Kids' Time


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000198

00:03 It's time to share there's a world out there,
00:07 Looking for a friend like Jesus.
00:10 It's time to share there's a world out there;
00:13 let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:16 Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:20 Kids Time, Kids Time, Kids Time.
00:24 Hi, boys and girls. Today's Bible story reminds me,
00:27 of a game I love to play when I was a little girl.
00:29 And in fact, I'm sure nearly every boy and girl
00:32 play this game. It's called hide and go seek.
00:35 Now, you know, all about that game, right?
00:37 When one person is hit and he covers his eyes
00:39 and counts to 50 or 100 and everyone else has to hide.
00:43 Then the one who says, it says, ready or not,
00:46 here I come, and off he goes to look for all the
00:49 others who are hiding from him. And do you know what
00:51 anyone he finds has to run back to home base
00:53 before he is caught. Well, you know, boys and girls
00:56 that's the fun game and you can play that with your
00:58 friends, but did you know that some people
01:01 they actually try to play that game with God,
01:03 and it doesn't work very well, does it?
01:05 Do you know, in Proverbs 15:3 it says,
01:08 the eyes of the Lord are everywhere,
01:10 keeping watch on the wicked and the good.
01:13 You know in other words, you can't really hide
01:15 from God? Some people try to hide their sins
01:18 from God, don't they? But Proverbs 28:13 warns,
01:22 He who covers his sins shall not prosper.
01:26 Now, that means you will have no success in
01:28 trying to hide your sins, doest it? Not only does
01:30 God see them, but others usually find out about
01:33 them as well. You know, I'm really happy that
01:36 I can't hide anything from God.
01:38 For one thing it means, he is always watching
01:41 over me. And for another it means,
01:43 he is always there to remind me to confess
01:46 my sins and turn away from them.
01:48 Now, that's good news, isn't it?
01:50 In today's Bible story, you will hear about a man,
01:52 who did try to hide from God and did he succeed?
01:56 What do you think? You're going to have to wait
01:59 to find out because first Nature Dan has
02:01 something special for us in the garden.
02:11 Welcome back to my garden. In fact, boys and girls,
02:13 we're in a very special part of my garden.
02:15 We're gonna be looking at today,
02:17 I think it one of the most important plants
02:20 that God ever put on the face of this earth.
02:22 Can you tell me, what type of a plant we have here?
02:25 Rose. A rose that's exactly right.
02:28 Now, lot of people would think,
02:29 why does a rose important? Well, I happen to know,
02:32 that it's Ms. Brenda's favorite plant.
02:34 Did you know that? Yeah, but it's also one of
02:37 my favorite plants too. Because a lot of things
02:40 come from roses, that the lot of the food that we eat
02:43 in my orchard, a lot of those plants are members
02:47 of the rose family. In fact, a lot of flowers that
02:51 we really like are members of the rose family.
02:54 And there is so many different kinds of roses.
02:57 We have roses that get really tall and big
02:59 and in fact there is a climbing rose that grows
03:02 20 to 30 feet tall. Can you imagine a single rose
03:08 that big? Wow! And roses can also be problems too.
03:12 They can take over the entire pasture.
03:16 They call those things Multiflora roses,
03:19 and they are illegal to plant in some places.
03:22 So you have to be very careful about what you plant.
03:24 Now, roses are also very important due to some
03:27 of them smell really good. Yeah, I love the smell
03:31 of some of the roses, Oh! They're pretty.
03:33 Do you like some of the colors? Yeah.
03:35 Yeah, now we have colors here that kind of pink
03:38 and white, but some of the colors are like green
03:40 colored. Yellow. Or yellow roses like the
03:43 Yellow Rose of Texas, yeah, exactly.
03:46 There is all different colors of roses
03:48 and many different types. There are some roses
03:51 they grow real low to the ground and then we have
03:54 some roses that grow into bushes.
03:56 And we have some roses, well those roses are gonna
03:59 get prickly no matter what happens,
04:01 And it's like prickers everywhere you see
04:03 on the rose stem and some don't have many at all.
04:06 So, roses are made in many, many different ways,
04:10 but roses are all important part of God's plant.
04:14 Yeah, boys and girls, I want to encourage
04:17 you everyday to sow the seeds of God's love.
04:32 Come, you blessed of my Father;
04:34 inherit the kingdom prepared for you
04:36 from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry
04:39 and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave
04:42 me drink, I was a stranger and you took me in,
04:46 I was naked and you clothed me,
04:48 I was sick and you visit me, I was in prison
04:51 and you came to me. Assuredly I say to you
04:54 and as much as you did to one of the least of
04:57 these my brethren you did it to me.
04:59 Matthew 25:34-36 and 40.
05:14 We are His hands to touch the world around us.
05:25 We are His feet to go where He may lead.
05:34 And we are His love burning in the darkness.
05:45 We are His love shining in the night.
05:56 We are His eyes to see the need in others.
06:06 We are His voice to tell of His return.
06:15 And we are His love burning in the darkness.
06:26 We are His love shining in the night.
06:45 Welcome to Learning Time.
06:47 I'm glad that you joined us today.
06:48 I have got a special helper up here.
06:50 Alexander thanks for helping me. Thank you.
06:53 Hey, look hey we have got some interesting things,
06:56 don't we today? Well, here we're using an aquarium.
06:59 What usually comes in an aquarium, Alexander?
07:02 Fish. Fish, that's right, did you see any fish in there?
07:03 No. No, there is no fish in there;
07:05 at least I hope there is nothing in there.
07:07 Well, its water in there isn't there. Yes.
07:09 We have got something else we're gonna use today.
07:11 What's up? Root beer. It's root beer.
07:14 Hey, do you like root beer. Yeah.
07:16 In fact, we have got a two cans of root beer.
07:18 Have you ever had a root beer float?
07:20 Yes. Yes, what's the root beer float Alexander?
07:23 Well a root beer float is practically a soda
07:26 ice cream. It's a soda ice cream.
07:29 Wow! Hey, well, you know guess what we're gonna
07:31 try to do. We're gonna try to make a root beer float,
07:34 will that be fun? Yes, yes.
07:36 Alright, and Alexander is gonna help us.
07:37 So, let see we got over here.
07:39 Alexander this is an root beer, right? Yes.
07:41 Let's see if it will float. Oh! It doesn't float,
07:47 does it? No, it doesn't.
07:48 Well, that's interesting, if we wanna have a
07:50 root beer float is gonna have to float, right.
07:53 Right. Well, I have got another root beer right
07:55 here, let's check this one out. You wanna see,
07:57 if that will float. Okay. Okay, you can put right
07:59 into the water and, Wow! Look at there.
08:03 It's a root beer float give Alexander a hand.
08:07 You just made a root beer float, Wow! Hey,
08:10 now that's interesting. Now, you know, sometimes,
08:13 what we see is kind of puzzling.
08:16 Now, did that kind of puzzle you a little bit.
08:18 Yes. I mean, here we have two cans of root beer
08:21 and one is doing what? Floating.
08:24 And the other one is what? Sinking.
08:25 Sinking, did you put something on that can to
08:28 make it heavier? No, I didn't.
08:30 No, well this can right here is what we called
08:33 less dense. Something inside has to be different,
08:36 right. Well, let's look at it. This is what? Diet.
08:40 Diet, how many of you are on diet, raise your hand?
08:45 I'm worried about you are you on a diet at home.
08:48 You know, do you have diet Alexander. Yes, I do.
08:51 I do too. You know, my diet is? It's food. I love
08:55 food. That's right I've diet of food,
08:58 I don't eat rocks that wouldn't a good thing.
09:01 Hey, this is diet. Well, if the can weighs the
09:04 same in fact, there is the weight on the can.
09:06 Yes, there is. What does it say?
09:08 Twelve fluid ounces or 355 milliliters.
09:11 Wow! Oh! Twelve fluid ounces or 355 milliliters.
09:17 You know, in science we measure things in milliliters,
09:20 don't we? That's right it's really a good thing for us
09:22 to get used to what, lets check that one out.
09:25 That one must be heavier, right.
09:27 Well, let's check it out. How much does it say.
09:29 Twelve fluid ounces, 355 milliliters.
09:31 This is same as that? They are exactly;
09:34 they have the same amount of fluid inside.
09:36 Is this surprise you? Yeah, yeah.
09:38 Well, what makes that one so much heavier than
09:41 this one? Could it be that the can is different?
09:43 No. No, let's just say that the cans are
09:46 exactly the same weight, okay.
09:48 And they have exactly the same amount of
09:50 liquid inside. Let's look at the ingredients.
09:53 Hey, why don't you check that out?
09:54 Can you read that for us? I don't have
09:55 my glasses on. What it say? Okay.
09:58 What kind of sweetener does it have?
09:59 It has fructose corn syrup or sugar.
10:03 Fructose or corn syrup or sugar.
10:05 How many of you like those things?
10:07 It's what gives us all that sweet taste.
10:09 And what about this one? Now, this one,
10:11 was this one a float. Yes.
10:13 This one floating on the top.
10:15 What kind of sweetener does it have.
10:16 Aspartame. Aspartame,
10:18 Oh! That's an artificial sweetener.
10:21 In fact, this one since its diet probably has
10:24 less calories or more calories? Less.
10:26 Less, is that, do you have calories there.
10:28 Can you read it? How many calories is that have.
10:30 170. Wow! 170. It sounds like a lot of calories.
10:35 What about this one. How much,
10:36 how many calories this have? Zero.
10:39 Zero, hey, zero calories. So, this one is lighter
10:44 because it has what? Artificial what in there?
10:47 Sweetener. Sweetener that's right
10:49 and artificial sweetener is a whole lot lighter
10:51 than the corn syrup or the sugar, right?
10:54 Right. Yeah, hey which one of these would you like?
10:58 This one. That one? She likes the sugar,
11:01 the corn syrup, the sugar. That's interesting.
11:04 Well, I tell you what? Hey, let's just make a root beer.
11:07 Oh! This one didn't float, did it? No, it didn't?
11:09 Now, I will you what, I'm gonna make root beer float,
11:11 this one that was floating right? Right.
11:13 So, let's open this can up, wow! That carbonation
11:16 just came out. I'm gonna pour myself a root beer
11:19 that floated. Well, look at that, isn't that cool?
11:22 But you want the other one? Yes.
11:24 This one was the heavier. Why was this one
11:26 heavier Alexandra. Because it had sugar in it.
11:28 Had sugar or corn syrup in it that must be heavier.
11:31 Did it have more calories? Yes, it did.
11:33 Well, Alexandra is growing. Are you growing?
11:36 Well, I think so and so we're gonna pour
11:38 you one too. That's interesting, isn't it?
11:40 Yes. And so you can have a little
11:41 and I can have a little. Let's taste it.
11:45 I love root beer floats, but you know,
11:47 what boys and girls, sometimes what
11:49 we see can fool us. How many of you would have
11:51 thought that that one was lighter than this one?
11:54 You would never guess. You know, sometimes
11:56 the devil floats, doesn't he? Yes.
11:57 What we see? They look identical,
11:59 they look like this have the same weight in there,
12:01 but they are not. Well, I don't wanna be trick,
12:04 but the devil, do you? No.
12:06 And so we can be absolutely safe,
12:09 if we just trust in Jesus because he will never
12:12 trick us. And remember when we learn about
12:16 science we learn more about our creator God.
12:40 Well, welcome friends. Hello. My name is a Sajard.
12:43 Sajard, I'm Potra and this is my wife Salamis.
12:46 Welcome, welcome to our busy market place.
12:49 It certainly is. What has brought you to Nineveh?
12:52 I've heard a lot about the city. Yes.
12:54 I wanted to just see for myself.
12:55 We have heard facts and maybe some fiction,
12:58 we would like to know, what's the truth?
13:00 Oh! Yes, we have quite a reputation here in Nineveh.
13:04 What have you heard? I heard there was a prophet,
13:06 who came to Nineveh. Oh! It is a true story.
13:09 I saw with my own eyes and heard his message
13:13 with my own ears. And what was his message?
13:16 God, our creator sent a prophet to Nineveh.
13:21 And how did he get here. He came it's a miracle,
13:25 he came by way of a great fish. What?
13:29 A great fish swallow Jonah out of the sea.
13:32 See that's what I've heard,
13:33 and I thought it can be truth.
13:34 It is true. It never happened before.
13:36 He was in the fish for three days.
13:38 I heard he was white. The fish coughed him up
13:41 upon on the dry land. I heard that,
13:43 I never even said to you because I thought
13:45 it was so untrue. It is true.
13:48 Did you see it? I saw and I heard
13:50 and he had a message from God.
13:52 The message, what was the message?
13:54 Why, we heard his message ourselves.
13:57 Not only myself, but all these people heard
14:00 his message. Yes. He told this from God
14:04 that we must repent of our sins or destruction
14:10 would come upon our entire city.
14:12 Repent, repent what? Repent to turn away
14:15 from our selfishness, to turn away from the evil
14:19 that we were doing, and to turn our hearts
14:23 and our minds back toward God.
14:26 Where did he talked about? Well, he traveled up
14:28 and down our city for three days,
14:31 and he has preached, and he told this
14:33 and I believed because I saw with my eyes.
14:36 What did the people do? The people all over
14:39 our great city turned from their wicked ways.
14:42 I have never seen such a change in this city,
14:46 and in its people. We turned from our selfishness,
14:50 from our wickedness, from adoring ourselves
14:54 of gold and jewels. We took it all off
14:58 and gave our hearts to God.
15:01 Unbelievable, the whole city.
15:03 The whole city, while we even put on sack cloth.
15:08 We covered ourselves in ashes,
15:13 and confessed our sins to almighty God.
15:17 Even as I hear this is the part of me that says,
15:20 I need to turn from something from my selfishness.
15:25 Yes, it is, all of us myself included are sinners.
15:29 I'm not so sure, I'm not so sure.
15:32 The message is true, please consider this in your heart.
15:36 For you see many in our city have also forgotten
15:40 the message. It has now have been some 40 days,
15:43 some again are turning back towards sin,
15:48 but the message of the prophet Jonah is we must
15:51 repent. I too, must daily repent and give my heart
15:56 and my mind to God. I need to think,
16:01 you've presented well, but I need to think from
16:03 myself and consider this. Please consider and,
16:07 and please return unto us in Nineveh.
16:10 Oh! I cannot contain the story just for myself
16:13 or offer you either. I must go and tell others
16:16 in our city and remind them the destruction
16:19 will come unless we turn toward God.
16:22 Thank you for sharing. Thank you. Go, go in peace.
16:44 I have decided to follow Jesus;
16:50 I have decided to follow Jesus;
16:57 I have decided to follow Jesus;
17:04 No turning back, no turning back.
17:10 [Spanish Song]
17:38 The world behind me, the cross before me;
17:44 The world behind me, the cross before me;
17:51 The world behind me, the cross before me;
17:58 No turning back, no turning back.
18:04 [Spanish Song]
18:24 No turning back, no turning back.
18:31 I have decided to follow Jesus;
18:38 I have decided to follow Jesus;
18:44 I have decided to follow Jesus;
18:51 No turning back, no turning back.
18:58 No turning back, no turning back.
19:17 It's time for Ms. Brenda's Book of the Day.
19:21 And boys and girls every now and then
19:23 I would like to share a book for the little ones.
19:26 And this is one of the books for the little ones.
19:28 This book is by Charles L. Paddock
19:30 and it's called Bible ABC's. And this is a wonderful
19:33 book has for every alphabet,
19:36 it has the different either a Bible character
19:38 or a Bible story for each letter of the alphabet
19:40 all the way through the book.
19:42 So, if you've got little brothers and sisters.
19:44 This is the book you wanna get them;
19:46 it's by Charles L. Paddock Bible ABC's.
19:49 Well, I'm happy to introduce to you someone today.
19:52 A good friend of mine and she has been on
19:54 Kids Time before, I would like to introduce
19:56 you to Morgan. Hi, Morgan. Hi. I'm so glad you're here
20:00 with, with us. And you have been on
20:02 Kids Time before, haven't you? Yeah.
20:03 What did you come to do before?
20:05 To sing with the North Carolina group.
20:07 With North Carolina Kids Time singers.
20:09 That's right, and you always have a
20:11 beautiful smile for me. And before we hear,
20:13 what you share Jesus? What you do to share Jesus?
20:15 I have someone on the phone.
20:17 And I have Cindy on the phone. Cindy are you there?
20:19 Yes. Oh! Cindy, where are you from?
20:22 I'm from Oklahoma. From Oklahoma.
20:25 Well, Cindy share with you, if you would.
20:27 What do you do to witness for Jesus
20:29 what do you do to really share Jesus.
20:31 I go over to my neighbors house
20:34 and help with the yard and garden
20:38 helping with stuff. And that she, is it hard for her
20:42 to get around, that's why you go to help her?
20:45 Is she older or what? Or you just been
20:49 kind to your neighbor. Just been kind.
20:51 That's good. What does she say,
20:53 when you do that? What.
20:55 What does your neighbor say,
20:56 when you over and help her?
20:59 She just talks and she says she is glad
21:04 to have me over. Oh, well, I wanna encourage
21:07 you to keep sharing Jesus, won't you Cindy?
21:12 Everywhere you go share Jesus,
21:13 everywhere you go, okay. Okay.
21:15 Alright, bye, bye now. Bye.
21:17 Okay, well that was nice to talk to Cindy,
21:20 wasn't it Morgan? Well, before I get into reading
21:23 letters. Let me hear from you,
21:25 what you do to share Jesus?
21:27 I share Jesus by help sponsoring a girl.
21:30 So, she can go to Seventh-Day Adventist school.
21:33 Her name is Viviana Chekkuma.
21:37 She was in Peru. Wait a minute, wait a minute,
21:39 wait a minute, wait a minute.
21:40 Now, what do you to sponsor her,
21:42 what do you mean you sponsor her.
21:43 Well, her parents are poor, so they cannot afford
21:46 to send her. To school that she,
21:49 would, would she would be able to go to school,
21:50 if you didn't help her. No. She won't be able to go.
21:52 She wouldn't? Do you have a picture of her?
21:54 Yeah, this is a picture of her.
21:57 Just hold that, Oh! What a pretty girl she is too.
21:59 What's her name? Viviana. Viviana,
22:02 what a pretty name, isn't it? Now, you've have
22:04 written letters to Viviana, haven't you?
22:05 Yes. And what kind of,
22:07 what do you say in your letters to her?
22:09 Well, I just tell her, where I am from
22:10 and what I like to do and ask her questions.
22:14 You do? And would she write back to you?
22:19 Yeah. She is written what she has said
22:21 when she written back to you.
22:22 Well, she mostly answers my questions,
22:26 and tells me what she likes. How old is she?
22:28 She is nine. She is nine,
22:29 are you gonna keep writing to her?
22:31 Yeah. Oh! That's wonderful;
22:32 did you do anything else to share Jesus?
22:35 I share Jesus by also writing letters to her
22:40 to help her learn English and.
22:44 And, did she write back to you in English?
22:47 Yeah. Well, that's good.
22:49 You know I can tell you also share Jesus here
22:52 on Kids Time every time you sing.
22:54 And I just wanna thank you Morgan.
22:56 That was, that's really special.
22:57 And thank you for sharing that with us today.
22:59 Boys and girls, maybe there is a pen pal
23:00 that you can write too or maybe a child you could
23:03 sponsor and you could start writing too.
23:06 Right now, I have a letter I would like to read,
23:10 and it's from Carlene and I think I have a picture of
23:13 her we can put up for you. Let's see what Carlene
23:16 has to say, there she is. Okay, it says, Dear,
23:19 Ms. Brenda. Hi, how are you doing?
23:21 I'm doing really good. It was so neat meeting you
23:24 at Camp Meeting. And said, I would like Kids Time
23:26 activities book and Kids Club lessons please.
23:29 I watch your show whenever I can,
23:30 and I share Jesus by marching on the Memorial Day
23:33 prayed with the Pathfinder Group at church.
23:37 I passed our flyers from meetings at our church too.
23:39 May the Lord richly bless you and your staff you work
23:42 with there, you have a friend in Christ, Carlene.
23:44 Well, Carlene thank you so much for that.
23:46 And I will get you signed up for those Kids Club
23:48 lessons, okay. Keep sharing Jesus wherever you go.
23:51 Let's see, I have, I have another letter here
23:56 from the West Indies, but before I read this letter.
23:58 Let's go and see what Jennifer has to do share
24:01 Jesus. Hi, Ms. Brenda, I'm Jennifer
24:06 and I share Jesus in many ways.
24:08 In Bible book we are going door to door
24:11 and also in nursing home. And that's how I share
24:14 Jesus, thank you. Well, thank you, Jennifer.
24:17 That's a wonderful way to share Jesus.
24:20 Well, boys and girls, I have a letter here
24:22 from the Dominican. It says, Dear,
24:24 Ms. Brenda, how are you?
24:25 I apologize for not sending in my lesson sooner.
24:28 And I sure love the, the Kids Time lessons.
24:31 And but you know, what my grandmother died,
24:34 and I would like prayer. Please pray for our
24:37 whole family. May the Lord bless you from Varnede.
24:40 Yes, Varnede I will pray, it's very sad to lose
24:42 the loved one isn't it? And we will say a prayer
24:46 for you and your, your whole family, okay.
24:49 And I'm glad you are enjoying those lessons.
24:51 Let's see we have another letter here,
24:53 it's another letter from the West Indies.
24:55 Let's see what this is, and this one has picture in it.
24:58 I love getting the pictures.
24:59 Can you hold this up for me, please Morgan?
25:02 And this letter says, Dear, Ms. Brenda.
25:05 My name is McKayla, and I'm 10 years old.
25:07 I come from the beautiful island to Saint Lucia.
25:10 I attend the Carmen School,
25:13 and I'm in grade five. I go to Bible studies
25:15 with my aunt, and when we, we,
25:17 we pray there and we learn
25:19 new things about God since I have been
25:21 watching Kids Time for a whole month
25:23 and my sister Mayla, loves it too,
25:25 especially she likes the Tiny Tots program.
25:27 Mayla is five and touches everything she sees.
25:30 And I share in Jesus by encouraging
25:32 my friends to go to church. I love to join
25:35 Kids Club please and get the Bible studies,
25:37 your friend McKayla and Mayla.
25:39 Well, thank you so much, I'm so glad you're
25:41 enjoying those going to church.
25:44 I'm glad you out there witnessing and I'll make sure
25:45 you get those Bible studies.
25:48 Now, how about an email? This says,
25:49 Dear, Ms. Brenda. And it said, thank you so much
25:52 for the Bible lessons and the Kids Time activity books.
25:55 They are totally awesome. I'm looking forward to
25:57 receiving my next set of lesson soon.
26:00 I wanted you to know Ms. Brenda that I was
26:02 baptized with my two older brothers Calvin
26:04 and Virn in September, and they love Jesus too.
26:08 Your little sister in Christ Aylasree,
26:12 and I'm 13 years old. Oh! That so wonderful,
26:14 I love hearing those stories boys and girls.
26:16 I wanna thank you Morgan for being with me today.
26:19 Keep on sharing Jesus. Boys and girls,
26:21 I wanna encourage you to do the same thing
26:23 because remember wherever you're,
26:25 it's Kids Time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17