Participants: Brenda Walsh
Series Code: KT
Program Code: KT000180
00:03 It's time to share there's a world out there,
00:07 looking for a friend like Jesus. 00:10 It's time to share there's a world out there, 00:13 Let's tell them that He loves us so. 00:19 Kids time, kids time, kids time. 00:27 Hi, boys and girls, you know my grandson Michael 00:30 just loves to play with Lincoln Logs and have you ever 00:32 seen Lincoln Logs there are so much fun to play with. 00:35 They have little indentations in here and you can 00:38 build so many things. Look I've even built a little car 00:41 here and look at this adorable little log cabin, 00:45 that I just built. You know, when I was little girl, 00:48 I loved to play with Lincoln Logs and I used to 00:50 dream about you know wearing the prairie dresses 00:53 and the bonnets and living way out in the log cabin, 00:56 way out in the woods. But you know my dream never 00:59 came true, but today I do have some friends 01:01 who live in log cabin way out in the woods 01:03 and last year they had a pretty big scare. 01:06 There was a huge forest fire in the valley. 01:09 It was named the crazy horse fire; 01:11 you might have heard of it. At night they could see a 01:13 red-orange glow in the sky and everyday that fire 01:16 came a little bit closer to their cabin. 01:18 Now, you know my friends would pray and they just 01:21 pleaded with God to protect their little home and they 01:25 gathered a few of their things together. Just in case 01:27 they had to leave in a big hurry, but then a funny 01:30 thing happened, the fire just suddenly stopped 01:33 moving one day. It hadn't even reached the lines 01:36 that the fire fighters had dug to stop it. 01:39 No one can figure out, why the fire just stopped 01:41 right in the middle of the forest. Eventually though 01:46 the cool weather and the snow returned and the fire 01:48 season was over. You know my friends are really sure 01:52 they were positive that God stopped that fire 01:54 because certainly and clearly no human stopped it. 01:59 You know there is the story in the Bible about a fire 02:01 like that and we're gonna hear all about it in our 02:03 Bible story today. But first let's see 02:06 what Ranger Jim has to show us. 02:15 Hi, boys and girls. Ranger Jim saying, 02:16 welcome to Nature Time, we're glad you can join 02:18 us today. We're at Knoxville, Tennessee at the 02:20 Knoxville zoo and look what we've for you today Jill, 02:23 my friend tell us something about this. 02:25 What is this creature? This guy is actually called 02:27 the spotted salamander, what most people don't 02:28 realize is the East Tennessee area in the smoky 02:31 mountains has more salamanders then any other 02:34 place in the entire world. Amazing. 02:35 These things are usually, you can find in your 02:37 backyard, you can find in the mountains, you can find 02:39 them in all different places and what a lot of people 02:41 don't realize also is, as sweet as he looks. 02:44 He's one of the best predators out there. 02:47 This guy actually hides out underneath logs 02:49 and eats different things like crickets and worms 02:52 and stuff like that; all sorts of the good stuff I know, 02:55 tempting isn't it. He likes to eat all sore of different 02:57 things like that, he is a spotted salamander. 02:59 Because of the spots he has on it, we actually have 03:01 two of them. One of them is called Moe; one of them 03:04 is called Les. This one is less, because he has less 03:07 spots. The other one is Moe, because he has more spots. 03:10 So, you know we got to think of something like that. 03:12 You can see his great eyes; they're actually very, 03:14 very tiny. That's because he's gonna spend most 03:16 of the time underneath rocks and different things like 03:18 that. He doesn't really need to worry about seeing 03:20 things, he can actually sense them and taste them 03:23 coming. Now, this is one of the salamanders, 03:26 you've different kind of salamanders here you would 03:28 have. We've, yeah there are tones of different 03:30 salamanders here in the East Tennessee area. 03:32 This is the one that we've in the education 03:34 department that we can bring around. A good thing 03:35 to tell about salamanders is they're amphibians. 03:38 That's different from reptiles and the fact that 03:40 they get all their water through their skin. 03:42 When I told kids about it, I usually tell them. 03:44 It's like if you said do you need to get a drink water 03:46 and your parents told you to get in the shower 03:48 to get a drink of water. Yeah. It be kind of weird, 03:49 but that's how salamanders do. That's what all 03:51 amphibians do. They're able to do that, 03:53 now about this there is an aquatic salamander here 03:57 that you've called a hellbender, do they have 04:00 gills. They actually, they actually do have types 04:04 of gills, not exactly the same things as fish, 04:06 but they do spend most of their time underneath 04:08 the water. They're a little bit different than 04:10 what these guys are because they'll need the 04:11 dampness, they don't actually need the water 04:13 and like the hellbenders do. And so if you look 04:16 at this boys and girls, you would think that this 04:18 creature all the time is wet. It's has a very shiny skin, 04:21 it has like that and it is moist. But it is yet it is 04:24 dry isn't it? Yes, I tell people to touch like a 04:27 rubber snake that you would use for fishing, 04:28 it's the same kind of idea. A lot of people 04:30 compare it to gummy worms too. 04:32 Okay, now tell me about reproduction of these, 04:34 do they; these lay eggs. These guys lay eggs, 04:36 they're gonna lay eggs near the water, 04:38 their babies first need to come out and get into 04:40 the water as soon as possible. Just to be able 04:42 get out all the water that they need and then 04:44 from there, they're able to. They grow pretty fast; 04:46 they live for quite a while. This guy, we've had him 04:48 at the zoo for about ten years now and he is still 04:50 growing and still living and so all good. They live to 04:53 about 20 years usually in the wild. Wow, wonderful 04:55 now what are the natural predators for this creature. 04:58 He would have? Anything that can find them honestly, 05:01 anything that's gonna turn up a log and find these 05:04 salamanders might try to eat them. They have to worry 05:06 about dogs and cats; they have to worry about people 05:09 taking them as pets, which isn't a good idea. 05:11 They're much better out in the wild, they've to worry 05:13 about a lot of different predators. 05:15 Well, this is a wonderful occasion for me to learn 05:17 about these and boys and girls. We find that he 05:20 made it right the first time, Ranger Jim saying. 05:23 Don't forget to tell the Jesus that you love him, 05:25 because he really does love you. 05:35 They were longing for a better country, 05:37 a heavenly one. Hebrews 11:16 05:40 On Jordan's stormy banks I stand 05:50 And cast a wishful eye To Canaan's fair and happy 05:59 land Where my possessions lie I am bound for the 06:06 Promise Land I am bound for the Promise Land 06:13 O who will come and go with me. 06:18 I am bound for the Promise Land. 06:23 When shall I see that happy place 06:27 And be forever blessed 06:32 When shall I see my Father's face 06:36 And in His bosom rest 06:41 I am bound for the Promise Land 06:46 I am bound for the Promise Land 06:50 O who will come and and go with me. 06:55 I am bound for the Promise Land. 07:16 Who is like unto thee, O LORD, among the Gods? 07:25 who is like unto thee, glorious in holiness, 07:34 fearful in praises, doing wonders? 07:44 Who is like unto thee, O LORD, 08:04 O LORD, among the gods? Among the gods? 08:14 who is like unto thee, who is like unto thee, 08:18 glorious in holiness, glorious in holiness, 08:23 fearful in praises, fearful in praises, 08:27 doing wonders? Doing wonders? 08:32 Who is like unto thee, O LORD, 08:42 Who is like unto thee, Who is like unto thee, 08:47 O LORD, among the gods? O LORD, among the gods? 08:52 Who is like unto thee, Who is like unto thee, 08:57 glorious in holiness, glorious in holiness, 09:01 fearful in praises, fearful in praises, 09:06 doing wonders? doing wonders? 09:10 Who is like unto thee, O LORD, 09:19 Who is like unto thee, Who is like unto thee, 09:26 O LORD, among the gods? O LORD, among the gods? 09:31 Who is like unto thee, Who is like unto thee, 09:35 glorious in holiness, glorious in holiness, 09:40 fearful in praises, fearful in praises, 09:44 doing wonders? doing wonders? 09:49 Who is like unto thee, O LORD, 09:58 fearful in praises, doing wonders? 10:08 Who is like unto thee, O LORD, 10:50 Abraham, nice to see you Abraham. Good to see you. 10:53 Tell me about what happened at Sodom and Gomorrah. 10:58 Gather around everyone Abraham is going to tell us 11:01 what happened at Sodom and Gomorrah. 11:03 It's a great story, it's a sad story 11:06 but I need to tell it to you so you don't hear it 11:10 incorrectly, I want you to hear it exactly as it 11:13 happened. Do you remember I told you that the 11:18 angels came to visit me and talked about Sarah 11:21 giving birth, after they left me they went on to Sodom. 11:29 You also remember Lot chose to go live in Sodom. 11:34 I wasn't happy about his decision but we all 11:37 have free choice, he went to the city, 11:41 the angels told me before they went that God was going 11:46 to have to do something very strange, 11:51 I would almost call God strange act, 11:54 the city was so terrible I can't even go 11:56 in the details here with the children. 11:59 It was a wicked city wasn't it. Yes, and it was breaking 12:03 God's heart. When we sin we break his heart, 12:06 innocent suffer. Well the angel, when they told me 12:11 that God was going to destroy the city I said God 12:14 what if they're 50 righteous God fearing people 12:17 in the city, then would you hold off as if, 12:22 as if I could change God's mind. 12:26 God is love, God is great, he doesn't need 12:30 my begging him does he? No. No, but you 12:33 were thinking about all those people and Lot? 12:36 I think God was trying to make me think of 12:39 the position he was in, I said God, 12:45 will not the judge of all the earth do right. 12:50 I've learned to depend on God and trust him 12:53 even when it doesn't make sense to me. 12:57 Yes. Well the angels went into the city Lot was right 13:00 there like the greeting committee to welcome them, 13:02 you remember how friendly Lot is and Lot said 13:06 please come to my home and they said no, 13:09 we'll stay here at the city square for the night, 13:11 Lot said you can't do that, you must come to the home, 13:16 isn't it interesting the angels knew, but they wanted 13:19 Lot to invite them. They got to the house even on 13:24 the way they were men from the city that were 13:26 roughing up the angels and Lot quickly got them 13:29 in his house and then Lot had, 13:32 Lot, he had Lot and his wife and two daughters sit down 13:37 and then the angels gave them the news 13:38 I've already told you. That the city would be destroyed, 13:43 we've got to get out of the city, the next morning 13:49 they got whatever they could carry, 13:51 Lot gave them specific instructions, 13:54 don't look back, flee to the mountains and 13:57 leave now and they all started going out. 14:00 The people ridiculing them. Lot's wife seemed 14:04 to hesitate but she continued to follow, 14:07 they got quite away as out of the city, 14:09 fire started coming from the sky, consuming the city, 14:13 Lot said keep looking forward, keep looking forward 14:17 and then it happened, what, what happened? 14:21 Lot's wife made a terrible decision, 14:26 I guess her heart was still back in the city, 14:30 what did she do? She turned and looked back 14:32 specifically what we're told not to do. Oh, 14:36 and you're not going to believe this, 14:38 please children it broke God's heart, 14:40 she turned into a pillar of salt right there. 14:44 I can't believe it, God loved those people, 14:50 God loved Lot's wife, remember that, 14:52 don't get caught up in one part of the story God 14:55 is a God of love. Amen. So, please do what he says, 14:59 walk by faith, trust him even when it 15:02 doesn't make sense to you. And walk day-by-day. 15:05 Let me pray quickly with you and I must go on. 15:08 Okay. Dear, heavenly Father. Thank you 15:11 for your love, thank you for your protection, 15:14 continue to lead us and guide us, 15:16 may we walk by faith. Keep our eyes on you 15:20 and never look back. We pray these things 15:24 in your name Father, amen. Amen, amen. 15:27 Please, stay faithful, if you tell the story, 15:31 tell the whole story and how it broke God's heart 15:34 as well. I will talk with you again soon. 15:37 Always good to see you Abraham. 15:38 Always good to csee you Abraham. 15:40 Bye. Have a safe journey. 15:41 Thank you. Bye, bye, bye, bye. 16:02 It's me, it's me, it's me oh Lord 16:06 Standing in the need of prayer; 16:10 It's me, it's me, it's me oh Lord 16:14 Standing in the need of prayer. 16:18 Not my brother, not my sister 16:21 But it's me, oh Lord 16:24 Standing in the need of prayer. 16:28 Not my brother, not my sister 16:30 But it's me, oh Lord 16:32 Standing in the need of prayer. 16:36 Not my mother, not my father 16:38 But it's me, oh Lord 16:41 Standing in the need of prayer. 16:45 Not my mother, not my father 16:47 But it's me, oh Lord 16:49 Standing in the need of prayer. 16:54 It's me, it's me, it's me oh Lord 16:58 Standing in the need of prayer; 17:02 It's me, it's me, it's me oh Lord 17:07 Standing in the need of prayer. 17:11 Not the teacher, not the preacher 17:13 But it's me, oh Lord 17:16 Standing in the need of prayer. 17:20 Not the teacher, not the preacher 17:22 But it's me, oh Lord 17:24 Standing in the need of prayer. 17:29 It's me, it's me, oh Lord 17:33 Standing in the need of prayer; 17:37 It's me, it's me, it's me oh Lord 17:42 Standing in the need of prayer; 17:46 It's me, it's me, oh Lord 17:50 Standing in the need of prayer; 17:55 It's me, it's me, oh Lord 17:59 Standing in the need of prayer; 18:23 Hi, boys and girls. I have my friends Gloria and Grace 18:26 with me today. And they are going to help me 18:28 introduce the book of the day. And that book 18:33 I've today is Sarah's disappointment an 18:35 Adventist Girl Story Book by Jean Boonstra, 18:38 Jesus is coming. It is August 1844. And the entire 18:43 Barnes family is frustrated by the tarrying time. 18:46 Pa suggests that they go to the Exeter camp 18:49 meeting and Sarah comes along, 18:50 but she would really rather stay at home and work 18:52 on that pretty new dress. Some fanatics in the tent 18:55 next door really get on her nerves. 18:57 Then, Sarah hears Samuel Snow preach that Jesus 19:00 will definitely return on October 22, 1844. 19:03 Good news, new hope. Still has hard time for Sarah, 19:07 some of her friends are now her enemies. 19:09 As the appointed day approaches excitement 19:12 builds on October 22, family and friends gather 19:15 to look for the appearing of Jesus. 19:17 Will Jesus really return and take his children home? 19:20 Sarah's story will encourage you, as you live 19:23 each day for Jesus. And you will really want 19:26 to read this book, Sarah's Disappointment. 19:29 Well, I'm excited boys and girls because 19:31 I've two very special friends with me. 19:33 And, I have Gloria right here and I have 19:36 Grace. Hi, girls. Hi. And, now what do would like 19:40 to do to share Jesus? Songs. 19:45 You like to sing for Jesus, don't you? And, 19:47 and is there a song you could sing for 19:49 Ms. Brenda today. What would you like to sing? 19:53 Jesus. Put your legs down now sweetie, okay, 19:54 you got it. Jesus loves me. Huh! Jesus loves me. 19:57 Okay, can you sing that Gloria? 19:58 Jesus loves me this I know 20:02 For the Bible tells me so 20:05 Little ones to Him belong, 20:09 They are weak but He is strong. 20:12 Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes, Jesus loves me! 20:19 Yes, Jesus loves me! For Bible tells me so. 20:26 Oh! That was so pretty. And you know what 20:28 I'm sure that if you sing that for people that it 20:30 will really touch their hearts and give them a blessing, 20:33 wouldn't it? Okay, how old are you Grace? Five. 20:36 You're five. How old are you Gloria? I'm three. 20:38 You're three, are you gonna have a birthday soon. 20:40 Yeah. When is you birthday? August. 20:44 Your birthday's in August. 20:46 Yes, I going to have present, beautiful presents. 20:50 You're, are you sure? 20:51 Yeah, I got really make up now. 20:54 Oh! So, you're excited that you can get. 20:57 I've got a box dress and flowers in. I got it. 21:02 You've a dress on with flowers to sing in. 21:05 Yes, and my aunt sent me a present. 21:08 Wow! That's good. My aunt send me a present. 21:11 Only one present. Oh! Aha. Aunt Janet. 21:15 Let me ask you, do you love Jesus? 21:16 You did, Gloria, do you love Jesus? 21:18 Yes, I love Jesus. And how much do you 21:21 love Jesus. This much. Oh! This much, 21:25 I love Jesus this much. You do, well I love Jesus too. 21:30 Would you like to hear some letters from children 21:31 that love Jesus too? Alright, 21:33 this letter is from Jamie in Bangor. It says, Bangor, 21:37 Michigan. And let's see what Jamie has; 21:40 it's a pretty envelope with a pretty flower, isn't it? 21:42 Flowers. Yes, it says, dear Ms. Brenda, 21:45 I would like to be a member of Kids Club. 21:47 Would you please send me the packet of materials. 21:49 I share Jesus by helping my mom because 21:52 I want her to comeback to church. 21:54 Please pray for her, love Jamie. Thank you, Jamie. 21:57 You know, boys and girls, let's all pray for 21:59 Jamie's mom and that she will give her heart to Jesus 22:01 and go to church, okay. That would be good. 22:03 Well, right now, I know of some children; 22:06 all the way over in Nigeria they have a preparative 22:09 special song just for you. 22:41 Oh! Wasn't that 22:42 a pretty song? Did you like that song? 22:45 They sing for Jesus too. Yes, they do, don't they? 22:49 And just like you sing for Jesus. 22:51 Well, I've a letter now boys and girls from Germany. 22:54 Would you like to hear that letter Gloria? 22:55 It says, dear Ms. Brenda, my name is Tia and I'm thirteen. 23:00 I love really love Kids Time. What sweetie, 23:02 wasn't that, yeah you're just like the little buttons 23:05 on my shirt. Okay, it says, I was wondering, 23:07 if you would send me an activity book please. 23:09 And, it says, I love Kids Time. I watch it everyday. 23:12 Will you please pray for me, 23:14 I want to be your friend, Tia. Well, thank you Tia 23:17 and should we show Tia's picture. Let's hold this up 23:19 right here and there is Tia's picture and she drew 23:23 a picture of a nice little house, isn't that cute? 23:25 And she's out even some little flowers growing there 23:28 and some clouds in the sky. What a nice picture. 23:31 Okay, lets see, what else, we put this down 23:35 over here. And, and we got another letter here. 23:39 This one is from Greeley, Colorado. 23:41 It's red. Yes, it's a red envelope, 23:44 isn't it? It's a red. Yeah, it's a red envelope, 23:46 and I see they think they drew me a picture too. 23:47 You wanna hold up this picture for me. 23:49 It says, my papa is a bee keeper. 23:52 Yeah, just hold it up right there, that's good. 23:54 Dear Ms. Brenda, my name is Soshua, I'm sorry, 23:57 Joshua. It looked almost like an'S' there. 24:00 I'm seven-years-old and I live in Greeley, Colorado. 24:03 I like Kids Time and I watch it at my Babos' 24:06 and Papos' house in Arizona. I really like Kids Time. 24:09 I share Jesus by helping my mama get food 24:12 for people that are poor. And I always help my 24:15 mom and dad around the house. 24:16 Please send me a book. Thank you, Joshua. 24:18 Well, I'd be happy to send that, and it's good to help 24:21 your mom and dad around the house, isn't it? Grace, 24:23 do you help your mom and dad around the house. 24:24 Yeah. You do what kind of things, you help them do? 24:27 My mommy and daddy is coming, it's a long time. 24:33 It is, Oh! So, you're excited to see them. Yes. 24:38 Put your dress down there sweetie, there you go, 24:39 you're doing good. Let's see, and what kind of things 24:42 do you help your mom and dad with? Umm! Umm! 24:45 Do you help your grandmother things? 24:47 What do you help with? You set the table 24:51 and make your bed. Yeah, I, I make my 24:54 grandmother's bed because she works. 24:57 Oh! Well, that's good, isn't it? 24:59 I help her with everything. 25:01 You help her with everything. 25:02 Yeah, I help her hold her cane and sit. 25:05 Do you and you help her set the table? 25:07 Do you help your grandma too? 25:09 Yeah, she help, she help dusting. 25:11 You help dusting, but what else do you do? 25:14 You just don't. Grandma cleaned the house 25:17 and I and Gloria. Oh! So, you help clean the house too. 25:22 Well, that's good. Alright, let see what's in 25:24 this envelope, it's from Bronx, New York. 25:26 Let's see, what's in this one. Oh! 25:30 There is some money in here and let's see there is 20, 25:33 30, 40, 50 dollars. And can you hold this picture up 25:36 for me, there you go. Let's see why we've 50 dollars. 25:40 Dear, Ms. Brenda, I want to walk. What? 25:42 I'm gonna take a walk and see everything, 25:46 I could walk with the babies. 25:49 Yes, it says, dear Ms. Brenda, I'm writing on behalf 25:51 of my daughter, Britney who enjoys Kids Time 25:53 and we love Kids Time praise so much. It said, 25:56 you'll find enclosed a little something to help you 25:59 with your program because we want lots 26:00 more programs. Thank you for Kids Time. 26:03 And we continue to bless your program. And it says, 26:06 love, Britney's mother. Well, thank you, 26:11 so much for that. You know, that's all the time 26:13 we have today boys and girls. I wanna thank you 26:15 for joining us. Thank you Gloria for being with us 26:17 today and thank you Grace. Boys and girls, 26:20 that's right. Boys and girls, I want you to remember 26:23 that it's Kids Time to share Jesus. |
Revised 2014-12-17