Participants: Brenda Walsh
Series Code: KT
Program Code: KT000184
00:03 It's time to share there's a world out there,
00:07 looking for a friend like Jesus. 00:10 It's time to share there's a world out there; 00:13 let's tell them that He loves us so. 00:17 Let's tell them that He loves us so. 00:20 Kids time, kids time, kids time. 00:25 Oh hi boys and girls, I just got my hands on a 00:28 great pair of binoculars, aren't they cool? Oh I 00:31 love these things, you know why, you can spy 00:33 on animals from far away and they don't even 00:35 know that I'm watching them. You know there 00:38 are some friends of mine that like to use 00:39 binoculars to spy on grizzly bears and 00:41 mountain lions. But you know what I'm going 00:43 to stick to deer and rabbits, thank you very 00:45 much, they're a lot safer. Have you ever 00:48 wondered though how those nature 00:50 photographers get all those great shots of baby 00:52 rabbits being born and spiders digging in the 00:55 sand, and you know what even beavers 00:57 building dams. Well you know what I've heard 00:59 that those nature photographers camp out 01:02 weeks and even months to get just one, that's 01:05 right just one great shot. They spend their 01:08 lives spying on wild animals. That takes a lot 01:11 of patience and sometimes even courage to do 01:13 that, don't you think? Spying on wild animals 01:16 can be dangerous business, but you know 01:18 what it's also great adventure. Speaking of 01:21 adventure though did you know that the Bible 01:23 has some great spy stories in it? That's 01:25 right. My favorite one is about two brave men 01:28 who scouted out the land of Canaan for the 01:31 children of Israel. And God had promised that 01:33 land to the Israelites, and they were right on 01:35 the border waiting to go in. But first Moses 01:39 sent twelve men to sneak in and bring back a 01:41 report about the land. Now, ten of those men 01:44 came back and they were afraid, they 01:47 responded that the Canaanites were way too 01:49 big and they were scary. Only two of the men 01:53 came back with the good report. And well 01:55 wait a minute; I am getting carried away here. 01:57 I am not going to tell you the rest. You're 01:59 gonna have to wait and find out what 02:00 happened a little later on. Right now let's go to 02:03 the garden with Ms. Emily. 02:14 Well, boys and girls look what I just found in 02:16 the soil, I am going to pick him up. I found an 02:22 earthworm. Yuck right. I bet all of you at 02:25 home are saying ewe. Earthworms are slimy 02:28 and cold and creepy right. Well actually, 02:32 I get really excited whenever I find 02:34 earthworms in the garden. They are really 02:37 great garden helpers. There are over 2700 02:42 different kind of earthworms that are living 02:44 in the soil, can you believe it. 2000 and 02:48 actually under my very own feet, and maybe 02:51 in your very own backyard there could be 02:53 over a million earthworms living in the soil. 02:56 Yuck, that's a lot of earthworms right. Well, 03:00 like I said earthworms are great garden 03:02 helpers, but earthworms they don't have any 03:04 eyes, they don't have any legs, and they don't 03:08 have any arms. So how do you think they help 03:10 me out in the garden. If they don't have any 03:12 eyes, well they sure can't help me pick up 03:14 pretty flowers to plant and if they don't have 03:16 any arms they can't help pull a weed in a 03:19 garden, and if they don't have any legs they 03:21 can't help me run and water all of my plants, 03:24 can they? No, actually earthworms they live in 03:28 the soil, and what they do is as they make 03:33 tunnels through the soil, and as they make 03:34 tunnels they swallow the soil and as they 03:37 swallow the soil they're really putting a lot of 03:40 air in the soil, and water. And those are 03:42 two things that plants need to grow. Plants 03:45 need air and they also need a lot of water, 03:47 so it helps the plant roots grow nice and 03:50 deep. Also as the earthworms are tunneling 03:53 through the soil like I said they're swallowing 03:56 all the soil and as they swallow and as a tunnel 04:00 they produce little pellets that are called 04:02 castings. These castings are actually really 04:05 good for plants. They can get a lot of the 04:07 nutrients that they need to grow big and tall 04:09 from these earthworm castings. So 04:11 earthworms are very important, and this guy 04:13 is really crawling all about isn't he. He likes 04:17 to crawl all about. Earthworms aren't icky 04:19 like I said, they're very good composters. 04:22 They like to compost and break things down 04:24 such as leaves and even food scraps. And 04:28 today I am going to show you boys and girls 04:30 how you can make your very own worm farm, 04:32 and so you can observe and to see how they 04:34 tunnel through the soil. All you need is you 04:38 need to take a big jar and lay your sand and 04:41 soil and keep layering until you reach the very 04:44 top and then fill the top with leaves and 04:47 sprinkle a little bit of water, and then all you 04:50 need to do is to put some earthworms in the 04:52 top, and let them go to town. You can see 04:55 here, that you can see some of the tunnels that 04:59 they have worked through the soil. They 05:01 really go down deep in all the soil. While I'm 05:05 going to keep digging in my garden to see if I 05:07 can find any more earthworms. But first I 05:09 want to encourage you everyday 05:11 to sow the seeds of God's love. 05:21 Blessed be God, who has not turned away my 05:24 prayer, nor his mercy from me, Psalm 66:20. 05:33 It's me, it's me, it's me, O Lord, 05:37 Standing in the need of prayer. 05:41 It's me, it's me, it's me, O Lord, 05:45 Standing in the need of prayer. 05:49 Not my father, not my mother, 05:51 but it's me, O Lord, 05:53 Standing in the need of prayer. 05:57 Not my sister, not my brother, 05:59 but it's me, O Lord, 06:02 Standing in the need of prayer. 06:05 It's me, it's me, it's me, O Lord, 06:10 Standing in the need of prayer. 06:13 It's me, it's me, it's me, O Lord, 06:17 Standing in the need of prayer. 06:22 Standing in the need of prayer. 06:36 Welcome to learning time. Hey, thanks for 06:38 being with us today. I've got something 06:41 special for you. You know sometimes we need 06:43 to do work, do you like to work? 06:46 Do you like to work? No. 06:49 No, I love to work because I think work is 06:51 fun. Now I've got two helpers, I've got Jerry 06:53 over here. Jerry do you work. 06:55 Oh once in a while. Once in a while, I do too. 06:58 Well, I like to work, but I don't like to work 06:59 hard when I work, I like to use machines and 07:02 tools. We're going to make a simple machine 07:04 today, and in order to make a simple machine 07:06 you know simple machines make work a lot 07:08 easier for us. And I've got Nicolas over here, 07:11 Nicolas thanks for helping me. Now Nicolas 07:13 how much do you weigh? 40 pounds. 07:16 40 whole pounds. Jerry how much do you 07:17 weigh. About 190. 190 pounds, 07:20 Nicolas can you pick up Jerry? Why don't you 07:22 reach over here and just grab him, and just 07:24 pick him up. Oh. You must be Samson. 07:26 Well I tell you what. Lifting me up like that. 07:28 That's a hard job isn't it? I'll tell you what we 07:30 are going to do today. We are going to make a 07:32 simple machine and a simple machine is going 07:34 to make it possible for Nicolas to lift up Jerry 07:37 and he is a load isn't he? Yeah. We've got a 07:40 fulcrum all you can do, all you need to do is to 07:43 get something that pivots and locks. And so 07:45 we are going to put a big board over our 07:47 fulcrum. This is our fulcrum and Nicolas 07:49 won't be able to pick him up without one, and 07:51 we are going to put this board. We've got a 07:53 long board right here. We are going to put 07:55 Jerry over there at the end, 190 pounds. 07:57 Nicolas step right on top of our fulcrum and 08:00 we are going to have Nicolas walk over here, 08:03 just keep walking to the end, I'll catch you if 08:04 you fall, keep coming over here, and Jerry is 08:07 going to go where, no where? 08:10 He can't lift me up could he? 08:11 You know what we do not have a good 08:13 mechanical advantage. What could we do in 08:15 order to make this work? Do you have an idea, 08:18 do you have an idea, what can we do? 08:22 We could put that, hey lets try that, hey jump 08:25 down would you Nicolas. We're going to 08:27 move our fulcrum, and so we are going to 08:29 move our fulcrum way over here just about 08:31 like that. Go ahead Jerry, step right down over 08:33 there, but don't fall out. Nicolas come on 08:35 around, oh yeah, you can jump over here. 08:38 We are going to put Nicolas right on the 08:39 fulcrum and turn around. Now Nicolas 08:42 happens to be our force and Jerry happens to 08:45 be our resistance. So, let's go ahead and move 08:48 Nicolas our force way down here, but don't 08:51 fall if you do, I'll catch you. And let's see what 08:53 happens, will he able to do this, 08:55 do you think. Look at that. 08:57 Wow! Oh My. It's like in a roller coaster guys. 09:00 Give Nicolas a hand, would you give him a 09:01 hand? And now Nicolas picked up Jerry. 09:06 Jerry weighs a 190 pounds, and Nicolas 09:08 weighs how much? 40. 40 pounds. 09:11 Wow! Can we believe that, 40 pound kid 09:14 could pick up a big old brick like this, isn't 09:17 that incredible. Let's give Nicolas a hand guys. 09:20 Yeah, good job Nicholas. Well, that's exactly 09:23 what simple machines do. Simple machines, 09:26 it makes work easier 'cause Nicolas would get 09:29 real tired if he had to go around and picking 09:31 up Jerry and carrying him all around wouldn't 09:33 you get tired? I would drop. 09:35 And he might break his back. Yeah, that's 09:38 what simple machines do. They give us a 09:41 mechanical advantage, and we have them all 09:43 around us. You know maybe you could look 09:46 around your house, you might look around 09:48 your neighborhood and just find simple 09:50 machines, because they're very interesting. 09:53 Now simple machines are even built into our 09:56 body. We might even talk about that sometime 09:59 later. And every time we study a little bit more 10:02 about science; we're learning something 10:04 new about our creator God. 10:20 Amazing grace! how sweet the sound, 10:27 that saved a wretch like me! 10:34 I once was lost but now am found, 10:40 was blind but now I see. 10:47 'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, 10:54 and grace my fears relieved; 11:01 how precious did that grace appear 11:07 the hour I first believed! 11:14 Through many dangers, toils, and snares, 11:21 I have already come; 11:28 'tis grace hath brought me safe thus far, 11:35 and grace will lead me home. 11:42 When we've been there ten thousand years, 11:49 bright shining as the sun, 11:55 we've no less days to sing God's praise 12:02 than when we'd first begun. 12:36 I've reformed my ways. 12:38 Oh hello, aren't you new here? 12:41 Yes, I am. What is your name? 12:43 Aksa. Aksa. Aksa, who is your father? 12:46 Caleb. Caleb, like the twelve spies of Canaan, 12:50 Caleb. Yes. Oh wouldn't it be wonderful to 12:53 hear that story from the daughter of Caleb. 12:56 Oh I'd love to tell it, he told it to her so many 12:58 times. Yes. He used to sit us on our lap and he 13:02 told us about how the Israelites were taken out 13:05 of the land of Egypt so miraculously by God 13:08 and all those plagues and then how God 13:10 opened up the Red sea and all of the Israelites 13:13 went across on by land. And how the 13:17 Egyptians followed them and were swallowed 13:20 up by the sea. There were so many miracles in 13:22 the wilderness on that trip he told me about. 13:24 But then he got, he got to the border of the 13:27 Canaan Land, and everyone was so excited 13:30 about, they were almost there the Promised 13:32 Land that God had promised them. Yes. 13:34 And they thought you know we ought to send 13:36 some spies over and just take a look see at the 13:39 land. And so Moses talked to God about that 13:42 and God said yes you can send in twelve spies, 13:45 one from each tribe. Oh good, good plan. 13:48 And my father Caleb was from the tribe of 13:50 Judah, and he was chosen to be the 13:52 representative of the tribe of Judah as one of 13:55 the spies. One of the spies, what an honor. 13:57 Yes, and he; they went into the land and they 14:01 saw how the crops were and the big amount of 14:05 fruit that grew, oh and the huge, they had 14:09 grapes, grape cluster was too big for one man 14:11 to carry, they had to carry it on a pole. 14:14 No, was that really true? 14:16 Yes, all the fruit that they brought back. 14:19 The grapes must have been from the Jordan 14:21 Valley. And then they went and they checked 14:24 out if the people lived in tents or if they lived 14:26 in cities and walled cities and see kind of how 14:29 strong their land was. Sure. And what the 14:32 people were like. Sure. They spent forty days 14:33 there. Forty days? Forty days. Wow! 14:36 And then one day they were coming back and 14:38 the people saw them coming over the hill, and 14:40 they said the spies are back, the spies are back, 14:43 you can imagine how they could hardly wait 14:45 to see what their promised land was like. 14:47 Sure. And so when they came the spies came 14:49 and Moses came up to them, and the crowd of 14:52 people, everyone left their tents for gathering 14:54 around, and the spies started making their 14:58 report, and they said that the land was very 15:01 fertile and it grew wonderful fruit. 15:04 It does, it does, it does. 15:07 And they were so excited, they were like 15:09 oh we can hardly wait to go in, we don't even 15:11 have to plant the vineyards, they're 15:12 already there, oh indeed. And so they were so 15:16 encouraged in their hearts and then they said 15:18 the very sad part of the story came because for 15:21 some reason ten of those spies allowed doubt 15:25 to come into their hearts, and they started 15:28 saying oh but the people are way too strong 15:32 for us. They said the people are so big, as a 15:37 matter of fact the descendants of Anak, 15:39 that giants are in that land, and we look like 15:43 grasshoppers to them. Yes. And they said we 15:46 could never take them, they are so big and 15:48 their cities are big and walled and their 15:51 fortresses and we can't do it and the people 15:53 started just, they went from being excited to 15:56 going in to just moaning and started. 15:59 Oh dear. They started talking to Moses for 16:01 bringing them out for the land. 16:03 Why did they? No, they started saying why 16:05 did you take us to this spot, we should have 16:08 just died in Egypt or died in the wilderness, 16:12 and then my father Caleb. He stood up, he 16:16 tried to instill in them that they didn't have to 16:19 think about how strong they were, they could 16:22 just depend on God, just like God had opened 16:24 up the sea, he would open up the way for them 16:27 to come in to the Promised Land. Yes. 16:30 And he spoke courage to them, but at last the 16:34 people just were so overtaken by that 16:39 doubtful attitude, they did not trust in God. 16:42 And so God became very angry with that kind 16:47 because he had just taken them through so 16:50 much miraculous things and the fact that they 16:52 would just forget all of that. Yes. 16:55 And so he told them, he said your punishment 17:00 for not believing that I could care for you, 17:03 is you are going to get just what you wanted 17:04 to, you are not going to enter that land, and 17:06 you are going to go back into the wilderness 17:08 for forty years. How did he feel? 17:13 Caleb was heart sick as was Joshua, because 17:16 Joshua was also a faithful spy. They were 17:18 two faithful spies, and Moses and Caleb and 17:22 Joshua were just heart sick as you can 17:24 imagine. You know what they never ever 17:27 complained to God. They took the punishment 17:31 of the whole group. Even though they had to 17:32 wait 40 years too. Yes. They never complained. 17:34 Yes, and they went into the land but that God 17:37 did promise. He promised that Caleb and 17:39 Joshua would be the only ones that would 17:41 enter the land that were twenty years or older 17:44 at that point. And that really happened. 17:46 Didn't it. Yes, so God was very faithful. 17:49 God is a God of his words. 17:51 And it pays to trust in God. 17:52 We need to remember that always. 17:54 Well, I will enjoy coming to the marketplace 17:57 again. Thanks for telling us, I've heard about 17:59 that but I am so glad to hear it from you. 18:04 Praise the Lord. Thank you, I hope you plan to 18:06 stay for awhile. Yes, I'll be back in the market. 18:10 Oh good, do some shopping for us, 18:12 would you? Thank you, thank you. Thank you, 18:13 thank you so much. Isn't that wonderful. 19:27 It's time for Ms. Brenda's book of the day. 19:31 And boys and girls I have a book for you 19:34 little ones out there. This is for the tiny tots, 19:37 this is called Bible Firsts, and it's by 19:39 Charles L. Paddock and this is a book of Bible 19:42 firsts, and there is all kinds of first things in 19:44 here like the first home, the first man, the first 19:48 Sabbath, the first baby, so many firsts, and 19:51 you little ones out there are going to love this 19:53 book Bible Firsts by Charles L. Paddock. 19:58 Well, I have so many letters I am so excited 20:00 today boys and girls, I was looking in through 20:02 all my mail, and I have a letter from Belize, 20:04 and I've one from West Indies, and I have one 20:07 from Great Britain, and a letter from India, 20:09 and the Philippines, and all over and I can't 20:12 wait to read your letters. But before I read 20:15 your letters, I've a phone call I'd like to 20:18 take and sometimes I just love calling you 20:20 boys and girls, just give your phone number, 20:22 and you know I do sometimes Ms. Brenda just 20:24 calls you, you never know when, and right 20:26 now I have Stacy on the phone. Stacy, 20:28 are you there? Yeah. Hi Stacy. 20:32 Hi Ms. Brenda. It's so good to talk to you 20:35 honey. Can you tell me what do you do to 20:37 share Jesus. I draw pictures with little 20:43 bouquets on them and I give them to people 20:46 wherever I go. Oh that's so wonderful, and 20:49 what did the people say when you hand them 20:51 those. They say thank you, that was really 20:54 nice. And that makes them happy. Yeah. 20:57 Oh do you smile at them and tell Jesus loves 20:59 them. Uh-huh. That's a good thing to do, isn't 21:02 it? Uh-huh. And tell me do you have any 21:05 brothers or sisters Stacy. I just have two 21:08 brothers. What are their names? Michael and 21:12 Andrew. Michael and Andrew. And are you a 21:14 good sister to them. Uh huh. Are you a big 21:18 sister or a little sister to them? I am the middle 21:21 one. You're the middle one. Well, I am the 21:24 middle sister in my family too. Well Stacy, 21:27 thank you so much for talking with me today. 21:30 I want to encourage you to keep sharing Jesus, 21:33 will you? Uh-hm. Alright bye, bye Stacy. 21:37 Bye. Oh that was so nice to talk to Stacy. 21:39 Thank you so much. Alright well I'll have a 21:42 letter here from Belize and let's see what this 21:45 letter is. It says from Erica, and I love all 21:50 these letters and there is a picture here but it's 21:52 glued to it, well maybe I can undo it right 21:54 here, it's a real tiny one, maybe not. I'll read 21:56 the letter first then we will take the picture. 21:58 It says dear Ms. Brenda, my name is Erica and 22:01 I am from Belize, and I'm fourteen years old, 22:03 and I really appreciate the gifts that you've 22:05 been sending me and the Bible studies. 22:07 Thank you so much. I sure enjoy those Bible 22:10 studies, they help me to be a better girl, 22:12 and they also help me to share Jesus with my 22:14 friends. Here is a picture of me. God bless 22:16 you, goodbye, Erica. And here is a picture of 22:20 Erica if you can see she just cut out a little 22:22 picture of her right there, isn't that cute, and 22:25 Erica thank you so much, and I am glad you're 22:27 enjoying those Bible studies. Do you know 22:29 boys and girls when you sign up for Kids 22:31 Club, I send you the Bible studies in the mail. 22:34 I send you six lessons at a time, and then I 22:37 don't always tell you this but I send a extra 22:40 little surprise every time I send you a new set 22:42 of lessons, I put a little bit of gift in there from 22:44 Ms. Brenda. And I am not telling you what it 22:46 is, but every time you send those lessons in 22:49 you get another one, and when you finish all 22:51 the lessons guess what we send you. 22:54 A beautiful Kids Time Bible, is this not 22:57 gorgeous, and it's a wonderful Bible. You are 22:59 gonna love that Bible boys and girls. It's so 23:02 pretty with a picture of Jesus with the children 23:04 on it. So I want to encourage you to get 23:08 those lessons, and if you haven't signed up for 23:10 Kids Club yet, all you have to do is send me 23:13 your name and address, and make sure that an 23:14 adult helps you with an address, because I 23:16 can't send you anything if I can't read it. 23:18 And send it to me, I'l get the lessons to you 23:20 right away. Okay, I've another letter here and 23:23 this letter, let's see, is from the West Indies in 23:26 Antigua. Oh I've got another nice picture 23:29 here, let's see who this is from. It says dear 23:33 Ms. Brenda, I always watch Kids Time and I 23:36 love Jesus so much and I would like you to 23:38 send me the Bible lessons please and it 23:41 says no matter what way I share Jesus, 23:45 I really love sharing him. I hope you will send 23:48 me that Bible lessons soon 'cause I am really 23:51 looking forward to it, and thank you. Oh by 23:53 the way my name is Tanisha, and I live in 23:56 Antigua. Well Tanisha thank you for that, and 23:59 thank you for the nice letter. And it's so good 24:02 to hear from you, and there is another letter in 24:04 here and let's see who if it's to, oh you know 24:08 what this is, Tanisha draw me a picture, and 24:12 she drew me a picture of a tree with a sun in 24:14 the sky, and what an artist. There you go well 24:17 thank you so much for that, and we'll make 24:20 sure we get those Bible lessons to you right 24:22 away. You don't have to worry about that 24:24 alright. Let's see we have a letter, another 24:28 letter from Belize. Oh, I love this letter, and 24:32 another picture, and this one looks like a 24:34 picture with the whole family. Let's see it says 24:36 dear Ms. Brenda, my name is Kathleen, I am 24:39 writing to you for Paul and Gabrielle. Paul is 24:42 five years old and Gabrielle is three years 24:44 old, and they love, no we all love Kids Time 24:46 and everyday we look forward to the next day 24:49 to see it again. Says, they show Jesus that they 24:52 love him by helping me around the house and 24:55 by cleaning the yard and by not fighting. 24:57 It says, please send us the Kids Club lessons 24:59 and the activity book. Thanks, their mom 25:02 Kathleen. Well, thank you for that letter, 25:04 and we will get those lessons right out to you. 25:05 I'm glad that your kids share Jesus by not 25:08 fighting, that's very important. I've a letter 25:11 here from St. Lucia and let's see what this 25:14 letter says. It says dear Ms. Brenda, my name 25:17 is Jamie and I am eight years old, and I like 25:19 puppies very much. I live in the beautiful 25:22 island of St. Lucia. It says, I enjoy listening to 25:25 your program everyday, and I tell others about 25:28 God's love for us, and my favorite hobby is 25:31 football, cricket and basketball. I've a bike 25:34 and a dog and my dog's name is Taz. 25:37 My friend Tandy has bike too. Sometimes we 25:40 go riding together, it says my grandmother is 25:42 blind. I want you to please pray for her and 25:46 also my mother. She has diabetes and she 25:48 needs your prayer, love Jamie. Yes, Jamie we 25:51 will pray for you grandma and your mom, 25:54 and boys and girls would you pray for Jamie's 25:56 grandma and mom too. Well, quick e-mail it 26:00 says, Dear Ms. Brenda, I am turning eleven 26:02 and twelve soon, my name is Kirsten, and I 26:06 love Kids Time, and I share Jesus. I'm making 26:09 hearts out of paper coloring them and I write 26:11 Jesus loves you on them and put them in 26:13 people's mailboxes. And I love horses too, 26:16 do you? And it says bye Kirsten and she is 26:19 from Australia. Yes, I do Kirsten. And boys 26:21 and girls that's all the time we have today. 26:24 I want to encourage you that wherever you go, 26:26 whatever to do, it's Kids Time to share Jesus. |
Revised 2014-12-17