Kids' Time

King David

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000188

00:03 It's time to share there's a world out there,
00:07 looking for a friend like Jesus. It's time to share
00:11 there's a world out there. Let's tell them
00:14 that He loves us so. Let's tell them that He loves
00:18 us so.Kids time, kids time, kids time.
00:25 Hi, boys and girls. You know, one of the greatest
00:27 adventures in the Bible was King David. Now, he
00:30 went from a shepherd boy to a mighty king.
00:33 And what story, he must have had to tell his
00:35 grandchildren. You know, we are fortunate
00:37 though to have many of those stories recorded in
00:39 the Bible. And each one tells us as much about
00:42 God's goodness and faithfulness as it does
00:44 about David and his bravery. There is one
00:47 story about David that doesn't get told very
00:49 often though. And it has to do with the time when
00:51 David was one over by kindness. Kindness so
00:54 strong that it stopped him dead in his tracks and
00:57 made him chose a different course.
00:59 You know, kindness that stopped him from killing
01:01 a man. Can you believe that, you will here that
01:04 story today? Boys and girls, kindness is one of
01:07 the strongest weapons that you could ever use
01:09 against evil. It's not always our first response
01:12 to be kind to our enemies is it? But it's the best
01:15 response and it's the only response that Jesus
01:18 ever gave to those who are seeking to have him
01:20 killed. Now, the kindness of Jesus it change the
01:24 course of history forever. Why don't you find out
01:27 for yourself, how powerful kindness is?
01:29 Next time you attempt to get even with someone
01:31 for being mean to you, unkind to you. Remember
01:35 the advice of the Apostle Paul, do not be
01:37 overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
01:41 You know, I would like you to obey the command
01:42 of Jesus to love your enemies. You will never
01:45 regret it. Well, right now let's go to the
01:48 garden and join Ms. Emily.
01:57 Hi, boys and girls. I'm here in my vegetable
01:59 garden. And I'm surrounded by all of the
02:01 vegetables that I grew from seed. Did you know
02:04 that you can grow a big pepper plant like this
02:06 from a seed. Well, I have some very special seeds
02:09 in my hand. Can you want to take a guess on what
02:12 these seeds are? They are little and they are round.
02:16 I will give you a little hint. We use them along in
02:19 tofu or soy milk. They are found in cereals and
02:23 even chocolate. And they are also found in hand
02:26 lotions and soaps. Any guesses, well these seeds
02:30 are soy bean seeds. And today we're gonna talk
02:33 about seed germination. Now, that's a pretty big
02:37 one. Can you say germination at home?
02:39 That's right, germination. Now, germination
02:42 means that, it's whenever the seed coat breaks and
02:46 a little plant starts to grow. Now, that probably
02:49 sounds a little bit confusing. So, I'm gonna
02:51 sat down my seeds and try to explain it. Now, the
02:54 outer part of the seed is called the seed coat. And
02:57 seeds need two things to grow. They need warmth
03:01 and they need moisture. So, after seeds are
03:03 planted in soil or any kind of media. They get a
03:06 lot of warmth and moisture. The seed will
03:08 actually starts to expand and a little shoot and
03:11 some little roots will start to pop out. And after
03:14 that it happens whenever they get a lot of sun and
03:16 lot of water, they will grow up to be big plants
03:19 like these are in my vegetable garden. So,
03:21 today I'm gonna show you a little experiment that
03:23 you can do at home to watch seed germination.
03:27 The first thing you need is a little tiny plastic
03:32 And you just wanna open it up. And the other
03:34 thing you need is called soil moist and this is the
03:37 product that you find in your gardens in your
03:39 home. Now, what they are, are the little tiny white
03:42 crystals and get the jar open. They are just little
03:46 tiny white crystals and whenever water touches
03:49 them, they kind a poof out like a sponge. So,
03:51 they observe water like a sponge. And then they
03:54 gradually let the water out as a seed needs it.
03:57 So, I need you to get spoon from your kitchen
04:00 and put a tablespoon or fourth of a teaspoon
04:02 actually of the soil moist crystals in your
04:06 little zip lock baggie and then you put a
04:09 tablespoon of water in the bag and you kind a
04:16 swish it around. And you can see here that the gel
04:19 is actually starting to observe the water and it
04:21 will take a couple of seconds. That I already
04:24 have one done here and this is what the gel looks
04:26 like after it's observed all of the water. And then
04:29 you open up the bag and you take your soy bean
04:32 seed or you can use any kind of seed that you
04:34 want to tomato, sunflowers, and you push
04:36 it gently down into the soil. And close it up and
04:41 leave it in a sunny window for about two to three
04:44 days and your packet will actually starts to sprout.
04:48 I tied a string around mine. And I kept it,
04:51 I wore it for about three days and the warmth
04:54 from my body and the moisture from the little
04:56 jug helps, this help the seeds germinate.
04:59 And these are little bean seeds that actually
05:01 started germinating yesterday. So, it was
05:04 really exciting. Well, boys and girls, I helped
05:08 you, you try this experiment at home,
05:10 but I wanna encourage you everyday to
05:12 sow the seeds of God's love.
05:21 For the Lord himself will descend from heaven
05:23 with the shout, with the voice of an archangel,
05:26 and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in
05:28 Christ will rise first. Then we, who are alive and
05:31 remain, will be caught up together with the clouds
05:34 to meet the Lord in the air, and thus we shall
05:37 always be with the Lord. First
05:38 Thessalonians 4:16 & 17.
05:46 I shall see the King Where the angels sing;
05:51 I shall see the King some day,
05:56 In the better land, On the golden strand,
06:00 And with Him shall ever stay.
06:05 In His glory, I shall see the King,
06:10 And forever endless praises sing;
06:15 'Twas on Calvary Jesus died for me;
06:21 I shall see the King some day.
06:27 I shall see the King, All my tributes bring,
06:32 And shall look upon His face;
06:37 Then my song shall be How He ransomed me
06:42 And he kept me by His grace.
06:47 In His glory, I shall see the King,
06:52 And forever endless praises sing;
06:57 'Twas on Calvary Jesus died for me;
07:03 I shall see the King some day.
07:18 Welcome to learning time. Thanks for joining
07:21 us today. We got a special program and I
07:23 have got four helpers. Let me introduce our
07:25 helpers to you today. I've got Leny over there
07:29 and I have got Jaden right here. Thanks for
07:31 help us, we've Joshua and we have Serena.
07:34 Hey, thanks for helping us. Have you ever
07:37 gotten lost? Yeah, you know, and where we,
07:39 when you got lost? Wal-Mart. In the Wal-Mart,
07:42 Oh! My goodness. That's a big place to get lost.
07:44 Today, we're gonna be talking about getting
07:46 lost and how to get found? I have got
07:48 something right here. What's this? Compass.
07:50 It's a compass and it tells us which direction
07:52 is north. Now, if we can figure out, which way
07:55 North is then we might be able to figure out,
07:57 where we are? We can get home, if for just
07:59 happened to be lost. Today, we're gonna teach
08:01 you, how to make Compass. Will that be fun.
08:03 Okay, what do you need? Well, you need a
08:05 needle. So, ask your, ask your parent or
08:07 guardian because needles can be dangerous,
08:09 can't they? And we're gonna have a needle
08:11 today and then we're going to have a magnet.
08:13 Now, you may have a magnet at home like a
08:15 refrigerator magnet or something else, maybe a
08:17 toy that has a magnet. You have any toys that
08:18 have magnets in them? Yes. Well you might have
08:21 that? And we're gonna take this, this little
08:23 needle and I'm gonna take this and I'm gonna
08:25 put it through my piece of Styrofoam and you
08:29 just might have an all styrofoam cup hanging
08:31 around. What you do is you take the cup? And
08:33 you just cut the cup, you just cut the cup,
08:36 we had some water in this cup. And we will cut
08:38 a little square of styrofoam and that's what
08:40 we're gonna use, that's what I'm using here.
08:42 Now, if I shell the needle through the side of that.
08:45 We can put it right in our water and the needle
08:48 was just going to the point any direction that
08:50 it wants to because we haven't magnetized the
08:53 needle. And, it jus floating around a little
08:55 bit. Hey, I've got some magnets right here,
08:57 if I put my magnet close to here look what
08:59 happens to my needle. The needle wants to
09:02 follow, what? Wants to follow my magnet?
09:05 So, what we're going to do is I'm gonna take this
09:07 out of here and then I'm going to rub my needle
09:12 over the magnet like this. It only gonna go one
09:14 direction, don't go back and forth, just one
09:16 direction like this. What we're doing, we're trying
09:19 to windup the atoms because everything is
09:21 made out of atoms, isn't it? We're trying to line
09:23 those atoms up, when we do that, we have
09:26 fantastically strong magnet. So, we're gonna
09:30 turn that needle into a magnet. Now, kind a looks
09:33 like magic, but you know science sometimes
09:35 looks like it's magic, doesn't it? Yeah,
09:37 so this is kind of the magic of science.
09:39 So, let's wind this up just go over this several
09:42 times and we're gonna pull that magnet or it
09:44 just stuck to itself and it scared me too. Now,
09:47 we're gonna take that piece of Styrofoam that
09:49 we cut out of our little cup and we're gonna put
09:52 our needle right in there. And we're gonna put it
09:54 right on the water. Now, the Styrofoam is gonna
09:56 float our needle and hey, no back away little bit
09:59 because you got magnets in your hand and I do
10:01 too. Thank you very much. And you know what
10:03 that needle now is pointing to North. And we
10:07 could use that as a Compass, isn't that
10:08 interesting? Yes. Now, today I also brought
10:10 something else, this happens to look like that,
10:14 what is this look like? A rock. It's like a rock
10:16 because it, is a rock. Absolutely right, but this
10:19 a special rock. This rock happens to be a magnet.
10:23 You know, that it happens to be a magnet.
10:25 And we call it magnetite. I can take one of
10:27 these magnets and I can stick it right to my rock.
10:30 Now, the magnets usually stick to rocks. No. No,
10:34 if it's magnetite, a natural rock magnet it will,
10:38 isn't that interesting? Yes. Now, now you know
10:40 how to make your own Compass. That's
10:42 interesting, isn't it? Remember a Compass tells
10:45 us what? Which way we go to. Yep, what way to
10:49 go because it tells us which way is North? Now,
10:52 if I ask you which way North was, could you
10:54 point to North, where, where is North? Have any
10:56 idea? Have any idea? Oh! It's where that needle is
11:00 pointing, isn't it? That's where North is. Now,
11:03 that gives us direction. A Compass gives us
11:05 direction, but hey you know, sometimes we get
11:08 lost in other way. And you know, what I happen
11:11 to have something right here. Now, what is this
11:13 right here? A Bible. It's a Bible; it's the Bible a
11:17 Compass for you and I. Yes, yes. Because it
11:20 gives us a direction, it tells us where to go and
11:22 it really tells us, how to get there, doesn't it?
11:24 That's right. Hey, we've got Compasses all around
11:27 like this too. I have got nine of these Compasses
11:30 at home and they're interesting, but you know
11:32 what? The Bible is the best Compass of all,
11:34 isn't it? Because it gives us direction.
11:36 We need to know, where to go, when we are
11:38 lost. And the Bible says that we're all lost and
11:41 Jesus came to save us, isn't that interesting?
11:43 How many of you want to be saved? Oh!
11:44 I do too. And that's what we do. We follow God's
11:47 word and, and, and he is happy to save us.
11:48 And that's exciting isn't it? That's right.
11:51 Every time, we learn about science.
11:54 We learn about our creator God.
12:10 He's able, He's able, I know he is able
12:15 I know my Lord is able to carry me through
12:21 He's able, He's able, I know he is able
12:27 I know my Lord is able to carry me through
12:33 He has healed the brokenhearted and
12:36 sets the captive free. He makes the lame to walk
12:40 again and cause the blind to see
12:43 I know He's able, He's able, I know He's able,
12:49 I know my Lord is able to care me through
13:04 Your royal majesty came, David ruler of all Israel.
13:07 A dignitary from the far is here to seek an
13:09 audience with your highness. May he enter
13:12 your throne room? Yes, he may enter.
13:21 A gift for you King David. I have come on King
13:28 David because I have heard of your great
13:30 accomplishment and your great kindnesses,
13:33 and the great God that you serve.
13:36 The God we serve is mighty and he has been
13:39 very gracious to my royal hustle.
13:42 May I tell you of one story in particular,
13:44 where he was very gracious to us and very
13:47 kind to my family. Tell me the story.
13:50 Darling Abigail may you allow mother to tell our
13:53 story of what happened to us with Mabel and,
13:57 of course, and his man. Of course, my king.
13:59 Oh! Thank you Abigail and my son David.
14:04 This was before you were King David. You never
14:07 chose to be again Saul, the first king of Israel.
14:11 No, I did not. I recognize Saul as the anointed
14:14 of Lord, as he was. And you respected that.
14:18 And so, there is another beautiful story of how
14:20 God brought you and Abigail together because
14:23 she too was a woman, who respected the Lord.
14:27 And so at a time, when my son David and his
14:30 man were struggling. Knowing that they were
14:33 forces trying to keep him from the throne and yet
14:36 knowing that he was now the anointed of the
14:38 Lord for the prophet Samuel had anointed him
14:41 so. He needed provisions, they were running out
14:44 of food and water. They were tired and exhausted
14:48 man. And yet they asked kindly, if Mabel would
14:52 provide for them at that time Abigail's husband,
14:55 if you would provide for them provisions that they
14:58 needed, but the Mabel's heart was hard. He was a
15:03 stubborn man remember Abigail. Oh! I remember.
15:07 It was an heartbreak to you, but he refused so
15:11 much so that he even said words saying what
15:14 is David to us. But he was anointed you said.
15:18 Yes, but he did not recognize it. He failed to
15:21 recognize, what God had set apart. That's all the
15:24 servants came running and they told Abigail
15:28 what had happened? And the message indeed that
15:31 your husband at that time had said to David
15:34 and his man. And Abigail, how did you feel?
15:38 Oh! I was terrified, I knew that David would
15:40 come after Mabel and his man.
15:42 And she thought about others, as is typical
15:45 of Abigail. She thought of the family and the
15:48 servants and their children and all who
15:50 could possibly be hurt by this. And so, what did
15:53 you do? I, by the way went to the servants and
15:56 I prepared food to take to David.
15:59 Without Mabel knowing it. Without Mabel knowing.
16:02 If he had known, he never would have
16:04 permitted it. And Abigail stepped out in faith and
16:07 indeed what she knew was right. And so she
16:10 packed up the provisions with their servants and
16:12 head it meet him in fact David and his man were
16:16 already on their way weren't you David?
16:18 We were. And this was the first time that I saw
16:21 Abigail coming with all these provisions loaded
16:24 on donkeys to meet me. When she met me?
16:27 She came forward; he got off from donkey
16:30 and bowed before me. Oh! Boy that's a brave
16:34 act that. Isn't it? Abigail did.
16:36 Yes and she did it with kindness. And with
16:39 sincerity of heart because her heart is set on God
16:42 and she wanted to do the right thing. And she
16:44 knew the David my son was the anointed of the
16:48 Lord and that he indeed would be on the throne
16:51 someday. She had faith to know that God was
16:54 leading in all things and she run at the best not
16:57 only for herself, her family, her servants,
17:01 but David would do no wrong that he would
17:03 always do the right thing before God.
17:05 That God that he serves. That's a great story King
17:11 David. I want to go back and tell all my country
17:14 men about the kind King David and his great
17:18 family and the great God that he serves.
17:21 And how he blesses King David.
17:33 No one tells that story like you do mother.
17:35 Oh! It's with great love that I share with both
17:38 of you are. Thank you, so much. It's very special.
19:04 It's time for Ms. Brenda's Book of the Day.
19:08 And today's book boys and girls is Sheldon's
19:11 Adventures in Heaven. It says, The great war on
19:13 earth was finally over and Jesus with vast
19:16 clouds of shining angels, took all the daddies,
19:19 and mommies, and little kids who loved Him to
19:21 heaven. Now Sheldon is in a land where dreams
19:24 come true. Jesus gives him a white bear cub to
19:27 snuggle up against and shows him how to fly.
19:30 And Sheldon's family takes him to explore
19:32 other worlds with sparkling gems and
19:34 delicious new fruits. And then the fun really
19:37 begins. You're gonna want this here. Read this
19:39 book boys and girls. Sheldon's Adventures in
19:41 Heaven and it's by Maxine Lois Wallace Lang.
19:45 And that looks like a good book that kind of
19:47 gives us a picture what it might be like in
19:49 heaven, doesn't it? Well, I'm excited boys and
19:51 girls. I have a friend with me today. I would
19:53 like you to meet Aaron. Hi, Aaron.
19:55 Hello. It's good to meet you, now you love Jesus
19:57 very much, don't you? Yes. And you've done
19:59 some stuff to share Jesus, haven't you? I want to
20:01 hear all about it, but before we do. I have
20:04 someone on the phone. I would like the boys and
20:05 girls to meet and her name is Sarah. Hi, Sarah,
20:08 are you there? Hello, Ms. Brenda. Hi, honey.
20:10 It's good to talk to you. Can you tell me, what do
20:13 you to share Jesus? My sisters and I, a few
20:17 summers ago made some Kids Time bandanas.
20:21 Okay, so and what did you do with them?
20:23 Well, we put them on their head and we can
20:26 wear them and people can know that they love
20:28 Jesus. And then they would ask you what Kid's
20:31 Time, what it was and you could tell them,
20:33 right. Right. Oh! That's wonderful, Sarah where
20:35 you from? I'm from Collegedale, Tennessee.
20:37 Collegedale, Tennessee. I'm gonna put a picture
20:39 up there because I actually met you at the
20:41 faith on fire campery. And there is the picture
20:44 of Sarah and I together and she is holding up her
20:46 T shirt and I was, I mean her, her bandana. And I
20:49 was so impressed with that Sarah and I want to
20:51 encourage you to keep making those bandanas
20:53 because everywhere you go peoples gonna say,
20:55 you know, what is Kids Time and you can them
20:58 and get them watching too, okay. Okay. Oh!
21:00 Thank you, so much. Thank you for talking to
21:02 us and keep sharing Jesus. Okay. Alright,
21:04 thank you Sarah. Alright, now that was wonderful
21:07 way to witness wasn't it? Yes. Alright, Aaron,
21:10 can you tell me, what do you do to share Jesus.
21:12 Well, some usually we, I help with kids of the
21:18 Honduras like. On Christmas times,
21:20 I help send toys there and pens or some paper
21:24 and I have a family friend that goes down there
21:27 and helps him down there and gets food and
21:31 clothing and medicine. And medicine, ah, ha.
21:35 And I got a picture back from one of the boys
21:38 there. Can you hold that up so the camera can see
21:39 it, there you go. What is that picture of? It's a
21:42 picture of a boy that some. You can just hold
21:45 that because the camera is real still in making get
21:47 it. And it's a picture of you with some boys and
21:49 Honduras. No, they send this back to me and,
21:52 Oh! They are holding the box, but I send them
21:54 one time. Oh! One of the boxes that you send
21:57 them. Yeah, and what, do you remember what,
21:58 you put in that box. No. You don't, but you put
22:01 send in some goodies in there. Yeah, and they
22:02 were excited about that. How that make you feel
22:05 when you were working for Jesus like that,
22:07 happy. That makes you feel happy. Was there
22:09 anything else you have done to share Jesus?
22:11 Well, I also, I, when people come over I play
22:19 hymns or classical music and whenever my
22:22 grandpa and grandma come over, I play hymns.
22:25 And do you witness to them and grandpa. Aha,
22:27 You do. What kind, do you play the piano
22:29 or what? Yeah, I play the piano at our family
22:31 worships and then morning and the evening.
22:33 Yes, you know what Ms. Brenda loves family
22:36 worship. And it's important to have family
22:37 worship isn't it in th home. Yes. And spend that
22:40 time with God. Well and that's really special is
22:42 there anything else that you have you had any
22:44 special opportunities that other than that to share
22:48 Jesus. Is there anything else? Oh! Some, my mom
22:52 and dad are host of two spiritually treats. And I
22:56 hope them stuff the envelops with labels and
22:59 stamps and easily send about 1200 of them. Wow!
23:03 That's a lot of stuffing, isn't it? Yes, you get
23:06 tired sometimes and just don't want to do it.
23:08 Yeah. You do, and then, and then you think about
23:12 the all of our happy it makes Jesus and change
23:14 your mind. And I want to help them to learn more
23:17 about following Jesus. That's true, it's important
23:20 to do that, isn't it? Alright, thank so too.
23:23 Well, I, would you like to stand help read some
23:25 letters. Okay, I have got lots of letters here,
23:28 boys and girls. And I have one here that's from
23:31 Galicia and she is from McNeil, Arkansas.
23:34 Let's see what, Galicia has to say. Okay, let's
23:37 see here, it says, Dear Ms. Brenda, how are you?
23:40 Hopefully fine as usual. I share Jesus by telling
23:43 my friend Shana about where you go, when you
23:47 die. And she didn't quite understand it first. So, I
23:49 gave her a book about what happens when you
23:52 die. And I just love Kids Time, God bless you,
23:56 love always Galicia. Well, Galicia that was a
23:58 wonderful way to share Jesus because a lot of
24:00 people do think that when you die, you go to
24:02 heaven. We know, the Bible doesn't say that,
24:05 does it in the Bible it says, that the dead no
24:07 not anything and that when you die, you are
24:10 only sleeping until Jesus comes again. So, that
24:12 was a wonderful way to witness. Let see, there
24:14 is another letter here. And there is, no address.
24:17 So, let see, who it is? Oh! Okay, it's from
24:20 Jamaica, West Indies. Dear, Ms. Brenda, I love
24:23 to watch Kids Time and find it quite interesting.
24:25 I'm 12 years old, my name is Ashley Kate and
24:28 I'm from Jamaica. So, please send me the Bible
24:31 studies. I wait an early response and thanking you
24:33 in advance. I want to learn more about Jesus
24:36 because I love him and I want to continue loving
24:38 him until the end, yours truly, Ashley Kate. Well,
24:41 thank you Ashley Kate, you know, and I will get
24:43 those Bible studies right out to you, alright.
24:46 Then I have an email here. This is cute one,
24:49 it says. Dear, Ms. Brenda, I just wanted to share
24:51 something funny with you about my 22 month old
24:54 daughter who loves to watch Kids Time. She
24:57 doesn't really have total pronunciation of her
25:00 words yet, but all things considered you can still
25:02 understand. Well, last night I was washing my
25:05 hands and she came to the door with my
25:06 cookbook in her hand saying something that
25:08 sounded like bow do day. And so I ask her to
25:11 repeat, what she said and she held a book out
25:14 to me and said bow do day. So, I thought to
25:16 myself Oh! Then it hit me, I said honey, are you
25:19 saying book of the day from Kids Time and she
25:22 got real excited and said, yes. bow do day,
25:24 bow do day. Well, love Carla. Do you know what
25:28 Carla, thanks for sharing that with me? And you
25:29 know even a 22-month-old is watching Kids Time
25:33 and getting something of it. So, there is an
25:35 understanding there, that she realize the book
25:37 of the day. So, wasn't that precious. This says,
25:40 Dear Ms. Brenda, I really like Story Time.
25:42 I was trying to write to you another time, but I
25:44 didn't have enough paper and how I share Jesus is
25:47 that when my baby brother was having blood
25:50 drawn. I saying Jesus loves him to him and the
25:53 lab tech even help to sing. Can I join Kids Club,
25:57 Geordan? Yes, Geordan and you're from Idaho.
26:00 And I would be happy to sign you up for Kids
26:02 Club and you know, what that was a precious
26:03 thing you did to help distract your little baby
26:08 from getting his blood drawn. That was a nice
26:11 thing to do. Well, here is another email it says,
26:13 I would like to join Kids Club and get funny
26:15 things that you offer for the Bible studies. So, I
26:18 can lead my mom and dad to Jesus. And also my
26:21 brother and sister. Thank you, Alexandria and she
26:23 is from Berry Florida. Well, thank you so much.
26:26 Thank you, Aaron for being with us today
26:28 Keep sharing Jesus. Boys and girls, I want to
26:33 encourage you to keep sharing Jesus everywhere
26:34 wherever you go never be ashamed to Jesus
26:36 because it's Kids Time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17