Participants: Brenda Walsh
Series Code: KT
Program Code: KT000201
00:03 It's time to share there's a world out there,
00:07 Looking for a friend like Jesus. 00:10 It's time to share there's a world out there; 00:13 let's tell them that He loves us so. 00:17 Let's tell them that He loves us so. 00:20 Kids Time, Kids Time, Kids Time. 00:25 Hi, boys and girls. Have you ever tried to count sand, 00:27 I have a bowl full of sand right here and let me see 00:29 if I can count it. Do you think I can? Let's see, 00:32 we've got one, oh! No, here there you go two, 00:36 you can barely see it, can't you? Here's three, 00:40 four, five, oh, my. I might be a whole week or whole 00:46 night if I try to count all this sand, it's impossible 00:50 isn't it? It doesn't look like I've even taken, 00:52 you know, anything out of that bowl does it. 00:55 Do you know in our Bible study today, an Israelite 00:57 soldier is going to tell us the exciting story of an 01:00 amazing battle between the Israelites and their 01:03 enemies the Midianites. Now, according to this 01:05 soldier there was so many Midianites that they were 01:08 like the sands of the sea. Now, what you say, 01:11 wait a minute, that's impossible? Well I think what 01:14 that really means is that they were so many 01:16 Midianites that no one could even count them. 01:18 How could the tiny nation of Israel go up against the 01:21 huge Midianite army, right with swords and shields 01:25 and spears, right? Wrong, maybe with thousands and 01:28 thousands and thousands of soldiers all fitted for 01:31 battle, right? Wrong again, you won't believe how 01:35 Israel fought that great battle, they have the 01:38 strangest weapons too, and they only had well, 01:42 I better not give away the story, he can tell it a 01:45 whole lot better than I can. You wanna listen to this 01:48 soldier, but just wait and see what he is gonna tell 01:51 you. In the mean time, let's see what 01:53 Ranger Jim has to show us today. 02:02 Hi, boys and girls Ranger Jim saying welcome to 02:03 Nature Time. We're glad you could join us today; 02:05 we're in Chattanooga, Tennessee with my friend 02:07 Nature Dan. Dan we're glad to have on the program. 02:10 Well, I'm glad to be here Ranger Jim. 02:11 Tell us something about this. Oh! I'll tell you, 02:13 this is a really neat tree. Now, if I were to ask you 02:16 what this tree was called you tell me some right. 02:19 Like what, what would you call this Well, I would 02:21 call it, I know it is an iron wood. Iron wood, 02:23 well that's what some people know it by, 02:25 but I have known people to argue and say well, 02:27 that's not an iron tree, that's not iron wood, 02:29 I know iron wood, it doesn't look like that at all and 02:32 that's the problem with common names and this tree 02:35 has lots and lots and lots of common names, 02:38 it's called iron wood, but it's also called muscle 02:42 wood. Well, I could understand that look at all 02:43 of these muscles. Oh! Yeah, looks like muscles on 02:46 someone's arms or it's also called blue beach because 02:51 it's gonna bark like a beach tree there, 02:53 right I see that, oh, yeah. And it's also called 02:55 hornbeam and in fact another name sometimes is 02:58 confused with hophornbeam because of the way the 03:01 flowers are. It is a neat tree, yeah, in fact you 03:05 think that this might have had a use. What use do you 03:08 think it might have had? Well, I would think, 03:11 being as tough as it is like that on the new frontier, 03:14 I think they would be using it for maybe ax handles, 03:18 that's a good one and maybe for like wagons, 03:20 you know how the wagon wheels had to take a 03:22 lot of stress, and so it really had to stand up to 03:25 abuse, so it would have to be as strong as iron, 03:30 yeah. So iron wood became the name for this thing. 03:33 Now, there is another tree like this in the woods, 03:35 it doesn't look like this at all, but is also used that 03:39 way as axles and parts of wagon wheels and it too 03:42 was also called iron wood. Yeah, that's where you 03:46 get the confusion, yeah. Well, that is an amazing 03:49 thing now. Does it have a use today, do we? 03:53 Well, today it's a good tree to have grown by the 03:56 creek. In fact, when you see something like this 03:59 growing you know that it's a wet land type of a place. 04:01 Right. Because it's like to grow in those kind of moist 04:04 in the fancy word, I mean the real fancy word for 04:07 is riparian. A riparian. A riparian environment 04:11 and that means like a stream like or river like 04:13 place. Oh! I, I see we, you have a river birch at 04:17 this part of the country that, yeah, that is, 04:19 that is the tree that also would be in a riparian 04:22 habitat, would be. And this is right there with it. 04:25 Does this tree grow rather tall, does it grow big? 04:28 Kind of not real big, they call it an understory tree 04:31 because it's understory of all of the big old trees do 04:35 there and it usually grows at an angle out away 04:38 from the bed of the bank because it's going towards 04:42 the light and most of the light is out that way. 04:45 Alright and so, he is not very big, but he is tough, 04:47 he is very tough, he's very tough and on the early 04:50 frontier he had a very important functions, so. 04:52 Absolutely, well that is just wonderful to learn these 04:54 things. Boys and girls, this is Ranger Jim telling 04:57 you once again don't forget to tell Jesus 05:00 that you love him because he really does love you. 05:11 Kids Time singers salute. Klizni, what happened to 05:16 your hand? Uncle Buddy, I fell and my hand had a 05:20 battle with the floor and I cried. 05:23 But you're still here this week. 05:25 I wouldn't miss it for anything. 05:28 Boys and girls, we're gonna lose some battles, 05:30 but with Jesus we can always do 05:32 what he needs us to do. 05:42 Sound the battle cry! See, the foe is nigh; 05:46 Raise the standard high for the Lord; 05:49 Gird your armor on, stand firm everyone; 05:53 Rest your cause upon His holy Word. 05:56 Rouse, then, soldiers, rally round the banner, 06:00 Ready, steady, pass the word along; 06:03 Onward, forward, shout aloud, "Hosanna!" 06:07 Christ is Captain of the mighty throng. 06:16 And strong to meet the foe, marching on we go, 06:20 While our cause we know, must prevail; 06:23 Shield and banner bright, gleaming in the light, 06:27 Battling for the right we never can fail. 06:30 Rouse, then, soldiers, rally round the banner, 06:34 Ready, steady, pass the word along; 06:38 Onward, forward, shout aloud, "Hosanna!" 06:41 Christ is Captain of the mighty throng. 06:51 O Thou God of all, hear us when we call, 06:55 Help us one and all by Thy grace; 06:58 When the battle's done, and the victories won, 07:02 May we wear the crown before Thy face. 07:06 Rouse, then, soldiers, rally round the banner, 07:09 Ready, steady, pass the word along; 07:13 Onward, forward, shout aloud, "Hosanna!" 07:16 Christ is Captain of the mighty throng. 07:30 Hi, boys and girls and welcome to Talk Time. 07:33 I'm very excited today because I have my friend 07:35 Pastor C.A. with us today. Hi, Pastor C.A. 07:38 How are you? Good, how are you doing? 07:40 It's good to be here. Well, you know what 07:41 boys and girls have written lots and lots of questions 07:44 and I know that you're willing and ready to answer 07:47 those aren't you? I'm ready to go. Alright, 07:49 well let's choose one out of the basket here I have 07:51 already jotted some of them down and the first one 07:54 is, the devil is so bad why did God make the devil? 07:58 You know what, that's a good question. Yeah, 08:00 is a very question, very insightful question. 08:02 Yes, well I, I would like to young people to know 08:05 first of all the God did not make the devil, okay, 08:08 and the Book of Ecclesiastes chapter 12, chapter 18, 08:11 chapter 20 all give us a little insight on how, 08:14 into how the devil became the devil. 08:17 God made Lucifer, he made a beautiful covering 08:21 angel, beautiful he could sing, he was very 08:23 beautiful, but the, the Bible says, inequity was 08:26 found in him. He was corrupted by his beauty, 08:30 so the devil made the devil, okay, God made a 08:33 perfect beautiful angel, but somehow his beauty 08:37 turned into him and he became Lucifer the devil, 08:43 the enemy of God. That's a good answer, you know, 08:44 Pastor C.A. anytime we get puffed up with pride, 08:47 anytime that we start thinking about ourselves, 08:50 yes, we're in trouble, aren't we? Yes, yes, 08:52 well let's see, I've got one right here; let's see what 08:55 this one is, this one is from Oklahoma. It says, 08:57 is it true that Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego had 09:01 other names and if so what were they? 09:03 Very true, they did have other names in the Book of 09:06 Daniel in the very first chapter. The Bible tells us 09:09 that they were Hebrews and they had Hebrew 09:11 names Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were their 09:14 Babylonian names. Oh! It was very, very common 09:18 when people had taken away into captivity, 09:20 their masters gave them new names. So, Shadrach, 09:23 Meshach and Abednego are the names of, of 09:26 Babylonian Gods, their original names were 09:28 Hananiah, Azariah and Mishael. Those are their 09:32 Hebrew names and Nebuchadnezzar had those 09:35 names changed to Babylonian names and we know 09:38 them by their Babylonian names, but their, 09:40 their original names were Hananiah, Azariah, 09:42 and Mishael, oh! And that's Daniel chapter 1. 09:45 Well, that's good, thank you. Okay, because we just 09:48 know the familiar ones that we're used to hearing. 09:50 Okay, let's see this question is, sometimes when 09:53 we are playing my brother gets upset and says mean 09:55 things to me does the Bible say anything about 09:58 the words that we say? Good question. Oh! Yes, 10:00 Oh! Yes, the Book of James the second and third 10:02 chapters talk a lot about this little thing we called 10:05 the tongue, and James says to say that we love the 10:09 Lord and not be able to control our tongue is a very 10:12 bad thing. By our words we're justified, by our 10:15 words we're condemned the Bible says and when 10:18 we give our hearts to Jesus he also gives us control 10:21 of our tongue. So, our brothers and sisters should 10:23 not say bad things to us they need to practice, 10:26 saying good things and controlling that temper 10:28 because that's what it's all about giving our lives to 10:30 Jesus, we give him, we commit our lives to him and 10:33 he gives us control. Oh! That's wonderful. 10:36 What about swear words? Oh! Swear words, 10:38 I don't know, okay, again he gives us control. 10:41 Swear words I wouldn't use, just when you can't 10:43 think of anything to say, you say something very 10:45 bad and very evil, but Jesus gives us control to, 10:48 to hold our tongues and to be at peace. 10:51 That's a good answer, okay let's see, it says, 10:53 are angels real? Oh! Angels are very real. 10:56 Angels are very real, the Book of Hebrews chapter 10:59 1, I believe it is verse 14 talks about angels that are 11:03 ministering spirits. Angels are messengers send by 11:06 God to help us do things and to help us accomplish 11:09 things and to encourage us along the way. 11:11 Angels are moving back and forth we cannot see 11:13 them, but they are there. And they are there to help 11:15 us serve Jesus and be better people. Okay, one more 11:19 question from Ms. Brenda maybe, is it, are guardian 11:22 angels real? Yes, yes, I think and the Bible gives 11:26 indication of this that only in heaven we'll be, 11:29 we'll be able to see our guardian angel and ask them 11:31 about some of those things, sometimes you want to 11:33 step off the curve and something held you back 11:35 from stepping off the curve and a car goes by, 11:37 and as you stepped off that curve oh, it could have 11:39 been very, very bad. And these guardian angles help 11:42 keep us and help us to serve Jesus. I think perhaps 11:44 we have to wait till we get to heaven won't we to 11:46 find out, how much our guardian angels have done 11:48 for us, very much so, right, yes. Well, that's all the 11:50 time we have right now and Pastor C.A. 11:52 thank you so much for answering these questions, 11:54 you're welcome. And boys and girls, if you have 11:56 a question for Pastor C.A. send it to me at 11:59 careofkidstime@3abn and I'll make sure your 12:01 questions get answered because your questions 12:03 are important to us and your questions 12:06 are important to Jesus. 12:32 Hold on, hold on, you guys wanna hear how the 12:34 battle went last night. Yes, yes. Oh! Okay, 12:37 quite, quite, you know, how the Midianites have 12:40 been everywhere in our country, stealing our food, 12:43 yeah, well we finally prayed, we prayed to God, 12:47 yeah. He raised up Gideon to free us. Well, 12:50 you remember couple of weeks ago when, 12:51 when Gideon gathered together all the men and 12:54 all the fighters came together, yeah, well I 12:57 looked out and I saw our huge army and I knew 12:59 that with this kind of army we could defeat Midian, 13:02 yeah, yeah, you got to tell him, what happened to 13:04 the army, what happened to the army, you got to tell 13:05 him. Alright, well, well, God looked at the army 13:07 and he said it's too big. He said, if they defeat 13:10 Midian they will think they did it by themselves, 13:13 so he told Gideon to stand up and say, whoever is 13:17 afraid, whoever doesn't wanna fight, you may leave 13:20 with your honor, oh! And then like tons of guys left. 13:25 Wow! I thought this is crazy, like our army was 13:28 already smaller than the Midianites army. And now 13:31 we will cut down by half. Oh! But we still, we still 13:36 had a pretty good sized army, okay. Well, God saw 13:39 the army and he said, they're still too big, if they 13:42 defeat Midian they'll think it was because of them. 13:46 So, he had a plan with. Hey, don't, don't forget 13:48 tell about the river. Listen, I'm, I'm telling the 13:50 story, okay, alright, alright. Don't forget that 13:52 part. Alright, so we got to the river and there 13:54 were two types of men at the river. Now, the first 13:57 type they dropped down on all four and they just 13:59 stuck their heads in the water and they just slurped 14:02 all the water, but then they were, they were men 14:04 like us who knew that the Midianites were around 14:07 and we were looking at the hills and we just 14:10 dropped our hands on the water and slurped it out 14:12 we were ready for a fight. Oh! Well, Gideon said 14:15 all the men like us could stay, but everyone who 14:17 dropped down and drink the water like a dog could 14:20 leave. And you know, how many that left? 14:23 How many? Three hundred, they were only three 14:26 hundred of us. And you know how big the 14:28 Midianite army was? They were as numerous as the 14:31 sands of the sea. Well, about nighttime, we got 14:35 up into the mountain. Tell something about our 14:36 weapons, oh! Alright let me, let me tell the story, 14:39 you tell me that out, when we got up and we 14:41 look down in the valley and they were Midianites 14:44 everywhere. And I could tell Gideon was pretty 14:46 scared and so that night right after we went to 14:49 sleep, Gideon woke me up and he said, come on 14:52 we've got to go down God told me to sneaking 14:54 to the Midianite camp. Well, we got our stuff and 14:58 I put on my helmet and we snuck down and it was 15:01 dark and they were sentries around and we got pass 15:04 one sentry and we got next to a tent and we listened 15:07 and they were two men inside and they were 15:10 sacred. You know what they were talking about? 15:12 What, what, a dream. One of them had in a dream? 15:16 He said, I had a dream and there was this huge loaf 15:19 of bread upon the mountain and it rolled down 15:22 and hit our tent and knocked it flat. Wow! 15:24 And the other man said, loaf of bread, I know what 15:26 that means, he said Gideon will defeat us tonight. 15:33 Well, Gideon and I looked at each other and we 15:34 were like wow! This was a sign from God, yes, 15:39 so we snuck out and we got to pass the sentries 15:42 and we climbed upon the mountain and Gideon got 15:44 his men together. And he gave their secret weapons. 15:48 You got to hear this; you got to hear about the 15:49 weapons. Do you wanna know what the weapons 15:50 were? Yes, yeah. A trumpet and a torch with 15:55 a pitcher over it, I know, that's what we got, 16:00 now wait, wait, wait, wait hold on. Now this is not 16:03 the way to fight, but God doesn't fight like regular 16:06 men fight. Well Gideon split us up into three 16:09 groups of a hundred men and my group was up into 16:12 the north and we had to wait for the signal. 16:15 Well, Gideon was over on the south and there was 16:17 another group and we kind of spread out, and then 16:20 we were just waiting and it was dark and I was 16:23 really scared because all I had was a trumpet and, 16:26 and a pitcher with over a torch and the army 16:29 down there was huge, but I knew that God had 16:32 a plan, yeah and then all of a sudden Gideon 16:36 cracked his pottery and the flame just Woof! 16:39 Flared up and then I saw the melon surrounding the 16:42 valley, as everyone through their pitchers off, 16:44 the flames just spread it up all around and then I 16:49 felt God, he kind of rushed over behind me and 16:53 went into the valley, wow! And then I raised my 16:56 torch up and I blew my trumpet and then everyone 16:59 was flashing the torches around and blowing their 17:01 trumpets and the Midianites thought Gideon is among 17:04 us and so they grab their swords and they started 17:07 fighting each other. Wow! Praise the Lord, 17:11 all I had to do was blow my trumpet and they were 17:14 just wiping each other out. Oh! No, well soon most 17:17 of the army was defeated and Gideon gave the 17:19 charge and we charged down in there and we 17:22 chased them out of there, you know, it was a great 17:24 victory for God. Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, 17:28 praise the Lord. It was just crazy that's not how you 17:32 fight a war, you don't fight getting rid of most your 17:34 army and with trumpets and torches, but God 17:39 doesn't fight like us, I like that. God was great, 17:43 you know, I, I came to do something, what did I 17:44 have to do. We got to get the bread. Oh, we got 17:47 to get the bread, all the soldiers are angry. 17:48 Can you help us give bread for Gideon. Yeah, 17:49 sure. Come on, let's go, we got to get the bread, 17:51 come on guys, come on give the 17:52 bread, give the bread. Okay. 17:53 [Spanish Song] 20:25 It's time for Ms. Brenda's Book of the Day. 20:29 And boys and girls do I have a good book for 20:31 you today. This is called the "The Man in the Blue 20:33 Skirt" by Sandy Zuagg. And Alice is in china as a 20:37 missionary and she is so fascinated by the local 20:39 market place, its boost are brimming with spicy 20:42 foods and fresh vegetables and sticky rice 20:45 and even juicy mangoes, but then scary things 20:48 start happening. Alice's baby brother Johnny 20:51 disappears and angry gangs chase her into a 20:53 Buddhist temple. Meanwhile, a mysterious 20:56 man wearing a blue skirt is following her 20:59 everywhere, what could he want? Oh! No, but I'm 21:04 not gonna tell you anymore, you're gonna have to 21:05 read the book "The Man in the Blue Skirt" 21:08 by Sandy Zuagg. Oh! That's look like a good 21:10 book. Well, boys and girls I have a special treat 21:13 for today, I have not one, but two guests with me. 21:16 I would like you to meet, Micah and Joy. Hi, Micah 21:18 and Joy. Hi, Ms. Brenda. Well, it's so good to have 21:21 you with us today and let me ask you this. 21:23 Where are you from? Toomsboro, Georgia. 21:25 You're from Georgia. Well, I know that you love 21:27 Jesus very much and before you tell me what 21:29 you do to share Jesus, we have someone on the 21:31 phone and I think Cindy is on the phone. 21:34 Hi, Cindy. Hi, Ms. Brenda. Hi, honey it's so good 21:36 to talk to you. Where are you from? I'm from 21:39 Aspen, California. From California and you know, 21:42 Ms. Brenda used to live in California years ago and 21:44 I loved it out there. Let me ask you this Cindy, 21:47 what do you do out there in California to share 21:49 Jesus? I read people stories and I tell them that 21:54 God loves them and that we need the world and 21:57 that he loves them. That's important, you know, 22:00 it's important everywhere we go whether it's 22:01 somebody in our own family it might be, 22:04 you know, your friends at school or it might be 22:06 you know, the strangers that you meet in the 22:09 grocery store, wherever you go, don't ever be 22:11 ashamed to share Jesus alright, okay. Alright Cindy, 22:14 thank you for talking to us and keep sharing Jesus, 22:17 okay, okay. Alright bye honey, bye. Well, 22:20 that's was nice to talk with Cindy. Well, Micah I 22:22 wanna ask you what do you do to share Jesus. 22:25 I'm, see we sing, we travel around and sing, 22:29 and when we sing we give out these, these CD's. 22:34 Now, what do you mean, whose we? Check, 22:36 'cause your brother and sister, right, my brother 22:37 and sister, yes Ma'am. And how many are in your 22:39 family? There are ten of us altogether. Ten of how 22:41 many kids? Eight, eight kids and mom and dad 22:44 does that, does everybody in the family 22:46 sing. Yes, Ma'am, yes Ma'am. 22:47 Wow! And can I see your, lets see your, your CD, 22:51 you wanna hold up to the camera so the boys 22:52 and girls can see, it says, Songs of Zion and 22:55 The Fortune Family and you give out little pieces 22:59 of information too, right, right. You know, 23:01 tell me where do you sing at? We sing everywhere, 23:04 everywhere God puts us. So, you travel all over. 23:08 Do you sing in churches or do you sing in people's 23:10 home or, or nursing homes where do you go? 23:13 Anywhere, anywhere that God send us, mostly 23:15 churches. And do you travel a lot doing this? 23:18 Yes, Ma'am. How many times do you think you 23:20 sing in a year? Well lover 100 times. Really, 23:26 yes Ma'am. Wow! That's wonderful and have you 23:28 had any good experiences from your singing? 23:30 Yes, Ma'am. What, tell me about it? We were up, 23:33 I was up in Atlanta because of Hurricane Francis 23:35 and I was shooting basketball with my friend 23:38 and my friend was, we were shooting basketball 23:40 and next door neighbor came over. And, I asked to 23:43 him, I said did you go to church dude and he said, 23:44 no I don't go to church. And I said, I said, 23:47 I said why don't you go to church? Because I don't 23:49 know he says. So, then I had a door to open up 23:51 the plan of salvation where then I showed him how 23:54 to be saved with the Ten Commandments. 23:56 That's fantastic, isn't that incredible boys and girls? 24:00 I tell you what I hope all of you are willing as 24:02 Micah is to just share Jesus and he just shares 24:05 the plan of salvation because Jesus died on the 24:07 cross for every single one of us, didn't he? 24:10 And that is wonderful, I appreciate it, have you 24:12 had any special experiences Joy? I have, it's fun, 24:15 it's been fun in traveling around. And where not 24:17 many places as when we go out to eat, we get a 24:20 chance to sing in the restaurants because people 24:22 ask us if we're choir and that gives us a chance 24:26 to share Jesus with everybody, we sing a song 24:28 then we give them a CD. Oh! That's wonderful 24:31 and you just give out your CD's, you don't sell 24:33 them, we don't sell them. You don't sell any of your 24:34 CD's, you just give them out free. So, what happens 24:37 if you get lots of letters from this program saying 24:39 they wanna CD. We just send it to, we just send as 24:41 many as they need. You would, so I could just 24:44 give them, I could just give the addresses to you 24:46 and you'd take care of it. Yes, ma'am. Well, that's a 24:48 big praise the Lord, isn't it? So, if you wanna CD of 24:51 their, you just write to Ms. Brenda and I'll make 24:53 sure that they get it, okay. Well, that's wonderful. 24:56 Would you like to help me read some letters? 24:57 Yes, ma'am. Alright, let's see I've got a letter here 25:00 from Alexis and she is from Tennessee and can 25:04 you hold this picture up for me? Yes, ma'am. 25:05 There we go, let's see what Alexis has to say, 25:09 and I, it says, hello my name is Alexis and I'm four 25:13 years old and I live in Tennessee, I love your 25:15 show and I love to watch the children sing about 25:18 Jesus and I watch it every single day and my Nanny 25:22 is writing this letter for me and I love Kids Time, 25:25 love Alexis. Well, thank you Alexis and thank you 25:28 for sending your picture. Boys and girls, I just love 25:30 it when you write to me and I love seeing your 25:32 pictures, so I get to see what you look like. 25:34 Alright, let's see there is, oh! How about an email? 25:36 I like emails too. Dear, Ms. Brenda, how are you? 25:39 I'm Charles from India and living in Kuwait and 25:42 I'm seven years old and I love Kids Time. I enjoy 25:45 watching story time and I'm learning a lot about 25:47 nature through Ranger Jim, by seeing Kids Time 25:50 I share Jesus in my school by helping my friends 25:53 by sharing my books, and if they are sick or hurt I 25:55 take them to the school clinic and I always obey 25:58 my mom and dad and I try to be kind to everyone. 26:01 Please, let me find out about the Kids Club and one 26:04 for my cousin who is in India too. Thank you, 26:07 love Charles. Well, Charles I would be glad that 26:10 you both signed up for Kids Club and get you start 26:13 taking those lessons and I'm really proud of you for 26:15 the way you are sharing Jesus. Thank you, 26:18 Micah and I wanna thank Joy for being with us and 26:20 keep singing, keep sharing Jesus. Boys and girls, 26:23 I want to encourage you to share Jesus everywhere 26:26 you go because no matter whatever you do, 26:28 wherever you are, it's Kids Time to share Jesus. |
Revised 2014-12-17