Participants: Brenda Walsh
Series Code: KT
Program Code: KT000202
00:03 It's time to share there's a world out there,
00:07 Looking for a friend like Jesus. 00:10 It's time to share there's a world out there; 00:13 let's tell them that He loves us so. 00:16 Let's tell them that He loves us so. 00:20 Kids Time, Kids Time, Kids Time. 00:25 Hi, boys and girls. Today, I wanna tell you 00:26 about a little girl I heard of recently. 00:28 Her name is Kimberley and she is only six years old, 00:31 but you know what she is the most adorable little 00:33 girl, she has long beautiful red hair, but do you know, 00:37 right after she was born her mother became very, 00:40 very sick and her mother died. 00:42 Now, this little girl doesn't even remember 00:44 her mother in fact the only thing she has is 00:46 the picture of her as a baby in her mother's arms. 00:49 And soon after her mother died Kimberley's father 00:52 died too. But this little girl is not alone, 00:55 she is loved, and she is so well taking care of 00:58 and do you know, who is taking care of her. 01:00 Well, let me tell you this little girl's mother had a 01:03 sister and that sister took Kimberley in as her 01:06 very own daughter and for the last six years 01:09 she has been, been raised by her loving aunt 01:11 and uncle and you know what Kimberley calls 01:13 them mommy and daddy and they treat her 01:15 as one of their own children. 01:17 This little girl that was looking forward to 01:19 meeting her real mom and dad in heaven some day 01:22 soon. Meanwhile God has provided for all of her 01:25 needs including a family isn't that wonderful? 01:28 You know, there is a story in the Bible sort of like 01:31 that. Do you remember the story of David 01:33 and his very best friend Jonathan? David 01:36 and Jonathan loved each other like brothers, 01:38 but Saul Jonathan's father did not like David at all 01:42 and in fact Saul was so jealous of David 01:45 because he knew God had chosen David to take 01:47 his place as King of Israel. And the story 01:50 end very tragically with the deaths of both Jonathan 01:53 and Saul, but do you know what Jonathan left behind 01:57 a crippled son. Now, what was the son going to do 02:01 and where would he go? Who would take care of him? 02:05 Well, you know, what we're gonna find out in 02:06 today's Bible story. The Bible says that 02:09 "David was a man after God's own heart." 02:11 And as you listen to the story see if you can figure 02:14 out why? And try to figure out who really took care 02:18 of Jonathan son, meanwhile let's visit Nature Dan 02:21 and see just what he has to show us? 02:30 Hello boys and girls and welcome back to my garden. 02:33 My garden is a beautiful place in fact I have things 02:36 in my garden that I think is one of God's greatest 02:39 gifts. Do you guys like flowers? Yes, yeah Oh! 02:43 Man I love flowers, they are so beautiful 02:46 and some of my favorite flowers are found on trees, 02:50 trees, exactly. In fact I have got a really neat 02:53 tree right here, have you ever seen this type of a 02:56 tree before? Yes. What's this kind of tree called 02:59 does anybody. Magnolia. Magnolia is exactly right; 03:01 in fact a Magnolia tree is one of those trees 03:05 that is found in the southern part of the 03:07 United States. Now, this different types of 03:09 Magnolias and this kind of Magnolia 03:11 I have right here has leaves that stay green 03:15 all year around, would that be called an evergreen? 03:19 Yeah, it's an evergreen, so we have an evergreen tree 03:22 and has these beautiful white flowers that grow 03:26 on it, but you know, there are others types of 03:28 Magnolias as well. There are some types of 03:30 Magnolias they grow and they got these purple 03:33 flowers on them and they come out early in the 03:36 spring and there are no leaves until later. 03:38 So, there are many, many different types of Magnolias 03:41 and what's one of the other things that we have 03:43 besides the pretty flowers for our eyes there is 03:46 another thing sometimes we get for our, our nose, 03:51 yeah the smell. Do you like the smell of a real 03:54 pretty flower? Yeah, well there is a real neat flower 03:58 called a Star Magnolia and when that blooms 04:02 Oh! You can tell without even seeing it 04:06 because the smell is beautiful sweet smell 04:10 coming across to the air, I love that its kind 04:16 a like candy for my nose, right, yeah. 04:20 Well, I do love the Magnolia. Magnolia is one of my 04:24 favorite types of trees. How big do you think this 04:26 things gonna get. Not very big, not much bigger. 04:30 Oh! Oh! It will get real big. This is gonna grow to be 04:34 about 50 to 60 feet high, this tree is gonna get 04:38 really big and will they have more blossoms on, 04:41 yeah, yeah more and more. And will the blossoms 04:45 fall apart? No, yeah and after they blossoms 04:49 they're gonna become seeds. Right and then we can grow 04:54 more Magnolia trees from that. I'm telling you it is a 04:57 special world we live in. Boys and girls I want to 05:00 encourage you everyday to sow the seeds of God's love. 05:12 Behold, what manner of love the Father has bestowed 05:16 upon us, that we should be called the children of God. 05:19 Therefore the world does not know us 05:22 because it did not know him. Beloved, now we are the 05:25 children of God, and it has not yet been revealed 05:28 what we shall be, but we know that, when he is 05:31 revealed we will be like him, for we shall 05:33 see him as he is, First John 3:1 and 2. 05:41 Behold, what manner of love the Father has given unto us 05:49 Behold, what manner of love the Father has given unto us 05:57 That we should be called the sons of God 06:04 That we should be called the sons of God 06:12 Behold, what manner of love the Father has given unto us 06:20 Behold, what manner of love the Father has given unto us 06:28 That we should be called the sons of God 06:35 That we should be called the sons of God 06:52 Welcome to Learning Time. Say, I'm glad you're here 06:55 today. I have got three special helpers with me, 06:58 I have got Denay thanks for helping me. 07:00 And Sammy thanks for being here and Jodi. 07:02 Hey these three people have something in common 07:05 you know, what they have in common, can you guess? 07:08 Well, they look like people, guess what they have in 07:10 common, you know, they have got electricity inside 07:11 of them, that's right you have electricity inside of 07:14 you too. Today, I brought a very special piece of 07:18 equipment hence we called a Tesla coil and this 07:21 produces high frequency alternating current about 07:24 a half of million volts of electrical energy. 07:27 Would you like to see it? Yes, Oh! Yeah I thought 07:31 you would, well hey let's go ahead and demonstrate 07:34 this. First of all we need to know something about 07:35 the man that invented this and his name was called 07:38 Nikola Tesla. Well, was he ever a genius? 07:42 He was a very smart man. He worked with 07:44 Thomas Edison for a little while and they did some 07:47 electrical experiments. Well, today we're gonna do some 07:50 experiments and we're gonna see that this Tesla 07:52 coil what it does is, it puts electricity into the air. 07:56 Have you ever seen electricity in the air? 07:58 No. But sometimes we see lightening in the air, 08:01 don't we, yes, well that's electricity, 08:03 so this is what we're gonna do, we have a little 08:05 remote control switch right here. 08:06 I'm gonna give this to Denay, hang onto that for me. 08:09 We have a little switch and if you will turn the 08:11 switch on and we got a little red light that means 08:14 we got some power right there and she has got 08:16 a red button and watch and see some electricity flying 08:20 in the air. Right, let push it down, well keep going. 08:28 Can you see some electricity flying in the air 08:30 one more time. Man, okay I will tell you once you turn 08:34 the switch off, okay and I'm gonna grab a hold of 08:36 it right here. Now, we're gonna give Sammy one 08:38 of these tubes, now this happens to be a electric 08:41 light bulb that we have these in our schools 08:43 and office buildings they're called fluorescent 08:46 light tubes. And we have gas inside here and some 08:51 fluorescent powder and you know what happens 08:53 if there is lot of electrical energy it will charge 08:57 up the electrons in here and will get some light. 09:00 So, Sammy hang on to that force you're not 09:02 afraid of electricity, are you? No, well you know, 09:05 we shouldn't be afraid of electricity we should do 09:07 what? We should respect electricity because it can 09:10 get us, right? Yeah, well Sammy doesn't wanna be 09:12 shock this morning, do you? No, no and you know, 09:15 what Jodi brought her shoes. You know, she has 09:18 got light bulbs in her shoes. Have you ever seen 09:21 light bulbs in shoes. She has got them in her shoes 09:24 in fact, did you know, you might didn't notice this. 09:26 Hey, I'm gonna hand you that switch back 09:28 and why don't you turn the power on? 09:31 I want you to look at Jodi shoes, when we put the 09:34 power down her shoes light up, try. Look at that, 09:40 look at that there is enough electricity flying 09:42 in the air that they charge the little light 09:45 bulbs in your shoes, can you feel that? 09:47 Oh, I hope not, alright now, we're gonna see 09:49 if we can get the light tube that Sammy is holding, 09:52 we're gonna see if we can get it charged up with 09:55 the electricity and it should light up, 09:57 are we ready? Okay, go and push the button for us. 10:01 Wow! Okay, could you get little closer take one step 10:04 closure, okay we're gonna put this about right there, 10:06 alright let's push the button again. Can you see that 10:09 light tube? Is that lighting up? Yes, push it again. 10:13 Yeah, okay one step more just one little step, 10:16 okay let's try it again and it lights up, doesn't it? 10:19 Okay, now this time we're gonna have him move 10:22 backwards. Can you move back? Okay, keep pushing 10:24 the button, keep pushing the button, push it down, 10:27 keep going and what's that, come on one more Jonathan. 10:31 Wow! And it's hardly lighting up hey this, 10:34 did you feel that? Oh! Little bit, hey I'm gonna take 10:37 that tube out of here, hey why don't you go ahead 10:39 and, and push the button now, push the button, 10:41 is the tube lighting up? No. No, push it again, 10:46 the tube doesn't light up because why I'm too far 10:48 away from that, aren't I? Now go and push it again 10:51 I'm gonna get closure, look at that little more, again, 10:55 and one more time. When I get closure to the power 10:58 source then the light bulb lights up, isn't that 11:01 interesting? You know, that reminds me of something 11:03 very interesting, it reminds me a fact that sometimes 11:07 you and I as Christians, you know what? 11:09 We don't feel like we have much power in our lives. 11:12 Well, sometimes it's because you and I get too far 11:15 away from the source of power, who is the source 11:19 of power? Jesus. Jesus is isn't he? 11:22 And we get too far away from him and pretty soon 11:24 we don't have any power at all just like this light 11:27 tube it doesn't go try it again. It doesn't light up. 11:30 When I get closer, try it again it lights up. 11:32 Now, how many of you want power in your life. 11:35 Do you want power in your life? 11:36 Do you, do you want power in your lives? 11:37 Do you want power? Yes, of course we do 11:40 so we got to get close to Jesus, how do we do that? 11:42 We do that with prayer and we do that with worship 11:45 and the study right studying the Bible and, 11:47 and being together with other Christians 11:49 that gives us power and that's the power I need. 11:52 Hey, every time we learn something new about 11:55 science we're learning something 11:57 new about our creator God. 12:10 Give me the Bible, star of gladness gleaming 12:15 To cheer the wanderer lone and tempest tossed 12:20 No storm can hide that peaceful radiance beaming 12:25 Since Jesus came to seek and save the lost 12:29 Give me the Bible, holy message shining 12:34 Thy light shall guide me in this narrow way 12:39 Precept and promise, law and love combining 12:43 Till night shall vanish in eternal day 12:48 [Spanish song] 13:25 Give me the Bible, all my steps enlighten 13:30 Teach me the danger of these realms below 13:35 That lamp of safety or the gloom shall brighten 13:39 That light alone the path of peace can show 13:44 Give me the Bible, holy message shining 13:48 Thy light shall guide me in this narrow way 13:53 Precept and promise, law and love combining 13:58 Till night shall vanish in eternal day 14:23 Make way, make way, make way here now, 14:30 move right now, make way, make way, 14:33 clear the road, make way. Hey, you are a cripple. 14:36 Boy, boys, don't make fun of a crippled man. 14:42 Mephibosheth what are you doing here? 14:45 Well, I, I'm back in Jerusalem now. 14:47 What you doing in Jerusalem, isn't the safe 14:50 place for you. It, it's not why. 14:53 Because David have the Saul's family, isn't he? 14:56 Oh! No, no he is not. In fact that's a wonderful story 15:02 of how God takes care of his children. 15:05 Tell me about it. Oh! Wait a minute; 15:07 let me go get something to sit on. 15:12 Wow, Oh! Sit right there. Oh! Thank you, 15:15 Ah! Tell me about it. Well, you know, how, 15:23 how Saul was always trying to kill David, 15:27 chasing him around. Yes. And you know, 15:30 everyone thought that they were enemies 15:32 and badger enemies. What Saul did? 15:35 Well, it's not Saul I found out that Saul son Jonathan 15:41 and David were best friends, they were, 15:46 my father and David were buzzom buddies. 15:49 They were? In fact they made up act together, 15:52 they said we will be best friends forever 15:55 and look after each others families. 15:58 That's amazing. And not only that, 16:01 but of course we did know this and when dad was 16:04 killed Jonathan there with, with, with grandpa Saul 16:08 and, and they knew it, they were gonna come 16:10 and kill me David's family and army would come 16:12 and kill me, they rushed me away and, 16:14 and I broke my legs they drop me. 16:17 Yes, and so I lived in fear I couldn't be a part of 16:23 the royal family anymore, I couldn't work anymore 16:27 and when David came to throne, he began to ask is 16:31 there anyone left in Saul's family? He asked Ziba, 16:34 is there anyone left that I can show a kindness too 16:38 and he said well there is one son that his name is 16:41 Mephibosheth. He said, well bring him and, 16:44 and they came and got me. Oh! I was so afraid. 16:47 They brought me into the palace, they brought me 16:49 before David and I fell on my feet I knew he was gonna 16:52 kill me. And so what? And then I felt his gentle hand 16:56 on me he said, get up Mephibosheth 16:58 and he began to treat me kindly and spoke kindly to 17:02 me and do you know what he did? What he do? 17:04 He gave me all the land of Saul. Oh! You're a rich man 17:10 and you live in Saul's house? No, I don't live in 17:13 Saul's house Ziba lives there and takes care of all 17:16 the property for me. I live in the palace with King 17:20 David. You live in the King's palace? 17:23 I do and I eat on his table everyday. You do? 17:27 I do, he even gave me a guard to look after me. 17:31 Wow! That some story boy isn't that some story 17:37 Do you know what? This is proof that God's love 17:40 is stronger then hate. In fact, God's love 17:44 Through Jonathan and David turned enemies into friends. 17:50 Wow! What a story boys, isn't that a great story? 17:53 Yeah, that's a great story, yeah. Oh! Thank you, 18:00 well I got to go now thanks for listening. 18:03 Well, I'm so glad you came by Mephibosheth. 18:07 So, good to see you, thank you, thank you, 18:09 you have a good journey, alright. 18:12 What a great story boys. 18:28 I've got a home in glory land that out-shines the sun. 18:33 I've got a home in glory land that out-shines the sun. 18:38 I've got a home in glory land that out-shines the sun. 18:43 Way beyond the blue. 18:48 Do Lord, O, Do Lord, O do remember me, 18:52 Do Lord, O, Do Lord, O do remember me, 18:57 Do Lord, O, Do Lord, O do remember me, 19:02 Way beyond the blue. 19:06 I took Jesus as my Savior, You take Him too. 19:11 I took Jesus as my Savior, You take Him too. 19:16 I took Jesus as my Savior, You take Him too 19:21 Way beyond the blue. 19:26 Do Lord, O, Do Lord, O do remember me, 19:30 Do Lord, O, Do Lord, O do remember me, 19:35 Do Lord, O, Do Lord, O do remember me, 19:39 Way beyond the blue. 19:53 It's time for Ms. Brenda's Book of the Day. 19:56 And today boys and girls I love angel stories, 19:59 don't you? I have a book here by Helen Lee Robinson 20:03 and its called Guide's Greatest Angel Stories. 20:06 And it says heavenly angels walk the earth today, 20:08 sometimes they assume human form usually to 20:11 answer to a dust book prayer. You know, 20:13 these true stories from Guide magazine not an 20:16 urban legend among them will renew your faith. 20:19 It says, "The Angel of the Lord still encamps 20:22 around those who fear Him." 20:24 And it's called Guide's Greatest Angel Stories 20:27 by Helen Lee Robinson. And boy I love angel 20:30 stories boys and girls this is gonna be a good book 20:32 for you to read. Well, I have two special guests with 20:36 me today boys and girls and I like you to meet 20:38 Joseph and Kara. Hi, Joseph and Kara? 20:41 Hi, Ms. Brenda. It's so nice to meet you 20:44 and let me ask you this, are you good friends? 20:46 Yes, ma'am. You're good friends and, 20:49 and you are brothers and sisters too, right? 20:52 Yes, ma'am. Well, it's, it's wonderful when you see 20:54 brothers and sisters that are good friends, right? 20:56 Yes, ma'am. Yes, well let me ask you this, 20:59 what do you do to share Jesus, 21:00 what do you do Joseph? Well, one time we were 21:05 at this Revival Singing and then I asked momma 21:10 and then eight people got saved and we were 21:12 watching, we were watching and praying. 21:15 And I asked my momma, if I could go our friend, 21:18 Jodie, he is not saved. And he said why crying 21:23 and I said because I'm praying it. 21:25 Oh! And he hadn't, when you say what to say, 21:28 if he hadn't given his heart to Jesus had he. 21:30 No, no we need to give our heart to Jesus, 21:32 don't we? Yes, ma'am. And, and you, 21:35 you sing for Jesus too, don't you? 21:37 Yes, ma'am. You do, and you know, 21:38 you're pretty boy who do you learn your manners from? 21:41 Momma. And where do you learn your 21:44 manners from? Momma. 21:47 Both of you learn from your momma, is your dad polite 21:49 to, yes, yes, yes. And Kara what do you do to share 21:53 Jesus? We go around and sing 21:55 and share Jesus with our testimonies. 21:59 And have you had any really good experiences from that? 22:02 Yes, ma'am, we have really good experiences, 22:06 we each have different testimonies. 22:09 And you know, what who is the most important 22:11 person to share Jesus with? My own family. 22:13 Your own family, that's right because it's start in 22:16 home, doesn't it? Yes, ma'am. 22:17 Can't share it with others if you don't have Jesus 22:19 in your heart and in your home, let me ask you this, 22:21 now you recently wrote a song, is that correct? 22:23 Yes, ma'am. What, what's the name of the song? 22:26 Praise God, I got saved. Oh! And did you have 22:30 and you need experiences about, talk about, 22:32 about that? Yes, ma'am, when my brother first got 22:35 saved my oldest brother he told me about Jesus 22:38 and finally I got, now I know him right 22:42 when I after I got saved I wrote a song. 22:44 Oh! And your brother share Jesus with you? 22:47 Yes, ma'am. Oh! And so you gave your heart to Jesus. 22:51 Yes, ma'am. Oh! That's wonderful I love that. 22:53 And they share it with me. And they shared Jesus with 22:56 you too? Oh! And you gave your heart to Jesus. 23:00 Yes, ma'am. And do you, what is the, 23:02 what is your favorite way to witness. 23:06 My favorite way to witness is praying. Is praying 23:09 and witnessing, and witnessing then you like to, 23:12 so you like to talk to Jesus, it's important you know, 23:14 we can't get to notice if we don't talk to him, 23:16 can we? No matter ma'am. No, what your favorite 23:20 song to sing. Amazing guys. 23:22 Amazing guys I like that song too. 23:24 And what your favorite song Kara. Psalm 67, Psalm 67 23:29 you like this, I like pray Psalms too, 23:31 that's wonderful. Well, you guys are really an 23:33 inspiration, aren't they boys and girls to have, 23:35 have kids at their age to love the witness for Jesus? 23:38 They loved and they given their heart to Jesus at 23:41 the very young age and boys and girls I wanna 23:43 encourage you to give your heart to Jesus, 23:44 if you still have not made a decision to serve Jesus, 23:47 I wanna ask you today to make that decision 23:49 because it will be the best decision you ever made. 23:53 Well, would you like to stay and help me read 23:54 some letters, yes, ma'am. I have got some really 23:56 cool letters, I get them from all over the world 23:58 in fact this one is coming from the Philippines 24:02 and let's see what this letter says, it says, 24:04 Dear, Ms. Brenda thank you very much for my 24:06 Bible lessons. Oh! She has already joined Kids Club. 24:09 It says, you sent us all these Bible lessons 24:12 and they're so challenging we keep searching the 24:14 Bible turning the pages too and fro. 24:16 And I have learned so much I love hearing the 24:19 stories especially lesson one God's Greatest Book, 24:21 thanks also for the coloring book. 24:23 The drawings are so cool, thanks again we're praying 24:26 for you that you keep having the strength to 24:29 do God's work. Thank you so much and let's see 24:32 how to spell her name, it's Mirah. 24:34 And thank you Mirah and she is from the Philippines. 24:37 Well, thank you Mirah and it's so good. 24:39 I'm glad you're enjoying the lessons, 24:40 I'm glad you're learning about Jesus 24:42 because that's the most important thing at all 24:44 that we learn about Jesus. Now, this one is from Hana 24:48 and she is from McDonald, Tennessee. 24:51 Let's see what Hana says, and Oh! She is beautiful, 24:53 can you hold this picture up Joseph for me please, 24:56 yes ma'am, okay let see this says, Dear, Ms. Brenda, 24:59 my name is Hana and I'm 11 years old 25:02 and I share Jesus by singing and I also I go to foster 25:06 children so that I can share Jesus with them, 25:08 I try to asking one three, three year old foster 25:14 child who made the grasp, but she said, 25:16 she didn't know she said the lawn mower made 25:19 the grass grow, but I told her it was Jesus. 25:22 Thank you, Hana please send me Kids Club lessons. 25:25 Well, Hana I will be happy to send you the Kids 25:27 Club lessons and that, that was pretty cute that 25:30 she thought the lawn mower made the grass grow, 25:31 but God made the grass grow, didn't it, didn't he? 25:34 Okay, thank you Joseph. Let's see, let's check this 25:38 email of here it says, Dear, Ms. Brenda, hi, my name 25:41 is Shivoni, and I'm 8 years old and it says, 25:44 I love Jesus I'm from Australia it says, 25:47 I watch Kids Time everyday, 25:49 when I come home from school, 25:50 my favorite part is when you read the letters, 25:53 it says by the way I love Jesus with all my heart 25:55 and I share him by always being helping people 25:59 who are need of help. By the way, please can you 26:03 keep making Kids Time program, Shivoni and 26:05 she is from Victoria, Australia. 26:07 Well, Shivoni I would, I'm happy that you share Jesus, 26:10 I'm happy you love him so much, keep sharing him, 26:12 aren't you? Well, I wanna thank Joseph and Kara 26:15 for being with us today that's all the time 26:17 we have today boys and girls. 26:19 I wanna encourage you to do all you can for 26:21 Jesus because remember boys and girls 26:23 it's Kids Time to share Jesus. |
Revised 2014-12-17