Participants: Brenda Walsh
Series Code: KT
Program Code: KT000212
00:03 It's time to share there's a world out there,
00:06 Looking for a friend like Jesus. It's time to 00:11 share there's a world out there; Let's tell 00:14 them that He loves us so. Let's tell them that 00:18 He loves us so. Kids Time, Kids Time, Kids Time. 00:24 Hi, boys and girls, do you know I brought 00:26 my piggy bank to show you today isn't he 00:28 cute, he has got such a cute little smile on 00:30 his face here and he's even got a little gleam 00:33 in his eye doesn't he. Oh! I think he is so 00:36 adorable and you know what I've got room 00:39 for a lot more money and here it's a great way 00:41 for Miss Brenda to save her money. My piggy 00:44 bank is near and dear to my heart. In fact, 00:46 I wouldn't wanna give it up for anything, 00:48 would I, you know, I also live in a house that I 00:52 like very much, it has a nice big kitchen because 00:54 you know Miss Brenda loves to bake and I 00:56 bake and bake and bake, I can just bake to my 00:59 heart still I because baking is my favorite thing 01:01 to do. At least one of them, well my kitchen is 01:04 near and dear to my heart and you know what I 01:06 wouldn't wanna give it up for anything 01:08 or would I. You know, boys and girls have you 01:13 ever love something so much that you 01:15 caught yourself saying I wouldn't wanna 01:16 give that up for anything I just loved that so 01:19 much, but Jesus wants us about that, he said: 01:23 For where your treasure is, there your heart 01:26 will be also. Look that up in Luke 12:34 and 01:29 also the Apostle Paul wrote: Since, then, you have 01:32 been raised with Christ, set your heart on 01:35 things above, where Christ is seated at the right 01:38 hand of God. And that's in found Colossians 3:1. 01:41 You know, I don't want you boys and girls to 01:44 ever like anything on this earth become so dear 01:46 to you that you wouldn't give it up for anything. 01:49 In fact I don't want anything for Miss Brenda to 01:51 be so important to me that I wouldn't give it up 01:53 for anything. In fact, you know what my precious 01:55 little pig here, I think I have a, I have a special 01:58 friend that I know collects pigs and she would love this 02:01 I'm gonna give Carrel Shelton my pig and 02:05 I think she will enjoy that very much. You know 02:07 boys and girls remember your treasure is in 02:09 heaven and that is where your heart should be also. 02:13 Well, right now let's join Miss Emily in the garden. 02:23 Hey, boys and girls I'm here in my garden 02:26 and I'm observing all of the cool insects that grow 02:29 here in the garden. One of the neatest insects 02:32 that lives here is the butterfly, there are over 02:35 17,000 different kinds of butterflies and the 02:39 summertime is the best time to observe all 02:42 of the different butterflies that fly around my flowers. 02:45 There are a few things that I like to do whenever I 02:47 observe butterflies. First thing I like to do is see if 02:51 they fly alone or if they fly in groups. 02:53 The other thing is when do they fly do they fly 02:56 during the day or do they fly during the night? 02:59 Butterflies actually fly during the day and if you 03:03 see something that looks like a butterfly at night 03:05 that is called a moth. The other thing I like do 03:08 is, I like to see where the butterfly is go to in the 03:11 gardens, are they attracted to certain flowers 03:14 or are they attracted to a certain area of my 03:16 garden. Those are some of the favorite things that I 03:19 like to observe about butterflies. But there are 03:22 few things that you can do in your garden 03:24 to attract more butterflies. The first thing 03:28 is that you can plant certain plants that 03:30 butterflies really like and I have a few examples 03:35 here today. The first plant is called flocks, 03:39 now this plant is a perennial it comes up 03:41 year after year. So, whenever you plant a 03:44 perennial you don't have to plant it again, it will 03:46 come up year after year after year. 03:49 I kind a like to say that it celebrates the birthday 03:51 every year and butterflies like to suck the nectar 03:54 out of the flower. How do butterflies do that? 03:59 butterflies don't have mouths; I'll use my 04:02 butterfly here. This is not a real butterfly, but 04:05 just a pertain one. Butterflies don't have 04:07 mouths what they do is, they have a long 04:10 coil that they hide underneath their head, it's 04:12 kind of like a straw and what they do is they 04:15 slip that inside the flower and drink all of the 04:17 yummy nectar from it. The other thing butterflies 04:21 used are these antennas; they use these antennas to 04:26 help them find the flowers as they like in the 04:28 garden. So, a couple other flowers that you can use 04:31 in your garden, one of them is called Ageratum, 04:35 now I love this plant, this is an annual. So, it grows 04:39 only one year you have to plant this every single 04:42 year, but it's got a really nice blue color 04:44 that butterflies really like. And the last plant 04:47 that I like to plant are Zinnias, Zinnias are also an 04:52 annual and you can grow this by seed 04:54 and they come in all different kinds of colors. 04:57 Now, the last thing that you can do for butterflies 05:00 in your garden is you can take a small shallow dish 05:03 and put a couple of pebbles on in and then fill it up 05:09 with water, because butterflies like to come 05:10 get a drink. But they like a really shallow base of 05:13 water and I put the rocks in so the butterfly has 05:16 something to perch on and whenever I'm feeling 05:18 really excited to get butterflies in my garden 05:21 I normally put a piece of sweet fruit in their, 05:23 such as watermelon or banana and that's a really 05:26 nice natural sweet treat for the butterflies. 05:30 Well, boys and girls I'm gonna keep my idea 05:32 for more butterflies in the garden, but first I wanna 05:34 encourage you everyday to sow the seeds of God's love. 05:45 Behold, I stand at the door and knock. 05:48 If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, 05:51 I will come in and dine with him, 05:53 and he with me. Revelation 3:20. 06:03 Behold, Behold I stand at the door and knock, knock, 06:08 knock Behold, Behold I stand at the door and knock 06:13 knock, knock If any girl hear my voice. If any boy 06:18 hear my voice, And will open, open, open the door, 06:23 I will come in. Behold, Behold I stand at the door 06:31 and knock, knock, knock Behold, Behold 06:35 I stand at the door and knock, knock, knock 06:38 If any girl hear my voice, If any boy hear my voice, 06:44 And will open, open, open the door, 06:47 I will come in. I will come in 07:07 Welcome to Learning Time, I'm glad you 07:09 joined us today and I've got two special 07:12 helpers. Let's see who they are? Serena, 07:14 you're back hey thanks for helping me today. 07:16 Welcome, Tyler thanks for helping me, sure, 07:19 hey we're gonna do something interesting. 07:21 We've got some pieces of equipment here, 07:22 but you know we're gonna be safe today. 07:24 And you can try this experiment at home, 07:27 so we're just gonna do it here and we're gonna 07:29 use some safety equipment, what it is? Safety glasses, 07:34 the safety glasses will you mind putting those 07:35 on Serena okay and Tyler I've got a pair for you 07:38 as well and I have got a pair too. Well, don't we 07:41 look good with our glasses on? Yeah, they look great. 07:45 Well hey today, we're gonna be talking about 07:47 heat and cold and you know what happens, 07:50 when things get cold something happens that's 07:53 very interesting because every things made on a 07:56 molecules isn't? Yeah, you are, the air is, the 07:58 food that we eat, the chair and this, this, this can, 08:02 this canister that has gas in it. And gas is even made 08:05 out of molecule. Today, we're gonna look at piece of 08:07 brass, this is brass it's a metal and this is a ring 08:11 vand you know that most rings have a hole in them. 08:13 Did you know that? Yes, isn't that curious anyways 08:16 today we're gonna do out little experiment 08:18 and Tyler I want you to hang on to that ring 08:20 right here, the brass ring. I'm gonna put this 08:22 ball it's a solid brass ball. Well, it fit through 08:25 there, do you think? Yes, okay we're just gonna 08:28 drop it right through and see what happened wow! 08:30 And it does fit through, but that's because it's 08:32 not real warm because if we warmed this up, 08:36 you know, what happened to this little ball? 08:37 It will get big, you know how big this little ball 08:41 will get if we heated up. It will fill up the whole room, 08:45 no it won't do that but it will get bigger. In fact it 08:49 may not have been fit through the hole, shall we 08:51 try it. Sounds like an experiment, so let's go 08:54 ahead and do wow! we're gonna heat this up, 08:57 well that's really hot. We are using propane 09:00 now that's a gas, it's a fuel isn't it? 09:02 So, we're gonna heat this up and this little handle 09:05 I've got a long handle and that long handle will 09:07 keep my hand from getting warm because that 09:10 metal conducts the heat and so I don't wanna get 09:13 my hand burn. You know that reminds me if something 09:15 Serena. Give a roast anything, what you roast? 09:21 Have you ever roast marshmallows, yeah oh! 09:23 I like to roast marshmallows and sometimes you can 09:25 put some of that chocolate with it and the graham 09:27 crackers, have you ever had those small things yeah. 09:30 Oh! Do you like those? Yeah, yeah, but we can't 09:32 eat a lot of them because when I eat some more, and 09:34 I want some more, some more and some more and 09:36 that's interesting. Now, you think that's hot enough, 09:39 if it's hot enough what should have happened 09:41 to the ball class, get bigger, should it got bigger 09:44 right. Because the molecules get further apart 09:47 when they get heated up and they start to move faster 09:50 and faster, shall we try it Tyler yeah. Okay, I'm gonna 09:53 turn my heat off right here, because that's really 09:56 dangerous we're gonna put it here and let's see 09:58 if it's gonna drop through, no it's not gonna drop 10:00 through in fact what's gonna happen to it. 10:02 Can we balance it there? Look it there, it doesn't go 10:05 through, it's too big isn't that interesting. Wow! 10:08 How could we get it go through class? How could we 10:10 get it go through? Shall we try to cool it off, 10:13 yeah, yeah, oh! I think I have to lick at. No, 10:17 it's much too hot, it doesn't look like it's 10:19 dangerously hot, but it is dangerously hot. 10:22 Now, listen to the sound of this little ball cooling 10:25 down and what's gonna happen to the molecules when 10:28 we do that, get small, there are gonna get closer 10:30 together here we go let's put it in there in. Wow! 10:35 Did you hear that? Did you see that? Yeah, well, there 10:38 was some steam, some condensation that came up 10:41 there. Now, those molecules ought to be closer together 10:43 you think it will fit through there now, yeah. 10:45 Let's try it put it right here and drop it right 10:47 through and it goes right through isn't that 10:50 interesting? Yeah, now hey Serena, I'll tell you 10:53 what we're gonna do, let's put those down over here. 10:55 I have got a little model you know sometimes we 10:57 can learn a lot by using models. And why don't you 11:00 hold that for me and this is, what is that anyways? 11:03 Isn't a toy, yes have you ever used one of these 11:07 before. Well, it reminds me of molecules and when 11:11 things are cool, the molecules are closed 11:13 together. In fact, we have these little points 11:15 right here, this whole thing is called the 11:16 Hoberman Sphere and it's made out of simple 11:19 machines. It's made out of first class levers 11:21 really and when things get warmed like that ball 11:24 Tyler, those molecules get further apart and 11:27 they start going faster so can you make that 11:29 bigger for us? I think you know how to do that, 11:31 she's gonna make this thing bigger just like 11:33 when things get warm like those molecules get 11:35 further apart. Wow, did it get bigger? Yeah, 11:39 that's right and when things warm up those 11:41 molecules start to move faster and faster 11:43 and they get further apart. Serena, I bet you 11:47 can even get in there, can you get in there? Hey, 11:48 I'll hold it, can you find, can you get in there. Oh! 11:51 Hey, and she can crawl right through that hole 11:53 there you go, we will put the hole down there for you. 11:55 And she can fit all the way, Tyler can you fit in there 11:57 too, do you think two people get in there, 12:00 isn't that interesting? And that reminds me of 12:03 something interesting as well, do you know that God 12:06 created molecules? Did you know that? God created 12:09 molecules, he created you and I, he created them 12:12 so that when things heat up they get little bit 12:15 bigger and when they cool down, they get a little 12:18 bit what? Smaller, smaller except for water, 12:21 did you know that's true. When we freeze water in 12:24 cool water down do you know what happens to it? 12:26 it gets bigger, and it does. You know, that's a good 12:28 thing, because if the water didn't get bigger the 12:32 crystal and structure gets a little bit larger. 12:34 Water can flow, when it freezes, did you know that 12:37 ice floats. If it wasn't for ice floating, you know, 12:40 what happened to the fish Serena? The fish 12:42 wouldn't have a place to swim, because water 12:45 when they froze would go to bottom of the lake or 12:47 the streams of the oceans and what would happened? 12:50 would get layer after layer of ice and pretty soon they 12:52 wouldn't be any water left and that would destroy the 12:55 animals and some plants too isn't God great? Oh! 12:58 He is and when we learn more about science, 13:02 we learn more about our creator God. 15:16 Why are you so sad? Where is momma? Well, she 15:21 had to go to the market, but she will be home soon. 15:24 Are you hungry? Sure, yeah, would you like some grapes, 15:28 sure here we go, don't spell them? Beth where 15:38 is your mother? Well, she had to go to the market, 15:40 but she will be home soon father what's the matter. 15:43 Oh! I have just been up on the hill side and I was 15:47 listening to this teacher, the one they call Jesus. 15:49 Oh! Yes, mother and I have listened to him, 15:52 isn't he good? Oh! He is a good teacher and he tells 15:55 wonderful stories, but you know the people are 15:58 crowded all around him. I waited for him to be 16:01 finished and when everybody was starting to leave, 16:04 I went up to him and I asked him. Teacher 16:07 what must I do to be saved; well his first answer 16:10 didn't surprise me. He said keep the commandments, 16:14 I said well this I have done since I was a child. 16:17 But then, then he said sell everything you have 16:23 and give it to the poor and come follow me. 16:28 He said this to me; he didn't say to the crowd, 16:30 he didn't say to anybody else, he says it to me, 16:32 sell everything you have and give it to the poor. 16:36 The rest of them presences follow that they don't have 16:39 anything to sell. Yes, but you know what would people 16:43 think if I would sell everything and just take 16:46 off and follow after some preacher I mean, 16:49 I have been a ruler since I was a little child 16:51 and my father before that and his father before that. 16:54 This home has been handed down to us from generation 16:57 to generation. It has been said that he is the 17:00 son of God, well, anybody can stand up on the hill 17:04 side and say that there are the son of God and 17:06 claim to me the Messiah, but I mean how can I 17:10 mean how can I, how can I know that he is the Messiah. 17:13 They said that he feeds all of prophesies for the 17:16 Messiah, what if he is and has asked you to do this. 17:22 What would your mother say, what would the 17:24 people from the temple say, what would our neighbor 17:27 say, what they think we were stark raving mad if we 17:30 just sold everything and wandered often, you know. 17:36 I believe he is the son of God, it just, it just too 17:41 hard I mean how we can just let go with all of this. 17:46 God's blessed us so much and now he wants us 17:49 to just give it away. Listen, I got to go find 17:52 your mother, if she comes home tell her I'm out 17:55 looking for her, I'm going to the marketplace. 17:58 I love you father. Why is father so angry? 18:03 Well, when God asks somebody to do something 18:07 and they really don't want to do it they feel very 18:11 upset inside; father is having hard time feeling 18:16 like he should obey. He just doesn't know is 18:18 that the right thing; you wanna pray with me right 18:20 now, okay. Dear Father in Heaven, we love you so much 18:30 please give my father peace, help him to know 18:34 and to do the right thing, give us peace and strength 18:41 through these times and please be with our family. 18:45 Jesus loves me! this I know, For the Bible tells me so. 19:04 Little ones to Him belong; They are weak, but He 19:11 is strong. Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes, Jesus loves me! 19:21 Yes, Jesus loves me! The Bible tells me so. 19:39 Ethan and I are here to tell you, it's time for 19:42 Miss Brenda's Book of the Day. And boys and girls 19:47 do I ever have an exciting book for you today, 19:50 this book is called The Missing Combination Mystery, 19:52 it's the book wrote by Jerry D. Thomas, it says: 19:55 Hidden in a dark and cobweb-filled corner of the 19:57 basement is Great-grandpa Archer's old safe. 20:01 Chris and Maria are sure it is filled with money 20:03 and perhaps gold. But little do they know what is 20:06 really inside. Now, the Shoebox Kids jump into 20:09 action as the new mystery prompts them to search 20:12 for the true identity of the person who donated 20:15 the big white cross on the hill. Now, Chris and Maria 20:18 have a feeling they know but oh! Do they really 20:21 know who the mystery person is? Oh! 20:23 They are gonna have to prove it first, I'm not 20:26 gonna tell you, you're gonna have to read the book. 20:28 The Missing Combinations Mystery book wrote by 20:30 Jerry D. Thomas. Well, I have somebody 20:34 special on the phone right now. But before I do it just 20:37 want to introduce Ethan to you on the Kids Time 20:40 stay with me right now and this is Ethan. Hi Ethan. 20:43 Hi and it's so good to have you. You came all the way 20:46 from where? Astoria, Illinois, Astoria, Illinois. 20:50 Is that a long drive or short drive, yeah 20:51 a long drive. It seems like the long drive, but before 20:55 we talk about what you do to share Jesus, we have 20:57 Alex on the phone, Alex are you there, yeah. 21:00 Oh! Alex it's so good to talk to you where are you 21:03 from Alex. Murfreesboro, Murfreesboro, Tennessee 21:07 and tell me Alex, how many brothers and sisters 21:09 do you have? I got one brother and one baby sister 21:16 and I got a big sister that lives in Portland, 21:24 Tennessee. Oh! I see, now can you tell me Alex 21:28 what do you do to share Jesus. I share Jesus; 21:32 I tell love those about Jesus I mean I tell others 21:36 about Jesus. Who do you tell about Jesus? Anybody 21:40 that doesn't know about him. Anybody that doesn't 21:43 know about him, that's good to tell, anyone that doesn't 21:46 know about him I can't think the better answer 21:48 then that Alex. Well, thank you so much for talking and 21:51 you know what Miss Brenda wants you to just encourage 21:53 you to keep sharing Jesus, will you? Okay, 21:56 alright bye, bye now, bye. Thank you, Alex. 22:01 Well even I'm so excited to have you here today, 22:04 can you tell me what do you to share Jesus? 22:07 I have a piggy bank that looks like a Church, 22:13 so it's a bank that looks like a Church. Let me you 22:17 you have a bank that looks like a Church, piggy bank. 22:19 Oh! It's not a pig, it looks like a Church right and 22:22 it has a spot on the top of it to put money, yeah 22:25 and then what do you do? When it's full, we take 22:29 it to the bank, send it to ADRA. And, so when you 22:36 fill all that, that piggy bank which is really 22:38 a Church you fill it all up with money and then 22:41 will you take it to the bank and then they take all 22:44 that money and you send it to ADRA. Now, that's 22:46 an organization that helps children that need food 22:49 and clothes isn't it? Yeah, and then get send it to 22:56 Cuba. Oh and then you also send it to Cuba, 22:59 so you help the Cuban children, yeah well that's a 23:02 good thing to do tell me what do you do to earn 23:04 money to fill up your bank. I don't know. Well, you 23:08 were telling me earlier that you didn't you wash some 23:11 windows with your free mom. I think yeah, yeah 23:13 you did and do some chores around the house, 23:16 yeah, yeah you just little nervous right now. 23:19 That's okay, it's alright you don't have to be 23:20 nervous because you just on Kid's Time and 23:22 you just with Miss Brenda. So its okay, would you like 23:26 to stay and help me read some letters, yeah. Alright, 23:29 let's do that, let's see I have a letter here from 23:31 the Bahamas and this says it's from Warren Wilson 23:36 and let's see and there is a picture here. Can you help 23:39 me hold up this picture, okay very good and just hold 23:44 it straight up and down just like that oh good job. 23:47 It says Dear Miss Brenda it said on Sunday the 23:50 pathfinders, pathfinders went on a hike toward the 23:53 camp side on Marshall Road in the Bahamas 23:55 and I met a girl their name Adia and I told her that 23:59 my name was Warren and I'm five years old. 24:01 I'm a student at the Bahamas Academy Elementary 24:04 while we're both riding home I shared my 24:06 cookies with her and I told her that we must be kind 24:10 and shall love to each other and she like that, 24:12 your friend Warren. Well thank you Warren for that 24:15 can I have that picture back, and you know I want 24:17 to tell you Warren I don't know if you remember, but 24:20 last year Miss Brenda actually came over and 24:22 visited your school and I've met so many of your 24:25 classmates and we had a wonderful time and you 24:28 even a sing a song for me so Miss Brenda really 24:31 like all the kids over there at the Bahamas Academy. 24:34 Alright, let's see I have another letter here 24:36 this says let's see who this is from. This is from 24:41 St. Lucia in the West Indies and I think there is a 24:44 picture here and here oh! I love the pictures can you 24:46 hold that picture up to, dear Miss Brenda I love 24:51 taking the Kid's Club lessons. I'm saw it took me 24:54 so long to get my last pack of lesson back to you 24:56 though. The reason is because my grandmother 24:59 died and I wasn't able to do my lessons anyway 25:03 this is my picture about to go to Church. I have 25:07 I have always to share God's love to some of my 25:10 friends and they love to join the Kids Club too, 25:13 here their names are Elena, Amabale, I'm not sure to 25:19 say that and then Abigail, Alexander, and Kinder 25:22 and Emanuel, oh! Lot's of friends you have says 25:26 thank you for making us a part of God's children, 25:28 I would like to have some pen pals to write to them, 25:30 I will keep on praying to God for a special sister 25:34 like you to be my sister please. God bless you and 25:37 all of you at 3ABN. I'm praying for you love 25:41 Chewan Emanuel. So, I hope I said that right. 25:46 Well, its so good to hear from you and yes 25:49 I'll make sure that we get all your friends signed up 25:52 for Kid's Club and let's see if I have well maybe 25:55 we will take a e-mail. Dear Miss Brenda how are you? 25:57 I'm Cynthia from Kenya, Africa and I enjoy 26:00 Kid's Time everyday here, we share Jesus by settling 26:05 matters between us kids peacefully and would you 26:09 please send me an activity book mine from Nairobi, 26:12 loves Cynthia. Well Cynthia, yes I will make sure I 26:15 send you an activity book and the Bible lessons 26:17 you know boys and girls that's all the time we have 26:19 today. Ethan I wanna thank you for sharing Jesus 26:21 you keep sharing Jesus okay. Okay. Boys and girls, 26:24 I like to encourage you to do the same because 26:26 you know why it's Kid's Time to share Jesus. |
Revised 2014-12-17