Kids' Time

Woman With An Infirmity

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000215

00:03 It's time to share there's a world out there,
00:07 Looking for a friend like Jesus.
00:09 It's time to share there's a world out there;
00:14 let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:16 Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:20 Kids Time, Kids Time, Kids Time.
00:24 Hi boys and girls look what I've brought with me today
00:26 aren't these absolutely beautiful.
00:29 Look we have got some green ones
00:31 and blue ones and red ones
00:33 and they just sparkle and shine so nice
00:35 aren't those gorgeous rocks.
00:37 Well, they aren't actually just any
00:39 old ordinary rocks, these are crystals.
00:42 Now, crystals formed naturally in the ground
00:45 if there are right conditions,
00:46 and people like to collect crystals.
00:48 You know, some people collect them
00:49 because they are beautiful and others collect them
00:51 because they worth a little bit money,
00:53 but did you know that they are some people
00:55 that collect crystals because they actually
00:58 think that these crystals
00:59 can heal them, that's right.
01:01 They think that if they are just touching
01:04 crystals that, that will keep
01:06 them from getting sick.
01:07 You know, some of might have
01:09 stomachache or headache and so they put the
01:11 crystals on their head or their stomach
01:14 wherever they are feeling bad and
01:17 I suppose you can say that they have
01:18 faith in the power of crystals but you
01:21 you know what boys and girls we know
01:23 better than that, don't we?
01:24 Christians know that only God is the true
01:27 healer of all of our diseases and sometimes
01:29 we do suffer in this life just
01:31 as Jesus suffered because sin does
01:33 have to follow with ugly couch doesn't it?
01:35 But the Bible is full of wonderful stories
01:38 of how Jesus healed very sick people and
01:40 even brought them to life. You know,
01:43 Jesus pointed out that it was their faith in him
01:45 that healed them. Now, when you are sick boys and girls
01:48 I want to encourage you to pray to Jesus,
01:50 ask Jesus to give you courage and healing
01:52 because you know what miracles still
01:54 happen today. And sometimes you know
01:56 God has reasons for our trails that we
01:58 don't know anything about. So, I want
02:00 you trust in Jesus with your life and your health
02:03 because you know what, after all Jesus made
02:05 the crystals and Jesus made you, so put your
02:09 faith in Jesus and only Jesus.
02:12 Today you are going to hear an exciting
02:14 Bible story about a woman who had that kind of faith
02:17 and she believed that Jesus was the true healer
02:20 I am sure all sorts of people had told her all
02:23 the things she should do to get better
02:24 but deep in her heart she knew that if she
02:27 could just touch Jesus, she would be healed.
02:30 So, that's what she said out to do.
02:33 Now, you are going to have to wait for our
02:34 Bible story to find out just what happened.
02:36 But first let's visit with Ranger Jim and
02:39 and see what he has for us today.
02:47 Hi boys and girls Ranger Jim saying
02:49 welcome to nature time, we are glad that you are
02:51 joined us today we are at
02:52 Southern Adventist University and my friend
02:54 Korine Juhl is with us. Korine what do you
02:55 have to show us today? I have some really
02:58 neat stuff here. I have some bacteria here and
03:02 there is all kinds of stuff I don't know
03:04 if you know bacteria is that bacteria
03:07 is Micro-organisms, that means small living
03:09 creatures that are smaller living you or I can see
03:12 with our eye. And the things we have
03:15 to use micro, what we call microscopes for it or
03:19 sometimes magnifying glasses and there are
03:23 just incredible creatures that can be seen here,
03:26 so right here, this is something called the full
03:30 name is Escherichia coli, or Escherichia coli turn
03:35 out how you say it, but its very, very neat.
03:38 It's, if you look really closely it turns green,
03:42 there is a special medium here and this is what this
03:45 is what this is, this bacteria food.
03:47 And bacteria food what will happened is bacteria will
03:50 sit on that and it will grow and then eat more
03:53 and eat more and keep growing and spreading
03:55 until you have all these cool designs and different
03:58 kinds of things. They are just, they are neat
04:00 creatures, there are actually are millions of
04:03 them, are they not? Millions and millions
04:06 of them and grow very rapidly, very. Okay,
04:09 you said this was E coli, did you said that it was
04:11 the? This is what we know is called E.Coli
04:14 and E.Coli is something that actually most people are
04:18 really familiar with, you probably heard it some
04:21 place or seen at some place and what happens
04:24 is E.Coli is actually something that we
04:26 normally find in our body and our intestines.
04:29 As our food is digested E.Coli helps digest that
04:32 food and what happens is though, sometimes E.Coli
04:36 ends up where its not suppose to be or what
04:39 also will happened is that animals will find a place,
04:44 use the rest room or sometimes people too and
04:47 that bacteria that's associated with that will
04:50 come and will end up in the wrong place
04:52 or may end up in food sometimes and that
04:55 can make you really sick but E.Coli is
04:58 actually a good bacteria, it has a job to do.
05:01 Alright and so if we get this E.Coli,
05:04 if we could get that, recently we have had
05:07 instances where children got that from petting animals
05:09 or what have you, I heard recently that happened,
05:12 I know it was because of the fecal matter
05:14 from animals, somehow they got that and also
05:17 in restaurants you could get, and when we have
05:19 this, what effect does it have in our bodies,
05:22 if we happened to get this? Is that what they
05:23 call food poisoning; is that a form of
05:25 food poisoning? It can be, it can be on food
05:28 poisoning, it what happens is, it makes your stomach
05:31 very upset and you don't want to see the result
05:35 is just not very comfortable. Yes. We
05:38 have all the aches and pain, all of that,
05:40 when we going to the bathroom and, all of
05:41 that, oh just horrible, horrible stuff, very
05:44 horrible but the thing is this unmoral circumstance
05:48 is incredible, its just beautiful, they are
05:53 beautiful, they are designed by God to do a special
05:55 purpose in job and that is what they are made for
05:58 and they are just incredible bacteria so.
06:01 And so our protection then going would be against
06:03 when this E.Coli is someplace where it
06:06 shouldn't be for our own protection then our best
06:10 defense again that would be thoroughly wash our
06:14 hands right? Really thoroughly wash your
06:16 hands that is the best offence against E.Coli,
06:19 again it's a good thing but in the wrong place at the
06:23 wrong time it can be a bad thing, what is this?
06:25 This is a really another neat one but people will
06:29 also really familiar with this, bacteria
06:33 right here, it's called Staphylococcus
06:36 epidermidis, that's a really long word for
06:38 what we call Staph, and anyone is familiar
06:43 with any kind of hospital or anyone that ends up
06:48 sick has trouble because actually if you were to
06:52 go up to a sink and you were to rub your hands
06:54 really hard and you would to wash your hands
06:56 and wash it over and over and over again this
07:00 bacteria lives in your hands, its normal, it
07:04 belongs there, it actually lives in the skin of
07:06 everyone and what happens is that,
07:10 we will wash our hands or something that happened
07:13 and a personal will get a cut, they will get a
07:15 burn or you know, yes everybody,
07:18 just the bacteria ends up where its not supposed to
07:21 be where God didn't design it to put it to be there
07:24 and then a person gets what's called Staph
07:26 infection and then they are very sick, it's an
07:30 amazing thing as long as this working as God
07:32 designed it, it's perfect but if we get out of place
07:34 then we have trouble, boys and girls
07:36 once again Korine, Thank you so much.
07:38 Isn't that interesting to learn such things is that.
07:39 Ranger Jim, boys and girls saying as always don't
07:43 forget to tell Jesus that you love him
07:44 because he really does love you
07:57 Andrew that's a very nice cabinet you have there,
08:00 Thank you. But, it reminds remind me the guy
08:02 named Edward Mote, who was a cabinet builder.
08:04 When he became a Christian he wrote the song, My hope
08:07 is built on nothing less. Both Mote's cabinets
08:11 and his faith were anchored.
08:19 My hope is built on nothing less
08:24 Than Jesus' blood and righteousness; I dare not
08:30 trust the sweetest frame, But wholly lean on Jesus'
08:36 name. On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand;
08:41 All other ground is sinking sand, All other
08:48 ground is sinking sand.
08:57 When He shall come with trumpet sound,
09:05 Oh, may I then in Him be found,
09:06 Clothed in His righteousness alone,
09:10 Faultless to stand before the throne!
09:14 On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand;
09:18 All other ground is sinking sand;
09:23 All other ground is sinking sand.
09:38 Welcome to learning time.
09:39 Thanks for joining us today.
09:41 Today we are gonna do some work.
09:44 Do you like to do work? Yes. You know some of
09:47 you out there, you know you might too,
09:48 wishing to do work too. Now, some people like
09:51 to work hard and some people like to work just
09:53 a little bit easier. Now, I have got two helpers
09:56 with me, and Britney do you like to work? Yes,
09:58 and what kind of work you do? The dishes, the dishes
10:00 now some of you might do dishes, I would like
10:02 to do the dishes because I would like to eat on
10:05 clean plates and that's a good thing. And let's
10:07 see Joshua, you don't like to work do you? Yeah,
10:11 you do, what kind of work you do?
10:13 Watering the lawn, watering the lawn.
10:14 Hey these are chores that we have to do.
10:16 Well, in order to make work a lot easier for us
10:19 you know what we use sometimes,
10:21 we use simple machines and today I have got
10:24 a simple machine right in front of us.
10:26 What is that look like? Joshua, wheelbarrow.
10:27 This is my red chariot and somebody gets to ride
10:31 in that red chariot today. Well, I will tell what,
10:33 he let's show off our red chariot, I want you to
10:35 grab hold those handles right here, now these
10:37 happened to be levers and Joshua is going to use
10:41 this wheelbarrow and make it go up and down
10:43 Joshua and you know what it pivot someplace,
10:46 you see where the tyre and the wheel is right
10:48 that's where its pivoting and the tyre and the
10:50 wheel that happens be our fulcrum and this is a
10:54 second class lever. Now, some of you might have
10:57 a wheelbarrow around the house and we need
11:00 something to carry and you look like a resistance,
11:04 can you be our resistance today? You are going to
11:07 be our load, or resistance, so why don't you crawl
11:10 lied into this thing over here, well, you going
11:12 to stay, hey get ready, we have got a passenger
11:13 here Joshua, and you sat right in there,
11:16 oh man, isn't that comfortable? Yeah.
11:19 Alright, you know Joshua use your real strong legs,
11:22 Joshua happens to be the force, you are
11:26 the force today, alright, let's go ahead
11:28 and take her for a ride in our simple machine,
11:31 it's a second class lever, are you ready Joshua?
11:34 Yeah, are you ready Britney? May be, oh,
11:37 well hang on, hey let's go, let's take her for a ride,
11:41 we are going to go over here like this.
11:42 Well, and when we are gonna come over here, amen,
11:45 how about this, is that a smooth ride? Let's turn around
11:48 well over here, oh I got it, no, no Okay,
11:52 we are going to make our turn. It is signal for a
11:54 left hand turn. Oh here we go, come on,
11:56 we gonna come back over here and we are just gonna
12:00 put her right here where we started and we are
12:02 just gonna kind of let's just don't put her wow,
12:04 hey now that was interesting. Hey was that
12:09 a fun ride? Yeah, oh that was a fun ride?
12:12 That's a simple machine, it's a second class lever,
12:15 did you get tired carrying her around, kind of, kind,
12:19 but you know what it would be a whole lot more
12:21 of work if you had pick her up in your arms and carry
12:24 her all over the place wouldn't it? Yeah,
12:26 that would be a lot of work, wouldn't it? Well,
12:29 you know that was the load, Britney happens
12:31 to be our load, you know sometimes we carry loads
12:34 don't we? And we might not be able to call those
12:37 burdens, you know the Bible talks about burdens you
12:40 know that we carry loads of all kinds of anxiety
12:43 and sometimes we worry and those are like loads
12:46 right, but you know what, who can help us to carry
12:51 those loads, Jesus. Jesus can, can't he?
12:53 It just like a second class lever, the wheelbarrow
12:57 we can put all our carry all of our worries and let,
13:01 Jesus carry them for us and it makes our job
13:04 a lot easier because that we just don't worry
13:07 about things that God can take care. Will that
13:09 be a good thing for us to do? Will that be good?
13:11 Yeah. Alright. Hey look around your house,
13:15 see if you can find simple machines remember,
13:17 simple machines make work a lot easier for us and
13:21 and it's a good thing to work. So, I think that
13:23 when Adam and Eve were in the Garden of Eden
13:26 I think they were doing work because God had work
13:28 for them to do. You know, I think that they were
13:30 scientists, they were plant scientists and they were
13:33 doing some very scientific things and
13:35 that is great work. Now, when we learn more
13:39 about science we learn more about
13:41 our creator God.
14:01 Just a minute, just a minute I think I know you,
14:04 I have seen you here before but there is a
14:08 change something is different, what has
14:09 Oh something is wonderfully different,
14:12 if you help me with this jar, I will tell you
14:14 about the story. I have been so sick but I
14:20 I met Jesus, You met Jesus, Jesus, Jesus yes.
14:25 I was sick for 12 years with an infirmity that
14:27 was such a burden. I spent all my money
14:31 on doctors and remedies of all kinds and I had
14:35 finally been labeled as totally incurable.
14:39 That when I was so weak, and you recognized how we
14:43 weak I was, when I would have to come to the
14:45 marketplace. But then one day I heard about Jesus,
14:49 Jesus and I heard that he heals and I thought
14:53 that's my last chance so I went down to the
14:57 seashore when I heard he was down there
14:58 but there were a lot of people there, and I
15:01 couldn't even get close to him to tell him about
15:03 my problem. And so I kept looking and
15:07 trying to see how I can get closer
15:09 but then he went into Levi Matthew's home but
15:12 then I waited little bit and you know he came back
15:15 out because he was going to heal somebody else.
15:17 And as he came by it still I tried so hard
15:20 but I couldn't get close to him and I thought
15:23 my chance is going to be gone and then for some
15:27 reason, he started, himself started coming
15:30 closer to where I was and I thought may be I have
15:33 a chance this is my golden opportunity.
15:35 So, he was coming by and then all the sudden
15:39 people just started crowding and then I could
15:41 barely see him but I know he was close and I
15:44 thought if I could just touch the hem of
15:46 his garment I am sure I would heal, I had seen
15:50 him healing people and so I reached through and
15:53 just barely touched the hem of his garment and,
15:56 and you know what there is thrill just came through my body
16:00 and I stood up with the strength like I never had
16:03 before ever, ever oh praise the lord.
16:06 And it was so wonderful and I just started
16:09 praising the Lord in my heart because I was a
16:14 little bit embarrassed for touching without, just
16:16 doesn't saying anything to him but you know as
16:19 I was pulling away and just thrilling in my heart
16:21 all the sudden he said, who touched me?
16:25 Everybody started laughing because everyone was
16:28 pressing him all about but Jesus knew that strength
16:33 that gone from him and healed me. And he
16:37 insisted again he said but who touched me
16:40 and finally I said Oh Jesus and I fell at his
16:44 feet and told him the story and you know
16:46 what he said? He didn't say my garments are
16:49 magical and that's why you are healed.
16:51 Do you know what he said? He said woman your faith
16:55 has made you whole, wow. The faith,
16:58 because I believed, because I believed.
17:01 That belief and I touched him and I was
17:05 healed because of my belief for having
17:07 faith in God is so rewarding and I feel
17:10 so wonderful, praise the lord. Yeah but I must
17:16 get my shopping done because he is going to
17:18 be done by the seashore this afternoon and I want
17:21 to go and meet him again in my full strength,
17:24 would you help me with my bottle of water again?
17:31 Thank you so much, God Bless You.
17:39 Oh! I am so happy.
17:54 I could wish you joy and peace to last
17:58 your whole life long.
18:01 I could wish you sunshine or a cheerful
18:07 little song. Or I wish you all the happiness
18:13 that this life could bring. But I wish you
18:19 Jesus, but I wish you Jesus more than anything.
18:42 I could wish you leaves of gold that may your path
18:48 be smooth. I could wish you treasures or that all
18:54 your dreams come true. And I could wish you
18:59 paradise that every day be free. But I wish
19:06 you Jesus, but I wish you Jesus, but I wish
19:25 more than anything, because when I wish
19:31 you Jesus I wish you everything.
19:50 Boys and girls I have Tyler and Tiara with me
19:52 and we are telling you its time for
19:54 for Miss Brenda's book of the day and I have a
19:59 very special book for all the tiny tots out there,
20:02 Miss Brenda has books for big kids and this
20:04 one is for little kids too this one is Boys and
20:07 Girls of the Bible by Charles L. Paddock
20:10 and this has so many stories boys and girls
20:12 has the story of Queen Esther and it has Daniel
20:16 in the Lion's den and there is also the Three
20:18 Three Boys in the Fiery Furnace and then the boy
20:21 and his lunch and also Captain Newman and so
20:23 many more, little ones out there you are
20:25 going to love this book Boys and Girls of the Bible
20:28 by Charles L. Paddock and in fact my guests
20:31 that are with me today will probably going to like
20:33 this book because I have Tyler and Tiara with me,
20:36 Hi Tyler hi Tiara his you probably like this book
20:39 won't you? You have to tell mom and dad about
20:40 ha. Well, I know that you have something special
20:44 you have done for Jesus but before we listen
20:46 to what you have done let's talk to Emma
20:49 on the phone okay. Hi Emma are you there,
20:51 yeah. Emma can you tell me where are you from?
20:56 L'Anse Michigan. In Michigan, well tell me
21:03 how old are you? Four, well I am so glad to talk
21:07 to you what did you to share Jesus?
21:08 I am telling the people out there in nursing home,
21:12 I telling them by songs and Bible verses, oh
21:18 that's a wonderful thing to do and you do you have
21:21 a brother or sister? Yeah, and do they share Jesus too,
21:25 yeah, my brother doesn't because, he is just a baby,
21:29 just a baby, so you are going to have teach him
21:32 all about sharing Jesus aren't you? Yeah. alright.
21:35 Well, thank you for talking to us and you
21:38 keep sharing Jesus? Okay, okay. Alright,
21:41 bye, bye now. Bye oh that was so good to talk to
21:45 Emma, wasn't it? And you know I love talking to you
21:49 boys and girls on the phone sometimes you
21:51 never know when Miss Brenda might call you.
21:53 Well, right now someone else that I would like to
21:55 talk to you is our guest today.
21:56 I have Tyler and Tierra and Tyler I am so happy
22:00 that both of you here today. Tyler what do you
22:03 do to share Jesus, I draw pictures for Jesus,
22:05 you draw pictures for Jesus, did you bring
22:07 some today? Can I see them? Let's see okay
22:14 now let's see may be Miss Brenda holds it right
22:16 here, you can tell me, this, is this,
22:19 what is this right here? God's hand,
22:21 God's hand and what we looking at right here?
22:23 A boy in the wheelchair and what's this right here?
22:26 A nurse, a nurse is pushing the boy in a
22:28 wheelchair, and who is this? Jesus, Jesus and
22:32 what about down here, a rabbit oh that is so
22:36 pretty and this is God's hand taking care and
22:39 watching over the boy in the wheelchair that's good
22:41 and then we have another picture here and what is
22:43 this one? It says I can walk thank you Jesus,
22:48 and it says will you come into my heart?
22:51 This like a little boy asking Jesus to come in
22:53 his heart and what you do with these pictures?
22:55 I am going to send them to the hospital,
23:00 to the hospital to give them to boys and girls
23:02 that aren't felling good and you don't even know
23:04 these boys and girls right, you are just
23:06 wanting to share Jesus with them. Isn't that a
23:09 wonderful way to share Jesus boys and girls?
23:12 By drawing pictures because Tyler is quite a
23:14 little artist here and to draw pictures and send
23:16 them to boys and girls, he doesn't even know
23:18 I am sure that's going to make him feel better
23:20 that's really is a wonderful way to
23:22 share Jesus, do you like drawing. Jesus gave you a
23:25 special talent didn't he? I am so glad
23:27 you are using that talent for Jesus.
23:29 Now, this is your sister Tiara, hi Tiara; hi
23:33 what do you do to share Jesus? Why didn't you
23:37 tell Miss Brenda you do to share Jesus,
23:38 can you help her out Tyler, she smiles.
23:42 You smiles for Jesus? And can you show me
23:46 a big smile, oh you know and you know
23:48 what I am sure if you smile everyone
23:51 is going to know Jesus is in your heart,
23:53 aren't they. Well sure, we will read some letters,
23:55 okay, let's put this over here and I have a letter
23:59 today from Abbey from Goodlettsville, Tennessee
24:02 and let's see what Abbey has to say and
24:04 I just love getting all your cards and letters
24:08 and finding out what you do to share
24:09 Jesus. It says Dear Miss Brenda my name
24:12 is Abbey and I am 8-year-old and I just
24:14 love Kids Time I think that it takes
24:18 a very special person to work for Jesus
24:20 and I want to work for Jesus too,
24:22 I share Jesus by giving my all primary treasures
24:25 and also a little sign papers to sick and needy
24:28 kids who were in the hospital my dad takes
24:31 me and he shares the Jesus with others too.
24:33 I would like it very much if you would send me
24:36 activity book and also sign me up for the
24:38 Kids Club lessons, thank you for sharing Jesus
24:40 through your show love Abbey. Well,
24:43 Abbey thank you for your kind letter and I think
24:45 that is really special that we just heard
24:48 Tyler say how he shares Jesus by drawing pictures
24:52 and you will also share Jesus at the hospital too.
24:54 So, that's wonderful way to share Jesus.
24:56 Okay, this letter is from I am going to have
25:00 to open it up because address is on
25:01 the outside. Oh its from England, and
25:04 I have a picture here, Tyler could you help me
25:07 hold this picture up and its look a mom and
25:09 two girls just hold at right in front of you
25:11 like this to Miss Amy's camera right there.
25:15 It says dear miss Brenda my name is Lydia
25:18 and I am 6-year-old and I live in England
25:20 my favorite part of the program is music time
25:23 and I share Jesus by making bread
25:26 and singing for older people, please send me
25:28 an activity book and I also want you to
25:30 know I play the violin and the harp I love
25:32 Jesus very much love Lydia. And Lydia that's
25:36 a nice picture, thank you Tyler. Okay,
25:39 we've got that picture and let's see we have another
25:42 one here this is from Sterling, Utah and
25:45 let's see what we have in this one, says,
25:47 oh we have got another picture, can you hold
25:49 that just like that to Miss Amy's camera,
25:52 there we go, dear Miss Brenda my name
25:54 is Chance Phillips and I am 7-year-old
25:57 and I love to watch Kids time, my grandma
25:59 is a Seventh-day Adventist and now my family
26:02 is starting to learn about Jesus too,
26:04 she reads all kinds of stories to me and my
26:07 little brother Clayton and sister Talisha
26:08 from the children's Bible. My dad and I want
26:11 to be baptized into the Church as soon as
26:13 we are ready. When it is my turn to be a star
26:16 student in school I put a big picture of Jesus
26:18 on my posture to show my class that
26:20 I love Jesus too. I am sending a picture myself
26:23 and I hope you will put it on kids time
26:25 please also could you sign me up for Kids
26:27 club love Chance. Well, Chance I would be happy
26:30 to do that thank you and I am so proud of you
26:33 for choosing Jesus. Well, boys and girls that's
26:35 all the time we have today and I enjoyed
26:38 spending this time with you. Thank you Tyler,
26:40 and thank you Tiara for being with us
26:42 today. Boys and girls remember
26:43 where ever you are what ever you do its Kids time
26:46 to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17