Kids' Time

Sarah And Denise Wolf

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000183

00:03 It's time to share there's a world out there,
00:07 looking for a friend like Jesus,
00:10 it's time to share there is a world out there.
00:13 Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:16 Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:20 Kids Time, Kids Time, Kids Time.
00:25 Hello boys and girls. Birthdays are
00:26 special days, aren't they?
00:28 They mark the beginning of a
00:29 new year of life and I'm sure many of
00:31 you have blown off birthday candles
00:33 on a birthday cake haven't you, just
00:34 like this. You know what some of you
00:38 maybe even made a wish for something
00:42 special as you blown out your candles.
00:44 Do you know what my greatest wish is?
00:46 It's that Jesus will come soon.
00:48 Well, today we have an extra special
00:50 program for you and do you know why?
00:52 It's because we have a special guest here
00:55 on Kids Time, and I can't wait for you
00:56 to meet her. Her name is Sarah,
00:59 and she is here with us today because
01:01 she made a wish. Now in recent months,
01:04 Sarah has been very, very sick and the
01:06 Make-A-Wish Foundation heard about Sarah
01:08 and decided to grant her a special wish.
01:11 Now, Sarah could have asked for a lot of
01:14 different things. She might have wished
01:16 to go to Disney land or to meet a
01:18 famous celebrity, but do you know what
01:21 Sarah wished for, not any of those things.
01:24 Sarah wished she could be here on Kids Time.
01:27 And today Sarah's wish comes true.
01:30 She will be singing with Buddy and the
01:32 Kids Times singers and then on Sharing Time.
01:35 She's going to tell us what's she's gone
01:37 through with God's strength and health.
01:40 You know, boys and girls God has a wish too.
01:43 His wish is that each one of you will be
01:45 ready when Jesus comes.
01:47 Wouldn't you like to make His wish come
01:49 true. That's what our Bible story is about today
01:51 "Being ready" well, right now let's listen what
01:55 Ranger Jim tells us about Cave safety.
02:09 Oh! Hi boys and girls. Ranger Jim saying
02:11 welcome to Nature Time.
02:13 Can you believe this? Isn't this gorgeous?
02:16 We are literally under Raccoon Mountain
02:18 in a beautiful cavern here, near Chattanooga,
02:20 Tennessee, and it's so wonderful place to be.
02:23 My friend Patty is with us and she is going
02:25 to tell us something about safety in caves.
02:27 It could be dangerous, couldn't it? Yes,
02:30 Ranger Jim, and boys and girls.
02:31 Some of you may have been in caves,
02:33 some of you may not have been,
02:35 and we're gonna talk now about safety things
02:39 you need to know in caves, as matter
02:41 of fact, I'm gonna show you the equipment
02:42 that we use. Let's go.
02:46 Boys and girls isn't this a beautiful,
02:49 beautiful cave. Yes, it is, Ranger Jim.
02:52 And you know it's really important
02:54 that people know something about
02:55 safety before they go into caves.
02:57 This cave we do walking towards,
03:00 we have gravel pathways, we have
03:02 lights so you can pretty much come in
03:05 and just take a walking toward,
03:07 the guides will lead people through so
03:09 they don't get lost. But most caves
03:11 around the world are wild caves,
03:14 which means they are no pathways
03:16 or lights and we have special rules that
03:18 we follow for those. One, we never go
03:21 into a cave alone, we always go with
03:23 four people, and that way if somebody does
03:26 get hurt one person stays with the hurt
03:29 person while two people gets help,
03:31 and that way nobody is ever alone.
03:33 Another thing we do is as we let people
03:35 outside the cave, know where we're going
03:37 and how long we'll be gone, so that
03:40 if we don't get back on time they know
03:42 to come looking for us or to call for help.
03:45 It's real important that we also have
03:48 the right equipment, a lot of caves around
03:51 here, we just need basic equipment like
03:54 our knee pads, we slide on over our
03:58 feet up to our knees, and we use these
04:01 for crawling. Protect from the rocks
04:03 and sharp objects. Absolutely.
04:07 And we have gloves, those, monkey grips.
04:11 Yeah. Of course, it's really important
04:14 that we know that they it'll protect our
04:16 hands from sharp rocks and they will
04:18 keep our hands clean in case we need
04:20 to scratch our face or anything
04:22 but it also protects the rocks in the cave.
04:26 Most people don't know that if you touch
04:29 a rock with your finger tips it leaves
04:32 oils behind, and those oils will make
04:36 the rock quick growing for upto 10 years,
04:38 amazing, which is one thing.
04:40 We should never touch it. Never, no.
04:42 Never touch it. No. and there is something
04:45 else that if you would agree that
04:47 we should stress to the boys and girls.
04:49 Boys and girls, when you're out playing
04:50 alone somewhere if you should find a
04:52 hole in the ground it might be an old well
04:55 and might be dangerous it might be a big
04:57 culvert or something of that nature.
04:59 You are to never go there.
05:01 That can be very dangerous so whatever
05:04 you do when you are out playing with friends
05:05 and whatever if you find a cave
05:08 or you thing it's a cave you go and
05:09 tell an adult. Don't you go there
05:12 because you could be injured, might be
05:14 even cost your life. So we hope that
05:16 you have learned something about
05:18 safety in caves. So this is Ranger Jim
05:20 as always saying boys and girls,
05:22 don't forget to tell Jesus that you love
05:24 Him because He really does love you.
05:35 Come on Greg, we've got to
05:37 get this place cleaned up.
05:39 Boys and girls we are so excited.
05:42 We've got a special guest coming all
05:44 the way from Idaho. Her name is Sarah Wolfe.
05:47 See Sarah had a brain tumor and the
05:49 people at the Make-A-Wish Foundation
05:51 helps she and her family come here
05:53 so they can sing with us 'cause that was
05:55 her biggest wish. I think, I think I see her
05:58 coming and she's with Miss Brenda.
05:59 Hey, hi, kids. Hi, how are you?
06:03 Look who I have with me, I have Sarah.
06:06 Can you say hi to Sarah? Hi. Sarah,
06:10 I wanna ask you, can you introduce
06:11 your brothers are singing with us today too,
06:13 aren't they? Yeah. Which brother is this?
06:15 This is Levi. Levi. And who is behind
06:19 you right here? Tyrell. Tyrell.
06:22 And let me ask you what was your biggest
06:24 wish that you wished for? To come down to 3ABN.
06:30 3ABN, that's right and what show did you
06:33 want to be on 3ABN. Kids Time. Kids Time.
06:37 And today, we get to be on Kids Time, don't we?
06:41 And we're gonna sing with the Kids Time singers,
06:43 isn't it great? Yes, are you excited?
06:46 Well, you know what we're excited too
06:48 aren't we kids. Yeah. And you know what,
06:51 what song are we gonna sing today?
06:52 Lift up the trumpet. Lift up the trumpet,
06:56 and what is that song about? Do you remember,
07:00 Jesus. And do you want Jesus to come soon?
07:03 Yes. So do I. Let's sing Lift Up the Trumpet, Kids.
07:19 Lift up the trumpet, and loud let it ring:
07:24 Jesus is coming again!
07:29 Cheer up, ye pilgrims, be joyful and sing:
07:34 Jesus is coming again!
07:39 Coming again, coming again,
07:45 Jesus is coming again!
07:50 Echo it, hilltops; proclaim it, ye plains:
07:55 Jesus is coming again!
07:59 Coming in glory, the Lamb that was slain;
08:05 Jesus is coming again!
08:08 coming again! coming again!
08:14 Jesus is coming again!
08:19 Nations are angry by this we do know
08:24 Jesus is coming again!
08:29 Knowledge increases; men run to and fro;
08:34 Jesus is coming again!
08:38 coming again! coming again!
08:44 Jesus is coming again!
08:59 Welcome to Learning Time,
09:01 say I have got a good helper with me today
09:04 and let's see who this is. This is Ruth.
09:06 Ruth I hardly recognized you.
09:08 Well you got your bags and your bags
09:10 are all packed. Where are you going?
09:12 Nowhere. Nowhere. She got a big suitcase.
09:17 Have you ever use a suitcase to pack
09:18 things in? Have you ever done that?
09:20 Well, I will tell you what? Ruth that suitcase,
09:23 is that suitcase heavy or is it light?
09:25 What you think? Shall we check it out?
09:27 Heavy. Well, you know some things are
09:30 heavy but they don't look heavy and
09:31 some things are very light but they don't
09:33 look like. Hey, let's see what we've got
09:35 over here? We happen to have a very large
09:37 suitcase oh that you could fit in there,
09:39 and now we have a scale and this measures
09:42 how much this weigh, so can you pick that,
09:45 can you pick this whole thing up for us?
09:47 Can you pick the whole thing up?
09:48 Let's see if Ruth can do that?
09:49 It's a, man, is that heavy? That is a heavy,
09:53 don't hurt yourself because you know
09:55 what I wanna see if Ruth can put this
09:57 suitcase and put it right on top of this table.
10:00 You think she could do that? No.
10:03 I mean she's struggling just here
10:04 because it's heavy. I will tell you what
10:06 we're gonna do, we're going to look,
10:07 and we're gonna measure, you know
10:09 sometimes in science we have tools that,
10:11 that will measure things like how much
10:13 you weigh or how much liquid we can
10:15 put in a bottle or something like that.
10:17 Well, this happens to be our skill,
10:19 now if I lift on this rope right here
10:22 we're gonna lift it, can you see that dial?
10:24 And it's going up in the air, now the
10:26 suitcase is up in the air and you know what
10:28 it reads? It reads 34 pounds.
10:31 This suitcase is heavy. What you're gonna do
10:33 with all this stuff in the suitcase?
10:35 Nothing. Nothing, well she's got a heavy
10:38 bunch of nothing that's what she has.
10:40 Well, let's make this job a lot easier
10:43 because do you like to work hard
10:44 or do you like to work easy? Easy.
10:48 You like to work easy, don't you?
10:50 Because working easy is a smart thing to do.
10:52 Now you know what if Ruth to get the
10:54 suitcase on top of this big tall table,
10:57 we're gonna make something that's
10:59 call an inclined plane. Some people call it
11:02 a ramp and so we're gonna take this
11:04 big board right here, we're gonna set it up,
11:06 we're gonna set it up right here,
11:08 the edge of our table and I'm gonna
11:10 put the suitcase way down here and
11:13 Ruth come on down here.
11:14 And we're gonna put it right on our inclined
11:17 plane and keep grab a hold of that rope for us,
11:19 okay, and pull that thing up, can you pull it up?
11:22 You might have to use two hands,
11:23 and she's pulling it up. I'm gonna look
11:26 and see how much force it's going to take,
11:29 that's interesting and the maximum amount
11:32 of force right there is about 20 pounds.
11:35 That's an interesting thing.
11:36 She's gotta keep pulling yes just go
11:38 right on top of here, little more, keep
11:40 dragging and pull it and there we go,
11:42 right on top of our table.
11:44 Did you think she could do that? Yes.
11:48 Well, it was hard for her to pick it up off
11:49 of the ground, wasn't it?
11:50 But what did we use class? Inclined plane,
11:55 hey have you ever seen people using
11:57 inclined planes? Have you ever seen ramps?
12:00 What do people do with ramps?
12:02 Have you ever seen, Ruth? Well, have
12:04 you ever seen anybody using maybe a handicap
12:06 wheel access or something where a handicap
12:10 person they might on a wheelchair,
12:12 can wheelchairs go up stairs? No.
12:15 No they can't? They need a ramp, don't they?
12:17 They need an inclined plane.
12:19 That's what we have made today.
12:21 And sometime people load trucks with
12:23 inclined planes, load equipment and
12:25 merchandises stuff in a truck.
12:27 They don't carry them and put them up
12:29 and down with ladders, they use
12:31 inclined planes. And you know sometimes
12:34 that reminds me of something else,
12:36 you know, sometimes jobs are really hard
12:38 for us to figure out and they really
12:40 wear us out but if we just know the secret
12:42 about making work easier then work
12:46 makes a lot of fun. You know, work
12:48 should be fun, shouldn't it? Yeah, it really
12:50 should be fun and this simple tool,
12:52 this is a simple machine. Its called
12:54 an inclined plane. You can make one of those
12:57 at home and it helps us to get from a lower
13:00 place up to a higher place and you know
13:02 that reminds me of something,
13:04 do you know that God is trying to help
13:07 you and I, all of us to get to a higher place.
13:10 What is that higher place? Heaven.
13:14 Well, heaven that's right and He made a
13:15 inclined plane or a pathway and a
13:18 pathway is through Him because when
13:21 we go through Him what?
13:23 Things are a whole lot easier when we trust
13:25 in Him and that makes that trip a whole
13:27 lot easier for us. And remember when
13:30 we learn more about science
13:33 we learn more about our creator God.
13:45 Here, here I think this is the great
13:47 place for us to stop and wait for bridegroom.
13:48 Yeah. This must be easy. Yeah.
13:50 Let's wait here. Let's wait here.
13:52 The groom is start to pass from here.
13:56 I can't wait to go to the wedding.
13:58 I heard it's going to be so beautiful.
14:01 I have heard there is gonna be a big long
14:03 table full of food. Oh, yes. Lots of food.
14:06 Beautiful. I wonder what she's wearing,
14:09 it must be really nice. And I am sure the
14:11 bridegroom will be very handsome.
14:13 I just can't wait but you know I wonder
14:18 why it's taking him so long? He should be
14:21 here already, that's true, but you know
14:23 I am sure he will pass through here,
14:24 so we'll just wait here, be patient and
14:27 see what happens right. Yes.
14:29 It's very late, I am tired. It's been a
14:31 long day. It's been a long day.
14:32 We have to do a lot of preparation.
14:34 Yes. But you know what, just keep a
14:37 watch how and just keep paying attention
14:39 maybe sooner or later, maybe
14:40 he will just walk through, lets see
14:42 what happens. Okay, that's the good idea.
14:44 So I guess I will just keep a watch out.
14:50 Yeah. I am still watching.
14:58 I am still watching.
15:13 Behold the bridegroom coming.
15:15 Oh! Did you hear? Did you hear that?
15:18 It's the bridegroom, he is here, he is here.
15:20 Is he here? I have some oil. I have oil.
15:23 Wait, you have you lamp here.
15:26 We have oil. Does anybody have oil?
15:30 Oh! yes I am still have some oil.
15:33 Does anybody have? Can we have some of your oil?
15:37 We need to have go by ourselves.
15:43 Does anybody have any oil?
15:44 Does anybody have oil?
15:46 We have no oil. Now where do we get the oil?
15:50 Where do we get the oil? We have to catch up
15:54 with them, come on, let's go, we go get oil,
15:56 we go get oil. Hurry up before they leave,
15:58 hurry up. Oh! That just breaks my heart.
16:05 Those poor girls, I know how badly
16:09 they wanted to be a part of the wedding feast.
16:11 Don't they realize you've got to have
16:14 oil in your lamp before the bridegroom comes,
16:17 once he's come and gone
16:18 it's too late, it just too late.
16:40 I love you, Lord And I lift my voice
16:50 To worship You Oh, my soul rejoice!
17:00 Take joy my King In what You hear
17:09 Let it be a sweet, sweet sound in Your ear
17:18 I love you, Lord And I lift my voice
17:29 To worship You Oh, my soul rejoice!
17:38 Take joy my King In what You hear
17:47 Let it be a sweet, sweet sound in Your ear
17:56 Let it be a sweet, sweet sound in Your ear.
18:19 It's time for Miss Brenda's
18:20 book for the day and today's book,
18:25 boys and girls is called "Abraham"
18:27 It's by a very special friend of mine
18:28 Ruth Redding Brand. Let's see
18:30 this book says, Abram was old and childless.
18:34 Then God showed up.
18:35 "I will make you a great nation,"
18:38 He said, and named him Abraham,
18:40 father of a people. Years later the
18:43 impossible came true. Abraham's faith
18:46 fathered three world religions:
18:48 Judaism, Islam, and Christianity.
18:52 Boys and girls, you want to learn more
18:53 about Abraham, you want to read this book,
18:56 well, right now I have something,
18:59 this program boys and girls is a very
19:01 special program to me, and maybe one
19:03 of the most special programs I've ever
19:04 done because I have a special friend with
19:07 me today, and her name is Sarah.
19:10 Hi Sarah. Hi. Sarah I am so excited
19:13 you came and to be on sharing time with me
19:15 and we've had a fun day today, haven't we?
19:17 And earlier we've, you got to sing with
19:20 the Kids Time singers, right. Yeah.
19:22 And you are here all the way from where?
19:25 Idaho. Idaho, and you know that
19:29 Make-A-Wish Foundation made that possible,
19:31 didn't they? Can you show the boys and girls
19:33 your T-Shirt? That's see like that, Yep.
19:36 There it says, Make A Wish and you know
19:39 boys and girls Make-A-Wish
19:40 is a foundation that makes wishes come
19:43 true for kids that are sick and that are
19:46 not feeling well and Sarah has been sick
19:48 for a long time. Haven't you Sarah? Yeah.
19:50 Yes, you have and can you tell me Sarah
19:52 you have been sick about a year ago.
19:54 The doctor told you something.
19:56 What did they tell you a year ago?
19:57 They told me I cannot eat.
20:02 And you were having trouble.
20:04 You were having terrible headaches,
20:05 weren't you? Yeah. And so you were having
20:07 terrible headaches and when you went
20:08 to the doctor to find out about the
20:10 headaches what did they find out?
20:11 What was the reason for the headaches?
20:13 Well, If I didn't eat I would have headache.
20:19 You would have headaches if you
20:21 didn't eat, and then your headaches
20:22 didn't stop and so they said,
20:24 there was something wrong in your brain,
20:26 in your head. What was it? I had a tumor.
20:29 You had a tumor in your brain, didn't you?
20:31 And so you had to have, what did the
20:34 doctors do fix it? They did surgery,
20:39 didn't they? Yeah. Yeah, they did,
20:41 in fact, you've had seven different
20:42 surgeries, haven't you? Yes.
20:44 And you know what I want to introduce
20:46 somebody special sitting next to you.
20:47 Who is sitting next to you? My mom.
20:50 Your mom. And you know what mom's
20:52 pretty special isn't she? Yes,
20:54 and you are pretty close friends,
20:56 and you know when you had, had surgery
20:59 you had to have your head shaved,
21:00 didn't you? And do you know what,
21:02 what did your mom do because she
21:04 loves you so much, what she do?
21:05 She shaved her head for me.
21:09 She shaved her head for you too,
21:10 didn't she, so that you are the only
21:12 one with the shaved head, is that not
21:14 precious boys and girls? That's a lot
21:16 of love there, isn't it? And when
21:19 you had, for a while after your surgery
21:21 they were something that would hard for you.
21:23 You couldn't talk, right. Yeah.
21:26 And Jesus help to talk again, didn't He?
21:28 Yup! And you couldn't walk. No.
21:31 But now you walk a little bit. Yes.
21:34 And you're talking pretty good.
21:36 Miss Brenda can understand you,
21:37 and I remember something you told
21:41 me earlier. You said, you couldn't even
21:43 close one of your eyes, remember that.
21:45 And now you think close your eyes, can you?
21:47 So Jesus has really been with you.
21:50 Let me tell you, you said, something to
21:53 Miss Brenda earlier that really touched
21:56 my heart and you said, one time your
21:58 mom was crying at your bedside,
22:00 you reached over and you patted her,
22:02 and you said, mommy it's okay.
22:04 What did you tell her? Do you remember,
22:10 do you remember mom what she told you?
22:12 She just patted me on head and she said,
22:14 mommy it's okay. Jesus is taking care of me.
22:18 Isn't that precious? Yes. Who is your best friend?
22:22 Jesus. Now, I understand
22:25 you had a very special wish.
22:27 The Make-A-Wish Foundation, Idaho,
22:29 they came and asked you, what your
22:32 favorite thing to do? They said, we want
22:33 to grant a wish for you, and you can do
22:36 anything you want, maybe go to Disneyland
22:39 or Disney world or go meet to a famous
22:41 movie star and you said, I want to do what?
22:44 Go to Kids Time. You wanted to be on Kids Time,
22:50 more than anything else, you know, boys
22:52 and girls she could have easily gone to
22:54 Disneyland with her family or she could
22:56 have gone Sea world or you know meet a
22:58 famous movie star but she loves Jesus
23:01 so much and she wanted to be here
23:03 in Kids Time. Isn't that special. Yes.
23:06 And tell me, your wish came true today,
23:08 didn't it? Because on today's program
23:11 you got to sing with buddy in the
23:12 Kids Time singers and I thought you did
23:15 a very good job. Yes. Miss Brenda was very
23:18 proud of you, and can you tell me?
23:20 Can I talk to you? I will ask your mom a
23:22 couple of questions, okay, and I know when
23:27 Sarah first talked about Kids Time
23:30 she loved Kids Time and what do you think
23:34 what have you seen since she has been
23:36 sick just, feel that program has been
23:38 helpful for her? You know she couldn't
23:40 get out and play a lot because of her
23:42 disabilities and Kids Time was one thing
23:45 she really looked forward to everyday.
23:48 She love Jesus and she like to hear the
23:50 stories about Jesus, she like the music
23:52 because there were songs that she could
23:54 sing along with and you know when
23:57 Kids Time was over with I would still hear
23:59 of singing song she learned on the Kids Time,
24:01 oh, Kids Time has been a real blessing to her.
24:04 Oh! And what's your favorite thing on
24:07 Kids Time Sarah? Singing. Singing,
24:10 you like the songs. That's my favorite part.
24:14 The singing, I like the singing too.
24:16 I sing at home. You do? What's one your
24:20 favorite songs? "My God is so great"
24:25 your God is great, and
24:27 "All the Kids in the World"
24:31 Jesus loves the children, all the
24:33 children of the world. Can you sing that
24:34 for me? Jesus loves the little children
24:41 All the children of the world
24:46 Black and yellow, red and white
24:50 They're all precious in His sight
24:54 Jesus loves the little children of the world.
24:59 Oh, Sarah, thank you so much, wasn't
25:02 that precious boys and girls?
25:04 I just love that song. Thank you so much
25:06 and Sarah you know what you shared Jesus
25:08 with Miss Brenda and all the boys and girls
25:10 today just by being here and I just want
25:13 to tell you, I love you and I am so glad that
25:15 you choose and you wished for Kids Time
25:18 to be here with us. Did your wish come true,
25:20 Sarah? Yeah. It did, and now, you know what
25:24 someday we are gonna go to heaven
25:26 and there isn't gonna be any more sickness.
25:27 Isn't that gonna be wonderful?
25:29 I am homesick for heaven, aren't you?
25:30 Yes. Well, I am going to read a letter right now.
25:33 Let's see this letter from Elizabeth and
25:35 lives in Almont, Michigan, and let's see what
25:38 Elizabeth has to say, and I think, here is a
25:42 picture, can you hold this for us, Sarah?
25:44 Yeah. Okay and boys and girls see her picture.
25:47 It says, dear Miss Brenda, my name is
25:49 Elizabeth. I am four years old.
25:50 My mommy helped me write this letter.
25:52 Can I please join Kids Club and learn
25:54 more about Jesus? I have a wheel chair
25:57 because of a car accident.
25:58 Will you pray for me so I can walk,
26:01 love Elizabeth. Oh! Elizabeth we
26:03 definitely will. Sarah would help pray
26:05 for Elizabeth 'cause she can't walk.
26:07 That's okay, we can get up later.
26:08 We will have pray for Elizabeth too, okay.
26:11 Okay. And boys and girls I want you to
26:14 encourage you to pray for Elizabeth and pray
26:16 for Sarah will you? Just keep praying
26:18 she is still got lot more ahead,
26:19 so I would ask you to pray for.
26:21 Sarah, thank you for being with us today.
26:24 Mom thank you for joining us.
26:25 Boys and girls wherever you go,
26:27 whatever you do I want you to remember
26:29 that it's Kids Time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17