Kids' Time

The Demoniac Boy

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000209

00:03 It's time to share there's a world out there,
00:07 Looking for a friend like Jesus.
00:10 It's time to share there's a world out there;
00:13 Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:16 Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:20 Kids Time, Kids Time, Kids Time.
00:24 Hi, boys and girls look what I brought
00:26 with me today. This is a strange looking thing,
00:29 isn't it? Can you take a closer look and see
00:31 if you can guess what it is? You can see,
00:33 I can see some leaves out of here,
00:35 and I think I am going to give you a little bit
00:37 hint here, this is somebody's house,
00:39 but whose house could it be? Look at all these layers
00:42 and layers and it's kind of flaky and in fact the
00:44 little critter that made this house he takes his saliva
00:48 and he mixes it with tree bark and he just keeps
00:51 layering, layering, and it takes a lot of these
00:53 little critters to make this home and in fact take
00:55 a look over here, that's the entrance, right there.
00:59 Have you guessed who lives here,
01:01 well I am gonna tell you, if someone,
01:03 you wouldn't want to hang around with for very
01:05 long can you guess what it might be yet?
01:07 Well some friends of mine found a house like
01:10 this in their tent trailer once and when they
01:12 opened it at the end of the year and you know
01:14 what they all screamed and ran away,
01:16 have you feared out who lives in this house yet,
01:19 alright you guessed it, it's a hornets nest
01:22 and nobody wants hornets for neighbors,
01:24 do they? This hornet nest reminds me of a
01:27 story in the Bible about a boy who was possessed
01:30 by demons. Now Demons are evil angels
01:32 and living with them can be kind of like living in a
01:36 hornets nest. Now of course you can't just
01:38 march up to a hornets nest and tell them fly
01:41 away hornets, and they will? They would like to
01:43 chase you back into your house.
01:45 But do you know when Jesus commands Demons
01:48 to fly away that's exactly what they have to do.
01:50 Jesus is more powerful than any Demon.
01:55 You know boys and girls if Jesus is living in your
01:57 heart, you never have to fear what Demons can
02:00 do to you. Well right now let's see
02:03 what Ranger Jim has for us today.
02:12 Hi, boys and girls Ranger Jim saying
02:14 welcome to Nature Time. We are glad you can
02:15 join us today, we are in Chattanooga,
02:17 Tennessee with my friend Nature Dan
02:19 and Dan we are glad to have you today.
02:20 What do you have here? Well, I got some really
02:23 interesting. You look at these things right here
02:25 in my hand. Lot of people say what are those?
02:27 Those are nuts. But not just any kind of nuts,
02:30 these are Beechnuts and not just any kind of
02:33 beechnuts these came of a beech tree
02:36 that's a very special tree.
02:39 Well, not knowing you Dan,
02:40 I know there is a story, so let's have it through.
02:42 There is and what happened was I got these from
02:44 a property in Kentucky, in Pikeville Kentucky from a
02:48 gentleman named Hatfield. Not, not The Hatfield.
02:52 The Hatfield of the Hatfield-McCoy is that
02:54 world famous feud and these trees and these fruit
02:59 from the tree or is what started that feud
03:02 a longtime ago. Because they fell in one
03:05 man's yard and the other man's pigskin, amazing.
03:09 And they got all feud in over it,
03:10 but the tree that comes from is really a neat tree.
03:12 It's sometimes called the Ghost of the Forest.
03:15 Haaa. Yeah because it has these leaves
03:18 and the leaves are like this light brown
03:22 and they stay on the tree all through the winter time
03:25 and is real silvery bark and these leaves blowing
03:29 and its just so beautiful, but my favorite part
03:32 about the tree, the beech tree,
03:33 it is the apartment house of the animal world.
03:37 Now what do you mean by that? Apartment this is
03:39 where animals live? Animals live and all kinds
03:41 of animals live on it and in it.
03:44 Oh, man it gets hollow that's one of the things
03:47 about a beech tree, it gets hollow.
03:48 It gets characteristic of it very early.
03:49 You got it, really early on it starts to get
03:51 hollow at about 12 inches in diameter,
03:53 she starts to hollow out and flying squirrels
03:56 love to live in there and they will eat these things,
03:59 and you got all tree frogs will live on them.
04:03 And what it's really needs? A tree frog is grey,
04:08 what color is the bark of a beech tree?
04:10 Invisible. Yeah, its right, they just disappear.
04:12 One time, I saw one just out of corner of my eye
04:16 I caught little bit of its belly and I reached
04:18 and I grabbed it real quick and I pulled it out
04:21 and you could see all that bright yellow down
04:23 underneath it and then you could see it.
04:25 Amazing, what about hold to the top,
04:27 a owl would occupy there. Oh, yeah when the trees
04:29 get big, it's big enough for owls to start to occupy.
04:33 Now I think, I remember you telling me we were
04:36 talking before that may be the early pioneers
04:38 use this tree well, Could you tell the boys and girls
04:41 about that? Well, beech trees and also we had
04:44 sycamore trees, both of those trees would hollow
04:47 out and they could store some of the early crops
04:50 in their and that was a really good way of them
04:52 being able to keep their crops dry and be able
04:55 to store them in the winter time.
04:57 So, you imagine that boys and girls if you could
04:59 these were trees that were growing to be hollow
05:02 that they used as a silo. Like as a silo.
05:05 Like the farmer uses a silo today,
05:07 the early pioneers could store their corn
05:09 and grain in things in there, that is just,
05:11 Dan thank you so much. That's so interesting for
05:13 me to learn. Boys and girls this is Ranger Jim
05:16 telling you once again don't forget to tell
05:18 Jesus that's you love him
05:20 because he really does love you.
05:38 Michelle when you play that Clarinette
05:40 I can just hear the joy, you know I have lot
05:42 of time playing my Clarinette,
05:44 but Jesus wants to give us more than
05:46 anything else his everlasting joy.
05:56 Therefore the redeemed of the Lord shall return
06:00 and come a singing unto Zion and everlasting
06:04 joy shall be upon their heads.
06:09 Therefore the redeemed of the Lord shall return
06:13 and come a singing unto Zion and everlasting
06:17 joy shall be upon their heads.
06:22 They shall obtain gladness and joy,
06:29 and sorrow and mourning shall flee away.
06:35 Therefore the redeemed of the Lord shall return
06:39 and come a singing unto Zion and everlasting
06:44 joy shall be upon their heads.
06:48 And everlasting joy and everlasting joy,
06:52 everlasting joy shall be upon their heads.
07:08 Welcome to Talk Time, I am here with Pastor John today.
07:11 Hi, Pastor John. Hey good to be here Miss Brenda.
07:13 Oh, it's good to have you here.
07:15 I always enjoy, you are coming here
07:17 because I learn so much. That's right and the opening
07:19 the word of God is why we are here today,
07:21 to answer these questions from important young
07:23 boys and girls. Yes that's right,
07:24 so let's just start up; we are going to pull
07:26 the first question out of the basket.
07:27 It says if God is real why can't we see him?
07:31 Well, the Bible says in John 4 verses 23 and 24
07:34 God has spirit and those who serve him must,
07:36 those who worship him must and worship him in spirit
07:38 and in truth. Now simple man cannot see a
07:41 sinless God. But one day the Bible does give us
07:44 the promise, in Revelation Chapter 21
07:46 that we will see God, we will dwell with him,
07:49 we will be his people, and God himself will be with us,
07:52 and be our God. So, when the day comes
07:54 when we are no longer separated by sin,
07:57 we will get a chance to see God and all his glory.
08:00 I am looking forward to that day, aren't you?
08:01 What a wonderful it's gonna be.
08:02 Yes. Okay next question. I hate Sabbath
08:05 because it is so boring I can't wait till sun down
08:07 when I can do things with my friends,
08:10 why can't Sabbath be more fun.
08:12 Well you know boys and girls, I have to ask your
08:13 parents they are probably responsible
08:15 now depends on what they make you do.
08:17 And you might get some calls about this pastor.
08:19 It shouldn't be boring, as a matter of fact
08:20 this little booklet, the ABC called 52 things to
08:23 do on Sabbath and if they run out of ideas
08:26 in your family just think get that booklet
08:28 52 things to do on the Sabbath.
08:30 The Sabbath is a blessed time
08:31 and I think a bit about the Sabbath as a
08:34 relationship and if you love the Lord you
08:36 love to spend time with him, lot of times we think
08:38 more about what to do after the Sabbath
08:40 and what to do during the Sabbath.
08:41 It's the best time to share with others,
08:43 to go visit people, to go nursing homes,
08:44 to go out to homes of people that have no
08:47 one to visit them and just say I wanna come
08:49 and pray with you, it's good to God and
08:50 Nature sometimes and learn about creation,
08:53 its good sometimes to go out and sit by the ocean,
08:55 just listen to the ocean roar and hear
08:57 God talk to you, it's a fabulous time,
09:00 so if it is boring it just simply means you are
09:02 wasting time looking at the clock rather
09:04 than using it to do something for
09:06 God's honor and God's Glory.
09:08 There is a lot of things to do. That's a good answer,
09:10 because you know if it's boring
09:11 then you are not doing the right thing that day.
09:13 Not doing anything with it. No.
09:14 Can you imagine sitting at a bus station every
09:15 week for 24 hours doing nothing.
09:17 It would be boring waiting for the bus.
09:19 That's right, that's right. I love Sabbath,
09:21 because it's a one time you can put away all
09:24 your worries throughout the week,
09:25 you might had a horrible week,
09:26 you might have problems and you know what
09:28 you can put all that aside and just enjoy your time
09:31 with Jesus. Isaiah 58 verse 13 and 14 calls
09:33 the Sabbath a delight, the holy of the LORD,
09:36 honorable; and shall honor him,
09:38 and all we have to do is, stop doing our own things
09:41 and begin to minister for the Lord and you will find
09:43 great joy in making somebody else happy on the Sabbath.
09:46 That's right, that's a good answer. Okay, another
09:48 question. Do you have to go to church to go to heaven?
09:51 I want to ask you a question. If you are a
09:53 football player, do you have to play on team?
09:55 Okay lot of times people say well how much,
09:58 how little do I have to do and still be saved
10:01 and that's often really was behind that question.
10:03 But fellowship you know, you are stronger
10:05 when you together think about being a sheep
10:06 and think about being attacked by wolves,
10:08 now a sheep by himself or herself can never
10:12 defend itself against an angry wolf even
10:13 if it's only one, the reason why the Lord gave us
10:16 the Church, so we can stick together as
10:18 Isaiah 53 says all we like sheep have gone astray
10:21 and so, but the beauty of that is the Lord says
10:24 all the sheep could stick together and here is a
10:26 wonderful story, one I heard a story about a
10:28 wolf that tried to jump into a sheepfold
10:31 and attacked the sheep and they got so close
10:33 together, they pressed their bodies together,
10:35 so their backs were just one against the next
10:37 and the wolf could not get in and he jumped
10:40 into the fold and their backs became a solid
10:42 floor and he ran in one side of the fold
10:44 and out the other. Now if it was just one sheep
10:47 he would have destroyed that sheep.
10:49 Right. Because, one sheep is no defense
10:50 to a wolf and so boys and girls,
10:52 the Lord doesn't want you to be defenses
10:54 against the wolves of the world or the devil,
10:56 he want you to go to the church for the fellowship
10:59 and for you to stick together so that when tough
11:01 times come and a wolf try to attack you,
11:02 you are all so close together he comes in one side
11:05 and goes out the next and you are still safe.
11:07 That's wonderful. Now what about,
11:09 just about the people though they maybe
11:10 physically not able to go to church,
11:12 maybe they are sick at home and they are,
11:14 you know, maybe they are housebound,
11:16 maybe they are in prison, they have given their
11:18 heart to Lord, but they can't go to church,
11:20 what about the people that can't
11:21 physically go to church? Well, if you can't physically
11:24 make to church as one thing, you know,
11:25 the Lord that's why the Sabbath is there
11:27 we were talking about the question just
11:28 before we need to find out who they are in our
11:30 neighborhood take them some food
11:32 or some flowers or take them a copy of sermon
11:35 or take your bible and read or, like we did in the
11:37 Florida Hospital, we would go and sing just to
11:39 people that we didn't know, a group of us went
11:41 and just, we said, we sing you a song,
11:43 and man we lid up their eyes because they realize
11:46 that Jesus comes to them when they can't go to
11:49 where he is. That's right.
11:50 And by the way, I want to just correct
11:51 that he is always everywhere,
11:52 but the people of God come to them
11:54 when they can't come to the people of God.
11:56 That's wonderful. Well thank you pastor John.
11:59 Oh, you are welcome. That's all the time we
12:00 have today. Boys and girls if you have a question
12:02 for Pastor John just send it to me at Kids Time
12:04 and I'll make sure that you get your question
12:06 answered. Because your questions are important
12:09 to us and your questions are important to Jesus.
12:18 We come home with a miracle like this with you.
12:20 I want to know what happened to Steven.
12:22 Yes. That's the miracle. Remember his daddy
12:26 said that if he could find Jesus, if he could find the
12:29 disciples that maybe Jesus could heal Steven
12:31 and Steven, do you remember he always had
12:34 the seizures and were throwing down,
12:36 getting thrown on the ground and in a fire and.
12:39 It was terrible. It was terrible, he couldn't speak,
12:42 he couldn't hear and I don't even think
12:44 Steven that you remember all that.
12:46 No. So, we ended up going and we found the
12:48 disciples and your father begged them please,
12:53 please you have to help my son,
12:55 the disciples came up and everybody was gonna
12:57 help him, nobody was even thinking that anything
12:59 was ordinary, they would say that he was
13:02 filled with demons, which was scary to us
13:04 but we knew, the whole time we knew that something
13:06 like that had happened and so the disciples came
13:09 and they said a prayer and they asked or told the
13:12 demons to leave and you know what happened
13:14 as soon as they said for them to leave the demons
13:17 threw Steven down on the ground
13:19 and he started shaking so violently that it look
13:22 his bones were gonna break, it was just terrible.
13:25 Terrible. It was so terrible, I can't even tell you,
13:28 I just had this, I sat down and started crying
13:31 and I was crying so hard, but your dad never
13:33 sat down. What they were trying to.
13:34 Oh, he was so, he was so scary and your dad
13:37 never sat down and your dad said please you have
13:39 to help my son and he was right there saying
13:41 you have got to help him, somebody has got to
13:43 help him, but the disciples when I looked at them
13:45 they all looked afraid, it was almost like they
13:49 thought at first it was gonna be easy and then
13:51 they were afraid and you could tell that know
13:53 one knew what to do next and pharisees insight
13:56 did Jesus were there, all the religious teachers,
13:59 and they started yelling at the disciples
14:02 it was awful the same. They started yelling at
14:05 them and it was like and then nobody was
14:07 thinking about Steven at that point.
14:09 He was lying on the ground and he was shaking,
14:11 the religious teachers were screaming at the disciples,
14:15 see you can't help anybody, you are not helping
14:17 anybody, you can't heal anybody,
14:19 you are deceiving us, you are deceiving all the people
14:22 and then all the sudden everybody started
14:25 yelling the same that you are deceiving us
14:27 and you are fake and all those kind of things.
14:30 That's horrible. It was worst and horrible
14:33 because the only thing I was thinking of is
14:35 I want my boy to be healed,
14:37 I want somebody to help him and he was just lying
14:40 there and as all this was going on it got worst
14:43 and worst and louder and louder and everybody
14:46 is screaming the disciples look so confused and so,
14:49 they just look scared almost and all the sudden Jesus
14:53 and three other disciples come down from the
14:55 mountain and when you look at them, you know,
14:58 what this, what thing it was,
15:00 they actually look like they had light shining
15:03 around them. Wow. It was just like they gave you
15:05 chills and they just look lid up and so your dad
15:10 ran to them and said please help my son,
15:13 and Jesus looked up and as he looked up,
15:16 he looked at you, it was so amazing,
15:18 he looked at you and you were still shaking
15:20 it was just, it was so scary and he said kind
15:24 of what's going on and everybody started yelling,
15:26 the disciples started yelling
15:28 we tried to help him get these demons out,
15:30 but the demons are mocking us making fun of us,
15:32 did not even listening and the pharisees
15:35 and sadducees are yelling at Jesus say you are fake
15:37 and all those kind of things and as Jesus was
15:40 looking at this whole scene it was almost as
15:42 if he understood exactly what was going on
15:45 and he looked at you, and he said come out
15:48 of him to the demons and all the sudden,
15:52 did you, I thought may be that you would
15:54 just stop, but all the sudden you shook harder
15:57 and harder and it was just like,
16:00 you know how have you seem somebody
16:01 that was just shaking and like spit
16:04 and foam come out of their month
16:05 and the stuff was like that, it was horrible.
16:07 Absolutely horrible and then nothing,
16:09 just lay there and everybody thought he was dead,
16:12 even me. I couldn't even hardly breathe,
16:14 I thought my whole life was over.
16:16 You must have been so scared.
16:18 I would have been very frightening, won't you?
16:21 It was so awful, I was so afraid and I thought
16:24 he was dead and Jesus walked over and as soon
16:26 as he touched him, he got up.
16:28 And do you remember what you said? No.
16:32 You said, mom and I couldn't even believe it,
16:35 I have never heard your voice before,
16:37 I have never heard him speak before,
16:38 and your voice was there, you could here me
16:41 when talked to you and that remember
16:44 when he laughed that just didn't happened.
16:46 All enjoying you must have felt.
16:48 You can't even, you can't even know it
16:51 and it was amazing everybody just stood silent
16:54 because Steven stood up and just
16:57 started talking. Praise God.
16:59 It was so incredible. That is so wonderful.
17:02 You know I never thought that when we went in
17:04 the first place that Jesus would be able to completely,
17:08 completely heal him. And I know that this is still
17:12 wild for you because you are looking at me
17:14 like I don't even remember any of it, is that right?
17:17 Yeah. So, when Jesus came in,
17:20 and when he came in and he called the Demons out,
17:22 it was as if the whole place got peaceful,
17:26 everything got peaceful. Nobody wanted to
17:29 say anything the Sadducees and Pharisees didn't say
17:32 anything, the disciples didn't say anything,
17:33 and they even said at one point,
17:35 why is it that demons didn't listen to us
17:39 and I heard them kind of talking with Jesus
17:41 and he said you know with this kind of possession,
17:46 this kind of demon, where it has somebody their
17:48 whole life it takes serious prayer and belief
17:52 and so when we saved everybody is that he looked
17:55 around at the crowed, Jesus said he looked
17:56 around the crowd and now person had faith,
17:59 that this was actually gonna happen even your
18:02 dad came up and said if you can heal my son
18:04 I beg you to heal him and Jesus said to him,
18:08 if I can heal him you just have to have faith
18:13 and your dad started crying because he is sad.
18:15 Faith is very essential thing. Faith is essential,
18:17 but how do you get it and he said
18:19 what if I don't have enough, so we asked
18:21 Jesus please help me with my unbelief,
18:23 help me get me with the faith I don't have
18:25 and Jesus did and then healed you.
18:28 I love that. That's incredible.
18:30 Isn't that incredible? I was so glad that he
18:32 healed him. Isn't that amazing?
18:34 It's so amazing, it's so amazing.
18:49 I've got peace like a river,
18:51 I have got peace like a river,
18:54 I have got peace like a river in my soul.
18:58 I've got peace like a river,
19:01 I have got peace like a river,
19:03 I have got peace like a river in my soul.
19:07 I've got joy like an ocean,
19:10 I have got joy like an ocean,
19:12 I have got joy like an ocean in my soul.
19:16 I've got joy like an ocean,
19:19 I have got joy like an ocean,
19:21 I have got joy like an ocean in my soul.
19:25 I've got love like a fountain,
19:28 I have got love like a fountain,
19:31 I have got love like a fountain in my soul.
19:35 I've got love like a fountain,
19:38 I have got love like a fountain,
19:40 I have got love like a fountain
19:42 in my soul, in my soul.
19:56 I am here with my friend Elizabeth and Britney
19:58 and they are here to help me tell you its time
20:01 for Miss Brenda's Book of the Day.
20:05 Oh, what an exciting book, boys and girls
20:07 I have Secrets of the Sea and it's by calling
20:10 Colleen L. Reece. Having explored the forest
20:13 and the canyon, Cari and Andy Reynolds are
20:15 off on another exciting adventure to the
20:17 fascinating world of water. And in the process,
20:20 they encounter creatures great and small that
20:22 go slurp and gurgle, and swish walking catfish,
20:26 frogs, turtles and so many other living things.
20:29 But all the while they are learning lessons
20:32 about Jesus. Doesn't that sound like a good book?
20:35 Secrets of the Sea, by Colleen L. Reece.
20:38 Well I have a couple of very special guests with me
20:41 today, I would like you to meet,
20:42 I have Elizabeth and Britney.
20:44 Hi Elizabeth hi Britney. Hi.
20:46 Elizabeth, can you tell me about
20:48 what you do to share Jesus.
20:50 Well, I tell people about Jesus and,
20:55 I love to do that. You love to do that?
20:57 Yes. Well, you tell me that,
20:59 recently you talked with the carpet man about Jesus,
21:01 what did you tell, how did that happened?
21:04 Well, he, I asked him if he went to church on Sunday.
21:09 And he said yes. When he said Sunday,
21:19 what did you say? Why do you go to church on Sunday?
21:23 And he said, he thought that the world wasn't too
21:29 picky about that and I said, yes he is picky
21:33 because he wrote it on table stone of rock.
21:37 That was a very good answer,
21:41 did you hear that boys and girls,
21:42 she said that the man told that
21:44 he didn't think the Lord was too picky about
21:47 what day we worship and she told him,
21:49 what did you tell him again?
21:50 That he wrote it on a table stone, so get stay forever.
21:55 That's right and the Lord was pretty picky
21:57 about that; that was a wonderful way to
21:59 share Jesus, that's awesome, Thank you
22:01 Elizabeth. Britney what you do to share Jesus?
22:04 I share Jesus for taking this sort of butterflies
22:09 and folding the envelope and inside of them I make
22:13 cards. Oh can Ms. Brenda see one of those.
22:16 Let's see, oh that is really pretty
22:21 and I just hold that right out this,
22:23 so that camera can see this, isn't that pretty,
22:25 beautiful and you make this and color on
22:28 and then what do you write inside of them.
22:30 I write like we miss people and church.
22:35 When someone doesn't come to church,
22:37 you send them one of these and say
22:38 we missed you at church. There was slay
22:41 that hadn't been to Church in a longtime.
22:45 So we folded up one of these butterflies
22:47 and told that we love Jeremy,
22:49 Ms. Jeremy wanted her to come back to church
22:51 and we went took it to her house and we stay for
22:55 a little bit and then finally she said she
23:01 would be back to church next week.
23:03 Did she come? Not yet, next week or
23:07 next Saturday she will be back.
23:10 She will be back and you just keep praying
23:12 for her okay. Well right now, I have some letters
23:16 to read, which is, don't you love to hear
23:17 the letters from the boys and girls.
23:18 Oh, yes. I do too, let's see I have one here
23:22 from St. Lucia in the West Indies and can you help me
23:24 Elizabeth and hold that picture for me please,
23:27 and let's see what this letter says this,
23:30 Dear Miss Brenda my name is Shannon
23:32 and I live in the beautiful Island of
23:34 St. Lucia, I am 10-years-old
23:36 and I enjoy watching Kids Time especially
23:38 the singing time, I share Jesus by going on
23:41 prayer walks with my church and inviting people
23:43 to come to church, please send me the
23:46 Kids Club lessons, yours truly Shannon.
23:49 Well Shannon thank you for the letter
23:51 and I will make sure that we get you signed
23:53 up for the Kids Club lessons and keep sharing Jesus
23:57 that's the wonderful way to share Jesus,
23:59 I have another one here from oh this is the
24:01 hard city to say its Connecticut, New York,
24:04 I hope I said that right, and can you hold that,
24:06 I got another picture, oh I love it boys
24:08 and girls when you send me all those pictures
24:10 with your letters and this says Dear Miss Brenda
24:14 I love kids time and I watch it whenever I can,
24:16 please send me an activity book and also two more
24:19 for my sisters and the Bible studies too please,
24:21 I am 9-years-old, I have two cats and one dog,
24:24 God bless you love Elizabeth. Well Thank you
24:27 Elizabeth. And what it oh and I see you have got
24:32 a armful something in your hands, don't you,
24:34 alright we have another one, oh this one from
24:36 Australia. Let's see who is writing us from
24:38 Australia. And this says, Dear Miss Brenda,
24:42 my name is Jacob Rae, I am 4-years-old
24:45 and I am turning five soon. I would like to join
24:47 Kids Club please, here is the picture that I drew,
24:49 it is of Jesus Christ, his tomb, his creation
24:53 and his resurrection. I would love to receive
24:55 the Bible lessons, thank you miss Brenda
24:57 love Jacob. And oh, look what Jacob drew me,
24:59 drew me a nice picture right here of the cross
25:03 and the sign and Jesus rising from the dead
25:06 and what a wonderful artist you are,
25:08 thank you Jacob for that, alright let's see how
25:11 about an e-mail, this says Dear Miss Brenda
25:14 how are you, I am Charles from India living in
25:17 Kuwait and I a 7-year-old and I love
25:20 Kids Time and I enjoy watching the Bible stories
25:22 and I'm learning so much from Ranger Jim.
25:24 By seeing Kids Time, I share Jesus there in my
25:27 school by helping my friends, I share my books
25:30 and if they are sick or hurt I take them to the
25:32 school clinic and I always try to obey my parents
25:35 and being kind to everyone. I think I am sharing Jesus,
25:39 do you think so to? Yes I do. And says I like
25:42 Kids Club please and one for my cousin
25:45 who is in India, thank you very much lovingly
25:48 Charles. Well Charles thank you for the email
25:50 and yes you are definitely sharing Jesus
25:53 and you are being kind to your friends too
25:55 that's good. This says Dear Miss Brenda
25:57 my name is Emily and I sure love Kids Time.
26:00 My favorites are praise time and the sharing
26:02 time when you read the letters. I share Jesus
26:04 singing and playing my violin in many churches
26:07 and other events, love Emily.
26:09 Well thank you Emily for your e-mail.
26:12 Boys and girls, I want to encourage you to
26:15 always have a song in your heart always be willing
26:18 to be kind and loving that is a wonderful way
26:20 to share Jesus isn't it? Well that's all the time
26:23 we have today, I want to thank Elizabeth for
26:25 being with us, I want to thank Britney,
26:26 I wanna encourage you to keep sharing Jesus.
26:28 Boys and girls, and I want to encourage you to do
26:31 the same thing and do you know what?
26:33 That's right, it's Kids Time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17