Kids' Time

The Thief's Father

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000178

00:03 It's time to share there's a world out
00:06 there, Looking for a friend like Jesus.
00:10 It's time to share there's a world out
00:13 there; let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:17 Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:20 Kids time, kids time, kids time.
00:25 Hi, boys and girls have you ever felt sad
00:27 for men and women who are locked away in
00:28 jails and prisons for months and years and
00:32 sometimes even entire lifetimes. You know,
00:35 I feel sad every time I drive by a prison with
00:37 it's thick cement walls and its high fences
00:40 with a barbed wire, you know I feel sad for
00:43 the prisoners and also feel sad for the
00:45 families especially their mothers and fathers
00:48 you know how terrible I would feel if I have
00:50 son who walk the criminals path and he
00:52 ended up locked away in a place like that.
00:55 I also to know how happy I would feel if
00:57 you release from prison and give him a
00:58 second chance, prisoners in their
01:00 families need us to pray for them.
01:03 It's very hard for them. Many people read
01:05 the story of Kane and Abel and they feel sad
01:07 for innocent Abel who lost his life at the
01:10 hand of his own brother. That you know
01:12 when I read the story, I also feel concede for
01:16 eve who lived with the horror and the
01:18 sorrow of that loss for very long time.
01:22 In over Bible story today we will here from
01:24 a man was a captured criminal with no hope
01:27 for released and the man watched in hoer as
01:30 his son was put to death for his crimes and
01:33 yet. He also with a joy is his son was
01:37 forgiven and released from heavy burden of
01:39 guilty and how did it happen. Well, we will
01:42 learn every detail in just a short while.
01:44 But right now let's join Ranger Jim
01:46 on location. Ranger Jim.
01:55 Hi boys and girls Ranger Jim saying
01:57 welcome to Nature Time. The guys you can
01:58 join us today at Knoxville Tennessee it's the
02:00 Ijams nature centre we have many beautiful
02:03 flowers and trees in this part of the country
02:05 that native to that. And here our friend
02:08 Edward is going to talk about one of them.
02:09 What we have Edward? Today, we are
02:11 gonna talk about the American Holly it's a
02:14 tree over this way. Oh! That's beautiful,
02:16 yes so, almost all the base come in and
02:18 around it right now its in flower and it,
02:20 there it is all the pollinators are come to
02:22 it. Trees are flowing plants and their also
02:26 pollinated by bees and things just as flowers
02:29 are in a garden we don't think of the miss
02:31 flowering plants. The American Holly is
02:33 the native tree to this area and its being very
02:37 popular for ornamental tree in people's
02:40 yards. Flowers about this time of the year,
02:43 here the flowers that each one has a four
02:46 pedals. You can even see the sea poles and
02:49 everything on this to stick out and that's
02:51 what pollen is held and the bees come in and
02:53 feed off that. It's also very pocky the leaves
02:57 are kid of pocky you can feel that. Yeah it
02:59 have little pickles on it, does it look just.
03:01 Yes. And its an ever green it stays green all
03:04 year. And it has a very shiny and waxy type
03:09 protection on the leave. Well, that's why so
03:10 popular for it to be long, since the garden
03:12 is like this, yes, attractive year on,
03:14 and now after the blossom does it have
03:16 berry the gums. Yes, it gets red berries
03:18 which that makes it also every attractive
03:21 to have a new yard. Would be a Christmas
03:23 Eve plant and really, really. Yes, yes it
03:25 would. The bark is a smooth Gray,
03:30 bark in the wood is very hard in this tree
03:33 so it's a good long lasting tree they don't
03:36 tend to blow over in storms and things like
03:39 that. Very Good. Its now, now it's a sub
03:41 temple to past, past the bugs and things like
03:44 that and you will need the others. There is a
03:46 fungus that starting to go around up and they
03:49 found that there is no spots found on the
03:52 leaves from the disease and that's being
03:54 studied right now by some forestry research
03:58 stations. To take care that the people do that
04:00 but if you have it in your lawn any good
04:03 store to tell you what the spray will take care
04:05 of that disease like that. Oh! yes and it is
04:07 seems if it's in a very shady place that's
04:10 where you have your problems and if it is a
04:12 open sunny area that's fine. Now, you will
04:14 do that. Is it propagated by seeds or does it
04:17 have to be, by the berries you can do that.
04:23 Start seeds from inside the berry. Okay,
04:25 and it's a very attractive plant and
04:27 when you first get them perhaps they are
04:29 quite small. Get them from nursery, yes and
04:31 they will grow to be about 20-25 feet.
04:34 Oh, it would be big tree. There is one on the
04:37 record from up in the great smoky
04:39 mountains that was about, now we had a 22
04:42 inch diameter, and they are appropriate,
04:44 and so they do get very large over a long
04:46 period of time. Often times people plant
04:48 them in rows and they will grow and look
04:51 very nice. And Ah! Very attractive Edward
04:53 any how. Well, boys and girls
04:55 wonderful once again we learned about the
04:57 beautiful trees. Ranger Jim saying
04:59 don't forget to tell Jesus that's you love
05:00 him because he really does love you.
05:11 Ben, I am glad you're my friend, I like
05:14 having good friends. Me too. Dr. Bennett
05:16 and Joseph Webster were great friends who
05:18 like to compose music together.
05:20 Unfortunately, Joseph would get in sad
05:22 moods and to cheer him up, Dr. Bennett
05:24 would write words for him to compose
05:26 music for. One day, as Dr. Bennett sat on his
05:32 office working on papers Joseph walked
05:33 through the door. He swamped down in his
05:34 chair not even greeting his friends.
05:38 Dr. Bennett realizing that Joseph was in one
05:41 of those sad moods asked what's wrong.
05:44 Oh! Nothing it will be alright. Bye, bye.
05:48 Dr. Bennett started to think on those words.
05:50 Ummh! And the sweet bye and bye yes that
05:55 would make a great hymn. He sat down on
05:58 his table and within half an hour he had
06:00 written the words to, in the sweet bye and
06:04 bye. He handed the words to Joseph who
06:07 brightened up at once. Joseph quickly
06:10 composed the melody and
06:12 played it on his violin.
06:17 Two people from that time happen the stop
06:19 bye and they join them in saying they knew
06:21 him and its being a favorite ever since.
06:34 In that sweet by, by we shall meet on that
06:43 beautiful shore. here's a land that is fairer
06:51 than day, And by faith we can see it afar;
06:57 For the Father waits over the way
07:02 To prepare us a dwelling place there.
07:06 In the sweet by and by, We shall meet on that
07:12 beautiful shore; In the sweet by and by,
07:19 We shall meet on that beautiful shore.
07:25 To our bountiful Father above,
07:29 We will offer our tribute of praise
07:34 For the glorious gift of His love
07:38 And the blessings that hallow our days.
07:42 In the sweet by and by, We shall meet on that
07:48 beautiful shore; In the sweet by and by,
07:55 We shall meet on that beautiful shore.
11:35 So, tell me how does your son become a
11:38 thief that's the part of the story I don't really
11:41 like but it is the part of the story when he
11:44 was very young he made some really poor
11:47 decisions again, and again and again.
11:51 Mom and I kept trying to say son its wrong
11:55 to steal don't steal. I like to blame on his
12:00 neighbors, I like to blame on anyone but
12:03 myself but things got worse and worsen to
12:06 finally he was put in prison and broke her
12:12 hearts and broke his grand parents hearts.
12:16 We, what happened to him while he was
12:20 prison? Well, in prison it's, there was a
12:23 fellow there named Barabbas, there were all
12:26 kinds of thieves. I know my son was
12:27 a thief too, but he didn't seem like the rest
12:29 of them. And then came the pass overtime.
12:34 Barabbas was freed and I was so excited
12:36 because, because maybe my son will be
12:38 freed too but as I was, as I was, as I was
12:40 staying there with the crowd I saw three men
12:43 come out. The first one, the second one and
12:49 my son. Well, who are the other two.
12:55 One of them was a friend that he run
12:56 around with the other one. The other one,
13:01 I know you have heard of him. His name
13:04 Jesus. Jesus was no thieve I assure you that.
13:08 They walked through the crowd.
13:09 They carried their crosses. They were
13:11 cursing my son included but Jesus not a word
13:16 of cursing. In fact, at one point he said to
13:18 one of them don't wait for me. At one point
13:21 he fell and dropped across and a man I
13:24 believed his name was Simon of Cyrene
13:26 carried his cross. They went up to the place
13:28 of the skulls called Golgotha. You know the
13:31 place. Nobody likes to go there, it's at the
13:34 edge of the town. That the hills have
13:37 covered with the crosses and I was going
13:41 to watch my own son dying. He was
13:48 Christian as they nailed his hands.
13:51 He watched Jesus out of converse eye.
13:54 Even while he was cursing, he was watching
13:56 Jesus. And Jesus s not a whimper in fact at
13:58 one point through the whole painful thing
14:00 Jesus yelled out Father forgive them.
14:05 He wasn't yelling and screaming at the
14:07 guards. Not once. He was asking his father
14:10 to forgive he said these, these people
14:12 know what to do. I son was listening my son
14:15 watch everything that happened. And then Jesus
14:17 his mother came up and Jesus said Mom your
14:21 son that was to the disciple John. John your
14:25 mother, I son kept watching all this things.
14:27 It was such a drama I was crying at my eyes
14:29 out, I son was dying he was a Christian and
14:31 then he said. And then he said to Jesus he
14:36 turned his head and said Jesus remember
14:40 me when you come in your kingdom.
14:45 That's the first time my son have expressed
14:47 any kind of, any kind of belief in God.
14:50 On his death cross he is crying out
14:53 forgiveness and for God to remember.
14:55 And it is one God that was Jesus, God man
14:57 on the cross. I couldn't believe she have
15:00 heard of Jesus. Haven't you? I have only
15:03 heard of him as heretic. Oh! Don't heretic.
15:07 No heretic. This man everything he taught,
15:11 he healed blind people crippled lane.
15:14 That was one time he brought a man back
15:15 from the died as they were lavish. Surely,
15:17 you've heard of Lazarus, thought it is all lie.
15:20 No. No. There is so much more to tell you
15:23 but let me finished. Jesus turned to him and
15:28 said I say to you today you will be with me
15:33 in paradise and then Jesus said it is finished
15:39 and died. My son, my son breathed down for
15:44 a while and they finally broke his legs
15:46 and he died. But he died with the
15:49 assurance that the crucifixion
15:53 was not the end. Let's pray.
15:58 Jesus Thank you, so much for your death on
16:00 the cross. Thank you for resurrection,
16:02 thank you for saving my son, by your death
16:06 and resurrection. I give you my heart again
16:09 right now in Jesus name. Amen! Amen.
16:29 Unto thee Oh Lord Do I lift up my soul
16:39 Unto thee oh Lord Do I lift up my soul
16:49 Oh my god, I trust in thee Let me not be
16:59 Ashamed Let not mine
17:01 enemies triumph over me.
17:07 You let none that wait On Thee be ashamed
17:17 Yea let none that wait On Thee be ashamed
17:26 O my God I trust in Thee
17:35 Let me not be ashamed
17:37 Let not my enemies triumph over me
17:45 Remember not The sins of my youth...
17:54 Remember not The sins of my youth...
18:03 O my God I trust in Thee
18:12 Let me not be ashamed
18:14 Let not my enemies triumph over me
18:21 Let me not be ashamed
18:23 Let not my enemies triumph over me.
18:40 Hi boys and girls it is time for Ms. Brenda's
18:42 book of the day. And today I have an
18:44 existing the book for you it is one called
18:46 Detective Zack the Secret of Blackloch
18:49 Castle and its by Jerry D. Thomas and I love
18:52 his books and he writes the most exciting
18:55 stories when we share just a little bit with
18:57 says on a trip to visit his mother's family in
18:59 Scotland. Zack and his friend Steff find the
19:02 Castle ford mysteries. There is treasury map
19:04 with the fire place really leave to riches
19:07 and they sure how to sell because uncle Ian
19:10 and aunt Mary need to the money to keep
19:12 the castle when strange things start
19:14 happening that is suspicious some one is
19:17 trying to force his aunt, uncle leave their
19:19 home. And Oh! that I am not going to tell
19:22 you anymore you gonna have to purchase
19:24 the book and read up yourselves your are
19:26 gonna not want to miss this story boys and
19:28 girls. Something else you are not
19:29 gonna miss is my guest today.
19:32 And my guests are Heath and Hannah.
19:37 And I am so excited to have both of you
19:39 with me today and heath can you tell me
19:42 what does Jesus mean to you. Well, I have,
19:46 friend to my heart I talk to him I pray with
19:48 him. Do all sorts of them pray him, worship
19:51 him. So, when you say you play. You pray
19:54 to Jesus that you also whenever your playing
19:56 you think about Jesus too, and that you can
19:58 pray whenever we don't have to be a,
20:00 by a better night to pray to him to we.
20:02 We can pray to Jesus whatever we are,
20:04 are they long. Isn't that wonderful I really
20:07 like that too because Jesus is my friends is
20:09 your best friend too. Well, let me ask you
20:12 this I can see about your t-shirt here you
20:15 really loves to eat healthy and you
20:17 study a lot of our health don't you.
20:19 Can you show the boys and girls your
20:20 t-shirts that you have to tell me about them.
20:24 Well, it was my idea because I thought of it
20:28 when I saw there was to I rough and idea.
20:30 Rough and Idea to show people to put good
20:32 things on there body. That's good and yes
20:34 you even put carrot juice messed as showed
20:36 over there. And because like to drink
20:38 carrot Juice don't you? That's good.
20:40 And you designed that T-shirt all by your
20:42 self. Yes. I am so proud of you that is
20:44 wonderful. Now tell me is, what is the jars
20:48 that you brought with you. Well, it is church
20:52 and what is that represents? That it
20:54 represents life. Okay, it represents life,
20:57 life. And then show there sugar, sugar.
21:00 That's why did you understand boys and
21:02 girls Jesus created life and what is this.
21:04 Sugar. Sugar. What is that? It's a eleven
21:07 teaspoons of sugar. And what it is acts for.
21:14 If you eat a eleven teaspoons sugar or in
21:17 soda. If you drink three canes of soda than
21:20 your shut down your immune system for the
21:23 day with the eleven teaspoons of sugar.
21:27 So, if you have a eleven teaspoons of sugar
21:29 or you drink three canes of soda it will shut
21:32 down your immune system for the whole
21:34 day. Wow! So, that's not for us to do
21:36 isn't. Because immune system is what keeps
21:39 you out. That's right. And if you, in fact my
21:43 oldest daughter Becky, then was born with
21:45 something called agammaglobulinemia
21:47 and that means she effected her immune
21:50 system where sometimes she would make it
21:53 susceptible all kinds of diseases I had to be
21:56 really careful, when I was, when she was
21:58 very little where I can take here so,
22:00 she wouldn't get sick. So, our immune
22:02 system is very, very important so that we
22:03 don't get diseases and get sick right.
22:06 So, we don't want to tier that down do.
22:07 No, no, we don't. Would you guys like to
22:10 listen to some letters and here some letters
22:12 from boys and girls. I love the boys and
22:14 girls who write to me and let's see I will
22:16 start up with an email today. This one says
22:19 dear Ms. Brenda, Ernett from Hungary.
22:22 I am 29-year-old and my husband is a pastor
22:26 he speaks perfectly English. But I am
22:28 writing this letter now being alone with our
22:30 children Mosses, 3 and Dorothy,
22:32 1 one because they love Kids Time and
22:35 they watch Kids Time all the time almost
22:37 everyday. Said they are, your programs are
22:40 so good. We have Kids Time in the morning
22:42 after breakfast. Some times we heard,
22:44 sometime on the network we heard that your
22:46 Hungarian are you? I Love Ernett.
22:50 Well, yes Ernett I am part Hungarian my
22:53 grandmother was from Hungary.
22:55 She was actually raised in Hungary and I
22:57 went out visit your country many times.
22:59 I have relatives still there in Nagykálló and
23:02 Nyiregyhaza and also my grandfather was
23:07 from Bulgaria. So, I am half-Bulgarian and
23:09 half-Hungarian and I absolutely love your
23:13 country. Well, I'd love to show you a picture
23:15 of them right now, so I'm, can you hold this
23:17 up for me right here, and just hold it over
23:20 there and let's see what a wonderful family
23:23 and I want to thank you for sending that
23:24 picture to me. I really appreciate that and
23:27 what a precious children. I love that picture.
23:30 Okay, let's see now I have got a letter from
23:33 Germany. And it is from Samuel let's see
23:36 what Samuel had ton this. He has send a
23:37 beautiful card with a rose and some of you
23:41 might not no this. But I am going to
23:42 show you this card with the rose on this, this
23:43 not pretty I love you pretty cards boys and
23:46 girls. And see that would have roses and
23:49 violets are all around it. Some of you don't
23:51 know this but they sometimes called me the
23:52 rose lady because I used to grow I am not
23:55 growing but I use to try roses like
23:57 sometimes 3,000 roses a week and you show
24:00 me a rose I can pretty much tell you what
24:02 color it is gonna end up when its dried.
24:04 This letter says isn't this rose beautiful?
24:07 And yes it is, says this Bible tell us that on
24:10 the new words flowers are much more
24:12 beautiful and if the animals afraid of us and
24:16 that we can talk with Jesus face to face.
24:19 I am looking forward to that time love you
24:22 Samuel. Samuel I too looking forward to that.
24:24 And you know your right we can talk to the
24:26 animals that even though wild animals won't
24:28 hurt us. Would tha have being wonderful
24:29 boys and girls I am home sick for heaven.
24:32 Aren't you. Well, Thank you so much and
24:34 that Samuel from Germany. Let's see I have
24:37 another email says Dear Ms. Brenda my
24:40 name is Tammah and I am a student in the
24:42 University of Eastern Africa in Baraton.
24:45 And boys and girls if I don't happen
24:46 pronounce your name and the place where
24:48 you from correctly when you write to me if you
24:50 can just little PS on the border letter and
24:53 show me your pronunciation I will try
24:55 real heard to get right for you Okay.
24:57 And said I always enjoy the Kids Time
24:59 program for the kids being also one of the
25:01 children teachers in the university I
25:03 encourage children to watch this wonderful
25:05 program thank you for good work love
25:08 Tammah. Well thank you so much Tammah.
25:10 And you keep encouraging those kids
25:12 over there to watch won't you? This letter is
25:14 from St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands and
25:16 its from Janelle. Let's see what Janelle has
25:19 to say. Dear Ms. Brenda I love kids time my
25:22 name is Janelle Joseph I am 6-years-old
25:24 and I want to join Kids club. I will have fun
25:27 during the Bible studies. Yes. You will Janelle
25:30 Now, I will make sure that we get those
25:31 Bible studies right out to you. So, we have
25:33 time for one more. Let's see where this
25:35 one from. And it says dear Ms. Brenda.
25:39 Let's see, dear Ms. Brenda I love watching
25:43 your show kids time I am 6-years-old and in
25:45 the second year I have big sister who's name
25:48 is Glozell, and I also have a small brother
25:50 his name is Joe. I love sharing, sharing time
25:53 the best and I used to sick people when not.
25:56 And, I go to visit them in the hospital and I,
26:00 it says and also I would like an activity book
26:03 we love kids time and my country is
26:06 Trinidad and Tobago. Well thank you for
26:09 that wonderful letter boys and girls.
26:11 We are all the time for today I want to thank
26:13 Heath and Hannah for being with us keep
26:15 eating healthy. Boys and girls
26:16 it's kids time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17