Participants: Brenda Walsh
Series Code: KT
Program Code: KT000211
00:03 It's time to share there's a world out there,
00:06 Looking for a friend like Jesus. It's time to share 00:11 there's a world out there; let's tell them that 00:14 He loves us so. Let's tell them that He loves 00:18 us so. Kids Time, Kids Time, Kids Time. 00:25 Hi boys and girls. I just have something in my hand 00:27 that you might recognize, in fact just some coins. 00:30 Look at all these coins, I have some dimes and quarters 00:33 and nickels and pennies even. And you know what 00:38 sometimes when you are playing around in your 00:40 house or maybe even at someone else's house 00:42 you might come across to coin or two that's fallen 00:44 on the floor or maybe it's lying on the counter. 00:47 But maybe you might think well it might just be 00:49 a penny or a nickel not worth very much money is it. 00:53 But have you ever been tempted to just pickup 00:55 that money when no one is looking and just maybe 00:57 slipped it into your pocket. Well, I'm sure you probably 01:01 been faced with that kind of temptation at sometimes 01:03 right. And it's easy to think oh it's just the little bit 01:06 of money and no one is gonna miss it anyway 01:08 and I'm right as well just make it mine. 01:10 Well, I know a little boy named Taylor who found 01:12 a few coins in the laundry room of his one day. 01:16 Now, he really wanted to keep that money for himself. 01:19 After all, he had two sisters and they had purses 01:21 and they carried around all their coins in their purses 01:23 and you know what he thought I would like to have 01:27 some money to and my grandma just gave me a 01:29 valet and you know what I don't have any money 01:32 in that valet. Well, I think I'll just keep that coin 01:34 and put it right into my valet and it doesn't matter 01:37 if probably nobody else money they are not gonna 01:40 miss this anyway. Well Taylor carried that money 01:43 around into this pocket all morning on and it made 01:45 him so unhappy and so sad that you know what 01:48 he did, he finally went to his mother and he handed 01:50 her the coin and he said you know what mom, 01:52 I found this in the laundry room and he confessed. 01:55 You know what, I'm so sorry I was gonna keep it, 01:59 I just couldn't. I'm really sorry will you forgive me. 02:02 You know, his Mom was so happy not because 02:04 she has the money back 'cause it really wasn't worth 02:07 that much, but she was really happy because her boy 02:10 was honest with her. You know she said Taylor 02:12 you have something more valuable than all the money 02:15 in the world. And he looked at her and like what 02:18 is she talking about. And his mom told him you have 02:21 a good conscious. And a good conscious is the gift 02:25 that you received when you meet Jesus and its worth 02:28 more than all the money in the world. Well in today's 02:32 Bible story, you'll hear about a man who met Jesus 02:34 and you'll hear how Jesus changed his heart and you'll 02:37 read the whole story in Luke 19, I like you to save 02:40 that in your Bibles write that down, so you can 02:42 look it up. Because you're also gonna find out how 02:44 Jesus gave him the gift of a good conscious and 02:48 that's going to be an interesting story today 02:50 I can promise you that, but first let's see 02:52 what Ranger Jim has for us today. 03:01 Hi, boys and girls Ranger Jim saying welcome 03:03 to Nature Time. We're glad you can join us today, 03:06 we are at beautiful Raccoon Mountain Caverns 03:08 near Chattanooga, Tennessee and it is a 03:11 spectacular place to be we have enjoyed it so much. 03:14 And my friend is going to tell us something about. 03:16 These Fossils what are these? 03:19 Yes, these are called Crinoid Fossils and our cave 03:24 the limestone from which it formed is made up mostly 03:28 of the Crinoid Fossils. These animals for a longtime, 03:33 scientists thought they were extinct and it wasn't until 03:37 about 15, 20 years ago that National Geographic 03:41 actually found some alive on the bottom of the 03:44 pacific ocean and they called them sea lilies when they 03:48 first found them because they looked like real pretty 03:51 plants they had stem looking thing that came up and 03:54 they had these real pretty leaf looking things that they 03:57 wave through the water. So they thought they were 03:59 plants come sea lilies then they got to studying them 04:03 and found out they were actually the same thing 04:05 as these Crinoid, so what they thought 04:07 once was extinct is not really. 04:11 And so they've found them after surviving and they are 04:13 growing like, are they small. They could be small, 04:17 but the longest one that found of grown over 70 04:20 feet long. 70 feet, that's amazing. Huge. Yes. 04:24 How are they range on the bottom of the ocean. 04:26 Well, they stand up from the bottom of the ocean. 04:30 They have a hold fast that looks like a root system 04:32 and this is part of where they got confused with was it 04:35 a plant or was it an animal. It goes up like this okay 04:40 the stem looking part. It's actually its digestive system 04:44 going to down the center of this and then on 04:47 top they have the tentacles that they were just 04:49 filter feeding. Alright now explain to me what is filter 04:52 feeding mean alright. That means they couldn't 04:55 move around, they just waved the tentacles around 04:58 them whatever happen to come near there 05:00 tentacles that's what they closed up on and ate. 05:03 So it could be plankton. Alright, that's how they 05:06 survive in the ocean and in and then this is fossil, 05:09 this is the early remains of those creatures 05:11 that we find on the sea. Yes. When they die they 05:14 fall over. Usually they break into smaller pieces and 05:18 overtime get some pieces of that and clay that mix with 05:24 sand and gets crushed into rock. 05:27 From into the limestone like and so when boys and girls 05:30 they have maybe out if they find a stone that has 05:33 a fossil in it, oh, absolutely in this area you can go 05:38 out in the parking lots pick up the little pieces of 05:42 gravel find crinoids in them. One of our local 05:45 school playgrounds the children go out, 05:47 go fossil hunting on the play ground. 05:49 Isn't that neat and some boys and girls if they live 05:51 in Michigan and some of the Great Lake States 05:53 they might go out and find Petoskey stones 05:56 and things like that. Yes, absolutely. 05:58 That's a neat thing that boys and girls can do that 06:00 you could occupy yourself with and if you really 06:03 our age till that or book that you could get who 06:05 enlighten yourself about fossils and add that 06:08 as a new hobby couldn't you. Yes. 06:10 Now, I have one question over here buddy, 06:13 there are so many beautiful things here in the cave 06:15 and I wanted to ask you about that. 06:16 I see some green things here, some green formations 06:20 that I see what are those green things that I see? 06:23 Okay normally in cave we don't have anything green. 06:27 The green in this area is because of moss were 06:31 very, very close to the surface here there is only 06:34 about 20, 25 feet of ground between the ceiling here 06:39 in the outside surface and so as rain water comes 06:42 down through the soil it's picking up moss spores 06:45 that actually hang on the ceiling and can grow just 06:50 from our lights in the back part of the cave 06:53 we have no green and it pulls the water it needs 06:56 from the air because the cave is really humid. 06:59 Amazing isn't that. So that edges the ring color 07:01 to the cave. Yes. Just wonderful boys and girls. 07:04 We've enjoyed it so much. So, boys and girls as always 07:07 this is Ranger Jim saying don't forget to tell Jesus 07:10 that you love him because he really does love you. 07:22 Well, I know that the Lord is great and that 07:24 the Lord is above all. Psalms 135:5. 07:40 Above all powers above all kings 07:46 Above all nature and all created things 07:52 Above all wisdom and all the ways of man 07:59 You were here before the world began 08:04 Above all kingdoms above all thrones 08:11 Above all wonders the world has ever known 08:17 Above all wealth and treasures of the earth 08:24 There's no way to measure what You're worth 08:31 Crucified laid behind a stone 08:37 You lived to die rejected and alone 08:42 Like a rose trampled on the ground 08:49 You took the fall and thought of me Above all 09:01 Above all powers above all kings 09:07 Above all nature and all created things 09:14 Above all wisdom and all the ways of man 09:21 You were here before the world began 09:26 Above all kingdoms above all thrones 09:33 Above all wonders the world has ever known 09:39 Above all wealth and treasures of the earth 09:45 There's no way to measure what You're worth 09:53 Crucified laid behind a stone 09:59 You lived to die rejected and alone 10:05 Like a rose trampled on the ground 10:11 You took the fall and thought of me Above all, 10:24 You took the fall and thought of me Above all. 10:46 Welcome to Learning Time. Hey I'm glad you are 10:48 here today. Today, we're gonna to do a special 10:51 experiment. It's all about air. Do you like air? Yes. 10:55 How many of you like air. Well how many have air today. 10:58 Oh, me I've had lots of air today. I've got a special 11:01 helper John is gonna help me with this experiment. 11:03 John do you like air? Yeah, what do you do with air? 11:06 Breathe it in. breath. Do you breathe air. Yes. 11:09 Today, we're gonna, let's use some cups and you know 11:12 and at home today you can to do this experiment 11:14 to do and this is a fun experiment to do. 11:17 I've got two cups right here and they are plastic 11:18 and if we drop them they won't break that's a good 11:20 thing right. Okay, don't use your nice glass cups 11:25 because they will break. And so we're gonna pour some 11:27 air John are you ready? Okay, just do 11:29 what I'm doing it, we're gonna take some, 11:31 what's in these cups. Air. There is air inside of the 11:35 cups. So, let's pour some air into this, 11:38 can you pour just little bit, I want to pour some 11:39 on here. You think it's full. Well, I think it was full 11:44 before we ever started because they were 11:46 both full of air right. Hey let's do an experiment, 11:49 we've got an aquarium you now if you don't have 11:51 fish you know you can do it with your aquariums. 11:52 You can make a terrarium out of them or you can do 11:56 some of these science experiments that we're gonna 11:58 do today. Now I have this, what is this? 12:02 It's a paper towel. Now, I'm gonna take this paper 12:04 towel and John I'm gonna to put it in the bottom 12:06 of one of your cups right here. Okay, 12:08 now I want you to put that cup in the water without 12:12 getting the paper towel wet. Can you do that? 12:16 Well let's try. Hey let's see what gonna happen 12:17 right here. We're gonna look right down inside 12:19 of this container right here and there it goes, 12:21 the cup is going right in the water and you think 12:24 the paper towel is wet. No, what we're gonna 12:27 find out when John brings it out okay bring it out 12:29 here and let's check it out, let's see if the paper 12:31 towel is wet. Is it look wet? No, no let me reach, 12:35 let me reach inside here with my fingers, 12:37 we can get his paper towel out. We're gonna drag 12:38 this paper towel, does that look like a wet towel? 12:42 No, no it's dry and there was air we trap, 12:45 John trap some air inside the cup and so it was 12:48 protected wasn't it from getting wet. Well, 12:50 so we know that we can put air in a cup and 12:53 put it under water and still have air in the cup. 12:56 Now, John here is what we have to do. 12:58 We're gonna take and try this cup right here 13:00 and I want you to fill this cup up with water can 13:04 you do that? So, he is gonna put it right underneath 13:06 the water and it just fill, did you see it filling up. 13:09 Yes the air went out the water came in, 13:12 air and water can't be in the same place at one time. 13:15 It's really difficult okay. Now turn that cup upside 13:17 down okay in this left hand. And he has got this 13:20 cup and it just has air in it. Now if he is real careful, 13:23 he will be able to turn that cup upside down put 13:25 it right in the water it's going right underneath. 13:28 And now he is going to pour the air out of this cup 13:31 in his right hand. And that air is going to go right 13:34 into the cup in this left hand. 13:37 You see those air bubbles. Yes, that's air that was 13:39 trapped inside of that cup. And it's going to fill up 13:43 or cup almost to the top or the bottom in this case 13:47 with air. That's interesting, now let's go ahead 13:50 and why don't you take this cup out, 13:53 can you take this cup out and see what happens 13:57 what was in there. It was full of water first it was 13:59 full of air. Now we has air in this cup right here, 14:02 so why don't you bring that one up to and it still 14:04 has air and have you ever pour water like that? 14:08 Oh, we pour water all the time, but have you ever 14:10 poured air? No, you can do that, you can put this 14:13 in your bath tub. How many of you take a bath, 14:17 at least once a week or so. And you can do that 14:19 right in your sink if you have a big sink. 14:21 We can actually pour air under water and that's a fun 14:25 thing to learn isn't it. That's interesting. 14:27 What about this little paper towel? 14:30 When the paper towel was in the cup did it stay dry? 14:32 Yes, you try that again John. Stick that underneath 14:34 there and let's see if it will stay dry. 14:36 You know that paper towel reminds me of you and I. 14:39 You know, you know we are Christians aren't we. 14:41 And you know God wants us to be in the world, 14:44 water represents the world and this will lot of bad 14:47 things in the world isn't there. 14:48 Yeah, that Christians shouldn't be involved with. 14:50 And you know what God is gonna to protect us 14:52 from those bad things just like that paper towel 14:55 is really dry and it's not getting wet. 14:58 It's just like you and I as a Christian. 14:59 God will protect us from the bad things that the world 15:02 has to offer us. And then we can just come right 15:04 out of the world because someday God is gonna 15:06 to take us to a better place isn't he. That's right, 15:09 and you know what we're not gonna be affected 15:10 by those things of the world are we at all. 15:13 No, we're gonna be affected we are just going to 15:15 be the same Christian as we were before and 15:17 we're not gonna be wet by the bad things at the earth 15:20 can give us the world can be a bad place at times 15:23 can it. But God will give us that power is just like that 15:26 experiment. Hey, I want you to do that experiment 15:28 at home and remember when we learn something 15:32 new about science we are learning 15:34 something new about our creator God. 15:59 Hey, it's good to see you. Joe, how are you, 16:01 good to see you too. I wanted to talk 16:03 to you last week, but you disappeared on me. 16:06 I obviously spend a lot of time with my family since 16:08 Jesus came to Jericho. Did you know that Jesus 16:11 healed grandfather eyes? He did, yeah, 16:13 Jesus has been healing so many people lately right, 16:16 right that man over there, he used to be on crutches, 16:19 he was lame and this week he is walking as though 16:21 he never had a problem. Oh yeah, I remember him 16:24 he used to be so weak and bad. He looks so much 16:27 younger when he stands up tall. 16:30 And isn't that the lady over there that couldn't hear. 16:32 We just yell at her to be heard. Yeah that's right. 16:36 Jesus healed hurt too ha. Yeah, but you know what. 16:41 That's not all of it, there is even a bigger miracle 16:43 that's happened that Jesus has done. 16:45 You will never guess who is changed, who. Zacchaeus, 16:50 Zacchaeus the tax collector. You know the one, 16:55 Zacchaeus is a changed man. He met Jesus, 16:59 how about I tell you about, let's sit down. Okay. 17:03 Come on tell me the story. So, it was a week ago 17:06 and the crowds were coming through the city streets 17:09 with Jesus following behind. And they were just 17:12 swarming around him everywhere there were, 17:15 there were people just all around Jesus and well 17:19 I want to see him I climbed up a tree, 17:21 you know the one we always climb next to the fish 17:23 shelters tent. So, I was climbing up the tree look 17:26 out and I saw the people all around Jesus and the 17:29 people coming in from behind and, 17:30 and they were just swarming and crowding in and he 17:33 had so many people calling for him, 17:34 but he seem to have one person he was looking for. 17:38 Zacchaeus, Zacchaeus, but that's all of it, 17:42 because I was up on our tree and I was looking 17:44 out at Jesus, and all the sudden I felt the tree 17:47 move and the branches were rattling and I looked 17:50 down who do you suppose was climbing the tree. 17:53 Don't tell me it was Zacchaeus, 17:54 it was though it was Zacchaeus and his 17:57 fancy robes and his nice knitting; 18:00 he was climbing up the tree. So you are telling me 18:02 that Zacchaeus is climbing a tree in his best clothes 18:06 like a kid. Exactly, that's what I'm telling you. 18:09 Zacchaeus was climbing up the tree and Jesus 18:12 was walking and next thing I know Jesus had stopped, 18:16 but he stopped right underneath our tree. 18:20 That he talked to you? Well, well, no, he 18:22 didn't talk to me, but he talked to Zacchaeus. 18:25 He said Zacchaeus come down for today I'm 18:29 going to eat with you at your house. 18:32 Jesus said that to Zacchaeus, he did. 18:35 He told Zacchaeus, a tax collector, a sinner that he 18:39 was going to eat with him. Doesn't Jesus know 18:41 what a fake he is? He steals money from people, 18:44 he charges everyone more than he suppose to. 18:46 That's true everybody knows it, and everybody 18:51 is bothered by accept for Jesus. Jesus, Jesus 18:54 told him to come down and Zacchaeus did he 18:56 came down out of the tree and he said, 18:59 the Son of man has come to seek and to save that 19:01 which is lost. It seems like Jesus has isn't 19:04 bothered by the fact that Zacchaeus is a sinner. 19:07 It seems like; he wants to do something to help him. 19:11 Wow, so Jesus can heal people, people spirit 19:16 too? Well yeah, not only did, he heal like the 19:20 man's leg or your grandfather's eyes, 19:23 but his change people's hearts. 19:25 He has made them different. Wow, that's an amazing 19:28 story. In that though, Jesus has changed people 19:33 and it's just amazing what he has done in 19:35 Zacchaeus's life. While Zacchaeus is going around 19:37 and he is giving away half his money to the poor 19:40 and to anyone he reunites four times as much as 19:44 giving back to them. It's amazing that to see the 19:47 change in Zacchaeus. Hey, do you wanna see 19:49 the place, where that change took place. 19:52 Sure why don't we go over to the tree and show me 19:54 just what happened. Hey you wanna come too. 19:56 Let's go. Let's go. So, he was changed 19:59 not only his spirit, but his life. 20:11 Zacchaeus was a wee little man 20:15 And a wee little man was he 20:18 He climbed up in a sycamore tree 20:22 For the Lord he wanted to see 20:26 And as the Savior passed that way 20:30 He looked up in that tree 20:34 And He said, "Zacchaeus, you come down! 20:38 For I'm going to your house today 20:42 For I'm going to your house today" 20:48 Zacchaeus was a wee little man 20:52 And a wee little man was he 20:56 He climbed up in a sycamore tree 20:59 For the Lord he wanted to see 21:03 And as the Savior passed that way 21:07 He looked up in that tree 21:11 And He said, "Zacchaeus, you come down! 21:15 For I'm going to your house today 21:19 For I'm going to your house today" 21:26 Zacchaeus was a wee little man 21:29 And a wee little man was he 21:41 It's time for Ms. Brenda's Book of the Day. 21:45 And boys and girls do I have a special book 21:47 for you today. Now usually I have a book for you 21:49 big kids. But today every now and then because 21:51 we had some Tiny Tots like Kids Time too, 21:53 so every now and then I like to have a book for, 21:55 for the Tiny Tots and Tiny Tots this one is for you. 21:58 This is called "Don't Let Your Heart Feel Funny" 22:01 and is written by Jerry and Kitty Thomas. 22:03 Says Max gets things mixed up. Sometimes words 22:06 just turn themselves around when he says 22:08 them and sometimes it just his socks, 22:12 when he sees soldiers in planes on the TV news 22:14 Max feels worried or little scared. 22:17 It says this is book as perfect for bedtime, 22:19 night time story time or anytime. 22:21 Don't Let Your Heart Feel Funny by beloved 22:23 Children's author Jerry D. Thomas and his wife 22:25 Kitty uses a mixed up, but lovable character 22:28 name max to help kids feel with their fears when 22:31 scary things happened. So this is the good book 22:34 for you boys and girls, if you the Tiny Tots okay. 22:37 Well, today I have so many letters and emails 22:43 and I also have a phone call right now. 22:45 We're gonna take a phone call and let's hear 22:48 from Kayla, Kayla are you there? Yes, hi, 22:51 Kayla I'm so excited to talk to you this is Ms. Brenda. 22:55 Hi Ms. Brenda. Oh, I'm so glad to talk to you today. 22:58 Kayla can you tell me what do you do to share Jesus? 23:03 I help my, I help my mom with chores. 23:08 What kind of chores. By doing the dishes, 23:11 by doing the dishes. Do you do other chores too? 23:14 Yes Mam. What do you do? I help clean the floor, 23:18 aha do you like doing chores? Yes Mam. 23:21 Do you always like to do chores or sometimes 23:23 would you rather play. Sometimes I rather play. 23:26 Oh, you are honest too. But you know it does 23:28 make Jesus happy when we help our moms and dads, 23:30 doesn't it. Yes Mam. For you know, 23:33 I'm so excited to talk to Kayla. Where do you live? 23:36 I live in Henderson, Tennessee, 23:40 Tennessee and that's not too, too far away and tell me 23:44 do you love Jesus? Yes, oh I want to encourage 23:47 you to keep sharing him everywhere you go alright. 23:50 Okay, okay bye Kayla thank you, bye. 23:55 Oh! That was so good to talk to Kayla thank you 23:57 and that was so precious to hear how you share Jesus. 24:00 Well, I have a letter here from Quebec, 24:02 Canada and somebody has sent me 5 Canadian 24:05 dollars and also a picture let's take a look 24:08 it says Dear Ms. Brenda, my name is Joel 24:11 and I'm nine years old and my youngest sister is 7 24:13 years old. We are from the small Caribbean 24:16 island of Domenica, but we live now in Cubic City. 24:20 Says we like Kids Time very much because 24:22 we have no Christian TV here in Cubic. 24:25 We listen by the internet. Our favorite time is 24:27 music time, sharing time, and my sister's favorite 24:30 is story time. I share Jesus by helping my mommy 24:33 take care of my handicap sister, 24:34 who is 12 years old. Would you please sign us 24:37 all up for Kids Time, enclosed is our picture 24:39 and also Five Dollars for Kids Club. 24:41 Your friends Joel and Gerald Barista. Well, 24:44 yes I would sign you all up for Kids Time and just 24:47 say you know boys and girls Kids Club is absolutely 24:49 free it doesn't cost anything to join. 24:51 All you have to do is just send me your name 24:53 and address and I'll start sending the lessons 24:55 and do you know what, when you finish all 24:57 52 lessons guess what Ms. Brenda send you, 24:59 a Kids Time Bible and this a beautiful Bible 25:03 boys and girls absolutely free. 25:05 So all you have to do is finish all of your 52 lesions 25:08 and Ms. Brenda will send you that Bible. 25:11 Well I have a letter right here from Altamont, 25:14 Tennessee, Altamont and let's see what this 25:17 letter. Oh, we've got a pretty picture let's see 25:20 says Dear, Ms. Brenda my name is Tiffany and 25:22 I'm nine years old and I get to watch Kids Time 25:24 every chance I get especially on Friday evenings 25:27 and Sabbath mornings. I would like to join Kids Club, 25:30 so you can start my bible studies. 25:32 I share Jesus by going to the nursing home with my 25:35 Sabbath school class and singing and I love Jesus 25:37 very much, love Tiffany. Well thank you for that Tiffany 25:40 and that is a wonderful way to share Jesus isn't it. 25:43 I think we have time for quick email my name 25:45 is Jacob and I'm nine years old. My sister's name 25:48 is Gabriel and she is five. We loved to watch Kids Time 25:51 and our favorite part is story time and learning 25:53 time and also my sister loves sharing time too. 25:56 Well, I do too and says could you please send 25:59 us the Bible stories Jacob and Gabriel. 26:02 And here is a picture of Jacob and Gabriel, 26:05 aren't they precious. Thank you so much for that. 26:08 And a real quick email here, says Dear Ms. Brenda 26:11 I would like to join Kids Club, I live in Western 26:14 Australia and I'm turning nine soon. 26:16 I invited my friend Katy to church. 26:19 Well, then her name is Jane. Well Jane and everyone 26:21 else that's all the time we had today please 26:24 remember wherever you go whatever 26:25 you do its Kids Time to share Jesus. |
Revised 2014-12-17