Participants: Brenda Walsh
Series Code: KT
Program Code: KT000196
00:03 It's time to share there's a world out there,
00:06 Looking for a friend like Jesus. 00:09 It's time to share there's a world out there; 00:13 let's tell them that He loves us so. 00:16 Let's tell them that He loves us so. 00:21 Kids Time, Kids Time, Kids Time. 00:25 Hi, boys and girls. Here when I read Bible stories 00:27 sometimes, I get myself thinking oh! I wish I could 00:30 have been there. You know, there is one time particular 00:33 that really makes me excited and oh I wish I could 00:36 have been there when Jesus disciples suddenly 00:39 discovered that Jesus was no longer dead, 00:41 but he was alive and he was well. 00:43 Can you just imagine that? One minute the disciples 00:46 were sad and crying and wondering how the Messiah 00:49 could just die such horrible, gruesome death like 00:51 a common criminal and in the next minute they were 00:54 just jumping up and down with joy and the news was 00:57 spreading like wildfire. Jesus is alive, 01:00 someone was crying and someone else said, 01:01 I saw him with my own eyes and one disciple even said, 01:04 why I even touched him. Well, Jesus appeared to people 01:08 all over Jerusalem and even walked and talked with two 01:11 men who were on their way to Emmaus. 01:14 Now these two men didn't even recognize Jesus until Jesus 01:17 went to their house and they were at the table and Jesus 01:20 said the blessing and then suddenly Jesus just 01:24 disappeared. When these two men realized who they 01:28 really been talking to, wow! They just jumped up on their 01:31 dinner table and they ran all the way back to Jerusalem 01:33 because they just had to tell everyone. 01:36 So many people saw him that the priests and the rulers 01:39 they were furious. They tried to stop the stories. 01:41 They tried to keep it all quiet. But you know what? 01:44 You just can't keep good news a secret, can you? 01:47 You know boys and girls the news that Jesus is alive 01:50 and well is still good news today. 01:52 And many people don't know about it yet. You know, 01:55 when you share Jesus with others you're really sharing 01:58 the good news that Jesus is alive and he is our savior 02:01 of the world. In our Bible story today you will see what 02:05 it might have been like when someone who just seeing 02:07 Jesus alive when running off to tell her friends. 02:10 I can't wait for that story. But first let's go 02:14 to the garden with Miss Emily. 02:25 Umm! I love eating fresh pineapple. 02:28 Do you boys and girls? It's one of my favorite snacks 02:31 in the summer time. Did you know that a pineapple 02:34 actually grows from a plant? I had no idea. 02:37 I thought it just came from the grocery story, 02:40 didn't you? Well, actually pineapples look like this 02:44 whenever they're harvested. Pineapples can grow 02:47 all over the world, and all they need is a nice warm 02:50 sunny location, but did you know that you can actually 02:53 grown it in your very own home. You can, 02:57 it's very easy and I'm going to show you how to do that 02:59 today. But first there just a few things that you need 03:02 to gather up before we start this project. 03:04 The first thing and I bet you can guess is that you need 03:07 a pineapple and like I said, this is what fresh pineapple 03:11 looks like on the outside. But you're probably 03:14 used to seeing it like this, how you eat it and this 03:17 is what it look likes in the inside. Now whenever 03:19 you go to a fruit market or a grocery store, 03:22 there is a couple things you need to remember when 03:24 picking out the perfect pineapple. You want it ripe 03:27 and whenever I mean ripe you want it to be sweet 03:30 and juicy and ready to eat. The first thing that you 03:33 want to look at is a nice leafy top. Now, 03:36 this is really important in this project because 03:38 this is a part that you're gonna use to grow the plant 03:40 and there is a trick to this part for picking out a ripe 03:44 pineapple. What you can do is you can grab one of the 03:47 inside leaves and give a little tug and if leaf comes 03:50 out easy it's ripe and ready to buy. Another trick 03:54 is that you just need to smell the pineapple. 03:58 Whew! And that smells really sweet. 04:00 It's good enough to eat, and I can't wait to eat this 04:02 pineapple later in a fruit salad, and another, 04:05 the last thing to picking out if it's ripe or not is if all 04:09 the circles are even, you can see here 04:10 boys and girls if all the circles on the outside 04:13 of my pineapple are about the same size, so 04:15 that's another good indicator that this pineapple is ripe. 04:18 So, after you've gotten your pineapple you can bring 04:21 it home and this is when you need an adult to help 04:24 you out. You need to ask an adult to make a cut 04:27 about an inch down from the leafy top, and whenever 04:30 that happens you can use the rest of pineapple 04:32 for a fruit salad later. And whenever they make a cut 04:35 your top is going to look like this, and then you want 04:38 to lay on its side on a paper plate for about 2 days. 04:42 What happens is that the pineapple starts to really 04:45 dry out and absorbs all the juices inside and this one 04:49 actually has been sitting out for 2 days. So it's ready 04:52 to plant. The last thing that you need is a container 04:56 and you need to make sure that it has a hole in it, 04:59 so the water can drain through. 05:01 So you need to fill your container and this is the part 05:04 that's really fun 'cause your hands get all dirty. 05:07 So you just fill the container with soil. 05:11 Almost to the top and place your pineapple in it 05:14 and then cover all of the orange part of the pineapple. 05:18 You just wanna to see the leafy green parts, 05:20 and this is really messy say, so you might want to do it 05:24 outside. And then give your pineapple a good drink 05:27 of water and place it in a sunny window. 05:31 Now you want to check the watering everyday to make 05:34 sure that it has enough water, all you need to do 05:36 is just take your finger and feel the soil. 05:38 If it's really dry you might wanna water it again. Well, 05:41 boys and girls, I am going to cut off the rest of my 05:44 pineapple so I can enjoy it for super, 05:46 but first I want to encourage you every day 05:48 to sow the seeds of God's love. 05:57 Therefore the redeemed of the Lord shall return, 06:00 and come with singing unto Zion. Isaiah 51:11. 06:12 Therefore the redeemed of the Lord shall return 06:17 And come with singing unto Zion 06:21 And everlasting joy shall be upon their heads 06:28 Therefore the redeemed of the Lord shall return 06:33 And come with singing unto Zion 06:37 And everlasting joy shall be upon their heads 06:45 They shall obtain gladness and joy 06:54 And sorrow and mourning shall flee away 07:01 Therefore the redeemed of the Lord shall return 07:06 And come with singing unto Zion 07:11 And everlasting joy shall be upon their heads 07:28 Welcome to talk time. I'm here today with one of 07:31 my favorite pastors, Pastor John Lomacang. Hi, Pastor. 07:34 Good to see you Brenda. Oh, It's good to be able 07:36 to be. It's good to see you. Here sitting with you, 07:38 you know, we have enough energy to power all of 07:40 Thomsonville, we only get into the word of God we attach 07:43 it to a power that's greater then we are. 07:45 So praise the Lord. Amen. For answering Bible questions. 07:47 That's right. Well, let's just answer the first 07:49 one right here. This one says, is it a sin to smoke 07:53 or is it just not a healthy thing to do? 07:55 Well, you know what I must confess when I was a 07:58 young man once I was living in the city of New York 08:01 and I was tempted to try a cigarette one day 08:03 and I almost choked to death and I realized it was not 08:06 God's plan because there is no smoke stack on my 08:08 forehead or on the back of my head or anywhere 08:10 and then I came to discover that so many millions 08:13 of people die every year from smoking and it's both, 08:16 it's not a healthy thing to do and it's a sin because 08:19 it's attacking the very temple of God and our First 08:22 Corinthians chapter 3, verse 19 and 20, 08:27 First Corinthians chapter 6, verse 19 and 20, 08:29 tells us that our body is the temple of God 08:31 and if any one defiles the temple of God that one will 08:34 God destroy. Now the destruction aspect comes first 08:37 of all because God can't do much with a temple 08:39 that's destroyed, that we have destroyed, 08:40 so he does have no choice but to get rid of it. 08:44 And so it's an unhealthy thing to do plus it is in fact 08:48 something destroying the very place that the Lord 08:50 wants to live. Now can you imagine living in a house 08:52 filled with smoke? Well, the Spirit of God wants to 08:56 live and abide in our lives and he's not the kind 08:58 of one that goes into a smoky house. 09:01 So if you want him to be there you should not smoke. 09:04 Okay, good answer, good answer. 09:06 'Cause I have had kids ask me that was another question 09:08 I know kids have asked before, 09:10 what is the temple of God? Our body is. 09:12 And a place where God can dwell. That's right. 09:15 And so that's wonderful. How is Jesus going to take 09:17 us back to heaven? Will he have a great big ladder 09:20 or will we really fly? You know, I'm looking 09:23 forward to that day because I'm looking forward, 09:24 the Bible says in First Thessalonians chapter 4, 09:27 verse 13 to 16, it describes the second coming of Christ. 09:30 He blows that trumpet and the Bible says, 09:32 the dead in Christ, those in the graves come to life first, 09:35 then those who are alive and never die. 09:36 We are caught up together in the clouds to meet 09:40 the Lord in the air. Now, when the Bible says in 09:42 the clouds, the clouds are actually angels. Okay. 09:46 And Matthew 25 says, he is going to send us angels 09:49 to gather his elect from all over the earth. 09:52 I have an angel, you have an angel and I believe 09:55 that not only will we be given the opportunity to fly, 09:57 but our angels are going to escort us back to the 10:01 kingdom of heaven and to meet the Lord in mid air 10:03 and we all take that journey back. 10:05 So I think both are true. We're gonna be able to fly. 10:07 Plus our angels are going to escort us, 10:09 and what a day it's going to be when we are able 10:12 to leave this ground on God's power, 10:14 not on our own. That's wonderful. 10:16 You know, I actually had a child ask me, if we were going 10:18 to grow wings, you know, if it was going to be like part 10:21 of our arms and our legs and when we get to heaven 10:25 is that going to be something that's added to our body. 10:27 You know, I'm looking forward to it, 10:28 the Bible does say in a portion we will like angels, 10:33 but not in the sense of not being able to reproduce 10:35 in the new earth. But I think the added attribute 10:38 would be, we will be able to fly, and that's a 10:40 beautiful thing to have. I wanna be able do that. 10:42 I think there is a lot of places I want to visit. 10:44 I love astronomy and I can't wait till the day I will see, 10:47 I am going to Orion, I'll be back. See you in a couple 10:50 of weeks. So I believe we all have wings 10:53 to be able to fly from one place to the next. 10:54 Does it say in the Bible that we'll have wings or is that 10:56 one of things that we just don't really know for sure. 10:58 Well, you know, right now it fails me to get the 11:02 actually text but I am remembering very well 11:05 that we will be able to fly. You know, 11:07 the Bible talks about running and not being weary, 11:10 walking not being faint, but when it talks about 11:12 being like angels I can't think of any other attribute 11:15 because angels cannot procreate or make children 11:18 as we have the ability to do. So, how we will become 11:21 like angels. I think in the sense that we will be able 11:25 to fly from one place to the next. How many wings 11:27 we will have I don't know how, many because 11:29 there are angels with two wings, four 11:30 wings and also six wings. Wow! I wanna to be a 11:33 six winger. What do you think? Pretty fast, 11:35 but I believe that's going to be a blessing for us 11:38 to be able to travel from one world to the next 11:40 on our own power, not having to be escorted 11:43 by angels everywhere we go, because of the added 11:45 blessing of being able to fly. 11:46 Oh! That's wonderful. Unfortunately, 11:48 we're all out of time. So Pastor, thank you for being 11:51 with us. You know, if you have a question 11:53 boys and girls for Pastor John, just send it to me 11:56 here at Kids Time and I'll make sure that you get 11:58 your questions answered, because your questions 12:00 are important to us and your 12:01 questions are important to Jesus. 12:15 El Shaddai, El Shaddai, El-Elyon na Adonai, 12:23 Age to age You're still the same, 12:26 By the power of the name. El Shaddai, El Shaddai, 12:33 Erkamka na Adonai, We wil praise and lift You high, 12:41 El Shaddai. Through the love and through the ram, 12:48 You saved the sons of Abraham; 12:51 Through the power of your hand, 12:55 Turned the seas into dry land. 12:58 To the outcast on her knees, 13:01 You were the God who really sees, 13:06 And by Your might, You set Your children free. 13:12 El Shaddai, El Shaddai, El-Elyon na Adonai, 13:20 Age to age You're still the same, 13:23 By the power of the name. El Shaddai, El Shaddai, 13:30 Erkamka na Adonai, We will praise and lift You high, 13:37 El Shaddai. Through the years You've made it clear, 13:45 That the time of Christ is near, 13:48 Though the people couldn't see 13:51 What Messiah ought to be. 13:55 Though Your Words contained the plan, 13:58 They just could not understand 14:02 Your most awesome work was done 14:05 Through the frailty of Your Son. 14:10 El Shaddai, El Shaddai, El-Elyon na Adonai, 14:17 Age to age You're still the same, 14:21 By the power of the name. El Shaddai, El Shaddai, 14:29 Erkamka na Adonai, We will 14:32 praise and lift You high, El shaddai. 14:48 I have something so wonderful to tell you. 14:51 You won't believe it, What is happening? 14:52 Jesus! Jesus has risen, he resurrected. 14:55 He's risen. Sit and tell us. Well he has resurrected. 14:58 How can, is he alive. Alive, I saw it with my own eyes. 15:01 I don't understand. We were all together in the house. 15:04 We were praying. Some of us were crying, 15:07 you know how it's been, terrible since we watched him 15:10 crucified on the cross. And yet all of a sudden 15:13 there he was, he was standing among us alive. 15:17 He was talking to us. Thomas! You remember 15:19 Thomas? Oh he kept doubting so much, 15:22 there he was he said, Thomas touch me. See that it's me. 15:26 The wounds touch them for yourself and felt everything, 15:31 all of the marking on his hands and on his feet 15:34 and even on his side, it was incredible, 15:37 we saw it and heard it with our own eyes. It is beautiful. 15:41 I said to myself what can it be? Can it really be you, 15:44 and I remember reaching out and just barely 15:47 touching him. Yes, I could feel him. 15:50 It was real, he was real. He was our Lord. 15:52 It was wonderful. I just can't believe it. 15:54 Do you remember what the cross was like? 15:56 Yes, we saw him there, we saw him hanging there and die 15:59 ourselves with our own eyes. The agony was great, 16:02 wasn't it? Yes. Remember the suffering, 16:04 the screaming, the crying, the people knowing 16:07 that we could do nothing and then remember when he said, 16:11 it is finished, remember? Yes. He cried and the thunder 16:14 and the lightening. Yes. He said, my God, my God, 16:16 yes, why has you forsaken me, yes, he felt it. 16:20 He felt the pain and something happened to me today 16:24 when I saw him just now. It was as if finally understood. 16:29 He died for you and for me. He finished work. 16:33 He was on the cross. He bore our sins! Exactly, 16:37 the Messiah. The King of Kings. 16:40 This was his plan all along. Yes, he died purposely. 16:43 He was not to be crowned King of any earthly kingdom. 16:47 He had come to be Lord of Lords to be crowned 16:50 eternally, our Savior. It makes sense now. 16:54 Doesn't it? Yes. When I heard it I said Oh! 16:57 Lord, you've opened my eyes and my ears to hear 17:00 and now I understand and I need to tell others, 17:04 coming here to tell you, it was so exciting! 17:06 I could hardly stand it. I was running and my heart 17:10 was beating so fast that it was from joy. I said, 17:13 Lord, now I see you. Now I understand. 17:16 My eyes have behold your salvation. 17:19 And now I know Lord that yes indeed he has come. 17:22 Messiah, the savior of the world. 17:25 This is good news. This is really good news. 17:28 Praise the Lord. It's amazing. 17:29 And each one of you go out and tell others 17:32 and who knows he may come and appear here. 17:36 May be we'll see him here. 17:37 Oh! Wouldn't it be wonderful. I want to see him. 17:39 He is not limited by anything, I want to see him, 17:41 that human kind can do to him now. 17:43 He is Lord of all those who believe and he may 17:46 appear to you in time and together some day even 17:50 if we don't see him here we will see him coming in 17:53 clouds of glory. He will come as reigning King eternally 17:58 forever more. Oh! My God bless us all. 18:01 I must run and tell others. I cannot stay. 18:04 I am too excited. God bless you. 18:07 Thank God for coming to tell us. Bless you. 18:11 This is great news, I can't believe it. 18:13 I wonder what Thomas was thinking. 18:28 The more I love Him, the more I trust Him 18:32 Nothing good for me He'll deny 18:35 The longer I know Him, the better I can show Him 18:40 I couldn't stop now if I tried 18:43 Oh! It gets sweeter as the days go by 18:51 It gets sweeter as the moments fly 18:59 His love is richer, deeper, fuller, sweeter 19:07 Sweeter, sweeter, sweeter as the days go by 19:15 The moment He saved me His good grace He gave me 19:17 He placed His love down deep in my heart 19:23 There's great joy in knowing with Him I am going 19:27 And never more from Him to depart 19:30 Oh! It gets sweeter as the days go by 19:39 It gets sweeter as the moments fly 19:47 His love is richer, deeper, fuller, sweeter 19:55 Sweeter, sweeter, sweeter as the days go by 20:02 Sweeter, sweeter, sweeter as the days go by. 20:22 It's time for Miss Brenda's Book of day. 20:26 And boys and girls what a beautiful book I have 20:28 for you today, it's called 'Adam & Eve,' 20:30 and it's by a very special friend of mine. 20:32 It's, her name is Ruth Redding Brand. 20:35 And she just writes so beautiful. It says, 20:37 at first a shoreless ocean covered a coal-black planet. 20:41 Then God stepped into the inky nothingness and spoke. 20:45 At the sound of his voice, dazzling light drove 20:47 back the darkness. With a word God created all that is: 20:51 sea and sky, lamb and lily. Finally he took a lump 20:55 of clay, shaped it into a human form, and 20:57 breathed it to life. Eyelids fluttered and opened 21:01 in wonder. God smiled. "Welcome to Eden," 21:04 He Said. Oh! You are going to love this book 21:07 'Adam & Eve.' Well, I want to tell boys and girls, 21:11 I have two very special brother and sister with us 21:13 today. I have Jessica and Jonathan. 21:16 Hi, guys. How are doing? Good. Well, I am so excited 21:19 that you came today and you didn't plan to be on 21:22 Kid's Time, did you? You just happened to be visiting 21:24 today and I was taping in the program and I said, 21:26 come and tell me what you do to share Jesus, 21:28 right. Yes. And that's fun. Can you tell me Jessica, 21:31 what you do to share Jesus? 21:33 I pray for people and I share at school with my friends. 21:37 Your friends. Now you say you share at school 21:39 with your friends, what do you share with them 21:40 at school? Like I share with them Bible stories and.. 21:45 You tell them about Jesus. 21:47 Uh uh! And I just share with my friends. 21:50 Well, that's good. I'm so glad because 21:51 it's important to do that, isn't it? 21:53 And can you tell me Jonathan, 21:54 what you do to share Jesus? 21:56 I share about Jesus when I tell people about 22:00 my religion and how it works. 22:01 Well, what do you tell them about your religion? 22:04 I tell them I am like , why we do certain things 22:09 from differently from other people and there, 22:11 I try to tell them as well as I can. 22:13 What you think we do differently than other people? 22:15 Well, one thing we go on Saturday instead of Sunday 22:19 and we can only eat certain type of meats 22:23 and things instead of just eating anything and. 22:29 You show them in the Bible, in Leviticus 11 where 22:31 it says to eat the clean meat, not the unclean meat. 22:34 Yeah. Yeah. That's good. And can you tell me 22:37 is there any, have you had any wonderful experiences 22:39 from talking to your fiends about Jesus? 22:45 Not, not really not. Do you think your friends 22:47 make fun of you if you start to tell them about Jesus. 22:50 No. No, they listen. Yeah, they listen. 22:53 Well, are you, do you ever feel a little bit shy about 22:55 talking about Jesus? Well, sometimes if, 22:58 just a little. Uh uh! But you just pray about it and Jesus 23:03 helps you. Yeah. Yeah. 23:05 That's the way it is boys and girls, isn't it? 23:06 When we, if your a little bit nervous talking about 23:09 Jesus to others, you just pray about it, 23:11 Jesus will give you the courage that you need. 23:14 Well, you know, I have someone here that's, 23:16 that loves to talk about Jesus and loves to share 23:19 Jesus and right now she is going to tell you how 23:21 she shares Jesus. Her name is Laura. 23:25 Hi Miss Brenda, my name is Laura, 23:27 and I share Jesus by smiling at my friends, 23:30 but I also smile at people I don't even know, 23:33 and whenever there is something that I really 23:36 want to go to like on Sabbath than I choose 23:38 not to go and it's shows kids that I stay true 23:41 to my faith and that's how I share with Jesus. 23:46 Well, Thank you Laura. You know, 23:47 what thing I was really impressed, 23:49 weren't you kids? Is that even when you wanted 23:51 to go to something, it was on Sabbath. 23:53 You choose to keep the Sabbath holy even though 23:55 your friends wanted you to go with them and 23:57 boys and girls that is sharing Jesus because 23:59 you're a witness, so I thank you for that. 24:01 Well, I have a letter here from Australia and it says, 24:04 dear Miss Brenda, but before I read it, 24:06 can you hold this up for me, Jessica. There we go. 24:08 It says, dear Miss Brenda, my name is Jacinta 24:11 and I am 5 years old and I have a brother 4, 24:13 who is, his name is Jonah and we watch Kids Time 24:17 all the time. I love watching Kids Time and I would 24:21 like to be a member of Kids Club. I tell my friends 24:23 about Jesus and it makes me happy when I tell them to. 24:26 Could you please send me an activity book and one for 24:29 my brother. Thank you Miss Brenda. 24:30 We love you and miss, Jesus does too. 24:33 Well, thank you so much for that,. Thank you for that, 24:35 Jessica. And I'll make sure you get an activity 24:38 book and also we get you those Bible studies. 24:41 Okay, let's see, let's go to an email. It says, 24:44 dear Miss Brenda. This is from Jamaica. 24:46 It says, dear Miss Brenda, my name is Dino, 24:48 and I live in Jamaica. I attend the Old Harbor 24:51 School, and I love to share Jesus like you talk about. 24:55 One way I share Jesus is when I'm in miss school. 24:57 My best friend didn't have a pen to write with, 25:00 so I gave him mine and since he didn't have 25:03 enough money for new pens, 25:04 I gave him my pen and I saved money for a new one. 25:08 And I want to join Kids Club. Love, Dino. 25:11 Well, thank you Dino for that email, 25:12 and that was a wonderful thing to do to share your pen. 25:17 Okay, there is another one here. 25:18 Let's see what? Well, let me see what this one is. 25:20 Okay, open that one. How about this one? 25:25 This one is from the West Indies. And let's see who its 25:29 from. It says, dear Miss Brenda. How are you? 25:32 I am fine and I am from the Dominican and I watch 25:35 your program everyday and it is so interesting 25:38 and I'm learning so much about Jesus. 25:40 I just want to thank you for your program, 25:42 bye for now, Adriana. Well, thank you so much 25:45 for that and I'm glad you're learning about Jesus. 25:47 I think I might have time for a quick email. 25:49 Dear Miss Brenda. I'm 2 years old and I watch 25:52 Kids Time with my mom and dad, my sister Lida 25:55 everyday and I share Jesus when my mommy goes 25:57 walking in our community by passing out Bible 26:00 tracts and Discover Bible studies. 26:02 And I love kids time. Love, Christopher Cart 26:05 and Tabitha. Well, thank you so much for that email 26:09 and I am glad, that's a wonderful way to witness 26:11 by passing out the literature, and also for helping 26:17 your mom and dad and I wanna you encourage 26:19 you to keep doing that, okay. Well, thank you Jessica 26:21 and thank you Jonathan for being with us today. 26:23 Keep sharing Jesus everywhere you go. 26:26 Boys and girls, we're all out of time today, 26:27 but until next time, I want you to remember 26:29 that wherever you go, whatever 26:30 you do, it's Kids Time to share Jesus. |
Revised 2014-12-17