Participants: Brenda Walsh (Host), C. A. Murray
Series Code: KT
Program Code: KT000214
00:03 It's time to share there is a world out there
00:07 looking for a friend like Jesus. 00:10 it's time to share there is a world out there 00:13 let's tell'em that He loves us so 00:17 let's tell'em that He loves us so. 00:24 hi boys and girls 00:26 know it's really hard when someone you loved dies isn't it? 00:29 you know, when Lazarus died, Jesus said that he is only 00:31 sleeping. 00:32 And the bible says that those who are sleeping in the graves 00:35 will rise again to meet Jesus when he comes again at the 00:38 resurrection. 00:40 You know, I had to say good bye to my precious grandma 00:42 who I loved from all of my heart. 00:44 But, you, know, she was sick and she was in so much pain that she 00:47 was actually looking forward to going to sleep in Jesus. 00:51 Because, she knew that the next thing she would see 00:53 when she'll wake up would be the face of Jesus. 00:56 You know, for someone who loves Jesus that doesn't really have 00:59 to be a scary thing, doesn't it? 01:01 But is kind of hard for those of us who were left behind 01:03 because we miss them and it hurts sometimes to 01:06 go on without them. 01:08 One of the saddest tragedies is when a young child dies. 01:12 Oh how the parents mourn when they loose a son or a daughter 01:15 It's like watching a lovely little flower get crushed and 01:18 destroyed before it even had a chance to bloom. 01:22 I'm so thankful boys and girls for the wonderful hope we have 01:24 in Jesus. 01:25 Such tragedies would be impossible to face otherwise 01:28 wouldn't it? 01:30 You know if you've recently lost someone that you love very much 01:33 I don't want you to loose hope because I want you to know this: 01:36 that Jesus loves You so much, and He will heal your broken 01:40 heart. 01:41 Jesus will take care of you and in fact, the Bible says He will 01:45 be your mother, your father, your comforter 01:47 and He will be your closest friend. 01:50 You, know, I'm so homesick for Heaven aren't you? 01:52 I'm homesick for Heaven because in Heaven there's not gonna be 01:55 anymore tears, no more pain, no more death, but each day 01:59 will be more wonderful, more glorious, than the day before. 02:03 I can't wait, can you? 02:05 All right now, let's go to the garden enjoying Nature Dan. 02:16 Welcome boys and girls to my garden. 02:18 and remember today we're kind of talking about some trees 02:20 I've got a lot of helpers here with me, have you seen my tree? 02:23 This is a beautiful tree. 02:26 We call this an ornamental tree. 02:28 Yes, ornamental means pretty, do you guys like pretty trees? 02:34 Yes! 02:35 Do you like ugly trees? 02:36 No! 02:38 We like pretty things and it's one thing that God has given us 02:42 in all this beautiful things on this Earth to look at. 02:45 So we have an ornamental tree. 02:46 Now it's really strange, this is actually a peach tree, 02:51 now a peach tree, I grow peaches on it, in fact I've got some 02:55 peaches that are growing right here, right now. 02:57 But mostly I grow this because it's pretty to look at. 03:01 Now I have some other trees over here, like I've got this one 03:04 right up here which is called a Crape Myrtle tree. 03:07 and that will have beautiful flowers on it in the summer time 03:10 wait till the summer. 03:11 And then over there I've got a big old beautiful Dogwood 03:14 tree. 03:15 Now the dogwood tree has flowers in the spring time 03:18 wait till the fall, that's gonna have beautiful fall colors 03:21 it will turn red like our peach tree is now. 03:25 And then I've got a nice Stuartia tree over there which 03:28 is gonna get beautiful blooms on it, they're like camelia 03:31 blossoms, they're gorgeous, and in the winter time when there's 03:35 nothing on it at all, I have bark, looks like a sycamore bark 03:40 and I have another tree on my property that it's got really 03:43 neat leafs, it's got green and white on it, they call that 03:45 verigated. (???) 03:47 So there are lots of different things, they can make something 03:51 beautiful, in this case we have the color of all these beautiful 03:55 leaves, and in some cases we're gonna have the colors of 03:59 the flowers. 04:00 Like on our magnolia tree. 04:01 Or we're gonna have on our beautiful tree here the Crape 04:04 Myrtle which will have pinks and purples and reds, all kinds 04:09 of beautiful colors. 04:11 I love ornamental trees. 04:13 another favorite tree of mine it's an ornamental, is a thing 04:16 called a Japanese Maple. 04:18 The Japanese Maple comes in all different sizes and types, 04:21 anything from little to all the way really big. 04:24 And a lot of times it has leaves with this kind of color on it. 04:28 Boys and girls, I want to encourage you every day. 04:32 To sow the seeds of God's love. 04:42 Beloved, let us love one another for love is of God and everyone 04:48 that loveth is begotten of God and knoweth God. He who does not 04:52 love, does not know God, for God is love. 04:56 In this was manifested the love of God toward us, because 05:00 that God has sent us His only begotten son into the world 05:03 that we might live through him. 05:06 1st John 4: 7-9. 05:16 This love that makes us happy, 05:19 this love that smoothes the way; 05:22 It helps us mind, it makes us kind 05:26 To others every day. 05:30 God is love; 05:32 we're his little children. 05:36 God is love; 05:39 we would be like Him. 05:42 This love that makes us happy, 05:46 this love that smoothes the way; 05:49 It helps us "mind," it makes us kind 05:52 To others every day. 05:57 And when this life is over, 06:00 And we are called above 06:03 Our song shall be, eternally, 06:07 Of Jesus and His love. 06:11 God is love; 06:14 we're his little children. 06:18 God is love; 06:21 we would be like Him. 06:23 this love that makes us happy, 06:27 this love that smoothes the way; 06:30 It helps us "mind," it makes us kind 06:33 To others every day. 06:47 Hi boys and girls, welcome to talk time. 06:50 And I am so happy to be here with you because I have 06:54 my friend pastor C. A. with us. 06:56 Hi pastor, how are you? 06:57 Hi, Miss Brenda, it's good to be here today. 06:58 It's so good to have you, I always love it when you're here. 07:01 and I always learn so much, and I just appreciate the way you 07:04 explain things so simply and so easy to understand. 07:07 Well, thank you very much. 07:08 I have lots and lots of letters, from, you know, they come from 07:11 all over the world, and kids ask me questions all the time that 07:14 I know a pastor needs to answer. 07:16 So I'm so thankful you're here and let's get started, 07:19 how about it? 07:20 All right. 07:21 I have, let's see, the first question is: I'm a Christian 07:23 but sometimes I do have bad thoughts or do bad things, I 07:27 think I need some help, what do you think? 07:28 I think they need some help too. 07:31 And there's help for them in the Word of God. 07:33 He addresses this problem in Romans chapters 5 and 7 I know 07:42 And he touches on it in Galatians. 07:44 And Paul says the same thing, he says "Some times I do things 07:47 I know I shouldn't do. " 07:48 sort of things I should do, I never get around to doing. 07:52 There's always this pressure, to do right and sometimes 07:55 I do wrong, and he says I feel kind of bad sometimes, but, 07:58 his hope is in Jesus Christ and we have the same hope that we 08:01 can do all things through Christ who's strengthen us, that's 08:04 Philippians chapter 4 verse 13, it's a very popular text. 08:07 One of my favorite text. 08:08 It's a great, great text and then in Romans chapter 12:1 08:11 he says not to use our bodies as a sacrifice to the Lord 08:16 as a living sacrifice, 08:18 So we can do this things even some times we feel bad we make 08:21 mistakes, Christ can live in us and He can work through us. 08:25 And we can as Paul says crucify our bodies, we can 08:30 get ourselves to the point when we can love Jesus enough 08:33 so that we can push all men down and get those negative thoughts 08:36 out, and keep our minds stayed on Christ, 08:38 that will help us to do better. 08:39 That's a good point, and you know, being a Christian means 08:42 that we're going to be perfect? 08:44 It means we're trying to be perfect, we are perfecting, but 08:47 we're not perfect. 08:48 And the Bible says if we make a mistake we have an advocate with 08:51 the Father, Hebrews tells us that, so that when you make 08:54 a mistake you can go to Christ, you can confess your sins and 08:57 then he says He is faithful and just to forgive. 08:59 So when you make a mistake, go to Jesus, ask for forgiveness, 09:03 He gives you forgiveness and with that forgiveness comes 09:05 strength. 09:06 So, that you can do better the next time. 09:08 I just might have a question of my own for you: 09:10 If we do something and we ask to be forgiven, God forgives us, 09:15 right? 09:16 But what if we keep on doing and we say: well, you know, God 09:18 can forgive us, so we do what we want to do, and then we'll 09:21 just go and be forgiven. 09:23 David has a text, it skips my mind exactly where it is but he 09:26 says: Keep back thy servant from presumptuous sins. 09:30 You know, the bible says: He that is in Christ doesn't sin 09:33 anymore, means you don't keep on sinning, you don't keep 09:36 on sinning, but as grace comes into your life, as forgiveness 09:39 comes into your life, as Jesus comes into your heart, you get 09:43 victory over sin. 09:45 So those things you used to try and stumble over you don't 09:47 do that anymore. 09:48 You can step over them now, because Jesus is in your heart 09:51 and you don't do those things anymore. 09:53 My dad as you know is a pastor and I can remember him preaching 09:56 in so many of his sermons that Jesus will save us 09:59 from our sins. 10:00 Not in our sins. 10:03 We have another one here "I saw my friend steal a pack 10:06 of gum when we were at the store. 10:08 I didn't say anything and it really didn't cost that much 10:11 I know that stealing is a sin, and I didn't steal, but I didn't 10:15 say anything either, was I sinning too? 10:18 That's one of those sins of omission. 10:24 It's not enough to be there, you need to let your light to 10:28 shine. 10:29 So that means that if a person is making a mistake, 10:33 you have a responsibility to them, to tell them about 10:35 the mistakes, you've got to be very, very careful, because 10:38 people don't like to be corrected. 10:39 They don't like to be told that they're wrong so you have to 10:42 do it in love, some times you may not even want to do it at 10:44 that moment. 10:46 You may want to wait a little while to say, you know, that 10:48 was not a good thing that you did. 10:50 That was not a good thing and we need to pray about that 10:53 and ask God for forgiveness. 10:54 And then you've done your responsibility. 10:56 Your responsibility is to let Jesus shine in your life. 10:59 And sometimes means telling people that they've done 11:02 something that wasn't quite good. 11:03 Do you thing he should go back to his friend now even at 11:05 this point maybe and say something to him? 11:07 I think he should because if you say nothing, your friend 11:11 may feel like you don't have a problem with it and you 11:14 like it. 11:15 So you need to say something because your friend will know 11:17 how you feel about it, and then if he is conscious about it, 11:20 he knows that they can't do that in your presence, because 11:23 it's not something that you like. 11:24 That's a very good point, and you know what, that's a wise 11:28 advice, wise advice. 11:29 We have so many questions, I wish we had time, but I want to 11:32 thank you, for being with us today, and I appreciate 11:34 you being here, pastor. 11:35 You know what, boys and girls, if you have a question for 11:37 pastor C.A. I'd like you to send those questions to me here at 11:41 Kids time and I'll make sure your questions get answered 11:43 because your questions really are important to us. 11:46 And they're important to Jesus. 11:57 When He cometh, when He cometh 12:01 To make up His jewels, 12:04 All His jewels, precious jewels, 12:07 His loved and His own. 12:10 Like the stars of the morning, 12:14 His bright crown adorning, 12:17 They shall shine in their beauty 12:20 Bright gems for His crown. 12:23 Little children, little children, 12:26 Who love their Redeemer, 12:30 Are the jewels, precious jewels, 12:33 His loved and His own. 12:36 Like the stars of the morning, 12:39 His bright crown adorning, 12:42 They shall shine in their beauty, 12:45 Bright gems for His crown. 13:05 Calm down, calm down and tell us what's happening 13:09 Oh, yes, He's alive 13:10 Rebecca, what is happening? 13:11 You remember the little Seth who lives two doors down from me. 13:15 Oh, yes, yes. 13:16 The precious boy that she loves, the only one she has remaining 13:20 you know, she's widow, and the precious boy has been 13:23 the light of her life. 13:25 And you remember the prophet Elijah who came to her during 13:29 the recent famin and they have been hiding 13:33 from Ahab. 13:34 Yes, Ahab has was seeking to destroy him. 13:36 But the Lord took him to a brook and he stayed there 13:39 And he drank from that water until it dried. 13:43 But then He said: Go to the widow, and she will feed you and 13:47 you remember that the widow said - But I only have a little flour 13:51 and a little oil left, and after I make this bread, my son and I 13:56 will die. 13:57 We were all hungry then. 13:58 She taught for sure that they will die together right at 14:01 that time. 14:02 But, Elijah said, don't fear the God almighty, He will 14:07 provide the flour and the oil. 14:10 and your life will be sure. 14:12 Yes and it was. 14:14 And the family continued to feed on it. 14:17 And now, and now the tragedy, 14:20 suddenly, it was like sun stroke something happened to the young 14:23 boy, and he fell, dead, dead. 14:28 And she was saying, how can this be, I listened to God, I obeyed 14:33 God and now my son is dead? 14:36 And she ran to Elijah and she said Elijah, my son has died. 14:41 And what did he do? 14:42 Oh, that man of God, that man of God, he said: 14:45 Oh Lord, God almighty, the living God, and he prayed 14:50 not just once, not just twice, but three times he prayed 14:55 over the boy, it was so amazing that I still can't believe it 15:00 I saw it with my own eyes, but the boy opened his eyes. 15:04 Opened his eyes? Are you sure that he was dead? 15:11 Listen to me, listen to me, everybody, he was cold, his 15:16 body was stiff, he was dead like all that we morn over. 15:21 And the mother was grieving and I was crying, and I thought 15:25 for sure, how could this be fall on her, she believed God... 15:28 All that she' gone through, she trusted him, do you know that 15:32 God calls us all to trust in Him? 15:35 To believe what our faith could do, and then He would provide 15:40 And He provided. 15:41 And do you know that when her little boy opened his eyes she 15:45 left out a scream of joy. 15:48 Oh God almighty, You have raised my son, praise God he is 15:53 with me. 15:54 It was a beautiful moment. 15:55 Where are they now, can we see them? 15:57 They're at the house, I left running to tell you all 16:01 I want everybody to know. 16:03 I want to see this boy. 16:06 Come, let's go see him. 16:26 Jesus, Jesus 16:29 Oh what a wonderful child 16:33 Jesus, Jesus 16:36 So lowly meek and mild 16:41 New life, new hope, new joy He brings 16:44 Won't you listen to the angels sing 16:48 Glory, glory, glory 16:52 To the new born King 16:58 Jesus, Jesus 17:02 Oh what a wonderful child 17:05 Jesus, Jesus 17:09 So lowly meek and mild 17:13 New life, new hope, new joy He brings 17:16 Won't you listen to the angels sing 17:20 Glory, glory, glory 17:24 To the new born King 17:27 Glory, glory, glory 17:31 To the new born King 17:35 Glory, glory, glory 17:43 To the new born King 18:01 Hi, boys and girls, I'm here today with Brendan and he 18:04 brought his big brother David and we're here to tell you that 18:07 it's time for miss Brenda's book of the day. 18:11 And what a wonderful little book this is for all you tiny? 18:15 out there. 18:16 This is Elijah Jeremiah Philips Great journey by Paul B Racudy 18:21 I know you're there, called Ely come down, and down jumped miss 18:25 Boots, Elijah's cat, join us, he said, Skip and I are on 18:29 a journey around the house, and off they marched, straight to 18:32 the back door, Elijah Jeremiah Philips, his dog Skipper and 18:35 miss boots all in line. 18:38 I wonder where they're going. 18:40 I'm not gonna tell you that, you're gonna have to read 18:42 the book little ones, this is Elijah Jeremiah Philips's Great 18:45 Journey by Paul B Racudy. 18:48 But today we have so many wonderful things to share with 18:51 you, on sharing time and I have a wonderful guest as you know 18:55 we've got Brendan here with his big brother David, but we 18:58 also are going all the way to Berrien Springs, Michigan, 19:01 and talk with someone on the phone right now, and I have 19:04 Nicholas on the phone. 19:05 Hi, Nicholas, 19:06 Hi, Brenda. 19:08 It's so good to talk to you 19:09 Tell me, Nicholas, what do you do to share Jesus? 19:16 I take people bread. 19:19 You take people bread? 19:21 May ask you something? 19:22 Does someone help you make the bread? 19:26 Yes 19:27 Who helps you? 19:28 My mommy. 19:29 My mommy, does she make a good bread? 19:32 Yes 19:33 And do you like to eat it too? 19:36 Yes. 19:37 What do the people say when you give them their bread? 19:39 I sneak up on them. 19:41 You sneak up on them? 19:43 And what do they say? 19:46 We put it out their door and then we run back. 19:50 So you put it out their door and you run away so they don't know 19:53 who gives them the bread? 19:54 Yes 19:55 And you just want to be kind. 20:00 Yes. 20:01 Well wheat's your favorite part about Kids Time Nicholas? 20:04 Learning time. 20:05 Learning time with Ben Roy? 20:06 I like that too. 20:08 Well you keep watching and keep sharing Jesus ok? 20:10 Ok. 20:12 All right bye-bye now. 20:13 Bye! 20:15 Just like you say sneak away - that was cute wasn't it? 20:18 I'd like you to meet Brendan right now. 20:20 Hi, Brendan. 20:21 Hi. 20:22 What do you do to share Jesus? 20:24 I wanted to aid the beavers and I made this book 20:31 Can I see that? 20:32 That's a nice book, it says Brendan's prayer book. 20:36 And tell me what is a prayer book? 20:39 It's, well I watch 3ABN and when they put on... 20:47 Prayer list? 20:48 Yes. 20:49 And I write the prayer list on my prayer book 20:53 And then what do you do? 20:56 I pray about it. 20:57 You pray for them. 20:58 Isn't that a wonderful idea boys and girls? 21:01 He takes all the names from 3ABN prayer list and he puts them 21:04 in here and prays for them 21:06 I love that idea. 21:07 And is there anyone else that you write there down with their 21:11 names in there? 21:12 Can you do something for miss Brenda? 21:14 Can you put Kids Time in here and pray for Kids Time and all 21:17 the boys and girls that watch and give their heart to Jesus? 21:20 I would like that very much 21:22 Now you brought some one very special here today, who did you 21:24 bring with you? 21:25 David. 21:26 And who is David? 21:27 He's your big brother isn't he? 21:30 And I think that David does something special to share Jesus 21:33 here's your prayer book back 21:34 David what do you do to share Jesus? 21:36 I share Jesus by going on a mission trip. 21:40 I went to the South American country of Peru. 21:44 Where I and about 30 people help to build a multi purpose 21:49 building that could be a school or church for the local people 21:53 Let me ask you this: 21:54 What kind of work do you actually do yourself? 21:57 I help carry the blocks to build the walls. 22:00 Was that pretty heavy? 22:01 Yes, it was a lot of hard work, it was really hard. 22:04 Did you get to do any 22:07 preaching when you were over there, did you get to actually 22:10 say to people about Jesus? 22:12 No, I didn't get to do anything like that, but I did get one day 22:15 and help a dentist pull people's teeth and they 22:18 and they passed out? 22:21 And when you said you have pulled their teeth what part 22:23 did you take in that? 22:24 I would help the passed out, or I would give the dentist 22:28 the tools that he needed and when he would finish with them 22:31 I would wash them and clean them for the next patient. 22:33 I could tell you. miss Brenda went as a missionary nurse 22:36 to Mannington for a month and with my sister Linda, and we 22:40 did have a dinner starter trip and I know that at the end of 22:43 the day we had buckets worth of teeth, it was a lot of teeth 22:47 they've pulled, so that was a big job. 22:48 Let me ask you this: 22:50 You've brought some pictures with us, let's put them up on 22:52 screen right now and let's see, tell me what are we looking at 22:55 right now? 22:56 Ok there, we are working at the front wall of the building 23:01 and there, they're kind of in the middle of laying block 23:06 Ok, and what's this next picture? 23:08 That's another one of the wall, 23:11 and we're getting a little bit higher there, 23:13 Ok, higher, so you're getting finished and we have the next 23:16 picture. 23:17 And there that is a picture of my dad laying block on the 23:20 back wall. 23:21 So your family went over there as a family? 23:23 Well my dad and two of my brothers and I. 23:26 Ok and what is this here? 23:27 There I am sifting sand for the mortar that goes between 23:31 the block. 23:32 That looks like a heavy job to me. 23:33 It was a lot of hard work. 23:35 And then what's happening here? 23:37 There's the dentist pulling a tooth that I helped. 23:39 And you were handing the instruments? 23:41 Yes. 23:42 And there's a girl shining a flashlight, looks like. 23:43 There's an assistant also. 23:45 Wow, David that sounds like an exciting trip. 23:47 Would you want to do it again? 23:49 Oh, yes. 23:50 It was a lot of fun. 23:51 And did you have good food to eat over there? 23:53 What kind of food did they have for you? 23:54 We had a lot of fruits like papaya and mango, 23:59 and we had potatoes and a plant called yucca that's similar 24:04 to potatoes 24:05 Was that good? 24:06 Yes 24:07 Oh good. 24:08 A lot of rice and beans also. 24:10 Well you guys had a lot more food than we did, we ended up 24:12 but just rice and beans. 24:14 So anytime we can share Jesus in a such a special way to our 24:18 brothers and sisters, wherever we are, especially right next 24:22 to home or away from home it is important to do, and I'm 24:25 proud of you for doing that. 24:26 Brendan thank you for also for bringing your 24:28 brother here to tell us about that. 24:30 That was really sweet. 24:31 I have some letters here and let's read a couple of them 24:34 ok boys and girls? 24:35 I have a letter here from 24:37 Let's see, let's read this one. 24:38 This is from Sidney from West Union, South Carolina 24:43 Let's see what she has to say 24:46 Let me ask you this: 24:47 Can you hold that picture up for me please? 24:49 And hold it to that camera right there. 24:51 It says: Dear miss Brenda my name is Sidney and I am like 24:54 4 years old, it says, I have a sister named Summer and we like 24:57 to watch Kids Time, I like to sing songs about Jesus 25:00 please send me an activity book and also I have some stickers 25:03 for you, love Sidney. 25:05 Sidney, thank you so much and thank you for sending me the 25:08 picture. 25:10 Then there's another one from Rosemary, and it's from 25:11 Avon Park, Florida. 25:13 Let's see what she has to say 25:16 And he brought an other picture, here, can you hold this picture 25:19 for me? 25:20 ok. 25:21 Thank you, I'll take that it says: 25:23 Dear miss Brenda, my name's Rosemary, and I'm 5 years old, 25:26 and I share Jesus with my friends, I share also Sabbath 25:30 school lessons with them. 25:31 I live in Avon Park, Florida, and I love my church. 25:34 My church teacher is Mrs. Prado. 25:37 I have a little sister, her name is Jeanette, she's 2 years old 25:40 by for now Rosemary. 25:43 And it said I love Jesus from all my heart. 25:46 I'm so glad you do and thank you for sending that. 25:49 I have an e-mail here I'll read, it says: 25:52 Dear, miss Brenda, my name is Peter and I'm almost 5 years old 25:56 and I have a baby sister that's coming soon. 25:58 I share Jesus with my friends at the nursing home, 26:01 and by praying, and singing, and giving her flowers. 26:03 Says I love Jesus very much and I give toys to those who don't 26:07 have any. 26:08 Love Peter. 26:09 And it said I love Jesus. 26:10 I'm so glad you do Peter. 26:12 Boys and girls that's all the time we had today. 26:14 Thank you Brendan, and thank you David for sharing Jesus on 26:17 Kids Time. 26:18 Boys and girls I want to encourage you that wherever you 26:22 go or whatever you do it's Kid's Time to share Jesus. |
Revised 2014-12-17