Kids' Time


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000193

00:03 It's a time to share, there's a
00:05 world out there looking for a
00:07 friend like Jesus.
00:10 It's time to share there's a world out there,
00:13 let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:17 Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:21 Kid's Time, Kid's Time, Kid's Time.
00:24 Hi, boys and girls, don't you just love a great story?
00:27 I know I do, and have you ever noticed that the most
00:30 interesting stories are usually about events
00:33 that actually happened?
00:34 Well, I have two brothers who always seemed to be off on
00:37 some wild adventure when they were young.
00:39 And my brother Jim likes to tell about a downhill ski trip
00:42 that he took once.
00:43 Now, somehow he accidentally took a wrong turn down the
00:46 mountain and he ended up on a black diamond ski hill.
00:49 Now, boys and girls, let me tell you what, those are the
00:52 hardest hills to ski down and you don't want to ski down a
00:55 black diamond unless you really do know what you're doing.
00:58 Well, my brother didn't and it was too late, there was
01:02 nowhere to go but straight down and at break neck speed.
01:05 He found himself skiing faster, and faster, and faster
01:08 until he was completely out of control.
01:10 And he even went flying over a huge ski jump that caught
01:14 him by surprise, and he eventually fell.
01:17 But when you fall on a black diamond, you don't just stop,
01:20 oh, no, you just keep going and rolling and rolling and
01:23 rolling and hoping that you get to the bottom
01:25 in one piece.
01:26 He thought for sure he was a goner.
01:28 But you know what?
01:29 When he did eventually come to a stop, it wasn't a pretty
01:32 sight, he was pretty banged up, and shaken up, and fed up.
01:36 But at least he was in one piece.
01:38 It's funny now when he tells that story, but I'm sure it
01:41 wasn't funny then.
01:42 You know, teenage boys always seem to have some wild
01:45 adventure to tell about.
01:46 And in today's Bible story, you'll hear a young man tell
01:49 about an adventure that he had defending his
01:52 beloved King David.
01:54 Now you won't want to miss this story I can tell you that.
01:56 But first let's see what Ranger Jim has to show us.
02:06 Hi, boys and girls, Ranger Jim saying welcome
02:08 to Nature Time.
02:09 We're glad you can join us today.
02:10 We're in beautiful Raccoon Mountain Cavern near
02:13 Chattanooga, Tennessee.
02:15 And we have our friend Patty with us.
02:17 And, Patty, what is this beautiful pool that I see here?
02:19 Beautiful water, what is this?
02:21 This is called Reflection Pool, Ranger Jim, and this
02:25 pool is really neat.
02:26 The reason it reflects the water so well is because of the
02:29 minerals in the water.
02:31 We have lots of manganese, which is the material they use
02:34 to put over glass to make mirrors.
02:37 Neat, is what reflects that? Yes.
02:39 Is there anything living in the pool?
02:41 Well salamanders like this pool of water.
02:44 We have several different kinds of salamanders.
02:46 Some live in the front part of the cave like the sliming
02:49 salamanders and the cave salamanders.
02:51 The cave salamanders will actually lay their eggs in this
02:55 pool of water and they'll hatch.
02:57 When the salamanders are a couple months old, they start
03:00 crawling out and then they live on land.
03:02 They'll come and in out of the cave.
03:05 We also have bats.
03:09 They don't, of course, live in the pool.
03:11 But, they'll hang from the ceiling and sleep
03:14 during the day here.
03:15 We like having them around because they can eat mosquitoes
03:18 for us in the evening when they're out flying around.
03:22 Each little bat in here, believe it or not, can eat 600
03:26 mosquitoes every hour.
03:28 An hour? Isn't that amazing.
03:30 An hour.
03:31 Now let me ask you, you talk about the slimy salamanders,
03:33 most boys and girls and most adults think all salamanders
03:36 are slimy, but they're not, are they?
03:38 Well, slimy salamander is actually the name
03:41 of the species.
03:42 In the Appalachians we have over 3000 species of
03:46 salamanders around here.
03:48 In the cave itself we have 5 different species.
03:51 And although they all have moist skin, they are not all
03:55 slimy salamanders.
03:56 They're not all slimy.
03:58 And what do the salamanders eat here in the cave?
04:00 Do they find other things?
04:02 In the cave they don't actually eat anything, there's not
04:04 enough food for them in here.
04:06 So they go outside and they eat bugs.
04:08 They can shoot their tongues out really fast and catch a
04:10 bug and swallow it.
04:12 And that's what they eat.
04:13 Then the parent doesn't have any process of feeding the
04:16 babies once they hatch?
04:17 They're independent and they are able to get
04:20 their own food?
04:21 That's something, that's actually being studied.
04:23 The slimy salamanders will put their eggs in little holes
04:27 in the cave.
04:28 And the slimy salamanders will stay with the eggs the
04:32 whole time until after they are hatched.
04:34 I talked to an expert recently, and he said the reason
04:37 they do that, the adults have a secretion that will protect the
04:42 eggs from a fungus that normally attacks anything
04:46 in the cave.
04:47 It's just amazing, isn't it?
04:50 We see these creatures that God made for us
04:53 to see and enjoy.
04:55 And when people say this just all evolved and we see
04:58 certain processes, it would be impossible, wouldn't it?
05:01 Yes... He provided this and provided protection for those
05:04 creatures - even a slimy salamander.
05:06 Even a slimy salamanders.
05:08 Even a slimy salamander.
05:09 And you know what? Most people are real interested to find
05:12 out that we don't usually find snakes in caves.
05:15 That's a common misconception ... that we don't have
05:19 snakes in caves.
05:20 That would be a relief to many of the people that
05:22 are viewing this.
05:23 Yes. Boys and girls, it's so much fun to learn about these
05:25 creatures that God made for us.
05:27 So this is Ranger Jim once again saying don't forget to
05:30 tell Jesus that you love Him, because He really does love you.
05:42 Hello, Cindy. Hi.
05:44 Why the sad face?
05:46 I'm sad because it's the next to the last day of school.
05:52 Oh, I get it, you'll miss your teachers.
05:54 You'll miss your friends.
05:56 No, I'm not gonna miss my teachers or my friends.
05:59 And I'm definitely not going to miss the homework.
06:01 It's such a burden.
06:03 Oh but, Cindy, one more day and that
06:06 burden will be lifted.
06:07 Just like Jesus lifted our burdens at Calvary.
06:14 Days are filled with sorrow and care.
06:18 Hearts are lonely and drear.
06:21 Burdens are lifted at Calvary, Jesus is very near.
06:29 Burdens are lifted at Calvary, Calvary, Calvary.
06:36 Burdens are lifted at Calvary, Jesus is very near.
06:47 Cast your cares on Jesus today,
06:49 leave your worry and fear.
06:54 Burdens are lifted at Calvary, Jesus is very near.
07:02 Burdens are lifted at Calvary, Calvary, Calvary.
07:09 Burdens are lifted at Calvary, Jesus is very near.
07:19 Roll, roll your burdens away.
07:22 Roll, roll your burdens away for
07:26 Jesus has promised to take them all.
07:29 Roll, roll your burdens away.
07:37 Troubles all the Savior can see, every heartache and tear.
07:44 Burdens are lifted at Calvary, Jesus is very near.
07:51 Burdens are lifted at Calvary, Calvary, Calvary.
07:59 Burdens are lifted at. Calvary, Jesus is very near.
08:16 Hi, boys and girls, and welcome to Talk Time.
08:18 I'm here today
08:19 with Pastor John. Hi, Pastor John.
08:21 Good to be here, Brenda.
08:22 Good to have you here.
08:23 Time to get together and just answer Bible questions.
08:25 That's right and you know what?
08:26 You are really wonderful to ask questions of, because I
08:29 know that you know your Bible.
08:30 Praise the Lord.
08:32 You studied the Bible So I'm just going to pull out the
08:33 first question. Okay.
08:34 And it says, "I want to get my ears pierced,"
08:37 "but my Grandma said it would make Jesus sad,"
08:39 "is this true?"
08:40 Well, first I want to point out that you know we can't do
08:42 anything to make Jesus sad or happy.
08:44 Just imagine all the billions of people on the planet.
08:46 Would there ever be a time when He would be happy?
08:48 And so one thing we can't control the emotions of God.
08:51 Now, pleasing Him is a different thing all together.
08:54 Pleasing God is what we want to do and piercing our bodies
08:56 wouldn't please the Lord, because He looks at jewelry as
08:59 an idol and the body as His temple.
09:02 So He wants us to keep His temple free from idols.
09:05 You find that in 2 Corinthians 6:16,
09:09 "What fellowship does the temple of God have with idols
09:12 "for you are the temple of the living God. "
09:14 And so, young lady, you want to keep God's temple free
09:18 from idols, and you do that because you please God and you
09:21 recognize you belong to Him and He owns you.
09:25 He always knows what's best for us.
09:27 Oh, good answer, good answer.
09:28 Okay, another question, it says, "My Mom and Dad are dead"
09:32 "and I live with my Grandma who doesn't really want me. "
09:35 "If I kill myself, will I be in heaven with my Mom and Dad?"
09:39 Pastor Lomacang, I just want to share this with you.
09:42 This little girl, when she wrote this, she didn't give a
09:44 return address so I have no other way to reach her other
09:47 than what you're going to tell her right now.
09:49 So I think it's really important that you answer her
09:52 question, she's really hurting inside.
09:54 She's from St. Lucia.
09:56 St. Lucia! You know when I was young - you know some of
09:58 my story, being abandoned and left at a babysitter when I was
10:01 only 3 months old.
10:02 Being raised without my parents, not knowing who they
10:04 were, there was a day when I wanted to run away.
10:06 And I didn't know who tell, I felt rejected.
10:09 I felt like I didn't belong, I felt that they didn't want
10:12 me similar to what this young person may feel.
10:14 The only person I told was my dog and he - I was upset
10:17 that I would be missing him. I wanted to leave home.
10:21 But then I realized that there are things I may not
10:24 understand while I'm young and sometimes a young person's
10:27 idea of being wanted or not being wanted means I get my
10:30 way or I don't get my way.
10:32 First of all I won't encourage her or him to run away
10:36 - young girl.
10:37 It's a girl and she's ten years old.
10:39 Yea, I wouldn't want her to run away and sadly enough you
10:42 wouldn't want her to take her life because the Bible says,
10:44 "Thou shalt not kill. " and that includes yourself.
10:47 What you need to do is allow yourself to grow up,
10:50 give yourself some time to understand life better,
10:53 and you'll see that your parents or your grandparents
10:56 do love you.
10:58 Just give yourself time to grow with them and I know you
11:00 miss your parents tremendously, that's something any
11:02 abandoned child, or child without parents,
11:05 would experience.
11:06 But, you don't want to do that because that's the worst
11:08 thing - you take away the best gift that God has given
11:11 to you, and that gift is life.
11:13 But when you give yourself some time and you get older,
11:15 you'll see that you'll be a blessing to God.
11:17 And friends, the devil wants you to take your life so you
11:20 can lose out on being a blessing to others and most of all
11:23 he wants you to lose out on being in the kingdom
11:25 eternally and you don't want that.
11:27 Good answer, thank you, Pastor John.
11:29 I want to just say this and the reason why is because the
11:31 Lord loves her more than she ever knows.
11:33 So right now, give herself room to understand that.
11:36 What if her Grandma really doesn't lover her, you know?
11:39 But still, Jesus does.
11:41 Right, that's right.
11:42 Jesus' love is unconditional no matter what your
11:45 circumstances, His love is always there for you.
11:48 Yes, that's a good answer.
11:49 This letter is a real quick question.
11:51 I think we have time for one more.
11:52 "I stole a dollar that was in my friend's desk at school. "
11:55 "I asked Jesus to forgive me, but I don't really want my"
11:57 "friend to know about it. "
11:59 "Is it okay just to tell Jesus?"
12:01 Wow, you know the Bible says in James 4:17, "To him that"
12:03 "knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin. "
12:06 Now, if your friend missed that dollar and blamed somebody
12:09 else for it, now it's your responsibility to get that other
12:12 person off the hook, because they were falsely accused.
12:15 And so this way you may grow by going to your friend and
12:17 say, "I apologize for taking your dollar. "
12:19 "I promise not to do it again. "
12:21 and by being accountable to him I know that you are going
12:24 to grow, so don't just put it back secretly because the
12:27 Lord wants you to grow and go to your friend and I'm sure
12:29 they'll appreciate it and your friendship
12:31 will be a lot stronger.
12:32 You know, that was a good answer and I appreciate that, Pastor.
12:35 You know, the kids have had some good questions today,
12:37 didn't they? They sure have.
12:38 They did, but unfortunately we're all out of time today.
12:41 Boys and girls if you have a question for Pastor John,
12:43 just send it to me here at Kid's Time and we will make sure
12:46 your question gets answered, because, you know what?
12:48 Your questions are important to us.
12:49 And your questions are important to Jesus.
15:00 Hey, fellas, can you guys keep a secret?
15:02 Yea. I just had an adventure.
15:07 It was crazy! You guys know about Absalom, right?
15:12 Uh, huh. And how he's having a revolt against King David?
15:17 Yes. Well, I'm a King David's man myself and when David
15:21 and all of his followers left, my father thought it would be
15:25 wise for me and my best friend to stay behind and hide in a
15:28 village near Jerusalem.
15:30 Jonathan and I, we're pretty fast.
15:33 I don't want to brag, but we run all over the place, and my
15:37 father thought that if David needed to get a message
15:39 really quick, Jonathan and I could take it and run
15:42 really fast to him.
15:44 It was a good thing, 'cuz Absalom had a council meeting
15:47 and one of his advisors said, "Absalom, now is the time to"
15:52 "attack David. He's depressed, he's not ready for a fight and"
15:56 "he's right at the River Jordan"
15:57 "You can rush in and kill him, and then the"
16:00 "kingdom will be yours. "
16:02 Fortunately for David, Absalom said, "Hmmm, what does"
16:06 "Hushai say about this?"
16:08 Hushai, he's also a David's man, he gave him some bad advice.
16:15 He said, "Oh, great Absalom, King David is a mighty"
16:18 "warrior and he's not depressed, he's ready for a fight. "
16:22 "In fact, he's probably set up ambushes all along the way. "
16:26 "You should wait until you get your huge army together. "
16:29 "It'll take awhile, but it will be worth it in the end. "
16:33 Well, fortunately, Absalom decided to take Hushai's advice
16:37 and he decided to wait.
16:38 Well, Hushai knew that David was in grave danger.
16:42 So he sent his servant girl, to the house where Jonathan
16:45 and I were hiding with a message for David to flee into
16:48 the wilderness.
16:50 When the girl told us, we snuck out the back door and took
16:53 off through a field.
16:55 Well, unfortunately someone must have seen us because soon
16:58 we heard horse hoofs behind us thundering against the ground
17:02 I turned and looked and there were Absalom's men chasing us.
17:06 They hadn't seen us yet, but they knew where we were headed
17:10 so I ran and fortunately my uncle had a farm nearby and we
17:14 made it to the courtyard of his farm just before the horses.
17:18 I said, "Uncle, you have to hide us, King David's life"
17:20 "depends upon it. "
17:22 Well, my uncle thinking fast ran over to the well and pulled
17:25 off the cover and Jonathan and I climbed down in it.
17:28 And he slammed the well cover on top and spread some grain
17:31 just as Absalom's men charged into the courtyard.
17:35 It was dark and cold and all I heard were the horses
17:40 stopping and evil men yelling and shouting.
17:43 Then they ran off, and it was silent.
17:47 I was down there freezing and I was so scared.
17:51 I knew that if I got caught I could die.
17:53 Well, after a few hours my uncle peeked open the lid and
17:58 dropped a rope down, and Jonathan and I climbed out, and
18:02 he said, "Well, Absalom's men have gone, it's safe now. "
18:06 "Go tell Kind David your message. ".
18:08 Well, Jonathan and I we took off just as fast as we could
18:11 straight to King David's tent.
18:13 And we got there and we said, "Your Majesty must flee!"
18:17 "Absalom will be ready to attack you soon. "
18:19 "You've got to cross the River Jordan tonight!"
18:22 Well, King David gave the orders to break camp and he got
18:26 his men together and they crossed the Jordan River
18:28 and were saved.
18:30 God was able to use Jonathan and me to rescue
18:34 the Lord's anointed.
18:36 Sometimes I feel young and like I can't
18:39 do anything important.
18:41 But today God used me, and God can use you guys too.
18:45 You've got talents.
18:47 I can run fast, you got your slingshot.
18:49 Whatever you're good at just keep practicing and one day
18:53 you can use that gift for God.
18:55 Well, that soldier's awful close I better go.
18:59 But keep the secret for me.
19:01 Just keep the secret, okay?
19:03 Hey! Hey you! Whoa!
19:04 Hey, stop! Come back here, in the name of Absalom,
19:07 come back!
19:23 Beautiful, beautiful, Jesus is beautiful,
19:29 and Jesus makes beautiful things of my life.
19:37 Carefully touching me, causing my eyes to see
19:43 that Jesus makes beautiful things of my life.
20:00 It's time for Miss Brenda's Book of the Day!
20:04 And, boys and girls, I can't wait to tell you
20:07 about this book.
20:08 It's by Eric B. Hare, JUNGLE HEROES.
20:10 And Eric B. Hare is one of my very favorite authors.
20:14 I had his books when I was a child and absolutely loved
20:17 them and you will too.
20:18 This says, "JUNGLE HEROES is a collection of Eric B. Hare"
20:21 "His favorite stores from the teaming jungles of Burma,"
20:24 "a land of tigers and elephants, riverboats, and oxcarts,"
20:28 "even witchdoctors, and true heroes of the living God. "
20:31 "Mystery and adventure leap from the pages of"
20:34 "this classic book. "
20:36 Oh, boys and girls, you're gonna want to read this book,
20:38 Eric B. Hare's JUNGLE HEROES.
20:41 Well I have two special guests with me today that I'd like
20:43 to introduce to you.
20:45 I have two sisters, Giselle and Annette,
20:47 and I am so thankful that you are here with us on Kid's Time.
20:49 And tell me Giselle, what do you do to share Jesus?
20:53 I tell stories about Jesus.
20:55 You do? What kind of stories?
20:57 Well, like Jesus' miracles.
21:00 And have you had any wonderful experiences from
21:02 telling those stories?
21:04 Yes. Can you tell me about it?
21:05 Well, one time when we were at Grandma's house and we went
21:12 to a park and we played with these girls.
21:15 After we played for a little bit, I asked them if they
21:19 wanted to hear a story.
21:21 And they said yes that they would like to.
21:24 So I told them two stories.
21:27 Two stories. Do you remember which two stories
21:28 you told them?
21:30 Yes. Which ones were they?
21:31 The story of when Jesus multiplied the five loaves
21:34 and two fishes.
21:35 Oh, I like that one.
21:36 And the story of when Jesus raised Jairus's daughter
21:39 from the dead..
21:40 Oh, you know what? We told both those stories on Kid's Time.
21:42 Did you that?
21:44 We have. How about Annette, what have you
21:45 done to share Jesus?
21:47 I make booklets and bookmarks.
21:52 What kind of bookmarks?
21:55 We put little Bible characters on them, like Jesus.
22:00 That's a good thing to do isn't it?
22:03 And, you know, I can tell that both of you love to witness
22:06 for Jesus, don't you?
22:07 What does it make you feel like inside when you
22:10 witness for Jesus?
22:12 Happy. It does, doesn't it?
22:14 There is no greater joy than serving Jesus, right?
22:17 Yes... Well right now I have somebody that loves
22:20 to share Jesus, too.
22:21 And I would like to go - we're going to go all the way to
22:25 Oshkosh, Wisconsin where we're going to hear from Bradford.
22:28 And he's going to tell you how he shares Jesus.
22:32 "Hi, Miss Brenda, my name is Bradford, and the way that I"
22:35 "share Jesus with the world is by making my attitude and"
22:38 "my lifestyle the way that Jesus wants it to be".
22:41 "When someone asks me to do something that the Bible or"
22:45 "Jesus tells me not to, I simply deny because by making"
22:49 "my life an example of Jesus,"
22:50 "I'm not only showing Jesus that I love Him, but I'm also"
22:54 "witnessing to others around me. "
22:56 "That is how I share Jesus with the world. "
23:01 Ohhh, thank you, Bradford, that was really inspiring and I
23:04 want to encourage all you boys and girls out there to
23:06 witness by your actions.
23:08 That means a lot.
23:10 Well, right now, I have a letter from Union City, Michigan
23:13 and it's from Shaley and she sent a picture.
23:17 Can you hold that up for me?
23:19 And also she sent two dollars.
23:21 Let's see what Shaley says.
23:22 Says, "Dear Miss Brenda, I sure love Kid's Time. "
23:25 "My name is Shaley and I'm five years old. "
23:27 "I learn so many lessons on how to be"
23:29 "healthy and be organized"
23:31 "from your show. "
23:32 "I love Jesus so much and I want to live for Him
23:34 every day. "
23:35 "Please send me the Kid's Time lessons. "
23:37 "Love, Shaley and enclosed is some money to help cover"
23:41 " the cost of sending my lessons to me. " Well, thank you
23:44 Shaley and I'll make sure that that money goes
23:47 - the lessons are free, by the way.
23:49 But if you want to help, that is fine too.
23:51 We'll just take that as an offering to that.
23:54 But they are free, boys and girls.
23:55 You don't have to pay for the Bible lessons.
23:57 All right, let's just do an email.
24:00 This email says, "Dear Miss Brenda, My name is Jennifer"
24:03 "and I'm ten years old and I presently live in
24:06 Saudi Arabia. "
24:08 "I would like to join your Kid's Club family. "
24:10 "And please, kindly accept my request and sign me up for"
24:14 "your Bible study lessons. "
24:16 "Thank you and I'm eagerly awaiting for your mail. "
24:19 "I want you to know that I watch Kid's Time everyday. "
24:22 "In fact, it comes on at midnight in Saudi Arabia and I"
24:25 "wake up at night just to see your program. "
24:28 "Thank you so much. Love, Jennifer. "
24:31 Well, Jennifer that is so precious that you even wake up
24:34 to see Kid's Time and I'm glad you're enjoying the program.
24:38 There's another letter here.
24:39 Let's see where this is from and it says
24:42 - oh, this is from New Zealand, and
24:44 - oh, boys and girls, I love getting your letters, and this
24:47 says, "Dear Miss Brenda, My name is Matthew and I'm seven"
24:49 "years old, and I live in New Zealand. "
24:52 "Please, may I have an activity book and one for my two"
24:56 "brothers? I share Jesus by raising money for the tsunami"
25:01 "victims. I did jobs around the house and I also sold"
25:05 "cookies. Love, Matthew. I love Jesus. "
25:08 Well, Matthew, thank you for that and you know what?
25:11 I know that made Jesus very happy that you shared
25:14 Jesus that way and helped the tsunami victims.
25:16 See, I have another email, "Dear Miss Brenda, we've been"
25:19 "watching the Kid's Time program for the past year and"
25:22 "all your programs are so good. "
25:24 "We're learning so much about Jesus. "
25:26 "We are watching from Oman. Please send us your Activity"
25:30 "Book. Best regards, Joel, Jonas, and Christopher. "
25:34 Well, thank you for that, let's see, I think we have time
25:36 for another letter.
25:38 This is from Walla Walla, Washington.
25:39 It's from Carina. It says, "Dear Miss Brenda, I love"
25:42 "watching Kid's Time. Most of all, I love Jesus and I like"
25:44 "doing things for other people. A few months ago when"
25:47 "Daddy's aunt moved into her new house,"
25:49 "I helped Daddy put a cabinet together and I set it up. "
25:52 "I also helped Mommy unpack the boxes and put things away. "
25:55 "And then I also helped Mommy when she was very sick. "
25:58 "I helped nurse her back to health. I also took toys to"
26:02 "her so she wouldn't be bored and lonely. Thank you so much"
26:06 "for Kid's Time, I sure love it and I want to join for the"
26:10 "Bible stories. Love, Carina. "
26:12 Well, thank you, Carina, and you were sharing Jesus by
26:15 helping your family.
26:16 Thank you, girls, for being with us today.
26:18 Boys and girls, that's all the time we have today.
26:20 I want to encourage you that wherever you go, what ever
26:23 you do, remember it's Kid's Time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17