Participants: Brenda Walsh
Series Code: KT
Program Code: KT000176
00:03 It's time to share there's a world out there,
00:06 Looking for a friend like Jesus. 00:10 It's time to share there's a world out there; 00:13 let's tell them that He loves us so. 00:16 Let's tell them that He loves us so. 00:20 Kids time, kids time, kids time, kids time. 00:24 Hi, boys and girls. You know when a 00:26 person charge with the crime goes to court, 00:28 his lawyer usually tries to make him 00:30 like pretty good to that judge and 00:33 most of the time the lawyer tells his client 00:35 not to admit if you did anything wrong at all. 00:37 Even after the jury finds him guilty, 00:39 his lawyer is going to stand up in front of the 00:42 television and all the newspapers 00:43 and say my client has been wrongly judged, 00:45 he didn't break any laws. You know it's 00:48 very rare for the person to charged with the 00:50 crime to fall on the knees before the judge 00:51 and say I did a terrible thing forgive me please 00:54 have mercy on me. He is more likely to 00:57 bring before the judge all the witnesses he 00:59 can find to tell what good things he has done 01:02 and what a great citizen he is. 01:04 Does the truth ever come out in court? 01:06 Well, sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't 01:10 because human judges just can't see 01:12 into a person's heart. They do the 01:14 best they can, but they cannot always figure out 01:16 who is telling the truth and who isn't. 01:19 Aren't you glad God is greater than even 01:22 our wisest human judges? He knows our 01:24 hearts and he can see when we are really 01:27 sorry for our sins and don't want to them 01:29 over again ever, and when we fallen our knees 01:32 at his feet and we say Jesus please forgive me, 01:35 I did a terrible thing, please have mercy on me, 01:39 a poor sinner, do you know God always listens 01:42 and forgives and says go and sin no more. 01:45 Jesus told the story about two worshippers 01:48 who are praying one day may both stood 01:50 before God as creator and judge of the universe. 01:53 But, they said very different things. 01:55 We'll find out what they said in our 01:58 Bible story today. But, also find out 02:00 what Jesus had to say about they very different prayers, 02:04 but first let's see what Ranger Jim 02:06 has for us today. 02:14 Hi boys and girls Ranger Jim saying welcome 02:16 to Nature Time. We're glad you could be with 02:17 us today where in Knoxville Tennessee, 02:19 at the place called Ijams Nature Center 02:22 they have many wonderful things here 02:24 we are inside their main building 02:26 where they have beautiful this place here. 02:27 They have tanks of all kind fish turtles for us to view 02:30 and our friend Kara with us she is a naturalist here 02:33 on the staff and she is going to tell us 02:35 about animals tracks Kara tell us something about 02:37 these tracks that we have here. 02:38 These are tracks of animals that are 02:41 very common in Tennessee and although 02:44 we often want see them out in the day time 02:47 because lot of them are nocturnal 02:48 or they've been away from us, 02:50 you can often see animal track so it's a good 02:52 thing to learn them see on there what animals 02:54 are about. And this under know or something 02:55 like that very good. And there is lots of books out 02:58 there telling you how do identify animal tracks 03:01 and look for different signs of like 03:03 if they've been eating stuff and things like 03:05 that seeking, gets lot of books 03:07 but we have a lot of examples here. 03:10 We use these stamps to and dip them in ink 03:14 and so we could see the tracks, 03:16 with the tracks might look like when they 03:18 are walking. Very good what this tiny 03:20 little guys? This tiny one is from a mouse 03:22 just ordinary filled mouse. Even also 03:25 would probably see if it would in sand or know 03:28 or something you might see little tell dragon. 03:30 Thanks a little tail hang behind him 03:32 alright, very good and this one is a little bigger. 03:34 Yeah this one is still rode and it's a 03:36 chipmunk so little bit bigger than the 03:38 mouse and of course you wouldn't see a 03:41 tail of the chipmunk. And you see running around 03:43 your yard digging holes okay Charlie chipmunk, 03:45 alright, yeah. And these? The next one's 03:48 are from rabbits and rabbits have fur on 03:51 the bottom of their feet. So, it makes their 03:53 tracks very easy to identify easily because 03:55 you can usually see the fur and the way they 03:59 run their back feet which are the longer ones 04:01 will be in front of their front feet 04:03 and the front feet, the smaller feet will be 04:05 in the back. Right, the powerful back legs is 04:07 the local motion he runs in this way, running, the 04:10 front goes out so the back feet are, okay, the 04:12 tracks of the rabbit that will be easy to do identify, 04:14 the next one there. The next one is 04:16 a Possum, which is one of the most 04:18 interesting tracks. His back foot has 5 claws 04:22 on his four toes and then he has this 04:25 almost opposable thumb which has no 04:28 claw and when he steps down on it that 04:30 thumb goes way out and sticks out 04:33 the side like this one and you want see to a clock. 04:35 Very distinctive isn't it? Very distinctive, 04:37 once you identify the Possum, you will always 04:38 remember that one. And when he walks he puts his 04:42 back foot down and then where his front foot lands 04:44 on the track is almost right in front of the 04:47 front foot, right, so the tracks are usually very 04:49 closely together. Very close together, 04:50 alright. These bigger one's then what are these? 04:52 This one is from domestic dog and an easy way to 04:56 tell dog tracks and cat tracks apart, 04:59 is cats usually don't leave claws unless they 05:02 does really pounce into the soil and as you can see 05:04 this one has the claws on it and so you know it's from 05:07 a dog?Yeah, it would be the dog and to this one, 05:09 I bet most boys and girls could identify that 05:11 one around?Yes, this one's from a deer 05:13 and of course there be the hoofs and then they can 05:15 be quite different working as far as spacing, 05:18 but you always have the pointed hoof marks. 05:21 You do that and then we have leave it at 05:25 our home many of them and sometimes I've 05:26 identified fawn, he would just be 05:28 two or three days old and I can see 05:30 he has a misformed point on the side will 05:34 point out and then 3 or 4 years later I'll 05:37 see him as a huge big buck with a beautiful rack 05:39 and in the sand I see this track are you 05:42 remember him he was a found in our back yard 05:44 Good if you like that okay and so we see this 05:48 people that are professional trackers and some of 05:50 the native Americans the Indians itself 05:52 because just like reading a news paper 05:54 they have go to sand and they could tell you all 05:56 about these animals and creatures it wasn't that they 05:59 has superior intelligence but where is brought they were 06:02 talk what your teaching as small children 06:05 and so they learn to identify all these animals. 06:07 Yes. So the clue is learning these boys and girls 06:10 we've learned another skill this afternoon 06:11 a wonderful time we've had here so Ranger Jim 06:15 is always saying don't forget to tell Jesus that 06:18 you loves him because he really does love you. 06:29 Holy, Holy, Holy it's a Lord God 06:33 almighty who was and is and is to come 06:37 Revelation 4:8. 06:45 Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God Almighty 06:54 Early in the morning, our song shall rise to Thee. 07:03 Holy, Holy, Holy merciful and mighty 07:14 God in three persons blessed Trinity 08:05 Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God almighty 08:15 All thy works shall praise Thy name in earth 08:22 sky and sea. Holy, Holy, Holy merciful and mighty 08:36 God in three persons blessed Trinity 08:56 Hi today we are making Carob orange cube case. 08:59 Now I bet you all are wondering what Carob is. 09:02 Well all Carob is the healthy substitute for chocolate 09:04 and it's so good that you guys won't even 09:08 know the difference so that you share the recipe with 09:10 you and read the ingredients. 09:13 1 ½ cups all-purpose flour 09:16 ½ cup pure Florida crystals 09:20 ½ cup carob powder 09:23 1/4 teaspoon of salt 09:25 ½ cup of Grapeseed vegenaise 09:29 1 teaspoon of grated orange peel (fresh or dried) 09:33 ½ cup of orange juice. 09:36 Now I just start our recipe by 09:38 putting our flavor in our bowl and pretty much 09:42 all dry ingredients except for the orange peel 09:44 in our Florida Crystals and our you know this is 09:51 our Carob powder I'm sorry 09:52 the Carob powder and our salt 09:57 that in mix it up just little bit 10:03 okay and now already add our orange juice 10:08 concentrate orange juice I'm saying 10:11 and our Grapeseed Vegenaise you know all vegenaises 10:16 is a healthy substitute for mayonnaise, 10:19 so it's healthier for you and it doesn't contain 10:21 any dairy anything like that. 10:24 Now, this mixture is going to be very thick, 10:28 just to warn you that you don't care worry, 10:30 that stood it wrong it is going to be thick 10:32 it's just a way it's made and we're going to 10:37 add our orange peel also and it's gives it 10:39 a good orange flavor and you might be 10:42 thinking that orange peel that you want to put that 10:44 in anything but it actually really does taste good. 10:48 you know it normally eat orange but 10:50 it is very good in this massive or these Cupcakes. 10:54 Now I have over here some mini muffin 10:59 tense you can also use regular muffins but I 11:02 just like mini muffins it will cute and 11:05 they are really good to and I'm going to take my 11:07 non stick cooking spray and spray the muffin now 11:11 you want to make sure you spray it good 11:13 or else your muffin looking stuck in there and you 11:15 want to real hard time getting them outs 11:17 and I'm going to take real little bit of this now 11:21 this kind of thick you might have used your fingers 11:22 but make sure they are clean for you put them in 11:25 and put some of this right in this you know 11:30 you can probably want just about forward right 11:33 at the top and it will just puff up nicely 11:38 oh in that they get a paper towel not my fingers 11:44 little quick. Now these muffins 11:51 you going to bake them at 350 degrees of 11:52 but forgot for about 20 minutes and when you take 11:54 them out you have to make sure and put the 11:56 whole pan on wire of rack and let it cool for 11:59 10 minutes. now if you don't do that make sure 12:03 you do that because if you don't you muffins are 12:04 break but if you want broken muffins 12:06 go right ahead had and try it. Now I'm going to 12:09 I have some muffins already bake for you some 12:11 cupcakes I'm sorry cupcakes already bakes for you 12:13 and let me go to show those to you. 12:18 Now you see that there is some glaze over the 12:22 top of that and all that glaze, you just 12:24 take some pretty Florida Crystals blend them up 12:27 in the blender or you'll make a nice slit powder 12:29 kind of like a powder sugar with healthy 12:32 substitute for it and then you put some almond 12:33 extracts and some water and just drizzle the 12:38 glaze over the top and it look taste good like 12:39 that and it look it makes look pretty too to 12:40 nice touch added of the cupcakes and there is 12:43 delicious you know healthy desert that you can serve 12:46 to your friends and family and they will love it 12:49 you just have to try these cupcakes. 12:51 Well remember until next time 12:53 to keep cooking and eat healthy. 13:28 Uncle Jazarah Oh hi 13:31 Why do you look so sad? 13:33 Well I just don't understand how someone 13:38 that sin so much then I have can give right with God 13:45 or just doesn't make sense to me. 13:48 I don't understand. Well do you remember 13:53 who Jesus spend his time with 13:55 when he was here it was Zacheus the publican, 13:59 and Mathew the tax collector, Mary Magdalene, 14:05 Jesus spent time with the people who needed him 14:10 the most remember he said I came not to call 14:13 the righteous but sinners to repentance. 14:16 Oh that's true, that right. 14:19 and I remember he told a parable one time 14:22 about two men who went up the temple 14:24 to pray the one was the Pharisee 14:27 the other one was a Publican and 14:32 the Pharisee walked into the temple even went out 14:35 and stood in front of everybody and he prayed 14:39 to himself Jesus said and he said 14:43 oh God I thank you that I'm like other men 14:47 extortioners, adulterers, sinners like this publican 14:55 over here Lord I give you ties or everything I own, 15:00 but you know this publican over in the 15:03 corner he didn't feel comfortable and the 15:06 presence of all these pies people 15:08 there in the temple and so he wouldn't even 15:11 go out in the center he stayed off to the side 15:13 and had his bowed and he kept smiling his 15:17 presence saying oh God be merciful to me 15:20 a sinner and Jesus said that he went away 15:26 blessed more than me other and he went on to say 15:31 that everyone who assault himself will be brought 15:35 low and everyone who humbles himself 15:39 will be exalted. So don't you see 15:44 there is no reason for us to be downcast and sad 15:47 because Jesus is our salvations, 15:52 when we looked to Jesus we can be happy. 15:56 What happens to our sins that we have committed 15:59 all these sins? Where do they go? 16:02 Jesus paid for those sins. He took those 16:07 away he said I will throw they've been that 16:08 attempts of the sea they live on me. 16:11 Wow, yeah. So we don't have to be sad 16:14 you know, if we come to Christ with all our 16:18 and we've tried to come if you have salvation 16:21 do all these good things to try to get into heaven 16:26 all that is beauty as filthy disgusting, 16:30 dirty rotten eggs and comparison to 16:33 Jesus and his salvation when he is given to us. 16:37 But I haven't been able to do anything good yet. 16:39 Well praise the Lord God can save you 16:43 because he is in the business of saving sinners 16:46 that's why he came for people just like 16:49 you and just like me. Well that's true that's 16:52 a good news. Amen! yes Jesus is our salvation. 16:57 Jazah, why don't you come eat 16:58 good supper with us. Well. Will do that? 17:01 Yeah I guess I could. come on let's talk 17:04 some more about that good things that 17:05 Jesus has done for us. Well that's good news are. 18:47 Hi boys and girls I'm here with my friend 18:49 Jacob and he is going to help me to introduce 18:51 the book of the day yes he is 18:55 and this is an exciting book it's called Beanie 18:57 The Horse that wasn't a horse, ever heard of that. 19:00 This is by Heather Govet is this God's idea of 19:04 a joke. Horse crazy Alex John was 19:07 about to have his prayers answered 19:09 but not in the way that he had hope for. 19:11 What Alex wanted more than anything was 19:14 a horse he could be proud of and he wanted 19:17 a beautiful black stallion. What Alex got was 19:21 this funny looking Jig Saw puzzle of an animal 19:24 where the big bucket had long floppy ears 19:27 short stubbly legs and a scrawny tale. 19:30 All we Beanie wasn't a real horse at all 19:33 he was something called that Hinny 19:35 was this God's idea of a joke but Alex 19:38 would soon find out that Beanie was friendly 19:40 fun to ride and fast and could Beanie 19:44 ever jump. Grandpa was right about that one 19:47 even Ms. John warmed up to the idea 19:49 of keeping Beanie Boy should Alex 19:52 get Beanie a chance the day of the big 19:54 bare race was fast approaching can Alex 19:57 and Beanie dare even hope to winner ribbon 19:59 well Alex ever loved Beanie in spite of how he 20:02 looks this cute tale of our Homy little hinny with 20:06 a big hard we'll make you grin from ear to ear 20:09 oh that sounds good doesn't it Jacob. 20:11 You know and here I want to read this book won't you? 20:13 Yeah. I do too. Well before I start read my 20:16 letter to Jacob can you tell me what 20:18 do you do to share Jesus? 20:20 I had a next neighbor and he was shuffle 20:22 on Sunday and he knew that I was a 20:25 Saturday keeper and I told him there is a VBS 20:28 coming up and I ask so did you want to come 20:30 and he was like yeah sure I'll try that 20:33 and he really like to and then he decided 20:35 to worship on Saturday. He did oh that is 20:38 wonderful did you hear that boys and girls 20:39 isn't that wonderful and that how do that 20:42 make you feel inside? Really good. 20:44 When you can witness to other say does doesn't it. 20:46 And you know what you want to keep praying for 20:47 me too okay what Jacob where are you from? 20:50 I'm from Green Bay, Wisconsin. 20:52 Oh that's you know I use to live in Wisconsin. Really. 20:54 Yes I went to Wisconsin academy 20:56 and I graduated from there. Cool. 20:59 And can you tell me how old you are? 21:01 I'm 12 years old. 12 years old 21:03 what you want to be when you grow up? 21:04 I have a lot of things I'm figure out architect 21:07 maybe professional baseball player I don't know. 21:11 You don't know. A lot of things. You know 21:13 what I suggest to do? What. Pray about it. 21:15 Okay. And if you pray about it God will you 21:17 know you suppose to do. Okay. Okay well I have 21:20 some letters here let's see where there is so 21:22 many wonderful letters this one says 21:25 it's form desert Hot Spring California 21:27 let's see who this is and it says it's from 21:29 Mirabel that's a pretty name Mirabel 21:32 I did don't have hear that recently have you. 21:34 Let's see if it's hard to open here 21:37 says dear Ms. Brenda hi, my name is Mirabel 21:40 and I'm eight years old and I live in desert 21:42 Hot Springs and said I tried to pray 21:45 everyday for everybody. I watch you on TV 21:48 and I think you really nice I was on 21:50 the school in playground with my friend 21:52 and she fell down and was bleeding from her 21:54 head and I helped her and I took her to the 21:56 nursed office and I think that makes me 21:58 a christian and love Mirabel and she drew me 22:02 a little picture here see this picture of the office 22:05 and the library and she is got her done 22:08 where she is oh I'm to sick and she goes are you 22:11 okay and she do a picture for story well 22:13 happen isn't that cute. 22:14 Well thank you Mirabel well you know what 22:16 whenever we have someone else Jesus 22:18 wants us to be kind of people he wants to 22:20 help us how help the sick and the homeless 22:22 and he says to feed people they don't have food. 22:26 Well, right now before we read another letter 22:28 why don't we go all the way to Nigeria 22:31 where a little girl is going to tell us how 22:32 she share Jesus. Hello, brothers my name is 22:37 is a Savannah Edison, a people of 22:39 Seventh-day Adventist nursery school, from 22:41 Calabar, Nigeria. My message for you 22:45 today from Jesus is ask, Jesus is the light of the war 22:50 he who follow him shall no working dugging 22:54 where you have delight of life. 22:56 Oh that's right thank you so much. 22:58 Well I have a letter here from Seminole Texas 23:01 from Rachel says dear Ms Brenda 23:03 my name is Rachel and I live in Seminole Texas 23:06 and I'm 9 years old. Do you know Rachel 23:09 I used to live in Texas too and I 23:11 might sent you dad my dad's are preacher you know 23:13 and preachers move around a lot and 23:14 I love Texas. I think it's wonderful state. 23:18 In fact that I took my nurses training in 23:20 Dallas. It says my birthday is on January 19 23:23 and I'm in the 4th grade my teacher is 23:26 Ms. Davidson and she is very nice. 23:28 Says I want to join your club and get Bible 23:30 studies so I can get Baptized. I like your show 23:33 I have a sister her name is Jennifer 23:35 and she also wrote you a letter I love Jesus 23:38 and so does my family. We are 23:40 seventh-day Adventist I could not go to 23:42 church today because I was sick though, 23:44 so I'm writing to you. 23:45 It said the way I share Jesus 23:47 is by singing Evangelistic Series and playing 23:49 the Piano at church. I've played Piano for 23:51 4 years and half please write to me yours 23:54 Julie Rachel. Well Rachel thank you so much 23:56 for your letter I will write to you right away send 23:59 you an activity book and sometimes I want you 24:01 send me a phone number so we can call 24:02 you and talks to you on Kids Time okay. 24:04 Let's see I have another letter 24:06 right here from Nevas 24:09 let's see what this letter says 24:11 I just love you letter so much don't you like 24:13 them you listening to letters Jacob 24:15 says dear Ms. Brenda I enjoy watching 24:18 Kids Club so everyday I watch it 24:19 on Trinity Broadcasting Network, 24:21 my name is Charleston and I'm 5 years of age. 24:24 I'm writing Charleston this letter to ask you 24:26 permission to join your kids club. 24:27 Thank you in advance for your consideration 24:30 love Charleston. And she is from 24:32 Charlestown Nevis. Well, Charleston I'm so glad 24:34 that you are able to watch our program 24:36 and I want to encourage you everyday 24:38 but won't you to tell someone that Jesus loves them. 24:41 Well, right now I have another little girl 24:43 away over Nigeria that also loves Jesus. 24:46 Hello, viewers my name is Gibbs Toga Megan, 24:50 I'm a pupil of Seventh -day Adventist 24:53 nursery school, Nigeria Calabar. 25:03 The message I want to tell you 25:06 from Jesus today is that out God shall 25:10 so pray all I needs and reaches and glory 25:16 by Christ Jesus Philippians 4:19. 25:23 Oh wasn't that wonderful. Thank you for that. 25:26 well I have a letter here we're going to 25:28 go to Tobago and let's see and it's dear 25:33 Ms. Brenda, oh, can you hold the picture up, 25:35 there you go, what a cute little girl 25:37 with some pretty pink ribbons in your hair 25:38 says, dear Ms. Brenda I'm writing for my 25:41 three year-old daughter Janelle and when she 25:43 returns home from free school she loves to 25:46 listen to your program and on Friday just before 25:48 sunset she always listens in on Sabbath 25:50 please can she be on kids club and she 25:54 would like to also have activity book 25:56 please send her one to Janelle. 25:59 Thank you so much and God bless. 26:01 Well wasn't that a nice picture and nice 26:02 and thank you for the letter I will sign you up 26:04 for Kids Club and also give her an 26:07 activity book also send you a nice book mark 26:09 okay for my friend Margie that make some. 26:11 Well that's all the time we have today boys 26:13 and girls I want to thank you for sharing this 26:15 time with us I want to thank Jacob for coming 26:17 all the way from Green Bay, Wisconsin. 26:19 Boys and girls I want to encourage you 26:20 everyday remember it's Kids Time to share Jesus. |
Revised 2014-12-17