Kids' Time

King Asa

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000204

00:03 It's time to share there's a world out there,
00:07 Looking for a friend like Jesus.
00:10 It's time to share there's a world out there;
00:13 let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:16 Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:20 Kids Time, Kids Time, Kids Time.
00:24 Hi, boys and girls. You know, I made a lot of kids
00:27 here in Kids Time. In fact, I get to make kids from
00:29 all over world and I just love it. You know one thing,
00:33 I've noticed is that kids just love to dress up
00:35 and they like to pretend to be somebody else.
00:37 I did too, when I was a kid. Here at Kids Time,
00:40 we have all sorts of interesting costumes that
00:42 Miss Lucy shows for us. And we use them for our
00:45 Bible stories. We have robes and sandals and sashes
00:49 and gold chains and best of all we have lots of hats
00:53 and head coverings to choose from and do you know
00:55 what most kids want to wear in their heads?
00:57 You guessed it they want to wear one like this.
01:00 Is it this a beautiful crown? In fact,
01:03 Miss Brenda actually made this one.
01:06 You know, I have also noticed that boys like to
01:08 be kings, now this makes them feel very important
01:11 and powerful. They like to put crown on their heads
01:14 just like this and start telling everybody what to do.
01:17 You know, they realize that kings have authority
01:19 and kings also have a lot of power.
01:22 When kings speak people listen. Well, today you are
01:26 going to hear story about a man,
01:28 who is a very special king in Israel, and this,
01:31 his name was Esa. Now, Esa loved and worshiped
01:34 the one true God in heaven. And he decided that
01:38 everyone in his whole kingdom should worship
01:40 the one true God too, just like he did.
01:43 Now, you're gonna find out what he did when his own
01:46 mother refused to stop worshiping other idols
01:49 and Gods. Well, did you know that Jesus our king wore
01:53 a crown when he was on earth, but he wasn't wearing
01:56 a gold crown. His was a crown of thorns like this one.
02:01 Now when you look at this boys and girls,
02:03 look at these thorns that are coming out on this crown
02:06 of thorns and these are not very comfortable. In fact,
02:10 wearing a crown like this would be very painful.
02:15 Jesus was a special king of kings and he wore a crown
02:18 of thorns and died for us, so that we can go to heaven
02:22 some day and we can wear a crown of gold.
02:25 You know, I am so thankful that Jesus did that,
02:27 aren't you? Well, now boys and girls let's
02:30 see what Miss Emily has for us today.
02:40 Hey, boys and girls, I just love being out in the sun.
02:44 I bet you can talk that I have my very special
02:47 sunglasses on today. Emily looks pretty silly.
02:50 Well, I just feel so much better whenever
02:52 it's sunny out and you know what plants like sun too.
02:56 Plants actually need three main things to grow.
02:59 They need water. They need a lot of nutrients
03:02 and they need sunlight. Now water, we can water
03:06 ourselves as gardeners and they also get water out
03:08 of the soil. They observe them out through their roots
03:12 and nutrients they also get from the soil.
03:15 But sunlight you have to make sure that you pick the
03:17 right gardens first, so you get a lot of sunlight today
03:20 and that's what we're gonna talk about.
03:22 Whenever you are picking out a spot for your garden
03:24 there is a few things you need to note and sometimes
03:27 whenever I am walking around my yard I even like
03:29 to carry a notepad or a piece of paper to write
03:31 down special notes about the sun lights.
03:34 The first thing you need to notice is that,
03:36 where in your yard gets a best sun and also if it gets
03:39 morning sun or afternoon sun. Morning sun is cooler,
03:43 so lot of plants that need shade they can take a
03:46 little bit of morning sun. The noon sun can be really
03:49 hot for plants and some of the plants cannot take
03:52 the heat. The other thing you need to make sure
03:55 especially if it's in the sun you need to make sure
03:57 that your garden is gonna be close to a water source
04:00 because you want to make it easy to water the plants
04:03 because remember plants need water, sunlight,
04:06 and nutrients to grow big and tall.
04:09 So, I am here in my garden and I like to garden in
04:12 containers that I am sitting by right here.
04:15 And for these containers, I plant a lot of annuals.
04:19 This is called Latonia and this is called Millet.
04:22 These are two annuals that love full sun,
04:25 so you can see I had to pick a spot that had full sun.
04:30 Now plants need sun for a variety of reasons.
04:33 They need sun to grow big and tall.
04:35 Plants like to grow up towards the sunlight,
04:37 so they can be big and tall like this, tall millets.
04:42 Plants also need sunlight for process called
04:44 photosynthesis. Can you say that at home with me
04:47 boys and girls? Photosyn- thesis, it is very important
04:51 to a plant. What happens is that the sunlight beats
04:55 down on the plant and the plant will actually turn the
04:58 sunlight into energy and it helps produce food within
05:01 the leaf and that really helps the plant grow to be
05:04 big and strong. But boys and girls, it's a couple of
05:08 things I also wanna talk to you about if you are
05:10 going to be planting in the sun it is very hot out here
05:14 in the garden especially if you are in the full sun,
05:16 so there is a couple of things that you need to do
05:18 to protect yourself just like you do with your plants.
05:21 The first thing that you need to do is you need to
05:23 put on sun block. Put it on every morning
05:26 before you go outside and it really protects your skin,
05:28 rub it in all over. The second thing is you need a
05:32 garden hat and I have mine with me right here.
05:35 This will help keep your face nice and cool during
05:39 the hot summer days. The last thing you've already
05:41 seen them, that you need to have some sun glasses.
05:46 So, I am gonna put these on and I am ready to work
05:48 out in the sun all day long. Well, I'm gonna keep here
05:52 and look at my containers and work on them,
05:54 but first I want to encourage you
05:55 everyday to sow the seeds of God's love.
06:07 "If your enemy is hungry, give him bread to eat.
06:09 And if he is thirsty, give him water to drink.
06:12 For so you will heap coals of fire on his head
06:15 and the Lord will reward you."
06:17 "Do not be overcome by evil,
06:19 but overcome evil with good."
06:21 Proverbs 25, 21, and 22 and Romans 12:21
06:32 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
06:37 Do not be overcome by evil. Do not be overcome by evil,
06:46 but overcome evil with good. Do not be overcome by evil.
06:54 With good, with good, overcome evil with good.
07:06 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
07:11 Do not be overcome by evil. Do not be overcome by evil,
07:20 but overcome evil with good. Do not be overcome by evil.
07:28 With good, with good, overcome evil with good.
07:51 Welcome to Talk Time. I am so excited boys and girls.
07:54 I am here with Pastor C.A. Hi, Pastor.
07:56 How are you doing Miss Brenda? Oh! I am doing good.
07:58 And, you know what, I am so excited to be here with
08:00 you today and I am excited because I know you are
08:03 going to answer some questions for me, aren't you?
08:05 Sure I'm gonna try. Alright, well let's just get
08:08 started and I'll pull the first question out.
08:09 This says, my friends have TVs in their rooms,
08:12 but my parents don't let me.
08:14 Why are my parents so strict?
08:16 What does it matter if I watch it in my room
08:18 or in the living room? Oh! Okay, number of
08:21 things come to mind. One, the Bible says that
08:24 children ought to obey their parents "in the Lord."
08:26 Oh, that's a good one. And we really ought to
08:28 listen to our parents because believe it or not,
08:30 they are older, they are wiser, they've lived longer,
08:33 and they want the best for us that's the first thing.
08:36 The second thing is, if you spend too much time
08:39 away from your parents, the TV is training you
08:43 and not your parents, so TV really ought to be an
08:46 activity that the family does together,
08:48 so they can monitor some of the things that you
08:50 are watching so that you are not getting a lot of bad
08:53 words and lot of violence, it's better to watch TV
08:56 together then to watch it separately.
08:58 So, though many people have TVs in their room,
09:01 its better I think to watch TV together.
09:03 It makes it a family activity and makes it more fun.
09:05 Oh, I think that's a wonderful answer. Thank you.
09:08 Alright, let's get the next question here.
09:11 It says, Oh! Okay, I'm gonna put you on the spa here.
09:13 It says, is it a sin to eat meat. I have a friend that
09:16 says it is. No, it is not a sin to eat meat.
09:23 The Bible tells us in Leviticus, in Deuteronomy
09:27 and little in numbers, the kinds of meat that we can
09:30 eat there are clean meats and there are unclean meats.
09:33 There are meats that are healthy for us.
09:35 Well, actually that's a wrong term
09:37 because all meat really is not the best to eat,
09:40 but it's not a sin. Meat has protein.
09:42 It has a lot of things in it that they put into make
09:45 the animals grow big, which are not good for our
09:46 bodies. So it is not a sin to eat meat,
09:49 but all meat is not good and vegetables are far better
09:53 to eat. That is, well I thank you answer that one pretty
09:55 good, because if, you know, if you put healthy things
09:58 in our body that's got to make Jesus happy
10:00 because you know he wants us to have good clean bodies,
10:03 the healthy body. Oh! Yes, the Bible says that our body
10:04 is the temple of God. We need to keep that temple clean
10:06 and healthy. Alright, okay, let's see next question.
10:09 It says, I can't watch the news because of all the bad
10:12 things why doesn't God just stop the people from doing
10:16 all the bad things? Oh, that's a really good question.
10:19 That's a very incisive question.
10:22 God gave us the power of choice. I think its John 8:44
10:29 says that "He that loveth not, knoweth not God;
10:30 for God is love" Now there is a thing about love.
10:34 You can't force love, right; you can't make a person
10:37 love you. They have to choose to love you.
10:39 They have to choose to serve you and God is a God
10:41 of love, so he wants us to serve him out of love,
10:44 so we can also reject him. We don't have to serve him.
10:47 We can reject him. So, if we have the power of choice,
10:49 we can choose to do good things, we can choose to do
10:51 bad things and a lot of people choose to do bad
10:54 things Miss Brenda, as you will know, yes, yes,
10:56 and they do selfish things and they do evil things
10:58 and God does not want that for them and one day
11:02 he says there is gonna be a day of punishment,
11:03 but for now he let's us makeup our minds as to
11:07 what we want to do. Whether to do good
11:09 or whether to do evil, we each have the power of
11:11 choice. And some people just choose to do bad sadly.
11:15 It seems like it, from a child point of view,
11:17 it does make sense that why does not God just make
11:20 everybody be good. Yeah, but God does not want us
11:22 to be forced. He could just put a little thing in our
11:24 brain and just turn a little switch and make us do
11:27 perfectly, but God does not want that.
11:29 God wants a heart of love and so we have a choice
11:31 to do good or to do bad. I tell you that,
11:33 I don't think anyone could have said that better.
11:35 Thank you so much. Okay, this is the question it says,
11:37 I love Jesus very much. I know that at school,
11:40 I don't always act like that though.
11:42 I am afraid that my friends will make fun of me,
11:44 I don't really want them to know that I love Jesus.
11:47 Umm! There is a text in the Bible that says if you are
11:51 ashamed of me before men, Jesus says I will be
11:54 ashamed of you before my father which is in heaven.
11:58 We should not be ashamed of Jesus.
12:00 There are so many people, who do bad things that
12:02 are tends to be very proud of it.
12:03 There are people who cheat on tests and they brag
12:06 about it. And there are people who steal things
12:08 I had a friend whenever we go out he used to steal
12:09 apples and steal little toy trains, and he was very
12:12 proud of it. He told people I stole that.
12:14 So, if there are people who are proud of their bad
12:16 things why should we be ashamed of Jesus?
12:19 Right, we have to be very, very proud of Jesus
12:22 because Jesus loves us, Jesus died to save us,
12:25 Jesus give us help when we need help,
12:27 he is there for us even when we feel we are all
12:29 alone Jesus is by our side. He doesn't deny us
12:32 and we shouldn't deny him. Oh! I thank you for that
12:35 and that is the truth. I am so sorry,
12:37 we are out of time. Boys and girls if you have a
12:39 question for Pastor C.A. just sent it here to me at
12:42 Kids Times and I will make sure that you get your
12:44 questions answered because your questions are important
12:46 to us and your questions are important to Jesus.
13:03 Into my heart, Into my heart,
13:09 Come into my heart, Lord Jesus.
13:15 Come in today, Come in to stay,
13:22 Come into my heart, Lord Jesus.
13:53 My King. Yes, my Queen. Now that you've succeeded
13:56 your father abide gems throne.
13:59 How will your kingdom be different?
14:02 Well, my Queen my kingdom will be very different
14:05 because in my kingdom we're gonna serve the God
14:08 of creation. That's a change.
14:11 It is my father set up many false idols in the kingdom.
14:15 I believe that God will bless us,
14:17 if we choose to follow him.
14:21 And, what about the rest of the kingdom?
14:23 I have considered that much.
14:26 I've even prayed about it and I've decided
14:28 and I do make the decree even now that
14:31 throughout the rest of the kingdom all idols
14:33 should be removed. All the growers should be cut down.
14:36 They should be burned with fire and destroy it,
14:39 and it is your responsibility captain of the guard to see
14:42 that those orders are carried out to the letter.
14:46 As you say, O King. The people, will they follow you?
14:51 I believe that they will. You see the people have been
14:55 kept away from God's word and they don't know the
14:57 seriousness of the consequences of being
14:59 disobedient to God. But the God of creation will
15:03 reward us greatly when the people obey,
15:05 even when they don't know even understand all the
15:08 reasons for their obedience. Is it true?
15:12 Has my word been carried out in all the precincts
15:16 of the palace have all the idols been removed.
15:20 O King, is that as you have said, except for one.
15:24 Except for one? Yes. The Queen mother has
15:29 brought a God into the grove.
15:33 The Queen Macca has set up an idol in the grove.
15:37 Bring her here at once. I will speak with her.
15:42 I can't believe it, my own mother.
15:44 But King, she is always worshiped idols.
15:47 But I am the King now and if this kingdom
15:50 is to be blessed we must all obey.
15:53 But what you are going to do, she is your mother.
15:57 She is my mother and I will give her a chance,
16:01 but she must cooperate I am the King.
16:11 My son you've summoned me?
16:13 Yes, my mother I have summoned you.
16:15 It has been reported to me that you have reared
16:19 another idol in the grove and direct
16:21 disobedience to my orders. Is that true?
16:27 I see no reason why we can't still serve our own
16:33 God's just as we have before.
16:37 Mother they are not our Gods. Mother they are idols.
16:41 They cannot see and they cannot hear and
16:43 I order you to remove the idol in the grove.
16:48 I refuse to do this. You refuse to obey your King.
16:54 Mother because you've refused to obey I am going
16:58 to demand that your crown be removed from your head
17:01 and that you no longer be the Queen mother.
17:04 Kneel before my Queen. Son, I am your mother.
17:08 Kneel before my Queen. Queen remove her crown.
17:29 Mother from this day forward,
17:30 you will no longer be the Queen mother
17:33 and you will no longer worship false Gods.
17:36 I order you back to your royal apartment there
17:39 to deceive the people no more, be gone.
18:02 A bold move my King. Yes, it was a bold move,
18:06 but a necessary one. If I am the King,
18:09 I am to be obeyed and if God is the king of all
18:11 he is to be obeyed. We will serve the God of creation.
18:18 And make that a royal treaty throughout the
18:20 whole kingdom. This will be a God that we will
18:23 serve forever. The God of David, our father.
18:26 The God of creation and our kingdom will be
18:29 blessed and we will see peace in our kingdom
18:32 because we worship the God of heaven.
18:37 It will be as you say, O King.
18:58 Following Jesus, every day by day,
19:06 Nothing can harm me when He leads the way;
19:15 Sunshine or shadow, whatever befall,
19:24 Jesus my Savior is my All in All
19:33 Following Jesus, every day by day,
19:43 Nothing can harm me when He leads the way;
19:51 Sunshine or shadow, whatever befall,
20:00 Jesus my Savior is my All in All
20:20 It's time for Miss Brenda's Book of the Day.
20:23 And today's book boys and girls it is by
20:26 Paul B Ricchiuti and it's one for the little ones.
20:29 This is "My Very Best Friend."
20:31 Miss Brenda's always showing you books for
20:32 older kids and this one for the little watchers too.
20:35 And this one says it's My Very Best Friend by
20:38 Paul B. Richhiuti. I can't even tell you if
20:40 my friend is old or young, and I have never seen
20:44 the color of his eyes. I don't even know if
20:46 my friend is short or tall, but there is one thing
20:50 that I do know about him, but not I am not gonna
20:52 tell you. You are gonna have to read the book
20:54 and its My Very Best Friend by Paul B. Richhiuti.
20:59 And you know what a cute little book, isn't it?
21:00 And I am going to offer something for the tiny
21:02 ones too. Well, today I would like to introduce
21:06 a friend to you this with me and her name is Jacie
21:09 and Jacie can you tell me where you from?
21:12 Edmond, Oklahoma Edmond, Oklahoma.
21:15 Before I know you love Jesus, don't you
21:17 and you have something special you have been
21:19 doing to share Jesus, but before we hear from
21:21 you I want to go to the telephone
21:23 because we have a call from Lexi. Lexi,
21:26 are you there? Yes. Oh! Lexi, I am excited to talk
21:29 to you. Where you from Lexi? Montana.
21:32 You are from Montana. And Lexi, tell me what do
21:35 you do to share Jesus? I sing, I go to the
21:40 nursing home, and I sing song to old people there
21:44 and I talk to them. And you were telling me Miss Brenda
21:49 though about a friend that you talked to about heaven.
21:51 Yeah. Tell me about that? Well, when she comes down
21:59 we jump on our trampoline and I talk to her about
22:02 heaven and she is really excited and she wants to
22:05 be there. Oh! Do you tell her Bible stories too?
22:09 Yes. What kind of Bible story do you like to tell her?
22:14 About Jesus' miracles. Oh! You know what I love to
22:17 hear about Jesus miracles too.
22:19 You know, what Lexi I am so excited that I got to talk
22:22 to you today, and I want to ask you to keep on sharing
22:24 Jesus, okay. Okay. Alright, bye Lexi. Bye.
22:28 That's so sweet isn't that. And I like to hear
22:30 about Jesus miracles too and it's good to tell
22:32 Bible stories isn't it? Yes. Well, Jacie,
22:34 what do you do to share Jesus?
22:36 Well, the main thing that I do is every summer
22:39 at our Church we have a vacation Bible school,
22:43 and one year I had six of my friends come.
22:45 Wow! That's good. Yeah. And one of my friends
22:48 ever since we were four, she used to come every
22:50 year since then. She does, does you ever invited
22:53 her to the Church. I have sometimes and I also rack
23:01 leaves during the school year as our outreach program.
23:05 And who leads with you right?
23:07 People who call and who are like elderly
23:10 and they can't really do it. So, it's just kind of an
23:13 active kindness that you do for them.
23:14 That's wonderful. And does it make you feel pretty
23:19 good when you can share Jesus.
23:21 Yes. You know, boys and girls do realize the joy,
23:24 there is in serving Jesus, do they?
23:25 Because when the more we do for others the more
23:28 we share Jesus, the happier makes us inside,
23:30 doesn't it? Yeah. Well that's all.
23:32 Would you like to stay and help me read some letters?
23:34 Sure. Alright, well, boys and girls I have some
23:36 wonderful letters here today.
23:37 And I have one here from Jeuf Faballo and I am not
23:42 sure how to spell, how to pronounce the name Jeuf
23:46 and I didn't know if that's Jew for Jeuf,
23:48 but it is from the Philippians and from Sergio city in
23:52 the Philippians, oh I got a picture.
23:54 Can you hold this up for me, Jacie?
23:56 Sure. Okay, this says, Dear Miss Brenda.
23:58 I, my son Jeuf and I love to watch your show very much.
24:02 He barely understands English,
24:04 but he is always fascinating with the stories about God
24:07 because that's what I share with him everyday.
24:09 We bond by watching 3ABN together.
24:12 He loves Kids Time and Tiny Tots so much
24:15 and with your show he just doesn't blink an eye
24:17 because he probably feels like you are telling him
24:19 a story or something. He loves the music too.
24:22 And I would love to have him have an activity book.
24:25 He is so ecstatic about your show.
24:28 Well, we love you and God bless you Mommy Jill.
24:31 Well, thank you for your letter and I am glad that
24:34 mommy Jill, you wrote for your son.
24:36 And I wanna just encourage you to just keep sharing
24:39 Jesus with him, won't you?
24:41 Alright, let's see we have another letter here.
24:43 This one is from Aaron Anderson.
24:46 Let's see what Aaron has to say.
24:47 We've got another picture. Can you hold that up for me?
24:50 Sure. Okay, this says, Dear Miss Brenda I like
24:53 Kids Time. I am eleven-years-old
24:55 and I share God's love by smiling and being kind to
24:58 others. My grandma and grandpa like Kids Time too
25:01 and here is a school picture of me. God bless you Aaron.
25:04 Well, thank you Aaron. Aaron I want to encourage you
25:06 everywhere you go don't ever let a day pass
25:09 without sharing Jesus with someone, okay.
25:12 Alright, let's see we have another letter here.
25:14 This is from Brittany from Maple Plains,
25:19 Minnesota looks like. I'm not heard of Maple Plains,
25:21 but let's see it's a pretty card too.
25:23 And we have another picture.
25:25 Can you hold that up for me two pictures.
25:26 Sure. It looks like one with the horse and one with the,
25:29 may be you can hold them like that.
25:32 This says, Dear Miss Brenda my name is Brittany
25:34 and I am ten-years-old and I share Jesus by telling
25:37 my friends about him. Here is a picture of me
25:39 and please send me an activity book.
25:41 My favorite animal is the horse.
25:43 Well, that's good. Thank you, Brittany for that.
25:45 And you know what God made the horses for us to love
25:48 and enjoy, didn't he? Let's see there is one more
25:51 picture here, if you hold this up quickly,
25:53 we might have time to read it.
25:54 It says, Dear Miss Brenda, every week I go to Sabbath
25:57 school and ask for an extra lesson paper
25:59 and I take that and give to my friend Brua.
26:01 I also give her a memory verse song.
26:04 I love watching Kids Time. Love Kela.
26:07 Well, Kela I am so glad that you wrote to me
26:09 and I'm glad you are enjoying the program.
26:11 Keep sharing Jesus. Thank you, Jacie for being with me
26:13 today. You know, boys and girls that's the all the time
26:16 we've today, but I want to encourage you that every
26:19 place you go no matter where you are,
26:20 whatever you do, and it's Kids Time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17