Kids' Time

A Jewish Family Worship

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh (Host), C. A. Murray


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000217

00:03 It's time to share there's a world out there,
00:07 Looking for a friend like Jesus. It's time to share
00:11 there's a world out there; let's tell them
00:14 that He loves us so. Let's tell them that He
00:18 loves us so. Kids Time, Kids Time, Kids Time.
00:24 Hi boys and girls, did you know that family worship
00:27 is one of the best ways for kids like you to get
00:29 to know Jesus. Now, you know worship in my
00:31 family was such a wonderful warm and
00:33 loving time. I will really, really looked forward it,
00:37 in fact in our house we had worship in the
00:39 morning and we had family worship in the
00:41 evening, and I loved it. Now in the evenings,
00:44 it was really special because mom and dad
00:45 would love each one of my brothers and sisters
00:47 and I, we would take turns, whose night it was
00:50 to plan the worship and if that was my night to plan
00:53 the worship, I mean I spend time searching
00:55 out what songs we would sing and what scripture
00:58 I would read and what the story I would read or may
01:01 be it would be a wonderful Bible game to
01:03 play, it was just such a wonderful time to just
01:06 praise Jesus and spend time and pray together,
01:09 and it's also a good time to pray for your friends or
01:12 pray for maybe you have someone that's sick, may
01:14 be somebody that doesn't know Jesus and worship
01:16 is a wonderful time to just spend with Jesus.
01:20 Well, now I know that not every family has family
01:22 worship, but even if your family doesn't you can
01:25 still have your little family worship, it just
01:27 you and Jesus and your guardian angels.
01:30 All you need is a quiet place and a Bible and you
01:33 can even use the Bible studies that we send you
01:35 when you become a member of kids club?
01:37 You know those lessons are specifically designed
01:40 to help kids read and understand their Bibles.
01:43 Now today in the Bible story we are going to see
01:45 what it might have been like when an Israelite
01:47 Family worshiped God together. Now in those
01:50 days the scriptures were written scrolls like this
01:52 one, look at this, we actually use this in our
01:55 Bible stories, isn't that pretty cool?
01:57 Well, I imagine it was a very special thing to have
02:00 part of the scriptures written on a scroll.
02:02 And if someone wanted a copy he had to write it out
02:05 all for himself. Isn't that sad that you know what,
02:07 there are lots of people with Bibles on their
02:10 shelves today and they're just getting dusty,
02:11 they don't ever read them. I know you'll enjoy
02:14 singing and praying and hearing the story of God's
02:17 deliverance with the Jewish family in our
02:18 Bible story today, but first let's see what
02:21 Ranger Jim has to show us.
02:29 Hi boys and girls Ranger Jim saying welcome to
02:31 Nature Time. We're glad you can join us today.
02:34 We are at the Chattanooga Audubon
02:35 Society in Chattanooga, Tennessee, Chattanooga
02:39 Tennessee, and this is my friend Nature Dan, and
02:41 what do we have here Dan? Well, would you
02:44 like to see what I have? Yes I would, you would,
02:47 alright well stick around and I will tell you,
02:50 we have here a very interesting peace of
02:53 wood, now what has happened is, it's starting
02:55 to kind of breakdown as things do in nature,
02:58 but if I asked you does a stem on a tree or a stick
03:02 that's on a tree that's growing out of it, is it
03:04 attached to the tree? Well before today I would
03:07 have said yes, it's a catch to the tree solid but you'd
03:10 be surprised and if you look right here, here's
03:13 where some of the tree is attached but it isn't.
03:17 It actually surrounds the branch. Just forms a
03:20 socket, yeah it forms like a socket and it protects it
03:23 so that if a branch breaks off and like bugs and
03:26 fungus and stuff like that get in there and they're
03:28 going to try to eat it, guess what, it can't spread
03:32 in through the rest of the tree because its like all
03:35 separate. Now, a friend of mine discovered this
03:37 and when he discovered it all these people says,
03:40 we got to find out about it, guess who those
03:41 people were, architects and engineers, the people
03:45 who build building because I am telling you
03:48 God is the best architect and engineer there is.
03:51 Now you mean, you mean to tell me now
03:54 Nature Dan that this tree, this branch and it may be
03:57 growing out here 30 to 40 feet may weight five or
04:00 six ton really isn't attached to the tree, not in
04:02 the way you'd think and so this is an amazing
04:05 thing, think about all the weight that, that is,
04:08 how does that tree hold it up, that is an incredible
04:12 miracle right, that's amazing. Now this would
04:14 be tree, the tree of all trees, is it? Yeah most
04:17 trees because there are certain types of trees that
04:19 are different then we call are deciduous the ones
04:22 who lose theirs leaves every year, right, things
04:24 like palm trees are little different in this, they
04:27 grown in a different way. But this would be to true
04:28 of all our hard woods and things of that nature,
04:31 yeah. Isn't that amazing fact and that is the built in
04:34 protection that God made so that if the branch
04:36 breaks, it won't cause a tree to rot or a disease
04:39 can get in it, right. Isn't that wonderful,
04:41 oh it's an amazing, we serve a wonderful God,
04:43 I am telling you, we serve a wonderful God, when
04:46 he makes all of these things and we have talked
04:49 in the past, I've talked to boys and girls in some of
04:51 the programs about how the tree grows and how
04:54 it continues to grow and we count the rings and all
04:56 those kind of things then when we learn about this
04:59 and then we learn about the leaves how he created
05:01 that how they could bring in all the nutrients and all,
05:04 how could there be anything else other than
05:05 God, isn't it. I am telling you, you are absolutely
05:08 right Ranger Jim. Through your experience
05:09 and through my experience we see
05:11 everywhere and if we had nothing more than just
05:13 this one thing that that would prove that is the
05:17 design of God isn't it? So boys and girls we
05:20 have another thing just before today that we have
05:23 learned from Nature Dan and I learned this today
05:25 because I was not aware of it and I have learned it,
05:28 I want to thank you for that because that's
05:29 exciting to me so another exciting thing we have
05:32 boys and girls that God has made for us to see
05:34 and study and learn and when we that we find his
05:38 hand own everything, don't we? So Nature Jim,
05:42 Nature Dan and Ranger Jim here saying as always
05:46 don't forget to tell Jesus that you love
05:48 him because he really does love you.
05:58 Jesus said, I am the light of the world; he that
06:01 follows me shall not walk in darkness
06:03 but have the light of life. John 8:12.
06:17 Light of the world, you step down into darkness.
06:22 Opened my eyes let me see. Beauty that made this
06:30 heart adore you hope of a life spent with you.
06:39 And here I am to worship, here I am to bow down,
06:45 here I am to say that you're my God,
06:50 you're altogether lovely, altogether worthy,
06:56 altogether wonderful to me.
07:05 King of all days oh so highly exalted; Glorious
07:11 in heaven above, humbly you came to the earth you
07:19 created. All for love's sake became poor.
07:26 And here I am to worship, here I am to bow down,
07:32 here I am to say that you're my God,
07:37 you're altogether lovely, altogether worthy,
07:43 altogether wonderful to me.
07:49 I'll never know how much it cost to see my sin upon
07:57 that cross. I'll never know how much it cost to see
08:05 my sin upon that cross. Here I am to worship,
08:14 Here I am to bow down, Here I am to say that
08:19 you're my God, You're altogether lovely,
08:24 Altogether worthy, Altogether wonderful to me.
08:47 Hi boys and girls, and welcome to Talk Time.
08:50 Do you know I am so excited, I've been
08:51 enjoying reading all your letters and all those
08:54 questions that you keep sending in for pastor and
08:56 you know what today we have Pastor CA with us.
08:59 Hi Pastor CA, how are you Miss Brenda?
09:01 I am doing well, thank you and you know what
09:02 we have lots and lots of questions today,
09:05 are you ready? I am ready. Alright, let's pull,
09:07 I have gotten some of them down already so
09:09 that they're ready for you, 'cause kids really wanna,
09:12 they have so many questions about lot of
09:14 things and this one says, Does Jesus love me when
09:17 I do bad things? Oh Jesus loves us all the time,
09:20 and that's a very, very good question and
09:22 sometimes we feel very guilty when we do bad
09:25 things and that's the Holy Spirit touching our
09:26 conscience but it does not mean that Jesus doesn't
09:29 love us, I am thinking of a text in Romans chapter
09:31 5 verse 8, where the Bible says Jesus commendeth,
09:36 which is a big word, which simply mean that
09:38 he guarantees, His love towards us in that while
09:41 we were yet sinners, Christ died for us,
09:43 God commendeth his love. So, it simply says
09:46 that God doesn't wait for us to good things,
09:48 he loves us with an everlasting love, Jeremiah
09:50 says, even when we do bad things, now he
09:52 doesn't like the bad things that we do, but he loves
09:54 us still and he gives us encouragement andx
09:56 strength to do better the next time. That's right,
09:59 and Jesus forgives us doesn't he, oh yes he
10:01 does, when we do bad things, Yes, when we
10:02 make mistakes and he forgives us and, when we
10:06 say we're wrong, Christ has guaranteed to forgive
10:09 us when we confess us in Jesus he is faithful and
10:12 just to forgive and to cleanse. Isn't that
10:14 wonderful boys and girls. That's a wonderful
10:15 promise, that we serve such a loving and
10:17 forgiving God. Let's to get next question,
10:19 let's see as what is faith? Oh! Good question, yes,
10:24 that's a very good question. The book of Hebrews
10:26 chapter 1 verse 1 gives us this long definition of
10:29 faith. It says it's a substance of things hoped
10:32 for, the evidence of things not seen, now to make
10:35 that very simple, this is a real thing, this is
10:39 substance, right. So, I knows it here because
10:42 I can touch it, right. Well faith makes the unseen
10:46 real, it makes the unreal real. How do I know that
10:50 God exists because there something in me that
10:53 reaches out and touches God and that thing is
10:55 faith, I can not see him I can not tap him like
10:58 this table but I know he is there because of faith
11:01 that's inside of me and that faith is a gift
11:04 that comes from God. Amen, that sounds good
11:06 and that was a wonderful way to explain that,
11:09 Pastor CA. Okay this one says what does it mean
11:12 to be born again? That is a very important question,
11:16 it is the question that a man by the name of
11:18 Nicodemus asked Jesus one night, and you know
11:21 that story, he asked the same question, what does
11:24 it mean to be born again? How do I get born again?
11:26 Well, that experience is simply giving your life
11:30 over to Jesus when you say Lord I want you to
11:34 come into my heart and take control of my life,
11:37 I want to be your Boy your Girl, that's the
11:40 experience of being born again. Its surrendering to
11:43 use a big word, my life to Jesus, is putting my life in
11:46 Jesus hands its giving myself to him that's being
11:49 born again and you know there is know better place
11:51 to be then in the arms of Jesus, in the arms of
11:53 Jesus. That's right, best place in the world to be,
11:55 I think we have time for another question, this one
11:56 says some times the Bible talks about thinking with
12:00 the heart, what does that mean, we use our brains
12:03 to think, don't we? That's true. Thinking with our
12:07 heart, what do you say about that? That's a very,
12:09 very true statement, I am trying to think a text that
12:11 says heart, there is a one that says, the fool that
12:13 said in his heart there is no God, Proverbs chapter 23
12:17 verse 7, As a man thinketh in his heart,
12:20 so is he. What the Bible simply means is when
12:23 you think something in your heart it means you
12:25 feel it very deeply, you really feel it deeply.
12:29 We ought to love Jesus with all our hearts in all
12:31 our soul, it simply means that in the deepest part of
12:34 you, you believe this, you feel this. We think with
12:37 our brains but the Bible uses that kind of
12:39 language, when it's very deep and very strong it
12:42 talks about feeling with your heart.
12:43 Oh that's wonderful. Well you know what I wish we
12:45 could keep going but that's all the time we have
12:48 right now, thank you so much Pastor CA,
12:49 you are welcome Miss Brenda. You know every
12:51 time you are here I learn something, don't you
12:52 boys and girls. Well you know if you have a
12:54 question for Pastor CA, please send it to me here
12:57 on Kids Time at 3ABN and I will make sure you
12:59 will get your question answered, because your
13:01 questions are important to us and your
13:04 questions are important to Jesus.
13:14 Hello family, how are you? Hi father. Hi father.
13:18 Does anybody know what time it is? Oh is it time
13:21 for bed time? Not quite yet my son, does anybody
13:25 else know what time it is? It is time for worship?
13:28 Yes, its time for worship. Let's gather for worship.
13:34 Early in the morning when the sun begins to
13:36 shine and I open up my eyes I will praise you.
13:41 Early in the morning when the sun begins to
13:44 shine and I open up my eyes I will praise you.
13:49 All daylong, I give my life to you in everything
13:53 I do I will praise you All daylong, I give my
13:58 life to you in everything I do I will praise you
14:06 Who wants to pick the story for tonight, I do.
14:12 What? My oldest daughter too old to enjoy
14:16 stories? No, I just don't mind letting them choose.
14:19 Oh you are growing up, aren't you?
14:22 Leah, would you pick our story for tonight,
14:25 yes, I would like to hear a story about the Red Sea
14:29 crossing, crossing the Red Sea. Now, that's one of
14:32 my favorites. It's an exciting story.
14:36 Now, it started many, many years ago when
14:40 your grandparents', grandparents',
14:42 grandparents were in Egypt and they were
14:46 slaves and Moses came, and God send Moses to
14:51 free them from Egypt and when Pharaoh finally let
14:55 them go, they went off into the desert and Moses
14:59 lead them and they came right to the edge of the
15:01 Red Sea and the sea was in front of them and the
15:04 mountains were on the left and the mountains
15:06 were on the right and Pharaoh changed his
15:09 mind and he said we must go get them and they look
15:12 behind and there was a large crowd of dust and
15:15 what was it? It was Pharaoh's army coming
15:19 with all of their chariots after the children of Israel
15:23 and they couldn't go left, and they couldn't go right
15:25 and they certainly couldn't go straight
15:27 ahead, the sea, the Red Sea was in the way.
15:30 What were they going to do? Then people started
15:33 complaining, Moses, did you bring us out here to
15:35 die? But what did God do? God told Moses
15:40 stretch out your rod over the red sea and the sea
15:45 parted and you know what God told them to
15:49 stand still and see their deliverance, did they have
15:52 to fight the Egyptians? No, no, God fought their
15:55 battles for them didn't he? They marched right
15:58 through the middle of that Red Sea, not one of them
16:01 got wet and then when they go to the other side
16:04 the Egyptians saw them getting away and they
16:07 said let's go after them they took off right
16:09 through the middle of the waters with their chariots,
16:11 and when they got out half way through, what
16:14 happened? The water has started, the water started
16:17 crashing in on them their chariot wheels got stuck
16:20 in the middle and they got washed away into the
16:23 ocean and on the other side of the, into the other
16:27 side of the Red sea what did the
16:29 children of Israel do? They rejoiced they
16:33 praised the Lord, they probably sang a song that
16:36 sounded something like this.
16:38 Jehovah Jireh, my provider, His grace is
16:44 sufficient for me, for me, for me Jehovah Jireh, my
16:50 provider, His grace is sufficient for me.
16:56 My Lord shall supply all my needs according
17:01 to His riches in Glory. He grace his angel charge
17:07 over me, Jehovah Jireh cares for me, for me,
17:13 for me. Jehovah Jireh cares for me.
17:19 Now, let's open his word and read something that,
17:22 that same God that saved them from the Egyptians
17:27 and let them cross the Red Sea, let's open his
17:30 word and read from that same God.
17:38 And Moses went up unto God, and the LORD
17:41 Jehovah called unto him and saying thus shalt thou
17:44 say to the house of Jacob and tell the sons of Israel.
17:47 Ye have seen what I did unto the Egyptians and
17:52 how I bare you on eagles' wings, and brought you
17:54 unto myself. Now, therefore if ye will obey
17:58 My voice indeed and keep My covenant, then
18:03 you shall be a peculiar people, a peculiar treasure
18:07 above all people, for the earth is Mine and ye shall
18:11 be unto Me a kingdom of priests and a Holy nation.
18:15 These are the words thou shalt speak unto children
18:19 of Israel and you my children are the children
18:25 of Israel. Let's pray to our God.
18:33 Father of God, almighty Father, we thank you for
18:37 your protection in the past, we thank you for
18:41 your deliverance of our people and Lord we thank
18:44 you for the blessings of today and as we look
18:47 toward the promises that you have made for us for
18:50 deliverance in the future, we ask Lord that you
18:54 would continue to lead us and to bless our family,
18:56 in your Holy name we pray, Amen, Amen.
19:01 It's time for bed. Shalom my son, shalom mother,
19:04 Shalom my daughter Shalom, shalom, shalom.
19:29 Amazing grace! How sweet the sound.
19:37 That saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but
19:52 now am found, was blind but now I see.
20:05 Amazing grace! How sweet the sound.
20:14 That saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but
20:28 now am found, was blind but now I see.
20:50 It's time for Miss Brenda's book of the day.
20:54 Oh boys and girls, what an exciting book I have
20:57 today, it's called, The broken dozen mystery
21:00 and its by Jerry D. Thomas book five.
21:03 So, Sheffield Matheson and Mill Valley's most
21:05 famous artist painted 12 pictures of children but
21:08 when he died long ago in a mysterious fire one
21:11 painting disappeared now when Sammy and Jenny
21:14 see the Broken Dozen paintings at the Mill
21:16 Valley art museum, Sammy begins to wonder:
21:19 What if the missing painting wasn't burned in
21:21 the fire after all what if we can find it. Oh, boys
21:25 and girls do you think they found it, I am not
21:28 going to tell you, you going to have to read the
21:29 book, The broken dozen mystery and its book five
21:33 from Jerry D. Thomas, oh it sounds good doesn't it?
21:37 Well before we get started on all the cards
21:39 and letters I would like to take a phone call and we
21:41 are going to talk to Jessica. Hi Jessica,
21:45 Hi Miss Brenda, oh I am so excited to talk to you
21:49 and tell me what you do to share Jesus, Jessica?
21:52 I share Jesus by giving testimonies of what God
21:56 has done for me. For example I had this dye on
22:00 my eye and God healed me and being a good
22:05 example to my friends who may not know Jesus.
22:09 Well, that sounds like a wonderful thing to do
22:11 share Jesus. Let me ask you this, what's your
22:14 favorite part about Kids Time? Cooking time,
22:18 Cooking time with my niece Miss Catie, yeah,
22:21 oh I like that too, do you like my book of the day,
22:23 yeah, oh I do too, you are going to want to read that
22:26 story today aren't you? Yes. Is Gregory there?
22:29 Yeah, can I talk to Gregory a minute, yes.
22:33 Okay, hi Gregory, hi, it's so good to talk to you,
22:38 do you love Jesus? Yes. What do you do to share
22:41 Jesus, I share Jesus by sharing with others,
22:47 telling other people that Jesus is coming back for
22:53 us and I am a preacher, and you're a preacher you
22:57 like to tell others about Jesus, yeah oh well that's
23:01 a wonderful thing to do and I am glad to shared
23:03 that on Kids Time today. Okay. Well, thank you for
23:06 talking to me, keep sharing Jesus Okay, okay.
23:09 Alright bye, bye now, bye, bye. Aren't they adorable,
23:13 well thank you so much, I just love hearing from
23:16 you boys and girls and hearing all the ways that
23:18 you do share Jesus. Well, I have a letter right
23:20 now from it's Kyan I think KYAN and it's from
23:25 Manila, Philippines and let's see, oh there is a
23:29 picture here, before I show you picture I got
23:32 to read my letter right out here, Okay there is a
23:34 picture and its look like a little girl and her brother,
23:37 it says dear Miss Brenda, my name is Kyan and
23:40 I live in the Philippines I have a brother named
23:42 Andre and he is 6-year-old, it says I go to school
23:47 at the Adventist University of the
23:48 Philippines and I am 9-year-old, my family is
23:51 watching 3ABN every Sabbath morning and
23:54 I am in 3rd grade, sometimes I play the
23:56 piano or sing at the church during across the
23:58 street and my friends Judy and Stephanie
24:01 accompany me in the singing and in playing the
24:03 bamboo flute. I love learning time and also
24:07 story time, me and my brother would like to join
24:09 kids club. Thank you so much love, Kyan and
24:13 Andre. Well thank you so much for that and I will
24:16 get you all signed up for those Bible studies okay.
24:19 Let's see, I have an email here and it says dear
24:23 Miss Brenda, my names are Jesse and Daniel and
24:26 Daniel's six and I am 11 we share Jesus by telling
24:29 our friends by stories and we love your entire show
24:32 all of it, please sign us up for Kids Time,
24:35 Club Aloha, and this is from Hawaii.
24:39 Jesse and Daniel, and this is the picture of Jesse and
24:41 Daniel, looks like may be one of them had a
24:43 birthday party there, doesn't it? That's a good
24:46 picture. Okay and let's see we have here a picture,
24:50 a letter from Oklahoma. Let's see who is writing
24:53 us from Oklahoma and another picture oh I just
24:56 love your pictures boys and girls it says dear
24:59 Miss Brenda, oh there is a little baby in this picture.
25:02 Dear Miss Brenda my name is Catherine and
25:05 I will turn seven, I really enjoy your show and my
25:08 favorite part is Music Time and I love to sing
25:11 and I enjoy watching all of the other girls sing too,
25:13 I miss the show when I can't watch it because
25:16 I just love it so much and please can you give me
25:19 copies of the recipes from cooking time, my brother
25:22 is five and his name is Jeffery and he likes the
25:25 neat things you do on learning time, he likes to
25:27 see the new books you recommend each show
25:28 too, I love the book of the days we haven't been able
25:31 to purchase one yet, but hopefully we will soon.
25:34 Jeffery asked that you pray for him to be able to
25:37 go fishing with his daddy, because he's never been
25:39 fishing. We have a 9-month-old baby sister
25:42 named Faith and we are home schooled and we
25:44 would both like to meet you Miss Brenda, could
25:46 you please send us the Bible lessons please and
25:49 one for each of us and thank you so for such
25:51 great quality program we just love you from
25:56 Catherine, and Thank you so much and that's so
25:58 precious and just thank you for that precious
26:00 letter and yes, I'll get you all signed up for the Bible
26:03 stories studies, you are gonna love it, Let's see
26:05 another quick email, let' see, oh yes, here's one,
26:08 its says my name is Richa Paul and I am
26:11 7-years-old, I live in India I like the stories in your
26:15 programs and I tell them to the children in a nearby
26:18 blind school when I visit them with my parents.
26:20 I love Jesus, your friend, Richa. Well, Richa it's so
26:24 good to hear from you, I'm glad you love Jesus,
26:26 boys and girls we are all out of time today but until
26:28 next time remember where ever you go
26:30 what ever you do its Kids Time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17