonderful
05:17 stone in creeks and brooks. This is a stone that
05:22 I found in a brook and if you'll notice it's fairly
05:29 smooth. It is, it is very smooth. Isn't it?
05:34 It also has neat little markings and these are
05:37 actually called quartz and these quartz are
05:42 actually crystals and they're beautiful.
05:45 They are beautiful it look like little tiny diamonds,
05:47 don't they. The water has done this to it.
05:50 It has smoothed it down, it has made it so that
05:53 all those sharp edges are gone. I have some
05:56 more stones. This one's not quite as smooth.
06:01 It still has some rough edges. Do you think?
06:02 It does it has some holes in it and looks like
06:05 the water worked on it, but it must have been
06:07 made out of tougher stuff because it's not quite
06:09 as smooth as it was before. Right. If you like
06:14 to play in the water this is the way to go.
06:17 This is a skipping stone. Skip the stone right,
06:21 I love it. This is great for standing beside a Creek
06:25 or a Lake and you just don't know what to do.
06:27 It's Sabbath afternoon this is great.
06:29 You can get out there and throw that skipping
06:32 stone and see how far you can make it fly.
06:35 How many times you skip 1, 2, 3, 4 the big contest
06:38 8 or 9 times you cast it after it goes through
06:40 like that. The wonderful things about these stones
06:44 is that the water has made them each into
06:46 something unique and beautiful. Right.
06:49 And you know God has the tendency to work on
06:52 our hearts and make us smooth out all those
06:54 rough edges. Yeah he made, just like the
06:56 water does to the stone. Just take all those rough
06:59 edges and polish it and polish it and polish it.
07:03 I just by chance happen to have one here,
07:06 see this one, isn't this a beauty, and that's
07:08 beautiful. Now, that's beautiful. Now Ranger
07:09 Jim took this one from the time it was very rough
07:13 had lot of debris on it. Like with boys and girls
07:16 and older boys and girls even like Ranger Jim
07:18 we may have bad habits. We may have temper
07:21 tantrums, or those kind of things as they're
07:24 polished away from us. We become more Christ
07:27 like and if we become more Christ like we become
07:29 more beautiful. So we can learn so many lessons
07:32 from that and when we were talking about that,
07:35 I couldn't recall when our children were very young,
07:38 their favorite thing to do was also Sabbath
07:41 Afternoon walks and hikes. So thank you so
07:43 much for coming in and talking to us about this,
07:46 so boys and girls I hope you will go on a Nature
07:49 Hike every Sabbath afternoon, look for the
07:51 tracks, look for the stones and all of these
07:54 things. And enjoy them because God wants us
07:57 to see those things and see his handy work,
08:00 and that's what it's all about. So Ranger Jim
08:02 is always saying boys and girls don't
08:05 forget to tell Jesus you love him
08:06 because he really does love you.
08:17 The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want.
08:20 He maketh me to lie down in green pastures.
08:23 His sheep am I. In God's green pastures feeding,
08:31 by His cool waters lie,
08:34 Soft in the evening walk my Lord and I;
08:37 All the sheep of His pasture
08:39 fare so wondrously fine, His sheep am I.
08:46 Waters cool pastures green,
08:50 In the evening walk my Lord and I;
08:54 Dark the night, rough the way,
08:58 Step by step, my Lord and I.
09:19 Waters cool pastures green,
09:23 In the evening walk my Lord and I;
09:27 Dark the night, rough the way,
09:32 Step by step, my Lord and I.
09:36 In God's green pastures feeding, by His cool
09:39 waters lie, Soft in the evening walk my Lord and I;
09:44 All the sheep of His pasture fare so wondrously
09:48 fine, His sheep am I.
10:02 Welcome to Learning Time, thanks for come and
10:05 buy hey I'm gonna teach you a really,
10:08 really neat science trick. Would you like
10:10 to learn it? And would you like one? Yes.
10:13 Well I have got two helpers with me.
10:15 Here I have got Jayden and Lenny.
10:16 Would you two like to learn a science trick?
10:18 Yes. Well you know some people think that this
10:21 is magic. But you know, I don't magic,
10:23 because I do science, but you know sometimes
10:26 science looks like it's magic doesn't it?
10:28 Well, it's gonna look like it's magic today.
10:30 In fact, I have given you something and I want
10:33 you to check these pieces of equipment out.
10:35 What's this? A chain right, this happens to be a
10:39 chain in fact it's a ball chain because it looks like
10:42 it's made out of little balls isn't it? So it has
10:44 a name. Everything has a name, now we are
10:47 gonna take that chain, we are gonna put it,
10:49 we're gonna take these fingers and we gonna
10:50 put the chain right over, just like that.
10:52 Can you do that? That's exactly right.
10:55 Now I have this little ring right here and I'm
10:57 gonna take the ring and I'm gonna hold it
10:58 in my hand just like I was making a okay sign.
11:01 You make that sign don't you? It's just okay
11:04 right, okay, alright. Now, as you hold it like the
11:07 okay sign, I want you to put the chain
11:10 right inside of the ring. You got it?
11:13 That's exactly right, now what we are gonna
11:16 do is I'm gonna, what would happen if I
11:18 just let the ring go. What would happen?
11:21 You think we drop? Shall we try it?
11:23 Okay so I'm gonna let it go and it's gonna
11:25 slide right down the chain and it dropped you
11:28 were right. It drops down. Now why does it
11:30 drop down rather than dropping up?
11:34 What pulls things down? Gravity, Gravity pulls
11:38 things down. It pulls you down and me down.
11:40 Now hey, but lets watch that one more time,
11:44 now I'm not gonna play a trick on you really.
11:48 I'm gonna use some really interesting science.
11:50 Do you like science, don't you Lenny?
11:52 What do you like most of all about science?
11:54 You like to do things experiments?
11:57 Yeah. Yeah, what about you Jayden? Yeah.
12:00 You like experiments too and to make things.
12:02 Oh well I think that's interesting too.
12:05 Now today I'm going to have you watch my hands
12:09 very, very quickly, I'm gonna do something,
12:11 but you what my fingers never leave my hand.
12:16 They don't, they stay right on my hand,
12:17 but something is gonna happen that's gonna
12:19 be hard for you to figure out. I'm gonna drop
12:21 my ring and you see what happens when I
12:24 drop my ring. Here it goes, give me a 3,
12:26 2, 1 guys. 3, 2, 1, and I will drop them,
12:31 well what happened? It got stuck; it got tied up
12:35 on the ring. Hey, can you try that?
12:38 Give it a try. Drop yours, can you get yours all
12:40 tied up on your chain. Did you do it?
12:43 Well try it. Drop it, well try it again.
12:47 Try to get it, Lenny, you got to try this thing.
12:49 We got to learn this. This is a science trick.
12:52 Look at, she got it. That's wonderful.
12:54 Are you guys doing it? Let's go put it here.
12:56 Lets try it again. We gonna put it right there
12:59 and then we gonna drop it and 3, 2, 1 and
13:03 we drop it in well and it gets tied up.
13:06 Now do you know how you can learn that trick?
13:09 Do you know how you guys can learn that trick,
13:11 so you can do it every time. Well here's the secret.
13:13 What you do is you will never give up because
13:16 if you give up you will never be able to learn the
13:19 trick. Well you're gonna have to work on that
13:21 trick and you can get a ring and a piece of
13:24 chain like this and practice that trick.
13:27 You can know, that reminds me of something
13:29 that's very important and that is gravity.
13:32 How many of you ever thought that gravity was
13:34 real important? Have you ever thought about
13:35 gravity before? Well, I gonna tell you something
13:39 interesting about gravity. If it wasn't for gravity
13:42 you know what you and I couldn't even live.
13:45 You know why we couldn't live if there wasn't any
13:47 gravity. There's no, what? Air. That's right.
13:51 There would be any air. Jayden, you're right,
13:54 because gravity pulls the air down and keeps the
13:57 air down here on planet earth, so that we can
14:00 breath it. If the air goes up and there wasn't
14:02 gravity. We wouldn't even have any air because
14:05 the air would just float in the space and that wouldn't
14:08 be a good thing. Wouldn't it? No. Well, God knew
14:11 exactly what he was doing. When he created
14:13 air and when he created gravitational pulls
14:17 that gravitation pull keeps the air down here,
14:20 so that we can breath. Isn't that a good thing?
14:22 Yeah. Every time we learn something new
14:25 about science. We learn something
14:26 new about our creator God.
14:40 There was a great findings. Yes it was.
14:43 Hello boys, stand up, we brought you furs,
14:46 Simon, how are you? Good to see you.
14:48 I see you get some furs for me. Do you have
14:51 some shekels for us? Well here how much do you want.
14:56 Well I don't know 40 shekels. 40 shekels?
15:00 How about 35. 35, Simon, are you some
15:05 kind of jokester or perhaps a story teller.
15:09 Well speaking of stories have you heard what
15:12 happen to our Master Esau? Esau?
15:14 Yes, Esau he's a changed man. He's nicer,
15:17 kinder, even more polite. Esau, kind, polite.
15:23 It all started with the bunch of stinking sheep.
15:26 Is he in the sheep business now?
15:28 No, but it wasn't just sheep, it was oxen too.
15:31 There were gifts from his brother Jacob.
15:35 His brother Jacob is back. Yes, well tell me about
15:40 it. When Esau found out that Jacob was
15:43 sending him these gifts and he was quote,
15:45 he was furious. Now you remember Jacob's
15:47 the one who did him wrong. Who stole his birth
15:50 right. Right. Well Esau got all of us together
15:53 and he said grab your swords boys,
15:55 we're going for out. We were going out for revenge.
15:57 We were ready to fight. We were prepared.
15:59 Did you do it? Well we got stopped.
16:03 What stopped you? A dream, a dream,
16:06 see it was nightfall we were ready to go,
16:08 but well the Sun set and we had to make camp.
16:11 Esau had a dream and in the dream he saw
16:13 Jacob and he saw Jacob sad because his
16:16 mother has died and sad because he had
16:18 been away from home for 20 years,
16:21 but even more important in that he saw angels,
16:24 guarding Jacob's camp all the way around,
16:27 angels around the entire camp. He woke us
16:30 up in the middle of the night and he said man,
16:32 we can't attack Jacob. He is protected by the
16:35 Lord Almighty. Yeah, you can't fight angels, no,
16:39 no way to it. Well we don't know what to do
16:42 so, but Esau still wanted to see his brother,
16:45 so we went to Jacob's camp and then in the
16:48 distance I saw an older looking man hunched over
16:51 and crippled and very pale. Who was that?
16:55 It was Jacob. Can you imagine, Jacob, crippled and
16:58 old. When Esau went up to him and Jacob fell
17:02 down before him seven times and he said something
17:05 about my brother, you are my master and I'm
17:08 your servant, but what's even more than that,
17:11 he was crying in front of him, Esau crying?
17:14 Melt down and was crying. I thought Esau was
17:18 shaking with rage, but he was overcome with
17:21 emotion and he bent down and I thought for
17:24 sure Jacob was gone. Wow, and he picked him
17:27 up in a great big hug. They hugged each other?
17:31 They did. They did. Esau even kissed his neck.
17:35 He did, wow. We told you he is a changed man
17:39 Esau is. I guess so, what do you suppose changed
17:43 him. He no longer holds the grudge in his heart.
17:48 Maybe he finally met the God of his fathers and
17:50 he decided to forgive his brother. Forgive,
17:53 dream helped him. Forgiveness is what changed
17:56 him. Yeah. Forgiveness is why he is nicer man.
18:00 Wow! What a story. The change that happens in
18:03 people when they forgive is amazing and he is
18:05 no longer bitter. No. He is a happier man,
18:08 he is. Speaking of being happier I have been lot
18:11 happy if you give me 40 shekels for these furs.
18:15 How about 37? Okay. That's what I got in my
18:22 purse. Well good. I was lucky to have that
18:26 much with me today. I didn't know you boys
18:29 were coming. Wow. Look at that, 37 shekels. 37.
18:37 Thank you Samson. You go back and say hi
18:40 to Esau for me. Will do. You give him my best
18:42 regards. We're all happy he's no longer angry.
19:01 Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty!
19:12 Early in the morning our song shall rise to Thee.
19:22 Holy, holy, holy, merciful and mighty!
19:32 God over all who rules eternity,
19:58 Holy, Holy, Holy Angels adore thee
20:09 Casting down their bright crowns around the glassy
20:16 sea; Thousands and ten thousands, worship will
20:26 before thee. Which wert, and art, and evermore shalt
20:37 be. Holy, holy, holy! Though the darkness hide Thee,
20:52 Though the eye of man Thy glory may not see;
21:03 Only Thou art holy; there is none beside Thee,
21:13 Perfect in power, in love, and purity.
21:23 Perfect in power, in love and,
21:28 love and purity. Holy O God.
21:50 Its time for Miss Brenda's Book of the Day.
21:54 And boys and girls I have a nice book for
21:56 all your tiny tots out there "Let's Play Make
21:59 Believe" a lesson about heaven by Paul B.
22:01 Ricchiuti, and it says God lives in heaven and
22:04 do you why? You can live there with him forever
22:06 if you want to. So can mommy and daddy and
22:09 just think way beyond the moon and stars and
22:12 the sun is the special home that belongs to you
22:15 to if and that little word is so important if you love
22:20 Jesus with all your heart. Little tiny tots you're
22:23 gonna love this book Let's Play Make Believe,
22:25 a lesson about heaven by Paul B. Ricchiuti.
22:28 Well boys and girls I can hardly wait to talk to
22:31 our guests that here today. Joshua Lance.
22:33 Hi, Joshua, hello. Joshua I'm excited you said your
22:37 Aunt Sonia recently went to, came to visit you.
22:40 Yes. And she talked with some people with you
22:43 and tell me about your experience? Yes.
22:45 We have a little beach down at the end of our
22:47 neighborhood and so went down talk to this lady
22:50 that kind of watches over everything and I sang
22:53 for her, I sang, make me a servant and we give
22:55 her a little bookmark. With the scripture on it,
22:58 yes, with the scripture on it and we told about
23:00 her about 3ABN she had asked about what it stood
23:02 for, so I told her the Three Angels Broadcasting
23:04 Network and so I said you know Three Angels
23:07 Broadcasting Networks the three angel's message.
23:09 Right, had she heard of the Three Angels Message.
23:12 Oh I think she had 'cause she said yes,
23:14 and then she said that it gave her goosebumps
23:16 when I was sang for her so, and then just after
23:20 that we went to camp meeting and that's when
23:22 she went with us too, right, and I sang at a
23:25 Seventh-Day Adventist church. And you sang for
23:27 the main auditorium at the camp. Yes, I sang
23:29 for the main auditorium, a big old giant room and
23:32 there were lots of people where you really nerves.
23:34 Oh, yes, there were lots of people not at all,
23:35 it was fun and so I was sang there and then I
23:38 went to the junior division where we had meetings
23:40 and it was really fun, and, you sang for some
23:43 teenagers too, didn't you? Yes, actually not,
23:46 I sang for them in the auditorium when the
23:48 teenagers were there. Okay and they asked as if
23:50 I was singing, they said wow. I thought teenagers
23:53 didn't want to be around little kids so I was
23:55 like wow. I mean you know. So, you were able
23:57 to witness to them about Jesus too? Yes,
23:59 but I didn't have time to come and sing there,
24:01 and the kids really and kids really enjoyed it and
24:05 give the glory to God. That's right, 'cause when
24:08 we sing about Jesus it's always about Jesus
24:10 right? Yes. And which one of your favorite songs
24:13 did you sing? I love you Lord and face to face is
24:16 one of my favorites. It has such emotion in it and
24:20 what other songs, and seek ye first.
24:25 I like that one too. Yes, and make me a servant
24:28 too, I love that one where your sang give me,
24:29 give them all to Jesus. Yes, I think I sang that
24:32 one, yes, I did sing that one. You did?
24:34 And a lot of people came up to me and said how
24:36 much they loved it and Jesus helps me with
24:40 everything that I do and he helps me do my best
24:44 I can and it was really fun, I had a great time.
24:47 Oh that's wonderful. Well I have a few letters to
24:50 read and, lets see, this one is from Angelina from
24:54 Roscoe, Illinois and it says oh there is a picture.
24:57 Can you hold that up for me Joshua, please?
24:59 It says dear Miss Brenda, my name is Angelina
25:02 and I'm six years old and I live in Roscoe, Illinois.
25:04 I have an older sister Ashley and another sister,
25:08 Alexandra and I love to watch your show.
25:11 My mom and I talk about Jesus all the time
25:13 and we sing about Jesus and we sing that song
25:16 Jesus lets me do you know it. Yes, I do.
25:18 Then it says we pray to Jesus and I know he
25:21 will bless you because we are praying that he
25:22 will bless the children and everyone that loves
25:24 Jesus. I thank Jesus for you. Love, Angelina.
25:28 Well thank you and you know what I would
25:29 appreciate your prayers. I always love it when you
25:32 boys and girls, when you pray for me too and
25:33 pray for kids and all the kids that watch Kids Time
25:36 okay. This is from Woodstock, Virginia,
25:41 it says dear Miss Brenda thank you for all the
25:43 programs, I really enjoyed watching them and
25:45 I share Jesus by helping my grandma in the
25:47 kitchen and by being nice to people who are not
25:50 nice to me. Could you please sign up me for Kids
25:53 Club and I like those Bible studies place.
25:55 I also shared Jesus with my brothers.
25:57 I'm seven and my brothers are 11 and 4,
25:59 your friend, Britney Rose and I love Jesus.
26:03 Well thank you Britney Rose, I'm so glad you love
26:05 Jesus. Boys and girls, I want you to know you
26:07 can join Kids Club too and when you do I'm
26:09 gonna send you one of these beautiful Kids Time
26:12 Bibles and you're gonna want one of these.
26:14 There it's a wonderful Bible. Well that's all the
26:17 time we have today boys and girls,
26:18 but I want to thank you for joining us.
26:20 Thank you Joshua for being with us today,
26:22 keep sharing Jesus okay. I will. Boys and girls
26:25 I wanna encourage you wherever you go whatever
26:28 you do keep that smile on your face,
26:30 that love of Jesus in your heart because
26:31 it's Kids Time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17