Kids' Time

The Rich Young Ruler

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000186

00:03 It's time to share there is a world out there
00:07 looking for a friend like Jesus,
00:10 it's time to share there is a world out there.
00:13 Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:16 Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:20 Kids time, Kids time, Kids time.
00:25 Hi, boys and girls what is that you love more than
00:27 anything in this world is that you are mom or your dad
00:31 or may be your brother or sister or maybe it's even
00:33 your dog or your cat or even your best friend.
00:36 There was a girl whose parents decided to be
00:38 missionaries. Now this family was very, very
00:41 wealthy and this girl had so many nice things
00:44 and cool clothes and leather shoes and anything
00:47 she wanted. Now, her mom told her she couldn't take
00:50 any of these things with her to the mission field
00:51 and it seemed to her that they were just selling
00:54 everything she had. Well, this girl sat in a room
00:57 and she cried as she look around it all her clothes
01:00 stuff, all her clothes and a computer and her CD's
01:03 and she thought how in the world can she get rid
01:05 of all the stuff they were her life, they were the
01:07 things that made her happy or so she thought,
01:10 but fortunately the girl had a very wise mother,
01:13 who saw her daughter crying she came into her room
01:15 and she you know what this mother understood
01:16 what her daughter was thinking and feeling
01:18 because the mother herself was having a hard time
01:21 giving up some of her own things. And that wise mother
01:24 sit down and she told her the Bible story that you are
01:26 going to hear today about the rich young ruler.
01:29 And together they cried a little bit and then they
01:31 dried their tears and they both agreed that when
01:35 Jesus calls nothing else matters and heaven is where
01:38 they wanted their treasure to be. I want you to think
01:41 boys and girls again about what you love the most
01:44 and then think about Jesus, who he gave up heaven
01:47 to come down to this sinful world to die for you.
01:51 Whatever Jesus asked of you drop everything and do it,
01:54 follow him and you will never regret it.
02:02 Hi, boys and girls Ranger Jim saying
02:04 welcome to nature time. We are glad you can join us
02:06 today, we are at the wonderful place called
02:08 Butterfly World near Fort Lauderdale, Florida
02:10 and we have something special for you to see
02:13 and it's one of Ranger Jim famous creepy crawlers
02:17 and my friend Ryan here, who is an entomologist here at
02:19 Butterfly world has something to show us.
02:21 What is this? Well, Ranger Jim we have here a
02:24 caterpillar and this is actually a little blue
02:27 morpho caterpillar coming again from South and
02:29 Central America and I know he doesn't look blue,
02:32 but guess what? When he turns like butterfly he is
02:34 gonna be blue. Well, is he safe to handle like?
02:37 He is, this particular guy is safe to handle.
02:38 Now, there are plenty of butterflies or caterpillars,
02:40 I'm sorry, caterpillars out there that are dangerous
02:43 to handle. So, we always like to tell our boys and
02:45 girls that we have here that you want to be very
02:47 careful now you don't pick up unless you know
02:49 what it is? Well, because this one saves on him
02:51 my friend, would you try it. And you gonna hold them.
02:54 Okay be brave, be brave, you are gonna feel he shows
02:58 palsy, Nayah don't look frightened, don't worry,
03:01 This guy, we would now, lot of people see caterpillar
03:03 and what they see is a whole bunch of legs Ranger Jim,
03:06 but they only have six legs just like a butterfly
03:09 they are insects. They are just a larvae stage of a
03:11 butterfly, but all these other legs on here help him
03:14 to grip the leaf or the plant, so he can crawl up
03:16 and eat. And these guys are pure eating machines on
03:19 believe it or not. Caterpillars eat more
03:22 in the world than anything else in the planet for
03:25 their little tiny size. They can eat up to 20 to 30
03:28 times their weight a day food. So, even though
03:31 they might only eat a little part of the leaf here
03:33 guess what back to them that's like a big meal
03:36 that's like you guys going like order some pizzas
03:39 and have him a 40 or 50 pizzas in one day and also
03:42 this guy can eat. So, what he is eating all that
03:44 the energy all stored in his body for the next stage;
03:46 isn't it right? That's right. Later on, he will
03:48 give qualms up and he will make a little what's called
03:51 a chrysalis or pupa. It will hang himself upside
03:53 and down with little bit of silk and then of course
03:55 after couple of weeks we get the beautiful blue morpho
03:57 butterfly. So, is it does he eat just any plant or so.
04:02 That's a very good question, caterpillars a quite
04:04 finicky especially butterfly caterpillars
04:07 because they will actually only eat the leaf that
04:10 they laid on. When their egg comes out that's the leaf
04:14 they are going to eat. They don't have to go off,
04:16 so if you go home and you find one on your plant you
04:20 don't wanna move him inside when out taking in,
04:23 so vegetation form in each food. So, you wanna take
04:25 what he has been living on because if he, if you don't
04:28 take that he has nothing to eat and it won't work
04:30 for you. So, boys and girls another lesson that
04:32 we can learn these beautiful creatures we can see
04:35 and enjoy and live with and help to persevere,
04:38 so this is Ranger Jim again boys and girls as always
04:41 saying don't forget to tell Jesus that you
04:43 love him because he really does love you.
04:53 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus
04:56 Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual
04:58 blessing in heavenly place in Christ, Ephesians 1:3.
05:08 When upon life's billows you are tempest-tossed,
05:14 When you are discouraged, thinking all is lost,
05:18 Count your many blessings, name them one by one,
05:24 And it will surprise you what the Lord hath done.
05:29 Count your blessings, name them one by one,
05:34 Count your blessings, see what God hath done!
05:39 Count your blessings, name them one by one,
05:45 Count your many blessings, see what God hath done.
05:51 So, amid the conflict, whether great or small,
05:56 Do not be discouraged, God is over all;
06:02 Count your many blessings, angels will attend,
06:07 Help and comfort give you to your journey's end.
06:12 Count your blessings, name them one by one,
06:18 Count your blessings, see what God hath done!
06:23 Count your blessings, name them one by one,
06:29 Count your many blessings, see what God hath done.
06:45 Hi, boys and girls and welcome to talk time
06:47 and I have someone very special with me today
06:50 I have Pastor C.A. Hi Pastor,
06:52 how are you Ms. Brenda. I am doing fine thank you
06:54 and thank you for joining us today. Do you know,
06:56 we have so many questions from kids to answer from all
07:00 over the world are you ready to get started.
07:02 I am ready to get started. Alright, let's do it.
07:03 Let's see the first one. The first question is
07:05 did the stories in the Bible really happen?
07:08 That's a good question. That's a good question.
07:10 But they, yes they did Ms. Brenda, I have a very good
07:12 friend, who is now the president of a college
07:15 but he is an archeologist, which means that he is a
07:17 person who goes back in and digs up old bones
07:19 and digs up old cities and he goes to Jerusalem almost
07:24 every year and every year he is finding things in the
07:27 earth that prove that the Bible stories are very,
07:30 very true, but more than that the Bible says so.
07:32 Peter says Holy men of God spake as they were moved by
07:36 the Holy Spirit and we believe and we know that
07:39 all of those stories are true. God cannot lie,
07:41 his word does not lie and science is proving that
07:45 those things are written in the Bible are very,
07:47 very true. So, you can trust the Bible it is the truth
07:49 the whole truth and nothing, but the truth.
07:51 That's for sure. Okay, let's see there is another
07:54 question here says I want to be baptized how older
07:57 I have to be. Oh! That is also is a very, very good
08:00 question. I, I think and there is no rule in the
08:03 Bible that says a specific age,
08:05 I was baptized at age 9, I think that if you know
08:10 Jesus, if you love Jesus, if you made a commitment
08:14 to follow Jesus then I think you are ready for baptism.
08:17 As long as you know what you are doing,
08:19 you know what's you are getting into, right,
08:21 you commit yourself to Jesus and you want to follow it
08:23 doesn't mean that you are perfect boy or girl. Right.
08:25 It doesn't mean that you never made mistakes.
08:27 It does mean you will never have hard times
08:29 or bad times. It means that you have changed your
08:32 direction, so that you are following Jesus and as long
08:35 as you said Jesus I want you to come into my heart
08:37 and I want to follow you than you are ready for
08:40 baptism. That's right. Okay, let's see here.
08:43 This one says do I have to be baptized to go
08:46 to heaven, another question on baptism.
08:49 Well, as important as baptism is, it is not
08:52 totally essential for heaven and I have got to
08:55 explain that because there are those who will be in
08:57 heaven who did not get baptized though the one that
08:59 comes to the mind of course is the thief on the cross.
09:01 Right. He wasn't able to get baptized now that's a very
09:04 special case he was not able to get baptized,
09:07 right. But as long as we are able to get baptized,
09:10 Christ said to John the Baptist that this is an
09:12 example I am doing this as an example for those
09:15 who come after me. So, Christ has set the example
09:18 he didn't have to be baptized. Right, John said
09:20 that the Christ has suffered sort it be, so let be
09:22 because I wanna set an example. So, we need to
09:24 follow Christ example, but if we cannot then Jesus
09:28 will take care of. It mean we are not physically able,
09:29 if we are not physically able something happens
09:31 that we cannot then, that's alright because we have
09:34 given our hearts to Jesus and that's the most
09:35 important thing. And Jesus knows our hearts
09:37 and Jesus knows our hearts,
09:38 he knows that we are able to or not.
09:40 Okay, let's see I think I have got another question,
09:44 so many of here, it says do we have to kneel
09:46 when we pray. Well, in First Thessalonians,
09:49 I think its chapter 5 about verse 16 or 17, says to
09:53 pray without ceasing. Now, that means we are not gonna
09:56 stay on our knees all the time. We are not gonna be on
09:58 our knees all day now you and I both drive cars.
10:01 That's right, when we drive cars we are praying all
10:03 the time. That's right, that's right. I was a pastor
10:06 in the New York City traffic was so bad,
10:08 I was praying all the time when I was in my car.
10:10 So, praying is more of an attitude, it's more of
10:12 something that's going on in our minds.
10:14 Sometimes, we cannot bow our knees,
10:15 sometimes we can't even close our eyes,
10:17 but our hearts can be united with Jesus.
10:19 We can be talking to Jesus in our mind.
10:21 So, it's the attitude of prayer more than the
10:23 position of prayer that's important to God,
10:26 but it is good sometimes to be on our knees too
10:28 when we can and really, what is that mean
10:31 when you get on your knees. Well, it's, it's, it's just
10:34 a sign of showing that we love the Lord that we are
10:37 servants of the Lord, it is the sign of respect and
10:39 we ought to spend some quite time on our knees
10:41 before Jesus each day and then take that attitude
10:44 throughout the day. So, we are gonna start our day with
10:46 Jesus in prayer end our day with Jesus in prayer
10:49 and then throughout day we will pray a prayer in our
10:52 hearts. Alright, right. And you know, there is a song
10:53 about that, that I love too. Yes, was about prayer.
10:56 Okay, let's see this one says Kids in school make fun
11:01 of me when I pray at lunchtime, is it okay to
11:04 just open my eyes so they don't know I'm praying.
11:08 You know that takes me back to my own childhood as a,
11:11 as a young person who gave his whole heart very early,
11:14 I got picked on to it, and you remember those days,
11:17 yes I did right, appears to be very, very cool.
11:18 And yet the Lord asks us to stand up for him to be
11:22 very brave it is better to obey God rather than then
11:24 we find him in Acts chapter 5, so even though
11:28 we are gonna take some ribbing we are gonna take,
11:32 some getting picked on. If we stand up for Jesus,
11:36 Jesus will stand up for you know for us.
11:38 That's right. I got it to most of because I didn't go
11:41 to things on Sabbath. I was in church they were having
11:42 picnic and they said why don't you come. Right.
11:44 Well, I could not come because I was serving the
11:46 Lord. So, I took it for the Lord, but the Lord kept me
11:49 and I'm so proud that I stood up for him.
11:50 It, it sometimes you take a little you know you get a
11:54 little heat from your friends, but when we stand
11:56 up for Jesus, Jesus will stand up for us and then
11:58 we get the let our light shine before man.
12:00 Oh! that's right, well that's all the time we have
12:02 right now thank you for that Pastor C.A.
12:04 You know boys and girls if you have a question for
12:06 Pastor C.A. he is ready and willing to answer it
12:09 just send it to me here at Kids Time at 3ABN
12:12 and I'll make sure your question gets answered
12:14 because your questions are important to us and
12:16 you know what they are important to Jesus.
12:35 What the world needs is Jesus,
12:41 just a glimpse of Him;
12:46 What the world needs is Jesus,
12:53 just a glimpse of Him.
12:58 He will bring joy and gladness;
13:05 Take away sin and sadness;
13:10 What the world needs is Jesus,
13:16 just a glimpse of Him!
13:22 What the world needs is Jesus,
13:28 just a glimpse of Him;
13:34 What the world needs is Jesus,
13:40 just a glimpse of Him.
13:45 He will bring joy and gladness;
13:51 Take away sin and sadness;
13:57 What the world needs is Jesus,
14:03 just a glimpse of Him!
14:39 Friend, no, no, it's okay, it's okay,
14:42 I don't wanna hurt you, I just wanna help you,
14:46 you see today I have changed it all started with
14:52 my best friend Judah. Judah is one of the richest guys
14:56 in the city. He is good, he keeps all the commandments,
14:59 he pays his time, but he felt like something was
15:02 missing, so I said look Judah let's go talk to the
15:04 teacher about it. Now, I met Jesus. He is a guy,
15:09 who has been going around telling all these great
15:11 stories and healing people. Well, we went up to Jesus
15:14 and Judah said good master what I must do to be saved.
15:19 And Jesus said why do you call me good.
15:22 Only God is good. But to be saved you must keep the
15:26 commandments, do not lie, cheat, steal, do not commit
15:31 adultery. Well Judah said, but master I haven't broken
15:36 any commandments since I was a little kid.
15:38 And Jesus looked at him deeply and said son you lack
15:43 one thing sell all that you have give it to the poor
15:48 and come follow me. Well, Judah hung his head,
15:54 he couldn't do it, he loved his money too much
15:58 and he turned in shame and walked away,
16:02 but I couldn't drag myself away from those,
16:04 those eyes. Jesus looking after Judah and I saw a tear
16:09 drip down his cheek and Jesus said how hard it is
16:14 for rich man into the kingdom of heaven.
16:17 He said it's just as hard as if a huge camel would fit
16:20 to the eye of a needle and at this my heart sunk.
16:25 Well, I am a rich man and I said it is impossible,
16:30 but just like he heard my thoughts. Jesus said no
16:34 with God nothing is impossible and then I felt
16:39 hope, I knew that even though I am rich I can
16:43 make it to the kingdom of heaven and I don't know
16:46 something just changed. I feel love and when I saw
16:50 you here. I knew that I needed to help you.
16:56 So, would you do me the honor and would you come to
16:58 my house. I would clean you up, I will give you food
17:02 and we even find a job for you. Come friend here,
17:06 get up, come to my house you don't need to be a beggar
17:10 anymore. Here take my Jacket,
17:16 you become my brother come to my house.
18:33 It's time for Ms. Brenda's Book of the Day
18:38 and boys and girls is there I have an exciting book
18:40 for you today. It's by Helen Lee and its Guide's
18:44 Greatest Prayer Stories I love prayer stories.
18:46 It says prayer is mind-boggling.
18:49 Find out how it delivered two boys from a pit,
18:52 caused a stolen car to stall, taught a woman to
18:54 read, delivered a snorkeling missionary from a mad
18:57 shark, led a strange black dog to deliver a lost purse,
19:01 healed a crushed cat and so many more all
19:04 boys and girls there is lots of exciting stories in
19:06 this book Guide's Greatest Prayer Stories and it's by
19:09 Helen Lee. You won't wanna miss it. And something else
19:12 you won't wanna miss is today sharing time segment
19:15 because with us today is I have just a special friend
19:19 and her name is Megan. And Megan I am so happy to have
19:21 you here today because you know what you are testimony
19:25 to what God can do and let me just share with the boys
19:27 and girls you have barely been through an ordeal this
19:30 last year. And I would like you to share just
19:33 what Jesus has done in your life.
19:35 Well, I woke up last year with a pain in my leg that
19:40 hurt really bad. So, we are concerned that we didn't
19:44 know what it was and so my mom took me to the doctor
19:49 and they did an x-ray and found a big black spot in my
19:56 bone. A big black spot so what did they tell this big
20:00 black spot was? Well, they didn't know what it was
20:03 and so they sent to me another doctor in
20:06 Winston-Salem and he did a CT scan and find there was
20:12 a tumor, and it was tumor. Now, you have that you
20:15 brought that x-ray with you can we see that right now.
20:19 Up here we go now, now let's find a dark spot,
20:21 I hold up here maybe we really take a really close
20:22 look at it and you are gonna see right there in the
20:25 middle of her bone right up in here you are gonna see a
20:28 round spot, let's take a look there you can see,
20:31 there is a closer look can you see that boys and girls
20:33 and that was the tumor in Megan's leg.
20:36 And that's really, that's really something so that
20:39 must have been pretty scary. And so what did you,
20:44 what did you do than what was it, what happen next?
20:46 Well, the doctor said that I would have to have surgery
20:49 to remove the tumor and so he said that we would fill
20:57 with donor bone. Okay, but my mom didn't want that
21:00 because she was afraid just in case something.
21:03 So, we asked if he can fill it seckel.
21:08 Okay, it's another kind of a procedure okay.
21:12 And so he wasn't too sure, but he was able to get it
21:17 and so they did the operation yeah and they
21:23 did the operation. Let me ask you this from the time
21:25 that you, did you were in pain the entire time.
21:29 Like from the time you first woke up with that pain
21:31 where you and until you had your surgery was
21:33 where you are in pain. Well, I had pain, at first,
21:38 yes in last year. Okay, and my mom asked our pastor to
21:44 have me anointed okay. What is that mean now because
21:47 some people probably have no clue what being anointed
21:49 is, because as soon as you found out that you had a
21:51 tumor your mom knew to call on a higher power that
21:55 she knew and your family through and you knew to ask
21:58 Jesus for help didn't you. Yes. And, so what is being
22:01 anointed? Well they get a few elders from our church
22:06 and our pastor and they pray that Jesus will heal me
22:10 or take the pain away. And so after the anointing,
22:14 the pain was all gone and you never had anymore pain
22:17 after you were anointed. Isn't that a great big
22:20 praise the Lord, I mean that is absolutely an answer
22:23 to prayer because who does this, yeah, so I mean that
22:27 was just miraculous so you went in fact that I think
22:30 you were telling me earlier that you right after you
22:34 were anointed you went out played actually and went
22:36 right out in the yard with your friends, right.
22:38 Yeah. And that was amazing. So, now you had the surgery
22:42 and what happened after that. Well, I had to be
22:46 unconscious for three months and each time we went back
22:52 to see the doctor we take him a book and somehow Jesus
22:56 loved him and how Jesus had taking care of me.
22:59 So, you are still trying to witness in fact you know
23:01 what Ms. Brenda saw you and I came to preach in your
23:03 church, didn't I, and you were still on crutches at
23:05 that point. Yeah, in fact I think you brought a picture
23:08 didn't you, you are gonna show picture of you
23:10 and Ms. Brenda there you are in crutches and here is
23:13 Megan and you are, you are one of our North Carolina
23:16 Kids Time singers and you sing for us that day even
23:20 though you had crutches on didn't you, yeah.
23:21 I was so proud of you. So, Jesus has done a lot you
23:25 tell me when after the surgery did they say that
23:29 you, that it was cancer. Well it turned out it was
23:33 not cancer it is just a cartilage tumor.
23:37 So, a benign tumor, yes, and so they took it out
23:41 and after you were on three, three months on crutches
23:44 and I saw you walking, now you are walking pretty good,
23:47 have you had any pain at all sense. No and that,
23:51 now let me ask you something do you think God healed
23:54 you. Yes. Yes, I think he did too, isn't that
23:57 wonderful boys and girls. You know, we need to put our
23:59 faith and trust in Jesus and we need to always go in
24:02 for prayer not just when we are in trouble or sick,
24:04 but we just need to make Jesus our very best friend
24:07 and I would like to encourage you to do that.
24:09 Megan thank you so much for sharing that story with us
24:12 today because I, I love to hear one of those stories
24:16 that God has just really touched your life
24:18 and he surely has and you know what I think, I think
24:20 God has chosen you for a very special work,
24:23 he want you to dedicate your life to him,
24:25 I am sure of it. And keep sharing Jesus everywhere
24:28 you go okay. Right. Well, right now, I would like to
24:31 go here with Jemal has to do to share Jesus.
24:36 Hi, Ms. Brenda my name is Jemal. I gave Bible studies
24:40 to a kid and he liked it, he started talking about
24:43 students they joined him. He loved it very much.
24:48 Oh! Thank you Jemal thank you for that.
24:52 Well, I want to read a letter here and this is from
24:54 Hawaii, can you hold this picture for me Megan
24:57 and this says Dear Ms. Brenda my name is Jessica
25:00 and I am eight years old. My grandmother recently died
25:03 a year ago and that's when I started watching Kids Time
25:06 and I had cross eye infection since I was four
25:09 and I prayed so Jesus bless me so that when I am 9 or 10
25:14 I won't have to use my glasses for my eye anymore
25:17 will you pray for me. My culture is Filipino
25:20 and my countries culture almost got struck by the
25:23 tsunami. I tell people Jesus loves them,
25:25 I am from Hawaii and I want to be a Kids Club member
25:29 love Jessica. Well, Jessica, yes boys and girls
25:32 let's all pray for Jessica's eyes and you know we have
25:34 just heard a wonderful miracle how God touched
25:36 Megan and her leg and Jesus knows about your eyes too
25:40 and we are just gonna pray and ask
25:41 God what to be done. Okay.
25:44 Let's see I have a e-mail here it says Dear Ms. Brenda
25:47 my name is Javani and I am nine years old and I am from
25:49 Jamaica. I love your program especially learning time,
25:53 please join me up in your Kids Club please.
25:55 I share Jesus by telling children at school to do the
25:58 right thing and not the wrong thing like fighting
26:00 and cursing and using God's name in vain.
26:03 Can you please send my activity book to my
26:05 grandma's house and here is her address,
26:07 thank you Javani. Well, yes Javani I'll be happy
26:10 to get to those activity books and also your Bible
26:13 study lessons coming very soon. Megan thank you again
26:16 for coming and being here today,
26:18 it was such a blessing. Boys and girls remember
26:20 wherever you go, whatever you do
26:22 its kids time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17