Kids' Time

Through The Roof

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000181

00:03 It's time to share there's a world out there,
00:06 Looking for a friend like Jesus. It's time to share
00:11 there's a world out there;
00:13 let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:16 Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:20 Kid's time, kid's time, kids time.
00:25 Hi, boys and girls. Well, there is a verse
00:26 in the Bible that, it's found in Jeremiah 29:13.
00:30 I would like to read it for you.
00:31 It says, and you shall seek me and find me,
00:34 when you shall search for me with all of your heart.
00:37 You know, this verse reminds me of a little
00:39 animal that paid my sister visit one day.
00:42 And it was searching for something with all of its
00:44 little heart. You know, my sister Linda
00:46 was cooking supper at a youth camp at Camp of Sabu
00:49 in Michigan. And she was cooking for about
00:52 300 people. I'm telling you, my sister Linda
00:55 is such a wonderful cook and those enticing
00:58 smells were drifting out of her kitchen window
01:00 and into the woods. Well, just as my sister
01:03 was putting the last piece of fruit into a big bowl
01:06 of fruit salad. One of the ceiling tiles came crashing
01:09 down right from above and landed right on her,
01:12 by her foot, but you know what that's not all
01:15 that landed by your foot. Down came a great big
01:18 fat hungry raccoon and he had climb up
01:21 into the attic and he fell through the ceiling
01:23 landing right there by her foot. Well, my sister and
01:26 she gave that hungry raccoon a piece of that fruit.
01:30 And then you know what she did.
01:31 She shoot him right outside and supper was saved.
01:35 Well, our Bible story today is about a man,
01:37 who was so determined to see Jesus.
01:38 They reacted sort f like that raccoon,
01:41 who dropped into my sister's kitchen.
01:43 And how did he act like that raccoon.
01:45 Well, you are gonna've to wait just a little bit
01:49 because you will here the rest of the story,
01:51 but first let's drop in on the Ranger Jim
01:54 and see what he has to share for us today.
02:03 Hi, boys and girls. Ranger Jim saying
02:05 welcome to Nature Time. We're in Knoxville,
02:07 Tennessee at the zoo and we are seeing
02:08 some wonderful creatures. And my friend Michael
02:11 is here with one of his friends. Michael,
02:12 what is this beautiful creature?
02:14 This is a New Guinea Blue Tongue Skink.
02:16 It's one of the largest species of skink in the
02:18 world there is about 3000 just,
02:20 3 to 4000 described species and there is only
02:23 1-2 that are larger then her.
02:25 So, it comes from a large family of skinks.
02:27 I know back in Michigan, we go for a walk
02:29 with our children, pathfinders and we turn
02:33 over logs and but the one we find about this long.
02:36 Yeah, the largest species that we have in America
02:39 is about 4-5 inches. So, they get,
02:41 they get bigger, you get close.
02:44 Okay, the ones that we find are they are
02:46 non-poisonous and boys and girls enjoy them,
02:48 get them and I allow them once in a while to pick one,
02:50 put it in a jar, take it home and observe it for
02:52 an hour or so, but then they take it back
02:54 and put it back in. That's the best way
02:55 to do it, yeah. Take it back and release
02:56 it because there is no value to you, you can take it,
02:59 get it in better light where you can see it.
03:00 Yeah. Like this, now this creature is not venomous.
03:03 No, not venomous at all. She, she will threaten
03:06 predators with her blue tongue,
03:07 which maybe I can get her to do.
03:11 Okay, of course she wouldn't do it now.
03:12 No, not on cue, but she will, she will threaten
03:15 and she will hasten open her mouth, I mean,
03:17 she will show her blue tongue and predators
03:19 see that color and they know that, that's possibly
03:21 a sign of poison or venom when they leave her alone.
03:23 Alright, that's a good thing to remember
03:25 and I see her ears in the back of her head,
03:27 could we turn this slowly around maybe. Yeah.
03:29 Getting round like this and so maybe the
03:32 boys and girls could see that better,
03:33 the ears are large on the back of it like that.
03:36 And then, on its belly she has beautiful
03:39 coloration under here. And I have people,
03:43 who don't like snakes and don't like lizards
03:45 and we sometime call them pre-pecolor things.
03:47 And I talk about how beautiful they are.
03:49 And they say, Oh! Yak, I don't think that's
03:51 beautiful and all. Yeah. But people who love them
03:53 like you are herpetologist. Did you think
03:54 they're wonderful? Yeah, they are beautiful
03:56 creatures. They are beautiful creatures
03:57 because you understand them in all.
03:59 What ,what, what this creature eat.
04:00 She will eat just about anything you give her.
04:02 She is omnivorous and she will eat smaller skinks
04:05 or the lizards, fruits, berries, different,
04:09 different vegetables. She is just an opportunist,
04:11 whatever she can. It's just like that,
04:12 she will eat anything. Yeah, sure. Go along
04:14 like that, alright. Then I've, I feeling of her,
04:16 she is very firm, isn't she should very strong
04:19 structured like that. And about reproduction
04:22 this lays eggs, this creature lays eggs.
04:24 No, she actually gives live birth.
04:26 She gives live birth, alright.
04:27 That's wonderful we learned that and how many
04:29 would she have, when she had babies.
04:31 Anywhere between 5-20, depending on.
04:33 And they are little guys like this when they are born.
04:36 Yeah, about that size, yeah.
04:37 Okay, now does the parent stay with them
04:38 to protect them or just everyman for himself.
04:40 Just about everyman for himself,
04:41 they disperse pretty quickly.
04:43 Okay and so she now. If you have a creature
04:49 like this at the here at the zoo and you have
04:52 good veterinary in care. How long would the
04:54 creature like this live. Roughly about 30 years.
04:56 30 years that much, that much and of course
04:59 did in the while we would expect it to live that long.
05:01 It might live 20, 25 at most.
05:04 Yeah, yeah. And she is about 20 years right now.
05:06 Okay and so any predators that feed on these
05:09 or it's a just. They, they really good
05:11 at hiding, they hang out underneath leaflet or in logs.
05:15 So, they, they have relatively few predators,
05:17 but there is some large pythons that would eat them.
05:19 That would eat them like this, so.
05:20 Another beautiful creature. Thank you Michael
05:22 for telling us about it. Boys and girls Ranger Jim saying,
05:25 don't forget to tell Jesus that you love him
05:27 because he really does love you.
05:38 Hey, Michelle what are you doing?
05:41 Well, Kiera, I just want to show you how many
05:43 hymns Fannie Crosby be wrote. Did you know
05:46 that she wrote more hymns and all the hymns
05:48 and these hymn books put together that's more
05:51 tan 6000 hymns. Tell us more.
05:55 Well, when Fannie Crosby was only 6 weeks old.
05:57 She became blind, but that didn't stop her
06:00 from doing all the fun things kids like to do.
06:02 Like climbing trees and riding horses and running.
06:05 And she wrote some pretty good poems too.
06:08 She also like to turn those poems into words,
06:10 word songs, but one day a friend of hers came
06:14 to her and said Fannie you know,
06:16 you should use your talents for the Lord
06:18 the one he profess the love so much.
06:20 She took those words to heart and pretty soon,
06:23 she was writing in lots and lots of hymns for her
06:26 heavenly father and ours. Let sing one now redeemed.
06:38 Redeemed, how I love to proclaim it!
06:42 Redeemed by the blood of the Lamb;
06:46 Redeemed through His infinite mercy,
06:50 His child and forever I am. Redeemed, redeemed,
06:58 Redeemed by the blood of the Lamb;
07:02 Redeemed, how I love to proclaim it!
07:06 His child and forever I am.
07:12 Redeemed, and so happy in Jesus,
07:16 No language my rapture can tell;
07:20 I know that the light of His presence
07:24 With me doth continually dwell.
07:27 Redeemed, redeemed, Redeemed by the blood
07:33 of the Lamb; Redeemed,
07:37 through His infinite mercy His child and forever I am.
08:04 Give them all, give them all Give them all to Jesus.
08:11 Shattered dreams, wounded hearts,
08:15 and broken toys. Give them all,
08:21 give them all Give them all to Jesus.
08:28 And He will turn your sorrow into joy
08:37 Are you tired of chasing pretty rainbows
08:45 And are you tired of spinning round and round.
08:53 Wrap up all the shattered dreams of your life
09:01 And at the feet of Jesus lay them down
09:08 Give them all, give them all Give them all to Jesus.
09:16 Shattered dreams, wounded hearts,
09:20 and broken toys. Give them all, give them all
09:28 Give them all to Jesus.
09:32 And He will turn your sorrow into joy
09:42 He never said you'd only see sunshine
09:50 He never said there'd be no rain
09:59 He only promised a heart full of singing
10:06 About the very things that once brought pain.
10:13 Give them all, give them all Give them all to Jesus.
10:21 Shattered dreams, wounded hearts,
10:24 and broken toys. Give them all, give them all
10:34 Give them all to Jesus.
10:37 And He will turn your sorrow into joy
10:46 And He will turn your sorrow into joy
11:08 Hey, Jonathan good to see you.
11:10 Good to see you. Wow! Look at this guy.
11:13 He is getting so big. He looks about as big
11:16 as his old dad. Few more inches.
11:21 Wow! I don't like keeping all kinds of things. Yes, right.
11:24 Oh! Look your friends are here.
11:26 Hey, friends. My name is Carol Barrington.
11:30 Welcome to Barrington ceiling tiles and long
11:34 furniture. You know, Barrington's is the only ceiling
11:37 tiles ever to be used in one of Jesus' miracles.
11:39 None of your ceiling tiles have been used
11:41 in the miracle. Oh! That is not true at all Jonathan.
11:45 You know, better than that.
11:46 Tell your dad to come down here, I'll set him
11:50 straight because what happen was the only day
11:54 when Jesus was here in town. We all gathered
11:56 at the house, just down the street.
11:59 And there were lots of lawyers from every town
12:02 in Galilee and Judi and Jerusalem.
12:05 And they all came to hear Jesus faith. Lot of people.
12:08 That's a whole lot of people. And lot's of people
12:12 were gathered around and nobody would or couldn't
12:14 move. So, when these people started shouting
12:17 from behind. We all just sit well.
12:21 We can't go anywhere, we're hearing Jesus faith.
12:25 Wow! So, guess were these guys showed up next.
12:30 Where? On the roof. On the roof.
12:34 On the roof and they were removing Barrington's
12:37 strong ceiling tiles. Sold in stacks of 12 or as singles
12:41 and started lowering this man right at Jesus'
12:45 feet and hold up. Well, Jesus didn't seem to by much.
12:50 I guess he admired their perseverance because
12:53 he turned to this man, who was completely
12:55 paralyze and he says, my friend your sins are forgiven.
13:00 Can you believe it? Well, all lawyer started to talk
13:05 and then they said, who does this man think he is.
13:07 God that he can forgive sins. This is blasphemy.
13:13 Well, Jesus didn't seem to mine. Now,
13:16 I wouldn't go that far with lawyers.
13:19 Now, anytime a lawyer is seem, but not heard.
13:22 It's a real shame to wake him. So, Jesus said,
13:29 why do you think this is blasphemy?
13:31 Doesn't the son of man have authority to forgive sins?
13:34 They didn't like that? No, they didn't like
13:37 that at all. So, Jesus said, by talkest cheek
13:41 I will prove my authority by healing this man.
13:44 And he reached down to this man and he says
13:47 my friend pick up your bed and go home for you
13:52 are healed. So, this man picks up his bed and he is
13:56 like run and jumping around and praising God,
13:59 everybody opened up like a parting in the rexine.
14:02 That's amazing. That was an experience.
14:06 Must have been. Okay, maybe I was
14:09 stretching the truth a little bit about Barrington
14:11 ceiling tiles been used in the actual miracle,
14:14 but I have been so proud to be in the ceiling
14:17 tile replacement business ever since.
14:19 Just to think that one of my ceiling tiles around
14:23 somebody to get closure to Jesus. So,
14:26 be faithful in whatever you do because
14:29 you never know what God has gonna use
14:31 from you to heal life. Thank you.
14:45 Maybe it will, maybe it will, but I'm not sure
14:51 even a weather man can't care
14:54 These unless partly cloudy skies.
15:00 I'm praying for rain, I've carried my umbrella for days
15:06 Can't see the skies through all these days,
15:09 I have to improvise,
15:15 Shy as of own, pa, pa, the seeds that I have sown
15:20 whenever grow unless it rains I wish it will pour whole day,
15:30 Only heaven knows for sure, Only heaven knows for sure,
15:37 When our rain will start to pour,
15:41 Only heaven knows for sure,
15:45 I know things will turn out fine
15:48 everything will turn out fine,
15:52 because he is gonna love me rain or shine,
16:04 Now that it's here, it seems it's been raining
16:07 for a year, feel like I'm grounding in my tears,
16:12 under these stars and cloudy skies,
16:18 I pray for the sun to shine down its healing rays of love,
16:24 We're needing some more,
16:25 from above us to command our eyes,
16:33 I went to the pond, pa, pa, the seeds that I have sown
16:38 whenever grow unless it rains,
16:42 Joys in the song comes out again,
16:48 Only heaven knows for sure, Only heaven knows for sure,
16:55 When our sun will shine some more,
16:59 Only heaven knows for sure,
17:03 I know things will turn out fine,
17:06 everything will turn out fine,
17:10 because he is gonna love me rain or shine,
17:17 Sunshine is down and warm this rain that falls on my skin,
17:24 Just like God's promise to take care of me,
17:30 In fact I just trust in Him,
17:35 Only heaven knows for sure, Only heaven knows for sure,
17:43 when our sun will shine some more
17:46 Only heaven knows for sure,
17:50 but I know things will turn out fine,
17:54 everything will turn out fine
17:57 because he is gonna love me rain or shine
18:01 He is gonna love me rain or shine
18:05 He is gonna love me... rain or shine,
18:10 tara, ra, tara ra, ra, ra, ra...
18:15 ra, ra, ta, ra ra, ra, ra, ra...
18:29 Hi, boys and girls. I'm here with my friend Laurel
18:31 Ann and she is gonna help me introduce,
18:33 the book of the day and I'm so excited about this book
18:38 it's the Shoebox Kids Book 12 from Jerry D. Thomas,
18:41 Mystery of the Abandoned Lighthouse. Let's see here.
18:45 It says, the Vargas's family vacation at the beach
18:48 takes a turn for the mysterious when Chris
18:51 and Maria discover a group of gravestones at the top
18:55 of a small sand dune. Who was Charles Perkins?
18:58 And what did the inscription on his gravestone mean?
19:01 The mystery grows when the two detectives begin
19:04 exploring an abandoned lighthouse nearby.
19:06 Chris soon finds himself dangling in mid air holding
19:10 onto nothing, but are rusty wheeling after the wicked
19:13 lighthouse tower stairway collapses beneath him.
19:16 Oh! Why hadn't he trusted his dads warnings?
19:19 Would help come before he crashed into the hard
19:23 cement floor below. Oh! No, the Mystery of the
19:27 Abandoned Lighthouse is full of surprises and lessons
19:30 and trust as to of the Shoebox Kids dodge sneaker
19:34 waves follow clues to a hidden treasure and finally
19:38 uncover Charles Perkins life changing secret.
19:41 A secret that changes Chris as well.
19:45 Oh! Isn't that sound good boys and girls.
19:47 You're gonna want to read Mystery of the
19:49 Abandoned Lighthouse.
19:51 Well, something else exciting for me today
19:53 boys and girls is my Laurel Ann. I'm so glad
19:56 she is here today, but before we talk to Laurel Ann
19:59 and find out what her ministry is.
20:02 Wouldn't you like to take a phone call right now.
20:04 I love your cards, your letters, your emails
20:07 and your phone calls. And right now,
20:09 we've a friend on the phone Katelynn.
20:11 Hi, Katelynn. Hi, Ms. Brenda.
20:14 Hi, sweetie, I'm so excited to talk to you.
20:16 Can you tell me, you met Ms. Brenda once before,
20:20 didn't you? Yep. And where did we meet.
20:22 At my grandma's house. At your grandma's house,
20:26 that's right. And you're from where?
20:28 Knoxville, Tennessee. Knoxville, Tennessee.
20:32 Katelynn what do you do to share Jesus?
20:34 I give presents to people.
20:42 You give presents to people? And what else do you do?
20:44 I go to church. You go to church.
20:47 Do you like going to church? Yep.
20:49 And I heard you smile at people, do you do that? Yep.
20:53 You smile you know, when we smile that shows Jesus
20:55 in our heart right. Yep.
20:57 So, you can smile and go up to someone and tell him
20:59 Jesus loves them. Can you do that? Yep.
21:01 Alright, and do you love Jesus very much Katelynn?
21:05 Yes. You do, how much do you love him?
21:07 A whole bunch. A whole bunch,
21:10 that's pretty and that's a lot, isn't? Yep.
21:13 Well, thank you, for talking to me today.
21:14 And I will see you later, okay. Okay.
21:17 Alright, bye, bye. Bye. Oh! Wasn't she sweet?
21:19 She loves Jesus a whole bunch and I do too. Okay.
21:23 Well, Laurel Ann, tell me I have some delicious smelling
21:26 bread right here it's making Ms. Brenda very hungry.
21:29 I'm ready to take a piece of this bread.
21:30 Now, what is next to me?
21:32 This is some of our homemade bread.
21:35 We grind our own wheat.
21:36 Now, wait a minute, when you wheat.
21:37 Do you actually make bread yourself. I do.
21:40 And you made this loaf of bread, so. I did.
21:42 You did, and this looks beautiful.
21:44 Look how nice the bread is all around that even
21:47 Ms. Brenda makes bread every single week.
21:49 So, I can tell you that this is very nicely done
21:52 bread here. So, tell me how did, how did you do it
21:57 and why do you do it? We grind our wheat
22:00 to the grinder and then. Now, wait a minute.
22:02 When you say you grind your wheat,
22:04 is this big stocks of wheat, you go up there
22:06 and you just hold in front of a grinder.
22:08 It comes already shelled in little kernels.
22:10 And little kernels. And we pour it to the top
22:12 of the grinder and it comes out in flour.
22:13 That's right, we know, I had to just tell
22:15 the boys and girls that because Ms. Brenda makes
22:17 bread every week the same way and I grind wheat,
22:19 but some of you might not know about,
22:20 ha, alright go ahead. And once it's all finished.
22:24 We take it to our friends and neighbors our music
22:28 teachers and they really appreciate it.
22:31 Now, when you take this bread,
22:32 you give them anything else with it?
22:34 We will take them some fruit or magazine on health.
22:39 And do they ever ask you about things about health
22:41 and you can talk to them about it or.
22:43 Umm! Umm! I once helped my music teacher,
22:45 when she was sick. And how did you help her?
22:47 We took her some fermentation,
22:50 heating pad and told her how to do hot and cold.
22:54 Hot and cold. Showers. And stuff to help her
22:57 do that to feel better. Well, that's wonderful and
23:00 so you share Jesus in a wonderful way,
23:02 didn't you? And that bread does smell good
23:04 enough to eat, right now. Well, thank you.
23:06 Would you like to hear some letters
23:08 that I have with me? Yes.
23:09 Okay, I have one let's see it's, it's from the Bahamas.
23:13 Let's see what, Oh! And there is a picture;
23:15 can you hold this up for me? Let's see this says,
23:19 Dear Ms. Brenda, I love Kids Time very much
23:24 and there your programs are great,
23:26 may God continue to bless you, I wrote a poem
23:29 for you, love Kristina. It says Jesus loves us
23:32 more than anything. We're his children.
23:34 And he loves us more than golden silver.
23:36 So, we must read the Ten Commandments especially
23:39 the fourth to keep the Sabbath Day holy,
23:41 holy and do his well. Love Kristina.
23:43 Well, she is from the Grand Bahamas. Thank you,
23:46 Kristina and you know, you are right,
23:47 we do need to read the Ten Commandments
23:49 and need to keep God Sabbath Day holy,
23:51 don't we? Alright, let's see, I have another letter
23:54 in here. Let's see, where this is from? It says
23:57 Dear, Ms. Brenda and it says loving greetings
24:00 from Aaron. I'm sending back my answer sheets
24:03 for my Bible study lessons and I look forward
24:06 to the next once. I love Kids Club. Well, thank you,
24:08 for sharing that. Says, I'm sorry for sending
24:11 my answers back late though,
24:12 but the lessons are very enjoyable.
24:15 My mother helped me to calculate the numbers
24:18 and I did learn more about Jesus through
24:20 these lessons. I watch Kids Time programs
24:22 and I love story time and the sing songs your sing.
24:25 I also love sharing time. I too share my food
24:28 with my friends at school. Thank you very much
24:31 for all the love and work you're doing for kids
24:34 all around the world. I love you very much may Jesus
24:37 bless you in all you do. Thank you Aaron.
24:39 Well, thank you, Aaron for that letter,
24:41 doesn't tell me where you are from,
24:43 so I appreciate the letter though.
24:46 Now, we've a letter from Ranishka from Abaco
24:49 in the Bahamas and I was actually in Abaco,
24:53 not too long ago. And it says, Dear, Ms. Brenda
24:56 I love Kids Time and my, it is my favorite show.
24:59 I'm 9 years old and I would like for you to pray
25:02 for my family especially my uncle and my mother.
25:05 I would like to be a part of the Kids Time club.
25:08 I would like an activity book too. And I love
25:10 everyone on Kids Time. My favorite part is
25:12 learning time with, with Ben Roy,
25:14 tell him that I love, yours truly, Ranishka.
25:18 And Ranishka thank you so much for that letter.
25:20 I appreciate that letter. Let's see,
25:22 if we have an email right here. Dear, Ms. Brenda,
25:25 it says, my daughter would like to join the kids club.
25:28 She would also like an activity book.
25:30 We all enjoy Kids Time and your new show Kids Time
25:33 praise. Thank you for everything that you do
25:35 for Kids Time. And we're praying for you,
25:37 love Viyella. Thank you, Viyella and we will get all
25:41 of your kids signed up for kids club. We will be happy
25:43 to do that. Now, thank you, so much and it got
25:46 so many letters here. Excuse me, Ms. Brenda.
25:48 What Laurel? I wanted to tell you
25:50 something. Oh! Okay.
25:51 This basket is for you. This basket of fruit
25:54 and bread is for me. Yes.
25:56 Ah! And you know what Ms. Brenda is hungry
25:58 that sound looks delicious. Thank you, so much.
26:00 And you bake this just for me. Thank you,
26:02 well I share with all the crew too.
26:04 Well, that's all the time we've today boys and girls.
26:06 I wanna thank you for sharing this time with us.
26:08 And I wanna encourage you that wherever you go,
26:11 whatever you do boys and girls.
26:13 Do you know what time is? It's right;
26:15 it's Kids Time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17