Kids' Time

Mary Magdalene

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000220

00:01 It's time to share, there's a world out there, looking for a
00:07 friend like Jesus. It's time to share, there's a world out there
00:12 let's tell them that he loves us so, let's tell them that he
00:18 loves us so. Kids Time, Kids Time, Kids Time
00:23 Hi boys and girls! Imagine for a minute that you
00:27 had committed a terrible crime. Maybe you stole some money and
00:31 you were caught in the act. Because you were caught
00:33 red handed, no one even bothered to hold a trial to determine
00:37 whether or not you were really guilty.
00:39 Instead, the police just come right to your house in the night
00:42 drag you out of your bed and into the centre of you town.
00:45 And then they gather all the town's people together and
00:48 including all your friends.
00:50 As you lay in the street, the police declared you guilty
00:53 and ordered everyone to stone you!
00:56 Then all the people, your friends included,
00:58 start picking up rocks and stones and they just start
01:01 throwing them at you harder and harder and
01:03 they are hitting you on the head, back, legs, everywhere,
01:06 until you are just hurting all over!
01:09 I am sure you would feel scared and ashamed to think that
01:12 it could happen to you!
01:13 Oh how thankful you would be if someone suddenly appeared
01:16 and convinced everyone to stop with what they were doing.
01:19 And then this person look into your eyes with great kindness
01:23 and help you to your feet and say: "Go and sin no more!"
01:27 Now do you think you'd run out the next day and go rob
01:31 someone again? I don't think so!
01:33 I think you'd be so thankful for another chance at life,
01:36 that you'd want to do everything you could to just live right!
01:40 You'd really want to know about the wonderful
01:43 stranger who saved your life, wouldn't you?
01:46 That's how this woman in our Bible story today felt.
01:49 And we will hear a friend of her's tell the whole story
01:52 in just a little while.
01:54 But right now let's go to the garden with Miss Emily!
01:56 Garden Time
02:08 Hey boys and girls!
02:10 You caught me drinking a lot of water!
02:11 Wow, whenever I am working outside in a hot sun,
02:14 you have to make sure that you drink a lot of water so make
02:18 sure that you have a big dug like mine full of ice cold
02:21 water! I was really thirsty!
02:22 But you know who else gets really thirsty in the garden?
02:25 Plants need a lot of water to grow and there's a couple
02:28 of reasons why plants need a lot of water.
02:30 Plants need water to grow big and strong and tall.
02:35 You can see here, my plants grow big and tall so can tell that
02:38 they are getting a lot of water and a lot of sun!
02:40 Because plants need sunlight, water and nutrients to grow
02:43 big and tall.
02:44 Plants also need water so they can grow deep roots, and roots
02:49 grow down in the soil, really deep.
02:52 So there's a couple rules of watering that I wanna go over
02:55 with you today, boys and girls, so you make sure that you're
02:58 watering your garden the very best!
02:59 Now, I like the container-garden so a lot of the plants that are
03:04 growing in pots, that's when I am talking about
03:06 container-gardens, they can be watered with more of a
03:09 watering can. And I have my very special favorite watering can
03:13 here, and you wanna make sure that you have a big opening here
03:16 with a lot of holes. Because you want it to come out
03:20 very gently so whenever you water, the watering can
03:23 filled up with water and just make sure you're watering down
03:27 by the roots. You wanna make sure the water gets all
03:31 the way down to the roots, especially in your containers.
03:33 These containers are planted with annual flowers.
03:37 Annual flowers have really shallow root systems,
03:41 so these are probably gonna have to check out every single day!
03:44 And there's a few tips I'm gonna go over with you about
03:47 how to know when to water!
03:48 So the first thing that you wanna do is: you need to use
03:52 your hand! That is the best tool, a gardener can have!
03:56 All you do is reach in and if it feels a little bit dry,
03:59 that's a good sign that you need to water.
04:01 Another good sign is: sometimes you might see your plant's
04:05 leaves kind of curling down and they don't look very happy!
04:08 That's probably because they are wilting. Whenever they are
04:12 wilting, they need a good drink of water!
04:14 Normally come right back up in a couple of minutes.
04:17 Now the last tip that I wanna remind you about watering
04:21 is, if you water in containers or the ground or the vegetable
04:25 garden, it's a good time to water the best in
04:29 early morning or late afternoon because it's not very hot during
04:31 during those times and you don't want a lot of water sitting
04:34 on your leaves. If you have a big garden like I do,
04:37 you might need to use a hose to water your garden.
04:40 And I have a hose right here and you wanna make sure that you
04:44 a special attachment at the end that has a nice big area,
04:49 where the water comes out.
04:50 Whenever you're watering with the hose, you wanna make sure
04:53 that you stand far enough away from the plant that you're
04:55 not gonna blast it up from the ground and also,
04:58 you want your water to come in a nice sprinkle.
05:00 Remember, just like when watering containers, you wanna
05:03 make sure that you keep the water close to the roots.
05:05 So I'm gonna go ahead and turn on my hose and teach you
05:08 how to water!
05:09 When I normally do, I just kind of stand back and water and I
05:15 point more towards the roots of the plant.
05:18 Now I'm gonna keep watering here, and believe me,
05:21 it takes a long time to water all of my plants.
05:23 But first, I wanna encourage you every day, boys and girls,
05:26 to sow the seeds of God's love!
05:29 Music Time
05:35 Blow the trumpet in Sion and sound an alarm in my holy
05:40 mountain, let all the inhabitants of the land tremble
05:44 for the day of the Lord is coming for it is at hand.
05:47 Look to me and be saved, all ye ends of the earth:
05:51 for I am God, and there is no other.
05:53 Joel 2:1 and Isaiah 45:22.
05:57 "Climb, Climb Up Sunshine Mountain"
06:04 Climb, climb up sunshine mountain, heavenly breezes blow
06:12 Climb, climb up sunshine mountain, faces all aglow
06:19 Turn, turn from sin and dark too look to God on high
06:26 Climb, climb up sunshine mountain, you and I.
06:33 Climb, climb up sunshine mountain, heavenly breezes blow
06:41 Climb, climb up sunshine mountain, faces all aglow
06:48 Turn, turn from sin and dark too look to God on high
06:55 Climb, climb up sunshine mountain, you and I.
07:06 Learning Time
07:12 Welcome to Learning Time!
07:13 Thanks for tuning in!
07:15 Hey! We got a special program for you!
07:17 I've got two special helpers. I've got Britney and
07:20 I've got Noah! Thanks for helping us today!
07:22 Now I'm gonna ask some questions and in fact I want you to
07:25 answer the same question!
07:27 Britney, did you bring a simple machine with you today?
07:29 - Yes! - Okay! Did you too Noah?
07:32 - Hmm... - Not too sure!
07:34 - Did you bring a simple machine with you?
07:35 - No! - Well you know we have lots of
07:37 simple machines? A lot of people don't think about what
07:40 simple machines really are!
07:41 Simple machines just make work a lot easier for us...
07:45 Do you know that in your body, you have simple machines in
07:49 your body? Our body is made of several
07:51 several different types of simple machines.
07:53 Today we're gonna talk about one of those.
07:55 I want you to locate yours too!
07:57 I've got something right here and let's check this out!
08:00 Do you know what this is?
08:01 What is this?
08:02 What is it?
08:04 - It's an arm? - It's an arm!
08:06 - Have you ever needed another arm or another hand?
08:09 Wouldn't that be handy if you just had three hands instead
08:12 of two? It might get in you way!
08:14 I don't know!
08:15 This happens to be an arm. In fact, I want you to check
08:17 your arms out! Let's put them straight down
08:20 by our sides like this! Let's go ahead and bend our
08:24 arms up just like this, and down and up! Down and up!
08:28 Little exercise! Isn't that cool?
08:31 Now! What's happening with your arm?
08:34 It bends because we have what we call a focal.
08:37 Now this happens to be a model of your arm.
08:39 It's made out of plastic. If I put this right here by
08:42 Britney's hand... Look at there!
08:43 It matches her arm! In fact, it looks like your arm!
08:46 It's about the same length!
08:47 Isn't it Britney? - Yes!
08:48 - You want another hand? No! Probably not!
08:51 - No!
08:52 - As Britney moves her arm up like this, notice what happens!
08:56 The bone arm also moves!
08:58 We'll put it down. Now where is the arm pivoting?
09:01 Right here! What is this called right there?
09:03 What is that thing?
09:05 - Elbow! - It's your elbow of course!
09:07 And that makes what we call a focal!
09:09 That's where something turns.
09:11 We're gonna bend our arms up again, okay, and down, and
09:16 that is what is happening!
09:17 We have a very strong muscle on our humerus.
09:20 This is our big bone of the upper arm right here.
09:23 I want you to take one of your hands and I want you to
09:26 put it right there on that big muscle. Can you do that?
09:29 Right here!
09:30 Put it on your big muscle Noah! Right up here.
09:31 Then we're gonna take our arm and we're gonna bend our arm up,
09:34 just like that!
09:36 Can you feel that muscle changing shape?
09:39 Can you feel it?
09:40 - Yes!
09:41 As you arm comes up, that muscle shortens and it kind of
09:45 boulders out a little bit!
09:46 That is what brings our lower arm up.
09:49 Now that muscle attaches to two bones right here.
09:52 On your thumb side it's the radius and here,
09:54 hold that right here!
09:55 On the thumb side it's our radius and on our little
09:58 finger's side it's our ulna
10:00 bone. Those muscles attach right there Britney!
10:02 As that muscles shortens, it brings our lower arm up,
10:06 just like that!
10:07 That's how we can bend our elbow!
10:10 Isn't that interesting?
10:11 Actually, we held it the wrong. Bought it up just right that!
10:14 We can bend our arm up.
10:15 That is how you and I can move.
10:17 If we didn't have those fulcrums, if we didn't have this
10:20 third class lever, that's what this is...
10:23 It's a third class lever.
10:24 It's right in your arms.
10:25 You got two of them right here at least!
10:28 That's interesting because who made us to begin with?
10:31 - God!
10:32 - God made us so that we have simple machines inside of
10:37 our body and that makes a very interesting move right there!
10:41 That little muscle moves just a little bit and shortens,
10:44 look what happens to our hand!
10:46 Our hand moves way down from there and it comes all the
10:49 way up there!
10:50 Man! What a mechanical invention that is!
10:52 Got a lot of motion. That way we can reach and grab
10:56 stuff, bring it to us. We could actually throw things
10:59 if we want it to.
11:00 I'm glad we have third class levers.
11:02 Aren't you glad we have thirds class levers in our bodies?
11:05 Otherwise we wouldn't be able to move!
11:07 God is really smart and wise.
11:11 He is our intelligent Creator. He created you and I.
11:14 He knew just exactly what kind of things we needed to make
11:19 our body move.
11:20 Aren't you glad for that?
11:21 - Yes! - Oh, me too!
11:22 Every time we learn something new about science,
11:26 we learn something new about our Creator, God!
11:30 Praise Time
11:38 "Seek Ye First"
11:39 Seek ye first the Kingdom of God And His righteousness
11:53 And all these things shall be added unto you
11:59 Hallelu, Hallelujah!
12:05 Seek ye first the Kingdom of God And His righteousness
12:18 And all these things shall be added unto you
12:24 Hallelu, Hallelujah!
12:42 Story Time
12:48 And that same little boy grew up be the liberator of Israel...
12:52 Moses...
12:54 Do you know that my mother told me that same story when
12:56 I grew up?
12:57 Who could that be?
12:58 I wonder who it is!
13:00 Ah, it's so good to see you!
13:03 It's nice to see you!
13:05 - You have time to sit and talk?
13:06 - I would love to!
13:07 - Sit by me!
13:08 - Okay! Good!
13:09 - So what's been happening in your life lately?
13:11 - Well, so much!
13:12 So much has been happening!
13:14 Probably the funniest thing. Can I tell a story?
13:17 - Yes! - Yes!
13:18 - The funniest thing that happened is, I was in the market
13:22 and I met this woman named Mary.
13:24 As she was talking, I realized that she was Mary from Magdela.
13:29 - Mary Magdalene?
13:31 - Yes! I'm telling you! She looked
13:34 like and angel! She was so beautiful and smiling and
13:38 everything...
13:39 - She looked like an angel?
13:40 - She is a harlot!
13:42 - I know... But she looked like an angel, so I had to ask her.
13:45 Mary, what happened?
13:47 She said: 'You know, I have never been loved,
13:52 I have never done the right thing in my whole life,
13:58 ever since I was a little girl' she said.
13:59 'When I was a little girl, I always had the attention of men,
14:03 for the wrong reason. '
14:05 Men who did things to her that were not good.
14:08 She said, as she grew up, it got worse and it got worse,
14:11 and her whole life was a mess. Everybody knows that!
14:14 - Yes!
14:15 - You know, and people talked about that, but then I looked
14:17 at her, seriously, she was beautiful. So I said:
14:21 what happened? She said:
14:22 one night she was with this man. I don't think she knew who
14:25 it was and someone broke into the house and they grabbed her
14:29 and he ran. He just completely ran.
14:31 They grabbed her and they dragged her into the street,
14:34 into the temple itself.
14:36 As they were dragging her, they were screaming at her.
14:40 Angry, yelling and just saying horrible things and she knew
14:45 that probably she would be stoned to death!
14:48 She found out later, she said, as they weren't really angry
14:52 at all at her, they were angry at the Messiah, at Jesus, who
14:55 was in the temple and they were trying to prove Him wrong,
14:58 in a number of ways because they were really wanting to kill Him.
15:01 It wasn't about her at all she said: 'but I didn't know that at
15:05 the time. I just knew that I was caught in the middle of adultery
15:09 and the law says I should be killed and I was being dragged
15:12 into the temple. '
15:13 And she said: 'When I got close to the temple, I wanted them to
15:15 stop. Please don't take me in there!'
15:17 She said: 'I knew in my whole life was wrong. Everything in me
15:21 is wrong and I didn't want to go into the temple. '
15:24 - She must have been terribly frightened!
15:26 - She was so frightened. She was so afraid!
15:28 - I would have been!
15:29 - She was right in front of the Messiah. She got thrown
15:32 right in front of Him.
15:33 She said: 'I was trembling. I couldn't even look up, and
15:36 I just knew. '
15:37 She could taste even blood in her mouth from when she just
15:39 got hit around. It was terrible!
15:42 She said...
15:43 - Were they really gonna stone her?
15:44 - I think they were! People were starting to pick up stones
15:47 and they were screaming at Jesus to go ahead!
15:50 'Should this woman caught in adultery be stoned,
15:52 because the law of Moses says. ' They were so angry!
15:56 Mary said, when she would dare to even look up, she said that
15:59 she was looking in the face of demons, not of men!
16:02 She said they were so angry and their faces were just distorted
16:06 and she said: 'I was so afraid and then Jesus didn't respond!'
16:11 The Messiah didn't respond!
16:12 - He probably knew that they were trying to trap Him.
16:15 - I think He knew that!
16:16 And she said all of the sudden He knelt down, close to her so
16:19 she kind of saw what what He was doing.
16:20 It was just in the sand, he was moving His hands around and
16:24 people were coming closer: 'Aren't you listening to us?'
16:27 They were ready to stone her.
16:28 'Are you hearing what we're saying? Don't you know who
16:31 this woman is?
16:32 As they got closer, they saw what He was doing.
16:34 Each one of them looked like they had seen something that
16:38 frightened them to death!
16:39 They went all pale and they backed away.
16:42 - I wonder what they saw in the sand!
16:43 - Yeah, I wonder what He was writing!
16:45 - Whatever it was it sure scare them.
16:47 I think He was writing their own sins, because the next thing
16:50 He said, was:
16:51 'Whoever has no sin in their life, throw the first stone!'
16:54 - No sin? - None of us are without sin!
16:57 - We all have sin!
16:58 - Exactly!
16:59 So all the sudden she heard the stones drop from their hands
17:02 to the floor and everybody left.
17:04 - That's amazing!
17:06 - Mary said that she was the only one left with Jesus.
17:09 Jesus all the sudden just gently stood her up and said:
17:12 'Where are those that accused you?'
17:14 And she said there's no one
17:16 here! And he says: 'Neither do I accuse you!
17:18 Neither do I condemn you! Go and sin no more!'
17:21 - That's wonderful!
17:23 She said: 'I felt loved for the first time in my life,
17:26 in my whole life, from a little girl I felt loved and saved,
17:29 and all the sudden I knew that my life was different!'
17:32 And she said: 'I fell on the ground and sobbed. I didn't
17:35 want to leave His feet. I wanted to worship right there at His
17:38 feet for the rest of my life!'
17:40 - I have heard other people say that He had the same
17:43 effect on them! They described the same way.
17:46 They felt clean inside after they had looked into His face.
17:49 - He would make you wanna sin no more!
17:51 - Exactly!
17:53 No matter how bad your life was, no matter what happened to you,
17:54 either that someone else did to you or you did to yourself!
17:58 Jesus says I love you!
18:00 Don't hurt yourself anymore, don't sin no more!
18:03 - So we have had the most beautiful story.
18:05 Girls, didn't she tell the most wonderful story?
18:07 - Yes! - Yes!
18:08 - Thank you for coming and telling us the story!
18:10 - We loved it!
18:11 - And its true! - It's true!
18:13 - Are you hungry?
18:15 - I am!
18:16 - Yes, can you stay for supper?
18:17 - I would love to!
18:18 - I'll go find something to eat! Girls, you visit with Soraya for
18:21 a few minutes and I'll be right back!
18:23 - Okay! - Okay, good!
18:27 Praise Time
18:38 'I love you Lord and I lift my voice to worship You.
18:52 O my soul, rejoice!
18:58 Take joy, my King,
19:03 In what you hear.
19:07 Let it be a sweet, sweet sound
19:13 In Your ear.
19:16 I love you Lord and I lift my voice to worship You
19:32 Oh my soul, rejoice!
19:36 Take joy, my King,
19:41 In what you hear.
19:46 Let it be a sweet, sweet sound
20:00 In your ear.
20:12 Sharing Time
20:18 It's time for Miss Brenda's Book of the Day!
20:21 And boys and girls, do I ever have a wonderful book
20:25 for you today! It is by Ruth Redding Brant,
20:27 Joseph!
20:28 And what a wonderful book!
20:30 Joseph learned the hard way as a brand new coat sent his life
20:33 off coarse. His life twisted by his brother's hatred,
20:37 once a prince in Canaan, now he was a slave in Egypt.
20:42 But Joseph would have the least word, because God can turn
20:45 tragedy into triumph!
20:47 No matter how dark the past, the future can be brighter than
20:51 our fondest dreams!
20:52 This book: Joseph by Ruth Redding Brant is a
20:55 wonderful book and I encourage you to read it, boys and girls!
20:58 I'd like to have you meet someone that's with me here
21:01 today, her name is Abigail!
21:03 Abigail, I'm so glad you're here with me.
21:05 Where are you from Abigail?
21:07 - Union City, Tennessee! - Union City, Tennessee!
21:09 Tell me, what do you do to share Jesus?
21:11 - We have this project at our church
21:13 that the Sabbath School does.
21:15 - Okay!
21:16 - And they are collecting a thousand Bibles to send
21:18 to Guyana.
21:19 - Guyana! And what are you doing to help with that?
21:23 - I sent some Bibles and some collected magazines from
21:27 Sabbath School.
21:28 - How did you get your Bibles? Did you collect them from your
21:31 family members, from friends?
21:33 - We went and bought some.
21:34 - You bought some! Okay, and then you mailed them.
21:37 That's good. And what else are you doing?
21:39 - I made some cards and letters to send to the soldiers in Iraq
21:44 to encourage them and say that we're praying for them and
21:48 Jesus loves them!
21:49 - Ah, that's really special, isn't it? I'm proud of you
21:52 for doing that and that's a wonderful way to encourage our
21:54 soldiers, just letting them know that you're praying for them
21:56 and Jesus loves them. That's wonderful.
21:59 Right now Abigail, we have someone on the phone that I'd
22:02 like to talk to!
22:03 And this is Sarah. Hi Sarah! How are you?
22:07 - Hi Miss Brenda!
22:08 - I'm so glad to talk to you Sarah! Can you tell me where
22:11 are you from?
22:12 - I'm from Tennessee.
22:15 - From Tennessee! And tell me Sarah,
22:17 what do you do to share Jesus?
22:19 - I give people flowers and cards and pictures.
22:22 - Well that's good! Does that make them happy?
22:25 - Yes!
22:26 - When you give them that do you ever tell them that Jesus
22:29 loves them?
22:30 - Yes!
22:31 - And what do they say?
22:33 - Ah... they are just happy.
22:35 - They're just happy! Well, that's wonderful, and I
22:38 know you have a sister that loves Jesus too.
22:40 Is Angela there?
22:41 - Yes! -Can I talk to her for a minute?
22:43 - Just a minute! - Okay!
22:45 - Here is sister! - All right!
22:47 Hello Angela!
22:49 - Hello! - Hi Angela, how are you today?
22:52 - Fine! - You're on Kids Time with
22:54 Miss Brenda and tell me, what do you do to share Jesus?
22:57 - Well, I play the piano at my church and I sing in
22:59 nursing homes...
23:01 - You do? And how long have you been playing the piano?
23:05 - Almost three years. - Almost three years.
23:08 And what kind of things do you play at church, you play for
23:11 song service of for...
23:12 - Usually special music.
23:13 - For special music... Well, that's wonderful,
23:17 because if Jesus is giving you a talent, it's really important to
23:19 use it for Jesus. Isn't it?
23:21 - Yes! - Well, thank you for talking
23:23 to us and I wanna encourage both you and your sister Sarah too
23:26 keep on sharing Jesus, alright?
23:28 - Yes! - Alright! Bye bye now!
23:30 - Bye!
23:31 - Okay, well I have some letters boys and girls, and I
23:33 see, this is from Wichita Falls, Texas.
23:38 Let's see who is writing from Wichita Falls...
23:41 And this one, this has 5 dollars in it!
23:45 It says: 'Dear Miss Brenda, I sure enjoy your programs and I
23:49 would like to sing up for Bible Studies.
23:52 Please send me them soon, Love, Giovanna.
23:55 Giovanna, I'll make sure that we do and make sure we give you
23:58 your 5 dollars to produce more Kids Time programs.
24:01 We'll do that!
24:03 We have a letter here from Jason from Australia.
24:10 And let's see here. It says:
24:14 'I have put 20 dollars in for tithe and I work for my Dad'
24:17 landlord.
24:18 He pays me and this is for Kids Time. Thank you Miss Brenda,
24:22 I really love Kids Time. Love, Jadon.
24:25 And Jadon sent, look at this boys and girls!
24:28 Australian money! Isn't that great?
24:32 So we have that from Jadon.
24:34 And I got a letter here from Jamaica! Let's see who's writing
24:38 from Jamaica!
24:40 'Dear Miss Brenda! My name is Delroy and I am 8 years old and
24:44 I have a brother who is 5 years old. I'm from Jamaica and
24:48 I watch your programs very often, I like it very much and I
24:52 would like to be a member of Kids Club and also I want to
24:56 learn how to pray. Please pray for my family to be closer to
25:01 God. Your friend, Delroy. '
25:03 Well Delroy, thank you. You know, when you pray
25:05 all you have to do is talk to Jesus because Jesus is your best
25:08 friend, just like you would talk to anyone else.
25:11 You can talk to Jesus and He will hear you!
25:13 Let's see! We have a letter here from, let's see from who is from
25:18 It's from Knoxville Tennessee.
25:20 It says it is from Marie. It says 'Dear Miss Brenda,
25:25 my name is Marie... ' We have a picture!
25:27 Can you hold that up for me?
25:29 It says 'My name is Marie and I am four years old and I love
25:32 Jesus and my mom and dad too and they go to church with me.
25:36 I go to the Freewill Baptist Church and I have collected
25:41 money for church to send to boys and girls. '
25:44 It says: 'I'd love to sign up for Kids Club and learn more
25:47 about Jesus and I love to watch the show, I like it a lot.
25:51 Thanks for being in God's liking. It's the best way!
25:54 God bless you! Love, Marie. '
25:55 Well thank you Marie for that!
25:57 I think I might have time for one quick email. It says
25:59 'Dear Miss Brenda, I'm an older girl but my mom and dad thought
26:02 that I could sign up for Kids Club too. Can I?
26:05 We love the program and I enjoy the recipes and the
26:08 singing so much. Thank you! From Noelle. '
26:11 And Noelle is from North Providence, Rhode Island.
26:16 Well yes, no one is too old. There is age limit for Kids Club
26:19 boys and girls!
26:20 That's all the time we have today.
26:22 Thank you Abigail for being with us.
26:24 Boys and girls, wherever you go, whatever you do,
26:26 remember it's Kids Time to share Jesus!


Revised 2014-12-17