Kids' Time

Stoning Of Stephen

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000174

00:03 It's time to share there's a world out there,
00:06 looking for a friend like Jesus.
00:09 It's time to share there's a world out there;
00:13 Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:16 Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:20 Kids Time, Kids Time, Kids Time.
00:25 Hi, boys and girls, what do you think of this big stone
00:27 I brought with me today? It looks pretty ordinary,
00:29 doesn't it? And it really doesn't have much value,
00:34 but it does remind me of the stones that were used
00:36 by some angry men in the Bible. They let their bad
00:39 tempers cause them to do a terrible thing.
00:43 Well, you know one afternoon when I was just
00:44 10 years old, I was in a classroom with a few
00:47 other children, and one of those children was a boy
00:50 named Ron. Now, Ron was a likeable guy
00:53 but he had a very bad temper and the smallest
00:55 thing could just send him into a rage without warning.
00:59 Well, one day I was working at my desk when Ron,
01:01 he started yelling at another boy in the classroom
01:04 and I looked up just as Ron had picked up a broom
01:07 and thrown it at the other boy, but the broom
01:10 missed that boy and it hit me right in the
01:12 mouth instead. My two front teeth were hurting
01:16 and blood was just running out of my mouth.
01:18 The teacher came running as fast as she could,
01:20 as soon as she heard my scream and I was in
01:23 terrible pain. Well, now I hadn't done anything
01:26 to deserve that kind of a blow.
01:28 But I suffered anyway just because Ron
01:31 lost his temper. I did forgive him even though
01:34 to this day he's never once said that he was sorry,
01:38 and I tried to be nice to him so that he would
01:40 see Jesus living in me. You know, the Bible tells us
01:42 of a story about a man named Stephen who loved
01:45 Jesus very much. His love for Jesus made people
01:48 mad though. They got so mad that they started
01:51 throwing stones at him. And someone who was
01:54 watching noticed the difference between
01:55 Stephen's quiet peace and the crowd's ugly
02:00 angry rage. You know people do notice when
02:04 we have Jesus in our hearts.
02:05 They can tell by the things we say and we do.
02:08 Now, we're going to hear Stephen's story today.
02:10 But right now let's hear from Ranger Jim.
02:20 Hi boys and girls, Ranger Jim saying welcome
02:22 to nature time. We're at the Florida Aquarium in Tampa,
02:25 Florida. My friend Alex is going to tell us
02:27 something about these creatures.
02:28 Alex what are these things?
02:31 These are large seahorses, cold water seahorses
02:34 from Australia. The potbelly seahorse is their name
02:39 and the potbelly's can live for as long as 10 years.
02:43 That's quite unusual for some seahorses to
02:45 live that long, but because they're cold water
02:48 and because they're large they do live
02:50 quite a long time. Very, very interesting.
02:53 Well, why do they call them potbelly is that because
02:56 they have a large abdomen here, is that?
02:58 They have one of the most pronounced bellies
03:00 of any of the seahorses as you folks might know
03:03 that's the males that have the bellies and that's how
03:07 you can tell the male from the female is that they
03:09 have this enormous potbelly that they can put
03:12 all the babies in. The male has the babies.
03:15 That's right. Well, tell us about that I want
03:18 to know more. What happens?
03:20 Well there is, almost no examples of this in nature
03:22 except for the seahorse family.
03:25 The male seahorses have accepted the responsibility
03:28 of raising all the young in some cases as
03:31 many as 1500 babies. Well, I don't know if I like
03:34 that or not. Now that's not a good idea to me.
03:36 I like my wife taking care of the babies,
03:38 but go ahead, how does this happen?
03:41 Well, the way it works it depends on each species,
03:43 but the female spends time getting her eggs ready
03:47 to give to the male then she finds the male
03:50 who either is a mate or a convenient partner
03:54 and they'll do a courtship dance for about 3 days
03:59 and as soon as the male and the female are ready,
04:01 mostly in the case of the seahorses,
04:03 the female has to be ready.
04:06 She will deposit her eggs inside of his pouch.
04:09 Oh! On so in his abdomen, she puts the eggs
04:11 in there and he incubates them, is that what?
04:14 Yes, they fertilized as they're traveling in
04:17 and once they're inside the rest of them are
04:18 fertilized and it can take as long as 35 days
04:23 to 40 days in the cases of these cold water seahorses.
04:26 Some of the warm water seahorses however,
04:29 can get developed young and in a shorter
04:32 time as 21 days. That not very long,
04:35 is it? And so when they hatch, the young are born,
04:37 they come out of the pouch.
04:39 Yeah, it's interesting. The male actually goes
04:42 through some contractions and he will crouch over
04:49 which kind of compresses the pouch and the water
04:52 and the babies that are inside of the pouch get
04:55 flushed out and once they're flush down there are
04:58 still more inside. He takes in more water and rinses
05:01 the pouch out and flushes more out.
05:03 Now, the young can be born over 2 days,
05:06 sometimes as long as 3 days.
05:07 Amazing, well now I am learning something
05:10 boys and girls that a seahorse has labor pain
05:13 as much the same as a woman giving birth, that's
05:15 absolutely astounding, isn't it? Tell me what
05:18 do these creatures eat Alex?
05:20 Well, seahorses are famous for eating lots of
05:23 crustaceans and crustaceans are different
05:25 types of crabs, shrimps, little amphipods, lots
05:31 of little small critters that crawl around in the
05:35 sand or swim in pools over the sand beds near
05:38 their habitat which are the rocky reeves.
05:40 Alright, and so they are not deep water creatures?
05:42 Not really. The potbellies, they could be found
05:46 in as deep as 70 feet of water,
05:48 but primarily they will stay up in around
05:50 30 feet of water. Now, I know I have some
05:53 friends who have seahorses in an aquarium at home.
05:57 Are they this type of seahorse?
06:00 Well, actually that's a great question.
06:02 There are warm water seahorses and there are
06:05 cold water seahorses and the potbellies,
06:08 along with some of these other species of seahorses
06:11 that we have here from Western and cold water
06:14 Southern Australia are not able to survive
06:18 in a warm water aquarium which is what most
06:20 people have at home. We keep our tanks here at
06:24 65 degrees Fahrenheit. Most home aquariums
06:27 have capture around 75 degrees and there's quite
06:29 a difference between the two.
06:30 A big difference, so these cold water,
06:32 wouldn't survive in that?
06:33 They wouldn't do well in 72 degree water.
06:37 So, that might be acute for someone who
06:40 has an aquarium at home if the seahorses
06:41 aren't doing well. It might be related to the
06:43 temperature of the water it could be.
06:45 That's possible, the one good thing is that the
06:48 pet trade basically will supply seahorses that
06:52 come from tropical places like the Philippines
06:55 or from Brazil and places like that.
06:58 They don't usually buy seahorses that are from
07:01 cold water environments 'cause they don't do well.
07:03 Wonderful. It is exciting boys and girls for us
07:06 to learn about these creatures and we like to
07:08 thank Alex for all this information this morning.
07:10 Its a thrill to see these thingsand
07:12 learn about them. So Ranger Jim as always saying,
07:15 don't forget to tell Jesus that you love him
07:17 because he really does love you.
07:27 Mr. Bach was a teacher, all his students were
07:29 special to him because there was one girl
07:32 who came from a rough home who he had a special,
07:34 a special bread in for. One day that girl was no longer
07:38 at school. This is when Mr. Bach then co sang
07:40 it would be if anyone was missing when Jesus calls
07:43 our name in heaven, when that roll is called
07:45 up yonder, I want to be there. How about you?
07:49 Boys and girls, I can't wait for Jesus to come.
07:52 When the roll is called up yonder, I'll be there.
07:59 When the trumpet of the Lord shall sound,
08:01 and time shall be no more,
08:02 And the morning breaks, eternal, bright and fair;
08:06 When the saved of earth shall gather over
08:09 on the other shore
08:10 And the roll is called up yonder, I'll be there.
08:14 When the roll is called up yonder,
08:17 When the roll is called up yonder,
08:20 When the roll is called up yonder,
08:26 When the roll is called up yonder, I'll be there.
08:30 Let us labor for the Master from the dawn
08:32 till setting sun, Let us talk of all His wondrous
08:35 love and care; Then when all of life is over,
08:39 and our work on earth is done,
08:41 And the roll is called up yonder, I'll be there.
08:44 When the roll is called up yonder,
08:48 When the roll is called up yonder,
08:52 When the roll is called up yonder,
08:58 When the roll is called up yonder, I'll be there.
09:02 When the roll is called up yonder, I'll be there.
09:14 You know, I've heard a lot of people tell me
09:16 that they love gravy. And I think it's really hard
09:19 to make. You know, I am going to prove to you
09:21 today that gravy's not only easy to make but it
09:24 only, but it's quick too. It takes a couple of minutes
09:29 to make, it's so easy. So, today I'm gonna
09:31 show you how to make brown gravy.
09:33 Let me go and read the recipe for you.
09:35 ½ cup of Brewers yeast flakes
09:40 1/4 cup of whole wheat flour
09:44 1/3 cup sunflower oil
09:47 2-3 Tbsp. of Bragg's Aminos
09:51 1 ½ cups of water and salt to taste.
09:56 Now, I already have my flour toasted on the stove
09:59 here and how you toast flour, just put
10:01 it in a saucepan or in a pan and you just heat it up
10:06 and it'll start to smell, get like a richer smell,
10:10 it'll give, I would even think floured smell.
10:13 This starts to really smell, uhm it's starting
10:15 to smell good right now. And then you're gonna
10:17 take your brewers yeast flakes and put those
10:19 in also and mix that up. Now, I have the oil,
10:29 so you wanna add the oil also. Now you know gravy,
10:36 a lot of people think gravy is just for mash potatoes
10:39 and that kind of thing, but you can use gravy
10:41 on lots of things, you can use it on toast or on
10:45 paddies and over paddies and bake them,
10:49 we use them on lots of things.
10:50 Now you're gonna add your Bragg's Aminos
10:53 to water and just kind of mix it up just a little bit,
11:01 and then slowly, slowly you're gonna add it
11:03 to this mixture. Now, remember to keep stirring
11:08 because this gravy will thicken quickly.
11:17 Get that on there and then keep on stirring.
11:23 That's basically just the ingredients to gravy,
11:25 just remember that if don't stir, it will burn,
11:28 so keep stirring. As it thickens we're gonna add
11:35 a little bit of salt and you know,
11:39 you want add a little bit of salt at a time,
11:41 'cause you don't want to get too salty, still little bit,
11:48 a little bit more. Here we go, wait till it thickens up.
11:55 Now remember, gravy you know even if you
12:00 don't like it. If you don't want it just plain this,
12:03 if you like mushrooms, you could also saute
12:05 mushrooms and put them in your gravy or you
12:08 could even saute up onions and put in them,
12:09 but I will chose not to do that today,
12:11 I just like my brown gravy plain.
12:16 Keep on stirring. Let's start, it'll start to thicken
12:21 pretty quick. And that's how easy gravy is to make.
12:26 That simple. You should try at home because
12:29 it's really not hard, I've proven to you today
12:31 that gravy is not only easy to make but it's
12:34 very quick too. So, remember,
12:36 until next time to keep cooking and eat healthy.
13:27 Oh! My goodness! Everybody, everybody,
13:29 oh! My goodness! I just seen the most horrible
13:34 thing ever. Stephen just got stone. Stoned?
13:39 Stephen they killed him, they killed him.
13:42 He's dead. It was the worst thing in the world.
13:48 When did it happen? They killed him.
13:49 The people at the Synagogue of the Freedom
13:50 they killed him. They had people lie and tell
13:54 stories and, and they even had witnesses say
13:56 that he lied and he used the name of God wrong
13:59 and he talked badly of God and Moses and he
14:02 didn't do it. They even had people say that they
14:05 heard him saying but he didn't do it. They had a
14:09 trial. He was innocent. The High priest came and said
14:11 to Stephen he said, are these charges are true.
14:13 And Stephen just told him, he said that you all
14:15 do not have the Holy Spirit in you, you resist it.
14:17 And he told them that they were stiff necked
14:20 and he told them that they had uncircumcised
14:23 hearts and ears and they just began to gnash
14:26 their teeth and throw stones at him.
14:29 And so what did Stephen do?
14:30 Oh! He stood there just like his face lit up and he
14:34 was shining like an angel, but they just talked
14:36 badly of him and he just had peace the whole time.
14:39 He just had peace like it was okay,
14:41 like it was his trust in God and the first stone
14:44 that hit him he fell and he fell straight down to
14:47 the ground and he looked up and he said,
14:51 the heavens of God are open and I could see God
14:53 and I could see the the Son of man sitting
14:55 at the right hand of God and right there,
14:57 they began to beat him and hurt him.
15:00 Well, what did Stephen say?
15:03 He said, he said, Lord please receive my spirit,
15:07 and he said, the most amazing thing, he said,
15:10 "please forgive them for they know not what they do."
15:14 Forgive. After all of that he asked God
15:17 to forgive them. Those sinners,
15:20 those horrible people, he asked God to forgive
15:22 them after they hurt him, after they threw stones
15:25 at him and he asked God to forgive them.
15:29 That just shows what a Christ like heart he has.
15:32 Remember Jesus saying that we need to forgive
15:34 70 times 7. That's right. Jesus did.
15:39 There is so amazing that Stephen could forgive
15:43 these people. I know, I know.
15:48 I think that we need to be more forgiving.
15:52 Yes, we do. You know, I have so many people
15:57 that I need to ask forgiveness for.
15:59 I have to go find my father,
16:02 I have to find my sister. I have to go,
16:03 I have to go ask for forgiveness.
16:08 But it's a positive story.
16:10 Yes, but who's gonna be next?
17:18 Hi, boys and girls, it's time for Miss Brenda's book
17:21 of the day, and my choice today is a wonderful
17:24 book it's called Lucy, the Curiously Comical Cow,
17:28 and it's by Corrine Vanderwerff and it's
17:33 Julius and Friends series. This is book 5.
17:35 Let me just share just a tiny bit with you.
17:37 It says, Jenny wanted a baby cow and she knew
17:40 just which one she wanted. She wanted the
17:42 black one, but Lucy was a white calf but it did,
17:46 she caught her attention and she won Jenny's heart.
17:48 Jenny knew Lucy was special, and before long
17:51 the two of them became a team that brought
17:53 unexpected fame to the Dawn-Lynn Dairy.
17:57 Now Lucy learned how to play tag, she learned
17:59 how to bob for apples in water and even
18:01 fetched like a dog! Jenny loved taking special
18:07 are of Lucy and teaching her all sorts of fun things.
18:10 But most of all, Jenny knew Lucy was her best friend.
18:14 Lucy helped her feel better whenever she
18:16 was sad or lonely. And as Lucy grew to be
18:19 a yearling and then into a milking cow,
18:21 she showed Jenny that she never forgot what
18:24 jenny had taught her. And I'm kind of curious
18:27 what Jenny taught her aren't you? Well,
18:29 you wanna purchase this book boys and girls
18:31 and find out. This is Lucy, the Curiously Comical Cow.
18:36 Well, I am so excited today boys and girls
18:38 to have someone very special, a friend of mine
18:40 has joined me today and I know you are going
18:43 to recognize him too because he sings on
18:45 Kids Time quite a bit and I have Joshua Lance
18:48 with me today. Hi, Joshua, how are you?
18:50 Hi Ms. Brenda, I am doing just fine and how
18:52 have you been doing this fine day?
18:53 I am doing really good and I'm so excited
18:55 that you're here with me today.
18:56 I am extremely excited to be here too.
18:59 You know, usually we get to be together
19:01 when you come and sing and I get to hear you sing,
19:03 yeah, but this is nice to have a chance to come
19:05 and talk with each other. That's right.
19:08 Now I like you to share with the boys and girls,
19:11 kind of what you do to share Jesus?
19:14 Well, I sometimes I go to every now and then
19:18 like once a month, I go to an assisted living
19:22 home and sing for them and I do love doing it
19:25 because it just makes me feel all warm and like
19:31 I am doing something very good for them and I
19:34 go around to different Churches and sing
19:38 and you came once on my baptism to Cottageville,
19:46 Seventh-Day Adventist Church and that was a very,
19:52 I had a very good time with you have being there
19:54 and it was just very nice and.
19:56 Well, may be we should tell the boys and girls.
19:58 I was so excited that I could even come to your
20:01 baptism and I could remember when your mom
20:03 first asked me, I was, I got a phone call and
20:06 she said, oh! I know you're really busy that you
20:09 probably can't come but she said,
20:10 Joshua wanted me to ask you, you know,
20:12 so she said, I am so, you know,
20:14 I know you're really busy and I said,
20:15 wait a minute, wait a minute when is it?
20:17 And so she told me and I said, well let me check
20:19 and see and I said you know what,
20:20 I think I can come. And you know,
20:22 how it got turned out is that I actually
20:24 got to preach the sermons at his Church
20:26 for the day he was baptized,
20:27 so I was not only able to be at his baptism
20:29 I was able to preach the sermon and I was so excited
20:32 to be part of, in fact we brought a little video
20:35 of that day. Shall we see that right now.
20:36 Yes, I really loved your sermon.
20:38 It was very wonderful. Thank you very much
20:40 for all of your blessings. Oh! Thank you Joshua,
20:43 we just praise God, right. Praise God.
20:45 Well, let's see the video right now and let's tell the
20:47 boys and girls what we're watching.
20:49 Can you tell us what we are watching right here?
20:52 Well, that is my Pastor, Pastor Bob Mayer and
20:56 right now he is baptizing me and it was just a.
21:01 He put you right under the water, yeah,
21:02 and brought you right up.
21:03 What you were feeling right then?
21:04 Well, I was feeling very excited.
21:06 I was feeling happy and I was feeling.
21:11 I know it was just water but it feels like the
21:13 Holy Spirit, Spirit has formed itself into water
21:17 and it was just a wonderful feeling and I can't,
21:19 my words cannot explain it.
21:21 Oh! Well, you know that is a special feeling,
21:24 isn't that? When we've just given our entire life
21:26 to Jesus and he is just cleanse us when we are
21:28 baptized where just all those dirty sins are just
21:31 buried in that water and we come outside,
21:33 we're out of sin, they're gone. They are gone.
21:35 And that's a wonderful feeling.
21:37 How do you explain that? So I agree with you.
21:39 There are no words, right. Yeah, there are no words.
21:42 Well, one of the things that, you know that was special
21:45 to me too was your smile and your family got to
21:49 be there and it was a very special day, wasn't it?
21:51 Yes, it was very special. By the way this is your,
21:55 this is the Bible that you gave to me and I'm
21:57 very proud of it. I think it's very beautiful and.
22:02 Well, I wanted to you have you, you know,
22:05 when I was baptized my mom and dad gave me a Bible,
22:08 and I still have it. I still use it, I love that Bible
22:12 and I thought you know what it's some special
22:13 I could give Joshua on your baptism to help you
22:16 remember what a special day this is and so
22:20 that's why I chose the Bible.
22:21 So, I am glad you liked it. Oh! I love it.
22:24 Well, tell me have you ever had any wonderful
22:26 experiences where you were able to talk to
22:28 someone about Jesus? Oh! Yes, that's right.
22:33 My friend DJ. I told him about Jesus about his love
22:36 and all the, some of the stories and miracles
22:39 that he's done that he loves him and you know
22:42 Saturday is the holy day and if his parents agree
22:47 and they should start going to Church and learn more
22:49 about Jesus and just to be good people for him
22:57 and be good holy servants and.
23:00 That's good and do you ever have trouble,
23:01 do you friends have said when you talk to them
23:03 about Jesus they were said, Joshua,
23:05 quit talking to me about Jesus.
23:09 No, sometimes they argue with me because
23:12 they're like well Sunday is the holy day and
23:14 I am being calm and I'm trying to explain.
23:17 Well, it's kind of hard to explain because you know
23:21 with different religions I can't convince them.
23:24 But you can just tell them about.
23:25 But I can do as much as I can, that's right,
23:28 and you know what and the Lord doesn't never
23:29 want us to argue the Bible, does he? You know,
23:31 because you know what you can't convince
23:33 someone that's gonna argue anyway.
23:34 So, I never argue with anybody but if they really
23:36 want to know then I tell them.
23:38 And if you just refer them back to the Ten
23:42 commandments and the fourth commandment,
23:44 remember the Sabbath day it doesn't say,
23:45 it says remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.
23:48 Six days shalt thou labor and do all thy work:
23:50 But the Seventh day is the Sabbath of The Lord
23:52 thy God right. Yes, right, we were talking
23:53 about that. My mom and I, we were saying
23:57 that people, other people they believe that their
24:02 relatives just go straight up to heaven as soon as
24:04 they die and that would be like an entire waste
24:08 of an entire captor and that be like
24:13 why write all that if that's true.
24:15 Right, you're talking about what happens to you
24:16 when you die because it does tell us in the Bible.
24:18 Because I mean that would be a waste,
24:19 that would be waste of an entire verse, the chapter.
24:22 Right, because the Bible tells us several places
24:24 in the Bible that when we die,
24:26 we only sleep, right. Yeah, we sleep in the ground
24:28 until Jesus comes, so that would be a waste
24:30 of chapter. Yep, its okay, a lot of people
24:31 don't know that, do they? No.
24:33 Well Joshua, would you like to hear some letters I have?
24:36 Sure. Okay, well, I have a letter here and let's
24:38 see who this is from? Oh! I love your letters
24:43 boys and girls. This one is from, it says,
24:46 dear Miss Brenda, thank you so much for,
24:48 me and brother's activity books we just got
24:51 them in the mail and I love them.
24:53 Would you please come and visit me in my Church
24:56 because it would mean a lot to me to have you come
24:58 and visit my Sabbath school. Please come
25:00 and visit. Here's my phone number.
25:02 Please come, please come soon. Lindsey.
25:05 Well, thank you so much Lindsey. Well, you know
25:08 what I would love to come visit your Church
25:09 and may be I can give you a call and see if I
25:13 can do that sometime, alright.
25:14 I have another letter here and oh!
25:17 This is a special letter. This little girl actually
25:20 saw my sister Linda when they were at
25:23 Wisconsin camp meeting and she came up
25:25 to my sister Linda and she said, oh!
25:27 Miss Brenda, I am so. Miss Brenda and she says,
25:30 I am not Miss Brenda, I am Auntie Linda
25:32 and she got us confused and she was like
25:34 oh well I just wanted, will you tell her that
25:36 if she read my letter on the air one time
25:38 and asked her to pray for my mom and my mom
25:41 got better. Would you tell her thank you,
25:42 and my sister said, I'll do better than that,
25:44 why don't you give me a letter and you can
25:46 write it to her yourself, so she did and she also
25:48 took a picture with my sister Linda and there's
25:51 this little girl. She said, dear Miss Brenda.
25:54 Hello, my name is Sophia and I am 12 years old.
25:57 I send you a letter a while ago and you and asked
25:59 you to pray for my mom and you did
26:01 and I am just wanted you to know now that
26:03 she's so much better. Thank you so much for
26:05 having you pray for my mom. God bless you,
26:07 love, Sophia. Isn't that wonderful?
26:11 And so Sophia, you know, anytime we have
26:12 a chance boys and girls to pray for each other
26:14 we need to do that. Well, that's all the time we
26:17 have today boys and girls.
26:18 I want to thank you Joshua for being here
26:20 with me today. Keep sharing Jesus. I will.
26:22 Boys and girls, remember its Kids Time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17