Participants: Brenda Walsh
Series Code: KT
Program Code: KT000219
00:03 It's time to share there is a world out there
00:06 looking for a friend like Jesus, it's time to share 00:11 there is a world out there. Let's tell them that 00:14 He loves us so. Let's tell them that He loves 00:18 us so. Kids Time, Kids Time, Kids Time. 00:25 Hi boys and girls you know my little grandson 00:26 Michael knows that I am a pretty big softy. 00:29 My daughter Becky has told him never ever to ask 00:31 me for anything. She wants him to have good 00:34 manners and she also wants any gift that I give him, 00:37 be my idea not his. Well I would like to show you a 00:40 picture of Michael. He is so precious and so adorable 00:43 and do you know I recently bought him a cowboy 00:46 hat and some cowboy boots and cowboy belt and I wrapped 00:50 it all up and I mailed it to him and sent it to him 00:52 in the mail, and you know what he was so happy, 00:55 but he soon realized that something was missing 00:58 and he couldn't ask me for anything, what he was 01:00 gonna do. Well you know what he asked his mom 01:03 if he can call grandma and his mom said Michael 01:05 do not ask your Grandma for anything, 01:08 he said I won't mommy, but I need to talk to my 01:11 grandma in private, so when he called me up 01:14 on his mom's cell phone he says grandma 01:16 you got to be really quite, I need to talk to you, 01:19 and I got to go under my covers for this one 01:22 and I said what Michael and he says Grandma 01:25 don't hang up, don't hang up grandma and so I 01:29 could hear some wrestling around and he was getting 01:32 under his covers in his bed. And I was really kind 01:34 of noisy and then pretty soon I heard him say, 01:36 grandma are you still there and I said yes Michael 01:40 I am still here and he says grandma, 01:43 grandma I need to tell you some really important, 01:46 I said okay Michael what is it, he said Grandma 01:49 I don't have a cowboy shirt and I started to smile 01:54 and I said Michael would you like grandma to 01:56 buy you a cowboy shirt and he started smiling 01:59 I couldn't tell and he said now you got it grandma. 02:04 He really had a serious request for his grandma 02:07 didn't he? Well you know boys and girls there is 02:10 something that, if we have a serious request to 02:13 God because God hears all our requests, 02:17 but sometimes if we have a very serious request 02:20 we can do something special and it's called fasting. 02:24 Now some people fast by going without food 02:25 for a very long period of time and then other people 02:28 fast by maybe not eating or drinking certain things 02:31 that they really, really like. It's one way of saying 02:34 to Jesus, I have a very serious matter in my heart 02:37 and I need your help with this and I will accept your 02:40 answer whatever it is. Well on today's Bible story 02:44 the Jewish Nation comes face to face with a very serious 02:47 matter and they decide to fast and pray and depend 02:50 on God for the answer to their dilemma. 02:53 You know boys and girls you can go to Jesus anytime with 02:57 something that's really on your heart because you 03:00 can talk to Jesus anytime, anywhere, 03:02 and you don't even have to hide under the covers 03:05 like Michael did when you talk to Jesus. 03:08 Well right now let's see what Ranger Jim 03:09 has to share with us today. 03:18 Hi boys and girls Ranger Jim saying 03:19 welcome to Nature Time. We are glad you can join us 03:21 today we are in Chattanooga, Tennessee with my 03:23 friend Nature Dan. Dan thank you for coming and teaching 03:25 us something, what is this we have? Well you know me 03:28 I got to bring something to explain you, 03:30 that's right, that's why we want you to teach us. 03:32 Well, I found this in the woods and I brought it 03:35 into my office, where I was working and it was hooked 03:39 up to a little leaf and what's really neat is there 03:42 was something inside it. It was hooked, 03:44 it was hanging down like this then, it was hanging down, 03:47 okay, okay. Any idea what it is? Well go ahead, 03:51 well this has made from silk that came from a 03:53 caterpillar that turned into a moth and I saw 03:58 it come out, oh, you got the witness, 04:01 I got to witness it coming out? Didn't have a camera, 04:04 didn't you? No I, actually I did have a camera it 04:07 was one of those instant cameras, it was not a real 04:08 good picture, but I got a picture of it when it fully 04:10 got out and it spread its wings, oh what a site. 04:14 What a struggle it was for it to get out. 04:17 Really fought to get out of it, oh absolutely. 04:19 Okay let me tell you a story while we are there, 04:22 okay you can tell me more later, 04:24 but I want to tell you about this struggle. 04:25 I recently heard a man was telling about it, 04:27 he had the same experience as you but you were wise 04:30 you knew that the moth had to struggle to get out 04:35 in order to exercise its body that all of the circulatory 04:39 system would start working. This man in his ignorance 04:42 decide he would help it and so he began to tear 04:44 away the keys and then the creature didn't have 04:47 to struggle it crawled out into his dismay, 04:50 it sat there with wrinkle and shriveled wings and 04:52 could never fly. And this wise man uses this an 04:55 illustration that, as we as Christians when we have 04:59 difficulties in our lives and stuff if we have a 05:02 relationship with Christ it makes us stronger 05:04 and if we don't have those struggles and things 05:06 of that nature then we become shriveled as does 05:09 that Moth. And so okay I am sorry for interrupt, 05:12 you go ahead, that's a wonderful story Ranger Jim, 05:15 you just go right here and tell us more if you like. 05:17 Yes this particular moth is a huge moth, 05:20 this group is a big fellow and they got these big 05:23 eyespots. They are not really eyes, 05:25 but they look like eyes when they open up their wings 05:29 like, oh when some sees it might be eat and things 05:32 like go ahhhh, and go fly and away. 05:34 That old moth is not gonna be able to eat them, 05:36 but it does scare like. That is part of the defense 05:39 mechanism, that's right, it protects from that. 05:42 Now tell me about, we have an expert here is it 05:45 true that moths do fly to a flame or to, 05:48 they always like to keep the light in their eyes 05:51 and so that's why they kind of circle and they 05:53 go around like you see a streetlight or if you put 05:56 out a light near your house, they want to go towards 05:59 that light. They are attracted to as good as few 06:02 brought things to our streetlights because 06:03 we are in the background automobiles passing 06:06 by us don't we like that? But I have always 06:07 want to, but that's the reason they see the light 06:09 and they are attracted, they will circle around 06:11 that light in them as they do that. 06:14 Now another interesting thing some people 06:16 say what's the difference between a moth and 06:19 a butterfly. Now a moth if you look at this little head, 06:23 it will have the antenna, right. But they look 06:25 like feathers, and that's a moth. If it looks like 06:29 just little antenna sticking up just these little wired 06:32 like things that's butterfly, it will be a butterfly, 06:35 okay. Alright interesting to learn, you've taught me 06:39 something today and I thank you for that. 06:41 Boys and girls, it's wonderful to see and learn 06:43 about these things. I hope that sometime in your life 06:45 if you find one of these creatures and is hanging 06:47 from a branch that you might take it home 06:49 and you too will have that wonderful experience. 06:51 So Ranger Jim as always telling you boys and girls 06:54 don't forget to tell Jesus that you love 06:56 him because he really does love you. 07:15 Oh, it's a beautiful day for driving, 07:16 isn't it? Yeah sure it is, but I am really bored. 07:20 How can we bored, I think we just saw a 1957 show, 07:23 watch out, you better be careful with this car. 07:25 Oh, I would, don't worry about this car. 07:27 This is Miss Brenda's. Did that sign just say 07:31 470 miles to the rest area, Uncle Buddy, 07:35 I think we just saw that sign, sometime ago and I think 07:39 we lost, oh I don't think we are lost, 07:42 I know we are lost. I think we should pull into this 07:46 gas station and get some directions. Don't worry, 07:55 he will get some directions and we will be on our 07:57 way home. Boys and girls if you are ever afraid or lost, 08:02 you don't have to worry about that because 08:05 Jesus is gonna come and take us home. 08:12 Let us sing a song that will cheer us by the way, 08:16 In a little while we're going home; 08:20 For the night will end in the everlasting day, 08:25 In a little while we're going home. 08:28 In a little while, in a little while, 08:32 We shall cross the billow's foam; 08:36 We shall meet at last, When the stormy winds are past, 08:42 In a little while we're going home. 09:05 In a little while, in a little while, 09:09 We shall cross the billow's foam; 09:13 We shall meet at last, When the stormy winds are past, 09:19 In a little while we're going home. 09:26 We will do the work that our hands may find to do, 09:30 In a little while we're going home; 09:34 And the grace of God will our daily strength renew, 09:38 In a little while were going home. 09:43 In a little while, in a little while, 09:47 We shall cross the billow's foam; 09:52 We shall meet at last, When the stormy winds are past, 09:57 In a little while we're going home. 10:16 Welcome to Learning Time, I am glad you joined us 10:18 today and I have got a special helper. 10:20 Tristan thanks for helping us, you are welcome. 10:22 Hey I have got a special piece of equipment right 10:25 here and Tristan what is that say, Danger High Voltage, 10:29 it says danger high voltage keep fingers away, 10:34 keep your fingers away from that. You know why, 10:37 why, because if there is going to be a lot electricity. 10:40 Now this happens be a very special piece of equipment 10:43 called Jacob's ladder, isn't that an interesting word 10:46 or term. Now would you like to see me demonstrated, 10:50 yes. Well it's all plugged in and all I have to do is just 10:54 kind of hold this little switch right here, 10:56 now we are not gonna touch it, are we? 10:58 No. No because it's dangerous, here we go let's try it, 11:01 do you see that? What is that? Wow, 11:07 what is that look like Tristan, lightening. 11:10 It looks like lightening to me you know what that is 11:12 electricity and this is our Jacob's ladder, 11:15 is that dangerous? Yeah, you know I think it's dangerous 11:18 do you think it's hot, yeah, it kind a looks like a little 11:21 flame up, there it is, wow look at there and it starts, 11:24 it starts a little fire, now that is an interesting term 11:28 Jacob's ladder. Now that is high voltage, 11:32 that's 15000 volts and above 30 milliamps and I 11:38 wouldn't wanna touch that it would hurt us right? 11:39 Now can you here that, can you here that sound 11:41 Tristan when it goes up, listen to that. 11:46 And it almost reminds me a lightening doesn't it. 11:49 Now have you ever been outside in a lightening 11:51 storm? Yes I have, you have and you like to look at 11:55 lightening somebody told me that, that's interesting. 11:57 But you were telling me a story about your family. 12:00 Could you share that with everybody? When I was 12:02 little, me and my mom, she had to take me to my 12:04 babysitters in upstairs, she stepped in the 12:07 puddle and lightening struck her. 12:10 Can you imagine? What happened to her was 12:11 she okay? Yeah, did she get shock. 12:14 Should you be outside in storms, No, no because 12:17 something bad might happen to you. 12:19 Now I turn that sound again and we are gonna 12:21 concentrate on that sound, aren't we? Here we go. 12:25 Can you hear that? Yes. Now, can you hear lightening, 12:29 yes yeah because lightening crashes through the air, 12:31 can't we? And we can hear it, we called that thunder 12:34 right, but we shouldn't be outside, 12:36 we should be inside and we wanted to be very safe. 12:39 Well sound is interesting if the air didn't carry sound, 12:44 we would never hear the lightening all what we do 12:46 is to what see the flash wouldn't we? 12:49 Now you know how we can tell if lightening is far 12:51 away from us or closer to us. 12:53 You know how we can tell? How can we tell? 12:56 Well my mom told me once thunder arose then 13:00 you count the seconds till lightening strikes. 13:02 That's right, you count the seconds, 13:04 so if you see the flash, the flash what you do is you 13:07 count the seconds just like Tristan said and you count 13:10 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000 if you get to 5000 do you know 13:17 how far the lightening is away from you, 13:20 about one mile isn't that interesting? 13:22 Because sound travels about 1100 feet per second. 13:27 That's interesting, isn't it? Well let's get back to 13:29 our little Jacob's Ladder again, we are gonna 13:31 make a go again watch that little arc and it's coming 13:34 up and we are ionizing the air when that happens 13:37 come on up, come on, come on, come on all the way 13:40 up to the top. You know that reminds me of something 13:43 Tristan you know that Jacob, you know Jacob 13:45 in the Bible. Yes. That's a neat story, isn't it? 13:47 You know he was running away from home and running 13:49 away from his brother because he kind a cheated 13:52 him little bit didn't he? And God gave him a wonderful 13:55 dream. Do you remember the dream in the Bible 13:57 about Jacob's Ladder, yeah, that's why this is called 14:00 a Jacob's ladder because that little arc, 14:01 it starts at the bottom like we start climbing a 14:04 ladder at the bottom, and we go rung after rung 14:07 and we get higher and higher upon on the ladder. 14:10 You know what that dream was all about? Well, 14:12 it was God trying to tell Jacob that God was gonna 14:16 be with him and not to worry so much because Jacob 14:19 had lot to worry about, didn't he? Oh, yes, 14:21 his brother was after him and he was kind of in trouble 14:23 that's for sure. Well, God is always with you and 14:26 I as well and when we learn more about science, 14:31 we learn more about our creator God. 14:46 Wife, I am concerned, why are you concerned? 14:51 Did you see the Gallow that was being constructed 14:53 by the palace? A Gallow, a Gallow. 14:57 What would there be a Gallow by the palace 14:59 I don't know. Usually that means that somebody 15:02 is gonna be hung. Hung. Who could it be? I don't know. 15:10 What is going on? There is a commotion in the city. 15:13 What kind of commotion, everybody is crying; 15:15 there are some people that are angry and even, 15:18 is it among our people, yes it is among our people 15:20 the Jews, they are just angry. Why did they all angry for? 15:25 Well you know what even Mordecai, 15:27 remember the keeper of the king yes, yes. 15:31 He is in ashes and sackcloth. Mordecai is sackcloth? 15:36 And he is going around the city crying with a bit of cry. 15:39 Oh! Why? Did he say why? Well there was a decree, 15:43 someone told us there was a decree that on an 15:46 appointed day that the Jews were to be killed. 15:50 All of them sparing not even women and children. 15:53 Oh! That's terrible news my daughter. Yes, yes why? 15:57 Well it all happened this way somebody told us. 16:00 that remember around the time when Queen 16:04 Esther when she was appointed queen, yes, 16:07 remember that? Yes, we know about Queen Esther, 16:09 it was a big deal, yes while the king around that time 16:12 promoted Haman the Agagite to above all of the 16:17 princes and he commanded that everybody 16:20 should bow down and reverence him as he 16:23 passes by. But remember you mother and father 16:27 you told this that reverence is only due to God. 16:31 That's right. That's right; remember that, that's right. 16:33 So the Jews, some of them are doing that and Haman 16:36 as he went by one day, a couple times he went by 16:40 Mordecai and Mordecai refused to bow and 16:44 reverence Haman. Mordecai is the Godly man, 16:46 yes truly. He is only doing what God told him to do. 16:49 He is sure he is. But Haman was so upset he was 16:54 so mad that Mordecai would not bow down to him that 16:59 he said gallows yes he said gallows, 17:01 gallows hang him out, to hang Mordecai. 17:05 So it is for Mordecai. Oh, no. So Queen Esther, 17:10 she heard that Mordecai was going about the city 17:13 with ashes and sackcloth, so she set cloths for him 17:19 but he refused to put it on, he refused to wear, 17:23 poor Mordecai, Queen Esther? Yes so guess what 17:27 we found out about Queen Esther. She is a Jew, 17:29 can you believe this, she is a Jew? Queen Esther 17:32 a Jew? Yes, we never knew that but is led out know 17:35 that she is a Jew. How did you find that out? 17:36 Somebody told that she is a Jew and one day well 17:40 Mordecai when he found that about the decree. 17:44 He sent a word to Queen Esther that she needs 17:46 to go to the king an intercede on our behalf, 17:50 on her people's behalf. Oh, praise God for that. 17:53 But guess what she said, she said, she set back her 17:56 servant to tell Mordecai that she can't do that because 18:00 there is a law saying that those who go to the king 18:04 unannounced without being called, 18:07 they were to be put to death unless the king will extend 18:11 his golden scepter, and did Queen Esther go? Did she go, 18:14 not yet, well not yet, she told her uncle Mordecai 18:17 to go around the city and to gather every Jew 18:21 in Shushan and everywhere else that they may fast 18:26 and pray for three days and on the third day, 18:31 Queen Esther will go to the king and she said that 18:35 if she perish really perish, but she will go and she 18:40 said to fast and pray that God will intercede on her 18:43 behalf and that God will move the king's heart to 18:47 extend up his golden scepter that she may live and 18:50 she may have a chance to intercede for us. 18:55 Well that's exactly what we are gonna do, yes. 18:56 That's exactly what we are gonna do, 18:58 we are going to fast and we are going to pray 19:00 and we gonna go home right now, 19:02 we are gonna fast and pray to God that, this all gets 19:05 worked out the way it is supposed to be. 19:06 Oh, are we gonna go right now because we need 19:07 some bread, no, no this is the time for bread. 19:12 We need to fast and we need to pray. 19:15 Run along, go home now, go home now. Let's go. 19:33 Jesus wants me for a sunbeam, to shine for Him each day; 19:42 in every way try to please Him, at home, at school, 19:48 at play. A sunbeam, a sunbeam, 19:50 Jesus wants me for a sunbeam; A sunbeam, 19:54 a sunbeam, I'll be a sunbeam for him. 20:03 Jesus wants me to be loving and kind to all I see; 20:10 showing how pleasant and happy His little one can be. 20:18 A sunbeam, a sunbeam, Jesus wants me for a sunbeam; 20:26 A sunbeam, a sunbeam, I'll be a sunbeam for him. 20:45 Hi boys and girls it's time for miss Brenda's Book 20:48 of the Day and what a wonderful book I have for you. 20:53 Pokey, the runaway bear, by Ethel Maxine Neff. 20:57 The zookeeper calls me Pokey and I wonder why? 20:59 Does he think I am slow and Pokey, 21:02 I am not for I have slipped out of my cage 21:04 and runaway two times, maybe I am called Pokey 21:07 because I am always poking my way into some 21:09 mischief and oh I know he is. You are gonna 21:12 want to hear about Pokey the runaway bear by Ethel 21:15 Maxine Neff a great book. Well I have a lot 21:19 of cards and letters to read you today and I don't 21:22 even know which one to read first, 21:23 so you know what I am gonna do, 21:25 I think we will just take a phone call first and I have 21:27 Navit on the phone. Hi Navit, hi Miss Brenda. 21:30 It's so good to talk to you honey, 21:32 tell me where do you live? I live in Georgia. 21:34 You live in Georgia. What do you do to share Jesus? 21:38 I obey my mom and I help with taking care of my 21:43 little brother and my sister and when we are in the 21:47 store, I explain to people that who don't look happy 21:48 and sometimes I sing for people and sometimes 21:53 you sing well, that's sounds like you do a lot for Jesus 21:55 doesn't it? Yes. Do you love Jesus? Yes, 21:59 well thank you Navit tell me what is your very 22:03 favorite part of our Kid's Time. I think sharing time 22:09 and cooking time are my favorite. 22:11 Well that's where I read all the letters and cooking 22:14 with Miss Katy is fun isn't it? Yes. Well thank you 22:17 so much Navit for talking with us and I want to 22:19 encourage you to keep sharing Jesus, will you? 22:22 Yes. Alright bye, bye now. Bye. It sounds like Navit does 22:26 a lot to share Jesus doesn't it? Well I have, 22:29 let's see, let's talk what this letter right here, 22:32 I have, let's see Jewelle from Dublin, 22:35 Georgia and let's see what Jewelle has to say. 22:37 It says Dear Miss Brenda, hello my name is Jewelle 22:41 and I am 5 years old and my birthday is May 3. 22:43 I have two sisters Jayla who is 3 and Jori who is 10 22:47 months old. I don't have 3ABN in my home, 22:49 but my grandparents record the shows for me and my 22:53 sisters. We live in Dublin, Georgia and said please sign 22:56 me up for the Bible lessons. Well I certainly will 23:00 and it says love Jewelle. Okay, the next one is from 23:05 The Bahamas, Nassau, The Bahamas and let's see with 23:09 this oh I've got a picture, I love to see pictures 23:14 and let's see who is writing this from The Bahamas. 23:15 It says Dear Miss Brenda, hi how are you doing? 23:18 I am fine and tend to Bahamas Academy and presently 23:22 I live in the Island of New Providence. 23:24 My name is Ortanique and I am 6 years old, 23:27 here is the picture of me. It says I share the love 23:30 of Jesus with others by telling them about Jesus 23:32 and how good he is to me, also I invite them to church 23:35 yours truly Ortanique. Well thank you for that letter 23:39 and it's good to invite others to Church isn't it? Oh, 23:42 let's take another phone call right now, alright. 23:44 Right now let's talk to Lateya. Lateya are you 23:47 there? Hi Miss Brenda, hi Lateya, tell me where 23:50 do you live? I live in Burkeville. 23:53 Where is that at? In Virginia, in Virginia. 23:56 Tell me Lateya what do you do to share Jesus, 24:00 I send cards out to people when they are sick 24:05 and what do you say in the cards. 24:07 I put Bible verses in it. And do you ask, 24:09 did you tell them that you would hope that they get 24:11 well soon? Yes Miss. Do you tell them that Jesus 24:14 loves them. Yes Miss. Oh, that's wonderful has anybody 24:17 ever said thank you for those cards. Yes Miss. 24:21 Oh, isn't that wonderful? Well I want to thank you 24:23 for talking with us today and I want to encourage 24:25 you to keep sharing Jesus every single day, 24:27 will you do that? Yes Miss. Okay thank you Lateya, 24:30 you are welcome. Bye, bye. Oh, that was good to talk 24:34 to her, wasn't it? Well I have another letter here, 24:37 let's see. Let's take an e-mail, 24:39 it says Dear Miss Brenda, my name is Yanisi 24:43 and I enjoy Kid's Time. I share Jesus by singing 24:46 and playing the piano Sunday. 24:47 I play the piano really well, it says I live in the Campus 24:51 of Milo Academy in Oregon and I live there 24:53 because my dad works there. I would love to join 24:56 the Kid's club please and do all the activities love 24:59 you Yanisi. Well, we will make sure you get signed up 25:01 for Kid's Club, okay. And let's see there is another 25:04 letter here from Bend, Oregon and let's see who 25:07 writes me there, it's Shelby. Let's see what Shelby 25:10 has to say. Dear Miss Brenda I love to watch 25:12 Kid's Time my favorites are Nature Time, Cooking, 25:14 Story, Learning Time and Sharing Time and well 25:16 I guess I just like them all. My name is Shelby 25:19 and I am 10 years old and I do play the piano. 25:22 Last Sabbath I played, we gathered together that 25:24 song for church I already joined the Kid's club 25:27 and I love my lessons love Shelby, well Shelby 25:30 thank you for telling me that you already love the 25:32 lessons. They are wonderful lessons, aren't they? 25:35 And boys and girls I want to encourage you to 25:36 join Kid's Club too. Another e-mail, Dear Miss Brenda 25:40 my name is Desiree Linhardt and I am 10 years old 25:43 and I love watching 3ABN on my computer. 25:45 May I have two activity books please one for me 25:48 and one for my sister and my family would love it 25:51 if you could send us the Bible studies too. 25:53 I was baptized at camp meeting and I would like to 25:56 be a member of your club sincerely and it says Desiree. 26:00 Well Desiree, I love to get you signed up for Kid's club 26:03 maybe one more, here is a quick picture. 26:05 Dear Miss Brenda my name is Kelsey and I am 7 years 26:09 old and I live in Washington State and I love Kid's Time. 26:12 Your friend Kelsey. Well boys and girls that's all 26:16 the time we have today. I wanna thank you 26:17 for watching, I wanna thank you for your cards 26:19 and letters, and I also wanna encourage you every 26:21 single day to remember that wherever you go 26:25 whatever you do its' Kid's Time to share Jesus. |
Revised 2014-12-17