Participants: Brenda Walsh
Series Code: KT
Program Code: KT000177
00:03 It's time to share there's a world out there,
00:06 Looking for a friend like Jesus. 00:09 It's time to share there's a world out there; 00:13 let's tell them that He loves us so. 00:16 Let's tell them that He loves us so. 00:20 Kids time, kids time, kids time. 00:24 Hi, boys and girls. Do you this paddle lock 00:26 in my hand? You can use it 00:28 to keep valuable thing save from strangers. 00:31 You can also use it keep smart animals from 00:33 opening gate. I've even heard of people 00:35 using paddle locks to keep bears out 00:37 of their garbage cans. You know, a little 00:40 boy named Julian and found that the paddle locks can 00:42 also cause trouble. Julian and had 00:44 an adventure some of little kitten name Boots. 00:47 Now, one night Boots didn't home for supper 00:50 and Julian was really worried. He asked all 00:52 his neighbors to please, please keep 00:54 an eye out for Boots. 00:55 Do you know, he also knelt down and he prayed 00:57 that Jesus would send Boots home? 00:59 One day a neighbor heard a faint meow 01:01 coming from the nearby storage building 01:04 and when the owner unlocked the paddle lock 01:06 on the building out came a very weak, 01:08 very skinny, and very hungry Boots. 01:11 Boy, Boots enjoyed her supper that night 01:14 and Julian learned that God cares very 01:17 much about little boys and their pets. 01:20 And, today's Bible story, you will hear about 01:22 two men who are locked up inside of a prison 01:25 and there seemed to be no hope of, of 01:27 any kind of rescue or release, but they pray 01:30 to God and answer their prayers in a powerful way. 01:33 You'll find out exactly what happened in 01:35 today's Bible story, but first let's find out 01:38 what's happening with Ranger Jim. 01:47 Hi, boys and girls Ranger Jim saying, 01:49 welcome to a nature time. We're glad that 01:50 you can with us today. We're in Gatlinburg, 01:52 Tennessee at a place called Ripley's 01:54 Aquarium of the Smokies. And we're 01:56 having a wonderful time. As you see 01:58 behind this is a tank filled with beautiful creatures, 02:01 and my friend, Frank with us. He is 02:03 a senior biologist here. Frank tell us 02:05 something about this beautiful. What about 02:06 this big shark going by here? 02:08 We've, yeah we've a lot of sharks in here 02:10 we also have some sawfish and stingrays. 02:13 All those animals are related to each other. 02:16 They are all what we called cartilaginous fishes. 02:18 Well, okay what is this means? 02:20 The cartilaginous just means that they don't 02:22 have calcified bones like hard bones like 02:23 you and I have, cartilage is soft material like 02:27 it's in your nose. It's very flexible. 02:29 The sawfish and the rays are closely related. 02:33 They are bottom dwellers and are called Batois. 02:36 They lay on the bottom. And they avoid 02:38 sucking sand and mud up into their mouth 02:41 or it's a breathe water. Their eyes were on the 02:44 top of their head. And right behind their eyes 02:46 are two, two round holes called spiracles 02:49 and that's why they take the water in. 02:52 The water comes in the top of their head 02:54 almost like a blow home. In that, their 02:57 gill slits where the water eggs, it's 02:59 their underneath them where the mouth is. 03:00 Amazing, you'd almost think they were designed, 03:03 wouldn't you? Yeah, here, here is one 03:05 of the sawfish now. Oh! Amazing, 03:07 look at this guy. They, they are absolutely 03:10 beautiful creatures. That, that roster or the 03:13 build on the front of their head is an extremely 03:16 efficient way for them to capture food. 03:20 Fish are their main pray. Now, now do they heady, 03:24 what's the bill is that. What they do? 03:26 Yes, yeah. We, we also have several species 03:28 of sharks in here the main stars are 03:30 large sand tiger sharks. 03:32 The sand tiger sharks can grow to 03:36 about 11-12 feet long. They have short 03:39 pointing teeth that are design for catching 03:42 and swallowing fish whole. They are going 03:46 back just maybe for the sawfish, let me 03:47 ask your professional, okay, that is it 03:49 true that a sawfish, they can't 03:51 swallow with their bills, is that right? 03:53 That's correct. They can't do that. They 03:54 use that for catching thing, they, and go 03:56 into a school of fish or efficient, 03:58 the injury without. That's right, they, 03:59 they grew into a large school 04:01 and they will start waving that bill back in forth. 04:03 It's almost like a buzz going off 04:06 and no injure fish and then get down and 04:08 pen them to the bottom with that bill. 04:09 And, and go right up over and their mouth 04:12 is underneath them where they can 04:14 very efficiently eat them. 04:16 Amazing, isn't it. Alright, now we have 04:19 other fish at this tank. There is one 04:20 over there; I see swabbing is quite long 04:22 in stream line. He is almost solid yellow. 04:25 With just a yellow tail. Yeah, 04:26 we, we've got about 2,000 other fishes 04:29 in this tank. 2,000. They're, they are all 04:31 Atlantic in Caribbean species. 04:34 What you saw is probably large schools were yellow 04:36 tail snapper. And there are, these animals 04:41 are lived together with the sharks 04:44 because they have a lot of habitat, the hidden. 04:48 Give some cover place. That's right. 04:50 Yeah. And we, and we keep more in fact. 04:52 And we there, we keep the different the 04:55 smaller fish is separated from the larger predators 04:58 during feeding time. And give them a 05:00 chance to get away from that, 05:01 when there is a feeding friends, 05:02 do you so. Yes. It is incredible I just 05:04 have learned. So, very much and it's so 05:07 exciting to be come here and stand. 05:09 You can actually reach a within two inches 05:11 of touching a shark, is this Williams Boat. 05:14 I have never had that experience before 05:16 So, boys and girls have been a joy 05:17 for Ranger Jim to be with my 05:18 friend Frank today. So, as always 05:21 Ranger Jim saying, don't forget to tell 05:24 the Jesus that you're love him 05:25 because he really does love you. 05:35 You know, Ogdon, was so excited 05:41 because she had been chosen to go on 05:42 a mission Chaptuta. Thousands of 05:43 people about God just before she was to leave. 05:47 Her father got into a serious car accident. 05:51 Ms. Ogdon, was so upset and angry 05:55 with God that his happened. 05:57 She decided to stay home and take 06:00 care of her father. Well, she was doing 06:02 her house work and taking care of her father. 06:05 She decided to Brighten the Corners were 06:08 she was and that inspire her to write 06:11 this song. 06:18 Do not wait until some deed of greatness you may do, 06:23 Do not wait to shed your light afar; 06:27 To the many duties ever near you now be true, 06:32 Brighten the corner where you are. 06:36 Brighten the corner where you are! 06:40 Brighten the corner where you are! 06:45 Someone far from harbor you may guide across the bar; 06:49 Brighten the corner where you are! 06:54 Here for all your talent you may surely find a need, 07:00 Here reflect the bright and Morning Star; 07:03 Even from your humble hand 07:06 the Bread of Life may feed, 07:09 Brighten the corner where you are. 07:13 Brighten the corner where you are! 07:17 Brighten the corner where you are! 07:21 Someone far from harbor you may guide 07:24 across the bar; Brighten the corner. 07:27 Brighten the corner. Brighten the corner 07:31 where you are! 07:45 Welcome to learning time. Thank for joining us 07:49 today. Hey, I want everybody to take a 07:51 deep breath and you can take a deep breath too. 07:54 Let's go, inhale, hold it, hold it and let it go. 08:01 Wow! What would you just breathe in? 08:04 Air. That's right, we've to have air 08:07 in order to breathe. Do you know, 08:10 what most of the air is made out of? 08:12 What's most of the air made out of? 08:14 What do you? Gases. It's gases. Gases. 08:16 And most of the air is made out of, what we 08:18 called nitrogen. It's nitrogen gas, 08:21 78 percent of all of the air that we breathe 08:23 is nitrogen. I've a got a special thing 08:27 for you today. I'm gonna need 08:29 for you to put your safety glasses on. 08:31 Because I've right here the second coldest 08:35 thing on planet earth. 08:36 And it happens to be liquid air. 08:39 It's right in this little container call the Dure. 08:41 I'm gonna take some of this and I'm gonna 08:43 pour it out. It is so cold we just 08:47 might get a reaction down here on the floor. 08:49 Are you ready? Yes. Let's pour some of the 08:52 sound and take a look at it. 08:53 Let see we got riding. What do you see 08:56 that cloud. Oh! Well, it took those water molecules 08:59 and just condense them the form a beautiful cloud. 09:02 Well, this stuff happens to be liquid air 09:05 and we call it liquid nitrogen. 09:09 We're gonna do an exciting experiment 09:11 because I'm gonna take this funnel. 09:13 I'm gonna put it right in my two liter 09:15 bottle and I've got a glove 09:16 on because that so cold, that could freeze my skin. 09:19 And I'm gonna put some of this right in my two 09:22 liter bottle. Just like this. 09:24 Oh! Look at that, we're making. 09:26 We're making another cloud, are we? 09:28 Oh! Yeah, that's really fun. 09:30 Now, liquid nitrogen, it turns and changes 09:33 from a liquid into a gas very quickly 09:36 because we're adding energy to it. 09:38 In other words, we're adding heat to it. 09:40 The changes from this liquid then 09:42 I'm seeing right here. 09:43 And it changes into a gas, 09:45 but today we're gonna take it. 09:47 We're gonna a lid on this and the gases are 09:50 gonna build up, their pressure is gonna build up 09:52 in this bottle. And this bottle can take 208 pounds 09:56 of pressure. We're gonna have so much 09:58 pressure inside. Here the bottle is gonna 10:00 blow up. Are you ready? Yes. Alright, 10:03 I'm gonna put the cap on little tight. 10:05 I'm gonna come over here to my barrel 10:07 and I'm gonna put it right in here. 10:11 Now, you just may want to cover your 10:13 ears and we're just going away 10:15 and see what happens. 10:23 Oh! Did you hear that? 10:27 Yes, yes. Oh! Man that was a 10:31 big explosion and you know, 10:33 what look at here. We've got pieces 10:35 of this bottle all over the poise. 10:38 Isn't that interesting? Now, with 10:40 that bottle have exploited, if I didn't 10:43 put the cap on it. No, because the 10:46 pressure would build up and we go out of 10:47 the bottle. You know, sometimes 10:49 you and I have so much pressure inside. 10:51 We say that, people get all up tight, if you 10:54 haven't gotten up tight. 10:55 Oh! That happens sometimes. 10:57 We might say, something we might 10:59 hear somebody. We might cause somebody 11:01 a bad name and that's not a good thing. 11:02 Well, God doesn't want us to blow up. 11:05 And God gives us a safety valve. 11:07 And those valves are just praying to him 11:10 and giving God all of our problems. So, that 11:12 we don't blow up. Remember, when we learn 11:15 science. We learn something 11:17 new about our creator God. 11:28 Paul and Silas, What a great almighty God 11:31 you must have. What, what must my family 11:33 and I do to be saved. That's exactly 11:36 the question we were praying that you would 11:38 ask. When we came in this jail, wasn't Silas. 11:40 That's right. We've been through shipwrecks; 11:43 we've been thrown out of cities, 11:45 but never have we experience what God 11:46 do tonight? Never. He was singing, 11:50 I was singing. When we're praying, praying for 11:53 you and your wife and your children 11:55 and then I guess, it was about midnight. 11:57 God started rocking this jail. 12:02 The stone started falling. 12:04 Our bands were loose from our feet. 12:09 The chains felt from my our hands. 12:11 And the prisoners all-round us 12:14 every single one almost three, but now 12:16 one of a moved? No one left. 12:19 The spirit of God was in this place. 12:23 And the reason, why you are saying, 12:26 what you're saying? Is because you 12:29 and I'm starting to respond to his Holy Spirit. 12:32 And what must you to do be saved, 12:35 it very simple my friends believe on the Lord 12:41 Jesus Christ and you and your family 12:46 will be saved. 12:47 Now, I knew there is many things 12:49 we need to tell you about Jesus. 12:51 His birth, his perfect life, 12:53 the miracles he performed, his death on the cross 12:56 and then his resurrection. Silas, I 13:00 have been believers and seems like for years, 13:04 doesn't it? Yes. We go from city to city 13:07 proclaiming the power of Jesus, 13:10 proclaiming his name and we end up in 13:13 this prison, which was certainly not our plan. 13:15 No. But God took this even tonight. 13:20 He put us here for a reason. 13:22 That's right, that's right. Us. Exactly, 13:26 and now a most important thing for you to do, 13:30 is listen to the Christians that have given their 13:34 hearts to him. Silas and I have some stories. 13:37 We want to tell you tonight, 13:39 but when a person gives their heart to Christ, 13:43 we lower than down into the water 13:46 to symbolize their death. 13:49 And raise them up to symbolize their 13:52 resurrection. And we baptized them 13:55 in the name of the father. 13:57 The son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. 14:00 My dear jailor friend God has called 14:05 you tonight. Your sins are forgiven. 14:12 He promised us that if we can fest our sins, 14:15 he is faithful and just to forgives our sins. 14:19 And to cleanse us from all, all the righteousness. 14:24 Silas and I wanna pray with you and your family 14:28 right now. Our dear, heavenly father, 14:32 we thank you so much for your protection. 14:36 We thank you so much for this fine 14:39 man and his wife and children. 14:40 Amen. And father right now, you heard him 14:45 cry, what must he do to be saved. 14:47 Jesus thank you that you saved him on Gotha. 14:50 And because of your death and resurrection. 14:54 My dear, jailor and his family are now secure 15:00 in Jesus Christ as we relive them and got them 15:05 in their lives. Thank you, Jesus we look forward 15:08 to your certain soon return in Jesus name, Amen! 15:29 Oh, be careful little eyes, what you see. 15:32 Oh, be careful little eyes, what you see. 15:37 For the Father up above, looking down in tender love, 15:45 Oh, be careful little eyes, what you see. 15:46 Oh, be careful little ears what you hear 15:50 Oh, be careful little ears what you hear 15:55 For the Father up above, there is looking down enough 16:01 Oh, be careful little ears what you hear 16:04 Oh, be careful little lips what you say... 16:09 Oh, be careful little lips what you say... 16:13 For the Father up above, there is looking down enough 16:19 Oh, be careful little lips what you say... 16:22 Oh, be careful little hands, what you do... 16:28 Oh, be careful little hands, what you do... 16:31 For the Father up above, there is looking down enough 16:37 Oh, be careful little hands, what you do... 16:41 Be careful little feet, where you go... 16:45 Be careful little feet, where you go... 16:50 For the Father up above, there is looking down enough 16:56 Oh, be careful little feet, where you go... 16:59 Oh, be careful little hands, what you do... 17:05 Oh, be careful little lips what you say... 17:08 Oh, be careful little ears what you hear 17:13 Oh, be careful little eyes, what you see. 17:28 Hi, boys and girls. It's time for Brenda's 17:30 book of the day. And my choice for you today 17:34 is this book by Jerry D. Thomas, Rattlesnake 17:37 River Adventure and listen to this, 17:40 something was bugging Maria and nobody knew 17:43 what it was. The Shoebox Kids, 17:45 they were going to the mountains for 17:46 a three-day raft trip. Everyone was 17:49 excited except Maria. Rattlesnake River 17:52 has many secrets as it has rapids. 17:56 When the kids make came that very first 17:58 night Sammy assure they are being watched 18:01 the Christ pulls the scary stunt 18:03 that the cant a fire that makes real loser 18:05 cruel and accused him of lying to 18:07 their dad about her. How could she forgive 18:10 Christ for being so mean. 18:11 The Rattlesnake River Adventure 18:13 finds the Shoebox Kids trying to keep 18:15 Christ and Maria talking to each other 18:17 while protecting a big secret. 18:20 In the meantime, they hear the 18:22 legend of Bonzo the bear, 18:24 meet the mysterious mountain "man" who was 18:26 watching them from the shadows, 18:27 and learn about holding grudges 18:29 and the power of forgiveness. 18:32 Oh! That sounds like a good book doesn't it? 18:34 You'll want to read Rattlesnake River 18:36 Adventure. Well, I've someone special 18:40 with me today, boys and girls. 18:41 That I'm share you recognize and that is Hailey. 18:44 Hi, Hailey? Hi, Thank you for joining 18:46 me on Kids Time. And I want to tell you, what 18:49 do you do to share Jesus. Well, I sing. 18:53 You sing, and where do you sing Hailey. 18:55 I sing at churches, on my trips, and here 18:59 on Kids Time. Yes, you actually have been singing 19:02 on Kids Time for almost five years now, 19:04 haven't you? Yeah. And I get lots of 19:06 letter tell me how much they love you singing with 19:08 your Papa. And can you tell me what, 19:11 what kind of experiences that you've with singing? 19:13 Well, I, I think, it's I think it's great. 19:20 You think it's great. Have you had people come and 19:23 talk to you about it. Yes. You had. Yes. 19:26 Have you hasn't have to make some friends. 19:28 Yes. It has. Can you give me some of those 19:32 experiences? Well, like people come up to me 19:38 and say, they love my singing and have a 19:44 wonderful voice and so then. 19:48 And then I started asking questions to them. Umm! Umm! 19:53 And I started getting to know them better. 19:55 And then I started making some friends. 19:58 Well, that's good. Let me tell you, how 20:01 old are you? I'm 10. You're 10 years old. 20:03 Ten years old and you're already letting your life 20:06 shine for Jesus because are you singing wild song 20:09 about the world. Yes. No, you're not singing wild 20:12 songs about the world. What kinds of song do you singing? 20:14 Well, I'm singing things like how God 20:18 made it the world so beautiful. Right, Oh! I 20:22 see what you're thinking. You're thinking 20:23 about you do sing songs about the world, but 20:26 all your songs about Jesus aren't they? Yes. 20:28 Yeah, I mean you're not singing worldly songs, 20:31 but you're singing songs about Jesus, right. 20:32 Yes. And what we sing is important, isn't it? 20:35 Yes. It really yes. Well, I'm so excited for 20:39 about what you're doing for Jesus, Hailey. 20:40 And I want you to keep singing and you know, what 20:42 I want you to comeback and sing on praise time too, 20:44 okay. Okay. Alright and bring your mom with you, 20:47 I love the song you these thing with your mom. 20:49 You and your mom sing beautiful together. 20:51 Will you do that for me? 20:52 Sure. Okay, but you know, what 20:54 we've someone on the right now that 20:56 loves Jesus and I would like to talk to her. 20:58 Would you like to hear, who is on the phone. 21:00 Alright, her name is Stephanie and she is from. 21:03 Well, I will tell, let her tell you where she is from. 21:05 Hi, Stephanie, are you there? 21:07 Yeah. Hi, Stephanie, how old are you? 21:10 Seven. You're seven-years-old. 21:12 I've a letter, I got from you. 21:13 And we decided just to give you a call 21:15 today and talk to you on the program. 21:17 Where are you from Stephanie? 21:19 Grand Tower. Grand Tower, Illinois. 21:23 And I has, we're looking at a beautiful picture 21:25 of you on the screen right now. 21:27 And you're such a pretty girl. 21:29 I got to ask you though. What 21:30 it is that you do to share Jesus? 21:35 Yep. Can you hear me Stephanie? What 21:37 do you do to share Jesus? Well, 21:40 I'm doing many things to do Jesus. 21:48 And so you talk to people about Jesus? 21:52 Umm! Umm! And you tell them that Jesus loves 21:54 them. Umm! Umm! You do, what do people 21:58 usually say, when you tell them about Jesus. 21:59 Wow! They say, Wow! That's good because 22:03 some people are really surprise. They don't know 22:05 Jesus loves them, do they? No. So, it's 22:08 important to tell them. I want to keep 22:09 encourage you to keep telling them about Jesus. 22:11 Will you do that Stephanie? 22:14 And you know, what I want to ask you Stephanie. 22:16 Yeah. I've another way, you could 22:17 share Jesus. How would you like to 22:19 come and tape about a Bible story with 22:21 us here on Kids Time? Would you like 22:22 to do that? Yeah. Wow! You ask your mom, 22:25 if you can come and if you come, you, if you can, 22:27 you have your mom right and tell me, alright. 22:30 And we will book you for a story time. Okay. Alright. 22:33 Bye. Thank you, thank you, Stephanie keep sharing 22:36 Jesus, won't you? Ah! Ha! Bye, bye now. 22:39 Bye. Bye, you know, boys and girls, 22:42 if you would like to be on story time 22:44 and be in the Bible stories. Would you right 22:46 me a letter and let me know. And I will make 22:48 sure that we book you for our one of our stories 22:50 because we can always use lots of kids in our 22:53 Bible stories. Especially on our marketplace that. 22:55 So, we're looking for lot's of children, 22:57 if you want to be in our story 22:59 then be a part of Kids Time, write and let me know, 23:02 send me your phone numbers. So, we can call mom 23:04 and dad and talk them about it, okay 23:05 we will get you booked. Well, I want to 23:08 thank Stephanie too for that, 23:10 for being on the phone. And boys and girls, 23:11 if you would like me to give you call 23:13 on kids Time, make sure you send me your 23:15 phone number and I might be calling you. 23:17 Well, I've some letters. I would like to read with you 23:19 and read for you. And, let see, I've this letter 23:23 is from Hether and she is from Spokane 23:26 in Washington. And let see what Hether has to say. 23:29 It says, Oh! We've $5 came out of this letter. 23:34 It says, dear Ms. Brenda, I'm five-years-old 23:37 and you please pray for my sister, 23:39 she broke her arm. And it's, and it's says 23:42 I've Jesus. I share Jesus by helping her 23:45 because she needs my help right now. 23:47 And I want to be on Kids Time sometime. 23:50 Could I please? And said, I here some money 23:53 that I earned and I would like to give 23:55 it to Kids Time, love Hether PS, 23:58 I just love Danny Shelton. 24:02 Well, you know, what I love Danny Shelton too 24:04 because he loves Jesus. And I appreciate 24:07 what he does for Jesus, but you know what? 24:09 I want to thank you for sending some of your 24:13 hard earn money to help produce more 24:16 Kids Time program. So, thank you very much. 24:18 I will make sure that money goes to the right 24:20 place Hether. And now you know, boys and girls. 24:22 Let's all pray for Hether sister, were 24:24 usually broke her arm and let's pray to Jesus. 24:26 Well, will help her, will you do that? 24:28 Okay, I've another picture here in this one, let see 24:33 I mean a letter and I think there you see 24:35 a picture here. And Hailey, can you hold that 24:37 picture up to read a best camera over there. 24:39 And, right here if you hold it just like this 24:43 in front you I think the boys and girls can see it. 24:45 Yep, there we go. And this letter says, 24:48 dear Ms. Brenda, my name is Lydia and 24:50 I'm eleven years old and I just want to tell you 24:52 that, I love God and I want 24:55 God to bless you. And I really love Kids Time. 24:58 It says, I watch it everyday on TV. 25:00 I was hoping that maybe I could get one of your 25:02 activity books. And that you always talk 25:04 about. Thank you, much your friend Lydia. 25:07 Well, yes Letia, I will give you one of those 25:08 activity books and we can also sign you up for 25:11 the kids call blessing. So, that you can 25:14 get the Bible studies. Would you like that? 25:15 Okay, let see I've a letter here from Grenada 25:19 and Grenado, which one otherwise we say, here. 25:22 And this says, dear Ms. Brenda, how are you? 25:25 My name is Shernyl and I'm 13-years-old of aged. 25:29 And I love your show Kids Time. 25:31 I was baptized this year and I'm learning to 25:34 witness for Jesus. I learned a lot about 25:37 that on your show. It says, please 25:39 send me an activity book and also I would like 25:42 to share Jesus more-and-more, 25:45 yours faithfully Shernyl. 25:48 Well, thank you Shernyl and I'm so 25:50 glad you're baptized. Boys and girls, 25:52 if you get baptized or your praying will 25:53 be baptize, write and tell me about it. 25:55 It just really makes my day. 25:57 I love hearing that. Maybe we've time for a 25:59 quick email says, dear, Ms. Brenda. 26:01 How are you doing, this is Misty. 26:03 I'm writing to tell you that I did receive 26:05 the Bible lessons in the activity book 26:07 and I love them, thank you, thank you, 26:09 thank you. Thanks for the book Mark II. 26:11 It was really nice, God bless you, Misty. 26:14 Well, I'm so glad that you're enjoying those 26:16 lessons, boys and girls. You know, that's 26:17 all the time we had today. Thank you, 26:19 Hailey for being with me today. 26:21 And I want to encourage you to keep singing, 26:23 will you. Yes. Well, remember boys and girls. 26:25 It's Kids Time to share Jesus. |
Revised 2014-12-17