Participants: Brenda Walsh
Series Code: KT
Program Code: KT000191
00:03 It's time to share there's a world out there,
00:06 Looking for a friend like Jesus. It's time to share 00:11 there's a world out there; let's tell them 00:14 that He loves us so. Let's tell them that He loves us so. 00:21 Kids Time, kids Time, kids Time. 00:24 Hi, boys and girls. I know, it's probably hard for 00:27 you to imagine this, but just think some day soon 00:30 you are going to be fathers and mothers yourself. 00:33 And there is going to be days, when you looking 00:35 at the faces of your own kids. And you're gonna 00:37 wish to someone. We will tell you, how to raise them right. 00:41 And of course, there is someone God is that someone. 00:42 And he will always there for you. All you have to 00:45 do as pray and ask him. And he will help you be the 00:48 best moms and dads that you can be, 00:51 but wouldn't that be amazing, if you could spend an 00:53 afternoon talking with Marry, the mother of Jesus, 00:55 just think of all the good advice that she could give 00:58 you about being a big good mother raising your 01:00 children to knowing to love God. I'm sure, 01:03 she would has some interesting story tell about 01:06 the challenges that she faced as a mother. 01:08 And why don't you like to find out what story she told 01:10 Jesus and even the sorts of questions that he asked. 01:13 I would kind a like to know what, what age Jesus 01:15 realized that he was born to die. And be to do the 01:19 savior of the world. You know, no doubt Marry 01:21 to Lord as he young mother. And I'm sure she often 01:24 fell overwhelm and afraid, but God had chosen her 01:27 and he was with her every step of the way. 01:31 You know, boys and girls, I want you to remember that 01:33 God had chosen you too, to accomplish and important 01:36 things. As sons as daughters, brothers, sisters 01:40 and someday as father and mothers and just as he was 01:43 with marry. He will always be with you, every step 01:46 of the way. And I can promise you that. 01:49 Well, right now let's see what 01:50 Ranger Jim has for us today. 01:59 Hi, boys and girls. Ranger Jim saying, 02:01 welcome to Nature Time, we're glad you can 02:03 join us today. We're at the Chattanooga Audubon 02:05 Society and Chattanooga, Tennessee. 02:07 And my friend here is Nature Dan is with us. 02:09 Dan, what do you have? Well, I tell you, 02:11 Ranger Jim I have got some really new. 02:14 I got myself an owl's foot. What kind of owl? 02:18 Well, it's a barred owl. Now, I, I know, it's a barred 02:20 owl because I actually saw it, but this is an amazing 02:24 thing, look at those talents on that. 02:28 It is incredible, now that hunt for small animals in the 02:31 woods. And here with these incredible ears, 02:34 but look at that foot. You know, 02:36 what would happen, if I left these things on the ground, 02:39 do you think, it would go away? No. eventually 02:42 it would itself he is gonna eat it, itself he would. 02:44 It's amazing, how in God world, we have things that 02:48 he thinks, but eventually they get eaten too. Right. 02:52 Everything has its season, everything has it's time, 02:55 when it has to come to past. And it looks like the time 02:58 had come for this owl to past away. 03:03 Now, there is, this would catch small rodents. 03:05 Small rodents like booze and mice and occasionally 03:09 might catching a small bird or something like that, 03:12 but normally small animals in the woods at night. 03:15 They will do that. And so they, are they hunt primarily 03:17 at night and, Oh! Yeah. Now, just by chance, 03:20 I heard you this afternoon make the call of this bird, 03:24 did I not? Yes, you did. 03:26 Would you demonstrate that for me again? 03:27 Okay, here we go. Are you ready? I'm ready. 03:29 Alright, now this is some you all can do it at home. 03:31 And it's really fun, you getting your backyard. 03:33 Now, you may not have a barred owl there and 03:35 your neighbor will think you kind of wired, but here, 03:37 how it goes? It goes who cooks for you, who cooks 03:41 for you all. Now, I'm gonna do with the owls way, 03:45 which is ouw, ouw, ouw, ouw, ouw, ouw, ouw, 03:50 but the owls sounds like, who cooks for you, 03:53 who cooks for you all. So, give that a try and if you 03:57 do it at night. Sometimes, you might hear it. 04:00 Out in a distance, you hear this ouw, ouw, ouw, ouw, 04:02 ouw, ouw, ouw just like that. Now, we had an 04:06 amazing experience. So, wife and I in Florida and I 04:11 hunt while turkeys at one time and so we call the wild 04:15 tree, but making this sound and the gobble would gabble. 04:18 And so one morning I got up and left if 4 'O' clock 04:19 in the morning, might go to wife soon she heard 04:23 the barred owl calling as she thought, 04:25 what is Jim doing out there, wakening all the neighbors 04:28 with his call. Calling like a barred owl, when in fact, 04:32 there was a bird owl sitting up on the top of the trailer. 04:35 Now, how many, how many eggs would this bird owl 04:37 normally would they lay? Well, the eggs that would 04:40 have probably only be about 2 to be the most 04:42 that you would actually hatch out. I had, two baby 04:48 great horned owls one time, but I raised up from little 04:51 one with mama and daddy had gone away. 04:53 They, they got and kill, Oh! Yeah. 04:56 There is really would raise to and, and feed them and, 04:58 do they remain in the immediate area or do they? 05:00 Usually, but they have a territory and when they, 05:03 that territory kind a like the place they live and they 05:05 want to protected. That's why they do that call. 05:08 So, when you make that call is like saying, I'm coming 05:11 into your neighborhood. You stay away, 05:13 this is my neighborhood. So, when they do that, 05:17 it's like ooh! Stay out of my way. 05:19 Okay, where this is a warning. This is my place. 05:21 I'm going to feed my young. Exactly. Isn't that exciting 05:24 boys and girls. That's a wonderful about, 05:26 we can learn once again about one of God's the wonderful 05:29 creature. So, this is Ranger Jim saying, 05:31 as always don't forget to tell the Jesus that 05:34 you're love him because he really does love you. 05:45 Hi, boys and girls. I'm so excited today and 05:48 that's because I'm here with the Kids Time singers. 05:49 Hi, kids? Hi, Ms. Brenda. Well, you know, 05:53 I'm also very excited because I have a very special friend 05:56 with me today and that is Ms. Sarah Wolfs and she 05:58 came all the way from where? Idaho. Idaho, 06:03 and Sarah I has, been sick for quite a while. 06:07 Now, Sarah, what did the doctors was wrong? 06:10 That I had a tumor in my head. 06:14 That's right, she had a tumor in her head and you 06:16 have about seven different surgeries, haven't you. 06:19 That's right, and when you're sick, what program 06:22 did you like to watch on TV. Kids Time. Kids Time 06:26 and what your biggest wish. Kids Time. Yes, 06:30 you want to be on Kids Time, didn't you? Yes. 06:33 And do you know, we're really grateful to the Idaho, 06:35 Make-A-Wish Foundation because they made 06:37 it possible, not only for Sarah, but for her brothers 06:40 and her family to come and be on Kids Time for the 06:44 whole family that come here at 3ABN. 06:46 And I would like to have you as meet. 06:48 This is Sarah's parents. This is Denise and Ivon. 06:50 And you're, you're gonna go ahead and sat 06:52 in the studio audience and because I, 06:54 they're gonna get to watch you sing today, aren't they? 06:56 So, well now, we meet after the program and then we have 07:00 a Tyrell her brother, that's gonna sing with us 07:02 and also Levi, who is gonna sing with us. 07:04 So, we're so excited today. And you know, 07:06 I want to share with the boys and girls, what you told 07:08 me this morning? Sarah told me something and scared me. 07:11 She said, Ms. Brenda I don't have a heart, 07:14 didn't you? And why don't you have a heart. 07:17 Because I gave my heart to Jesus. 07:22 She gave her heart to Jesus and you know, 07:24 what we all should gave our hearts to Jesus, 07:26 shouldn't we? And today, there is a song; 07:28 we would like to sing with you called 07:30 "In My Heart There Rings a Melody." 07:37 I have a song that Jesus gave me, 07:42 It was sent from heaven above; 07:45 There never was a sweeter melody, 07:50 'Tis a melody of love. 07:54 In my heart there rings a melody, 07:58 There rings a melody with heaven's harmony; 08:02 In my heart there rings a melody; 08:05 There rings a melody of love! 08:09 I love the Christ who died on Calv'ry, 08:13 For He washed my sins away; 08:17 He put within my heart a melody, 08:21 And I know it's there to stay. 08:25 In my heart there rings a melody, 08:29 There rings a melody with heaven's harmony; 08:33 In my heart there rings a melody; 08:37 There rings a melody of love! 08:41 'Twill be my endless theme in glory, 08:45 With the angels I will sing; 08:50 'Twill be a song with glorious harmony, 08:54 When the courts of heaven ring. 08:58 In my heart there rings a melody, 09:02 There rings a melody with heaven's harmony; 09:06 In my heart there rings a melody; 09:07 There rings a melody of love! 09:23 Welcome to Learning Time. Say, we got a program 09:27 for you today. Now, I have got a good helper with me. 09:29 Jonathan thanks for helping me. You're welcome. 09:32 Hey, you know, some people and some parts of the 09:34 country see some pretty bad whether, don't they? 09:37 How many of you ever seen bad weather? Wow! 09:39 What is bad weather look like? What is bad weather 09:42 look like? Bad, bad. Jonathan, have you seen bad 09:46 weather, haven't you? And why don't particular 09:49 do you like best about bad weather? 09:52 I like the shaking of a. You like bad weather 09:56 to shaky up. Yeah. No kidding. Wow! 09:59 Well, we can have some weather that could shake 10:00 as up, couldn't we? Yep. Now, okay we wanted to look 10:03 at things at that, that, that can really shakes out. 10:07 Actually very destruct, destructive forces. 10:10 You know, sometimes the weather can destroy 10:12 land and then they can destroy building, 10:14 can't they? Yeah, and if we're not careful, 10:17 they can just destroy people. So, we got to be real 10:19 careful, we should not be outside in bad weather, 10:21 that's not a good thing for us to be in. 10:24 Now, Jonathan today we wanted to make a tornado. 10:28 Will that be okay? Yes. In fact, someone said, 10:30 someone said that you actually saw tornado. 10:33 Did you see what with your real, 10:34 I mean your own eyes? Tell me about that. 10:36 I sawed on TV. Oh! He has sawed on TV. Yeah. Wow! 10:41 Well, tornados are very destructive forces, 10:43 aren't they? That's right. That's right, in fact, 10:45 we can have these big old clouds, we called 10:47 Cumulonimbus Clouds. You know, what they can do? 10:50 Sometimes they can spawn tornadoes or start or tornado. 10:54 Now, today we're going to teach how to make a tornado 10:58 too been your own home, but you need permission first. 11:02 So, we can get a, we can get some plastic soda 11:04 bottles like this and that would be great or maybe 11:06 in a small drink bottles. And then we're gonna save 11:09 the caps right after the bottle. So, we're gonna two 11:11 caps right. Now, for this you might need an adult 11:14 to help you. And, so what we're gonna do is, 11:16 what's that? What's in there? Hole. It's a hole. 11:20 So, we're gonna do as we're gonna have somebody 11:22 put two holes in two of your bottle caps. 11:25 And I just drop down, good catch. And then 11:28 we're going to have the, we're gonna take 11:29 those two bottle caps. We're gonna put the tops 11:31 together. Hello, where is this. Yeah, bad 11:34 weather up here, don't we? Shake things up 11:36 and then want you put the caps the together, 11:39 the tops together, finds some tape and I'm gonna 11:41 ask Jonathan to take some tape today. 11:43 And we're gonna tape those tops together. 11:45 So, at the holes are gonna be all matched up, 11:48 just like that. I can put my finger right through this. 11:50 See all the holes are matched up. 11:51 Okay, now we're gonna tape that 11:53 around-and-around-and around. Thank you, Jonathan. 11:55 That's very careful we're taping work. 11:58 Now, we're gonna go ahead and tape this together. 11:59 Now, you can buy these little caps, 12:02 but you have to buy them at science stores and, 12:05 and things like that, but you can make them 12:07 at home. Don't you like to make things at home? Yes. 12:10 Yeah, and this is an exciting one to make. 12:12 All you need is two bottles and you need two caps, 12:15 but remember you're gonna get some help, aren't you? 12:17 With drilling that hole or making a hole in those caps, 12:20 could you might have to use them tools. 12:22 Now, the next thing, we're going to do, 12:23 we're going to just screw that right on the top 12:25 of my bottle right there. Screw that right on, 12:27 we're gonna put it on real tight. Otherwise, 12:29 if it's not tight, what will happen? What will happen? 12:33 They wake out, and there is no water 12:35 we can't make our tornado, can we? Okay, 12:38 now we've got another bottle. Now, this bottle is 12:39 empty, right? Is this bottle really empty? 12:43 No, no what's inside of it? Air. There is air, 12:46 of course air is everywhere. So, why don't you go 12:48 and screwed up. Got some water and that one. 12:50 We're gonna screw the top bottle right on tight 12:53 the other way. There you go. No, the other way, 12:56 okay. Righty, tighty, lefty, loosey, that's how we would. 12:59 Cool, you got it there. Now, we're gonna, 13:01 yeah we're gonna just tighten it up. Hey, 13:03 that looks pretty good. Now, in order to make 13:06 a tornado, a tornado is a totally emotion, isn't it? 13:09 We called it a vortex. Where you have thing 13:11 whip and around, and so we're gonna turn this upside 13:14 down. Go, or you can do this Jonathan. 13:16 Why don't you turn that upside down? Okay, 13:18 and now we have to do as we or we're gonna do is, 13:20 we're gonna shake the top like this and just, 13:22 just hold it. Now, okay, now, stop, now, stop, 13:24 the let's look at it and watch you're gonna move 13:25 your hands, we can see. Wow! You see that tornado. 13:30 Okay, let's try that again, turn it upside down. 13:32 Okay, there we go and we're gonna make this jar, 13:35 around and around and around you know, 13:36 we're just gonna watch. Oh! That's interesting, isn't it? 13:43 And that's a very destructive force, isn't it? Well, 13:46 tornadoes are very destructive. 13:49 And when they hit a community you know, 13:51 what happens? No. Oh! it causes all kinds 13:53 of different forces and they can blow building away, 13:56 of different forces and they can pick up cars. 13:57 Oh! It's a very powerful nature's force and 14:01 it's very destructive. Well, we just made a tornado too, 14:04 didn't we? Out of two bottles. An water does that 14:07 sometimes when you, get water out of your sink 14:09 or your bath tub. Have you ever notice that it 14:11 goes swelling down sometimes. What's making a 14:14 vortex just like a miniature tornado, 14:16 but don't get stuck one of those because you go 14:19 right down the drain. It happen every time. 14:23 Well, every time we learn something new about 14:25 science. We're learning something 14:27 new about our creator God. 14:37 Create in me a clean of heart oh God and renew 14:40 a right spirit in me. Oh! Lord, I love your word. 14:45 All the experiences in my life have helped to make 14:50 you bigger in my heart. Thank you, for those all blessings. 14:54 Marry, Marry, are you in home? Is that you Julia? 14:57 Yes, come in. Oh! Julia, how wonderful to see you. 15:02 So, wonderful to see you. A little Andrew. 15:05 Andrew isn't he getting big? Oh! I can't recognize 15:09 him. They grow so fast of this age. He do. 15:12 Oh! How precious he is. And he is a handful. 15:15 Because you're a good mommy. 15:18 Okay, what he is doing? He is growing and he is getting 15:21 more active just for little boys or supposed to do. 15:24 That's true. Marry, I wanted to come and talk 15:27 to you today. I wanted to talk to you because 15:30 Marry you're the mother of Jesus Our Lord. 15:34 And you've raise him so well and I know, 15:36 that God was his father, but you were his earthly 15:39 mother. And you raised him in good ways 15:43 and I'm a new mother and I want to know, 15:46 how I can raise my little Andrew to be like 15:49 Jesus was. Oh! Bless you Julia, 15:53 how sweet of you to care so much for your precious 15:56 little boy. That's what makes you a good mommy. 15:59 It will makes the every mother or good mommy, 16:02 when they have God in their heart and when they 16:04 desire to give it to their little child. Do you know, 16:07 Julia, but when Jesus was just a little baby, 16:11 just like the Andrew. I was sitting him on my lap 16:13 like you do too. And sometimes this escrow would 16:17 be in the way, he would grab, so I just like Andrews, 16:19 do we? And now, we've to read out loud just 16:21 like of he is doing them moment before. 16:24 And obvious tell him how God wanted him to be 16:26 kind and loving and how you made the little birds 16:30 and the little animals for him to love and to take care of. 16:33 And so Jesus grew up real gentle to animals. 16:36 And do you know, sometimes I wait here hymns 16:39 singing his own little made up songs about the scripture. 16:44 And I would get joy in my heart because 16:45 I remember that he was learning from his 16:48 heavenly father. I try to read him scripture, 16:50 I do it as often as I can, He seems to enjoy it, 16:53 he loves that to have me read to him. 16:56 Oh! That's because he is going to be very closer 16:59 to Lord too because you're heart is set on the Lord 17:01 as well. I would just asking to our heavenly father 17:04 to continue to make my heart just full of him everyday. 17:08 And do you know, Julia even when you play 17:11 outside take time to hug your precious little guy. 17:15 Love is the greatest thing we give because God 17:18 has loved us. And that's why Jesus came in. 17:22 And so as we show our affection to our children, 17:25 we're showing them the love of God. 17:27 And so I say to mom, mothers all the time, 17:30 please hug on your babies, you can never spoil them 17:33 for hugging them or for kissing them. 17:35 Or for tackling them little toes. Whatever you do, 17:40 enjoy spreading his love to your children, 17:43 read the words, sing the word, love the word. 17:47 And they will grow up to love him too. 17:49 That such good advice, I have needed that, 17:53 it's hard being a new mother and knowing that 17:57 you had raised to Christ in such a beautiful way. 17:59 I thought I must see my friend Marry. 18:02 She will tell me, how to help raising Andrew 18:05 and he is a joy. He is a blessed joy and I love him 18:08 when I play with him all the time, then I know, 18:09 he is going to grow should be a great man of God. 18:12 Or he would already showing and to you with us 18:14 loves the scripture. And do you know, Julia, 18:16 when you have the time, you teach him for pray. 18:21 Sometimes they even know how do it first, 18:23 but they listen to you. And if they see that their 18:26 mother is the praying women, they will grew up 18:28 to be praying people too. And God will bless him 18:32 through prayer. He will be able to hear a God's voice, 18:35 he will be able to tell him all of his troubles 18:37 and burdens. And he always have a place to go to. 18:40 So, remember prayer because it's so important. 18:43 I'm so happy to see you Andrew. Do you suppose 18:47 Julia that if I sat this time I could hold him for a few 18:50 moments? I'm just so happy to see you. 18:53 Come little Andrew, it's Marry. Oh! 18:56 Aren't you loving Marry? Aren't you a big boy, 19:01 Thank you for sharing him Julia. You're welcome. 19:14 I'm walking each day each day with Jesus 19:19 Praying to Him, reading of Him 19:23 I'm walking each day with Jesus 19:27 I'm praying, reading, walking with Him 19:32 I'm walking each day with Jesus 19:36 Thinking of Him, singing for Him 19:40 I'm walking each day with Jesus 19:44 I'm praying, reading, walking with Him 19:49 I'm walking each day with Jesus 19:53 Telling of Him, living for Him. 19:57 I'm walking each day with Jesus 20:01 I'm praying, reading, walking with Him. 20:15 It's time for Ms. Brenda's Book of The Day. 20:19 Today, boys and girls I have another exciting book 20:21 by Jerry D. Thomas. It is the Mysterious Treasure Map, 20:25 book 1. It says, the treasure map was all Chris 20:28 and Ryan could think about. It led straight 20:30 to the loot the train robbers of Snake Creek pass 20:33 had hidden. Now, the bandits had been captured many 20:36 years ago, but the treasure had not yet been found. 20:39 Now, Chris and Ryan had the map! They also had a problem: 20:44 the mysterious writing that was on the map! 20:47 What were they can do? But I'm not gonna tell you, 20:50 you're gonna have to read the story for yourself. 20:52 It is the Mysterious Treasure Map from Jerry 20:54 D. Thomas, book 1. Well, boys and girls I'm really 20:57 excited today because I've a special friend that came 21:00 here from all the way from Idaho. And his name is Tyrell. 21:05 Hi, Tyrell. Hi. I love that that name that people 21:08 call you Tyrell, Tyrell. Oh! Some people call me Ty, 21:11 and sometimes and they call me Tyler 21:14 because I have a cousin name Tyler. 21:15 Oh! Okay, we just answered anything. You know, 21:18 well, you know, I have, I have two other sisters 21:20 that Linda, Brenda, and Cinda. And sometimes 21:22 my mom and dad will say, Brenda, Linda, Cinda you know, 21:25 I answer to it all. You know, because they get it mixed up. 21:28 Well, let me ask you what does that you do 21:30 to share Jesus? Well, I take care my sister Sarah, 21:36 what you, you have a sister Sarah, how old is she? 21:37 She is 8 and then she is going on 9 in October 9. 21:41 Now, what do you mean you take care of her? 21:43 Well, I take care her, when I, when I go to the hospital. 21:46 You go to the hospital, now to, tell me what's wrong 21:48 with Sarah? Well, she had a brain tumor, 21:50 and she is 8-years-old and she have brain tumor, 21:53 that's terrible. It's also to see someone we love suffer 21:57 isn't it? And so she had to have. What did, 22:00 what happen in the hospital? Well, they had about seven 22:05 surgeries. Had seven surgeries. 22:08 It was kind to hard, but at, when at first day started 22:13 to have trouble and because she really do nothing 22:15 for a therapist. And the very first time, 22:17 I went over there to see her, she started doing 22:19 things with me. And so, when I love, she wouldn't 22:23 nothing with the therapist And then they said, 22:25 bring him down and then, bring him down. 22:27 Yeah, and then they, she started doing things 22:29 with the therapist when I was around. 22:31 So, so, so your sister just really abandoned to you 22:34 because from what understand after, 22:36 after she had her surgery, she was kind of angry 22:39 inside and she couldn't talk. So, she couldn't communicate 22:42 and she, I'm sure that was scary and, and I'm sure 22:45 she was frustrated and not being able to talk. 22:49 And, and you are the only one that she would reach 22:51 out too. And so you needed to be there for her, 22:53 didn't you? And so what kind of things can you do 22:56 to make because, because it's been about a year 22:58 since her surgery and she is learning how to walk 23:00 again I understand and learn how to talk or what kind 23:04 of things do you do to help make her life easier. 23:06 Well, I help her in move around. 23:10 We have a wheelchair that I can push around 23:12 and whenever wants me to, whenever she runs, 23:16 whenever she is feeling kind of sad, I pretend like, 23:19 I'm your horse and I, I will get down at the feet 23:28 hostess and then I pull around. Oh! 23:32 And then she will think that I'm the chariot and 23:34 I'm horse. And then will be just for running 23:36 around as circles. Oh! So, you do things whether 23:39 you spend time with her and, and I understand 23:41 you that she want you everywhere she is, 23:44 right? Okay, do you ever feel like you don't 23:47 wanna be with her? Well, not really. 23:50 So, you don't ever get tired of, of helping your sister. 23:53 And do you, do you love her a lot? You do, and you know, 23:56 what I tell you, when we do something because 23:58 Jesus is tells us in a Bible to be kind to others 24:00 and also tells us to help the sick and he help. 24:03 And we're supposed to have love for each other. 24:04 And that's shows for a lovely you're spending time. 24:06 Now, I understand that some thing very special you do. 24:08 Because sometimes your sister has have tests. 24:11 And the doctors say that when she's having these tests, 24:13 she can't eat or drink anything, right. 24:16 And I understand you do some very special. 24:18 Well, when I hear about that I, I feel kind of sick 24:21 because I feel sorry that she can't eat because 24:25 so again I think I have a plan then I can do some. 24:28 So, I think, I should not eat, if she don't need. 24:31 So, when we get down there, don't need said, 24:34 what we're spend the night my moms, brothers place. 24:36 This is when she goes for treatment or. 24:40 And about, probably about a 7'O' clock we take off 24:42 because we're supposed to be there at 8 'O' clock. 24:44 And when we get there, there is sometimes, 24:47 there is traffic jams. So, we have to move slowly. 24:50 Good, but if you don't have to, if she, if she doesn't 24:52 get to eat then you don't eat, isn't that precious? We know, 24:55 boys and girls I think he really does share Jesus, 24:58 don't you? And I want you to keep on sharing Jesus; 25:01 I think I have time for one read letter here. 25:03 Let me have you hold up this picture for me. 25:05 Okay and this letter it says, let see where this letter 25:09 is from? It's from Trinidad in the West Indies. It says, 25:13 dear Ms. Brenda, greeting in the name of Jesus and 25:16 God blessings to you. My name is Sacha Daniel 25:19 and I'm 5½ years-old and my mommy is helping me 25:22 write this letter. And I love Jesus and I watch 25:26 Kids Time on 3ABN. I hope to come and see you someday, 25:30 love Sacha Daniel. Well, thank you, so much Sacha 25:32 for your letter. And I will make sure; we get the 25:34 Kids Time activity book out to you. I think I have time 25:37 for quick email. It's says, dear, Ms. Brenda, 25:39 my name is Cobos James and I live in South Africa. 25:42 Well, here staying with my grandparents on a farm. 25:44 I attend primary school in Landenberg. 25:47 And I'm in grade 4 that she, I'm nine years old. 25:50 I have got a sister that 16 and she watches Kids Time, 25:53 when she is not studying. I would also like to receive 25:55 a Kids Time book. And I do love Kids Time so much, 25:59 especially Ranger Jim and all those animals that are 26:02 not so familiar here in South Africa. I love to see 26:05 those beautiful creatures got made. Thank you, 26:07 so much Cobos James. Well, thank you Cobos 26:10 for that letter and I'm glad you're enjoying Kids Time, 26:12 I wanna keep encourage you to share Jesus. 26:13 And Tyrell, I wanna encourage you to share 26:16 Jesus everywhere you go and you know, 26:18 what you do share Jesus with your sister. 26:20 Well, boys and girls, that's all the time we have today. 26:22 I want to thank you, for joining us. Remember 26:24 wherever you go, whatever you do, 26:26 It's Kids time to share Jesus. |
Revised 2014-12-17