Kids' Time

Jonathan's Armor

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000173

00:03 It's time to share there's a world out there,
00:07 looking for a friend like Jesus.
00:10 It's time to share there's a world out there;
00:13 let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:16 Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:20 Kids Time, Kids Time, Kids Time.
00:24 Hi boys and girls, did you know that many bugs
00:27 have their own armor to protect them,
00:28 that's right. And it fits them just right,
00:32 they don't need anyone to carried around for them.
00:34 And some bugs even have their own weapons too.
00:37 For instance there is the blister beetles
00:39 and the olive beetles, they release chemicals
00:42 that blister, actually blister human skin
00:44 and then you have the bombardier beetles,
00:46 they shoot chemicals out of their tails.
00:49 The chemicals mix together and
00:51 they explode, blasting dangerous predators
00:53 with boiling poisonous gas, off roams the
00:57 bombardier beetle free to live another day.
00:59 You know human beings build armor and weapons
01:03 to protect them against attack too,
01:05 but God didn't give us thick hard skin and built
01:08 in mechanisms for blasting our enemies did He?
01:10 No. God told Abraham, fear not Abraham,
01:14 I am thy shield and they exceeding great reward.
01:17 You can find that in Genesis 15:1.
01:20 Well in our Bible story today we will meet
01:22 a young man who is an armor bearer for a very
01:25 famous prince and that means that he carried
01:27 the prince's heavy armor.
01:29 I'm sure you're gonna be amazed to find out
01:31 that it wasn't the armor that helped the prince
01:34 in battle, but something much greater,
01:37 but before we hear the story let's join Ranger Jim.
01:40 He has another surprise for us today.
01:49 Hi boys and girls, Ranger Jim saying
01:51 welcome to nature time. We're glad you can
01:53 join us today. We're in Gatlinburg, Tennessee
01:55 at a place called Ripley's Aquarium of the Smokies
01:58 and what a fun place to be. We've enjoyed
02:01 it so much. And in the background you hear
02:03 music that's being played here in the aquarium
02:05 and so they're just playing especially for us
02:07 we'll pretend okay, in our background,
02:09 I have my friend Katie with me and
02:12 she's knowledgeable about the all of these
02:14 beautiful fish that we see here.
02:15 Katie, tells us about them,
02:17 what are these creatures? These are rock fish,
02:20 they tend to live in rocky areas, off the cost
02:23 of California and parts of Canada,
02:25 and they are predators, they are predators.
02:29 They will sit and wait for a small prey item
02:32 to come by. They particularly like shrimps,
02:35 crabs, anything that they can find pretty much
02:38 and they got a great big mouth and they just slurp
02:42 them right in. Come out and grab them
02:44 and when they pop their mouth open they open
02:46 their gill plates, suck in the water and all the
02:48 food and so they are predators, in hunt,
02:50 they don't necessarily chase their food
02:52 they wait for it to come to them, exactly.
02:53 Okay, this beautiful creature,
02:55 we have a red one with blue stripes on him there,
02:57 that's called a tiger rock fish, because he has
03:00 stripes he is called a tiger rock,
03:01 it's like a tiger yep, and when they are little bit
03:04 younger and this ones kind of like in add
03:06 lesson for teenager age and he actually
03:09 will have much more bright stripes as a bigger
03:13 contrast when he's younger. Well what about
03:15 these, they look like shark, are they sharks?
03:18 Those are actually sharks, they are called
03:19 swell sharks, when they want to,
03:22 when they don't want to be eaten by anything
03:24 or when they're scared, they'll actually go
03:27 into a small cracker craves between some rocks
03:29 maybe and they actually suck in a bunch
03:31 of water and they puff up really big,
03:34 that's why they called swell sharks,
03:35 they swell. And so they get large and,
03:37 isn't that interesting, isn't that interesting.
03:40 Well tell me, there's a vicious looking fellow
03:42 over here that's sort of blue and look like
03:45 an eel, it's actually called a wolf eel
03:48 and they have pretty sharp teeth.
03:51 They actually eat sea urchins which are those
03:53 spiny things. They can eat a sea urchin,
03:56 they can. Really? It must have tough mouth,
03:58 oh yeah. They definitely have a tough mouth,
04:00 and he's called a wolf because he's a very
04:02 ferocious feeder? Yes, they can be very
04:04 aggressive, and he could just about eat those.
04:08 Well, now tell me I see something on the post,
04:10 these aren't fish, are these clams?
04:12 They're called mussels, oh they're mussels,
04:14 not actually muscles like this, like mussel,
04:18 okay and tell us about a mussel, how does it?
04:21 It's a bivalves, which means two, bi means two,
04:24 and valve is a shell. So they have two shells,
04:28 they open and close like this with the mussel,
04:31 and so they open up to feed and then they close
04:34 for protection, yes exactly. And so,
04:38 boys and girls, they may live in Michigan
04:40 or Ohio or somewhere in the Great Lakes,
04:42 we're beginning to have a lot of problems
04:43 with the same some kind, it's a mussel like
04:45 this but it's called a zebra mussel there,
04:48 and even though there are filters they make
04:50 the water cleaner because they filter out
04:52 all the impurities and what have you like that
04:54 in Michigan and Ohio and places like that,
04:56 they begin to clog intake valves and things
04:59 of that nature and you see and what this depicts
05:02 boys and girls is a wall in other words,
05:04 were trucks load boats and things
05:06 this is underwater, there are posts like this
05:08 they're covered with tiny little things
05:10 and you would find all kind of crustaceans,
05:12 you would find them in there.
05:14 Are there any other fish that we haven't talked
05:16 about here? We've talked about just about those
05:20 and we have something here called star fish,
05:22 are those star fish we have there?
05:23 Those are sea stars, sea stars,
05:25 and they're in a group of animals called
05:27 echinoderms, echinoderms. Echino means spiny,
05:33 derm is like epidermis, your skin,
05:36 so they're spiny skinned animals.
05:38 Well, wonderful boys and girls it's so exciting
05:41 for Ranger Jim to learn about all these creature
05:43 and this is Ranger Jim telling you as always,
05:46 don't forget to tell Jesus that you love
05:48 him because he really does love you.
05:59 Hi, I beg to tell you a little story about
06:01 the man who wrote the song Onward
06:03 Christian Soldiers. His name was Pastor
06:06 Sabine Baring-Gould. He was an interesting fellow.
06:09 For example, he wasn't content merely to
06:12 propose to his future bride, he performed his
06:15 own marriage ceremony. It must have been
06:18 different to hear the pastor say to himself,
06:20 will you Sabine take this woman Grace to be
06:23 your lawful wedded wife, and to reply to himself,
06:27 I will. Pastor Gould loved to do things with
06:31 the kids in his church. One day he planned
06:33 a hike from his church to a nearby village
06:36 to make it little bit more fun he wrote this song
06:39 and it's been a favorite even since
06:42 Boys and girls, please join us as we cheer each
06:45 other on with this song. Onward Christian Soldiers.
06:56 Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war,
07:03 With the cross of Jesus going on before.
07:11 Christ, the royal Master, leads against the foe;
07:18 Forward into battle see His banners go!
07:25 Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war,
07:32 With the cross of Jesus going on before.
07:42 Onward then, ye people, join our happy throng,
07:49 Balloon with ours your voices
07:53 in the triumph song.
07:57 Glory, pride, and honor unto Christ the King,
08:04 This through countless ages men and angels sing.
08:11 Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war,
08:18 With the cross of Jesus going on before.
08:39 Welcome to learning time. Hey, do you like
08:42 the weather? You know studying about
08:44 weather is really interesting.
08:46 How many of you've ever studied about
08:47 the weather? Oh yeah, well we've got some
08:49 weather instruments and I have Rachel
08:52 and Alexandra and they're gonna help us.
08:54 Alexandra, what do you have right here,
08:56 a weather balloon, this is a weather balloon,
08:58 this is a real weather balloon.
09:00 We're gonna put some air in this weather balloon
09:02 and we're gonna see how big this could get.
09:05 Actually we're not gonna really get it as big
09:07 as it can, let's get some air in this.
09:16 Now weather balloons can hold a lot of air,
09:18 if we should put a lot of the air in this,
09:21 this weather balloon would get to be 14 feet
09:23 in diameter. It would be huge,
09:26 but we're not gonna put that much air in there,
09:28 I'm gonna go ahead and turn this off right here.
09:30 And we're just gonna keep it kind of small
09:32 but can you imagine this balloon being
09:34 over 14 feet in diameter. I'm gonna take some
09:38 tape today and I'm going to put it around
09:40 the valve, I don't want all of that air to leak
09:42 out of this weather balloon and let me give
09:44 this back to Alexandra, can you hold this up
09:46 just right there. Now weather balloons give us
09:49 information about the weather and Rachel,
09:52 you've got something right here, let's take a
09:54 look at this. In this little package
09:56 we have a device that gives our weather
09:59 information people. All of that important thing
10:02 that we like, we like to know what the
10:04 temperature is gonna be, we like to know
10:05 what the humidity is, way up high in the air.
10:07 And so we put this instrument right below
10:11 our weather balloon but before we can do
10:13 that we're going to have to separate
10:15 this instrument from our weather balloon.
10:17 So we use another instrument,
10:19 but we've got lots of weather instruments,
10:21 we tie this to our balloon and this little reel
10:24 with string on it, it just goes down look at that,
10:27 it's automatic. The string goes down and down
10:29 and down and on the other end we'll have our
10:33 weather instrument called a radio zone,
10:36 isn't that interesting. Oh I think that is too.
10:39 Weather is really important.
10:41 People just want to know what the weather is?
10:44 How many of you ever heard of a weather report?
10:47 Oh yeah, we plan our whole life around the
10:50 weather, but you know that reminds me
10:52 of something. You know, when God created
10:54 planet earth and the Garden of Eden
10:56 you know the weather was what,
10:58 what was the weather like in the
10:59 Garden of Eden? Perfect, it was perfect.
11:03 We didn't need a weather person,
11:05 we didn't need a meteorologist because
11:07 the weather was perfect all of the time,
11:09 but now we need weather people,
11:12 we need meteorologist, we need special weather
11:15 instruments just like these in order to tell us
11:18 what the weather's going to be like.
11:21 Remember, when we study science
11:23 we learn more about our creator, God.
12:50 Yeah, okay, okay. Okay Benjamin,
12:56 hey guys. Are you a really a soldier?
12:59 Am I real soldier, why I sure am.
13:02 Well, actually I am not like a soldier, soldier,
13:05 I'm just an armor bearer.
13:07 Do you guys know what an armor bearer is?
13:08 No, the armor bearer is the guy who holds
13:13 the armor for the King. I don't hold the armor
13:16 for the King, but I hold it for Prince Jonathan.
13:19 You know I ate some bread, yeah,
13:21 this is the coolest story, let me tell you a story
13:23 about me, an armor bearer and something
13:26 that happened last year? Yes. Okay,
13:30 well last year the Philistines,
13:33 the evil people who live next door to us,
13:36 they came in and they were fighting us
13:38 and they were stealing our food,
13:40 and so King Saul said we can't let this happen,
13:44 so we got his army together and the army
13:46 was getting ready to fight, but when they saw
13:48 how strong the Philistines were they
13:51 decided that they couldn't fight,
13:52 so they started to hide.
13:54 Why would they hide from the Philistines?
13:56 Well the Philistines army was a lot bigger than us.
13:59 They had better swords and they were just
14:01 more of them. I was kind of scared,
14:04 but you know someone who wasn't scared?
14:06 Prince Jonathan. He wasn't scared at all.
14:09 In fact, he got tired of not fighting and just
14:12 sitting around and he got me up one day
14:14 and he says we're gonna go pick a fight with
14:17 the Philistines and I said well Jonathan,
14:19 are you sure? And he says,
14:21 what we're gonna to do, there is an outpost
14:24 way up there and we're gonna go
14:26 and show ourselves to them and when they
14:28 see us if they say why don't you come on up
14:31 and fight us then we'll know that God is with us,
14:35 but if they say just stay down there
14:36 and we'll come to you then we know that God
14:39 is not with us and we shouldn't fight.
14:41 Well I didn't know about this,
14:43 but after we prayed I felt better,
14:46 I grabbed the armor and Jonathan and
14:48 we headed out to that outpost,
14:50 and it was way up high on this big mountain
14:54 and sure enough when they saw us,
14:56 they started laughing they said,
14:59 hey little Israelites, why don't you come on up
15:02 here and we'll show you how real men fight.
15:05 Well, Jonathan looked at me and he said
15:09 that's our sign, Jehovah will fight with us.
15:13 So he gave me the armor and I strapped
15:15 it on and we started climbing up that
15:17 huge mountain, I bet that was a big job,
15:20 oh it was hard work, but when we got to the top
15:24 and peaked over. Yeah, the Philistines
15:29 weren't even, didn't even think that we be there.
15:32 So we jumped up, we grabbed our swords
15:35 and we charged into them, we took the
15:38 Philistines by surprise, they had no idea
15:41 that we were there and before he knew
15:43 it they were all defeated and then all of sudden
15:47 the ground began to shake and I said
15:49 what is it and Jonathan said the Lord is fighting
15:53 with us and I think the Philistines knew that
15:55 God was on our side because all of a sudden
15:58 they got really, really scared they started
16:01 fighting each other and running away
16:03 and when Saul and the army saw that,
16:05 they jumped up and they went after
16:08 the Philistines. It was a great victory.
16:11 Jonathan said, I knew God can pull miracle off,
16:14 because God can work with many
16:16 and he can work a few and just because
16:19 Jonathan and I had faith, we were able to save
16:22 the country. You know something that's
16:25 really cool, God not only works with two
16:29 people he can also work with little guys like you.
16:32 So whatever you're doing, make sure that
16:36 you're living for God, okay. And I've got to go,
16:39 shalom! You guys have a good one.
16:42 Thank you Benjamin.
16:43 Thank you, bye, bye. That story was so great.
17:04 Wonderful wonderful yes my Lord is wonderful
17:11 isn't Jesus my Lord wonderful.
17:17 Eyes have seen ears have heard
17:19 test recorded and God's word
17:23 isn't Jesus my Lord wonderful.
17:29 Wonderful wonderful yes my Lord is wonderful
17:35 isn't Jesus my Lord wonderful.
17:41 Eyes have seen ears have heard
17:44 test recorded and God's word
17:47 isn't Jesus my Lord wonderful.
17:53 Wonderful wonderful yes my Lord is wonderful
17:59 isn't Jesus my Lord wonderful.
18:05 Eyes have seen ears have heard
18:07 test recorded and God's word
18:13 isn't Jesus my Lord wonderful, wonderful.
18:30 Hi boys and girls, it's time for Miss Brenda's
18:32 book of the day and my choice for you today
18:35 is Detective Zack trapped in Darkmoor Manor.
18:39 And it's by Jerry D. Thomas,
18:41 aren't you excited about this book,
18:43 I can't wait to tell you about it.
18:44 Says, on a trip to London, England,
18:46 Zack and his old friend, Stef, they tried to
18:49 figure out what happened to the manager
18:51 of Darkmoor Manor museum.
18:53 Did someone steal her away?
18:55 Or did she run and away and take the
18:58 money with her? And what's with all those
19:00 funny words those English people use?
19:02 While Stef is sure her friend is in danger,
19:04 Zack is sure he's got a mystery to solve
19:07 about the Bible. How do we know that
19:09 what's in our Bibles today is what God
19:11 wanted to say? And how do we know that
19:14 the stories are still true. Well, when Zack
19:18 and Stef get trapped inside the museum,
19:19 they have to figure out a way to escape
19:21 or they might end up disappearing too!
19:24 What happened to them? You're gonna have to
19:26 read the book boys and girls to find out
19:28 and it's Detective Zack Trapped
19:30 in Darkmoor Manor. Well that's an exciting book.
19:34 Well I also have an exciting program for you
19:36 today boys and girls on sharing time,
19:38 because I have a special friend with me
19:41 I like you to meet Enrique. Enrique,
19:43 thank you for being on the program with me today.
19:46 And how old are you Enrique?
19:48 I am eight years old, you're eight years old.
19:50 Can you show me what do you do to share Jesus?
19:53 I stand up in the front of the church;
19:55 you stand up in front of the church
19:57 and what do you do there? I sing, you sing,
20:00 what's your favorite song?
20:02 My God Is So Great, My God Is So Great,
20:05 I like that song too. And you know what do
20:08 you love Jesus? You do, well I tell you right
20:11 I can tell and I heard you sing up in front
20:13 of church before at your church in Marian right.
20:16 And I really enjoyed hearing you sing with
20:18 Jesus in your heart. Well, thank you for sharing
20:20 that with me today, and you know what,
20:22 right now I have some letters to read,
20:24 but before I get to the letter I also have
20:26 a special friend that's on the phone
20:28 I would like to talk to and her name is Mikaela.
20:31 Hi, Mikaela. Hi, Auntie Brenda.
20:34 Well, I am so glad to talk to you Mikaela tell me
20:38 how old are you? How old are you Mikaela?
20:42 Five, you're five years old and let me ask you,
20:47 what do you do to share Jesus?
20:50 Give cards to people, you give cards to people.
20:53 Where do you get those cards?
20:55 I make them, you make them.
20:58 Well how do you make them?
21:01 My mommy did some of them and then
21:04 I write on them, and you write on them
21:06 and then you give them to people.
21:08 What do they say when you give those charts
21:10 to people? Huh? Who do you give them to
21:14 and what do they say when you give them the cards?
21:17 Thank you; they do who do give them to?
21:22 Lots of people, lots of people.
21:24 Well, and you know that's a wonderful way to
21:27 smile and tell them Jesus loves them.
21:28 Aha, well that's a good thing to do isn't it?
21:31 And what's your favorite thing you like about
21:33 Kids' Time? The cooking time, the cooking time
21:40 with Catie, aha. Oh and do you have one
21:42 of Catie's cookbooks? Yes. Do you like it?
21:44 Yes. Oh well you're gonna have to ask mommy
21:48 to help you fix those recipes aren't you?
21:49 Aha. Oh thank you so much for calling and talking
21:53 to me today Mikaela. Your welcome,
21:55 I love you sweety, I love you too.
21:58 Okay, bye, bye. Bye. Well that was nice to talk
22:01 to Mikaela, wasn't it and she loves Jesus,
22:03 doesn't she. Well let's see,
22:05 I have a couple of letters I would like
22:06 to read to you and this letter is from Jamaica
22:10 and lets see, this says, Dear Miss. Brenda,
22:13 my name is Terence and it says,
22:15 I love the Lord because I go to church and it said,
22:19 and sometimes I pray to the Lord when I was sick.
22:22 It said, I was with my father when gunmen
22:25 killed my father and they shot me in the head
22:28 and because of that I am almost paralyzed.
22:31 Said, Jesus has been helping me at school.
22:34 I help my friends when I can and they help me too.
22:37 Said, please pray for me Miss Brenda that
22:39 I may walk again soon. I want to walk again
22:43 please, send me an activity book.
22:44 Love, Terence. Terence, I am so sorry that you lost
22:47 your father and I'm sorry that you were
22:50 hurt as well. And you know boys and girls,
22:52 can you all pray for Terence please.
22:54 And pray that Jesus will be with him and that
22:58 Jesus will be his great physician because
23:00 there's no better physician than Jesus is,
23:02 and Jesus loves you Terence, he cares about
23:04 what happens to you. So let's all pray for
23:06 Terence okay. Thank you for writing me Terence.
23:10 This letter here is from Australia;
23:12 let's see who's writing from Australia.
23:14 Oops something fell out of here,
23:15 let's see what it is? A little bitty picture
23:18 she drew and it has those hearts all over it.
23:21 You want to show the boys and girls that picture.
23:23 And let's see what the letter says.
23:25 I love your letters boys and girls. It says,
23:27 dear Miss Brenda, said my name is Samuel,
23:30 my brother would like Kids Time book too
23:32 and I share Jesus in my health shop.
23:34 I am eight years old, my name is Luke and Samuel
23:38 is five years old. It said,
23:39 It said, here's the picture of me and the rest.
23:43 It said it's taken in the garden
23:46 and the rice field. It said on Sabbath,
23:48 we go to church and we go on nature walks.
23:51 It said, we enjoy Sabbath very much and then
23:53 it's got a picture right here he drew the fields
23:56 and see that he's got a I am not sure what
23:59 that is exactly, but he looks like he's carrying
24:01 something in the fields doesn't he.
24:02 Well, thank you for that beautiful art work,
24:04 I like that letter. And then we have another
24:08 one here and this is from South Africa,
24:10 let's see who's writing from South Africa.
24:12 Dear Miss Brenda, my name is Karen
24:14 and I am ten years old. I have a sister
24:16 and she is eight. We share Jesus by singing
24:19 in church and visiting the elderly.
24:21 Our pathfinder group visited the sick,
24:24 the sick children at our local hospital.
24:26 We share Jesus with them by singing
24:28 and telling them a Bible story, they loved it.
24:30 Oh I am sure they did. Says, we love Kids Time,
24:33 it's great especially nature time,
24:35 learning time, music time and all of it.
24:37 Please send us an Activity Book we also
24:39 would like to join Kids Club,
24:41 may God richly bless you, Karen and Liya.
24:43 Well thank you Karen and Liya,
24:45 and that is there from the Western Cape,
24:47 South Africa. Well right now, I'd like to take
24:50 you all the way to Nigeria where a little boy
24:52 is gonna tell us how he shares Jesus.
24:56 Hello viewers, my name is [Foreign language]
24:59 I am people of Seventh-Day Adventist
25:02 nursery and primary school, Calabar, Nigeria.
25:09 My message from here for you is that Jesus
25:12 has requested you today to cast all your cares
25:18 upon him for he cares for you and I.
25:22 First Peter 5 verse 7.
25:25 Oh thank you for that. Wasn't that wonderful
25:28 boys and girls. Well, I have a letter now from
25:30 Honduras in Central America, can you hold
25:33 that picture for me Enrique. Okay it says,
25:36 hi Miss Brenda, my name is Raymon
25:38 and I'm 11 years old. It says,
25:40 I have three sisters and no others.
25:42 I am in the fifth grade, I attend the public school
25:45 right in my neighborhood.
25:46 I am a fan of your program Kids' Time
25:48 and I would like to join your club. It said,
25:50 I am, I'm really not a member of the church,
25:53 but I do love Jesus and I share my food basket
25:56 with those in my community that don't have
26:00 anything to eat. Do you think I share Jesus?
26:02 I would like to send you a Kids Time activity book,
26:04 actually could you send one to me smile,
26:07 God loves you. Raymon. Yes, I will Raymon,
26:09 thank you so much for your letter.
26:11 I want to thank you for joining me today.
26:12 Thank you Enrique for your wonderful testimony,
26:16 I want to encourage you to keep sharing Jesus,
26:17 won't you. And boys and girls,
26:19 I'd like to encourage you to witness everywhere
26:21 you go Jesus is coming soon.
26:23 He loves you and remember boys and girls,
26:25 its Kids Time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17