Kids' Time


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000189

00:03 It's time to share there's a world out there,
00:07 looking for a friend like Jesus. It's time to share
00:11 there's a world out there. Let's tell them
00:14 that He loves us so. Let's tell them that He loves
00:18 us so.Kids time, kids time, kids time.
00:25 Hi, boys and girls. Did you know that long before
00:27 our world was created there was a beautiful
00:29 angel, who lived up in heaven with God and all
00:31 the other angels. God had created him to be so
00:35 beautiful and so talented that he received lot of
00:38 attention from the other angels. And God trusted
00:40 him with special responsibilities, but
00:43 somewhere along the line this beautiful angel
00:46 begin to think he was more beautiful and more
00:48 powerful then he actually was. And he begin to
00:51 complaint to the other angels that maybe just
00:53 maybe God's wasn't fair and good God. Many
00:56 of the angels listen to him and soon begin to
00:59 think like him. They begin to question God's
01:01 goodness and, and also to wonder whether or not
01:04 life in heaven was that great after all. That's
01:07 begin the saddest story ever told. A story that
01:10 you and I are still living today and that was the
01:13 beginning of sin boys and girls. It started with just
01:15 one selfish thought. Now, I want you to think
01:18 about that all of the sin in the universe begin
01:21 with just one selfish thought and in fact if
01:24 you thought about it long enough, I'm certain you
01:27 would trace each of your sins to selfish thoughts
01:30 too. You know, there is a story in the Bible that
01:32 sounds very much like the story of the beautiful
01:34 angel and that happened during the ruin of King
01:37 David over the Israel. Well, we'll hear that
01:40 story today, but first before we hear that story
01:43 it's time to go see what Ranger Jim has to show us
01:46 today. And I can't wait boys and girls because
01:48 you know what Ranger Jim always has something
01:51 exciting, doesn't he? Let's take a look right now.
02:02 Hi, boys and girls, Ranger Jim saying welcome
02:04 to Nature Time. We're glad you can join us today.
02:06 We're at the Chattanooga Audubon Society and
02:09 my friend here Nature Dan. Dan, what in the
02:12 world are you picking? Well, I'll tell you this
02:14 is a common flower. You know, what it is?
02:17 Yes, it is. Dandelion. Now, I want to tell you
02:20 some interesting things about the Dandelion.
02:22 We're often just kind a walk on by and we don't
02:25 really pay much attention. We don't think about it
02:27 because there it is. This Dandelion plant on
02:29 all things, all over the yard everywhere. But this
02:32 thing is really need. How did you get its name?
02:36 Alright, well I'll tell you, a couple of ways it got
02:39 its name. It's called Dandelion now that comes
02:43 from Dante Loo, which is well it means tooth of
02:47 the lion. And it meant, they had these yellow
02:49 teeth, but it was also Dandelion and there were
02:53 these little, if you can see the edges of it and
02:56 means tooth of the lion like the sharp teeth of a
02:58 lion and that turned into eventually, Dandelion.
03:04 Yes. Now, is it a good plant or bad plant?
03:07 Oh! It's a good plant for me because I love the
03:09 insects and I love bees and the bees come early
03:11 in the spring and get pollen and.
03:13 Yes, absolutely right. It's part of natures plan.
03:15 It's the way that God puts everything together;
03:18 everything is out there for this. In fact, this
03:21 plant is medicine and it's food. Yes, it is, I've
03:24 eaten this. And friends it is like five different
03:27 varieties that you can grow of Dandelion for the
03:30 vegetable garden. My mother used to cut in the
03:33 spring of the year, she would go on and get
03:34 Dandelion green. Oh! She called it like, oh,
03:36 yeah, makes a wonderful salad just pack full of
03:38 vitamins. Absolutely, and good for you. It's better
03:41 than spinach. It is one of the best vegetables here,
03:44 but we forget about it. The other thing is, it's
03:46 actually good for the lawn. You know, it pulls
03:48 up nutrients and stuff out of the ground and it
03:51 brings it up so that the grass can have it to be
03:54 able to help to grow. Yeah, but what do we
03:56 today, people wanna a perfectly green lawn, so
03:59 they go out and they poison the dandelion,
04:01 right, isn't that terrible. It is and it makes the
04:03 lawn a worse place. So, it's much better to
04:06 learn to like Dandelions. Absolutely, just have
04:09 them out there and every mother remembers well.
04:13 The first bouquet they usually got, didn't they?
04:16 Okay, because I know my wife she was so, she
04:19 would keep them in a glass of water till they
04:20 wilted down, where I would say, you're gonna
04:23 have to throw them out, but she know, but
04:25 because the children would come in with a big
04:26 bouquet and boys and girls you would most
04:28 likely have done that also, pick a big bouquet
04:31 of flower for your mother and bring them in.
04:33 Do you remember, Nature Dan with children
04:35 come in with yellow noses. I absolutely do.
04:38 They would pick their flowers and bring them in
04:41 like that. Now, there is another thing that some
04:43 people and Satan always has a counterfeit and
04:46 always has a way of destroying what God
04:49 intended and so the, this tiny little flower
04:53 the Dandelion has enough sugar content in it
04:55 that it will ferment and so some people have this
04:59 and you may have heard a song, adults may
05:01 have heard a song about Dandelion why, why and
05:04 exactly, they use it right. And they do the same
05:06 thing, they even take potatoes, wonderful
05:09 potatoes we enjoy it they make vodka and then
05:12 we have corn that we love and they make
05:14 alcohol for whisky out of that or rice into saki,
05:19 saki, right, yes. And so, you know, the devil will
05:21 have no other way then at woody that he could
05:23 grew out and destroy these wonderful things
05:25 that God has made for us to see and enjoy and
05:28 make it counterfeit and use them for evil purpose.
05:32 That's right. But we're glad boys and girls that
05:34 serve a powerful God and so this is Ranger Jim
05:37 and my friend Nature Dan saying as always
05:41 don't forget to tell Jesus that you love him
05:43 because he really does, love you.
05:53 Hello, boys and girls. In Kids Time, we're doing
05:55 an experiment in trust. Hannah is gonna fall into
05:57 my arms and come through, are you ready
05:59 Hannah. Yes. Close your eyes, one, two, three,
06:07 Uhu. You see, Hannah trusted her earthly
06:16 father, how much more we can trust our father in
06:18 heaven, when we Lean on the Everlasting Arms.
06:33 What a fellowship, what a joy divine,
06:38 Leaning on the everlasting arms;
06:44 What a blessedness, what a peace is mine,
06:48 Leaning on the everlasting arms.
06:54 Leaning, leaning, leaning Safe and secure from all
07:03 Alarms Leaning, leaning, Leaning on
07:11 the everlasting arms.
07:15 Oh, how sweet to walk in this pilgrim way,
07:21 Leaning on the everlasting arms;
07:26 Oh, how bright the path grows from day to day,
07:32 Leaning on the everlasting arms.
07:37 Leaning, leaning, leaning Safe and secure from all
07:47 alarms; Leaning, leaning, leaning
07:53 Leaning on the everlasting arms.
08:01 What have I to dread, what have I to fear,
08:06 Leaning on the everlasting arms;
08:10 I have blessed peace with my Lord so near,
08:15 Leaning on the everlasting arms.
08:19 Leaning, leaning, leaning Safe and secure from all
08:26 alarms. Leaning, leaning, leaning
08:32 Leaning on the everlasting arms.
08:36 Leaning on the everlasting arms.
08:56 Hi, boys and girls and welcome to Talk Time.
08:58 And I'm here today with a very special friend
09:01 Pastor C.A. Hi, pastor, how are doing.
09:03 I'm doing well Ms. Brenda, good to see you.
09:05 Oh! It's good to have you here again.
09:06 Now, Pastor C.A, I have so many questions here
09:08 that kids have want answers to, are you ready
09:10 to get started. I'm ready to get started.
09:12 Okay, we have a question here it says, what
09:15 happens when you're baptized?
09:17 Well, Ms. Brenda, nothing. Now, what do you mean,
09:22 nothing? I guess that's a bit of a trick answer,
09:25 but really what we understand Ms. Brenda is
09:28 that the change really takes place before
09:30 baptism. Baptism is just a symbol of a change that
09:35 has already taken place. We give our heart to the
09:38 Lord, we repent of our sins, we feel sorry for
09:41 our sins, we follow Jesus, we give our lives to
09:44 Jesus, we make Jesus the Lord of our life,
09:46 and then we're baptized to show the world that
09:50 these changes are already taken place. So, really
09:52 the change in our life ought to take place
09:54 before baptism, that's right. And baptism just
09:57 announces to the world that we have made a
09:58 change in that, we will follow in Jesus now.
10:00 So, that's why, I said nothing.
10:02 You know, Pastor, there might be some children
10:04 that don't know, what baptism is, what the
10:06 actual baptism is? Is that mean you just sprinkle
10:08 little bit of, you know, water on you or what,
10:10 what does the actual baptism mean?
10:12 Well, in, in baptism like all things Jesus is our
10:15 example and the word baptism in the original
10:17 language, which is Greek means to immerse to put
10:20 under the water and Jesus came down to the river
10:23 and John the Baptist, baptized and we put him
10:25 under the water and then brought him up out
10:27 of the water. It's a symbol of dying to the
10:30 world and being born again in Jesus Christ.
10:32 So, the correct way as Jesus did is to go under
10:35 the water and then come up out of the water.
10:37 Oh! That's right. Well, that was, that was a good
10:39 answer. Okay, I have another one here that
10:41 says, my brother smoke stop and I'm just
10:44 wondering, if he is going to be in heaven.
10:47 Well. What do you think about that?
10:48 Well, two texts come to mind, okay, from the
10:50 New Testament for the Book of Corinthians.
10:52 First Corinthians 3:16 & 17 and First Corinthians 6
10:57 verses 19 and 20. Both of them say that our
11:02 bodies have been brought with a prize that Christ
11:05 has paid for our bodies. He now owns us those of
11:08 us who follow him and then it says those who
11:10 destroy the body, God will eventually have to
11:13 destroy. So, that's means that a person, who is
11:14 destroying his body not only with dope. There are
11:16 other things that we can do to destroy our bodies.
11:18 Cigarettes destroy the body, yes, alcohol
11:20 destroys the body, drugs, drugs destroy the body,
11:24 all of these things destroy the body.
11:25 So, when we come to Jesus, we have to stop
11:27 doing these things and Christ will give us the
11:30 strength to stop doing these things and live his
11:32 life in us. We cannot take these things to heaven
11:35 with us, right. And this is preparation for our
11:38 life in heaven. So, you've got to stop doing
11:40 them now so that we can live with Jesus forever.
11:43 Okay, good answer. Okay, let's try another
11:44 question here. That says could you name some
11:47 activities that are good to do on Sabbath.
11:49 Ooh! That's a very good question, okay. Probably
11:51 for young people, who have a lot of energy,
11:53 right. Nature walking is a nice thing to do on
11:56 Sabbath, so try to get if you're in a city to go
11:58 out of the city and try to spot birds and see how
12:02 God shows himself in nature, right. It's
12:05 another good thing to do what Christ did.
12:06 Christ did lot of his miracles on Sabbath,
12:08 you know, he, he, it's always good on the
12:11 Sabbath. He healed blind person, it's a lawful
12:12 and that was a point that Jesus was trying to make.
12:14 So, if we go to a nursing home and maybe sing a
12:17 song to an older person or read the Bible to them
12:19 or bring them a nice card that we made.
12:21 There are all kinds of nice things we can do on
12:23 Sabbath that, that help others and you will find
12:26 Ms. Brenda. I'm sure you know this that when we
12:28 help others, we help our self. That's right.
12:29 We make others glad, we make ourselves glad,
12:32 plus it makes the Sabbath day a delight to know
12:34 that we're gonna go and visit some people and
12:36 bring some sunshine into their lives. So, those
12:38 are some of the things that we can do on
12:39 Sabbath. Oh! That's a good answer and
12:40 you know, Sabbath shouldn't be a drudgery,
12:41 should it is. No. It should be a fun something,
12:43 we look forward to. You know, one of the
12:44 things that I remember is little girl that you
12:46 know, my parents with I had, you know, there
12:49 five kids in our family. And so one of the things
12:51 I love was sometimes when we would get
12:53 through we did the visiting and, and the
12:55 sharing with others as well on Sabbath,
12:57 but when we get home sometimes one of my
12:58 favorite memories is playing Bible games. Yes.
13:01 You know, which we really learned our book
13:02 through the Bible, we learned about our Bible
13:04 characters and, and mom and dad made it a fun
13:07 way to learn more about Jesus.
13:08 Oh! Yes, Ms. Brenda, I envy you on that
13:10 because I grew up in home and I was the only
13:11 Seventh-Day Adventist in my home. Oh! The
13:13 only Sabbath keeper; my mother, my father,
13:15 my sister, my brother were not Sabbath keepers.
13:17 And it was a little tough on Sabbath sometimes
13:19 for me. So, I envy those who try to do things to
13:21 make Sabbath fun and to make it a delight as
13:23 we learn more about Jesus. Oh! Well, let's see
13:26 we've a time for another question. It says,
13:28 what is that mean to have a new heart.
13:30 Oh! Oh! It means that Jesus comes in and he
13:36 replaces our mean hard heart with a loving, soft
13:39 heart of love. The Bible talks about having peace
13:42 in your life, having joy. Psalms chapter 16 says
13:46 that when we are in God's presence there is
13:48 fullness of joy and God takes our mean hard
13:52 heart and gives us a soft new heart. He gives us a
13:54 new outlook; he gives us a smile on our face and
13:57 joy in our hearts and nice words for each other.
13:59 And that's all part of giving our life to Jesus,
14:01 Jesus changes our mind and our heart.
14:04 And the way we look at the world.
14:05 Well, said. Well, thank you so much Pastor,
14:07 we have all the time today. Thank you for
14:09 being with us. It was a pleasure.
14:11 I appreciate you having you here. Boys and girls,
14:12 if you have a question for Pastor C. A, send it
14:15 here to me on Kids Time. And I will make sure
14:17 your questions get answered because your
14:19 questions are important to us. And more important
14:21 that your questions are important to Jesus.
14:38 I want to be ready, when Jesus comes
14:42 I want to be ready, when Jesus comes
14:47 Earth's pleasures grow dim
14:49 While I'm waiting for Him;
14:52 Lord, keep me till Jesus comes
14:57 I want to be ready, when Jesus comes
15:02 I want to be ready, when Jesus comes
15:06 There is pleasure redeemed
15:08 Well, I'm waiting for him
15:13 Lord, keep me till Jesus comes
15:32 Pushup, pushup, yeah. What's going on?
15:36 It's incredible. Last I heard David was
15:39 up on the Mount of Olives praying.
15:41 David is there. He and all the people are
15:43 getting ready to crossover. Good day guard.
15:47 Good day to you. So, we're getting ready to
15:50 cross over the river and yes. There is the thought
15:53 that Absalom and his troops may actually come
15:55 and overtake King David. Can you believe this
15:58 David's own son Absalom doing this.
16:00 His own son and the people were beginning to
16:03 follow him. They love David, what's happened.
16:05 They love David and they love Absalom it
16:09 appears as well. Shouldn't you be at the palace?
16:12 Yes, we're moving that way guard.
16:13 Thank you, move now, just move alone now.
16:14 Thank you, very much. Alright, move now.
16:18 But Absalom and his, he is being a bit deceptive.
16:20 Yes, in what way? When they come to him
16:23 he seeks to answer their questions quickly
16:26 and, and fairly and appears to be interested
16:29 in them. He, he takes their hand. Yes, yes.
16:31 He blesses them, he hugs them, he kisses them on
16:34 the cheek and the people are beginning to follow
16:37 him. What are you gonna do? What is David want
16:39 you to do? Didn't I tell you to move?
16:42 The market place is crowed.
16:43 The market place is maybe crowed, but you
16:45 need to move. Now, you're gonna be at the palace,
16:47 move. Thank you guard. Move along that.
16:49 Why don't you move? I remain loyal to God's
16:54 appointed king. King David, you're right,
16:56 you're right. And I will serve him.
16:58 But it's scary. What is asking you do is be in
17:01 the power that's scary. It, it is indeed. You
17:04 must pray for me that I will have the wisdom that
17:07 I will be able to slow Absalom and his troops
17:10 down. And allow David and the people to cross.
17:13 David, David must have great confidence in you
17:15 my friend. Didn't I tell you, you have to move
17:17 along. Yes, we are moving, then what happened,
17:18 I don't want to tell you again now. We're moving,
17:19 we're moving. Move on. Thank you, thank you,
17:21 go, go. Pray for me friend. I will. I will. Pray
17:27 for me, that I will have the wisdom. Yes. We must
17:30 be faithful to God's appointed king. Yes.
17:33 And whomever God chooses, whomever
17:36 God blesses, we will follow that man.
17:39 I will see you again, now he
17:41 he come again, we must move.
18:00 I started walking when I was small
18:05 And many new things is I could
18:10 Some people say I'm getting so tired
18:15 Where did that little kid go
18:19 Inside and out God has making me new
18:24 You may not feel happening until he is through
18:32 Little by little, I'm changing I'm growing
18:41 Little by little, I'm not sure it showing
18:49 I'm not, who I'm. I'm not, who I'll be.
18:54 I'm somewhere in the middle
18:59 But God is changing me Little by, little
19:13 Sometimes it feels like I'm so far away
19:18 From all that I know, I should be
19:23 But he is with us it would be one day
19:28 Oh! That is started in me
19:32 And looking to me and I don't understand
19:37 That God has a vision and God has a plan.
19:46 Little by, little I'm changing, I'm growing.
19:54 Little by, little I'm not sure it showing
20:03 I'm not, who I'm. I'm not, who I'll be.
20:08 I'm somewhere in the middle
20:12 But God is changing me Little by, little.
20:38 It's time for Ms. Brenda's, Book of the Day.
20:42 And today's book is Sarah Lee and a Mule
20:45 Named May Be. And it's by Heather Grovet.
20:49 It says, we were just crossing the entrance to
20:50 the Nordegg trail when I heard a new sound.
20:54 It was a low growl. "Please, God," I
20:56 whispered. "Not another moose. I couldn't stand
20:59 another moose." I reached forward to pull
21:01 on Auntie Teresa's coat, but it was too late.
21:04 The growl erupted into an enormous roar.
21:07 I glimpsed something dark racing down the path
21:09 straight toward us. It threw itself into the
21:11 air and it banged right into my chest, knocking
21:14 me to the ground. I let out a horrible scream,
21:19 but I'm not gonna tell you what the rest of the
21:21 story. You're gonna have to get the book Sarah
21:23 Lee and a Mule Named May Be. Boy that's
21:25 sounds like a good book, doesn't it? Well, I'm
21:27 excited boys and girls because today I have a
21:30 very special friend with me. I have Levi. Hi,
21:33 Levi, how are you. Hi, Ms. Brenda!
21:34 Well, I'm so glad you are here and I wanted you
21:37 to tell, tell me where is that, that you came from?
21:39 Where do you live? Idaho. Idaho, that's a
21:41 long way. And you live on a big ranch I
21:43 understand. Yes. About 800 acres. That's right.
21:47 Well, let me tell you what, I want to know in
21:49 Idaho, what are you doing out there to share
21:51 Jesus. I'm helping the raise money for downlink.
21:55 For a downlink for 3ABN. Now, how would you
21:58 do that? You have to save money, so and then
22:01 use, then I ship it down here. So, the people can
22:05 get the money. So, they can buy a downlink.
22:07 Okay, how much is a downlink cost. A $100,000
22:10 A $100,000, that's a lot of money. How much do
22:14 you think you can raise? Two thousand. You think
22:16 you can raise 2000. Well you know what do you
22:19 think you can raise all that by yourself. Nope.
22:21 Nope, how you're gonna raise that? By Jesus help.
22:24 That's right because he promises in Philippines
22:26 4:13 that I can do all things through Christ, who
22:29 strengthens me, doesn't he? That's right. Well, let
22:31 me ask you this. What are you going to raise the
22:34 money? I'm selling dishcloths. Dishcloths,
22:37 okay. And cans and. And, now dish dishcloths,
22:43 let me tell, what about the dishcloths? What kind
22:44 of dishcloths are these? The dish. And why did
22:47 you choose dishcloths? My, my grandma she
22:51 wanted to help and she can make dishcloths real
22:54 fast. And so, she decide to let. So, so she ships
22:59 the dishcloths down here. And I saw them.
23:02 Okay, she is preparing for you and you sell them.
23:04 And where do you sell them that? I sell any
23:07 place, I can sell them. Any place, you can sell
23:09 them like on the street corner or what do you do?
23:13 Like at a yard cell. So, yard cell. And my
23:17 brother, he helps me some. He likes goes out
23:22 and down like at the hostel, there are so lot
23:26 of people that are so, he sells them there too.
23:28 Oh! That's wonderful. Now, what other things
23:30 you sell the dishcloths, what else do you do?
23:33 I have a, I have a little dish can at church and
23:39 people put money in there. Okay. And I have,
23:42 I have friend name Carl and he was raising
23:48 money. So, he could buy a very special toy for
23:51 himself. What kind of toy? I do not know,
23:55 but he wanted something special from the toy
23:57 store. Yeah, and he has saved 36 dollars in a
24:01 whole bunch, some cents I have got, but and then
24:06 he I was, I was talking about what I was doing.
24:10 And he and I told him about my aunt, which she,
24:14 which she doing on Jesus. So, and he heard about
24:18 that and he wanted to help Jesus. So, what did
24:21 he do, did he give. He gave me every single cent
24:24 and he broke his piggy bank just to give me the
24:26 money. He did. Oh! So, he gave all he had the
24:30 money he would save for toy and gave it for
24:32 Jesus. Yeah. Now, is there any other ways you,
24:34 you raise money. You picked up cans I think
24:38 you told me on the side road. Yeah, picked up
24:40 cans. Isn't that wonderful, but you know
24:43 what boys and girls, if you want to help, if you
24:46 maybe you wanna start raising your money for
24:48 uplink you can do that or if you wanna help Levi.
24:51 If you send the money to us at 3ABN, we will
24:53 make sure it goes for that cause and now to
24:56 help raise a downlink, so that more people can
24:58 watch 3ABN isn't that wonderful? Right now,
25:00 I have an email; I would like to read to you.
25:03 And it's says, Dear, Ms. Brenda, I'm eleven years
25:05 old and I love watching Kids Time, I share Jesus
25:08 by praying my violin in church, on the streets,
25:11 and any programs I'm asked to play in. It said,
25:14 also I'm currently studying to get baptized
25:16 and I have chosen to follow Jesus all my life.
25:19 Oh! That's wonderful. I would love to join Kids
25:22 Club and I live a New South Wales, Australia.
25:25 And here is my address thank you, Anna. Well,
25:28 thank you so much Anna. And I'm so glad
25:30 that you have made a decision to follow Jesus
25:32 and let's see if I have time for one letter and
25:36 you can hold this picture up for me if you would.
25:38 And this letter is from Sierra in California.
25:43 And it says, Dear, Ms. Brenda, I like Kids Time
25:46 and I want to join the Kids Club. Can I please
25:48 have the Bible lessons and learn more about
25:50 Jesus? I have a two-year-old baby sister,
25:52 named Summer. Please, send her a draft coloring
25:55 book. This is how I share Jesus. I gave our little
25:58 friends an religious treats to people.
26:01 I'm Sierra. Well, thank you Sierra for you letter
26:05 and I want you to keep sharing Jesus won't you.
26:06 And I will get to that signed up for Kids Club.
26:09 Well, Levi I wanna thank you for being with us
26:11 today. It was a pleasure keep sharing Jesus, don't
26:14 ever be afraid to tell share Jesus with someone,
26:17 okay. That's all the time we have today,
26:19 boys and girls until next time remember
26:21 its Kids Time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17