Kids' Time

Andrew The Apostle

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000199

00:03 It's time to share there's a world out there,
00:06 Looking for a friend like Jesus.
00:09 It's time to share there's a world out there,
00:13 Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:16 Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:20 Kids time, kids time, kids time,
00:24 Hi boys and girls, have you ever been out
00:26 in a boat, out on the sea when the wind comes up.
00:28 Now, I'd like you to picture in your mind
00:30 when there is no wind at all.
00:31 Did you know you can actually see it,
00:33 it's like, looks as smooth as glass,
00:35 in fact I bet you can almost see your
00:37 reflection in the water. All you hear though
00:40 is the water splashing up against the side
00:42 of the boat. Well, pretty soon you feel
00:44 a little breeze, and you know what you're going
00:45 to notice that the water is not quite so smooth
00:48 as it was before. And do you know when the waves
00:50 get really big, when they start getting bigger,
00:53 and bigger, and bigger. Do you know what happens?
00:56 The waves, they start to crust in the white caps
00:58 and all of a sudden you will hear them
00:59 splashing up against the side of your boat.
01:02 Well, finally the waves are going to get so big,
01:04 that it feels like you're sailing up over a
01:06 mountain and down into the valley.
01:08 By that time I bet you're inside the cabin
01:11 steering the boat, through the waves just trying
01:14 to keep from capsizing. And I bet you're
01:16 praying that God will protect you from the
01:18 storm, right. Would you be tempted to jump out
01:21 of the boat and try to swim to shore
01:22 in that kind of weather, I wouldn't,
01:24 I'd be wishing I was just back home in my own
01:27 soft bed waiting out the storm in safety.
01:29 Well Jesus disciples found themselves caught
01:32 in that kind of storm once. They were very,
01:35 very afraid, and they were so busy working
01:37 to keep the boat upright, and moving ahead,
01:39 that they didn't even notice something out
01:42 on the water until all of a sudden they looked
01:44 out there, and they were ah there is something
01:47 strange out in the distance.
01:49 What was coming towards them?
01:51 Was that another boat, no? They looked
01:54 a little closer, no it wasn't a boat,
01:56 what was it, what is it. It was so strange
01:59 looking that they were more afraid of it,
02:01 than they were of the storm. What could it be?
02:03 But you're gonna to find out in just a little bit
02:06 when you hear one of the disciples tell us
02:08 the story. But first, Ranger Jim has
02:11 something interesting to tell us about.
02:20 Hi boys and girls, Ranger Jim saying
02:22 welcome to Nature Time. We are glad to be
02:23 with us today, we have a special treat for you.
02:25 We have our friend Grandpa Bill
02:27 and his son Carl Ed, and he is going to show us
02:30 something about his treasure that
02:31 he has here. Bill would you show us
02:33 something about these things.
02:34 Well, I want to first welcome you to my small
02:37 museum and we're glad to had you,
02:39 and I am happy to show some of the things
02:43 that we have collected here,
02:44 that may be some of your youngsters would be
02:47 glad to see. Would you pick up a rock like that?
02:50 No, I don't believe I would.
02:52 Don't look like much of a rock to me.
02:54 Well, I want to tell you something here,
02:56 I am going to give you one that's been split
02:59 open and you might be, what you find here.
03:02 Oh yeah, I'll pick that one up, I will take that.
03:05 Alright. Well, that's what these are.
03:07 That's what these here, these here the make,
03:11 different age, that's to all they were here,
03:15 but most of them apparently exist here,
03:17 this is the Clematis squirrel, flat leaf
03:20 and this here is the ancient fern which grew
03:24 to 60 to 80 feet tall. Ferns we have today
03:27 just grow about that high here.
03:29 You go out around on the rivers and out
03:31 in the mountains there, but back at that time
03:35 they grew huge, and we these were plants,
03:41 these rocks here are found down in
03:44 Southern Illinois, lower part, about 60 miles
03:49 from Chicago and this place here is a
03:54 flat country. Here in Tennessee we have to mine
03:58 into the mountains, they got a whole tunnel go
04:02 and dig it out and pull it out, but up there
04:05 they just dig on that flat country and pop bring
04:08 the dirt up and get down to the coal
04:13 and when they're throwing that dirt out
04:16 these are not those of the fern there
04:18 and they split that with a little sharp,
04:22 very sharp little chisel and hit it
04:26 and they just readily open up.
04:29 Bill, why don't you tell them
04:30 what a nodule is and how it's formed.
04:33 Okay, I'll tell you, these trees live along
04:39 the shores of the ancient lake or seas
04:42 there at one time. When one time that part
04:45 of the country was covered by the ocean there,
04:47 and they are all in there, and leaves,
04:52 these here fern leaves were falling in there
04:54 and way come in and just rolled it over
04:58 and just like this here, caught and pick up that
05:01 dirt there, and finally fossilized out
05:04 and got in the ocean there, this rolled in there.
05:07 Amazing. Whole period of years
05:09 and they hardened into stoned here.
05:12 See when you're right in the envelope, it's dry mud.
05:14 That's right, that's right.
05:15 And then it hardened and so all of, all these
05:17 are found just above the stream of coal.
05:20 That's right, yeah, but and you can see what's
05:25 all in the thing, you will see
05:26 this flat edge around here.
05:28 Oh yes, you get a sharp chisel hit that
05:31 and it just readily open up there. But you never
05:34 know what you're going to get do you.
05:35 We don't know, you might get a bug,
05:37 I have some bugs and things here,
05:39 but I'm just showing the fern leaves here
05:41 because I thought it's beautiful.
05:42 You see these here mates.
05:44 Alright. Mates here. Okay.
05:47 Well now that's beautiful. Now, you see
05:48 boys and girls we have learned from an expert
05:51 and we've learned about this today,
05:52 so this is wonderful to know and this is
05:55 Ranger Jim again telling you as always,
05:57 don't forget to tell Jesus that you love him
06:00 because he really does love you.
06:19 What. You hear that. Yeah.
06:21 Why do you mean just yes, there is lion,
06:23 you hear these noises, aren't you scared,
06:25 I am and I am bigger than you.
06:27 No, because I have learned
06:29 I can go anywhere with Jesus.
06:31 Anywhere? Anywhere.
06:37 Anywhere with Jesus I can safely go.
06:40 Anywhere He leads me in this world below;
06:44 Anywhere without Him dearest joys would fade;
06:48 Anywhere with Jesus I am not afraid.
06:51 Anywhere, anywhere! Fear I cannot know;
06:59 Anywhere with Jesus I can safely go.
07:06 Anywhere with Jesus I can go to sleep,
07:09 When the gloomy shadows all round about me creep,
07:13 Knowing I shall waken nevermore to roam;
07:16 Anywhere with Jesus will be home, sweet home.
07:20 Anywhere, anywhere! Fear I cannot know;
07:27 Anywhere with Jesus I can safely go.
07:31 Anywhere with Jesus I can safely go.
07:38 You know I am not scared anymore, camping rocks.
07:42 Camping rocks, they're right there.
07:53 Welcome to learning time.
07:55 Thanks for joining us today.
07:57 I've got a good helper with me Brittany,
07:59 thanks for helping us today.
08:00 You're welcome. Hey, and thanks for being here.
08:02 Have you ever wondered how fish
08:04 can float or you know sometimes we see fish
08:07 that they're really high up maybe if you have
08:09 an aquarium at home and they go to the kind
08:11 of the surface and they're swimming way up high
08:13 in the aquarium, and sometimes they are way
08:16 down below in the low areas of the aquarium.
08:18 Sometimes Brittany, they're sitting in there
08:20 and swimming in the middle of the aquarium.
08:22 Now, how do they get from the top to the bottom
08:24 and how do they do that anyways, have any idea.
08:26 No, well, today that's what's it all about.
08:29 How can a fish float when it wants to
08:32 and sink when it doesn't want to.
08:34 Well we've got something that you might
08:36 have at home, and we, we talked about this
08:38 another time. This happens to be an eye dropper,
08:40 you can take an eye dropper and just put
08:43 in some water like this in a two liter bottle
08:45 or you might want a take a little tiny drink
08:48 bottle like this. It works in these little bottles too.
08:50 So, our little dropper is going to be like
08:53 our fish, I mean it's really not a fish, right.
08:55 No. And you might even have a little pack of
08:57 ketchup or hot sauce or something like this,
09:00 and that can be a little fish too.
09:02 So, you don't need specialized pieces
09:04 of equipment. So, why don't you put that right
09:06 in your bottle Brittany. That's our fish,
09:09 now if the fish wants to go down into the water,
09:11 it has to change something,
09:14 because it likes to float if it has a lot of
09:17 air inside of it. What do fish breathe?
09:19 Gills. They breathe, yeah they breathe
09:21 through their gills, right. Yes, yes.
09:22 And the gills take the oxygen that's
09:24 in the water and the fish can breathe
09:26 that oxygen. Now, do you have gills?
09:29 No. Do you have gills at home? No.
09:32 Well, probably not but we don't have gills.
09:34 But a fish happens to have an air bladder,
09:37 that means it's like a balloon sort of
09:40 and that fish can pump air into that air bladder,
09:43 so it can be lighter. So, it can float when
09:45 it wants to go up to the top of the water.
09:47 And so we're going to put this little fizz keeper
09:50 that helps to keep our favorite soft drink
09:53 from getting all flat, we want to have a lot of
09:56 bubbles in our soft drink, don't we. Yeah,
09:58 but we don't want to drink too much soft drink,
10:00 that's not good for us. But why don't you
10:01 go ahead and put this right on top of yours,
10:03 and when you put that in there it has
10:05 to be just full of water, and see some of that
10:07 water come out, that's okay. We want a little
10:09 drainage to come out there. I'm going to put
10:12 the lid on my bottle right here, and let's see
10:14 what we can do. Now, there is a little air
10:17 chamber in my eye dropper, I mean
10:19 there is air inside of there and a little bit
10:21 of water, and in that little package
10:22 right there Brittany that happens to be some
10:24 air that's in the package and there is also hot
10:27 sauce as well. Now, if we put some pressure
10:30 on the bottle and Brittany can do that
10:32 by pumping some air in there.
10:34 Why don't you to do that slowly.
10:35 We are going to put some pressure on there,
10:38 and you know what's going to happen,
10:39 wow, ah! What's happening to that little packet?
10:42 It goes down. Okay that's good,
10:44 we don't want to blow the bottle up,
10:45 it won't be a good idea. But what happened
10:47 that air chamber inside that little packet
10:49 of hot sauce, we compressed it, that means
10:52 some of that air instead of being a big air chamber
10:55 inside that packet got smaller because
10:57 it got compressed, we squeezed the air
10:59 molecules together, and they take up less room.
11:02 Well, inside here we have our eye dropper,
11:04 and all I have to do with this one is to squeeze it
11:07 with my hands, look at there. Can you try that,
11:09 try out, can you squeeze that with your hands?
11:11 And it goes all the way down,
11:13 we're compressing the air inside of the dropper
11:15 that makes less volume of air.
11:17 Hey, so that tells us something very special
11:20 about the fish. If the fish wants to go down
11:22 all they have to do is put more air volume
11:26 in their bladder, in their swim bladder,
11:27 and they can go where? Down.
11:29 They can go from down. They can go up.
11:31 if they put more air in it.
11:32 Hey, can you make yours go back up,
11:34 lets take the pressure, now we're gonna have
11:37 to unscrew a little bit. Takes some pressure off
11:39 of that and that volume of air gets bigger
11:41 in the package and it floats.
11:43 That's exactly what the fish do. You know man
11:47 has made somethings that go up and down
11:49 in the water too. Can you think of something
11:52 that goes up and down in the water that
11:54 may be people might go in as a ship of some kind.
11:57 Submarine. A submarine, submarines go up and down
12:00 because they fill chambers of water with air,
12:03 and it gets lighter and can float up,
12:06 that's interesting, isn't it?
12:07 Yes. Well, hey, I am glad that God created
12:11 those fish and those fish can go anywhere
12:13 they want in that column of water.
12:15 All they have to do is pump more air in their
12:17 swim bladder, wouldn't you like to have
12:19 a swim bladder. It would be interesting wouldn't it.
12:22 We have to use scuba tanks and stuff like that.
12:24 Well, every time we learn something new
12:27 about science, we are learning
12:28 something about our creator, God.
14:09 Andrew, Andrew did you hear the storm last night?
14:12 The storm last night. I thought my house
14:14 was going to fall down. The storm,
14:15 did you all hear the storm. Yes.
14:17 Well, let me tell you about the storm last night
14:19 on the sea in a boat. You were on a boat?
14:25 The boat, you've been swimming
14:27 in the sea, haven't you? Yes.
14:29 So, I was on the boat, Jesus you heard
14:31 about him feeding the five thousand.
14:33 Yes, just yesterday, and so he sent us away.
14:36 He said go across the sea. Well, we wanted
14:39 to talk with the people and we retired
14:41 and we waited and it got late.
14:43 And Jesus has told us we are supposed to go,
14:45 but well, we were enjoying ourselves
14:47 and so it was finally, it was night fall,
14:49 the sun was setting, and we got in the boat.
14:51 And sure we're going across and well the winds
14:55 began to pick up and we decided we better hurry,
14:58 but before that we could count it,
15:01 here came the storm, the wind was starting
15:04 to just swirl around the boat and those
15:06 waves are becoming fiercer and fiercer.
15:08 Really? We were fearing for our very lives,
15:11 the winds were unbelievable.
15:12 We thought we would be capsized,
15:15 and then you think that's bad,
15:16 you think that's bad, we saw
15:18 what we thought was a ghost.
15:20 A ghost! A ghost, there was some kind of,
15:22 some kind of spirit, some kind of something
15:24 coming across the water. It was Jesus.
15:29 Wait, wait, Jesus! Jesus, this Jesus,
15:33 it was Jesus coming across the water to us,
15:36 and now, now you know my brother Peter don't you.
15:39 Yes. And you know my brother
15:41 Peter's mouth don't you. Yes.
15:45 Well Peter gets the idea in his mind, and it comes
15:48 out of his mouth. Well, Lord if it's you,
15:51 bade me to come across the water.
15:55 And do you know what Jesus told him.
15:57 No. Come Peter. On the water.
16:02 On the water. Without the boat.
16:05 Without the boat on the water,
16:07 you understand Jesus wasn't in the boat,
16:09 Jesus was walking on the water I told you already.
16:12 Jesus was walking on the water.
16:14 We thought he was a ghost for doing this,
16:16 and back to what Peter, I was telling you
16:19 about Peter. Peter said Jesus asked me
16:23 to come out and Jesus told him to,
16:25 and Peter got to the edge of the boat,
16:28 and he was shaking, and he started, he waited
16:33 and we were all watching fearful for
16:35 what happened. Sure that Peter would
16:37 sink right to the bottom. Oh! Yes. And he stepped
16:43 What! And he just stood there right on top
16:47 of the water. Just as I were holding you
16:49 on top of it, he just stayed right there,
16:53 and he was just looking at Jesus, and he just kept
16:57 walking towards him, and then you know
17:00 the storm was so great, the wind, and the waves
17:03 were just crashing everywhere,
17:05 and I guess Peter's vision got blocked by
17:08 the waves, like that he sunk straight
17:12 to the bottom, but Jesus immediately was there
17:16 to grab him, immediately he just pulled him back up.
17:20 Praise the Lord. I can't even, I can't even begin
17:30 to describe it, Jesus was just there immediately
17:33 and then things were peaceful, things were
17:35 calm, the wind, the waves it was
17:37 all stopped, it was just peaceful.
17:40 Oh wow Jesus. And Jesus was just there with us
17:45 and there was a peace, just not the peace
17:48 of the storm but a peace in our hearts,
17:51 just having Jesus there with us.
17:54 This man Jesus is peace, not just to the wind
17:58 and waves, but to our hearts. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
18:03 He calmed that storm last night, Jesus calmed
18:08 that storm. Andy, you got to tell me more
18:11 about this Jesus. I will come let's go,
18:13 I will tell you more. So we were on this boat...
18:27 I can do all things in Christ who gives
18:30 me strength, Philippians 4:13.
18:35 [Unknown Language]
19:27 Hi boys and girls, I am here with Kayzia
19:29 and Kendra, and guess what.
19:31 It's time for Ms. Brenda's book of the day.
19:35 And oh what a precious and wonderful book
19:37 this is boys and girls, you are going to love it,
19:39 it is called Sally the Runaway Monkey,
19:41 its by Ethel Maxine Neff, and this book
19:44 was one of Ms. Brenda's favorite books
19:45 when I was little girl. It's a true story about
19:48 this monkey. This is Sally the Runaway Monkey,
19:51 and do you know why she ran away?
19:53 One afternoon she went to visit the dentist
19:55 and he put her in his big chair and he tied
19:57 a bevel under her chin. Then he got ready to pull
20:00 two of Sally's teeth. Oh but Sally didn't
20:04 like that, she took one look at those shiny
20:07 tools on the dentist table, and do you know
20:09 what she did? She leaped out of the dentist chair,
20:12 ran to a window, opened the screen
20:13 and popped out quick as a wink. Sally slid down
20:17 the drain pipe, and she ran into some bushes,
20:19 and the dentist called help, help, help
20:21 catch Sally. Do you think they caught her,
20:23 oh you're gonna have to read the book
20:25 boys and girls. Sally the Runaway Monkey
20:27 By Ethel Maxine Neff.
20:30 Well, today I have two guests with me.
20:33 I have Kayzia and Kendra. Hi Kayzia and Kendra.
20:36 Hi. Thank you for joining on Kids Time but before
20:40 I hear what you do to share Jesus I have
20:42 someone on the phone I want to talk to.
20:43 Do you like to talk on phone?
20:45 Yes. Well, let's see I think Christina is there,
20:48 Christina, are you there? Yes.
20:49 Hi, Christina. Hi Ms. Brenda.
20:52 I am so glad to talk with you Christina,
20:54 can you tell me what do you do the share Jesus.
20:57 I share Jesus with my, with a group of friends,
21:02 and also the assistant, he is 32.
21:05 Well, that's a good thing to do,
21:06 who else do you share Jesus with.
21:08 I share with my cousin that is 29,
21:15 and she doesn't know Jesus.
21:17 And she doesn't know Jesus, well that's a
21:20 wonderful thing to do, and I want you to
21:22 encourage to keeping sharing Jesus, will you.
21:23 Yes. Alright, bye Christina. Bye.
21:27 You know something that Christina witnessed
21:29 to her own family that doesn't know about Jesus,
21:31 her sister and her cousins,
21:33 and that's important too, sometimes
21:35 our missionary work is right at home, isn't it?
21:37 Well I have two sisters with me here today,
21:40 I have Kayzia and Kendra, and you like to
21:43 share Jesus, don't you? How do
21:44 you girls share Jesus? By singing.
21:46 By singing, I understand Kendra,
21:49 you're a little bit shy, aren't you?
21:52 Do you speak out a lot? Kind of, no, you told me
21:57 you're a little shy. Kayzia, can you tell me
21:59 where do you sing for Jesus?
22:01 I sing at church, concerts, nursing homes.
22:07 In nursing homes, when you got to
22:09 nursing homes and you sing for the people
22:11 there what do they say. They say I've touched
22:18 their heart that keep up the singing,
22:23 you brought tears to my eyes,
22:25 and you blessed my soul
22:26 Oh, that's precious, well you know what
22:29 there is a ministry in music, isn't there,
22:32 and it's wonderful to witness that way.
22:34 Well, I have some kids that have written
22:36 me letters, are you curious what all this
22:37 mails is in my lap. Lets see okay.
22:40 This letter here is, lets see where this is from,
22:44 it says from Australia, and you know
22:47 what I think there is picture inside
22:49 and there is, can you hold this picture up
22:51 for me Kayzia, thank you. Alright, let's see
22:54 what this letter says. It says
22:56 dear, Ms. Brenda, I am nine years old,
22:58 and my name is Anna Lis and I have been
23:01 watching your program everyday, and I love it.
23:04 This is how I share Jesus by inviting my Buddhist
23:08 friends to Bible studies and she likes it
23:11 and comes now and then, and I would like to be
23:14 signed up for the Kids Club Bible lessons please,
23:16 also my sister Renee and I always believe
23:20 that each one can reach to share Jesus just
23:22 like you say Ms. Brenda, love Anna Lis.
23:25 And then there is a little letter here from
23:27 her sister, it says dear Ms. Brenda,
23:28 I am eight years old and my name is Renee,
23:31 and I love Kids Time, I love Learning Time,
23:34 and how I share Jesus is by helping my mom and dad.
23:38 I share Jesus by saying to people that Jesus
23:42 loves them very much because he does,
23:45 from Renee. Yes Renee, he does, Jesus loves
23:47 them very much and that was a wonderful
23:49 way to share Jesus. Thank you for that picture,
23:52 and beautiful girls. Then I have a letter from India,
23:57 and let's see, it looks two letters from India.
24:00 Lets see here and I have not two letters,
24:04 it's a picture, alright can you hold this one,
24:07 just like this, okay. It says dear Ms. Brenda,
24:12 how are you, I am Henna, and I have a little
24:14 brother called Nahir, and he is in grade two,
24:17 and I am in grade six. We enjoy watching Kids Time,
24:20 and my best part of Kids Time is cooking time,
24:23 sharing time, and story time, and I love it all.
24:25 Nahir's best part is praise time, story time,
24:29 and also the sharing time. I am an Indian
24:32 but I go to a Christian school,
24:33 and I enjoy going to church very much
24:36 and reading my Bible and singing praises to God.
24:39 Says I share the love of Jesus Christ
24:41 with my friends by telling them that God loves
24:43 them very much. I was wondering if Nahir
24:45 and I could have an activity book please
24:47 and the Bible studies, love Henna and Nahir.
24:50 And look what Henna drew me a picture
24:54 if you can see this of a tree, and has all the
24:58 fruits of the Spirit around the trees,
25:00 Self control, gentleness, faithfulness, goodness,
25:02 kindness, patience, peace, joy and love,
25:05 isn't that wonderful and that is a good thing
25:08 to know is the fruits of the Spirit, isn't it?
25:10 Alright lets see, thank you, okay.
25:14 How about an email, shall we do that.
25:16 It says dear Ms. Brenda my name is Shantal
25:19 and I am eight years old, and I am turning
25:21 nine soon. I love your show Kids Time,
25:23 and my favorite thing is story time,
25:25 I also like the animals that Ranger Jim shows us.
25:27 My way of sharing Jesus is I try to be kind
25:30 to my classmates. Once it was rainy day,
25:32 and my mom and my brother and I were driving home
25:34 and I saw one of the kids of school.
25:37 All he had worn was a sweater and it was
25:38 very cold, he lived four miles away from
25:41 the school, and he was riding his bike home
25:43 while it was raining. I saw him and I said
25:45 to my mom, please mom can we take him home,
25:47 and we did. He was so happy, would you please
25:50 send me the Bible studies please,
25:53 and also can you please pray for my grandma
25:55 because he is sick, love Shantal. Well, Shantal
25:58 I am so proud of you for sharing Jesus
25:59 that way by giving your friend a ride in the rain,
26:02 and that was showing kindness isn't it because
26:04 Jesus asked us to be kind to everyone,
26:06 doesn't he? And also we will pray for your grandma.
26:08 Everyone lets all pray for Shantal's grandmother.
26:12 And oh how I wish boys and girls that I had
26:14 time to read all of these letters to you but
26:16 unfortunately we are all out of time today,
26:18 but I do want to thank Kayzia and Kendra
26:21 for being with us today,
26:22 and keep singing for Jesus, okay.
26:24 We will Ms. Brenda. Alright,
26:26 well boys and girls remember wherever you go,
26:28 whatever you do its Kids Time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17